Historical Collections: The Irish Rebellion

Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. Originally published by D Browne, London, 1721.

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Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: The Irish Rebellion', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp398-421 [accessed 14 March 2025].

Rushworth, John, 'Historical Collections: The Irish Rebellion', in Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42(London, 1721), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp398-421.

Rushworth, John. "Historical Collections: The Irish Rebellion". Historical Collections of Private Passages of State: Volume 4, 1640-42. (London, 1721), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rushworth-papers/vol4/pp398-421.

In this section


Containing the Manner of the first Discovery of the Irish Rebellion. The Means used by the Lords Justices there. His Majesty and the Parliament in England to suppress the same. The Cruelties of the Rebels, and their Pretensions, and other observable Matters relating thereunto, in the Months of October, November, and December, 1641.

Nov. 1. 1641. Members of the House of Peers have admittance into the House of Commons, to give them notice of the Rebellion in Ireland. Chairs order'd for the Lords to sit upon.

Upon the First of November, Mr. Pym acquainted the House of Commons, That there was a Noble Lord at the Door, one of the King's Privy-Council; who faith, That certain Lords of the Privy-Council, Members of the House of Peers, have Business of great Importance to impart to this House; and desire to do it in Person, it being privately intimated to the House, that it was to impart Intelligence, newly come, of the breaking out of a Rebellion in Ireland.

The House thereupon ordered Chairs to be set for those Lords: And as they entered into the House, they came uncovered, the Serjeant carrying the Mace before them. Likewise the Members of the House of Commons at their coming, were uncovered, 'till their Lordships were set on their Chairs; which being done, both the House and the Lords sat covered.

The Lords that came were these: The Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, the Lord Privy-Seal, the Lord High Chamberlain, the Lord Admiral, Earl-Marshal, Lord Chamberlain, Earl of Bath, Earl of Dorset, Earl of Leicester, Earl of Holland, Earl of Bristol, Earl of Berkshire, Lord Viscount Say and Seal, Lord Goring, Lord Wilmot; being all Lords of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy-Council.

The Lord Keeper first spake.

The Lord Keeper first stood up, and said, That the occasion of their coming thither, was, To impart what Intelligence they had received out of Ireland, of a great Conspiracy in that Kingdom, to enter into an Attempt of Hostility, and to raise Rebellion, which was discovered but the Night before it was designed to be put in Execution: Therefore, because it is a Matter of great Importance, and requires a speedy Resolution to suppress them in the beginning, the House of Peers have thought fit to communicate this Matter to this House.

The Earl of Leicester, Lord Lieutenant, spake next; Then time of putting the Plot in execution on Ignatius's Day.

Then the Earl of Leicester, (some time before made Lord Lieutenant of Ireland) stood up, and spake, uncovered, much to the purpose of what the Lord Keeper had said; and communicated Letters and Papers sent by the Lords Justices: Adding further, That they had Information of shedding much Blood of the Protestants there; and some of the Rebels confess, That all the Protestants were to be cut off, and not to save any British Men, Women, or Children alive, but to root them out of the Nation. That the time for putting this bloody Design in execution, was, upon Saturday the 23d of October, a Day dedicated to Ignatius, the Founder of the Society of the Jesuits. Their Design was to seize upon the King's Forts, Castles, and Magazines, throughout the Kingdom; to kill the Lords Justices, and all the King's Privy-Council, and to seize upon the Castle of Dublin, having in Ulster seized already several Forts and Magazines.

The Lord Lieutenant further added, That there must be a speedy Course taken (for a little thing will draw away Diseases at first) that there be timely Supply from England, with Men and Money, which will enable us to do great things to save Ireland; for the Safety of England depends upon it. And in the first place delivered Owen O Conally his Examination; which was read by the Clerk in the House of Commons, and was as followeth.

The Examination of Owen O Conally, Gent. the first Discoverer of the Popish Plot in Ireland, taken before us whose Names ensue, October 22. 1641.

Who being duly sworn, and examined, faith, That he being at Monimore, in the County of London-Derry, on Tuesday last, he received a Letter from Colonel Hugh Oge Mac Mahon, desiring him to come to Connaught, in the County of Monaghan, and to be with him on Wednesday or Thursday last: Where upon he, this Examinate, came to Connaught on Wednesday Night last; and finding the said Hugh come to Dublin, followed him thither. He came hither about six of the Clock this Evening, and forthwith went to the Lodging of the said Hugh, and came with the said Hugh into the Town near the Pillory, to the Lodging of the Lord Mac-Guire, where they found not the Lord within; and there they drunk a Cup of Beer, and then went back again to the said Hugh his Lodging. He faith, That at the Lord Mac-Guire his Lodging, the said Hugh told him, That there were, and would be this Night, great Numbers of Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Irish Papists, from all parts of the Kingdom, in this Town, who, with himself, had determined to take the Castle of Dublin, and possess themselves of all his Majesty's Ammunition there, to Morrow Morning, being Saturday; and that they intended first to batter the Chimneys of the said Town: And if the City would not yield, then to batter down the Houses, and so to cut off all the Protestants that would not join with them. He further faith, That the said Hugh then told him, That the Irish had prepared Men in all parts of the Kingdom, to destroy all the English inhabiting there, to morrow Morning by Ten of the Clock: And that in all the Sea-Ports and other Towns in the Kingdom, all the Protestants should be kill'd this Night; and that all the Posts that could be, could not prevent it. And further faith, That he moved the said Hugh to forbear executing of that Business, and to discover it to the State, for the saving of his own Estate, who said he could not help it; but said, They did owe their Allegiance to the King, and would pay him all his Rights; but that they did this for the Tyrannical Government was over them; and to imitate Scotland, who got a Privilege by that Course. And he further faith, When he was with the said Hugh in his Lodging the second time, the said Hugh swore, That he should not go out of his Lodging that Night; but told him, he should go with him the next Morning to the Castle; and said, If this Matter were discovered, somebody should die for it: Whereupon this Examinate feigned some Necessity for his Easement, went down out of the Chamber, and left his Sword in pawn; and the said Hugh sent his Man down with him: And when this Examinate came down into the Yard, and finding an Opportunity, he, this Examinate, leaped over a Wall and two Pales, and so came to the Lord Justice Parsons.

  • Will. Parsons.
  • Tho. Rotheram.
  • Rob. Meridith.
  • Owen O Conally.

The Lords Justices Letter to the Lord-Lieutenant, Octob. 25. 1641. Sent by Owen O Conally the first Discoverer.

May it please your Lordship;
On Friday the 22d of this Month, after Nine a Clock at Night, this Bearer, Owen O Conally, Servant to Sir John Coltworthy, Kt. came to me the Lord Justice Parsons, to my House, and in great Secresie (as indeed the Cause did require) discovered unto me a most wicked and damnable Conspiracy, plotted, contrived, and intended to be also acted by some evil-affected Irish Papists here. The Plot was the then next Morning, Saturday the 23d of October, being St. Ignatius's Day, about Nine of the Clock, to surprize his Majesty's Castle of Dublin, his Majesty's chief Strength of this Kingdom; wherein also is the principal Magazine of his Majesty's Arms and Munition. And it was agreed, it seems, amongst them, That at the same Hour, all other his Majesty's Forts and Magazines of Arms and Munition in this Kingdom, should be surprized by others of those Conspirators: And further, That all the Protestants and English throughout the whole Kingdom, that would not join with them, should be cut off, and so these Papists should then become possessed of the Government and Kingdom at the same Instant.

As soon as I had that Intelligence, I then immediately repaired to the Lord Justice Borlace; and thereupon we instantly assembled the Council; and having fate all that Night, as also all the next Day, the 23d of October, in regard of the short time left us for the Consultation of so great and weighty a Matter; althought it was not possible for us, upon so few Hours warning, to prevent those other great Mischiefs which were to be acted, even at that same Hour, and at so great a Distance as in all the other Parts of the Kingdom: Yet such was our Industry therein, having caused the Castle to be that Night strengthned with armed Men, and the City guarded, as the wicked Councils of those evil Persons, by the great Mercy of God, became defeated, so as they were not able to act that part of their Treachery, which indeed was Principal; and which, if they could have effected, would have rendred the rest of their Purposes the more easie. Having so secured the Castle, we forthwith laid about for the Apprehension of as many of the Offenders as we could, many of them having come to this City but that Night, intending it seems, the next Morning to act their Parts in those treacherous and bloody Crimes.

The first Man apprehended was one Hugh Mac-Mahon Esq; (Grandson to the Traitor Tyrone) a Gentleman of a good Fortune in the Country of Monaghan, who, with others, was taken that Morning in Dublin, having at the time of their apprehension offered a little Resistance with their Swords drawn; but finding those we employ'd against them more in Number, and better armed, yielded. He upon Examination before us, at first denied all; but in the end, when he saw we laid it home to him, he confessed enough to destroy himself, and impeach some others, as by a Copy of his Examination herewith sent, may appear to your Lordship. We then committed him, 'till we might have further time to examine him again, our time being become more needful to be employ'd in Action for Securing, than in Examining. This Mac-Mahon had been abroad, and served the King of Spain as a Lieutenant-Colonel.

Upon Conference with him and others, and calling to mind a Letter we received this Week before from Sir William Cole, a Copy whereof we send your Lordship here inclosed, we gathered, That the Lord Mac-Guire was to be an Actor in surprizing the Castle of Dublin: Wherefore we held it necessary to secure him immediately, thereby to startle and deter the rest, when they found him laid fast. His Lordship observing what we had done, and the City in Arms, sled from his Lodging early before Day, it seems, disguised: For we had laid a Watch about his Lodging, so as we think he could not pass without disguising himself; yet he could not get forth of the City, so securely guarded were all the Gates.

There we found at his Lodging hidden, some Hatchets, and many Skeans, and some Hammers.

In the end, the Sheriffs of the City, whom we employ'd in strict search of his Lordship, found him hidden in a Cocklost, in an obscure House far from his Lodging, where they apprehended him, and brought him before us.

He denied all, yet so as he could not deny but he heard of it in the Country, though he would not tell us when, or from whom; and confessed he had not advertised us thereof, as in Duty he ought to have done. But we were so well satisfied of his Guiltiness, by all Circumstances, as we doubted not, upon further Examination, when we could be able to spare time for it, to find it apparent. Wherefore we held it of absolute necessity to commit him close Prisoner, as we had formerly done Mac-Mahon, and others, where we left him on the 23d of this Month in the Morning, about the same Hour they intended to have been Masters of that Place, and this City.

'This Morning also we laid wait for all those Strangers that came the Night before to Town, and so many were apprehended, whom we find reason to believe to have hands in this Conspiracy, as we were forced to disperse them into several Goals; and we since found that there came many Horsemen into the Suburbs that Night, who finding the Plot discovered, dispersed themselves immediately.

'When the Hour approached, which was designed for surprizing the Castle, great Numbers of Strangers were observed to come to Town in great Parties, several ways, who not finding admittance at the Gates, stayed in the Suburbs, and there grew numerous, to the terror of the Inhabitants. We therefore to help that, drew up instantly, and signed a Proclamation, Commanding all Men, not Dwellers in the City or Suburbs, to depart within an Hour, upon pain of Death, and made it alike penal to those that should harbour them; which Proclamation the Sheriffs immediately proclaimed in all the Suburbs by our Commandment; which being accompanied with the Example and Terror of the Committal of those eminent Men, and others, occasioned the departure of those Multitudes: And in this Case all our Lives and Fortunes, and above all, his Majesty's Power and regal Authority being still at the Stake, we must vary from ordinary Proceedings, not only in executing Martial Law, as we see Cause, but also in putting some to the Rack, to find out the Bottom of this Treason, and all the Contrivers thereof, which we foresee will not otherwise be done.

'On the 23d of this Month, we conceiving that as soon as it should be known that the Plot for seizing Dublin Castle was disappointed, all the Conspirators in the remote Parts might be somewhat disheartned, as on the other side the good Subjects would be comforted, and would then with the more Confidence stand on their Guard, did prepare to send abroad to all Parts of the Kingdom this Proclamation, which we send you here inclosed; and so having provided that the City and Castle should be so guarded, as upon the sudden we could provide, we concluded that long continued Consultation.

'On Saturday at 12 of the Clock at Night the Lord Blaney came to Town, and brought us the ill News of the Rebels seizing, with two hundred Men, his House at Castle Blaney, in the County of Monaghan, and his Wife, Children and Servants, as also a House of the Earl of Essex, called Carrickmacross, with two hundred Men, and a House of Sir Henry Spotwood in the same County, with two hundred Men, where there being a little Plantation of British, they plundered the Town, and burnt divers Houses, and it since appears that they burnt divers other Villages, and robbed and spoiled many English, and none but Protestants, leaving the English Papists untoucht as well as the Irish.

'On Sunday Morning at 3 of the Clock, we had Intelligence from Sir Arthur Terringham, that the Irish in the Town had that Day also broken up the King's Stores of Arms and Munition at the Newry, and where the Store of Arms hath lain ever since the Peace, and where they found fourscore and ten Barrels of Powder, and armed themselves, and put them under the Command of Sir Con. Magennis Knight, and one Creely a Monk, and plundered the English there, and disarmed the Garrison; and this, tho' too much, is all that we yet hear is done by them.

'However, we shall stand on our Guard, the best we may, to defend the Castle and City principally, those being the Places of most Importance; but if the Conspiracy be so universal, as Mac Mahon faith in his Examination it is, namely, that all the Counties in the Kingdom have Conspired in it, which we admire should so fall out in this time of universal Peace, and carryed with that Secrecy, that none of the English could have any Friend amongst them to disclose it, then indeed we shall be in high Extremity, and the Kingdom in the greatest Danger that ever it underwent, considering our want of Men, Money and Arms to enable us to encounter so great Multitudes as they can make, if all should joyn against us, the rather, because we have pregnant Cause to doubt that the Combination hath taken force by the incitement of Jesuits, Priests and Fryers.

'All the hope we have here is, that the old English of the Pale, and some other Parts will continue constant to the King in their Fidelity, as they did in their former Rebellions.

'And now in these Straights we must, under God, depend on Aid forth of England for our present Supply with all speed, especially Money, we having none, and Arms which we shall exceedingly want, without which, we are very doubtful what Account we shall give to the King of this his Kingdom.

'But if the Conspiracy be only of Mac Guire, and some other of the Kindred and Friends of the Rebel Tyrone, and other Irish in the Counties of Down, Monaghan, Cavan, Fermanagh and Armagh, and no General Revolt following there upon, we hope then to make Head against them in reasonable Measure, if we be enabled with Money from thence, without which we can raise no Forces; so great is our want of Mony, as we have formerly written, and our Debts so great to the Army; nor is Money to be borrowed here; if it were, we would engage all our Estates for it; neither have we any hope to get in his Majesties Rents and Subsidies in these Disturbances, which adds extreamly to our Necessities.

The Popish Lords of the Pale pretend Loyalty, and would get Arms from Dublin.

'On Sunday Morning the 24th we met again in Council, and sent to all parts of the Kingdom the enclosed Proclamation, and issued Patents to draw hither seven Horse Troops as a farther Strength to this Place, and to be with us in case the Rebels shall make Head, and march hitherward, so as we may be necessitated to give them Battle; we also then sent away our Letters to the President of both the Provinces of Munster and Connaught, we likewise then sent Letters to the Sheriffs of the five Counties of the Pale, to consult of the best Way and Means of their own Preservation. That Day the Lord Viscount Gormanston, the Lord Viscount Nettervile, the Lord Viscount Fitz Williams, and the Lord of Houth, and since the Earls of Kildare and Fingall, and the Lords of Dunsany and Slane, ali Noblemen of the English Pale, came unto us, declaring that they then, and not before, heard of the Matter, and prosessed Loyalty to his Majesty, and Concurrence with the State, but said they wanted Arms, wherewith they desired to be supplied by Us, which we told them we would willingly do, as relying much on their Faithfulness to the Crown; but we were not yet certain whether or no we had enough to Arm our Strength for the Guard of the City and Castle; yet we supplied such of them as lay in most Danger, with a small Proportion of Arms and Munition for their Houses, left they should conceive we apprehended any Jealousie of them; and we commanded them to be very diligent in sending out Watches, and making all the Discoveries they could, and therefore to advertise us, which they readily promised to do; and if it so fall out that the Irish generally rise, which we have cause to suspect, then we must of necessity put Arms into the Hands of the English Pale in Present, and to others as fast as we can, to fight for Defence of the State and themselves.

'Your Lordship now sees the Condition wherein we stand, and how necessary it is first that we enjoy your Presence speedily, for the better guiding of these and other the publick Affairs of the King and Kingdom; and Secondly, that the Parliament there be moved immediately to advance to us a good Sum of Money, which being now speedily sent hither, may Prevent the Expence of very much Treasure and Blood in a long continued War. And if your Lordship shall happen to stay on that side any longer time; we must then desire your Lordship to appoint a Lieutenant General to discharge the great and weighty Burthen of commanding the Forces here.

'Amidst these Confusions and Discords fallen upon us, we bethought us of the Parliament, which was formerly adjourned to November next, and the Term also now at hand, which will draw such a Concourse of People hither, and give Opportunity, under that Pretence of assembling and taking new Councils, seeing the former seems to be, in some part, disappointed, and of contriving further Danger to the State and People: We have therefore found it of unavoidable Necessity, to prorogue it accordingly, and to direct the Term to be adjourned till the first return of Hillary-Term, excepting only the Court of Exchequer for hastning in the Kings Money, if it be possible: We desire, up on this Occasion, your Lordship will be pleased to view our Letters concerning the Plantation of Conaught, dated the 24th of April last, directed to Mr. Secretary Vane in that thereof, which concerns the County of Monaghan, where now these Fires do first break out.

The English Army in Ireland but 3000 Men, and dispersed in remote Garrisons.

'In the last Place we must make known to your Lordship, that the Army we have, consisting but of 2000 Foot, 1000 Horse, are so dispersed in Garrisons in several Parts, as continually they have been since they were so reduced, as if they be all sent for to be drawn together, not only the Places whence they are to be drawn (and for whose Safety they lie there) must be by their Absence distressed, but also the Companies themselves, coming in so small Numbers, may be in danger to be cut off in their March; nor indeed have we any Money to pay the Soldiers, to enable them to march. And so we take leave, and remain, from his Majesty's Castle of Dublin, the 25th of October, 1641.

Your Lordships to be Commanded,
William Parsons.
John Borlace.


'The said Owen Conally, who revealed the Conspiracy, is worthy of very great Consideration, to Recompence that Faith and Loyalty, which he hath so extreamly, to his own Danger, expressed in this Business; whereby, under God, there is yet hope left us of Deliverance of this State and Kingdom from the Wicked Purposes of these Conspirators; and therefore we beseech your Lordship that it be taken into Consideration there, so as he may have a Mark of his Majesty's most Royal Bounty, which may largely extend to him, and his Posterity, we not being now able here to do it for him.

William Parsons.

To the Right Honourable, our very good
Lord Robert Earl of Leicester, Lord
Lieutenant General, and General Governour
of the Kingdom of Ireland.

His Lordship also produced a Proclamation, published by the Lords Justices, dated at Dublin, October 23. 1641. As followeth.

By the Lords Justices and Council.

William Parsons. John Borlace.

Lords Justices Proclamation to give notice of the Rebellion, October 23. 1641.

These are to make known and publish to all his Majesties good Subjects in this Kingdom of Ireland, that there is a Discovery made to us the Lords Justices and Council, of a most disloyal and detestable Conspiracy intended by some evil affected Irish Papists; against the Lives of us the Lords Justices and Council, and many others of his Majesties faithful Subjects universally throughout this Kingdom, and for the seizing, not only of his Majesties Castle of Dublin, his Majesties principal fort here, but also of the other Fortifications in the Kingdom. And seeing by the great goodness and abundant Mercy of Almighty God to his Majesty, and this State and Kingdom, those wicked Conspiracies are brought to Light, and some of the Conspirators committed to the Castle of Dublin by us, by his Majesties Authority, so as those wicked and damnable Plots are now disappointed in the chief Parts thereof; We have therefore thought fit hereby, not only to make it publickly known for the Comfort of his Majesties good and loyal Subjects in all Parts of the Kingdom, but also hereby to require them, that they do with all Confidence and Cheerfulness betake themselves to their own Defence, and stand upon their Guard, so to render the more Safety to themselves, and all the Kingdom besides, and that they Advertise us with all possible speed of all Occurrents, which may concern the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom, and now to them fully that Faith and Loyalty, which they have always shewn for the publick Services of the Crown and Kingdom, which we will value to his Majesty accordingly, and a special Memory thereof will be retained for their Advantage in due time. And we require that great Care be taken, that no Levies of Men be made for Foreign Service, nor any Men suffered to March upon any such Pretence. Given at his Majesties Castle of Dublin, October 23. 1641.

R. Dillon, Ro. Digby, Loftus, J. Temple, Tho. Rotheram, Fr. Willoughby, Jam. Ware, Rob. Meridith.

Here by the way it may be noted, that upon the issuing of this Proclamation, the Popish Lords and Gentlemen of the Pale, (that is to say, Inhabitants of the old English Plantations there, not of Irish Extraction, but of the same Religion with them, notwithstanding which, they had in several other Insurrections joined with the English Interest, and now professed so to do, as is before mentioned in the Lords Justices Letter) came again to the said Justices with a Petition about this Proclamation, because therein the Conspiracy is said to be intended by Some evil affected Irish Papists, which words they feared might be misinterpreted, and such a Construction put upon them, as might reflect upon the Petitioners, as therein comprehended; wherefore the Justices, not willing to disoblige them, or give them any Colour for those Rebellious Courses, which afterwards they took, did for their Satisfaction set forth this following Proclamation, Explanatory of the former.

By the Lords Justices and Council.

William Parsons. John Borlace.

A Proclamation touching the Lords and Gentlemen of the English Pale, October 29. 1641.

Whereas a Petition hath been presented unto us by divers Lords and Gentlemen of the English Pale, in behalf of themselves and the rest of the Pale, and other the old English of this Kingdom, the wing, that whereas a late Conspiracy of Treason is discovered of ill-affected Persons of the old Irish, and that thereupon a Proclamation was published by us, wherein, amongst other Things, it is declared, that the said Conspiracy was perpetrated by Irish Papists, without Distinction of any; and they doubting that by those general Words of Irish Papists they might seem to be involved, though they declare themselves confident, that we did not intend to conclude them therein, in regard they are none of the old Irish, nor of their Faction or Confederacy; but are altogether averse and opposite to all their Designs, and all others of like Condition; We do therefore, to give them full satisfaction, hereby declare and publish to all his majesties good Subjects in this Kingdom, that by the words Irish Papists, we intended only such of the old meer Irish in the Province of Ulster, as have plotted, contrived, and been Actors in this Treason, and others who adhere to them; and that we did not any may intend, or mean thereby any of the old English of the Pale, nor of any other parts of this Kingdom: we being well assured of their Fidelities to the Crown, and having Experience of the good Affections and Services of their Ancestors in former times of Danger and Rebellion: And we further require all his majesties loving Subjects, whether Protestants or Papists, to forbear upbraiding matter of Religion one against another, and that upon pain of his Majesties Indignation. Given at his Majesties Castle of Dublin, October 29. 1641.

