
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Denham', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Denham', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Denham". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South. (London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. (a)xlviii. S.E. (b)xlix. S.W. (c)liii. N.E. (d)liv. N.W.)


d (1). Parish Church of St. Mary, at the E. end of the village, is built of flint with modern stone dressings; the roofs are covered with lead. The 12th-century church on the site probably consisted of a nave of about the same size as the present nave and a small chancel. The Chancel was re-built and enlarged at the beginning of the 14th century. The Nave was re-built and the Aisles added c. 1460; the West Tower is of about the same date, but may have replaced an earlier tower. The North Vestry is modern; the church has been restored and all the tracery of the windows renewed.

The 16th-century effigies of Sir Edmund Peckham and his wife, in the chancel (see Plate, p. xxviii.), are of especial interest.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (33 ft. by 19½ ft.) leans towards the S. and has an E. window of three lights and tracery; the external stonework is modern, but the internal jambs and rear arch with moulded label are of early 14th-century date; the jambs have attached shafts with moulded bases, re-cut, and moulded capitals. In the N. wall is a modern doorway and, at the W. end, a low side window of two lancet lights, and of early 14th-century date, partly restored. In the S. wall is a low side window similar to that in the N. wall, also restored, and further E. is a modern window. The chancel arch is modern. The Nave (37½ ft. by 20 ft.) has N. and S. arcades of c. 1460, and of three bays, with moulded two-centred arches; the columns are of four half-round shafts separated by hollow chamfers; the bases and capitals are moulded. On the N. face of the E. respond of the N. arcade are the remains of a doorway with rebated jambs and three-centred head, which formerly opened into the stairs to the rood-loft. The windows of the clearstorey are modern. The North Aisle (11½ ft. wide) has one window in each wall, all of three lights with tracery of 15th-century design; the inner jambs and rear arches are original. The South Aisle (10 ft. wide) has windows similar to those in the N. aisle, and the 15th-century S. doorway has moulded jambs and head, the inner member two-centred, the outer member and label square, with quatrefoils in the spandrels, and a small carved ornament in the middle. The West Tower (15½ ft. by 15 ft.) is of two stages, with a modern embattled parapet. The two-centred tower arch and the jambs are moulded; the bases are also moulded. The W. doorway resembles the S. doorway, but is plainer; the window above it is blocked by the face of the clock, but has original inner jambs and rear arch. The bell-chamber has four windows, each of two lights with 17th-century brickwork in the inner splays and modern external stonework; on each side of each window is a rough round-headed opening without stone dressings. The low-pitched Roofs of the chancel and nave are of the 15th century, and have moulded ridges, purlins, wall-plates and large beams with arched brackets; the principals in the nave rest on stone corbels with carved heads, except two, which are plain; the 15th-century roofs of the aisles are penelled and have moulded beams and wall-plates.

