Stoke Newington

An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'Stoke Newington', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London( London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Stoke Newington', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London( London, 1925), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Stoke Newington". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London. (London, 1925), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. London Sheet G).

The borough of Stoke Newington consists of the parish of the same name with part of the parish of Hornsey.


(1). Old Parish Church of St. Mary stands on the N. side of Church Street. The walls are covered internally and externally with cement; the dressings are of limestone and the roofs are tiled; the W. tower is of brick. The date of the Nave is uncertain but in the 16th century, probably c. 1563, the West Tower appears to have been built within the W. end of the earlier nave, the S. arcade was built and the outer wall of the South Aisle added at the same time, leaving standing part of the earlier South Porch. It was apparently intended to remove this porch, but for some reason or other this was not done and crosswalls were erected instead connecting it with the outer wall of the aisle and thus forming an outer porch. The Vestry is of the same date. In 1716 the wide North Aisle was added and in 1723 the Chancel was extended to the E. The church was restored in 1806, and the clearstorey is modern.

Old Parish Church of St. Mary, Plan

Architectural Description—the Nave (48 ft. by 17 ft.) has a modern N. arcade. The S. arcade is of mid 16th-century date and of three bays with moulded four-centred arches, the responds are semi-octagonal with moulded capitals, and the piers are formed of two responds set back to back with the top member of the capitals continuous. E. of the arcade is a doorway with chamfered jambs and two-centred head, probably modern. The clearstorey is modern.

The Vestry has in the E. wall a 16th-century window of two pointed lights with a spandrel under a segmental-pointed head with a moulded label. In the S. wall is a similar window with a square head.

The South Aisle (24 ft. wide) has the W. bay cut off by a cross-wall to form a double porch. In the S. wall are two much restored 16th-century windows each of two cinquefoiled lights in a segmental-pointed head with a moulded label; further E. is a doorway with hollow-chamfered jambs, two-centred arch and a moulded label; above it is a panel with the initials W.P. and a shield-of-arms.

The West Tower (9 ft. square) is of brick and of three stages, with an embattled parapet and a modern timber spire. The tower-arch is concealed by the organ but has semi-octagonal responds. The W. window is modern; above and to the S. of it is a small modern window contrived in the S. side of the large 16th-century W. window of which the rear-arch remains. The second stage has in the N.W. wall a window of one four-centred light. In the S. wall are traces of a round brick window. The bell-chamber has in each wall a window of two pointed lights in a four-centred head with a moulded label.

The South Porch is divided into two by a cross-wall and both are included under the aisle roof. The 16th-century outer doorway has moulded jambs and a two-centred arch in a square head with a moulded label and traceried spandrels; above it is an 18th-century inscription "1563 Ab alto". The inner doorway is of similar form but has blank shields in the spandrels. The room to the W. of the porch has in the S. wall a window similar to the S. window of the vestry. In the N. wall is a blocked four-centred arch of brick.

The Roof of the nave has been reconstructed, but incorporates the 16th-century tie-beams with curved braces and traceried spandrels.

Fittings—Brass Indent: In nave—of figures of man and woman, scrolls, inscription-plate and of two small figures of saints at top. Glass: In E. window—five large panels of figure-subjects, two smaller panels, three shields-of-arms and tabernacle-work, presented to the church early in the last century; large panels, (a and b) of interior of church with figures of high priest and kneeling man and of woman and man at back, early 16th-century; (c) the Virgin and Child with the Holy Dove above, late 17th-century; (d and e) interior with two male figures, also woman and boy, possibly the Presentation in the Temple, 15th-century; smaller panels of Christ in Gethsemane, with sleeping disciples and a scene with a bed and figure of woman, etc., possibly birth of the Virgin, 17th-century; a crowned shield of the Tudor royal arms with a garter and shields of the city of London and the Drapers' Company, 16th-century; in the tracery various architectural fragments. In vestry—two oval panels with figures of SS. Peter and Paul, 17th-century. Monuments and Floorslabs: Monuments: In nave—against S. wall, (1) of Elizabeth, wife successively of John Dudley and Thomas Sutton, 1602, on the frieze is the date of a death, 1580, probably that of John Dudley, wall-monument of various marbles consisting of high panelled base with reeded capping, upper monument of two bays divided and flanked by Corinthian columns and having kneeling figures of man in armour and woman with one daughter behind, entablature with broken pediment and cartouche with achievement-of-arms. In N. aisle —on E. wall, (2) to John Taverner, rector, 1638, black and white marble tablet with side pilasters, cornice and cartouche-of-arms, decoration of open and closed books, etc. Floor-slabs: In chancel— (1) to Judith, wife of John Taylor, 1713, James, their son, 171[3], and John Taylor, 1729, with shield-of-arms. In nave—(2) to John Leigh, 1652, with shield-of-arms; (3) slab with defaced inscription and shield-of-arms. In N. aisle—(4) to James Porter, 1693, Ann, his wife, 1693, and George, their son, 1678, with shield-of-arms. Pavement: In chancel—of black and white marble squares set diagonally, possibly late 17th-century. Plate: includes cup of 1634, given in 1634; cup of 1656, bought in 1657; flagon of 1638, given in 1639; plate of 1710, given in 1711; two stand-patens of 1634 and 1657 respectively, and two brass alms-dishes dated 1713. Recesses: In S. aisle— one in S. and three in W. wall, with four-centred heads.