R. Ranelagh, R. Dillon,! Ant. Midensis, Ad. Lofius, G. Shurley, Getr. Lowther, J. Temple, Fr. Willoughby, Ja. Ware.

The House turned into a Committee of the whole House.

These Matters of Fact being by the Lord Lieutenant, and other Lords of his Majesty's Council thus declared to the House of Commons, their Lordships withdrew, and the Commons being unwilling to lose time to help the distressed Kingdom of Ireland, resolved themselves into a Committee of the whole House, that the debate of this great Matter might be had with all freedom to provide for the Safety of both Kingdoms; whereupon Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and Mr. Whitlock, a Member of the House, and a Person of great Parts and Ability, was called to the Chair, and after Votes past of the Committee, Mr. Speaker reassumed the Chair; and upon Mr. Whitlock 's Report, the House passed these Resolves following, to be the Heads of a Conference to be desired with the Lords, viz.

Resolves in the House of Commons concerning Ireland, Nov. 1. 1641.

Resolved, That 50000 l. shall be forthwith provided for the Service of Ireland.

That a Conference he had with the Lords to move them, that a Select Committee of the Members of both Houses may be appointed to go to the City of London, and make a Declaration unto them of the State of the Business in Ireland, and to acquaint them that the lending of Monies at this time will be an acceptable Service to the Commonwealth, and that they propose unto them, the Loan of 50000 l. and assure them, that they shall be secured, both for the Principal and Interest by Act of Parliament.

Resolved, That another Head of this Conference shall be to desire the Lords, that a select Committee of both Houses may be named to consider of the Affairs of Ireland, and of the raising and sending of Men and Ammunition from hence into that Kingdom.

500 l. to be presently paid to O Conally the Discoverer, and 200 l. per Annum Pension. Isle of Wight to be secured. Papists of Quality in England to be secured.

Resolved, That Owen Conally, who discovered this great Treason in Ireland, shall have 500 l. presently paid him, and 200 l. per Annum Pension, until Provision be made for an Inheritance of greater Value.

Resolved, That another Head of the Conference shall be, that the Custody of the lsle of Wight, for the present, be sequestered into another Hand.

Resolved, That the Persons of Papists of Quality in the several Counties of this Kingdom, where ever they reside, may be secured.

Resolved, That at the Conference, the Lords be desired to join concerning the Dissolution of the House of Capuchins, and the speedy sending them away, according to the former desires of this House, and that the Ambassadors may be sent to from both Houses to deliver up such Priests of the King's Subjects as are in their Houses.

Resolved, That another Head shall be, That a List be brought in of the Queen's Priests and other her Servants.

A Proclamation that Papist Strangers deliver their Names and Business, or else depart the Realm.

Resolved, That a Proclamation be issued forth, Commanding all Strangers that are not of the Protestant Religion, to deliver in Tickets of their Names, and an Account of their stay here, within two Days after the issuing forth of the said Proclamation, or else to depart the Kingdom forthwith, &c.

These Votes were accordingly communicated to the Lords, at a Conference managed by Mr. Whitlock; whereupon the Lords did afterwards send a Message to the House of Commons, that they have appointed a Select Committee of twelve Lords to go into the City, desiring that a proportionable Number of the House of Commons may go with them, to move the City for the Loan of 50000 l. for the present Occasions of Ireland; and thereupon the House of Commons named a Committee accordingly.

A standing Committee of both Houses touching Ireland.

The Lords also acquainted the Commons, that they had named a Select Committee of Lords, to be a standing Committee to manage the Affairs of Ireland, and desired the House of Commons to name a proportionable Number of their House; thereupon a Committee of fifty-two were named to meet with the Lords, to be a standing Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, and that they may have Power to meet as often as they see convenient.

The House of Commons having proceeded thus far in the Affairs of Ireland, the first and second Day after discovery made unto them of the Rebellion there, did set a part some Proportion almost of every Day they sate during the whole Month of November, for the Consideration of the Affairs of that Kingdom; and so upon the third and fourth of the same Month, resolved upon the Question, these Particulars following, viz.

November 3d and 4th Resolves touching Ireland.

  • 1. That the House holds sit that 200000 be forthwith supplied for the present Occasions of Ireland.
  • 2. That a convenient Number of Ships shall be provided for the guarding of Sea-Coasts of Ireland.
  • 3. That this House holds sit that 6000 Foot and 2000 Horse shall be raised with all convenient speed for the present Expedition into Ireland.
  • 4. That the Lord Lieutenant shall present to both Houses of Parliament such Officers as he shall think fit to send into Ireland, to command any Forces to be transported thither.
  • 5. That the Magazines of Victuals shall be forth with provided at West-Chester, to be sent over to Dublin, as the Occasions of that Kingdom shall require.
  • 6. That the Magazines of Arms, Ammunition, Powder, now in Carlisle, shall be forthwith sent over to Knocksergus in Ireland.
  • 7. That it be referred to the King's Council to consider of some fit Way, and to present it to the House, for a Publication to be made of Rewards to be given to such as shall do Service in this Expedition into Ireland, and for a Pardon of such of the Rebels in Ireland, as shall come in by a time limited, and of a Sum of Money to be appointed for a Reward of such as shall bring in the Heads of such Principal Rebels as shall be nominated.
  • 8. That Letters shall be forthwith sent to the Justices in Ireland, to acquaint them, how sensible this House is of the Affairs of Ireland.
  • 9. That the Committee of Irish Affairs shall consider how, and in what Manner this Kingdom shall make use of the Friendship and Assistance of Scotland in the Business of Ireland.
  • 10. That Directions shall be given for the drawing of a Bill, for the pressing of Men, for this Particular of Ireland.

Lord Lieutenant impowered to raise Forces for Ireland.

Both Houses also passed an Ordinance to enable the Lord Lieutenant, presently to raise 3500 Foot, and 600 Horse for this present Service of Ireland, and also ordered, that the Master of his Majesty's Ordnance should deliver to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1000 Arms for Horse, and 8000 Arms for Foot, and ten Lasts of Powder, to be presently sent into Ireland; and that the Lord Admital should suddenly provide Shipping for the Transportation of Men, Arms, Ammunition, and other Provisions.

The Lords and Commons afterwards passed a more Declaratory Order for the Relief of Ireland, which followeth in these Words.

A declaratory Order of both Houses of Parliament to serve his Majesty in suppressing the Rebels in Ireland.

The Lords and Commons in this present Parliament being advertised of the dangerous Conspiracy and Rebellion in Ireland, by the Treachery and wicked Instigations of Romish Priests and Jesuits, for the bloody Massacree, and Destruction of all Protestants living there, and other his Majesty's Loyal Subjects of English Blood, though of the Romish Religion, being ancient Inhabitants within several Counties and Parts of that Realm, who have always in former Rebellions, given Testimony of their Fidelity to this Crown. And for the utter depriving of his Royal Majesty and the Crown of England from the Government of that Kingdom, (under pretence of setting up the Popish Religion) have there upon taken into their serious Consideration, how those mischievous Attempts might be most speedily and effectally prevented, wherein the Honour, Safety and Interest of this Kingdom are most nearly and fully concerned: Wherefore they do hereby declare, that they do intend to serve his Majesty with their Lives and Fortunes for the suppressing of this wicked Rebellion, and in such way as shall be thought most effectual, by the Wisdom and Authority of Parliament. And there upon have Ordered and Provided for a present supply of Money, and raising the Number of 6000 Foot, and 2000 Horse to be sent from England, being the full Proportion desired by the Lords Justices, and his Majesty's Council Resident in that Kingdom, with a Resolution to add such further Succours, as the necessity of those Affairs shall require. They have also resolved for providing Arms and Ammunition, not only for those Men,'but like wise for his Majesty's faithful Subjects of that Kingdom, with store of Victuals, and other Necessaries as there shall be Occasion. And that these Provisions may more conveniently be transported thither, they have appointed three several Ports of this Kingdom; that is to say, Bristol, West-Chester, and another in Cumberland, where Magazines and Store Houses shall be kept for the supply of the several Parts of Ireland. They have likewise resolved to be humble Mediators to his most Excellent Majesty for the Encouragement of the English or Irish, who shall upon their own Charges raise any Number of Horse or Foot, for his Service, against the Rebels, that they shall be honourabley Rewarded with Lands of Inheritance in Ireland, according to their Merit. And for the better inducing of the Rebels to repent of their wicked Attempts, they do hereby commend it to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, or in his absence to the Deputy, or Lords Justices there, according to the Power of the Commission granted to them in that behalf, to bestow his Majesty's gracious Pardon to all such, as within a convenient time (to be declared by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, or in his absence, by the Lord Deputy or Lords Justices there, according to the Power of the Commission) shall return to their due Obedience, the greatest part whereof they conceive to have been seduced on false Grounds, by the cunning and subtile Practices of some of the most malignant Rebels, Enemies to the State, and to the Reformed Religion; and likewise to bestow such Rewards as shall be thought fit, and publisht by the said Lord Lieutenant, Lord Deputy or Lords Justices and Council there, upon all those who shall arrest the Persons, or bring in the Heads of such Traitors as shall be personally named in any Proclamation, published by the State there: And they do hereby exhort and require all his Majesty's Loving Subject, both in this and in that Kingdom, to remember their Duty and Conscience to God and his Religion, and the great and imminent Danger which will befall this whole Kingdom in General, and themselves in Particular, if this abominable Treason be not timely supprest; and therefore with ail Readiness, Bounty, and Chearfulness to confer their Assistance, in their Persons or Estates, to this so important and necessary Service for the common Good of all.

Jo. Brown, Cler. Parlement.

The King presses the Scots to assist against the Rebels of Ireland.

The Lords Justices presently upon the Discovery, gave Advertisement thereof to his Majesty then at Edenburgh, by a Dispatch addressed to Sir Henry Vane, principal Secretary, carried by Sir Henry Spotswood, who went by Sea directly for Scotland, but before he arrived the King had Intelligence of the Rebellion sent him by the Marquess of Chichester from Belfast, and upon the first Notice thereof moved the Parliament of that Kingdom to take the same into their Consideration, who having appointed a Committee for that Purpose, they reported as followeth.

The Report of the Committee in the Parliament of Scotland, 28 October, 1641. The King being present.

The Parliament of Scotland appoint a Committee to consider of this Rebellion in Ireland.

His Majesty produced a Letter written to him by the Lord Viscount Chichester, anent some Commotions in Ireland, which was publickly read in the Audience of the King's Majesty and Parliament: And his Majesty desired that some may be appointed to think upon that Business, so far as may concern his Majesty, and the Kingdom. And that Estates nominated the Lord Chancellor, Lord General, Lord Lothain, Lord Amond, the Lairds of Weddenburn, Kinhault and Murthill, the Commissioners of Edinburgh, Glascow, and Aire, to think upon some Course necessary to be done anent the said Letters, and what is incumbent to be done by this Kingdom thereupon, and report again to the Parliament to meet in the General his House this Afternoon at two Hours.

October 28. 1641. Their Report.

This Day in the Afternoon, the Committee above-nominated appointed for taking into Consideration, the Report of the Commotions in Ireland, being met in the Lord General's House, and having read the Letter directed to the King's Majesty from the Lord Chichester, dated at Belfast the 24th of October, 1641. hath considered, that his Majesty, out of his Wisdom and Royal Care of the Peace of his Kingdoms, hath already acquainted the Parliament of England with the Intelligence from Ireland, and hath sent to Ireland to know the Certainty of the Commotions, and of the Affairs of that Combination, which till it be perfectly known, there can be no particular Course taken for suppressing thereof; and the Kingdom of Ireland being dependent upon the Crown and Kingdom of England, the English may conceive Jealousies, and mistake our Forwardness when they shall hear of our Preparations, without their Knowledge in this, wherein they are first and more properly concerned. And if the Insurrections be of that Importance, as the British within Ireland are not powerful enough to suppress it without greater Forces; nor their Allies, and that his Majesty and Parliament of England shall think our Aid necessary to join with them, we conceive that the Assistance which we can contribute, may be in Readiness as soon as England; and if after Resolution taken by his Majesty, with Advice of both Parliaments, it shall be found necessary, that we give our present Assistance, we shall go about it with that Speed, which may witness our dutiful Respects to his Majesties Service, and our Affections to our Brethren, his Majesties Loyal Subjects of England and Ireland.

29 Die Octobris, 1641.

Read in Audience of his Majesty and Estates of Parliament, ad futuram Rei Memoriam as ane Testimony of their Affections to his Majesties Service, and the Good of the neighbour Kingdoms, and appoints thrie of the Baronis, and thrie Borrois to meet the Erle of Eglintowne at thrie howris Afternoon, to take to their Consideration by way of Estimation or Conjecture, the Numbre of Bottis or Lime Faddis, which in the partis of this Kingdom, lying opposite to Ireland, may be had in readiness; and what numbre of Men may be transported thairin, and to Report again to the Parliament.

The King also sent Expresses from Scotland to both Houses of Parliament in England, referring this Business of Ireland to their Care and Management.

A private Intimation to the Lords Justices of an Irish Plot, March 16. 1640.

It is to be noted, That before this Rebellion broke out, the Lords Justices had some hints given them, that there was some Plot in hand by the Irish, though nothing in Particular was discovered, where, when, or by whom it should be acted. The first Letter which they received to that Purpose, was written by the command of his Majesty by Sir Henry Vane, then Secretary of State, which Letters bears Dath the 16th of March, 1640. and followeth in these Words.

Sir Henry Vane 's Letter, by the King's Command, to the Lords Justices in Ireland, of a Suspicion that the Irish are upon some great Design, March 16. 1640.

Right Honourable,
His Majesty hath Commanded me to acquaint your Lordships, with an Advice given him from Abroad, and confirmed by his Ministers in Spain, and elsewhere, which in this distempered Time, and conjuncture of Affairs, deserves to be seriously considered, and an especial Care and Watchfulness to be had therein, which is, that of late there have passed from Spain, (and the like may well have been from other Parts) an unspeakable Number of Irish Churchmen, for England and Ireland, and some good old Soldiers, under pretext of asking leave to raise Men for the King of Spain, whereas it is observed (among the Irish Friers there) a whisper runs, as if they expected a Rebelion in Ireland, and particularly in Connaght; wherefore his Majesty thought fit to give your Lordships this notice, that in your Wisdoms you might manage the same with that Dexterity and Secrecy, as to discover and prevent so pernicious a Design, if any such there should be, and to have a watchful Eye on the Proceedings and Actions of those who come thither from abroad, on what pretext soever; and so herewith Irest,

Your Lordships most Humble Servant,

Whitehall, March 16. 1640.

A Letter from Sir William Cole, intimating some Design by the Irish, October 11.

The next dark Advertisement, which the Lords Justices received, was by a Letter from Sir William Cole, dated the 11th of October, 1641. who gave the Lords Justices and Council notice, that there was a great Resort to Sir Philime O-Neal, in the County of Tyrone, as also to the House of the Lord Macguire in the County of Fermanagh, and that by several suspected Persons, fit Instruments for Mischief; as also that the said Lord Macguire had of late made several Journeys into the Pale, and other Places, and had spent his time much in writing Letters, and sending Dispatches abroad; all which seemed to the Lords Justices but Conjectural, as to the Secrecy of the Plot, which could not by this be discovered; so that from this general Discovery, nothing could be had but a circumspect Eye upon the Irish, to make a further Discovery of their particular Design.

Commissions granted to the Lord Viscount Clandebois and to the Lord Ardis, and others, October 27.

About the 27th of October the Lords Justices and Council sent Commissions to the Lords Viscounts of Clandebois, and of Ardes, to raise the Scots in the Northern Parts; they also writ to Sir William and Sir Robert Stewart, with other Gentlemen of Quality in the North, giving them Power to prosecute the Rebels with Fire and Sword; yet so, as to receive such as should submit to his Majesty's Grace and Mercy, signifying withal, that although by the said Commission they gave them full Power thereunto, yet they did then let them know, that for those who were Chief among the Rebels, and Ring-leaders of the rest to Disobedience, that they adjudged them less worthy of Favour than the others whom they had misguided: And therefore for those principal Persons, they required them to take care not to be too forward (without first consulting the Council-Board) in proffering or promising Mercy to those, unless they the said Commissioners saw it of great and unavoidable Necessity. They likewise writ to the Lords Presidents of Munster and Conaught, advising them to be upon their Guards. And that several of the Catholick Communion might not say but they also were confided in, the Lords Justices (who were willing to continue all Proofs imaginable of their Confidence in them) gave in November several Commissions of Government to the Lord Gormanstown in Meath, the Lord Mount Garret in Kilkenny, Nicholas Barnwell in Dublin, Walter Bagnell in Caterlaugh, the Lord Lowth in Lowth, Sir Thomas Nugent in Westmeath, Sir Robert Talbot in Wicklow, the two Sir James Dillions in Longford, and several others, as well in Munster as Conaught and Ulster, who contrary to the Trust reposed in them, soon after joined with the Rebels, and proved as violent, if not worse, against the Protestants, as those who first appeared in the Rebellion; and because the Times required something extraordinary, beyond the Course of Common Law, the Lords Justices and Council gave several Commissions of Martial Law, to the prime Gentlemen of the Pale (all Roman Catholicks) as to Henry Talbot in the County of Dublin, John Bellow Esquire, in the County of Lowth, Richard Dalton, and James Tuit Esquire in the County of Westmeath, Valerian Wesley in the County of Meath, James Talbot in the County of Cavan.

By the Lords Justices and Council.

William Parsons. John Borlase.

The Lords Justices Commission to the Lord Gormanstown.

Right Trusty and Well-beloved, We greet you well; Whereas divers most disloyal and malignant Persons within this Kingdom, have traiterously conspired against his Majesty, his Peace, Crown and Dignity, and many of them in execution of their Conspiracy, are traiterously assembled together in a warlike manner, and have most inhumanly made Destruction and Devastation of the Persons and Estates of his Majesty's Good and Loyal Subjects of this Kingdom, and taken, stain, and imprisoned great Numbers of them; We, out of our Care and Zeal for the common Good, being desirous by all means to suppress the said Treasons and Traitors, and to conserve the Persons and Fortunes of his Majesty's loving Subjects here in Safety, and to prevent the further Spoil and Devastation of his Majesty's good People here, do therefore hereby require and authorize you to Levy, Raise, and Assemble all, every or any of the Forces, as well Footmen as Horsemen within the County of Meath, giving you hereby the Command in Chief of all the said Forces, and hereby further requiring and authorizing you, as Commander of them in Chief, to Arm, Array, Divide, Dispose, Distribute, Conduct, Lead, and Govern in Chief the said Forces, according to your Discretion, and with the said Forces to resist, pursue, follow, apprehend and put to Death, kill and slay, as well by Battle as other ways, all and singular the said Conspirators, Traitors, and their Adherents, according to your Discretion, and according to your Conscience to proceed against them, or any of them, or by Martial Law, by hanging them or any of them till they be dead, according as it hath been accustomed in open Rebellion, and also to take, waste, and spoil their or any of their Castles, Holds, Forts, Houses, Goods and Territories, or otherwise, to preserve the Lives of them or any of them, and to receive them into his Majesty's Favour and Mercy, and to forbear the Devastation of their or any of their Castles, Holds, Forts, Houses, Goods, and Territories aforementioned, according to your Discretion; Further here by requiring and authorizing you to do, execute and perform all and singular such other things for examination of Persons suspected, Discovery of Traytors and their Adherents, parlying with and granting Protections to them or any of them, taking up of Carts, Carriages, and other Conoeniencies sending and retaining Espials, Victualling the said Forces, and other things whatsoever conducing to the purpose aforementioned, as you in your Discretion shall think fit, and the necessity of the Service require, fastbe, hereby requiring and authorizing you, as Commander in Chief, to constitute and appoint such Officers and Ministers respectively for the better Performance and Execution of all and singular the Premises as you in your Discretion shall think fit; and do hereby require and command all and singular his Majesty's Sheriffs, Officers, and Ministers, and loving Subjects, of and within the County of Meath and the Borders thereof, upon their Faith and Allegiance to his Majesty and to his Crown, to be Aiding, Helping and Assisting to you in the doing and executing of all and singular the Premises. This our Commission to continue during Our Pleasure only, and for the so doing this shall be your sufficient Warrant. Given at his Majesty's Court of Dublin, November 1641.

R. Dillon. J. Temple.
Ja. Ware. Robert Meridoth.

To our very good Lord,
Nicholas Gormanstown
Vic. Com.

The Lords Justices made their second Dispatch to his Majesty then at Edenburgh, and to both Houses of Parliament in England, Nov. 6th.

Thirty thousand in Rebellion in about ten Days time.

Upon the 5th of November the Lords Justices in Ireland made their second Dispatch unto his Majesty still at Edenburgh, in Scotland; and at the same time they sent several Letters into England, to the Lord Keeper, Speaker of the House of Peers, to the Speaker of the House of Commons, to the Lords of his Majesty's most honourable Privy Council, and to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in all which they did most earnestly declare their present Dangers, to gether with the necessity of sending Sudden Relief. In their Letter to the Lord of the Council, they did more particularly set down the miserable Estate of the whole Kingdom, and the large Progress that the Rebellion had in few Days made since it broke out; they represented unto their Lordships; the great Outrages the Rebels had committed upon the British Inhabitants in Ulster, that they had seized upon all their Estates and Houses in five Counties of that Province, possessed their Arms, detained many of the principal Gentlemen Prisoners, that they had already slain many most barbarously, hewd some to Pieces, that they have exposed thousands to Want and Beggary, who had good Estates and lived plentifully; that the Rebellion began then to diffuse it self into the Counties of Longford and Letrim, and to threaten the English Plantations in the King and Queens County, that the Inhabitants of the Counties of Meath and Lowth began to fall upon the English near about them, that they conceived there could be no less then thirty thousand, who had already openly declared themselves in this Rebellion, and were assembled together in several great Parties, that they understood their Design was, having got Dundalke, to take in Tredagh, and so to come up immediately to besiege the City and Castle of Dublin; that they gave out publickly, their Purpose was to extirpate the English and Protestants, and not to lay down Arms until the Romish Religion were established, the Government settled in the Hands of the Natives, and the old Irish restored to the Lands of their supposed Ancestors; that they held it their Duty to acquaint their Lordships with the lamentable Estate wherein the Kingdom stood, that his Majesty and the Parliament might understand it, and so speedily provide for sending over to their Relief ten thousand Foot, and one thousand Horse, together with some able Commanders, 100000 l. in Money, and further Provisions of Arms, that unless these were presently sent to them (they craved leave to repeat it again and again) the Kingdom would be utterly lost, all the English and Protestants in Ireland destroyed, the Peace of the Kingdom of England disturbed by the Irish from thence, and so England enforced to make a new Conquest of it.

