
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'Wandsworth', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London( London, 1925), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/london/vol2/pp93-99 [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Wandsworth', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London( London, 1925), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/london/vol2/pp93-99.

"Wandsworth". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London. (London, 1925), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/london/vol2/pp93-99.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. London, Sheets (a)N, (b)O, (c)R, (d)S.)

The borough of Wandsworth includes the parishes of Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting Graveney and Wandsworth.


b(1). The Church of St. Paul, Clapham, stands at the N. end of the parish. It was built in 1815, but contains from the old church of Holy Trinity the following fittings.

Brasses: In N. aisle—on N. wall, (1) to William Tableer, 1401, inscription only; (2) to William Glanvill, 1647, with shield-of-arms. Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments: In N. transept— (Plate 144) against N. wall, (1) of Sir Richard Atkins, Bart., 1689, and Rebecca (Wright, alias Bunckley), [1711], his wife, recumbent effigies in white marble of man in armour of the period wearing peruke, and woman in contemporary costume, now separated and on draped altar-tombs with three shields-of-arms attached; (2) of Henry, 1677, Annabella, 1670, and Rebecca, 1661, children of above, marble effigies; the son and elder daughter seated, the younger daughter standing and holding skull; the son in Roman costume and peruke and the two daughters in costume of the period; originally part of large architectural monument of which only the cornice to a large curved pediment now remains, with an achievement-of-arms; on W. wall, (3) of [Bartholomew] Clerke, 1589, and Elenor, his wife, small kneeling figure of man, two inscriptions and remains of monument. In churchyard—N. side, (3) to Sir Richard Atkins, Bart., 1689, Rebecca, his wife, and Henry, Annabella and Rebecca, their children, table-tomb, with moulded top, panelled sides, clasping angle buttresses and iron railing; (4) to Rebecca Dixie, daughter of Sir Richard Atkins, 1714, table-tomb, generally similar to (3) but with shield-of-arms; on N. wall of church, (5) to Hannah Lister, 1695, tablet with shield-of-arms; (6) to [Dr. Martin Lister, 1711], tablet, with shield-of-arms; on W. wall of S. transept, (7) [to Samuel Rush, 1710, Elizabeth, his daughter, 1703, and four children of Samuel Rush, junr., 1713] cartouche with shield-of-arms; W. of church, (8) to William Sheldon, 1700, Elizabeth, his wife, 1708, and William Chambers, 1714, slab. Floorslabs: In nave—(1) to [Sir Laurence Bromfeild] 1668, and his grandchildren, Charles Corbett, 1660 and Thomas Corbett, 1667, (2) to Abraham Babington, 1681, and Elizabeth, his wife, 1689, (3) to John Thompson, 1665.

a (2). Parish Church of St. Mary, Putney, stands on the S. bank of the Thames and on the E. side of the approach to Putney Bridge. The walls of the tower are of rubble, with limestone dressings; the roof is covered with lead. With the exception of the West Tower, which is probably of early 15th-century date, the church was entirely rebuilt in 1836, when Bishop West's Chapel, which was erected in the reign of Henry VIII on the S. side of the church, was removed from its former site and re-erected in its present position on the N. side of the chancel.

Architectural Description—The West Tower (12 ft. by 11 ft.) is in three stages, with an embattled parapet. At the N.E. angle is an octagonal stair-turret and on the W. are diagonal buttresses. It has been completely restored and most of the dressings are modern.

Bishop West's Chapel (14¾ ft. by 10 ft.) is in two bays, (Plate 146) faced externally with modern stock bricks with limestone dressings; the internal walling and vaulting are of limestone. In the E. wall is one, and in the N. wall two, windows, each of three ogee cinquefoiled lights with moulded jambs and splays and tracery under a four-centred head; they are almost entirely modern, except the splays and rear-arches. In the S. wall are two large openings with a central pier, moulded responds and four-centred arches; the responds and piers have moulded bases and the jambs and soffit are panelled as is also the N. face of the pier to half its height, above which the wall is corbelled out. In the W. wall is a four-centred opening with moulded jambs and four-centred arch. Dividing the bays on the N. and S. walls and in the angles of the chapel are vaulting shafts, all with moulded capitals and bases, except the middle one on the S. wall, which rises from a carved corbel. The roof of the chapel is fan-vaulted with radiating traceried panels between the moulded ribs; the two flat spaces between the cones have each a quatrefoiled and sub-cusped circular panel containing a shield of the arms of the See of Ely impaling argent a cheveron sable between three roses gules seeded, stalked and leaved proper for West. In the middle of the panels to the E. and W. of the circles are carved rosettes with the letter W. superimposed.

