
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Dinton', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South( London, 1912), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/bucks/vol1/pp123-127 [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Dinton', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/bucks/vol1/pp123-127.

"Dinton". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South. (London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/bucks/vol1/pp123-127.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. (a)xxxiii. N.W. (b)xxxiii. S.W.)


a(1). Parish Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, stands at the N. end of the village, and is built of coursed shaly rubble with stone dressings. The walls of the nave, aisle and tower are almost entirely covered with cement. The roof of the chancel is tiled, and those of the nave and aisle are covered with lead. A church existed on the site c. 1140; the S. doorway of that date still remains, and the wall above the S. arcade of the Nave may be part of the original building. The Chancel was re-built and enlarged c. 1230; the South Aisle and arcade were built c. 1240, when the 12th-century door was moved to its present position, where it possibly formed the outer entrance to a 13th-century porch, incorporated in the aisle in the 15th century; the existence of the porch is also indicated by the differences of level in the floor of the aisle. The N. wall of the nave was re-built at the end of the 14th or beginning of the 15th century. The S. aisle was widened and the West Tower added in the first half of the 15th century, when the 13th-century W. doorway was re-used in the W. wall of the tower; the South Porch was added late in the 15th or early in the 16th century. In 1868 the building was completely restored and the chancel lengthened about 9 ft. towards the E.

The S. doorway is a fine example of 12th-century work; the carving on the tympanum and lintel, with inscription, are especially interesting.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (39 ft. by 18 ft.) has modern lancet windows in the E. wall. In the N. wall are three lancets of c. 1230, with widely splayed inner jambs and two-centred segmental rear arches, all considerably restored. In the S. wall are three similar lancets, and a blocked doorway with modern stonework. A moulded external string-course, much restored, is carried as a label over the windows in each wall. The chancel arch, also of c. 1230, is two-centred, and of three chamfered orders, with a round label on the W. side; the semi-octagonal jambs have moulded bases and bell-capitals. The Nave (60½ ft. by 24½ ft.) has, on the N. wall, a 15th-century embattled parapet with a moulded string-course and grotesque gargoyles; externally the wall is divided into four bays by buttresses, and internally into five bays by small semi-octagonal pilasters with plain chamfered capitals and bases, resting on a stone bench 1 ft. 4 in. high, which runs the whole length of the wall and has been partly restored; the pilasters support the trusses of the roof, and are of late 14th or early 15th-century date; between them are four windows of the same period, some of the stones of the inner jambs forming part of the pilasters; the easternmost window is set higher than the others, and is probably of slightly earlier date; it is of two trefoiled pointed lights with sunk spandrels under a square head, and with a splayed internal lintel; the other windows are each of three cinque-foiled ogee lights with pierced quatrefoil spandrels under a square head; the two-centred doorway between the second and third windows is probably of the same date, considerably restored; the arch and jambs are chamfered. The S. arcade, of c. 1240, is of five bays, and has octagonal pillars and semi-octagonal responds, with moulded bases and bell-capitals; the two-centred arches are of two chamfered orders, with moulded labels on both sides; the bases and capitals decrease in height from W. to E., showing that the floor originally sloped downwards towards the W.; above the arcade the wall thickens out on a chamfered string-course, and over the first three arches the clearstorey has three quatrefoil windows of uncertain date, probably restored. The South Aisle (14 ft. wide) has a 15th-century E. window of three trefoiled pointed lights and tracery in a two-centred head; the inner jambs are splayed, and the rear arch is chamfered; the tracery and the external label are modern; there is a plain round string-course below the window both inside and outside. The S. wall has three 15th-century windows; the two eastern are each of three cinque-foiled pointed lights with sunk spandrels under a square head; the external label is moulded and the four-centred rear arch is chamfered; the second window has some modern stones inside, and is restored outside with cement; the third window, set lower than the others, and partly restored, is of two trefoiled lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head; the pointed rear arch is chamfered; the S. doorway, between the two eastern windows, is of c. 1140, and is elaborately moulded and carved; the jambs are of two orders, the inner hollow-chamfered, with a row of heart-shaped sinkings from the floor to the lintel; the outer with zig-zag ornament, formed by a hollow between two rolls, having a ball in each inner angle; between the orders on each side is a twisted shaft with moulded base; the W. capital is scalloped, with cable moulding at the neck, and the chamfered abacus has incised scroll and other patterns; the E. capital is carved with a bird, the chamfered abacus has incised leaves and diaper pattern; the impost of the outer order is marked by a horizontal band and ornament; the semi-circular arch is of three orders, the innermost has a shallow guilloche pattern, with pellet ornament on the interlacing bands; the middle order is more plainly moulded, and the third has zig-zag ornament like the jambs; the label is of triple billet moulding, and is carried down to the floor; on the tympanum of the arch is carved a tree, from which two monsters are eating apples; on the lintel is a representation, probably of St. Michael and the dragon; above the lintel is the following inscription