Commons Vote two hundred thousand Pounds to be raised for Ireland.

This second Dispatch from the Lords Justices laying open the Increase of the Rebellion, had such Impression upon the Affections of the House of Commons to relieve that distressed Kingdom, as that they voted to raise 200000 l. for suppressing the Irish Rebellion, and for the securing of the Kingdom of England, and for as much as Money could not suddenly be raised, they passed this following Ordinance, for securing the City of London to advance the fifty thousand Pound formerly voted, viz.

Order to secure fifty thousand Pounds to be lent by the City of London.

The Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, having a due regard to the good Affections of the City of London expressed upon sundry Occasions, by the advancing and lending of great Sums of Money for the Service of the Commonwealth, and particularly the Sum of 50000 l. lent for the Irish Affairs, and the Sum of 50000 l. more lent by the said City unto the Peers attending his Majesty in the Northern Parts before the beginning of this present Parliament, which are not yet paid or otherways secured, do declare and order, that the said several Sums of Money shall be fully satisfied and repaied unto the said City of London with Interest of 8l. per Cent for one Year, out of such Monies as are or shall be raised by Authority of Parliament: And for that purpose an Act of Parliament to be passed with all Expedition. Provided always that this present Ordinance shall not in any ways be prejudicial to any Members of the said House of Commons, who have formerly lent any Sums of Money to this Parliament, nor to the Northern Counties, nor to any Persons whatsoever, to whom both Houses of Parliament, or the said House of Commons have formerly ordered the Payment of any Sums of Money, nor to any Security given to them, before the making of this Ordinance.

Whilst the Parliament of England was endeavouring for the Relief of Ireland, the Lords Justices and Counsel there, were not wanting to secure the Castle of Dublin, and to help the distressed Protestants that were at the Mercy of the Rebels.

Securing the Castle of Dublin.

As for the Castle of Dublin, Sir Francis Willoughby was made Governour, and had a Company of an hundred Men well armed, besides ordinary Watchers.

Also the Lords Justices took care for Victualling of the Castle which was particularly recommended to Sir John Temple the Master of the Rolls, who sent for the Merchants that were Protestants, and represented to them the great Necessity of the State, the great Danger of Dublin, the publick Benefit, and thereby private Security in laying into the Castle such of the Provisions as they had lying by them in unsafe Places of the City, these Impressions prevailed upon them so that they were content to bring in great quantities of Beef, Herrings, and Corn, upon the Master of the Rolls undertaking to see them Satisfied in case use were made of them.

So that there was presently laid in by the English and Dutch Merchants within the Verge of the Castle about two thousand Barrels of Beef, two thousand Barrels of Herrings, and a good proportion of Wheat sufficient to victual the Castle for many Months which the Rebels gave out they would suddenly besiege.

The Rebels of Cavan send a Paper by Dr. Jones, Nov. 6; None more treacherous and cruel than the Rebels of Cavan; Two Castles well defended by sir Francis Hamilton, and and Sir James Craigo.

On the 6th of November the Rebels of Cavan proffered a Paper to the Lords Justices to be recommended by them to his Majesty, which Doctor Jones and Mr. Waldron delivered to their Lordships; the Doctor being obliged in that Service, he, his Wif and Children dwelling among the Rebels, and lying at their Mercy; to which their Lordships gave Answer, with all the Moderation and Satisfaction that could stand with their Duty, to invite the Irish to forbear their Proceedings, and submit to his Majesty: But the Inhabitants of Cavan during the presenting this Paper, summoned all Persons from sixteen to sixty to appear at Virginia, a Place in the way to Dublin; notwithstanding that they had impowered Doctor Jones to assure their Lordships, that there should be a Cessation of all Things, until the Return of their Lordships Answer; and afterwards it so fell out that none were more treacherous and fierce than they in that County of Cavan, for by the 11th of December it was wholly reduced into the Hands of the Rebels; except two Castle, the one belonging to Sir Francis Hamilton Baronet, the other to Sir James Craigo Knight, who nobly defended each Castle, and succoured one another, that they found the Rebels work for a whole Year, and Sir Ja. Craigo, a Gentleman of great Abilities falling sick, and store of Ammunition and Provision failing, and the Rebels having tainted their Wells with dead Carcasses, both Castles were delivered up to Phillip Machugh O Relised upon honourable Terms, who being conveyed towards Tredagh, were received eight Miles from that Town by Sir H. Tichburn. For the Lords Justices having Intelligence from Doctor Jones, that during his Imprisonment amongst the Rebels at Cavan, he understood they intended to besiege Tredagh, appointed the said Sir Henry to be Colonel and Governour of that Town, and affisted him with what Forces they could.

The Parliament in Ireland meets the 17th of November.

The Parliament of Ireland was to meet according to a former Adjournment the 17th of November. But in the interim this Rebellion being broke out, the Lords Justices and Counsel (as you had it express'd before in their Letter) thought it necessary to prorogue it until the 24th of February, and set forth a Proclamation to that Purpose; but a few Days before the said 17th of November, there was a great murmuring against this putting off the Parliament amongst the popish Lords and Gentlemen that were Members. And Mr. Burk (who was one of the Committee lately imployed into England) came to the Lord Dillon of Kilkenny West, and highly complained of the Injury, which (he said) was thereby done to the whole Nation, hindring them from expressing their Loyal Affections to his Majesty, and shewing their Desires to quell this dangerous Rebellion; and that they had reason to resent it so high, as to complain thereof to the King. Hereupon to satisfie them, it was after some debate consented unto by the Lords Justices in Council, that they should sit a Day or two, provided they do immediately fall upon the Work of making a clear Protestation against the Rebels, and that the time of the Prorogation should be shortned.

A smart Speech in the Parliament of Ireland against the Rebels, Nov. the 17th.

Accordingly, November the 17th, the Houses met, but very thin, and then it appeared that the Zeal of these Gentlemen that so much desired a sitting, was nothing so fervent against the Rebels, for when they came to treat of this Insurrection in order to the drawing up such a Protestation, they covered it with such a Veil, and treated of it so nicely, and with that tenderness and gave reason to suspect they were themselves tainted with the same Infection, insisting that they might not be called Traitors, nor Rebels, for (they said) such Terms would too much exasperate them, and the Appellation of discontented Gentlemen was the worst that would be wrung from them, until one Gentleman heartily detesting the Figleaves thrown over this Nakedness, told the Speaker, That though he had not arrived at that Consistency of Tears; as that his words might challenge there an Audience, because Days should speak, and multitudes of Years teach Wisdom; yet he could not but observe many Passages in that Assembly, too like Catilines in the Senate, and therefore moved that it might not be told in that House, or published at Askelon, that so general a Revole (accompanied with such horrid and barbarous Circumstances,) should be took notice of with a more favourable Expression then Treason and Rebellion, he added further, That he did not know, but that that was the Season, wherein they were cast on their Tryal, whether Allegiance or Rebellion, God or the Pope were to be owned, and that as to any thing that might soften the Rebels, he conceived they were hardned with so much Villany, that they esteemed all things justifiable that were attainable Iram atque Animos a Crimine Sumunt, and therefore it was fit that that House should act as sensible of the Rebels, Cruelties, and trust God to vindicate his and his peoples Cause: Upon which, and other Arguments, a Medium was found out not to call them Traitors, but yet to say they had traiterously and rebelliously raised, &c. And so the next Day their Protestation was framed and concluded, as followeth.

The Protestation and Declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in Parliament, assembled at Dublin in Ireland the 18th Day of November 1641.

Protestation by the Parliament in Ireland against the Irish Insurrection, Nov. 18.

Whereas the happy and peaceable Estate of this Realm hath been of late, and is still interrupted by sundry Persons ill affected to the Peace and Tranquillity thereof, who contrary to their Duty and Loyalty to his Majesty, and against the Laws of God, and the Fundamental Laws of this Realm, have Traiterously and Rebelliously raised Arms, seized upon his Majesty's Forts and Castles, and dispossessed many of his faithful Subjects of their Houses, Lands and Goods, and have slain many of them, and committed other cruel and inhumane Outrages and Acts of Hostility within this Realm.

The said Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, being justly moved with a right Sense of the said Disloyal and Rebellious Proceedings and Actions of the said Persons aforesaid, do hereby Protest and Declare, That the said Lords and Commons from their Hearts, do Detest and Abhor the said abominable Actions, and that they shall, and will to their utmost Power, maintain the Rights of his Majesty's Crown, and Government of this Realm, and the Peace and Safety thereof, as well against the Persons aforesaid, their Abettors, Adherents, as also against all foreign Princes Potentates, and other Persons and Attempts whatsoever; And in case the Persons aforesaid do not repent of their aforesaid Actions, and lay down their Arms, and become humble Suitors to his Majesty for Grace and Mercy, in such convenient Time, and in such Manner and Form, as by his Majesty, or his chief Governor or Governors, and the Council of this Realm shall be set down, the said Lords and Commons do further protest and declare, that they will take up Arms, and will with their Lives and Fortunes suppress them and their Attempts, in such a way as by the Authority of the Parliament of this Kingdom, with the Approhation of his Excellent Majesty, or of his Majesty's chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom shall be thought most effectual.

Copia vera exam'per Phil.
Percivall, Cler. Parlament.

The Parliament sate but two Days, and the Prorogation was shortned to the eleventh of January; the Lords made choice of the Lord Viscount Costelo to go into England, to carry over their Desires to his Majesty concerning the Means they thought sit to be used for the quenching this present Flame: And accordingly within few Days after the Adjournment of the Parliament, the Lord Dillon of Costelo, accompanied with the Lord Taff, imbarqued for England, but by a Storm were driven into Scotland, where they landed and proceeded towards London: But at Ware their Papers were seized upon, by Directions from the Parliament of England, and their Persons committed; but afterwards they made shift to escape, and waited upon his Majesty.

Lords Justices do acknowledge the Parliamentscare in the speedy sending Provisions to Dublin, Nov. 27.

There came Letters from Ireland, Dated the 27th of November, wherein the Lords Justices and Council gave great Thanks to the Parliament, for their Care in the speedy sending over Provisions and Money, praying still a greater Supply; intimating that the Rebellion in Ireland is so General, that whole Counties have joined themselves to the Rebels, and that they are come within four Miles of Dublin, driving away their Cattle, and stopping Provisions from coming to the City. That they acknowledge the King to be their lawful Sovereign, and and have writ a Letter to the Lord Dillon, with Instructions to go for England, and to acquaint his Majesty with their Grievances, and desire of Tolleration for their Religion. Which Letter was as followeth.

A Copy of a Letter directed to the Lord Dillon, Viscount Costilough, from the Rebels of the County of Longford in Ireland, which he presented to the State in their behalf November 10. 1641.

The Popish Irish in the County of Longford, their high Demands of the Lords Justices.

Our very good Lord,
Our Alliance with your Lordship's Ancestors, and your Self, and the trial of your and their Performance of Trust unto their Friends in their greatest Adversity, encourageth us, and engageth your Honour to our Fruition of your future Favours; The fixing of our Confidence in you, before any other of the Peers and Privy Councellors of the Kingdom, doubleth this Obligation, your Lordship may therefore be pleased to acquaint the Lords Justices and Council (to be imparted unto his Sacred Majesty) with our Grievances, and the Causes thereof; the reading of which we most humbly pray, and the manner of it.

First, The Papists in the Neighbouring Counties are soverely punished, and their Miseries might serve as Beacons unto us to look unto our own, when our Neighbours Houses are on fire; and we, and other Papists are, and will be as loyal Subjects an any in the King's Dominions; for Manisestation whereof, we send herein inclosed an Oath solemnly taken by us, which as it made indelible Impression in our Hearts, shall be Signed with our Hand, and Sealed with our Blood.

Secondly, There is an Incapacity in the Papists of Honour, they not having the Immunities of true Subjects, the Royal Marks of distributive Justice, and a Disfavour in the Commutative, which raised Strangers and Foreigners, whose Valour and Vertue was Invincible, when the old Families of the English, and the major part of us the meer Irish, did swim in Blood to serve the Crown of England, when Offices should call Men of Worth, Men without Worth or Merit obtain them.

Thirdly, The Statute of the 2d Elizabeth of force in this Kingdom against us and they of our Religion, doth not a little disanimate us, and the rest.

Fourthly, The Avoidance of Grants of our Lands and Liberties by Quirks and Quiddities of the Law, without reflecting upon the King's Rroyal and Real Imention for confirming our Estates, his Broad Seal being the Pawn betwixt his Majesty and his People.

Fifthly, The Restraint of Purchase in the meer Irish of Lands in the eschasted Counties, and the Taint and Blemish of them and their Posterities, doth more discontent them, than that Plantation Rule; for they are brought to that exigency of Poverty in these latter times, that they must be Sellers, and not Buyers of Lands: And we conceive, and humbly offer to your Lordship's Consideration (principiis obsta) that in the beginning of this Commotion, your Lordship, as it is Hereditary for you, will be a Physician to cure this Disease in us, and by our Examples, it will doubtless beget the like auspicious Success in all other parts of the Kingdom: For we are of Opinion is one Sickness, and one Pharmaca will suffice, Sublata Causa tollitur Effected And it will be recorded, that you will do Service unto God, King and Country; and for salving every the aforesaid Sores, your Lordship is to be an humble Suitor in our behalf, and of the rest of the Papists, that out of the abundance of his Majesty's Clemency, there may be an Act of Oblivion, and general Pardon without Restitution or Account of Goods taken in the time of this Commotion, a Liberty of our Religion, a Repeal of all Statutes formerly made to the contrary, and not by Proclamation, but in a Parliamentary way: A Charter, Free Denizen in ample manner for meer Irish: All which in succeeding Ages will prove an Union in all his Majesty's Dominions instead of Division, a Comfort in Desolation, and a Happiness in Perpetuity for an imminent Calamity; and this being granted, there will be all things, quae sunt Casaris, Casari, and quae sunt Dei, Deo. And what was by the Poet written (though it be prophane in other Matters, yet in this) prophetically Divisum Imperi um cum Jove, Cæfar habebit; All which for this present we leave to your Honourable Care, and we will, as we ever did, and do remain,

    Your very humble and assured Servants ever to be Commanded,

  • Hugh Mac Gillernow Farrall.
  • James Farrall.
  • Bryan Farrall.
  • Readagh Farrall.
  • Edmond Mac Caell Farrell.
  • John Farrell in Carbury.
  • Garret Farrall.
  • Lisagh Mac Conel Farrall.
  • Bryan Mac William Farrall.
  • John Mac Edmond Farrall.
  • John Farrall.
  • Roger Mac Bryne Farrall.
  • Barnaby Farrall.
  • James Mac Trig Farrell, his Mark.
  • Morgan Mac Carbry Farrall.
  • Donnagh Mac Carbry Farrall.
  • Richard Mac Conel Farrall.
  • William Mac James Farrall.
  • James Farrall.
  • Taghna Mac Rory Farrall.
  • Cormack Mac Rory Farrall.
  • Cormack Mac Bryne Farrall.
  • Readagh Mac Lisagh Farrall.
  • Conner Oge Mac Conner Farrall.
  • Edmond Mac Conner Farrall.
  • Cabel Mac Bryne Farrall.

The Names of the chief Rebels; Several Forts and other places suddenly surprized by the Rebels.

The Chiefs of the Northern Rebels, that first appeared in the Execution of this Plot within the Province of Ulster, were, Sir Phelim O Neal, Turlough O Neal his Brother, Roury Mac Guire, Brother to the Lord Mac Guire, Philip O Rely, Mulmore O Rely, Sir Conne Mac Gennis, Colonel Mac Bryan, Mac Mahon; these having closely combined together, with several other of their Accomplices, the Chief of the several Septs in the several Counties, divided their Forces into several Parties; and according to a General Assignation made among themselves, at one and the same Time surprized by Treachery the Town and Castle of the Newry, the Fort of Dongannon, Fort Montjoy, Carlemont, Tonrages, Carick Mack-Ross, Clough-Cutter, Castle Claney, Castle of Monaghan, being all of them Maces of considerable Strength, and in several of them Companies of Foot, or Troops of Horse belonging to the Standing Army; besides these they took a Multitude of other Castles, Houses of Strength, Towns and Villages, all abundantly peopled with British Inhabitants, who had exceedingly enriched the Country as well as themselves by their painful Labours.

The Oath of the Confederate Roman Catholicks of Ireland.

The Oath of the Irish Rebels.

I A. B. do in the Presence of Almighty God, and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, Promise, How, Swear and Protest, to maintain and defend, as for as I may, with my Life, Power and Estate, the publick and free Erercise of the True and Catholick Roman Religion, against all Persons that shall oppose the same, I further Swear, That I will bear Faith and Allegiance to our Sovereign Lord king Charles, his Heirs and Successors, and that I will defend Him and Them, as far as I may, with my Life, Power and Estate, against all such persons as shall attempt any thing against their Royal Persons, Honours and Estates or Dignities, and against all such as shall directly or indirectly endeavour to supprets their Royal Prerogatives, or do any Act, or Acts contrary to Regal Government, as also the Power and Priviledges of Parliament, the lawful rights and Priviledges of the Subjects; and every Person that makes this Vow, Oath, and, Protestation, in whatsoever he shall do in the lawful Pursuance of the same to my Power, as far as I may, I will oppose, and by all Ways and Means endeavour to bring to condign Punishment, even to the loss of Life, Liberty, Estate, all such as shall, either by force, Practicse, Counsels, Plots, Conspiracies, or otherwise, do, or attempt any thing to the contrary of any Article or any other thing in this present Vow, Oath, and Protestation contained. So help me God.

The Irish falsifie their Oaths and Protestations to the English, and after Quarter given them in several Places, murder and destroy them.

As for the Proceedings of the Rebels, besides their open Cruelties, they used Stratagems to facilitate their Purposes: For such of the English as stood upon their Guard, and had gathered together, though but in small Numbers the Irish had recourse to their ancient Stratagem, which as they have formerly they still continued to make frequent use of in this present Rebellion, and that was fairly to offer unto them good Conditions of Quarter, to assure them their Lives, their Goods and free Passage, with a safe Conduct into what Place soever they pleased, and to confirm these Covenants sometimes under their Handa and Seals, sometimes with deep Oaths and Protestations, and as soon as their had them in their Power, to hold themselves disobliged from their Promise and leave their Soldiers at liberty to despoil, strip, and murder them at their Pleasure.

Several Policies used by the Irish to prevent the English from rising against them, and the Scots from joining in their Defence; The English stand upon the Defence of their private Houses, without joining together in one Body, whereby they gave great Advantage.

And besides these, other Policies they used; some to distract, and discoourage them, others to disable them to stand out to make any Defence, as in several Places the Irish came under divers Pretences, and borrowed such Weapons and Arms as the English had in their Houses, and no sooner got them into the Hands, but they turned them out of their own Doors, as they did at Glaslough in the County of Monaghan; and by the same means they very gently and fairly got into their Possession all the English Arms in the County of Cavan: High Sheriff there being an Irishman and a Papist, pretending that he took the their Arms to secure them only against the Violence of such of the Irish as he understood to be in Arms in the next County: And that they might the more easily effect the Destruction of the English, and keep off the Scots from giving them any Assistance, they openly prosessed to spare them (as really they did at the first, all of the Scottish Nation) and pretended they would suffer them, as likewise all English Papists, to live quietly among them, hoping thereby to perswade of that Nation from taking up Arms, till they had mastered all the English and that then they should be well enough enabled to deal with them; thus were the poor English prepared for the Slaughter, and so exceedingly distracted with the tumultuous rising of the Irish on all sides about them, as could never put themselves into a Posture of Defence. And although in many places they made small Parties and betook themselves into several Churches and Castles, some of which were most gallantly defended by them, yet did they not draw together in any such considerable Body, as would enable them to make good their Party in the Field against the numerous Forces of the Rebels. The truth is, they did not very readily endeavour and dexterously attempt it in any part of that Province, as I could hear of; every Man betaking himself best he could to the care of his own House, and seeking how to save his own Family, his Goods within and his Cattle without, and so while they kept singly apart, and singly stood up for their own private Preservation; not joining their Forces together for the common Safety, they gave the Rebels a fair Opportunity and a singular Advantage, to work out with great Facility their common Destruction. Whereas if they had deserted their Houses upon the first notice of the rising up of the Irish, and in the several Counties put themselves into several Bodies, under the Commands of the chief English Gentlemen round about them, they had undoubtedly (how ill soever they were provided of Arms and Munition) been able to have encountred the Irish, and to have put them to some stand in their Enterprize; whereas by the Course they took they most readily, without almost any Resistance, exposed themselves to the merciless Cruelty of the Irish, who at the very first (for some few Days after their breaking out) did not in most Places murder any of them, but the Course they took, was to seize upon all their Goods and Cattle, to strip them, their Wives and Children naked, and in that miserable Plight, the Weather being most bitter Cold and Frosty, to turn them out of their Houses, to drive them to the Mountains, to wander through the Woods and Bog.

The intermixture of the English among the Irish a main Cause of their sudden Destruction.

The very Irish Children, in the very beginning, fell to strip and kill English Children: All other Relations were quite cancelled and laid aside, and it was now esteemed a most meritorious Work in any of them that could by any Means or Ways whatsoever, bring an English Man to the Slaughter; a Work not very difficult to be compassed, as Things then stood. For they living promiscuously among the British, in all Parts, having from their Priests received the Watchword, both for Time and Place, rose up, as it were actuated by one and the same Spirit, in all Places of these Counties before-mentioned, at one and the same Point of Time, and so in a moment fell upon them, murdering some, stripping only, or expelling others out of their Habitations. This bred such a general Terror and Astonishment among the English, as they knew not what to think, much less what to do, or which way to turn themselves; their Servants were killed as they were Ploughing in the Fields: Husbands cut to Pieces in the Presence of their Wives; their Childrens Brains dashed out before their Faces; others had all their Goods and Cattle feized and carried away, their Houses burnt, their Habitations laid waste, and all as it were at an Instant, before they could suspect the Irish for their Enemies, or any ways imagine that they had it in their Hearts, or in their Power, to offer so great Violence, or do such Mischief.

The greater Part of Ulster possessed by the Northern Rebels.