Fittings—Brackets: In chapel—built into W. angles, two with carved foliated corbels and moulded semi-octagonal shelves. Brasses and Indent. Brasses: In chapel—on N. wall, (1) of John Welbek, 1476, and Agnes, his wife, 1478, figure of man in armour of the period with feet resting on a hound, inscription mutilated; palimpsest on back, complete inscription to John Thorp and Isabella, his wife, parents of Sir William Thorp, formerly "Master of this College" [St. Laurence, Pountney], 15th-century, inscription flanked by three drops at each end; (2) figure of woman wearing hat, c. 1600; indents of this figure, sons, daughters and inscription-plate in nave. In nave, (3) portions of two shields—(a) a cheveron between three harts' heads cabossed, a crescent for difference for Whorwood impaling a quartered shield of Brooke, a cross engrailed and parted palewise and Parker, a cheveron between three harts' heads cabossed, a martlet for difference; (b) Whorwood impaling a quartered shield of Grey (i) barry of six in chief three roundels; (ii) quarterly (1) and (4) Hastings, (2) and (3) Valence; the lower parts of both shields are missing; they belonged to the tomb of William Whorwood, Attorney General to Henry VIII, who died 1545; (4) to Lady Katherine Palmer, 1613, inscription only. Indent: In nave—of two figures and inscription-plate, one figure covered. Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments: In N. aisle— on N. wall, (1) to Mary (Scott), wife successively of Richard Lusher and Thomas Knyvett, 1623, black and white marble tablet; (2) to Sir Thomas Dawes, 1655, and Judith, his wife, 1657, marble bracket with skull and two cartouches-of-arms. In nave— on W. wall, (3) to Margaret (Diggs), second wife of Sir Antonie Palmer, 1619, and Philadelpha, daughter of Sir Antonie and his first wife, Katherine, 1621, alabaster and black marble monument with inscription-tablet within enriched circular band and flanked by Doric columns supporting an entablature with pediment; on pediment, skulls and hour-glass and on frieze three shields-of-arms. In S. aisle—on E. wall, (4) to James Martin, 1651, black and white marble tablet with moulded architrave and carved console, brackets flanked by Ionic pilasters supporting an entablature with carved pediment containing cartouche-of-arms; below, moulded shelf with console, brackets and shaped apron with shield-of-arms. On W. wall, (5) to Robert Gale, 1659, oval marble tablet with cherub-heads at top, bottom and sides. In N. gallery—on N. wall, (6) to Daniel, son of Sir Thomas Belt, 1697, white marble oval tablet (Plate 10), with achievement-of-arms below; (7) to Thomas Payne, 1698, white marble cartouche (Plate 10) surrounded by drapery and festoons and surmounted by vase and shield-of-arms; (8) to Leicester Burdet, 1691, white marble cartouche with shield-of-arms at head. In S. gallery, (9) to Andrew Welch, 1704, white marble cartouche with achievement-of-arms at head and shield at foot. In W. gallery, (10) to Sir Robert Wymondesolde, 1687, and his infant sons, Thomas, William and Robert, large marble tablet flanked by scrolls with festoons and surmounted by moulded cornice with segmental pediment with urn, weeping cherubs and swags above, and apron with winged sculls, etc., below; (11) to Edward Martin, 1655, white and grey marble tablet, by John Stone, with Doric side columns and surmounted by cartouche-of-arms. In W. tower—on N. wall, (12) to Katherine, daughter of Sir William Kingsmill, wife of Sir Anthony Palmer, 1613, alabaster and black marble tablet (Plate 147) with inscription in frame of fruit and strapwork with cherub-heads, flanked by Corinthian columns resting on a corbelled shelf and supporting an entablature with panelled soffit and broken pediment with shield-of-arms; on S. wall, (13) to Richard Lussher, 1615, alabaster and black marble tablet (Plate 147) with frame of strapwork, ribbands and fruit, flanked by obelisks and Corinthian columns with an entablature and broken pediment with female reclining figures and a shield and achievement-of-arms. In churchyard—S. side, (14) to Nathaniel Lodington, 1707, and Jane, his wife, 1732, table-tomb with moulded top slab and panelled sides; on slab, inscription and achievement-of-arms, and later inscription to wife; (15) to Mary Folwell, 1711, head-stone; (16) to Mary Rogers, late 17th-century, head-stone; (17) head-stone with undecipherable inscriptions, late 17th or early 18th-century. Floor-slabs: In nave—(1) to Sir Gerrard Dutton Fleetwood, 1699, Mary (Holt), his wife, and two sons and daughter; (2) to Simon Monger, 1699, [his sister, Triphena, 1700], and Elizabeth, sister of Triphena. In N. aisle—(3) to Godfrey Woodward, 1701. Recess: In chapel—in W. wall, with moulded jambs and four-centred arch, in it a moulded rectangular panel with a shield carved with the arms of the See of Ely impaling West surmounted by a mitre, and the initials N.W. and flanked by a rose and a pomegranate, panel reset.