The under side of the lintel is carved with a guilloche pattern; the rear arch is semi-circular, of square section; on each side of the doorway, in the porch, the S. wall of the aisle has a plinth, which does not appear on the wall outside the porch; the threshold, and a space about 4 ft. square in the floor of the aisle are 1½ ft. below the general level of the floor. The W. window is of three cinque-foiled ogee lights and tracery under a four-centred head; the outer stonework is modern, the rear arch is of the 15th century, and apparently of clunch, the inner jambs are of limestone, and possibly of earlier date than the arch. The South Porch has an outer doorway with a pointed arch of two chamfered orders in a square head, of late 15th or early 16th-century date; in each side wall is a single trefoiled pointed light under a square head, of the same date as the doorway, restored outside with cement. The West Tower (15 ft. by 12 ft.) is of two stages, with a moulded plinth and square angle buttresses; across the W. face of the tower is a second string-course. The parapet is embattled, and the S.E. stair-turret rises above it. The two-centred tower arch is of three chamfered orders, dying into square jambs; the square plinth of the wall in which the arch is set projects on both the E. and W. sides, and is about 12–14 in. above the floor; it also projects between the jambs of the arch, probably to form a stone bench similar to that on the N. wall. The doorway of the stair-turret, in the S. wall, is pointed, with a chamfered head and jambs, partly of 15th-century clunch, restored with modern stone. The W. doorway was moved out from the nave, when the tower was built, and is of c. 1250, partly restored with cement; the arch is two-centred, and of three moulded orders, the inner order continuous; each jamb has two shafts in the angles of the recessed orders with moulded capitals and bases, much hidden and defaced by ivy; the external label is moulded, and the rear arch is segmental; the 15th-century W. window, much restored, is of three cinque-foiled lights and tracery under a four-centred head. The upper storey of the lower stage has, in the N., S., and W. walls, trefoiled single lights of the 15th century. The bell-chamber has four 15th-century windows, each of two trefoiled lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head; the stair-turret is lighted by three narrow loops and two quatrefoils. On the E. wall of the tower, inside, are traces of the former position of the 15th-century roof of the nave. The Roof of the S. porch is of late 15th or early 16th-century date, and is of the queen-post type, with chambered tie-beams and curved struts; of the N. truss only the ends of the tie-beam remain; the cornice is moulded, and the four stone corbels are roughly carved as human faces, probably cut at a later date. The other roofs are modern, but over the S. arcade of the nave are some head-corbels of late 14th or early 15th-century date; the first, second, and sixth are of stone, and have faces of later date carved on the sides; the third, fourth and fifth corbels are of wood, moulded, and probably of the 16th or 17th century.