But to return now to the Northern Rebels, who so closely pursued on their first Plot, as they were begginning to put it in Execution in most of the chief Places of Strength; thereupon, the 23d of October, the Day appointed for the Surprizal of the Castle of Dublin, and had by the latter end of the same Month gotten into their Possession all the Towns, Forts, Castles, and Gentlemens Houses, within the Counties of Tyrone, Donegall, Fermenagh, Armagh, Cavan, London-Derry, Monaghan, and half the County of Down, excepted the Cities of London-Derry and Coleraign, the Town and Castle of Eniskillin, and some other Places and Castles, which were for the present gallantly defended by the British Undertakers; though afterwards, for want of Relief, surrendred into their Hands.

The Pretensions of the Irish for their Rebellion; A Breviate of the Rebels Remonstrance, and the Protestants Answer thereunto.

The Pretensions made use of by the Irish, as the Grounds and Occasions of this their Rebellion, will best appear by their Remonstrances, delivered by the Lord Viscount Gormondstown, Sir Lucas Dillion, Knight, Sir Rob. Talbot, Baronet, and John Walsh, Esquire, to the Earl of St. Albane and Clanrickard, the Earl of Roscommon, and other his Majesty's Commissioners at Trim, the 17th of March 1642, to be presented to his Majesty, and printed at Waterford, by Tho. Burk, Printer to the Confederate Catholicks of Ireland, about nine Months after; whereby it then coming to the Knowledge of the Protestants, they drew up an Answer as large thereunto; which was afterwards likewise Presented to his Majesty, and printed together with the said Irish Remonstrance. The Whole is well worth Reading, but being very long, I shall here insert the Substance of the most material Points insisted upon and alledged on either Side; because, tho' presented so long afterwards, yet the greatest Part thereof relates to the Beginning and first Proceedings of this Rebellion.

The Title and Preface of the Rebels Remonstrance.

A Remonstrance of Grievances presented to his Most Excellent Majesty, in the behalf of the Catholicks in Ireland: March 17. 1642.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

Preface to the Rebels Remonstrance.

Most Gracious Sovereign,
We Your Majesty's most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Catholicks of your Highness Kingdom of Ireland, being necessitated to take Arms for the Preservation of our Religion, the Maintenance of your Majesty's Rights and Prerogatives; the natural and just Defence of our Lives and Estates, and the Liberties of our Country; Have often since the beginning of these Troubles attempted to present our humble Complaints unto your Royal View, but were frustrated of our Hopes therein, by the Power and Vigilancy of our Adversaries, (the now Lords-Justices, and other Ministers of State in this Kingdom:) Who by the Assistance of the Malignant Party in England, now in Arms against your Royal Person (with less Difficulty to attain the bad Ends they proposed to themselves, of Extirpating our Religion and Nation) hitherto debarr'd us of any Access to your Majesty's Justice; which occasioned the Effusion of much Innocent Blood, and other Mischiefs in this your Kingdom, that otherwise might well been prevented: And whereas of late, Notice was sent unto us of a Commission, granted by your Majesty, to the Right Honourable the Lord Marquess of Crmond, and other; Authorising them to hear what we shall say or propound; and the same to transmit unto your Majesty in Writing, which your Majesty's Gracious and Princely Favour, we find to be accompanied with these Words, viz. [Albeit we do extreamly detest the Odious Rebellion, which the Recusants of Ireland have without Ground or Colour raised against Us, our Crown and Dignity.] Which Words we do in all Humility conceive to have proceeded from the Misrepresentations of our Adversaries: And therefore do protest, we have been therein maliciously Traduced to your Majesty, having never entertained any Rebellious Thought against your Majesty, your Crown or Dignity; but always have been, and ever will continue your Majesty's most Faithful and Loyal Subjects; and do most humbly beseech your Majesty so to own and avow us, and as such we present unto your Majesty these ensuing Grievances, and Causes of the present Distempers.

The Protestants Answer begins thus:

The Preface to the Protestants Answer.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty,
Your Majesty's most Loyal and Obedient Protestant Subjects of Ireland, groaning under the heavy Pressures of the confederate Roman Catholicks of Ireland; who to add to all their other Injuries, have Printed a Book Intituled, A Remonstrance, delivered by the Lord Viscount Gormandstowne, and others authorised by the said Confederate Catholicks, to your Majesty's Commissioners at Tryne, the 17th of March, 1642. (Which came not to the Knowledge of your Majesty's Protestant Subjects of Ireland till of late) wherein they have endeavoured, by confounding of Times, and by other subtile Conveyances, to put a Shew of Reason upon their wicked and unnatural Acts. We therefore beseech your most Sacred Majesty, to cast your Eye upon the ensuing Collection, of some Passages and unknown Truths, wherein will appear Part of the Grievances of your Majesty's said Protestant Subjects; and Part of the many Untruths and Scandalous Aspersions, by the said Remonstrants, cast upon your Majesty's Gracious Government, and upon your said Protestants.——Then they proceed to their Answer.

First to the PREFACE.

Their Answer to the Rebels Preface.

They say, That the Remonstrants were no way necessitated to take Arms for the Preservation of their Religion: For which, long Time before their taking Arms, they were not troubled; nor so much as questioned: Nor for Maintenance of your Majesty's Rights and Prerogatives; there being no Opponents in the Kingdom of Ireland in that Matter, except the Remonstrants themselves: And how well they maintain your Majesty's Rights, appears by their having possessed themselves of almost all your Revenues, as well as the Estates of your Protestant jects: Their assuming and exercising a Papal Jurisdiction in the Church, and a Tyrannical Power in the Commonwealth: Their publishing new Laws, Coining of Money, erecting Courts, ordaining Magistrates, punishing with Death, and pardoning at their Pleasure; treating with Foreign States, entertaining a Nuncio from the Pope, and two Agents from France and Spain: And in a word, to exclude all your Majesty's Prerogatives, Rights and Authorities: They have published an Act in Print, that no Imperial Government of Jurisdiction shall be assumed, kept, or exercised in that Kingdom, other than what is approved or instituted by their General Assembly.

Neither were they necessitated to take up Arms for the Defence of their Lives, Estates and Liberties: They being in no Fear of any of them by any Violence or Illegality, so much as offered or intended by your Majesty's Governours or Protestant Subjects; who never at any time since the Reformation of Religion, offer'd any Violence against the Person or Estate of any Papist, Quatenus a Papist, nor otherwise, except in Case of Rebellion.

Touching hindring them from Offering their Complaints to your Majesty, there is no Truth in that Suggestion: The Lords-Justice and Council have not concealed any thing that came from them, but further'd the same to your Majesty's View or Knowledge; as the Propositions of the Rebels of Coran, Nov. 6. 1641. The Letters and Desires of the Lords of the Pale, Decemb. 1641, &c. Nor indeed had they any Colour of Complaint, the Cause of Grief being intirely on our Side. And at the Beginning of this Rebellion, they had less Reason than ever, having lately received so much Grace and Satisfaction in all their pretended Grievances.

As to the Effusion of Innocent Blood, 'tis well if now they begin to be sensible thereof, whreof indeed themselves only are guilty; as will appear by distinguishing the Times which they causelesly confound. Your Majesty's Subjects being in full Peace, trusting only to the Protection of the Laws, these Confederates did suddenly and treacherously affault, and by sundry kinds of tormenting Deaths Murther some Hundred Thousands of your harmless Protestant Subjects, despoiling both them and all the rest of their Estates, and openly professing to extirpate all British and Protestants. All which time, neither your Majesty's Governours, nor your surprised Subjects, were able to make any considerable Resistance: And when Forces out of England, and your Majesty's Authority enabled them to stand on their Defence, and take due Vengeance on their unparallel'd Wickedness: No Man, no not the Confederates in their own Consciences, can justly charge your Majesty's Governours or Protestants Subjects with Blood undeservedly shed. But the Confederates ought to bewail the Blood of your Majesty's Officers and Servants, fighting in the just Quarrel, as an Addition of Weight to their former Guilt. The rather because they slighted all Overtures; as your Majesty's Proclamation, under your Royal Signature and Privy Signet, commanding them to lay down their Arms, your Majesty's Governours Proclamation, Nov. 1. 1641. promising Mercy to all that should de sift from Force: And tore both the Order of Parliament, and the Letters of the Committee sent to them from Drogheda, and abused certain of their own Clergy sent to treat with and perswade them. Yet still your Majesty's Governors did the utmost to reduce them to Obedience, by appointing the Lord Moor and others, and afterwards Sir Rich. Barnwell, and Patrick Barnwell, to treat and perswade with them to come and submit their Discontents to your Majesty's known Clemency. And (which gives further Evidence of your Majesty's Servants and Subjects peaceable Inclinations) the Justices and Council, granting Commissions to divers Lords and prime Gentry of the Natives in the Pale to levy Forces, did withal, autherise them to Parley with the Rebels, and protect, and promise Mercy to all that would return turn to their Obedience; which Commissions, even to many of the Remonstrants themselves, were issued after the 23d of October, and before the last of November, 1641. In all which Time, or afterwards, they might have staid the spreading of the Rebellion, if promise of Mercy would have done it. But they not only forbore to reduce any, but soon after joined themselves to the Rebels.

As to their undutiful Challenge to the deeply merited Expressions in your Majesty's Commission, we cannot observe their Presumption without Grief of Heart, but in all Humility leave the same to your Majesty's most discerning Judgment, not believing that any of your Governours, or Protestant Subjects, have ever represented those Confederates to your Majesty, otherwise than Truth and their Duty required.

The Substance of the Articles of the Rebels Remonstrance.

The Rebels I. Article.

That the Catholicks of Ireland, since the second Year of Queen Elizabeth, are made incapable of Places of Honour and Trust, their Nobles becoming contemptible, their Gentry debarr'd the Universities and Schools, their younger Brothers put by all Imployment at Home, and forced to seek their Education and Fortune abroad.

The Effect of the Protestants Answer.


This is generally untrue, for after that Statute, Noblemen, many of the old English, were made Privy-Counsellors; and ten several Judges of that Birth and Education, possessed succeslively the prime Places of all the Benches of Law. Upon the Death of Sir John Plunket, Chief-Justice of the King's-Bench, about the 29 Eliz. Sir Robert Gardiner succeeding, was the first English Judge sent into that Kingdom in many Years before. The Noblemen and other Natives of fit Capacity and Breeding, in that Queen's Time, and ever since, have been trusted and employed in all Commissions from the Courts or otherwise, in equal Degree with Protestants. Their Gentry appointed Sheriffs, Justices, chief Officers and Judges in Corporations; their Lawyers, not with standing Difference in Religion, are, and have been admitted to the Bar; many of their prime Gentry have, by your Majesty, and your blessed Father, been dignified with the Titles of Baronets and Knights: Many of that Nation, after the said Statute, continued Bishops and other Dignitaries, in the Church: Their Nobles have been graced by your Majesty and your Governours, with all Respects of Honour and Priviledge any way due to them, and no way less than the Protestants have been: Their Children (the' themselves and their Parents Papists) have been freely admitted into all publick Schools without Question of Religion; nor can it be instanced, that any were ever refused to be admitted into the College at Dublin, if they would conform to the Statutes hereof, and to the Laws of the Land, with which latter they were not pressed till they come to be Graduates, and'tis well known that as well from that University, as from the Inns of Court in England, many of them have gain'd great Learning and Knowledge, now employed to the extream Annoyance and Harm of your Majesty and your Kingdom.

II. Article.

That Catholicks being thus excluded for their Religion; Men of mean Quality were employed in Places of Honour and Trust, who being to begin a Fortune, built it on the Ruines of the Catholick Natives; against whom they raised false and malicious Suggestions, to render them suspected and odious in England, whence all the Graces and Favours intended unto them have been opposed. False Inquisitions upon feigned Titles to their Estates have been procured. Letters Patents (150 in one Morning) have been disallow'd and avoided, to the Ruine of the said Catholicks.


  • 1. This is a great Scandal to your Majesty and your glorious Predecessors, taxing vou with want of Love and Care of your Subjects, by placing such unfit Governours and Officers; whereas 'tis well known, there have been sent thither to govern, Earls, Barons, and others of noble Extraction and plentiful Estates; and when Justices were appointed, they were sometimes Noblemen, and always Persons of the best Rank and Ability; so far from building Fortunes, that some have been much damnisied by their Imployment there.
  • 2. Tis manifest, that of 21 Lieutenants Deputies and Justices Successively, and 30 Privy-Counsellors, 12 prime Judges, and several inferior Judges sent out of England since the said Statute 2 Eliz. no one of them hath left any Estate there, nor were enrich'd by that Service; and though some others (and not many) left Estates, it was for the most part by the Bounty of the Crown, and very few or none by Purchase, except the Earl of Strafford; whereas on the other side, of 11 prime Judges, and many inferior Judges of Irish Birth since that time, every one of them left visible and valuable Estates, equal at least to the prime Gentry, and several of them, or their Posterity since advanced to Titles of Honour by your Majesty or Royal Ancestors.
  • 3. Touching false Inquisitions, &c. It is a feigned and scandalous Information; for when any particular Inquisitions were found either for Tenures or Titles, no Traverses or Petitions of Right, as far as Law would allow, were ever deny'd &c.

III. Article.

That divers Graces and Favours granted by King James by Commissions and Letters Patents, and by your Majesty in the 4th Year of your Reign, have by the immortal Hatred of some Ministers of State, (especially Sir William Parsons ) to make themselves greater and richer by the total Ruine and Extirpation of the Irish, been violated and made unprofitable.


These Graces and Favour of your Majesty, and your blessed Favour extended to them, should have wrought Love, Obedience and Gratitude to your Majesty and your Ministers; who have most willingly extended the same as far as was possible, or might any way stand with your Majesty's Service, and the Happiness of the Kingdom. And if Particulars may come to an exact Examination, it will be most clear, That the Officers in the Articles charged, have done more for the general Peace and Prosperity of the Kingdom, than any of these Remonstrants ever offered, or could do; and would they but have concurred with, or connived at their Practices for setting up Popery, and the Diminution of your majesty's Rights and Profits (to which End most of their pretended Grievances and Complaints are devised) they might have enjoy'd their more tollerable Reports and Approbation; however, your innocent Protestant Subjects could be no way guilty of the pretended Misbehaviours of your Governours and Ministers. if any such had been.

IV. Article

The Illegal, Arbitrary Proceedings of Sir William Parsons, &c. in the Court of Wards, whereby the Heirs of Catholicks were tyrannically destroy'd in their Estates, &c.


The Parts of this Article, consisting of Generals, are untrue, devised to traduce your Majesty's gracious Government. [This they demonstrate by an Enumeration of the just and kind Proceedings of that Court, and conclude with these Words. But when these Confederates have summoned their Inventions to defame that necessary and orderly Court, they forbear to express the true Grounds of their Grievances, which are, Ist. The Education of the Wards, as well in Civility as true Protestant Religion, and other good Literature, which they generally abhor. 2dly, That the Uncles and Friends might not freely take into their Hands the Childrens Evidences, Lands, Rents and Goods, and waste them without Account, as formerly. 3dly, Because the just and legal Dependancy of the Gentry, is rightly settled in your Majesty, whereof the Irish Lords and Chieftains did heretofore unjustly deprive your Majesty, and so labour still to do. Lastly, Because by the Blessing of Peace and good Order, your Majesty's Rights, Interests, and just Profits were by your Judges and Officers more carefully inspected and levy'd.

V. Article.

That the Catholicks, notwithstanding these Pressures, did readily contribute to all Subsidies, &c. granted since the beginning of your Reign, amounting to near One Million of Pounds; and though they were the most forward in granting the same, and did bear Nine Parts of Ten in the Payment, yet their Adversaries assumed to themselves to be the Procurers there of, and represented the Catholicks as refractory.


  • 1. Whatever their Gifts were, they did but their Duties, as a Part of Retribution for the Graces your Majesty bestowed on them: Nor was your Majesty ever the richer, being all disburs'd amongst themselves; partly to pay the old Army, and for the greater Part on the new Army, which mostly consisted of themselves.

'Tis most untrue, that either they were the most forward in Parliament to grant Contributions, or paid such large Quantities thereof: For as to the Contribution towards Maintenance of the Army, your Majesty's Protestant Officers were the first Movers thereof, and these Remonstrants, the main Opposers, as doubtless your Majesty may remember; and by the Rolls extant it appears, your Protestant Subjects paid a third Part of the Whole, though neither the Quantity nor Quality of their Lands amount to no more than a fifth Part of the Kingdom: And such have been always their Affections to the Crown, that would the Remonstrants really perform the like, there need no Forces to maintain Peace, but the Bounties of your People might come intire to your Coffers.

VI. Artic.

The Army raised here for your Majesty's Service, was Disbanded by the Importunity of the malignant Party in England, alledging the same was Popish, and not fit to be trusted. And tho' there were an unexempled Invasion made by the malignant Party of the Parliament of England, on your Majesty's Honour, Rights Prerogatives, and principal Flowers of your Crown: Tho' Sir W. Parsons, Sir Adam Loftus, &c. declar'd, 10000 Scots were to arrive in this Kingdom, to force the Catholicks to change their Religion; and that Ireland would never do well without a Rebellion, that the Natives might be extirpated; and Wagers laid at General Assizes, That within one Year, not one Catholick should be lest in Ireland: Tho' they saw the Priviledges of the Parliament of Ireland incroached upon by that of England, in sending for its Members; and that it was declared, that Ireland was bound by Statutes made in England if named contrary to the known Truth, and the Laws settled here for 400 Years: And tho' they were informed of the Protestation made by both Houses in England, against Catholicks, and the cruel Execution of Priests there, only for being Priests, and that your Majesty's Mercy and Power would not prevail to save the Life of one condemn'd Priest; yet did they not take up Defensive Arms, much less Offensive; still expecting your Majesty might in time be able to apply Remedies to these Evils.

A Search for Gun-powder pretended before the Rebellion, to see what store of Arms and Ammunition the Protestants had.

  • 1. The Lords-Justices and Council went not to Disband the Army till Commanded by your Majesty's Warrant, and it was of absolute Necessity to do it, having spent all their Victuals; nor was the Kingdom in a peaceable Way able to maintain such an Army as the now Remonstrants themselves openly profess'd in this Parliament. But the Reason they so distaste that Disbanding was, because thereby disappointed, of such an Help to execute their bloody Design on your British Protestant Subjects, which was consented unto by many of these Remonstrants, Members of both Houses, in the May-Session of Parliament before, as was declared by Hugh Mac-Mahon, upon his Examination: These Remonstrants well knowing, that the greatest Part of that Army, as well common Soldiers as Commanders, were ready to be employ'd in that Exploit, as since more fully appear'd. And for the same Reason they endeavour'd to stay them from being sent over Sea into the Service of other Princes. And in the same Session, under Pretence that the Lord Strafford's Servants had laid Gun-powder under the Parliament-House, to blow them all up, got a Committee, whereof Macguire, a chief Consoirator, was one, and most busie to search for the said Powder, which was on purpose to see what Arms were brought in (that being a Place where Arms had been kept in former Times) and finding none there, petitioned the Lords-Justices to see the Stores of Powder and Arms in other Parts in or about the Castle, which they refused to admit.
  • 2. As to the bringing in 10000 Scots, and Extirpating the Natives, 'tis no wonder that those Remonstrants, in whose Brains Extirpation of British and Protestants did so much run, should fancy such Thoughts in other Men, as one Excuse for their own evil Intents.
  • 3. But that the Persons named should declare or advise such an Act to disturb that Kingdom where their Subsistence is, and where their own Children are match'd to Natives, no wise Man can believe.
  • 4. The Story of the Wagers is only this: At Wexford Assizes, a little before the Rebellion, a Protestant and a Papist having some Discourse at the Sheriff's Table, the Papist said, He would never go to Church: To which the Protestant merrily answer'd, I will give you 5 l. and you shall give me 50 l. for it if you come not to Church before this time Twelve-month. The dull Papist seeming startled, was earnest to understand the Mystery of such a Wager, which at last the other unfolded, to the Diversion of the whole Table; and here is one Ground on which these Remonstrants pretend to found their bloody Massacre.
  • 5. What the Parliament of England might pretend, the Protestants in Ireland are Strangers unto; but it cannot be believed that these Remonstrants could be truly informed of any Protestation made by, or Intention in the said English Parliament, to extirpate their Religion, before they entred into this Rebellion.
  • 5. Whether Laws made in England, will bind in Ireland, if Ireland named, is a Point concerns the Protestants of Ireland as much as Papists, and being only talk'd of, might more fitly have been disputed in civil Assemblies, than by Arms and open Hostility against your Majesty, and the Resolution written in the Blood of so many Thousand Protestants.
  • 7. Touching the English Parliaments encroaching on that of Ireland, they do well now to croud it amongst the rest of their Pretexts; but when Protestant Members of this Parliament (against whom that pretended Encroachment most extended) were sent for, they addressing to the Parliament to defend them and their Priviledges, were answer'd by a leading Member, now a Remonstrant, That the House should do well not to take notice of it, lest Variance should arise between the two Parliaments, so unwilling were they then to maintain, what they now so stoutly challenge.

VII. Artic.

That Committees having attended your Majesty for Redress of Grievances, the Lords-Justices and Council endeavoured to hinder the same: And when granted, to prevent their being passed into Acts of Parliament, caused private Meetings to be of Members of the House of Commons, to raise Distinction of Nation and Religion; whereby a Faction was made, and the publick Service disturb'd, and on the 7th of August adjourned the Parliament, whereby those Graces would not (according to your Majesty's Intentions and your Subjects Expectation) then pass as Acts of Parliament. And when the said Committees returned to Dublin, the said Justices would not acquaint the People with the Graces your Majesty had by them sent over.


  • 1. Deny that ever they endeavour'd to obstruct the Redress of Grievances, but affirm there were Daily and Nightly private Meetings of the Remonstrants, Members of Parliament, to the great Prejudice of the publick Affairs; but the Protestants did forbear such Meetings, lest it should give Suspicion of siding, or Animosities, till hearing that the now Remonstrants intended to impeach divers of your Majesty's principal Officers (who could not be drawn from their just Duty to your Majesty and your Rights) and others who had labour'd to clear your Majesty's Title to the Lands in Connaught; the said Protestants then (and not before) to be in some measure prepared to free themselves and the House, from those unreasonable Attempts, did once (and no more) meet, but agreed on nothing that ever gave Offence or just Distaste to the House, or any Member thereof.
  • 2. That the Lords-Justices finding nothing of moment for the General Good, or your Majesty's Service, before the Parliament thought of an Adjournment, the rather because Harvest grew on, and the Houses grew thin, many Members being already gone home; and both Lords and Commons agreed to adjourn on Saturday the 7th of Aug. the rather, because, by a Letter receiv'd Aug. 6. from the Committee in England, they found no Cause to expect the Bill desired in a short Time, the said Committee being still at London undispatch'd.
  • 3. The Lords-Justices, as soon as notice of your Majesty's Concessions and Favours to the said Committee arriv'd, were so far from concealing them, that they did, de Facto, send Briefs to all the Ports of the Kingdom concerning the Customs, publish'd Proclamations for the sending away of Wool, and Warrants for the free Entries of Tobacco, &c.