Condition—Good, much altered.

(2). The Meeting House stands on the N. side of Newington Green. The walls are of brick and the roof is covered with slates. The chapel was built in 1708 as a Presbyterian Meeting House. It then formed a simple square with an eaves-cornice and small pediment on the S. front. In 1860 the apse was added on the N. side and the building much altered.

The outer walls are now mostly covered with plaster, and the doorways and windows show no evidence of antiquity.

Condition—Good, much altered.


(3). Church Row, now Nos. 166–180, Church Street, range of eight houses on the N. side of the street, E. of the old church. The houses are of two storeys with cellars and attics; the walls are of brick and the roofs are tiled. The range was begun at the E. end in 1706 and added to at intervals. No. 178 was rebuilt late in the 18th century, and Nos. 176 and 180 have been refaced, but otherwise the range is much as it was constructed.

The S. front has bands between the storeys and plain parapets, possibly not original. No. 166 has a shell-hood over the doorway supported on carved consoles. The back elevation is similar to the front except that the houses at the E. end retain their modillioned eaves-cornices. On No. 168 is a roughly cut design with the date 1706 and the initial S.; on No. 170 is a panel with the date 1709 and three feathers.

Interior—The plan of the houses is generally uniform, with a central passage and staircase at the back. The staircases are mostly original and have turned balusters and straight string; that in No. 170 is, however, of later date. Many of the rooms have original panelling, cornices, doors and fireplaces.


(4). Halstead House and adjoining houses (Nos. 199, 201, and 203) on the S. side of Church Street, 60 yards S.E. of (1), are of three storeys with basements; the walls are of brick and the roofs are covered with slate and tiles. The building forms a central block with side wings and dates from early in the 18th century. The main block has been altered externally; the side wings have bands between the storeys, and a wooden eaves-cornice. Inside the building the staircases are original and have twisted balusters and straight moulded strings. Much of the panelling and many of the doors, cornices, etc., are original.


(5). Houses, Nos. 52–55, Newington Green, Islington, on W. side of green, nearly ¾ m. S. of (1). The houses are of three storeys with attics and basements; the walls are of brick and the roofs are tiled. They were built c. 1658 but altered during the 18th and 19th centuries and the ground-floors have been converted into modern shops. Each house is gabled and divided above the ground-floor into two bays by brick Doric pilasters supporting a moulded brick entablature at the attic-floor level continued along the front; the window in the gable to No. 55 is flanked by narrow brick pilasters and this is the only house which retains its cornice. The gables have been restored, and on No. 54 the wall above the pilasters has been raised to form an additional storey to which a second attic has been added. The first-floor windows are set in recesses and have square heads surmounted by a plain brick band with semi-circular arches above, plain key-blocks and square recessed panels in the tympana; the second-floor windows are square-headed, and in a panel in the frieze over the central pilaster is the date 1658; below this pilaster on the ground-floor is a round-headed arch giving access to a passage continued through to the back. The back elevations are gabled and have projecting brick bands at the floor-levels, and the windows have segmental heads; in the gable of No. 55 is a casement window with a moulded frame, but the other windows have sashes and are probably later renewals; the chimneys are grouped in large plain stacks. Inside the buildings a few of the rooms are panelled and one room has an early 18th-century fireplace with panelled pilasters on each side supporting a frieze and dentilled cornice. The staircases in Nos. 53 and 55 are original and have moulded strings and handrail, turned balusters and square newels with ball finials and turned pendants; the staircase in No. 54 is of early 18th-century date and has moulded string and handrail, turned balusters and square newels.

Condition—Fairly good.