Fittings—Bells: five, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 1656, 5th, 1658, all by Ellis, Francis and Henry Knight, of Reading, 4th, by Richard Chandler, 1682. Brasses and Indents. Brasses: In S. aisle—at W. end, removed from the chancel and nave, (1) of John Compton, and Margery, his wife, daughter of Brian Harley, 1424, man in armour, four sons, seven daughters, with inscription in black-letter, and indents of two shields; (2) of Richard, son of Thomas Grenewey, 1551, and Johne, his wife, daughter of John Tylney, man in armour, woman in pedimental head-dress, with inscription in black-letter, and shield bearing a fesse and a chief with three popinjays therein and a border gobony; in same slab, (3) of Thomas Grenewey, 1538, and Elizabeth, his wife, 1539, man in armour, both figures headless, inscription in black-letter; on another slab, (4) of William Lee, of Morton, 1486, and Alice, his wife, man in civilian dress, woman headless, with inscription in black-letter; on same slab, (5) to John Lee, of Morton, 1506, inscription only; on same slab, (6) of Francis Lee, of Moreton, 1558, and Elizabeth, his wife, man in furred robe, with hanging sleeves, woman in veiled head-dress, part of her head missing; on same slab, (7) to Elinor, wife of Sir Thomas Lee, of Morton, 1633, inscription only; on another slab, (8) of Simon Mayne, 1617, and Colubery, his wife, 1628, man in armour, with ruff, inscription and shield with arms; on same slab, (9) small figures of man and woman, early 17th-century. Indents: in S. aisle at W. end, (1) of two figures and a shield. Chest: in S. aisle, made up of linen panelling, early 16th-century, lid 17th-century. Communion Table: at W. end of S. aisle, with carved legs and rails, inscription on the top, FRANSIS HVNTTS GEVEN BY THE YOVTH OF VPTON, on the front, date 1606, and initials (continued on the back), probably of the donors. Cupboard: in the tower, with moulded panels, carved border and cornice, dated 1612. Font: circular cupshaped bowl, fluted, with trefoiled heads to the fluting, moulded rim and band of quatre-foiled and other small panels, probably 14th-century, moulded base, possibly earlier date, much scraped. Glass: in S.E. window of S. aisle, shield bearing arms—argent (?) three bars or in chief three griffons' heads razed each holding a pick in its beak, device above shield possibly mantled helm, probably late 15th or early 16th-century. Locker: in N. wall of chancel, square, with rebated edges, probably old, retooled. Monuments: in the tower—(1) altar tomb of Richard Serjeant, 1668, Anne, his first wife, daughter of Sir Richard Ingoldsby, and Jane, his widow, daughter of Sir Edward Harrington, date not filled in, with inscription and arms, pillars, with pediment, frieze and cornice supporting an urn, black and white marble; (2) mural tablet to Jane, second wife of Richard Serjeant, 1681, inscription and shield with arms. In nave—on N. wall, (3) monument of black marble, to Symon Mayne, 1617, inscription and shield with arms. Piscinæ: in the chancel, with octofoil basin, moulded jambs, trefoiled head and label, possibly 13th-century, much restored; in S. aisle, with chamfered jambs, pointed head and quatrefoil basin, 14th or 15th-century. Plate: includes large cup and cover paten of 1569. Pulpit: panelled, with carved design of round-headed arches and pilasters, carved and moulded rails and muntins, moulded cornice, early 17th-century. Miscellanea: in the churchyard, base and octagonal shaft of cross, possibly 15th-century, with bronze sundial.



b(2–3). Homestead Moat, N.W. of Aston Mullins Farm, 1½ miles S. of the church, is large and almost circular, with a strong retaining bank on the N. There are traces of another small moated site on the W.

Condition—Fairly good.

a, b(4). Homestead Moat, at Moreton Farm, nearly 1¾ miles S.E. of the church.

Condition—Much altered and denuded.

a(5). Dinton Hall, house and a moat in the park, W. of the church. The House is of three storeys, with brick walls; the dressings are of stone and cement; the roofs are tiled. It was built mainly in the second half of the 16th century, but part of the W. side, including the N.W. wing, is probably of earlier date; the whole house has been much restored, and the third storey of the main part, and an E. extension are additions made in the 19th century. The plan of the main part is of modified half-H shape, facing N., with the wings extending towards the S.; at the N.W. corner there is a small wing which projects towards the W., and is said to have extended formerly further in that direction; on the E. side of the S.E. wing, and parallel with it, is a second small wing. The present arrangement of the rooms is apparently of late 17th or early 18th-century date. In the main part, extending along the N. side, is a long narrow entrance hall, containing the two principal staircases, with the Dining room and Oak Hall opening out of it; the W. wing contains the Saloon, with a cellar under the N. half, and the domestic offices are in the modern extension.