VIII. Artic

That Petitions contrived by the Advice of Sir William Parsons, &c. Signed by many Thousands of the malignant Party in Dublin, Ulster, and other Parts, and directed to the Commons House in England, were read at the Assizes and other publick Places, containing Matters destructive to the Catholicks Religion, Lives and Estates. And also they heard of an Order in the said Commons House in England, against bowing unto the Name of JESUS; and that the said maglignant Party did plot to extinguish their Religion and Nation. This made some Catholicks consider the desperate Condition they were in by a Statute of the 2d Eliz. (never executed in her Time, nor discovered till most of the Members of that Parliament were dead) whereby no Catholick would enjoy his Life, Liberty, or Estate, if the same were executed; which nothing hindred, but your Majesty's Prerogative; which being endeavoured to be taken away, then the Plot of Destruction by an Army out of Scotland and another out of England must be executed.

The Fears of those Twofold Destructions, did necessitate some Catholicks in the North, about the 22d Octob. 1641. To take Arms in maintenance of their Religion, your Majesty's Rights, and the Preservation of Life, Estate, and Liberty; and immediately took a Solemn Oath, and sent several Declarations to the Council, desiring they might be heard in Parliament. But all was slighted by the Lords-Justices, who on the 23d of October published a Proclamation, accusing all the Catholicks of Ireland of Disloyalty, and prorogued the Parliament, and tho'they afterwards suffered them to sit two Days, yet it was under the awe of armed Men, who were directed to shoot them as they came out of the Parliament-House if they did comply; and by these Terrors prevailed with them to pass an Order, That the said Discontented Gentlemen took Arms in a Rebellious Manner.

Yet notwithstanding all these Provocations and Pressures, the far greater and more considerable Party of the Catholicks, and all the Cities and Corporations of Ireland and whole Provinces stood quiet in their Houses. Where upon the Lords-Justices knowing that many powerful Members of the Parliament of England stood in Opposition to your Majesty made their principal Application to them, and propounded unto them to send Forces to Conquer the Kingdom.

The malignant Party here were Armed, the Catholicks denied Arms, and Disarmed; and the Lords-Justices having received an Order of the Parliament in England to proclaim Pardon to all that were then in Rebellion (as they termed it) published it but in two Counties and with a very short Day prefixt, and an Exception of all Freeholders, through which every one saw, that the Estates of Catholicks were first aimed at, and next their Lives,

Next they commanded Sir Charles Coot to march into Wicklowe where be burnt, kill'd, and destroy'd all in his way Man Woman and Child. Soon after some Foot Companies march'd by Direction of the said Justices by Night unto Santry, three Miles off Dublin, where innocent Husbandmen, some being catholicks, others Protestants took for Gatholicks were murther'd in their Inn.

Whereupon some Gentlemen of Quality fearing all to be murthered, were constrain'd to stand together in their own Defence, who were summoned in by a Proclamation of the 13th, to come in by the 18th of Decemb. 1641, and another Proclamation summon'd the Lords of the English Pale to a grand Council on the 17th of the same Month. But to prevent all Accommodation, the said Justices directed Sir Charles Coot, on the 15th Decemb. to march to Clantarff, the House and Town of George King (one of the Gentlemen summon'd) to pillage, burn and destroy all that was there to be found: Which was executed accordingly, in manifest Breach of publick Faith; whereby the said Meeting or Grand Council was directed, the said Lords and Gentlemen not daring to come within the Power of such notorious Faith-breakers.

The Consideration whereof made those of the English Pale, put them selves in a Posture of Defence.


  • 1. As to Petitions contriv'd by the Persons nam'd, sign'd by Thousands, &c. 'tis utterly false. If so many sign'd them, 'tis strange no Copy can be produc'd. But the Occasion of this Fiction was only this, in Aug. 1641, the Lords-Justices had notice that in the County of Tyrone there was a Petition framed (as afterwards appeared) by some Protestants in Dublin, carry'd up and down to gather Hands, and not knowing what it was, did by their Letter require the Bishop of Clogher to take that Petition, and carry it to the Judges of Assize, that they might proceed therein according to Law, and then send it up to the Council, which was done. Which Petition containeth no matter destructive of Catholicks, but rather lays Accusations of some Disorders and Remissness in the Protestant Clergy.
  • 2. There was nothing designed against these Remonstrants in the Parliament of England, till they had declar'd themselves in horrid Rebellion, and massacred and spoiled your Majesty's peaceable and conformable British Protestant Subjects.
  • 3. As to the dreadful Stat. 2 Eliz. 'tis supposed they mean the first Chapter, for it was made to repeal the Statutes made by Q. Mary, and to restore to the Crown Ecclesiastick Jurisdiction, and punish such as maintain any Foreign Jurisdiction. Or else the 2d Ch. which settles the Book of Common-Prayer, and requires all to come to Church on a small pecuniary Mulct. Now as these two were no such concealed Laws as they pretend, so the first mitigates the Common Law, making that Treason only for the Third Offence, which was so for the first; and in the second there is nothing that can destroy any Man's Life or Estate: And these Laws have been in Force Fourscore Years, and no Man lost his Life or Estate on either of them; nor Liberty for any long Time. Yet these Remonstrants from this, and the other wild Fiction of 10000 Scots (then, not so much as thought of, to come thither, but long after agreed on by your Majesty, to be sent to prosecute these Rebels) take the Boldness to avow the Acts of the Northern Rebels, 23d Octob. 1641. as necessitated thereunto for Maintenance of Religion and your Majesty's Rights, which none there ever impeached, except themselves. Nor were there any such Declarations sent by them to the Lords-Justices, desiring to be heard in Parliament, as they falsly pretend.
  • 4. The Proclamation, 23d Octob. was to publish the Discovery of the Conspiracy of some ill-affected Irish Papists, and make known the Preservation of Dublin; and when the old English took Offence at the Words Irish Papists, the Justices to give them no Umbrage of Discontent, by a second Proclamation declare, That thereby they mean only the meer old Irish in Ulster, and none of the old English of the Pale, or other Parts.
  • 5. The Prorogation of the Parliament proceeded from the Necessity of the Time, many Members being then in Rebellion, many slain and hanged by the Rebels, some imprisoned, some besieged by them. But to avoid Disputes of the Legality of a Prorogation by Proclamation, it was agreed such as could should meet and sit for a Day or two to make some publick Declaration of their Loyalty; which being done, and all their Requests granted by the Justices and Council, they were prorogued to the 11th of January. That they were under any Force is a meer Fiction; 'tis true there were armed Men, but 'twas only for Preservation of the Castle against the Remonstrants wicked and bloody Confederates: Nor could any Members thence take the least Apprehension of Terror, if some inward Guilt did not beget in them a Jealousie of what was never intended or thought of.
  • 6. Whereas the Remonstrants say, that at the Time of that Session, viz. Nov. 17. all the Cities and Corporations, and whole Provinces stood quiet. Hugh Mac Mahon, on his Examination, 23d Octob. declared, That he and the rest were well assured none of all the strong Towns in the Kingdom (if they had taken Dublin) would have opposed them. And accordingly they have joyn'd with them, except some very few where your Majesty's Forces lay, and except the Protestant Towns. [And here, by divers Arguments, they prove the Conspiracy was GENERAL.]
  • 7. As at the breaking out of this Rebellion there was not known any Difference between your Majesty and your Parliament in England; so did not the Justices first address their Advertisement to that Parliament; but to your Majesty, on Octob. 25. and to your Lieutenant of that Kingdom; and on Nov. 5. to your Council, and understanding your Majesty had communicated it to the said Parliament, they then, and not before, writ to both Houses.
  • 8. Many Roman Catholicks as well as Protestants were at first Listed and Armed, and Arms and Ammunition delivered by the Lords-Justices to them, as far as possibly could be spared: And particularly they delivered Arms and Ammunition for 1700, to the five Counties of the Pale for their Defence; some of which on notice of the Defection of those intrusted with them, were recovered and brought back, and the rest employ'd by the Confederates to fight against your Majesty and your Armies. And the Catholicks in Dublin were not Disarmed till most of the Pale were in open Rebellion.
  • 9. The Lords-Justices did forthwith, after Receipt of the Order of the Parliament of England for offer of Pardon, viz. Nov. 12. 1641. cause it to be printed and dispersed as far as they could. Nor did they aim at any of their Estates, but shewed much Regret at the Defection of the Pale, and how willing they were to preserve as many of them as they could, appears by their readiness to embrace the Earl of Westmeath and his Family, the' they had Intelligence of Northern Rebels resorting to his House. Their permitting Sir Morgan Cavanaugh's return to his House, on his false Protestations, tho' they had Cause to suspect his and his Son's coming to Town, just on the 22d of Octob. 1641, &c.
  • 10. Sir Charles Coot, on the 17th of Nov. 1641. set forth with a small Force to relieve your Majesty's Castle of Wickloe, and another Castle, both besieged by Rebels. All the Irish of that County having many Days before risen in open Rebellion, Seized your Majesty's Forts, and all the Houses of the English, robb'd all the British Protestants, threatned to assault Dublin, and robb'd within two Miles of it. He had also Direction to kill and Spoil those Rebels by Fire and Sword as far as he could, but there died not above thirteen Men by his Command, proved to have committed the same rebellious Acts, and such as fought with him in open Field with Banners display'd. Which Expedition could not affright those of the Pale, being principally intended to prevent the Rebels from making Incursions and Spoils upon them.
  • 11. The Business at Santry was this. One Derrick Hubbert a Protestant Gentleman was murder'd in his own House, in the County of Dublin (about ten Miles from the City) and some others of his Family; on the 5th of Decem. 1641, one comes to a Lieutenant in Dublin, and tells him, he could bring him upon some of those that committed these Murders. The Lieutenant, with Allowance of his Captain, without the Command or Privity of the Lords-Justices, or any of the Council, took with him forty Soldiers that Night in pursuit of those Murderers and other Malefactors, and coming to Santry, found four Persons lately come thither, with such Arms as they could get in the Country, and who, (he was informed,) were Offenders, and so he slew them; and pass'd further into the Country, in search of the rest of the Malefactors, but could not find them; the Lords-Justices and Council hearing next Day of this rash Act, sent for the said Lieutenant, who justified what he had done, affirming them to be Rebels, and no Man prosecuting the matter against him, it there rested; and there were many Papists then dwelling in that Town, whom he did not hurt.
  • 12. That Luke Nettervile, Son to the Lord Nettervile, about the latter end of November, 1641, made Proclamation at Lusk, that all the Gentry, on Pain of Death should meet at Swords (within six Miles of Dublin) within three or four Days after, (which was before the killing at Santry) and there by his own Authority, constituted several Captains, and commanded them to be there again with their Companies armed, December 7th. and then there appeared 1200 in Arms, of which the Justices being informed, sent to them an Order to separate themselves, and that Nettervile and six others should attend their Lordships. But they refused both, and continued at Swords till January, Robbing, Spoiling, and Imprisoning your Majesty's Subjects. And December the 4th, sent a Party to Clantarf (but a Mile and a half from Dublin) where they faced the City, and the Inhabitants of that Village had robb'd two English Barks, and threatned to burn all the Ships in the Harbour; whereupon the Justices and Council, on the 15th of December, sent out Sir Charles Coot to beat them out, and burn the Village, which he performed, and found in the said Mr. King's House, and other Houses, divers of the Goods of the said two Barks.
  • 13. Finding the Rebellion on all Sides encrease, the Lords-Justices, Decemb. the 3d, 1641, writ to the Lords and Gentry of the Pale, to meet them on the 8th, but they refused, alledging that they were told Sir Charles Coot at the Council-Board had uttered Words tending to a Purpose or Resolution of a general Massacre on those of their Profession. To take off this Pretence, the Justices and Council publish a Declaration Decemb. the 13th, affirming, that they never heard Coot or any other utter any such Speeches, and that that Board never meant to dishonour the State, and wound their own Conscience, by harbouring a Thought so impious and detestable, but would severely punish any that should be proved to have spoken the same; and also gave the said Lords and Gentry the Word of the State for their Safety, but still they refused to appear, [and here the Answer goes on with a particular Relation of divers Passages and Actions, and how the Lords-Justices, having about the beginning of November, delivered out Arms and Ammunition for 300, to three Captains, being Papists, appointed to guard the County of Kildare; one of them, Captain Nicholas White, eldest Son of Sir Nicholas White, on the 2d of December, ran away with the whole Company and Arms to the Rebels, and conclude as to this Article thus] all which Particulars are specified, that it may appear in what Case the Pale and other Parts of Leimster stood, before the killing at Santry, and burning at Clantarfe. That your Majesty may the more clearly see the Vanity and Malignity of the Confederates in pretending to be terrified into Arms by those Arts, (which they know were subsequent to their taking Arms) and by their other devised Provocations in England and Ireland, no truer than the former. And that it may appear to all the World, that the Lords-Justices did not draw your Majesty's Sword upon Jealousies or Presumptions, till the highest Extremities compell'd; till innumerable Murthers, Spoils and Outrages committed on the British and Protestants in so many Places, without Stop or Restraint by any of the Lords or Gentry, nor till the horrid Desamation of your Sacred Majesty, and that it fully appeared, that all was done by Conspiracy and Design.

IX. Artic.

That the Lord-President of Munster, the Province being quiet, burnt, prey'd, and put to Death, Men, Women, and Children, &c.


Shew the Falseness of this Article, by particularizing the Times and Occasions of the Actions by him performed; how kindly such were used and trusted, as were peaceable, as long as they continued so; That he meddled not, till he found that the Inhabitants of all Sorts did rise in Rebellion, Murthering and Spoiling the Protestants, and then, in Feb. 1641, he was ordered to prosecute them with Fire and Sword. Yet at the same time he offered to as many prime Men as he could, your Majesty's gracious Proclamation for laying down Arms, but they rejected it, some saying that it was Counterfeit, and others that it was done by Coertion.

X. Article.

That whereas Ireland has a Parliament of its own, and no Statute made in England ought to bind in Ireland, unless there establish'd by Parliament; yet by several late Acts, your Majesty's Subjects unsummoned, unheard, were declared Rebels, and two Millions and a half of Acres of their Lands sold to the Undertakers; which Acts they conceive to have been forced upon your Majesty, because unjust and destructive, the Scope seeming to aim at Rebels only, and the Disposition of a certain quantity of Land, but in Effect and Substance, all the Lands in the Kingdom may there by be distributed. By colour whereof the Forces sent hither Disavow Authority from your Majesty, but depend upon the Parliament of England.


How far Laws made in England may bind in Ireland, will best appear by Records and Precedents. The Acts mentioned were made by your Majesty's Royal Assent, and do not aim at any Lands, but only of those that have rebelled, and committed the most detestable Treasons against your Crown, Person, and Dignity, and the most outragious Cruelties and Spoils on innocent Subjects, without any Provocation; which Acts cannot in any respect be the Occasion or Grounds of those hideous Perpetrations, since they were in their first Conception derived only from the fearful Rebellion of the Confederates, and (after their horrid Acts) provided by your Majesty and your Parliament, as the most speedy and effectual way to relieve the Remnant of your miserable despoiled Subjects, ready every Day to be swallowed up by the Deluge of that universal Rebellion; and therefore it cannot be believed that your Majesty was enforced thereunto, it being your own Cause, and the Cause of your beloved and ever loving People. Neither is there any Truth in that malicious Traducement, that your Majesty's Forces in Ireland disavowed any Authority from your Majesty; all their Authority and Command being entirely derived from your Majesty and your immediate Ministers.

XI. Artic.

ALL Strangers have been commanded to depart Dublin, and then were, by Direction of the Lords-Justices, Pillag'd abroad. Persons employ'd by them in publick Service, and others that kept within Doors and annoyed no Man, and who had the Protection of the State, were sooner pillag'd, their Houses burnt, themselves, Servants and Tenants Killed and destroy'd, than any others; Quarter given and taken violated; such as came into Dublin voluntarily, and who could not be justly suspected of any Crime, if Irishmen or Catholicks, imprisoned and tried for their Lives; Dublin, Cork, Drogheda, Yeoghal and Kingsale, who received Garrisons in your Majesty's Name, worse used than the Israelites in Egypt; so that it will be made appear, that more Murthers, Breaches of publick Faith and Quarter, more Destruction and Desolation, more Cruelties not fit to be named, were committed in Ireland by the Direction and Advice of the said Lords-Justices and their Party in less than eighteen Months, than can be parallel'd to have been done by any Christian People.


'Tis true, the Lords-Justices and Council, for common Safety, on the 23d of Octob. 1641. when the Hour approached, designed for surprizing your Castle of Dublin, observing Multitudes of Strangers to come to Town several ways, who not being admitted at the Gates, grew numerous in the Suburbs and Fields, to the great Terror of the Inhabitants, did publish a Proclamation, requiring all that were not Dwellers in the City or Suburbs, to depart on Pain of Death; but this did not aim at any of the Pale, or of known Credit, nor did any such take any ill Apprehension thereat; and upon further Resort of dangerous People, they set out the like Proclamation on the 28th of the same Month: And another on the 11th of Novemb. That all that had not necessary Cause of Business, should depart in twenty four Hours. But 'tis untrue that any of these Persons, or any other had their Goods pillaged by Directions of the Justices. Indeed afterwards, the Soldiers which came out of England, when they wanted Pay, did many unruly Acts by pillaging and otherways, but the Justices endeavoured as much as possible to restrain them, witness their Orders and Declarations. That any who annoyed no Body, or that had the Protection of the State, were pillaged or kill'd, or their Houses burnt by the Justices Order, is a meer Fiction. Neither was any Quarter, though sometimes unwarrantably given, ever violated by them, or with their Privity. Neither was any Man killed, or his Goods taken by any Authority, because an Irishman or a Roman Catholick, but because a Rebel. Drogheda and the other Towns, 'tis true, are forced to endure the Trouble of unruly Soldiers; but that, and all other Miseries of them and the whole Kingdom, is occasioned only by the Confederates Rebellion. And as to the Murthers, Breaches of Faith, &c. which they talk of, committed by the Direction of the Lords-Justices, the Assertion is most false and scandalous in all the Parts thereof; for whatsoever Killing or Destruction was executed on the Consederates and their Complices, having their Swords in their Hands, was done in natural Defence, and in a Course of just War, as a necessary Chastisement from a gracious and religious Prince, upon the Unnaturalness of unfaithful Subjects, raging in all Extremity against the Lives, Persons and Estates of your innocent and obedient Subjects, neither did all that Killing and Destruction amount to the tenth Part of the Murthers and Destructions, in near four Months before committed upon your Majesty's Loyal and Innocent Subjects, and that by sudden Surprizal and cold Blood, when they were no way able to make Resistance. And the Indisposition of the Lords-Justices to shed Blood, appears in that of above sixty Persons, who amongst many Hundreds coming to surprize Dublin, were on the 23 of Octob. 1641, apprehended, none suffered Death, save only one, whom the Lord Macquire confessed to be privy to the Plot, and many the like Instances there are of their Tenderness in that Point.

The Last Article.

The Justices have caused the Sitting of the Parliament for several Sessions, nine Parts of ten of the genuine Members being absent, the House of Commons consist of a Number of Clerks, Soldiers, and others not legally return'd, and having no manner of Estate within the Kingdom; and the Terms were kept at Dublin to no other end, but by false and illegal Judgments and Outlawries, to attaint many Thousands of your Majesty's most faithful Subjects, poor Artificers, Soldiers and Servants being returned Jurors to pass on the Lives of those who came in upon Protection, and the publick Faith; therefore the said Catholicks do protest against the said Proceedings in Parliament, and the other Courts aforesaid. And for preventing further Effusion of Blood, and the Satisfaction of your said Subjects, who in Manifestation of their Duty and Zeal to your Majesty's Service, will be ready to employ 10000 Men, under the Conduct of well-experienc'd Commanders, in Defence of your Royal Rights and Prerogatives. They pray,

  • 1. A Free Parliament to be held in an indifferent Place, wherein their Grievances may be redress'd.
  • 2. That the Statute of 10 H. 7. called Poynings Act, be suspended, and afterwards, by Advice of Parliament, either repeal'd or continu'd, as they find sit, and that no matter whereof Complaint is made in this Remonstrance may debar Catholicks from Sitting and Voting in the said Parliament.


Can the Consederates imagine it reasonable, that because they will be Rebels without Cause of Provocation, therefore your Majesty and your good People must neither have Parliament nor Courts of Justice to sustain and comfort them? Whereas they affect to vilifie the Members of Parliament, they cannot but know, that the Peers are the very same, and the Commons for the most Part the same, that were thought worthy to sit with them, and as active and able in the Service of your Majesty and the Commonwealth, as any of them, and much more faithful. And for such of these Confederates as the wholesome Laws of the Land have cast out for their Treasons and Breach of Faith both to God and Man, there are by due Election substituted in their Places, Men of Estate for the most Part, but all honest and legal Men.

The Terms since the beginning of Hillary -Term, 1641, have been kept at Dublin, as legally they ought to be, and many known Traitors and Rebels on full Evidence Indicted, and many duely outlawed, but no faithful Subjects have been Indicted or Prosecuted, no Sheriffs appointed, but Men of known Credit and Subsistence, competent for such a Trust as now the State of the Kingdom standeth, most of the former Sheriffs openly joining in the Rebellion. Whereas they seem offended that Soldiers are Members of Parliament, and serve as Jurors, they should have considered, that their Rebellion forced many of those Men to take up that honourable Profession, to stand in your Majesty's just Quarrel against the Remonstrants, and defend the Residue of your distressed Subjects, and that many of those Men had (till the Confederates robb'd them) and still have Interests in as good Estates as themselves, and as well in that regard as of Abilities, are as fit for the best Trust in the Commonwealth. That any have been tried for their Lives and Estates that came in upon Protection and the publick Faith, is a notorious Untruth. And whereas they Protest against the present Parliament. and desire one that they call a free one, 'tis plain, they intend the Dissolving of the Parliament now sitting; and how dangerous that may prove, is left to your Majesty's Wisdom; for, 1. They, being the Parties criminous, will gain the acquital of their Treasons, and the management of Affairs, and wholly exclude your Protestant Subjects, who so faithfully have served you; and thus those of us that they have left undestroyed by the Sword of Rebellion, they now desire to destroy or banish by colour of Justice. And adly, by repealing of Poyning's Law, 'tis evident the Remonstrants design to bereave your Majesty of your Rights, and that you shall not be acquainted with what Laws they make, and so they may repeal the Stat. 2 Eliz. against the Pope's usurped Jurisdiction, and all Laws touching the Worship of God, whereby your Majesty will lose above the one Moiety of your Regal Authority, and God be bereaved of his Honour, and all good People forced to forsake that Kingdom. 3. The Remonstrants have erected a popular Government viz. Their Supream Provincial, and County-Councils, which if they should settle by Act of Parliament, they would thereby give Countenance to their past Actions, and for ever exclude the Laws of England, which for 400 Years have governed them. 4. Your Majesty is already intituled to a great Part of that Kingdom, by Attainder of many of the Remonstrants in this Rebellion, which by this means they will be sure to deprive your Majesty of, and so disable your Majesty to raise any yearly Revenue out of their Lands, or make your Protestant Subjects any Satisfaction for their Losses.