d(3). Parish Church of St. Leonard, Streatham, stands in the middle of the parish. The West Tower is built of flint and limestone-rubble with limestone dressings and is of late 15th or early 16th-century date; the rest of the church has been rebuilt in 1831 and at subsequent dates.

Architectural Description—The West Tower (11 ft. square) is in three stages, but the upper part of the third stage has been rebuilt. The tower-arch is mostly modern but retains a few old stones. The second stage has in the N., S. and W. walls the remains of single-light windows with two-centred heads. In the E. wall are parts of the jambs of an opening to the roof.

Fittings—Brasses: In S. chapel—(1) of William Mowfurth, 1513, rector of Streatham and Mykleham, figure in mass-vestments. In N. aisle—on W. wall, (2) to Anne (Crompton), wife of Gabriell Livesey, 1598, inscription only. Door: In tower—in turret-staircase, in second stage, nail-studded with four-centred head, and hung on two shaped strap-hinges, 16th-century. Font: octagonal, with moulded top and underside and quatrefoiled panels containing flowers on sides of bowl, moulded base, 15th-century; rim of bowl and stem modern. Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments: In. N. gallery—on N. wall, (1) to Susannah, daughter of Sir Richard Amcotts, 1st wife of Thomas Hobbes, 1623, and Amye and Hannah, her infant children, also Margarite, daughter of Sir George Younge, and wife successively of ... Chiborne and Thomas Hobbes, 1628, and her children, Catherine (Chiborne) and Samuel (Hobbes), black marble panel with alabaster shelf with strapwork apron and cherub, carved flanking pilasters and moulded cornice supporting two shields-of-arms; (2) of Thomas Hobbes, c. 1630–40, white marble bust with ruff and cloak, on corbelled pedestal terminating in cherub, cartouche-of-arms above; (3) to Robert Livesaye, 1608, and Amye, his wife, 1617, black marble slab flanked by alabaster terminal caryatides, with cherubheads and cornice with shield-of-arms. In S. gallery—E. end, (4) to Sir Matthew Howland, tablet in frame with achievement-of-arms above, apparently part of a larger monument, mid 17th-century; on S. wall, (5) to Walter Howland, alias Roberts, 1692, and John Howland, his son, 1674, oval-shaped tablet of white marble within carved frame surmounted by achievement-of-arms; (6) to Cecilia (Goodwin), wife of George Lee, 1664, marble tablet in moulded frame flanked by weeping children, with cornice, carved skulls, defaced achievement-of-arms above and shield-of-arms below. In W. tower—on N. wall, (7) to John Howland, 1686, and Jeffery Howland, his father, draped marble monument on black marble background with round-headed niche containing urn and two seated cherubs, the niche flanked by carved pilasters resting on cherub-heads, moulded cornice and curved pediment with cartouche-of-arms and two lamps and an urn; on S. wall, (8) of John Massingberd, 1653, and Cecilia, his wife, alabaster and black marble wall-monument with figures of man and wife, in civil costume of the period, kneeling at a prayer-desk in recess with two round arches, flanked by Corinthian columns with entablature, achievement and two shields-of-arms. In S.W. porch—on E. wall, (9) to Edmund Tyllney [1610] Master of the Revels to Queen Elizabeth and James I, and his parents, Phillip and Malin, alabaster and black marble tablet with eight shields-of-arms on flanking pilasters and achievement-of-arms above cornice; on S. wall, (10) to Rebecca (Gerrard), wife of William Lynne, 1653, black marble tablet with freestone border carved with cherub-heads, skulls, crossbones, etc., and two shields and achievement-of-arms; against N. wall, on modern cement base under canopied recess, (11) upper part of much-mutilated alabaster effigy of man in armour with bascinet, camail, jupon with arms, on two bars three martlets, and hip belt; head on broken helm; arms, sword and legs below thighs missing; recess with cusped and sub-cusped trefoiled arch divided into three by buttresses, the two middle buttresses rising off carved bosses; crocketed and finialled ogee canopy with traceried tympanum over middle part and at sides traceried spandrels; frieze surmounted by an embattled cornice carved with flowers; above the last, row of quatrefoiled panels, partly hacked off; upper part of buttresses and lower part of monument missing and existing portion much damaged; all late 14th-century. Floor-slabs. In N. aisle—(1) to Cecilia (Goodwin), wife of George Lee, 1664; (2) to Thomas Holt, A.M., 1710, rector of the parish, with achievement-of-arms. In S. aisle, (3) to the Hon. John Peers, 1688; (4) to Elizabeth, wife of [Mark] Wiseman, 1643; (5) name hidden, 1626 (?); (6) to Alice, daughter of Sir Giles Howland, 1609. Pulpit: hexagonal with angle pilasters carved with strapwork ornament, continuous cornice and deep frieze carved with arabesques and flowers, panelled sides; on upper part of W. side achievement of the arms of Howland impaling another coat; c. 1640–50, stem and steps modern.