Fittings—Bells: eight, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th by James Bartlett, 1683. Brasses and Indents. Brasses: In chancel—on E. jamb of S.E. window, in a frame, fixed on hinges, (1) of Amphillis, daughter of Sir Edward Pekham, 1445, with inscription and shield bearing arms —a cheveron between three crosslets fitchy, quartering a fesse between three molets—all palimpsest, on figure said to be of Franciscan friar, with Latin inscription to John Pyke, and shield, on which are two instruments, crossed saltire-wise, possibly hook and rod, and initials JMPS, interpreted as John Pyke, Magister Scolarum, probably early 15th-century. In nave—before chancel step, set in modern slab, (2) of Walter Duredent, 1494, figures of knight in plate armour, Agnes and Margareta, his wives, three sons and four daughters of one wife, nine sons and ten daughters of the other, with inscription and four shields bearing arms; (3) of Robert Thornhill, of Tuxford, 'parson of Denham', 1612, figure in gown and scarf, or stole; (4) of three boys and one girl, probably early 16th-century; (5) to Thomas Bedyll, 'fermer of Denhm Courte,' 1527, M'garett and Johan, his wives, inscription only; (6) of Agnes Jordan, last Abbess of Syon, 1544, in her habit, inscription in black-letter, date filled in at a later period. Indents: see monument (2). Font: of Purbeck marble, octagonal, tapering bowl, chamfered at the bottom, on each side two slightly recessed panels with pointed heads, circular stem surrounded by eight small shafts, early 13th-century, base and two of the shafts modern. Monuments: In chancel—in N.E. corner, not original position, (1) of Sir Edmund Peckham, 1564, and his wife, 1570, altar-tomb with recumbent effigies, hands broken, the knight in plate armour, his wife in a robe with cape and ruff, modern inscription on his helm, inscription on cushion under her head; base with fluted Doric pillars, edge of slab at the top moulded and enriched on the four sides; in S.E. corner, (2) altar tomb of Purbeck marble, slab with indent of inscription and having moulded edge on N. and E. sides only, N. side of base with indent for large brass in the middle, and two sub-cusped quatre-foiled panels, containing indents of shields; on S. wall, (3) of Philippe Edelen, 1656, 'a constant preacher of the truth in the most difficult times wherein he lived', slab, with incised figure and inscription; (4) to Sir Robert Peckham, Privy Councillor to Queen Mary, died in Rome, 1569, his heart only buried in this church, inscription and achievement of arms, heart cut in pediment of tablet. In nave —on E. wall, N. side, (5) to John Sowthen, 1631. In N. aisle—on N. wall, W. end, (6) to Mary Coggs, 1694, Martha Coggs, 1696, and others, 18th-century, inscription and arms, white marble, classic detail. In S. aisle—on S. wall, E. end, (7) to Sir William Bowyer, knight, 1616, his son, Sir Henry Bowyer, knight, 1613, his son, Sir William Bowyer, knight and baronet, 1679, and Margaret, his wife, 1678, inscription and arms, erected by their son, Sir William Bowyer, baronet, of Denham Court, 1682, black and white marble, classic detail. Painting: over S. doorway, part of a Doom, 15th-century, upper part defaced. Plate: includes cup of 1673, bearing the date 1675.

Condition—Good, restored; two iron tie-rods across the chancel; bases of arcades damaged.


d(2). Denham Court, house, moat, and fishpond, nearly ½ mile E. of the church. The House is a large building, partly of two, and partly of three storeys. All the walls are of brick, some being covered with cement; the roofs are of slate. The present W. wing is the only remaining part of the original house, built about the middle of the 17th century; the rest was built or re-built in the 18th and 19th centuries. The W. wing has no original details, and the chimney stacks are covered with cement. Interior:—Some thick walls in the main block are probably part of the original building. The room at the N. end of the W. wing is said to have been formerly the kitchen and to have had an open timber roof, but now has an upper floor inserted in it. The staircase is of late 17th-century date, and has a moulded handrail and turned balusters.

The E. arm of the Moat is formed by the river Colne.

Condition—Of house and moat, good.

b(3). The Savoy, house and moat, stands about 5/8 mile N.N.E. of the church. The House is of two storeys, almost entirely timber-framed, with brick filling; the roofs are tiled. The plan is H-shaped, facing W. The Great Hall in the main block (the present Hall and Dining Room) was built doubtless as early as the 14th century, and had narrow aisles, 4½ ft. wide, on the E. and W., divided from it by wooden arcades; the W. aisle has been removed, but part of the E. aisle remains in situ. The existing work shows that the size of the Great Hall, without the aisles, was at least 36 ft. by 15½ ft., with arcades of two bays, but as the width of the N. wing of the present building is equal to a bay of the hall, it is not impossible that the hall was of three bays and extended to the present N. wall, in which are traces of a contemporary staircase that would have joined the N.E. angle of the hall, and would have led to a great chamber above the screens, etc., now abolished. The south or solar wing (the present Drawing Room) is of later date, and was added possibly at the end of the 14th century; its length was equal to the width of the Great Hall and aisles, but subsequently, probably late in the 15th century, it was lengthened towards the E. by the addition of the present Entrance Hall. The N.E. wing, containing the present Study, was built probably a little later than the solar. The upper floor was inserted in the Great Hall about the middle of the 16th century, when the central chimney stack was built; it is probable that the N. wing was then partly remodelled, and that the staircase in the angle of the wing with the main block was added at the same time. The present main staircase, in the angle with the S.E. wing, is of early 17th-century origin. The modern work includes the rebuilding of the W. half of the N. wing, containing the Kitchen and Offices, alterations and additions E. of the main block, and alterations to both staircases.