Lastly, Your Protestant Subjects crave leave to inform your Majesty, that the Confedrates have violated the Cessation, and as well by Fraud as Force, have taken from divers of your Protestant Subjects several Places of Strength, Lands and Goods to a great Value, and refuse to make Restitution, but have burnt and wasted many Places, to the Ruin and Terror of your said Subjects, and do yet detain the greatest Part of the 30000 Pounds, which, by the Treaty of the said Cessation, they were obliged to pay towards Maintenance of your Majesty's Army, tho'long since due, whereby your Army, that rely'd thereupon, is reduced to great Extremities, and forced to be burthensome to your Protestant Subjects, to the great Disservice of your Majesty.

By all which 'tisevident, they intend nothing less than the absolute Extirpation of your Majesty's English Government, and Protestant Subjects.

Thus far the Answer of the Protestant Agents.

But as these Irish Rebels made use of these false, tho' specious Pretensions, in their Remonstrance to the King, so on the other Side, to delude the People, they spread abroad many other vile Fictions and Scandals on his Majesty; and amongst the rest, were so wicked, in the beginning of their Rebellion, as to pretend a Commission for their Doings; which having been hinted at, and mentioned by several Authors, is here exposed at large, as it was printed in those times, the Words being enough to shew their villainous Practice, notwithstanding their Pretence of Loyalty to the King; and its bare Recital is a sufficient Refutation and Detection of the unparallel'd Forgery.

From our Camp at the Newry, this 4th of November, 1641.

Phelim O Neale, Rory Mac-Guire, &c.

The Irish Rebels pretended Commission, communicated by Sir Phelim O Neale, and Mac-Guire, to the Confederates

To all Catholicks of the Roman Party both English and Irish, within the Kingdom of Ireland, we wish all Happiness, Freedom of Conscience, and Victory over the English Hereticks, who have for a long time Tyrannized over our Bodies, and Usurped by Extortion our Estates.

Be it hereby made known unto you all, our Friends and Countrymen, that the King's most Excellent Majesty for many great and urgent Causes threunto moving reposing Trust and Confidence in our Fidelity, has signified unto us, by his Commission under the Great Seal of Scotland, bearing Date at Edenburgh the first Day of this Instant Octob. 1641. and also by Letters under his Sign Manuel bearing Date with the said Commission, of divers great and beinous Affronts that the English Protestants, especially the Parliament there, have published against his Royal Person and Prerogative and also against our Catholick Friends within the Kingdom of England; the Copy of which Commission we have here sent unto you, to be published with all speed in all Parts of this Kingdom, that you may be assured of our sufficient Warrant and Authority herein, VIZ.

The Commission pretended by the Irish Papists.

Charles, by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all Catholick Subjects within our Kingdom of Ireland, Greeting. Know you that We, for the Safe-guard and Preservation of our Person have been forced to make our Abode and Residence in our Kingdom of Scotland for a long Season, occasioned by Reason of the obstinate and disobedient Carriage of our Parliament of England against Us, who have not only presumed to take upon them the Government, and disposing of those Princely Rights and Prerogatives that have justly descended unto Us from our Predecessors, both Kings and Queens of the said Kingdom, for many 100 Years past, but also have possessed themselves of the whole Strength of the said Kingdom, in appointing Governors, Commanders, Officers, in all Parts and Places therein, at their own Will and Pleasure, without our Consent; whereby We are deprived of our Soverignty, and left naked without Defence: And for as much as We are in our selves very sensible, that these Storms blow alost, and are very likely to be carried by the Vebemency of the Protestant Party into our Kingdom of Ireland, and indanger our Royal Power and Authority there also; Know ye, therefore that We, reposing much Care and Trust in your Duty and Obedience, which We have for many Years past found, do hereby give unto you full power and Authority to assemble and meet together, with all the Speed and Diligence that a Business of so great a Consequence doth require, and to advise and consult together, by a sufficient and discreet Number, at all Times, Days and Places, which you shall in your Judgment hold most convenient and material for the ordering, settling and effecting of this great Work, mentioned and directed to you in Our Letters and to use all Politick Ways and Means possibly to possess your selves for Our Use and Safety of all the Forts, Castles, and Places of Strength and Defence within the said Kingdom, except the Places, Persons and Estates of Our Loyal and Loving Subjects the Scots: And also to arrest and seize the Goods Estates and Persons, of all the English Protestants within the said Kingdom, to Our Use; and in your Care and Speedy Performance of this Our Will and Pleasure We shall perceive your wonted Duty and Allegiance unto Us, which We shall acknowledge and rewardin One Time. Witness Our Self at Edingburgh the 1st Day of October, in the 17th Year of Our Reign.

These, and the like false, seditious and traiterour Reports and Pretensions of the Rebels, occasioned the Lords-Justices and Council of the Kingdom of Ireland, to set forth this following Proclamation.

By the Lords Justices and Council.

William Parsons. Jo. Borlase.

A Proclamation against the Calumny of the Rebels Pretence of acting by the King's Commission, Octob. 30th. 1641.

Where as we the Lords-Justices and Council have lately found That there was a most disloyal wicked and detestable Conspiracy intended and plotted against the Lives of Us, the Lords-Justices and Council, and many others of his Majesty's faithful Subjects, especially in Ulster, and the Borders thereof: And for the surprizing not only his Majesty's Castle of Dublin, his Majesty's Principal Fort; but also of other Fortifications in several Parts; and although by the great and abundany Mercy of Almighty God to his Majesty, and to this State and Kingdom these wicked Conspiracies are brought to Light, and some of the Conspirators committed to the Castle of Dublin by Us, by his Majesty's Authority, so as those wicked and damnable Plots have not taken effect in the chief Parts thereof: Yet some of those wicked Malefactors have surprised some of his Majesty's Forts and Garrisons in the North of Ireland, slain divers of his Majesty's good Subjects, imprisoned some, robbed and spoiled very many others, and continue yet in those rebellious Courses, against whom therefore some of his Majesty's Forces are now marching to fight against them and subdue them, thereby to render Safety to his Majesty's faithful Subjects. And whereas, to colour and countenance these their wicked Intendments and Acts, and in hope to gain the more Numbers and Reputation to themselves and their Proceedings in the Opinion of the ignorant common People; those Conspirators have yet gone further, and to their other High Crimes and Offences, have added this further Wickeness, even to traduce the Crown and State as well of England as Ireland, by false Seditions and scandalous Reports, and Rumours spread abroad by them: We therefore to vindicate the Crown and State of both Kingdoms from those false and wicked Calumnies, do hereby in his Majesty's Name publish and declare, That the said Reports so spread abroad by those wicked Persons, are most False, Wicked and Trayterous, and that We have full Power and Authority from his Majesty to Prosecute and Subdue those Rebels and Traytors, which now We are doing accordingly by the Power and Strength of his Majesty's Army, and with he Assistance of his Majesty's good and loyal Subjects, We no ways doubt but all his Majesty's good and faithful Subjects will give Faith and Credit to Us, who have the Honour to be trusted by his Majesty so highly, as to serve him in the Government of this his Kingdom, rather than to the vain, idle, and wicked Reports of such lewd and wicked Conspirators, who spread those false and seditious Rumours, hoping to seduce a great Number to their Party. And as we now believe, that some who have joined themselves with these Conspirators, had no hand in contriving or plotting the Mischiefs intended, but under the Pretence of these seditious Scandals, were deluded by those Conspirators; and so are now become ignorantly involved in their Guilts, so in Favour and Mercy to those so deluded, We hereby charge and command them in his Majesty's Name now from us to take Light to guide them from that Darkness into which they are misled, by the wicked Seducement of those Conspirators, and to depart from them, and from their wicked Counsels and Actions, and according to the Duty of Loyal Subjects, to submit themselves to his Sacred Majesty, and to his Royal Authority intrusted with us; but in Case those Persons which were no Plotters nor Contrivers of the said Treason, but were seduced to join with them as aforesaid, lay not hold of this his Majesty's Grace and Favour now rendred unto them: Then we do by this Proclamation publish and declare, that they shall hereafter be reputed and taken equally guilty with the said Plotters and Contrivers, and as uncapable of Favour and Mercy as they are.

    Given at His Majesty's Castle of Dublin, the 30th of October, 1641.

  • La. Dublin.
  • R. Ranelagh.
  • Ant. Midensis.
  • John Rophoe.
  • R. Dillon.
  • J. Temple.
  • P. Crosby.
  • James Ware.
  • Robert Merideth.

The Reason and Design of their pretending such a Commission, will appear from their own Acknowledgment, attested by a Reverend Witness.

Part of the Deposition of Robert Maxwell, Dr. of Divinity, (and afterwards Bishop of Kilmore) Deposed Aug. 22, 1642. which is recited at large in the Appendix to the History of the Execrable Irish Rebellion, Fol. 126.

Part of Dr. Maxwell's Deposition.

And this Deponent further faith, That he demanded why sometimes they pretended a Commission from the King, at other times from the Queen, since all wise Men knew that the King would not grant a Commission against himself, and the Queen could not? They being Commanders and Friars, said, That it was Lawful for them to pretend what they could in Advancement of their Cause. That many Garrison Soldiers (now their Prisoners, whom they determined to employ in the War, and to train others) would not serve them in regard of their Oath, unless they were made so to believe. That in all Wars, Rumours and Lyes served many times to as good purpose as Arms, and that they would not disclaim any Advantage. But they said, for the Queen (in regard as a Catholick she had Enemies enough already) they would command their Priests publickly (at Mass) to discharge the People from speaking of her as a Cause or Abetter of the present Troubles.

How they Counterfeited the Seal.; M.S written by the Earl of Clarendon.

The manner of their fixing the Seal to this Counterfeit Commission, I find to be mentioned in a Manuscript, affirmed to be written by Edward late Earl of Clarendon, treating of that Rebellion in these Words. 'One Circumstance of unhappy and impious Policy must not be forgotten, by 'which the bold Authors of that unnatural War, in the first Entrance into it, promised to themselves notable Advantages; and which in truth, as most of the Policies of that kind, brought unspeakble Misery and Devastation upon that Nation: For the better seducing the People, who, having lived so long in Peace and Amity with the English, were not without some Reverence to that Government; and so could not in plain and direct Terms be easily led into an avowed Rebellion against their King, they not only declared, and with great Skill and Industry published throughout the Kingdom, That they took Arms for the King, and the Defence of his Lawful Prerogative, against the Puritanical Parliament of England; which they said invaded it in many Parts, and that what they did was by his Majesty's Approbation and Authority: And to gain Credit to that Fiction, they produc'd and shew'd a Commission, to which they had fasten'd an Impression of the Great Seal, which they had taken off from some Grant or Patent, which had regularly and legally pass'd the Seal; and so it was not difficult to perswade weak and unexperienc'd Persons to believe that it was a true Seal, and real Commission from the King. And by this fatal Stratagem, they cast so odious an Imputation upon the King, and upon those Persons who were worthily nearest him in his Affection and Councils. That the Seditious Party in England, who were then contriving all the Mischief they afterwards brought to pass, used all their Arts to propagate those horrid Calumnies, and to infuse into the Hearts of the People an Irreverence and Jealousie of the King, Queen, and those nearest in Trust to either of them; so that his Majesty was even compell'd for his own Vindication, and least he might be thought too saint a Prosecutor of an Enemy, whose Insurrection, it was said, he himself had fomented, to commit the whole Management of that War to the two Houses of Parliament; and they having obtain'd this Power, interested and trusted such Members of their own Body with the ordering and directing of the same, as were resolv'd with most Passion, Uncharitableness and Violence to prosecute that whole Nation; and the Religion that was most generally exercised there: And by this means all Persons who were to conduct both the Civil and Military Affairs in Ireland, were drawn to a Dependance upon the two Houses of Parliament at Westminster. All Officers and Commanders for that War were nominated and approv'd by them; all Monies raised for that Service, was issu'd and dispos'd only by their Orders; from whence it came to pass, that they who craftily intended to derive a Support and Countenance to themselves, by using the King's Name to Purposes which he abhorr'd, foolishly thereby defrauded and depriv'd themselves of that Protection and Mercy which his Majesty might have vouchsafed to them for their Reduction and Preservation, &c. ——Thus that noble Pen.

I shall here add his Majesty's own Words concerning this Matter, as I find them in Εικων Βαζιλικὴ.

Upon the Rebellion and Troubles in Ireland, his Majesty thus expresses himself.

The Commotions in Ireland were so sudden and so violent, that it was hard at first, either to discern the Rise, or apply a Remedy to that precipitant Rebellion.

Indeed, that Sea of Blood that hath there been cruelly and barbarously shed, is enough to drown any Man in Eternal both Infamy and Misery, whom God shall find the malicious Author or Instigator of its Effusion.

It fell out as a most unhappy Advantage to some Mens Malice against me, that when they had Impudence enough to lay any thing to my Charge, this bloody Opportunity should be offered them, with which I must be aspersed, although there was nothing which could be more abhorred by me, being so full of Sin against God, Disloyalty to my Self, and Destructive to my Subjects.

Some Men took it very ill not to be believed, when they affirmed, That what the Irish Rebels did, was done with my privity, at least, if not by my Commission; but these knew too well, that it is no news for some of my Subjects to fight not only without my Commission, but against my Command and Person too, yet all the while to pretend they fight by my Authority, and for my Safety.

Ireland, 1641, 1642, &c.

An Abstract of some Depositions, shewing that the Irish designed to alter the Government of Ireland, into the Hands of an Irish Governour, to Reign over them.

George Cooke of Lissignie (inter caetera) deposeth, That one Tirlagh O Gowne, alias Smith, a Popish Priest, said, That the Papists would have their Churches, Lands, and Kingdom to themselves, from the English, and be no more Slaves to the English, as they had been, or else they would lose their Lives.

Richard Colley, of the Parish of Kinnallie (inter alia) deposeth, That Bryan O Cormaik, of Disternam, and other Rebels, said, They would never submit to any Englishman.

Thomas Magill, Clerk, deposeth, That Collogh, Mac-Bryan, Mac-Mahowne, and several other Rebels, said, That they would not be subject to any Parliaments in England, and that they would have none to Govern over them but a born Irishman.

Matthew Browne of Cloniss, Gentleman, deposeth, That he heard Peter Bath say, That they looked to have the King to put out the Words Defender of the Faith, for none was Supreme of the Church, and Defender of the Faith, but the Pope.

Richard Whirton of Kilvane, (inter caet.) deposeth, That Luke Birne of Kilvane, said, He would have their Religion flourish, no Thanks to the King.

Edward Deasclye, (inter caet.) deposeth, That Luke Toole and Luke Birne, offered a Pass to this Examinant, which they said would be better than the King's Pass.

Thomas Taylor of Kilmore, (inter caet.) deposeth, That he heard Mulmore Okely say, That if the said Deponent would deny the King, he should speed as they did.

William Wright of Culmonyn, (inter caet.) deposeth, That John Good of Clonay Sawne, and Dermot Mac-Phelmi, said, That they hoped to have all Protestants hanged within one Fortnight, and him that did protect them.

Richard Knowles of Newtowne, (inter alia) deposeth, That Rory Magwire, Richard Nugent, Donogh Magwire, by whose means he was robbed, some of the said Robbers said, That they had a King of their own in Ireland.

Nicholas Michaell of Farnam, (inter caet.) deposeth, That he heard the Parties that robbed him say, They had an Irish King amongst them, and they regarded not King Charles the King of England.

Robert Barton of Newtowne, (inter cæt.) deposeth, That some of the Rebels said, They had a new King, and had Commission from him for what they did.

Thomas Midlebrooke, (inter cæt.) deposeth, About the 26th of October last past, be beard one Cahell-Boy, Mac-Demot of Kilrout, say, That within one Fortnight they should have a new King of Ireland Crowned, one of the O Neals, or Words to that effect.

Avis Brashaw, (inter cæt.) deposeth, That she heard the above said Cahell Boy say the same, or Words to that effect.

Alice Champin, the Relict of Arthur Champin, (inter cæt.) deposeth, That she heard the rebellious Irish say, That Sir Phelim O Neale should be King of Ireland, and that they would give a great Sum of Money, on Condition they had our Gracious King Charles his Head.

Elizabeth Gough deposeth, That Cahir Okelay, and Thomas Mac-Encourr said, They proposed to have a King of their own, and that Sir Phelim O Neale should be he.

John Gregg of Clovenedan, (inter cæt.) deposeth, That Captain Shaue O Neale, stiled Sir Phelim O Neale, his Majesty.

Martha Clume deposeth, That one Art Mac-Patrick, Mac-Toole Boy, Mac-Mahowne, speaking to her in Irish, she desired him to deliver himself in English, for she understood not Irish, who answered her in English, That such as spoke in English should pay 10 Shillings to the King; and the Deponent demanding of him what King, be answered, What King but the Earl of Tyrone.

Hugh Clume deposeth, That he was credibly told, that Art Mac-Mahowne said, That they that spoke English should pay 10 Shillings to the King; the Party to whom it was spoke desiring to know what King, his Answer was, What King but the Earl of Tyrone.

Anne Gill deposeth, That Rory Magwire, in the Presence of this Deponent, and a great many of her Neighbours, gave forth, That it was to no Purpose for them to flee to Dublin for Succour, for Dublin was taken by the Lord Magwire, who was to be King of Ireland.

A Breviate of some of the Cruelties, Murders, &c. committed by the Irish Popish Rebels, upon the Protestants in the Rebellion and Massacre which broke out in that Kingdom, Octob. 23, 1641. attested upon Oath.

Breviate of Popish Irish Cruelties.

The following Extract is grounded upon Depositions and Examinations taken upon Oath, by Virtue of Commissions under the Great Seal of Ireland, remaining in the Repositories of Records at Dublin, and some time in the Custody of the Clerk of the Council, to which abundant more Instances, of like kind, might be added from undoubted Proofs or Vouchers, especially if the Examinations of Archdeacon Biss could be recovered; who being, amongst others, impowered about such Examinations, very diligently applied himself thereunto, and took many and large Depositions in the Province of Munster, which 'tis probable would much have enlightned Posterity in this matter; but as he himself afterwards falling into the Hands of the Irish, was by them inhumanly murthered, they expressing that to be the Cause, viz. The Examinations then taken; so also the said Examinations have since, by I know not what ill Luck or Means, been smother'd or lost; but there yet remain Testimonies enough to satisfie any rational Person, and fill him with Horror to review such a frightful and barbarous Scene.

The Letter p. referreth to the Page in the Archieves at Dublin, now in the Possession of the Clerk of the Council.

The County of Antrim.

The Rebels confessed to this Deponent, That they had killed in one Morning 954 in this County; and besides them, they supposed they had killed 11 hundred or 12 hundred more in that County. Dr. Maxwel's Examination, Coun. Armagh. p. 11, 12.

The County of Armagh.

Protestants in Multitudes forced over the Bridge of Portuedown, where by at several times there were drowned in the River of Bann, above 1000. Gertude Carlisle, County Tirone, p. 3. Christian Stanbaw, Co. Armagh, p. 1. Owen Frankland, p. 2. Margaret Bromley, Co. Armagh, p. 1. Rich. Newbeary, Co. Armagh, p. 2. Ellinor Fullerton, Co. Armagh, p. 2. Dr. Maxwell, Co. Armagh, p. 11, 12. Henry Read, Co. Monaghan, p. 1. Eliz. Price, Co. Armagh, p. 1. Jone Constable, Co. Armagh, p. 3. Tho. Green, Co. Armagh, p. 1. William Clerk, Co. Armagh, p. 1. Edw. Saltenstall, Geo. Litlefield, Co. Armagh, p. 3.

Great Number of Protestants drowned at Corbridge and Kinare, in the County of Armagh. Dr. Maxwell, Co. Armagh, p. 12. Alexander Creibton, Co. Monaghan, p. 3. William Holland, Co. Monaghan, p. 3.

Mr. Fullerton Clerk, Mr. Aubrey, Mr. Gladwich murther'd in the way towards Portuedowne. William Clark, Co. Armagh, p. 1. Jo. Montgomery Co. Monaghan.

Many other murthered, five murthered soon after the beginning of the Rebellion; fifty murthered at Blackwater Church. Margaret Fillis, Christian Stanhaw, Owen Frankland, Anne Smith, Margaret Clerk, Co. Armagh, p. 1.

Twenty drowned near the Water of Callon, and several other murthered. Ellinor Fullerton, Co. Armagh, p. 2.

Mr. William Blundell, drawn by the Neck in a Rope up and down Blackwater at Charlemont, to confess Money; and three Weeks after, he, with his Wife and seven Children drowned. Forty-four at several times drowned. A Wife compell'd to hang her own Husband, with several other notorious Murders. Edward Saltenstall, George Litlefield, Co. Armagh, p. 9.

Mr. Robinson the Minister, his Wife and three Children, and seven more murthered. Margaret Bromley, Co. Armagh.

Two and Twenty Protestants put into a Thatch'd House in the Parish of Kilmore, and there burnt alive. Anne Smith, Margaret Clerk, Margaret Fillis, Co. Armagh, p. 1. Christopher Stanhaw, Ellin. Fullerton, Ellin. Patchet, Co. Armagh, p. 2. Jone Constable, Co. Armagh, p. 1, 2. Captain Jer. Perkins, Co. Tirone, p. 9.

The Lord Canfield murthered.

Doctor Hodges, with forty-three more murthered within a quarter of a Mile of Charlemont. Elizabeth Price, Co. Armagh, p. 1, 2.

The Wife of Arnold Taylor, great with Child, had her Belly ript up, then drowned. Eliz. Price, Co. Armagh, p. 8, 9.

Thomas Mason buried alive.

Seventeen Men, Women, and Children, cast into a Bog-pit in the Parish of Dumcrees, many more murthered. Tho. Green, Co. Armagh, p. 1.