Elevations—On the N. front the central block and the 16th-century E. wing project slightly beyond the W. and N.W. wings, and are on a moulded brick plinth; the two lower storeys are of late 16th-century brick, with a plain brick string-course between them; a modern stone cornice marks the second floor level, and the third storey has four modern gables; two small oval lights immediately above the cornice suggest that the front formerly had a parapet and only two gables. The entrance doorway and porch in the W. half of the front are modern; the six windows on the ground floor and the seven windows on the first floor are all of two lights with arched heads, and have cement dressings; the pilasters between them are also of cement. All the other windows of the house are modern. The W. wing is faced with modern stone; although of the same height as the main part and gabled, it is only of two storeys and a cellar. The N.W. wing, lower than the rest of the house, is covered with cement; on the W. side it is gabled, and the W. wing also has two gables. The S. side, including the wings, is entirely faced with modern stone; the main part has four dormer windows. Behind the main ridge of the N. front is a chimney stack with three shafts of late 16th-century date, square on plan and set diagonally, two octagonal, probably of late 17th-century date, and three square shafts, set diagonally, of the 18th century or modern. On the E. side of the principal S.E. wing are two original square shafts, set diagonally; the other stacks appear to be modern.

Interior:—The windows of the hall contain some 16th and 17th-century heraldic glass, including the arms of Archbishop Warham, and the rose and pomegranate, badges of Queen Mary. The Oak Hall is lined with early 17th-century panelling, and has a carved scroll frieze and a fine carved overmantel. In the W. wall of the cellar, under the saloon, is a curious arrangement of stone corbelling apparently of early date, perhaps 14th-century, and probably a support for a large fireplace which has disappeared; four vertical partitions and three horizontal shelves divide it into twelve niches or square recesses; the tops of the vertical partitions project beyond the lower parts and have moulded corbels. The staircase appears to be modern, but may be of the 17th century, well preserved. On the first floor the bedroom over the Oak Hall has a late 16th-century stone fireplace with moulded jambs and four-centred arch in a square head.

In the grounds S.W. of the house is a late 17th-century gate-post of red brick with moulded stone capping and ball-finial; the fellow gate-post at the other end of the sunk fence, S.E. of the house, is of modern brick, but retains the original cap: the garden wall W. of the original post is probably of late 17th-century date; N.W. of the house, at the entrance to the modern drive, are two similar gate-posts, probably of early 18th-century date. In the wall flanking the road, N. of the house, is a small round-headed wicket containing a late 16th-century door of oak battens.

Of the Moat, in the park, only a fragment remains.

Condition—Of house, good, much restored.

a(6). Moat Farm, house and moat, at Ford (see also Nos. 21–25 below), nearly 1¼ miles S.E. of the church. The House was built probably early in the 17th century, but the walls have been almost entirely re-faced with modern brick. The plan is T-shaped; the cross wing faces S.E., and contains two rooms; the wing at the back, now a dairy, is short, and is built of old timber and brick. The roofs are tiled. The cross wing was originally entirely of two storeys, but the E. half and the dairy, are now of one storey. At the E. end is a large square chimney, with V-shaped pilasters on each face, built of thin bricks; under it is a large open fireplace.

Of the Moat only a fragment remains.

Condition—Of house, good, much restored.

b(7). Upper Waldridge Farm, house and moat, about 1½ miles S. of Ford. The House was built probably early in the 17th century, of timber and brick, partly re-faced with brick later in the same century, and enlarged in the 18th century. The roofs are tiled. The plan is now T-shaped, with the cross wing facing S.W., but it appears to have extended originally further towards the S.E.

An oak-mullioned bay window of five lights and a fine chimney stack are especially noticeable.

The S.W. Elevation is re-faced with late 17th-century brick; it has a central gable, and, at the S.E. end, a projecting chimney stack; on the ground floor are two small windows, on the first floor, two transomed windows each of three lights, and in the gable another window of two lights, all with stone dressings. The N.W. Elevation is timber-framed, with brick filling set in herringbone pattern; in the angle of the wings is a small lean-to addition built of brick; the end of the cross wing is gabled, and has, on the first floor, a gabled bay window of five lights with moulded oak mullions and transoms, a carved upright beam in the gable-head, which also has herringbone filling; under the window are carved brackets; the central wing has, on the first floor, a somewhat similar window without a gable. At the N.E. End is a low addition of the 18th century. The S.E. Elevation has been re-faced with late 17th-century brick, and has stone mullioned windows. The large chimney stack between the wings has six square shafts, set diagonally; one is much out of the perpendicular.