Condition—Good, mostly rebuilt.

c(4). Parish Church of St. Nicholas, Tooting Graveney, stands about the middle of the parish. It was entirely rebuilt and added to at various times in the 19th century but incorporates from the old church the following:—

Fittings—Bell: one—by Matthew Bagley, 1705. Brass: see monument (2). Funeral-helm: In tower —funeral-helm, gilt, with Bateman crest, late 17th-century; below helm, short sword with gilt hilt. Monuments: In nave—on N. wall, (1) to Sir John Hebdon, 1670, black marble tablet with muchworn achievement-of-arms. In S. transept—on W. wall, (2) of Elizabeth Fitzwilliam, 1582, and her husband, William, 1597, freestone tablet with pilasters and entablature; within tablet, brassplate of man and woman in costume of the period, kneeling at prayer-desk, with achievement-of-arms above. In tower—on E. wall, (3) to Esther (Searle), wife of Sir James Bateman [Lord Mayor of London], 1709, large white cartouche with drapery and cherub-heads, surmounted by cornice with cherubs, urn and shield-of-arms, all on black marble background. In churchyard— (4) to William [Turner], 1714, black marble slab with achievement-of-arms; (5) to James Turner, 1709, stone slab; (6) to Sir John Hebdon, 1670, stone slab; (7) to Sept . . . Scriven . . ., 1707, black marble slab; (8) to Sir John Maynards, K.B., 1658, and his son, Sir John, 1664, stone slab with partly defaced achievement-of-arms. Plate: includes a cup and cover-paten of 1669 and a bowl or alms-dish of 1672.

Roehampton House, Sketch Plan

a(5). Parish Church of All Saints, Wandsworth, stands on the N. side of the High Street, about 100 yards W. of the bridge over the River Wandle. The walls of the W. Tower are faced with modern brick. The W. tower was rebuilt in 1629–30 and the N. aisle added to the old building in 1724. With these exceptions the whole church was rebuilt in 1779–80. Subsequent alterations include the refacing and rebuilding of the top stage of the W. tower which now has no ancient features.