The building is of especial interest as a fine example of a mediæval timber-framed house; it retains exceptionally complete evidence of the Great Hall with aisles, apparently the only instance of the kind in South Buckinghamshire. The remains of the mural paintings are unusually numerous and well preserved.

The Savoy, Denham

Elevations:—The wing at each end of the W. Elevation is gabled; in the N. wing the gable-head is of modern plaster and the lower part of the wall of modern brick; the upper storey of the S. wing projects, but the floor-joists appear to be restored, and also some of the timbers; the barge-board is modern; the wings project only slightly beyond the main block, which has old vertical timbers and 16th-century brick filling. The mullioned window-frames are modern, but the door next to the N. wing is probably of the 15th century, and is of oak battens with strap-hinges. The S. Elevation is much covered with ivy; in the W. half is a projecting chimney stack, probably old, but hidden by the ivy; in the E. half the wall sets back and the roof is lower; the main entrance has a modern porch, and all the windows have modern frames. The E. Elevation has a gable at the end of each wing; the end of the S. wing has old vertical timbers, apparently re-used; the brick filling is apparently of the 18th century, and the head of the gable is plastered; the N. side of the wing is of 18th-century red brick, except a vertical post remaining on each side of the modern projecting chimney stack. The staircase, in the angle of the wing with the main block, and a modern addition on the N., are covered with ivy. The main block is of modern brick, of one storey, with the roof of the original hall carried down over it, and containing a modern gabled dormer; the central chimney stack is of thin bricks; a door of the 14th or 15th century has been re-hung in the E. wall, and has strap-hinges similar to those on the W. door. The smaller staircase in the angle of the main block with the N. wing is of 16th-century brick and timber; the roof of the N. wing is carried down over this staircase. The N. wing projects further towards the E. than the S. wing, and has, in the S. wall, old timber-framing with brick filling of a later date; the gabled E. end is similar, but partly of 17th-century brick; the head of the gable is covered with cement. All the windows in this elevation have modern frames, and there is a small modern verandah. The W. half of the N. Elevation projects slightly and is of modern brick; the E. half is of old timber-framing, but the brick filling has been restored; E. of the modern projection, on the ground floor, is a doorway with a pointed head, probably of the 14th century; it is of wood, with chamfered edges, and was formerly the entrance to the original staircase; on the first floor, E. of the other, is a similar doorway; both are now filled in, and the lower doorway contains a window; a post between the doorways was probably the central newel of the winding stairs. The easternmost window on the ground floor is original, of two lights, with oak mullions and frame; the other windows on both floors are modern.