Fifteen hundred murthered in three Parishes. Twenty-seven more murther'd, Mr. Cambel drown'd. James Shaw, Co. Armagh, p. 1.

Three hundred Protestants stript naked, and put into the Church of Loghall, whereof about a Hundred murtherd within the Church, amongst whom John Greg was quarter'd alive; his Quarters thrown into the Face of Richard Greg his Father. The said Richard was after there murdered, having received seventeen or eighteen Wounds, after cut into Quarters in this Deponent's (his Wife's) Presence. Such as were not murdered, were turn'd out a begging amongst the Irish naked, and into the Cold, most of which were killed by Irish Trulls and Children. Alice Greg, Co. Armagh, p. 1.

Rowry Mac-Guire, upon the 24th of October, 1641, came with his Company into Lissenskeath, and desired in a friendly Manner to speak with Master Midleton, who had the keeping of the Castle; the first thing he did, as soon as he was entred therein, was to burn the Records of the County, whereof Master Midleton was the Keeper, being Clerk of the Peace, which he enforced him to deliver unto him, as likewise One Thousand Pounds he had in his Hands of Sir William Balfoures; which as soon as he had, he compell'd the said Midleton to hear Mass, and swear never to alter from it; and immediately after caused him, his Wife and Children to be hanged up, and hanged and murdered an hundred Persons besides at least in that Town. These Particulars, and several others are set down at large in a Relation sent by Sir John Dunbar, Kt. one of the Justices of the Peace within the County of Fermanagh.

William Clarke of the County of Armagh, Tanner, saith, That he, with a Hundred Men, Women and Children, or thereabouts, were by the Rebels driven like Hogs about six Miles to a River, call'd the Band; In which Place the aforesaid Christians were most barbarously used, by forcing them to go fast with Swords and Pikes, thrusting them into their Sides; and they murdered three by the way, and the rest they drove to the River aforesaid; and there forced them to go upon the Bridge which was cut down, and with their Pikes and Swords, and other Weapons, thrust them down Headlong into the said River, and immediately they perished; and those who assayed to swim to the Shore, the Rebels stood and shot at. Jurat. 7 Jan. 1641.

Elizabeth, the Wife of Captain Rue Price, of the Town and County of Armagh, deposeth, That five of her Children, together with a hundred and ten other Protestants, out of the Parishes of Armagh, Languale, and other Places, were sent away with Passes from Sir Phelim O Neale, with Promises safely to be convey'd over to their Friends in England: That their Conductor was Captain Manus O Cane and his Soldiers, who having brought, or rather driven them like Sheep or Beasts to the Bridge of Portuedowne, there forced or threw all those poor Protestants into the Water, together with the Deponents five Children, and then and there drowned most of them: And those who could swim and come to the Shore, they either knocked them on the Head, and so after drowned them, or else shot them to Death in the Water. Jurat. 29 Jan. 1641.

Elizabeth Price deposeth, That when as divers of the English were about to be murdered, and desir'd the Rebels on their Knees to admit them to make their Prayers to God, the Rebels have often, in her the Deponent's hearing, answer'd and said, in Irish, Bequeath your Soul to the Devil: and at other Times the Rebels would say, Why should you Pray, your Soul is with the Devil already? And with those Words in their Mouths, would Slaughter and put them to Death. Jurat, ut supra, January 1641.

John Cregge in the County of Armagh, Yeoman, deposeth, That in the Parish of Levilegish there were divers Englishmen cruelly murdered, some twice, some thrice hanged up, and others wounded and left half dead, crying out lamentably for some to come and end their Miseries, by killing them Jurat. January 7, 1641.

Anne, the Wife of Mervin Madesly, late of the City of Kilkenny, Gent. sworn and examined, deposeth, That some of the Rebels in Kilkenny aforesaid struck and beat a poor English Woman until she was forced into a Ditch where she died; those barbarous Rebels having first ript up her Child of about six Years of Age, and let her Guts run about her heels. Jurat.

James Geare, of the County of Monaughan, deposeth, That the Rebels at Clewnis murdered one James Nettervile, Proctor to the Minister there, who altho' he was diversly wounded, his Belly ript up, and his Entrails taken out and laid above a yard from him, yet he bled not at all until they lifted him up and carried him away; at which this Deponent being an Eye Witness, much wondered: and thus barbarously they used him, after they had drawn him to go to Mass with them. Jurat. April 6. 1641.

Philip Taylor, late of Portuedowne, deposeth, That the Rebels killed a Dyer's Wife at Rosie Trevor, at the Newry, and ript up her Belly, she being great of two Children, and threw her and her Children into a Ditch; and that he, this Deponent, drove away Swine from eating one of the Children. Jurat.

John Stubs, of the County of Longford, Gent. deposeth, That he heard by some of the Sheriffs Men, that Henry Mead and his Wife, John Bigel, William Stell and Daniel Stubs, the Deponent's Brother, were put to Death by Lifagh Farrol's and Oliver Fitz-Gerral's Men, who hanged them upon a Windmill, and when they were half dead, they cut them to pieces with their Skeins. Jurat. Novemb. 21. 1641.

Elizabeth Price deposeth, That a great number of poor Protestants, especially of Women and Children, they pricked and stabbed with their Skeins, Pitch-forks and Swords, and woula slash, mangle and cut them in their Heads, Breasts, Faces, Arms, and other parts of the Body, but not kill them outright, but leave them wallowing in their Blood, to languish, starve, and pine to Death: and whereas those so mangled, desired them to kill them out of their pain, they would deny it; but sometimes after a day or two, they would dash out their Brains with Stones, or by some other cruel way, which they accounted done as a favour, of which she hath in many particulars been an Eye Witness. Jurat. June 29. 1641.

William Parkinson, of Kilkenny, Esq; deposeth, That the Wife of John Harvey told him that she being at Kilkenny and being turned to Mass to save her Life, was notwithstanding stript again together with her Children; and one Purcell, a Butcher, after he had stript her Daughter of five years of Age, ripped up her Body till her Entrails fell out, whereof she died that night; whereof she complaining to the Mayor of Kilkenny, he bid away with her and dispatch her; so as not only the Butcher, but many others did beat and wound her, so as she hardly escaped with her Life. Jurat. ut supra. Nov. 21. 1641.

Mary Barlow deposeth, That her Husband being by the Rebels hanged before her Face, she and six Children were stripped stark naked, and turned out a begging in Frost and Snow by means whereof they were almost starved having nothing to eat in three Weeks, while they lay in a Cave, but two old Calf skins, which they beat with Stones, and so eat them, Hair and all, her Children crying out to her rather to go out and he killed by the Rebels than to starve there. Jurat.

One hundred and eighty drowned (at twice) at the Bridge at Callon: One hundred (some say two hundred) more in a Lough near Ballimackil morrogh. Captain Anthony Stafford, Co. Armagh, p. 2.

Mr. Gabriel Constable, and his Mother, eighty Years old, murdered. Jone Constable, Co. Armagh, p. 2.

Five hundred murdered at Armagh, besides forty eight Families murdered in the Parish of Killaman. Captain John Perkins, Co. Tirone, p. 6. Anthony Stafford, Co Armagh, p. 2.

Three had their Brains knock'd out with a Hatchet in the Church of Benburb. Eight Women drown'd in a River near the same Church. Christopher Glover murdered. John Parry, Co. Armagh, p. 2.

Lieutenant Giles Maxwell (by order from Sir Phelim O Neil) was dragg'd out of his Bed, (raving in the height of a burning Fever) driven two Miles, and murdered; his Wife big with Child, stripped stark naked, and drown'd in the Black water, the Child half born. Dr. Maxwell, p. 9. Co. Armagh, John Parry, Co. Armagh, p. 3.

Mr. Starkey (about one Hundred Years old) and his two Daughters stripped naked, the Daughter forced to support and lead their Father, (he not being able to go of himself) and having gone three quarter of a Mile, were all three drowned in a Turf-pit. Dr. Maxwell, Co. ARmagh, p. 9. Captain John Perkins, Co. Tirone, p. 6, 7.

The County of Caterlagh.

Richard Lake hang'd at Leighlin Bridge. Sixteen more hang'd nearer that Place. Two murdered near Caterlaugh. Two Women hang'd up by the Hair of their Heads all Night; the next Day, being found still alive, they were murdered. James Shaw, Co. Caterlagh, p. 1.

At or near Leighlin Bridge, three Men, with their Wives and Children, murdered. One Woman and her Daughter murdered. A Woman newly delivered of two Children, the one of them had his Brains beaten out against the Stones, and after thrown into the River Barrow, the other destroyed. About forty English murdered thereabouts. Almost all the English about Gowran and Wells, hanged and murdered. Dame Anne Butler, Co. Caterlagh, p. 1. Joseph Wheeler, Esq; Co. Kilkenny. Sir John Temple, f. 129.

The County of Cavon.

Protestants in great Numbers forced over the Bridge of Belturbet, in the County of Cavan, and there drowned. William Worth, Co. Cavan, p. 2. John Whitson, Co. Cavan. Arthur Culm, Esq; Co. Cavon, p. 6. Robert Bennet, Richard Smith, Jone Killin.

The County of Cork.

Thomas Lencome, and his Wife, hang'd at their own Door. John Selter, a Miller, cut in pieces hard by Ross. John Carpenter, and his Wife, hang'd in Mr. Morgan's Wood, and their three Children starved in the Place. Mary Tukesbury hang'd near thereunto. Mr. Tamuse, a Chirurgeon Barber, killed in the Streets of Ross, by one Christopher Cloud. Peter Perce of Ross scarborough, Co. Cork.

The County of Donnegal.

William Mackenny, and his Mother in Law, and his Wife, great with Child, murdered, his said Wife having her Belly ripped up, and the Child cut out of the Womb. Ralph Dutton, Anne Dutton, Co. Donnegal, p. 2.

The County of Down.

Eighty forced to go on the Ice on Lough Earn, till they brake the Ice, and were drowned. Peter Hill, Esq; Co. Down, p. 13, 14.

Mr. Tudge, the Minister of Newry, Lieutenant Trevor, and his Wife, and twenty four more, (some count fifty) murdered and cut in pieces at the Pass of Ballonery. Peter Hill, Esq; C. Down, p. 13. Elizabeth Pierce, C. Down, p. 1. Captain Henry Smith, C. Down, p. 7. Arthur Macgenis, C. Down, p. 1.

A Scotsman being driven out of the Newry, was knock'd on the Head by the Rebels, yet recovering himself, came naked again into the Town, whereupon the Rebels carried him and his Wife out of Town, cut him all to pieces, and with a Skein ripped up his Wife's Belly, so as a Child dropped out of her Womb. Owen Frankland of the City of Dublin, Sir John Temple's Hist. p. 96.

A Dyer's Wife of Ross Trevor, was killed at the Newry, and her Belly ripped up by the Rebels, (she being great with Child of two Children) who threw her and her Children into a Ditch; and that he, this Deponent, drove away Swine from eating one of her Children. Philip Taylor, Co. Armagh, Sir John Temple's Hist. p. 97.

The Rebels confessed, that Colonel Bryan O Neil killed about One Thousand in this County, besides Three Hundred killed at Killelagh, Dr. Maxwell's Examination.

At Servagh Bridge, One Hundred drowned. More 80. More 60. More 50. More 60. Twenty seven Men murdered. Captain Henry Smith, Co. Down, p. 7.

The County of Tipperary.

Four and twenty English, after they had revolted to the Mass, murdered at the Silver Mines. Anne Sherring, C. Tipperary, p. 1. Richard Bourk, C. Fermanagh, p. 3. John Powel, Co. Tipperary, p. 1. William Tims, Co. Tipperary.

James Hooker, Gent. and Mr. John Stuckley, and six more, murdered on Sir Richard Everet's Land. Mr. Richard Walker, and ten more, hang'd at Rathel. George Crawford, and above fifty more, murdered. Joyce, a Maid of Mr. Walker's, buried alive. Mr. Carr, Mr. Garter, and some Eighteen, hang'd and murder'd near Cashel. Mr. Dashwood, to whom the Rebels gave Quarter, and Convoy to Michael's Town, by one Prendergast-prender, murder'd on his own Land. Anne Long, Widow, Co. Tipperary Examination.

The County of Tyrone.

The Murder of Mr. John Mather, and Mr. Blyth, both Ministers in or near Dungannon, tho' Mr. Blyth had Sir Phelim O Neil's Protection, and sixty Families of the Town of Dungannon, murdered. John Perkins, Esq; Co. Tyrone, p. 1. Anthony Stratford, Co. Armagh, p. 1.

About Three Hundred murdered in the way to Colrain, by direction from Sir Phelim O Neil, and Firlagh, his Brother. Idem Perkins, p. 6.

In and about Dungannon three hundred and sixteen murthered. Between Charlemont and Dungannon above four hundred murthered: Drowned at and in the River of Benburb, and Blackwater two hundred and six. Idem, Stratford, p. 1.

Thirteen murthered one Morning by Patrick Mac-Crew of Dungannon: Two young Rebels did murther in the County of Tyrone one hundred and forty Women and Children: The Wife of Bryan Relly of Loghgall murthered five and forty with her own Hands. Idem, Stratford, p. 1.

At a Mill-pool in the Parish of Killamon, were drown'd in one Day three hundred. Idem, p. 2.

Eighteen Scotch Infants hanged on Clothiers Tenter-Hooks, and one young fat Scotchman murthered, and Candles made of his Grease; another Scotchman's Belly ripped up, and the end of his small Guts tied to a Tree, then he was drawn about till his Guts were pulled out, that they might try (said they) whether a Dog's or a Scotchman's Guts were longest. Idem, p. 3.

The County of Wickloe.

A young Child of a Year and a quarter old, of the Deponents, taken from her Back, thrown and trodden upon, that it died, the Mother and three other Children stripp'd naked, so as the said Children died; this was done upon the Lands of Bordkillamore, about the 11th of November 1641. Anne Hill, Co. Caterlagh, p. 1.

The Queen's County.

John Nicholson and his Wife murthered by Florence Fitzpatrick and his Servants on the Sabbath-Day, the first Deponent hardly escaping Death for burying them; Elizabeth Baskervile says, that Mrs. Fitz-patrick blamed the Murtherers, because they brought not Mrs. Nicholson's Fat for Grease, wherewith she might have made Candles. Walter Dishcome, q. C. p. 1. Emannel Beale, q. C. p. 1. Thomas Berry, q. C. p. 1. John Berry, Elizabeth Baskervile q. C. p. 1.

Thomas Keyes (a Justice of Peace of the Queen's County) Esq; aged sixty six, and Thomas Dubbleday hang'd near Burrough's Castle, and Dubbleday shot as he was hanging, both being first stripped naked, gored and pricked in several Parts of their Bodies. Thomas Holt, q. C. p. 1, 2, 3. Elinor Reges, q. C. p. 1. Samuel King, q. C. p. 2.

Amy Mamphin's Husband murthered, and she compelled to stand in his Blood, and she being stripped naked, was drawn by the Hair through Thorns, and after sent away. Amy Mamphin, q. C. p. 1.

An English Girl half hanged, and so buried. Joseph Wheeler, Esq; C. Kilkenny, p. 1.

Six English hanged by Florence Fitz-patrick after Quarter given, 1641, Lieutenant Henry Gilbert, q. C. p. 1.

Near Kilfeckell, an Englishman and his Wife, and four or five Children hanged by command of Sir Morgan Kauanaugh, and Mr. Robert Harpole, all afterwards cast into one Hole, the youngest Child, not fully dead, putting up the Hand, and crying Mammy, yet buried alive. William Parkison, Esq; C. Kilkenney, p. 4.

Mary Harding put in the Stocks, and whip'd to Death, and her Husband starv'd to Death by Florence Fitz-patrick and his Followers, after they had given him all their Goods on his Promise to relieve them and theirs. Joan Bidel of Montrab.

The County of Roscommon.

William Stewart had Collops cut off him being alive, Fire-coals put into his Mouth, his Belly ripp'd up, and his Intrails wrapp'd about his Neck and Wrists. Andrew Adaire, Esq; C. Mayo, p. 6.

The County of Sligo.

Mr. Thomas Stewart Merchant, and seven and thirty Protestants put into the Goal of Sligo, all except two or three murdered there the same night, by divers breaking in upon them at midnight. Edward Braxton, C. Sligo, p. 1. Amy Hawksworth, C. Roscommon. Ralph Lambert, C. Galloway, p. 3. Henry Langford, Robert Brown, James Brown, C. Rosc. p. 1, 2, 3. William Welch, C. Sligo, p. 1. John Harrison, Esq; C. Sligo, p. 1. John Goldsmith, Clerk, C. Mayo, p. 8.

Elizabeth Beard was killed in the River by a Frier's Man. Jane Stewart, C. Sligo, p. as her Examination before Sir George Shurly.

A Frier with some Soldiers undertaking to conduct Mr. Thomas Walker, a Minister, his Man, and two Gentlewomen from Roserk to Abbey-boyle, the Frier riding away, they fell into an Ambush laid for them, where Mr. Walker, being upon his Knees at Prayer, they cleft his Skull to his Mouth, killed his Man, and stripped the Women, one of which was afterwards murder'd at Ballymoate. John Shrewly, Clerk, C. Sligo, p. 1.

Five and forty Men, Women and Children murdered and destroyed near Ballysekerry. Idem. p. 2.

Mr. William Ollisant, Clerk, stripped half naked at Temple-house, and after dragged, with a Rope about his Neck, at a Horse Heels up and down, because he would not turn Papist. Another Minister at the same time murdered, 1641. Andrew Adaire, C. Mayo, p. 4. Jane Brown, p. 7. John Harrison, Esq; p. 1.

At Ardneglas and Skreen, about thirty Protestants, Men, Women and Children, murdered. Henry Langford, C. Roscommon, p. 3.

Ten Men, Women and Children buried alive near Titemple or Temple-house. Andrew Adaire, Esq; C. Mayo, p. 4.

In Sligo the Rebels forced one Lewis the younger to kill his Father, and then they hang'd the Son. John Rutledge, Sir John Temple's Hist. p. 100.

Twelve murdered at the Graige, one of them, being a Woman great with Child, had her Belly ripp'd up, the Child falling out alive, and a Child of a Year and a half old hang'd, another of them, named Robert Pyne, being twice hanged up, was cast into his Grave, where he sat up, saying, Christ receive my Soul, and so was buried quick. Joseph Wheeler, Esq; Co. Kilkenny, p. 5.

At Balincolough, within four miles of Ross, April 1642. John Stone of the Graige, his Sons, his two Sons-in-Law and his two Daughters were hang'd, one of his Daughters being great with Child, had her Belly ripp'd up, her Child taken forth, and such barbarous beastly Actions used to her, as are not fit to be mentioned. Owen Frankland of the City of Dublin.

The King's County.

Mrs. Jane Addis of Kilcoursie, after her going to Mass, murdered in her House, having a Child not a quarter old, the Murderers putting the dead Woman's Breast into the Child's Mouth, bad it suck, English Bastard, and so left it. Margaret King, King's County, p. 1. James Dowdall K. C. p. 3. John Wild, C. West Meath, p. 1. Thomas Fleetwood, C. West Meath, p. 5, 6.

A Woman aged Eighty Years, Stripp'd naked in Frost and Snow, by two Daughters of Rowry Coghlan of Fercall Wood, before whose Door she died. Henry Ayliff, K. C. p. 1.

Two and twenty Women, and several Children stripp'd naked, who covering themselves in a House with Straw, the Rebels tired the Straw, and threw it amonst them to burn them; and they had been burned, had they not been rescued by others, who turned them out naked in Frost and Snow, so as many died, yea, the Children died in their Mothers Arms. Magdalen Redmain, K.C. p. 1.

Mr. William Liston and Mr. Thomas Fullerton, Clerks, kept two Days without Meat or Drink, and then murdered near Mannor Hamilton, the 24th of January, 1641. Andrew Adaire, C. Mayo, p. 6.

An English Child taken by the Heels, had its Brains dasht out against a Block of Timber. Andrew Adaire, C. Mayo, p. 6.

The County of Longford.

William Steel and four others hang'd at a Windmill near to Rackleen, till they were half dead, and then cut in pieces by the Rebels. John Stobbs, C. Longford, p. 1. Susanna Steel, C. Longford, p. 2.

The Wife of Henry Mead hang'd, the said Henry himself being placed in a Ring amongst the Rebels, each of them stabbing of him as he was forced to fly from side to side, and so continued till his Shoulder and Breast were cut in two with a Bill-hook. Susanna Steel, C. Longford, p. 2.

George Foster, his Wife and Child, and the Wife of John Bezell murdered at Ballincorr; one other drowned, some Children there buried alive. Susanna Steel, p. 3.

The County of Mayo.

A young Boy, Mr. Montgomery's Son, killed by one that had been his Schoolmaster, the Boy the while crying, Good Master do not kill me, but whip me as much as you will. A Man wounded and buried alive. A Minister murdered after he had gone to Mass. Another hanged near Ballyben. Idem. p. 9.

At the Moyne, alias Mogne, fifty nine Protestants stripp'd naked, and after barbaroutly murdered: Some increase the Number much. Thomas Hewet, C. Mayo, p.6. Henry Langford, C. Roscommon, p.3.

William Gibb and his Wife, both very old, murdered at the Moyne. John Shrewly, Clerk, Co. Sligo.

One hundred and twenty Men, Women and Children stripp'd naked, and after murdered at Bellick, alias Belleeke. Andrew Addire, Esq; C. Mayo, p. 4, 5.

The County of Dublin.

About the 28th of December, 1641. the Wife of Joseph Smithson, Minister, was carried from Deansgrange near Dublin to Stellorgan, from thence to Powerscourt, and there she and her Servant hanged. Joseph Smithson, Co. Dublin, p.1.

Ninety Protestants murdered at Moneagh Castle; eighty at Tullaugh Castle; near Cordiller three hanged; one more hanged. Joseph Sympson, Gentleman, C. Fermanagh. Thomas Wenslow, C. Fermanagh, p. 1, 2.

Mr. Middleton and one hundred more murdered by Rowry Mac-Guire at Castleskeagh. Sir John Dunbar's Relation.

Fourteen Protestants hanged. Robert Flack, C. Fermanagh, p. 2, 3.

Fourteen Protestants in the Parish of Newtown murthered. John Parry, Co. Fermanagh.

Eighteen, some write seventeen, half hanged in the Church of Clownish, and so buried. Mrs. Aldrich, Sir John Temple, Hist. p. 95.

Thirty murthered in the Parish of Clankelly. Hugh Stokes, C. Fermangh.

Twelve more murthered in Newtown. Robert French, Co. Fermanagh.

William Ogden murthered. Anne Ogden his Wife, Co. Ferman.

Parson Flack and forty more, after promise of safe Conveyance to Balishannon, drown'd by Rowry Mac-guire and his Confederates. Sir John Dunbar's Relation.