Fittings—Brasses and Indents. In chancel— on N. wall, (1) of Nicholas [Maudyt], serjeant-at-arms to Henry V, 1420, figure in full plate-armour of the period, with sword and mace, head and part of marginal inscription missing; indents of four shields. In N. aisle to chancel— (2) to Robert Knaresbrough, 1611, inscription only. In nave—(3) to Henry Smith [1627], Alderman of London, two inscriptions only; (4) to John Powell, 1611, inscription only. Monuments and Floor-slab. Monuments: In N. aisle to chancel—(1) of Henry Smith, 1627, painted mural monument (Plate 11) of marble, with kneeling figure of man in long fur-lined robe, holding skull in hands and kneeling at prayer-desk in round arched recess flanked by Ionic columns supporting an entablature with two putti and cartouche-of-arms above; (2) of Susanna (Hayward), wife of John Powel, 1630, wall-monument of alabaster and black marble retaining traces of gilt and colour, with figure of woman, in long cloak, ruff and widow's veil, kneeling at prayer-desk in recess draped with curtains and flanked by Corinthian columns supporting entablatures with cornice carried over shield-of-arms; above, strapwork panel with lozenge-of-arms. In N. aisle—on E. wall, (3) to John Powell, 1611, alabaster and black marble tablet with flanking pilasters supporting entablature, and flanked by defaced figures of children, cartouche-of-arms at top; on W. wall, (4) to Thomas Moseley, 1681, his son-in-law, William Taton, and grandchild, white marble tablet. Floor-slab: In S. aisle—to Elizabeth Plume, 1703. Plate: includes cup, of 1707, repaired or remodelled, with inscription on foot dated 1634, cover-paten inscribed with date 1634, cup of 1707 with cover-paten, paten of 1703, and two flagons of 1630.


a(6). Huguenot Burial Ground, between East Hill and North Side, Wandsworth Common, about ½ m. E. of All Saints' Church, contains the following Monuments—(1) to Matthew Hebert, 1703, table-tomb of brick with moulded stone top; (2) to Daniel Torin, 1700, John Malegoe and others, table-tomb of brick with recessed stone panels at sides and ends, and stone top; (3) to William and George Pearce, both 1687, head-stone; (4) to Elizabeth Stables, 1714, stone slab; (5) to Andrew Mayer, 1691–2, head-stone.


a(7). Roehampton House and garden wall are in the parish of Putney and stand on the E. side of Roehampton Lane, about 1½ m. S.W. of (2). The house is of three storeys with basement; the walls are of brick, with some freestone dressings; the roofs are covered with modern slates and lead flats.

The house is a handsome example of early 18th-century work. The details of the saloon and great staircase are noteworthy.

The house was built from the designs of Thomas Archer between 1710 and 1712, and originally consisted of a central rectangular block connected on either side by graduated arcades to advanced pavilions standing at right angles to the main block, the whole forming three sides of a courtyard. Large modern wings have been added on either side of the central block behind the quadrants, which are convex towards the garden, but only slight evidence remains of the pavilions. (Plate 145).

The W. Front is symmetrically arranged and is of seven bays with the three middle bays grouped in a slightly projecting central feature. The angles are rusticated, the windows, generally, have projecting key-blocks and aprons, and there are brick bands between the storeys. In the middle is a stone entrance approached by two flights of stone steps with an elaborate wrought-iron handrail; the doorway is flanked by Doric pilasters supporting an entablature with a broken curved pediment; above, is a semi-circular window with moulded archivolt, carved keystone and fluted Corinthian pilasters on either side supporting an entablature; the two windows to the top floor are round; the main cornice is dentilled and surmounted by a stone balustrade with square moulded balusters and panelled pedestals surmounted by balls. Over the side bays only the upper members of the cornice are continued and have a plain stone band below; above is a plain brick parapet with a stone capping, and at either end are stone vases. The arcaded corridors on either side have round-headed arches with moulded edges and rectangular brick piers with plain imposts. Above each arch is a plain recessed panel. The walls are finished with a moulded stone cornice. The inner walls have plain pilasters and the corridors are covered with plastered barrel-vaults. A few yards to the S.W. of the southern arcade is part of the S. wall of the S. pavilion, with the lower jambs of a doorway. The E. Front (Plate 148) is generally similar to the W. front, but in place of a window on the first floor of the middle bay is a semi-circular niche with a round head and the cornice above has a small pointed pediment.

The N. and S. Elevations were largely rebuilt when the modern additions were made. Such of the original elevations which remain at either end have a shallow round-headed recess on each of the two lower floors and a flat-headed one to the top floor. The chimney-stacks are rectangular, with a capping of projecting brick courses.