Interior:—The floors are of oak and elm, and in the ceilings are chamfered beams, one with moulded stops. On the ground floor are two large, open fireplaces, one partly blocked, and a door of oak battens, with fleur-de-lis hinges. In a cupboard on the first floor is some oak panelling of early 17th-century date; the staircase is of elm, with an old newel post.

E. of the house is a 17th-century outhouse of brick.

Of the Moat only traces can be seen.

Condition—Of the house, bad, the brick falling away from the timber-framing. Requires immediate attention.

a(8). Almshouses, consisting of a long rectangular building of two storeys; the lower storey, towards the W. end, is pierced by a large archway, which forms the S. entrance to the churchyard. On the E. side of the archway the walls are of early 18th-century brick; on the W. side they are partly of brick and timber, probably of late 17th-century date. The roof is tiled.

Condition—Poor, now uninhabited.

a(9). House, about 80 yards S. of the church, was built early in the 17th century on an H-shaped plan; only the wings now remain, and form two cottages, each of two storeys. The N. wing has been much restored, and is covered with modern plaster; the S. wing shows, at the W. end, the original timber-framing with brick filling, partly set in herringbone pattern; the S. wall is of stone, patched with brick; the N. and E. walls are of timber and brick on stone foundations; in the N. wall, visible externally, are two blocked fireplaces. The roofs are tiled. The chimneys and some of the windows are old.

Condition—Fairly good.

a(10). Cottage, 90 yards S. of the church, is of two storeys, the upper storey partly in the roof, built in the 17th century. The walls are of timber and brick, with some stone. The roof is tiled.

Condition—Fairly good.


a(11). The White Horse Inn, is a 17th-century building of two storeys, covered with modern rough-cast. The roof is thatched. At the N. end is a blocked window of three lights, with moulded wood mullions. On the ground floor is a moulded ceiling-beam with a bracket.

Condition—Good, much restored.

a(12–18). Cottages and a Farmhouse, now three tenements, are all of two storeys, built in the 17th century, of witchert or covered with plaster, except one cottage which is of stone, restored with brick and plaster in the 18th century; the roofs are thatched. Some of the cottages have chimney stacks of thin bricks, wide open fireplaces and old ceiling-beams.

Condition—Fairly good.


a(19). Upton Farm, is a late 17th-century building of two storeys and of central chimney type, with an addition of later date at the back. The walls are of stone; the roof is tiled. Some of the windows have been blocked, and the chimney is of 17th-century brick. Inside the house are old ceiling-beams and a large, open fireplace, partly filled in.


a(20). Cottage, now three tenements, on the W. side of the road, N. of Upton Farm, is of two storeys, built in the 17th century. The lower part of the walls is of stone; the upper part is covered with plaster. The roof is thatched. One of the fireplaces has, in the back, an old carved stone, but the carving is almost obliterated.


Ford (see also (6) above):—

b(21). The Dinton Hermit Inn, is a late 17th-century stone building of two storeys, the upper storey partly in the roof, which is tiled. The chimney stack is built of thin bricks.


b(22). Cottage, now two tenements, N.E. of the Dinton Hermit Inn, is of two storeys, the upper storey partly in the roof. It was built probably early in the 17th century; the walls are almost entirely covered with plaster, but a little timber-framing, with brick filling set in herringbone pattern, is visible in the upper storey. The roof is thatched.

Condition—Fairly good.

b(23–25). Cottages, three, E. of the Baptist Chapel, are each of two storeys, the upper storey partly in the roof, built in the 17th century. The easternmost cottage is of timber and brick; the middle cottage is covered with modern rough-cast, and has a chimney of old thin bricks; the third cottage is covered with plaster, but has traces of timber and brick in one wall, and an old chimney. The roofs are thatched.

Condition—Of easternmost cottage, bad; of other cottages, good.

a(26). Stocks and Whipping-post, S. of the church; the stocks have six holes and retain the iron manacles on one of the upright posts.

Condition—Fairly good; now surrounded by a railing, and with a roof over them.