One hundred fifty and two, another says one hundred, murthered at Tully, after Quarter given or promised them. Robert Aldrich, Co. Managhan, p. 1. Richard Bourk, C. Fermanagh, p. 1.

Fifteen hang'd at Lowtherstown; two murther'd at Kynally. Richard Boulk, Co. Fermanagh, p. 1.

A Child of Thomas Strattons of Newtown, boil'd to Death in a Caldron. Margaret Parkin, Elizabeth Bursell, Sir John Temple's Hist. p. 101.

The County of Galloway.

Sixty five Protestants, some say eighty, some ninety, many of them Ministers, were murthered at the Bridge of Shreel alias Shruel, Ludovicus Jones being amongst the rest hurried there to that intent, but escaped and died at Dublin, aged 104. Ezliabeth Bucanan, Co. Mayo, p. 1. Henry Bringhurst, Co. Mayo, p. 2. and Co. John Goldsmith, Clerk, p. 6. Henry Lanford, Robert Brown, James Brown, Co. Roscommon, p. 3. Thomas Johnson, Co. Mayo, p. 3. Andrew Adaire, Esq; Co. Mayo, p. 5. Thomas Hawet, Co. Mayo, p. 3.

The County of Kerry.

Mrs. Whittell, her Husband, and eight more murthered on Sir Valentine Brown's Lands, John and Simon Heard Kill'd near Castle-haven, Goodman Cranbee's Wife and Children murthered, seven drown'd by Daintfaint's Rebels. John Heard, and Fortune his Wife, of Kilarney in the Co. of Kerry.

The County of Kilkenny.

About the 20th of December, 1641, the Protestants were stripp'd naked at Kilkenny, and whereas some of those stripp'd People with Ropes of Straw covered some part of their Nakedness, the Rebels set the Straw on fire, thereby burning and grievously scorching them, six Soldiers and two Boys, having Quarter given them, were nevertheless hanged at Kilkenny. John Maior of the City of Klikenny, p. 1. 3.

A young Girl stripp'd about Easter 1642, in the City of Kilkenny, by a Butcher, her Belly ript up that her Intrails fell out, where the Mayor, upon Complaint of the Mother, bad away with her and dispatch her; whereupon the Mother received seventeen or eighteen Wounds, and her other Child was also extreamly wounded, and all forced out of the City by Men, Women, and Boys throwing Stones and Dirt at them, so as the two Children died in a Ditch. William Parkinson, C. Kilkenny, p. 4. James Benn. City Kilkenny, p. 1. 4. John Maire, City Kilkenny, p. 4. James Madsley, Co. Kilkenny, Sir John Temple, Hist. p. 96.

John Duffield, of the County of Armagh, Gent. deposeth, That the Rebels wounded John Ward and Richard Duffield, so as they thereof died, and that their Wives, and the said John's six Children, being all stript, died of Want and Cold. And further faith, That many Thousands of Protestants, Men, Women, and Children, being stripped of their Cloaths, died also of Cold and Want, in several Parts of the Country. Jurat. Aug. 9. 1642.

Adam Clover deposeth, That he saw upon the Highway, a Woman left by the Rebels, stripped to her Smock, set upon by three Women, and some Children being Irish, who miserably rent and tore the said poor English Woman, and stripped her of her Smock, in a bitter Frost and Snow, so that she fell in Labour in their hands; and both she and her Child died there. Jurat. 4 Jan. 1641.

Jane, the Wife of Gabriel Constable, late of Drumead in the County of Armagh, Gent. sworn and examined, faith, That her Husband and his Mother, about 88 Years old, and his Brother, being murdered by the Rebels in the Parish of Kilmore, a great number of Protestants were, about Candlemas, 1641. by the means and instigation of Joane Hamskin, formerly a Protestant, but a meer Irish Woman, and lately turned to Mass, and of divers other, her Assistants forced and thrust into a thatch'd House within the Parish of Kilmore, and then and there, the Protestants being almost naked, covered with Rags only, the same House was, by that bloody Woman and her barbarous Assistants, set on Fire, in several Parts thereof, the poor imprisoned Parties (who were by armed Parties kept there locked in) were miserably burned to death; and at length the House fell upon them, and the combustible part of the House being consumed, before the Bodies of all those miserable Wretches were burned to ashes the Bodies of many of them lay there in holes, to the great terror of the beholders that were Protestants; three only escaped out of a hole in the House, and the rest that attempted to escape the Flames, were then and there forced and throwin again, and so burned to death. Jur. 16 June, 1642.

Thomas Green in the Parish of Dumeres, in the County of Armagh, Yeoman, and Elizabeth his Wife, sworn and examined, faith, That the Deponent, Tho. Green, hardly escaped away with his Life, but that the other Deponent, and six Children, were all left among the Rebels, and so stripped of their Cloaths, and Hunger starved, that five of the Children died; and she, this Deponent, being put to beg among the merciless Rebels, was at length rescued from them by the Scottish Army. She further faith, That the Rebels did throw in a Bog 17 Men, Women and Children, at one time, within the said Parish: And she is verily persuaded, that the Rebels, at several Times and Places, within the County of Armagh, drowned above 4000 Protestants, enforcing the Sons and Daughters of those very aged People, who were not able to go themselves, to take them out of their Beds and Houses, and to carry them to drowning; especially in the River of Toll in the Parish of Loughall. Jurat. Nov. 10. 1643.

John Clarke of Knockback, Gent. deposeth, That he heard credibly from Mr. Lightboun, Minister of the Naas, that the Rebels shot a Parish Clerk, near Kildare, thro'both his Thinhs, and afterwards digged a deep hole in the Ground wherein they set him upright on his Feet, and filled up the hole in the Earth, leaving out only his Head; in which state and posture they left the poor wounded Man, till he pined, languished, and so died. Jurat. 24 Octob. 1643.

Christian Stanhaw, the Relict of Henry Stanhaw, late of the County of Armagh, Esq, deposeth, That a Woman that formerly lived near Laugale, absolutely informed this Deponent. that the Rebels enforced a great number of Protestants, Men, Women and Children, into a House, which they set on Fire purposely to burn them, as they did; and still as any of them offered to comeout, to shun the Fire, the wicked Rebels, with Scythes which they had in their hands, cut them in pieces, and cast them into the Fire, and burned them with the rest. Jurat. 23 July, 1642.

Edward Salinstale deposeth, That the Rebels killed William Loverden when he was naked, his Wife and Children looking on, and cutting off his Head, held it up to his Wife and Children; and his sorrowful Wife taking his Corps, and burying it in a Garden, Patrick O Dally, a Rebel, took it up, and threw it into a Ditch. Jurat. ut supra.

Thomas Green, and Elizabeth his Wife, depose, That the Rebels, at several times, murdered, killed, and destroyed the most part of the protestants in the Parish of Dumeres, being about 300; and indeed, most of the Protestants in all the County thereabouts, did they kill and destroy, by drowning, hanging, burning, the Sword, starving, and other Deaths, exposing their slaughter'd Bodies to be devoured by Dogs, Swine, and other ravenous Creatures. And this Deponent, Elizabeth, saw the Dogs feed upon those dead Carcasses. Jurat. Nov. 10. 1643.

Arthur Agmoughty deposeth, That during the Siege of Castle Forbez, the Rebels killed poor Children, that went out to eat Weeds or Grass; and that a poor Woman, whose Husband was taken by the Rebels, went to them with two Children at her Feet, and one other at her Breast, hoping to beg her Husband's Life, but they slew her, and her sucking Child, broke the Neck of another of her Children, and the third hardly escaped. Jurat. Sept. 23. 1643.

Jane, the Relict of Gabriel Constable, deposeth, That the Rebels half killed one Ellen Millington, and then put her into a dry Hole, and made her fast in with Stones, whereof she languished and died. The Rebels bragged, how many of them went to see her kick and toss in the Hole, her Husband being formerly murdered by the Rebels. Jurat. ut supra.

Elizabeth Champion deposeth, That when the Rebels had set the Costle of Lisgoole on fire, upon the Protestants there enclosed, and saw the said House so burning, they said among themselves rejoicingly, Oh how sweetly do they fry. Jurat. ut supra.

Alexander Creighton, of Claslough in the County of Monaghan, Gent. deposeth, That he heard it credibly reported, among the Rebels afore said, at Glaslough, that Hugh Mac O Degan, a Priest, had done a most meritorious Act, in drawing betwixt 40 and 50 English and Scots, in the Parish of Ganalley, in the County of Fermanagh, to Reconciliation with the Church of Rome, and after giving them the Sacrament, demanded of them, whether Chist's Body was really in the Sacrament or no; and they said, yet And that he demanded of them further, whether they held the Pope to be Supream Head of the Church; they likewise answered, he was. And that thereupon, presently told them, they were in a good Faith, and for fear they should fall from it, and turn Hereticks, he, and the rest that were with him, cut all their Throats. Jurat. March 1. 1641.

The Examination of Anne, the late Wife of John Sherring, late of the Territory of Ormond, near the Silver-works, in the County of Tipperary, aged about 25 Years, sworn and examined, deposeth and saith,

That about Candlemas was two Years, the said John Sherring, her then Husband, going from his Farm, which he had held from John Kenedy, Esq; near to the Silver-works, one Hugh Kenedy, one of the Brother others of the said John Kenedy, a cruel Rebel, together with a great multitude of Irish rebellious Soldiers, then and there siercely assaulted, and set upon her said Husband, and upon one William Brock, William Laughlin, Tho. Collop, and eight more English Protestant Men, and about ten Women, and upon some Children in their Company, and then and there stript them of their Cloaths; and then with Stones, Pole-Axes, Skeins, Swords, Pikes, Darts, and other Weapons, most barbarously massacred and murdered her said Husband, and all those Protestant Men, Women, and Children. In the Time of which Massacre, a most loud and fearful Noise, and Storm of Thunder, Lightning, Wind, Hail-Stones, and Rain, began; the Time being on a Sabbath-Day, an Hour before Night.

The Examination of Jane, the Wife of Thomas Steward, late of the Town and County of Sligo, Merchant, Sworn and Examined before His Majesty's Commissioners in that behalf: Authorised, deposeth and saith.

Province of Canaugh.

That after the present Rebellion was begun (viz) about the beginning of December, 1641. her said Husband living as a Merchant in the Town aforesaid, with her this Deponent, as for twenty six Years he had done, in very good Estate and Condition; and having continually furnished the Inhabitants of that Part thereabouts, with all forts of Wares and Merchandize; and by that Course having acquired and gained to himself an Estate of good Value. He the said Thomas Steward, and she this Deponent then possessing that Estate were then at Sligo aforesaid, by Andrew Crene of Sligo, Esq; then High Sheriff of that County. Neil O Hart of Donelly in the said County, Gentleman, Roger O Conner of Skarden in the same County, Gentleman, Donnel O Conner of Gentleman, Brother-in-Law to Peige O Conner Sligo, Richard O Crean of Tirreragh, Gentleman, John O Crean, Esq; and a Justice of Peace, Son to the said Andrew Crean, Anthony Screan, of near Bally-Shanny, Gent. sorcibly deprived, robbed and dispoiled of their Houshold Goods, Wares, Merchandize, Specialties, Cattle, Horses, Plate, Money, and other Goods and Chattles of the value of 1200 l. Rterling, or thereabouts; which Robbery and Outrage was committed in or about the beginning of December aforesaid, at the very time of the Rebels surprizing, robbing and pillaging of all the English and Scots of the Town of Sligo.

Captain Anthony Stratford, of Charlemont, in the County of Armagh, Esq; aged Threescore Years, or thereabouts, Sworn and Examined before His Majesty's Commissioners, by virtue of a Commission in that behalf; directed under the Great Seal of Ireland, deposeth and saith,

That these Protestant Ministers following, in the present Rebellion, were murder'd in the Counties of Tyrone, Armagh, (viz) Mr. John Mathews, Mr. Blyth, Mr. Hastings, Mr. Smith, Mr. Durragh, Mr. Birge, and eight more, whose Names this Deponent hath forgotten, by the Rebels, none of which would the Rebels permit to be buried. The Names of such as were murder'd this Examinant knoweth not; his cause of Knowledge of the said Murthers is, that some of this his Deponent's Servants, who were among the Rebels, did give him the Relation; and he verily believeth them; and besides this Deponent heard the same confessed and averred by many of the Rebels themselves, and by some of those Protestants that had escaped: And that he this Deponent was a Prisoner among the Rebels, at Castle Canfield, near the Place of those murdered, where he continued fourteen Months. And further faith, that in Dungannon, in the County of Tyrone, or near thereuuto, the Rebels murdered three hundred and sixteen Protestants, and between Charlemont and Dungannon, above four hundred that were murdered and drowned, at, and in the River by Benburgh, the Black-water, between the Counties of Armagh and Tyrone, two hundred and six Protestants. And Patrick Mac Crew, of Dungannon aforesaid, murdered thirty one in one Morning; and two young Rebels (viz.) John Beg, Brian Harie, murdered in the said County of Tyrone, one hundred and forty poor Women and Children that could make no Resistance: And that the Wife of Brian Kelly of Loghall, in the County of Armagh (one of the Rebels Captains) who did with his own Handsmurder forty five. And this Deponent further saith, that one Thomas King, sometimes Serjeant to the late Lord Caulfield's Company (which this Deponent commanded) he being enforced to serve under the Rebels, and was one of their Provost Marshals, gave the Deponent a List of every Householder's Name so murdered, and the Number of the Persons so murdered, which List this Deponent durst not keep. At Portuadowne, there were drowned at several Times about three hundred and eight, who were sent away by about forty or such like Number at once with Convoys, and there drowned. There was a Lough near Loghall aforesaid, where were drowned above two hundred; of which this Deponent was informed by several Persons, and particularly by the Wife of Dr. Hodges, and two of her Sons who were present, and designed for the like end; but by God's Mercy, that gave them Favour in the Eyes of some of the Rebels they escaped; and the said Mrs. Hodges and her Sons gave the Deponents a List of the Names of many of those that wereso drowned; which the Deponent durst not keep; and faith, that the said Doctor Hodges was employed by the said Sir Phelim O Neale to make Powder, but he failing of his Undertaking, was first half hanged, then cut down, and kept Prisoner three Months, and then murdered, with forty four more, with in a quarter of a Mile of Charlemont aforesaid, (they being by Tirlegh Oge O Neile, Brother to Sir Phelim, sent to Dungannon Prisoners, and in the Way murdered.) This Deponent was shewed the Pit where they all were cast in.

At a Mill-Pond in the Parish of Killamen, in the County of Tyrone; there were drowned in one Day three hundred, and in the same Parish there were murdered of English and Scots, twelve hundred, as this Deponent was in formed by Mr. Birge, the late Minister of the said Parish, who certified the same under his Hand; which Note the Deponent durst not keep: The said Mr. Birge was murdered three Months after: All which Murders were in the first breaking out of the Rebellion, but the particular Times this Deponent cannot remember, neither the Persons by whom they were committed. This Deponent was credidiby informed by the said Serjeant, and other of this Deponent's Servants, (who kept Company with the Rebels at the same time) that many young Children were cut into Pieces and Gobbets by the Rebels; and that eighteen Scottish Infants were hanged on a Colthiers Tenter-Hooks, and that they murdered a young, fat Scotchman, and made Candles of his Grease: They took another Scotchman and ript up his Belly, that they might come to his small Guts, the one End whereof they tied to a Tree, and made him go round until they had drawn them all out of his Body; they then saying, that they would try whether a Dog's or Scotchman's Guts were the longer.

Anthony Stratford.

Deposed March 9. 1643. before us
Henry Jones, Henry Brereton.

The Examination of Robert Maxwell, Clerk, Arch Deacon of Downe, Sworn and Examined, deposeth and faith, Inter alia,

Province of Ulster.

That by Command from Sir Phelim O Neal, the Rebels dragged the Deponent's Brother, Lieutenant James Maxwell, out of his Bed, in the Rage and Height of a burning Fever; and least any of his Acquaintance and Friends should bury him, they carried him two Miles from any Church, and there cruelly butchered him, when he neither knew what he did or said: And thus Sir Phelim paid him 260 l. which he owed him; and his Wife Griswell Maxwell being in Child-birth, the Child half born and half unborn, they stript stark naked, drove her about an Arows flight to the Black-water, and drowned her: The like they did to another English Woman in the same Parish, in the beginning of the Rebellion, which was little inferior, if not more unnatural and barbarous than the roasting of Mr. Watson alive, after they had cut a Collop out of either Buttock. And further faith, that a Scottish Woman was found in the Glin-wood, lying dead, her Belly ripped up, and a living Child crawling in her Womb, cut out of the Cawle; and that Mr. Starkey, Schoolmaster at Armagh, a Gentleman of good Parentage and Parts, being upwards of an hundred Years of Age, they stirpt naked, and caused two of his Daughters, Virgins, beings likewise naked, to Support him under each Arm, he being not able to go of himself; and in that Posture carried them all three a quarter of a Mile to a Turs-Pit, and drowned them, feeding the Lusts of their Eyes, and the Cruelty of their Hearts, with the self-same Objects at the same time. At the Siege of Augher, they would not kill any English Beast and then eat it, but they cut Collops out of them being alive, letting them roar till they had no Flesh upon their Backs; so that sometimes a Beast would live two or three Days together in that Torment: The like they did at Armagh.

The Examination of Dame Anne Butler, Wife unto Sir Thomas Butler of Rathealin, in the County of Catherlagh, Knight, duly Sworn, deposeth,

Province of Lemster.

That after Walter Bagnall of Dunlikny, in the County of Catherlagh, Esquire, and Walter Butler, with a great number of Men, had in a violent manner entred this Deponent's House, they not being able to resist, they set a strict Guard over this Deponent, her Husband and Family, and brought them from their settled Dwelling unto Loghlin Bridge, where they kept her self, and Husband, and Children in Restraint for two Weeks; and from thence conveyed them with strict Guard to the Town of Kilkenny: And there they were brought before the Lord Mount Garrot, where Walter Bagnall and James Butler, Brother to the Lord Mount Garrot, did use all means possible to move the said Lord to put this Deponent, her Husband and Family to Death and Torture, alledging that they were rank Puritan Protestants, and desperately provoking, used these Words, saying, There's but one way, we or they; meaning Papists or Protestants must perish. To which malicious Provocation the said Lord did not hearken. And this Deponent further deposeth, That Walter Bagnall, with his rebellious Company, apprehended Richard Lake, an English Protestant and his Servants, with his Wife and four Children; and one Richard Taylor, of Loghlin Bridge, his Wife and Children: An English Woman, called Jone and her Daughter: And was credibly informed by Dorot by Renals, who had several times been an Eyewitness of these lamentable Spectacles, that the had seen to the Number of thirty five English going to Execution, and that she had seen them when they were executed, their Bodies exposed to devouring Ravens, and not afforded so much as a Burial. Another English Woman who was newly delivered of two Children in one Birth, they violently compelled in her great Pain and Sickness to rise from her Child-bed, and took the Infant that was left alive, and dashed its Brains against the Stones, and after threw it into the River of the Barrow; and having a Piece of Salmon to Dinner, Mr. Brian Cavanagh's Wife being with her, she the said Mrs. Cavanagh refused to eat any part of the Salmon, and being demanded the Reason, she said she would never eat any Fish that came out of the Barrow, because she had seen several Infants Bodies, and other Carkasses of the English taken up in the Wear.

And this Deponent saith, That Sir Edward Butler did credibly inform her, that James Butler of Finnybinch, had hanged and put to Death all the English that were at Gorane and Wells, and all there abouts.

And further deposeth, that she being in Kilkenny a Prisoner in restraint, and having Intelligence that some of her own Cattle were brought thither by Walter Bagnall, she Petitioned (being in great Extremity) to the Lord of Mount Garrot, to procure her some of her own Cattle for her Relief; whereupon he recommended her Suit to the Mayor and Corporation of Kilkenny, who concluded because she and her Family were Protestants, and would not turn to Mass, they should have no Relief. Jane Jones, Servant to the Deponent, did see the English, formerly specified, going to their Execution, and as she conceived, they were about the Number of thirty five, and was told by Elizabeth Homes, that there were forty gone to Execution.

Anne Butler.

Jurat 7. September, 1642.
John Watson.

Katherine, the Relict of William Coke, late of the County of Armagh Carpenter, Sworn and Examined, saith, That about the twentieth of December, 1641. a great Number of Rebels in that County, did most barbarously drown at that time an hundred and eighty Protestants, Men Women and Children, in the River, at the Bridge of Portuedowne, and that about nine Days afterwards she saw a Vision, or Spirit, in the Shape of a Man, as she apprehended, that apprehended, that appeared in that River, in the Place of the drowning, bolt upright, Breast high, with Hands listed up, and stood in that Posture there until the latter end of Lent next following about which time, some of the English Army marching in those Parts, whereof her Husband was one (as he and they confidently affirmed to this Deponent) saw that Spirit, or Vision, standing upright, and in the Posture aforementioned; but after that time the said Spirit, or Vision, vanished, and appeared no more that she knoweth: And she heard, but, saw not, that there were other Visions and Apparitions, and much Shrieking, and strange Noise heard in that River at Times afterwards.

Elizabeth, the Wife of Captain Rice Price, of Armagh, deposeth and saith, That she and other Women, whose Husbands were murdered hearing of divers Apparitions and Visions which were seen near Portre downe Bridge, since the drowning of her Children, and the rest of the Protestants there, went unto the Bridge aforesaid, about Twilight in the Evening, and that then and thereupon, on a sudden, there appeared unto them a Vision, or Spirit, assuming the Shape of a Woman naked, with elevated and closed Hands, her Hair hanging down, very white, her Eyes seemed to twinkle, and her Skin as white as Snow; which Spirit seemed to stand strait upright in the Water, often repeating the Word, Revenge, Revenge, Revenge; whereat this Deponent and the rest, being put into a strong Amazement and Affright, walked from the Place. Jurat. 29 Jan. 1642.

The end of the first Chapter, touching the Irish Rebellion.

Elizabeth Price, the Wife of Michael Price, of the Newry, deposeth That Sir John Mac-Gennis suffered his Soldiers the Rebels, to kill Mr. Turge, Minister of the Newry, and several other Protestants; and he the said Sir John Mac-Gennis, on his Death-bed was so much affrighted with Apprehension that the said Mr. Turge so slain, was still in his Presence, as that he commanded no Protestant from that time should be slain, but what should be killed in Battle; and after his Death, Sir Con Mac-Gennis his Brother would have observed his Directions, but one John Mac-Gennis, young Lord of Evagh, and Monk Crely, were earnest to have all the rest of the Protestants put to Death.

We now return to other Transactions in the Month of November, 1641.