Interior: The main staircase was placed centrally on the S. side of the house, and a secondary staircase on the N., but both have been removed. The Entrance Hall has each wall divided into bays by fluted Corinthian pilasters which support an entablature, but only the cornice is continued round the room, and has modillions above the pilasters. The walls are panelled and have a moulded dado-rail; the doorway and windows have moulded architraves and the doors and shutters are panelled. The other original rooms on the ground-floor are panelled in painted deal. The room above the Entrance Hall is carried up to the top of the second floor. The walls are completely lined with paintings by Sir James Thornhill, representing landscapes in architectural framework, and the painting is continued over a cove to the ceiling, on which is a large subject-piece, the Gods on Olympus, with trophies-of-arms in the corners. Over the doors are semi-circular tympana, enclosed within the moulded architraves and also painted with trophies. The fireplace is modern but has an original overmantel shaped like a truncated pediment with incurved sides and painted with a trophy. The other rooms on the first and second floors are lined with painted deal. A short staircase leading to the roof has a moulded handrail and turned and moulded balusters. An old staircase (Plate 7) has been refixed in the modern N. wing, and is apparently a combination of the original main stairs and another, probably the secondary stair, of a slightly later date. The two flights from the basement to the ground-floor are the oldest, and have moulded handrails wreathed on plan at the foot of the stairs and ramped at the head of each flight, a plain string, turned, twisted and column-shaped balusters and newels, at the angles of the landings, of small Doric columns. The detail of the upper flight is slightly different. The moulded handrail is of the same section, but the balusters are more slender and turned and twisted; the moulding of the brackets of the string is continued under the soffit of the staircase, and the end of each riser is faced with marquetry work; the newels are similar to those to the lowerflights. The walls have a panelled dado with moulded capping and fluted pilasters to correspond with the handrail and newels. Where this passes across a window space at the landings it has an open balustrade. Much of the balustrading in the upper flights is of modern restoration or addition and the whole of the topmost landing appears to be modern.

The Garden Wall leading E. from the S.E. corner of the modern S. wing is of early 18th-century date with some modern repairs.

Condition—Of house, good.

Monuments (8–24).

The following monuments, unless otherwise described, are of late 17th-century date and of two storeys with attics. The walls are of brick and the roofs are tiled.

Condition—Good, unless otherwise stated.


b(8). House, Nos. 25–26 Clapham Common, N. side, ½ m. S.S.W. of (1), was built as a small rectangular house with a central chimney. It has been added to on the S.E. and W., and converted into two residences. The N.E. half of the front elevation is plastered; the chimney-stack is original.

b(9). Range of three houses, Nos. 39–43 Old Town, on E. side of street, nearly 600 yards S. of (1), was built c. 1710. The front elevation has a projecting plinth, a projecting brick band at the level of the first floor and a wooden eaves-cornice with carved modillions; the windows have ribbed brick jambs and flat arches; the entrance doors are modern but the doorcases are original and of wood with rusticated jambs and heads and flanking Doric pilasters which support entablatures and curved pediments; the doorways of Nos. 41–43 are adjacent and combined under one pediment; the attics have flat-topped dormer windows and the chimney-stacks have been partly rebuilt. Inside, the houses have been slightly altered but the entrance passages and some of the rooms have their original panelling with moulded cornices and dado rails, and the staircases have cut strings with shaped brackets at the ends of the steps, moulded handrail, twisted balusters and newels in the form of fluted Doric columns.

b(10). Range of houses and shops, Nos. 45–51 Old Town, on E. side of street, immediately S. of (9). The northernmost house has been much repaired and altered, the portion adjoining rebuilt, and the ground-floors of the southernmost end converted into shops. The S. end has on the W. front a modillioned eaves-cornice and in the roof two hipped dormers; the S. front has brick bands at the floor-levels; the E. end of this front has been refaced. Inside the building are some cased beams.

b(11). Shop, 61 Old Town, E. side of street, 50 yards S. of (10), is of plastered timber-framing. It was built probably early in the 17th century on an L-shaped plan, with the wings extending towards the S. and W., and has modern additions in the angle and on the E. side. A chimney-stack in the N. end of the building is original. Inside the building the ground-floor at the N. end has two chamfered ceiling-beams and a spiral staircase.


b(12). House and shop, Nos. 55–57 High Street, about 200 yards S.S.W. of (2), was built as a small house in the 17th century, the attic was added at a later date, and it has since been much altered. At the N. end is an old chimney-stack. Inside the building is a small length of late 17th-century balustrading with moulded string and turned balusters.

Condition—Good, much altered.

a(13). The Castle Inn, on N. side of Putney Bridge Road, at E. corner of Brewhouse Lane, has a wooden modillioned cornice at the eaves.

a(14). Memel Place, range of three tenements, 25 yards N. of (13), has projecting bands of rubbed brick between the storeys, rubbed brick arches to the lower windows and wooden modillioned eaves-cornice.



d(15). Russell House, a few yards S.W. of (3), is of two storeys with attics and basement. It was built on a rectangular plan with a central staircase-hall, but has been much altered internally and had a modern chapel added on the S.E. The elevations have been, in places, refaced with modern brick. The S.E. front had a portico with two Doric columns supporting an entablature with curved pediment; it has been partly cut into by the modern chapel; the front is carried up in two shaped gables. The N.W. front has a shaped gable with a flat parapet, and at the floorlevels are brick bands. Inside the building one of the ground-floor rooms has some panelling, an original overmantel, and a panelled door with moulded architrave. The staircase (Plate 7) rises to the first floor in three flights and has moulded strings and handrail, twisted balusters and square newel-posts surmounted by carved half-boars, each holding a shield charged with a wheat-sheaf.

d(16). Houses, now shops, Nos. 115–117 High Street, 60 yards E.N.E. of (3), have been much altered.

d(17). House, now two tenements, No. 131 Greyhound Lane, 1,000 yards S. of (3); the walls are partly of weather-boarded timber-framing and partly of brick. It is a small 17th-century cottage of the central-chimney type with a later S.W. wing and modern additions at the back.

Tooting Graveney

c(18). House and shops, No. 9 The Broadway, 550 yards N.W. of (4), is of plastered timberframing partly weather-boarded at the back. It has been much altered, partly rebuilt, and has a modern addition at the back. The back elevation has three gables; the chimney-stack is old.


a(19). Swan Inn, 120 yards W. of (5), was built on a rectangular plan. Alterations include the addition of a third storey, the refacing of the S. and E. fronts with modern brick and extensions at the back. There is one original, but much restored, chimney-stack. Inside the building the ground-floor room has a cased ceiling-beam.

a(20). Rose and Crown Public House, on the N. side of High Street, 30 yards W. of (19), is of L-shaped plan with a modern addition in the angle between the wings. The front to High Street has been refaced, but the modern door-hood has two original carved and scrolled brackets, reused. Inside the building a room on the ground-floor has an original fireplace flanked by panelled pilasters and with a shaped panel on the frieze; the overmantel has panelled pilasters at the sides and a large panel in the middle, painted with a pastoral scene.

a(21). Factory, on W. side of Frogmore Road, 130 yards N. of (5), is built on an L-shaped plan with the wings extending towards N. and W. The walls have plain parapets and a brick band. The E. front has four windows to the ground-floor, with original frames and a central doorway with panelled side pilasters. At the N. end is an old chimney-stack.

a(22). Cottage, on E. side of Wandsworth Plain, opposite (21), was built in the second half of the 17th century on a rectangular plan, and has a modern addition at the back. The N.W. front has been much refaced and has projecting eaves; the sides are gabled. At the first-floor level is a projecting band. The N.W. front has two transomed and mullioned windows to the ground-floor and five similar windows to the first floor; in the roof are three hipped dormers.

a(23). House and shops, No. 61 High Street, on S. side of road, 260 yards E.S.E. of (5), was originally of central-chimney type but has been much altered. The chimney-stack is original.

a(24). House, now laundry, Nos. 225–227 Putney Bridge Road, on S. side of road, about 550 yards S.E. of (2), was built early in the 18th century on an L-shaped plan with wings extending towards the S. and E., but has been much altered internally and added to on the S. and W. and at the W. end of the N. front. The N. front has a moulded brick band at the first-floor level and a wooden modillioned eaves-cornice carried up over the original projecting central bay in a triangular pediment with enriched mouldings. The central entrance doorway has a moulded frame, an original panelled door and a semi-circular coved hood carried on carved brackets. The windows have flat brick arches and flush frames.


b(25). Mount Nod, mound in garden on E. side of Wix's Lane, on the N. side of Clapham Common, is about 10 ft. high.