Interior:—In the E. wall of the present hall, or S. half of the Great Hall, are two original posts, with part of an archway which formerly opened into the E. aisle; a third post between the two was probably inserted in the 16th century to support the upper floor; in the W. wall is one heavy post, which probably formed part of a similar archway; the ceiling is of heavy 16th-century timbers, one beam has moulded edges and a panelled soffit with a Tudor rose in the middle; the other beams and floor-joists are plain; in the N. wall is a large open fireplace of the 16th century; on the E. wall is a partly obliterated painting of a shield in a wreath, bearing arms—a quarterly coat—of the same date, and on the soffit of the arch are some traces of painting and a black-letter inscription. The dining room, or N. half of the Great Hall, has two old beams in the ceiling, with notches or mortises for the former floorjoists; the ceiling is now plastered; the large open fireplace in the S. wall retains the original lintel, but the wall is re-faced with modern brick; some panelling on the N. and S. walls is of late 17th-century date, made up with modern work. The passage, E. of the hall, has been partly widened, and the N. end thrown into the dining-room; in the W. wall can be seen the posts and archway opening into the hall, and showing signs of the former cross-beam and upright against the post, apparently all cut out of the solid. The entrance hall, in the E. half of the S. wing, has in the N. and S. walls projecting posts with chamfered edges and stops, and struts to support the ceiling-joist between them; the N. post has mortise-holes, etc., probably indicating the position of a former partition; in the N.W. corner is a detached post, with grooves and three-quarter edge-rolls; the ceiling is of open timbers. The principal staircase, N.W. of the entrance hall, is partly of early 17th-century date, and partly modern; it is dog-legged, and has square newels with ball heads, turned balusters, and a moulded handrail. The drawing room, W. of the entrance hall, has heavy posts with chamfered uprights in the S. and E. walls; on the N. side is a recess, 3½ ft. deep and the width of the original Great Hall adjoining it, with a post in the middle, detached from the wall, and grooved for a partition, with remains of painted ornament on the W. side; this recess seems to indicate that the upper part, or gable, of the hall formerly projected, and that when the wing was built the post, and another in the room above it, were inserted as supports for the roof, on the plane of the projection, but the lower part of the original S. wall of the hall was retained: the ceiling of the drawing room is of open timbers with heavy beams and joists; in the middle, a square opening, now filled in, was evidently constructed for an original staircase from the S. end of the E. aisle of the Great Hall; the fireplace, in the S. wall, is of late 16th or early 17th-century date, of clunch and thin bricks with a wood lintel, but one stone shows the springing of a Tudor arch; the room is lined with oak panelling, also of the 16th or 17th century. In the E. half of the N. wing the walls of the study have heavy plain posts with curved struts; near the end of the N. wall is the archway of the former staircase (see N. elevation), the jambs have blocked mortiseholes for the steps; the ceiling has a heavy beam from N. to S. and old rough square joists, with plaster filling; the part E. of the beam was probably the ceiling of a cellar. The servants' hall, N. of the dining-room, has two old beams in the ceiling.

On the first floor the room over the S. half of the Great Hall shows part of the original open timber roof, with heavy cambered tie-beams, king-posts, and curved struts, supporting a central purlin below the collar-beams; the uprights, forming partitions above the tie-beams, and the rafters are exposed: the fireplace in the N. wall has been altered; a door opening into a large closet next to the chimney stack is of old oak: on the S. and E. walls are remains of painting, dated 1606, representing Biblical and other scenes, the figures in Jacobean costume; on the E. wall is a figure, probably intended for James I. The passage E. of this room is part of the original E. aisle of the hall; one timber, forming half of an arch of the arcade, remains; the other half has been removed, and the rest of the arcade is not visible; at the N. end of the passage are two 16th-century arches at the head of the smaller staircase, which is now modern internally. The room over the N. half of the Great Hall is completely modern. The room over the drawing room has a high-pitched roof, open to the collar-beams, which are supported by a central purlin carried on king-post trusses, with curved struts and heavy cambered tie-beams; the room is divided into two bays, the middle truss being supported by a post in the S. wall, and a detached post on the N. resembling that in the room below (see drawing room); the large recess on the N. side is caused by the former projection at the end of the great hall, and in the N. wall of the recess, the heavy cambered tie-beam with notches and peg-holes for former uprights, is probably one of the original external timbers of the hall. The room over the study in the N. wing has old timbers in the walls, and heavy cross-beams with curved struts in the flat plastered ceiling.

The Moat is partly natural, fed by the river Colne.

Condition—Of house, good; of moat, fairly good.

c(4). Southlands Farm, house, barns, moat, and fishpond, 3½ miles S. by S.W. of the church. The House is of two storeys and an attic; it was built in the 16th century or possibly earlier, and was originally timber-framed with brick or plaster filling, but was considerably restored and altered in the 19th century. The roofs are tiled. The plan is T-shaped; the vertical wing extends towards the W., and contains the drawing and dining rooms, the arrangement of the beams in the ceilings indicating that they were possibly originally one room, although the chimney stack between them is old; in the width of the stack, on the N. side, is an entrance lobby, and at the W. end of the wing is a modern one-storeyed addition. The horizontal wing probably extended further towards the N.; it contains the kitchen and dairy, originally one room, with a room S. of the kitchen; at the N. end is a large covered gateway opening into a courtyard. In the S.W. angle between the wings is an entrance lobby, and at the S. end of the E. front is an extension, of later date than the rest of the house, containing the brew-house, etc., with a modern addition on the E. The E. front shows some original timber-framing, with modern brick filling, but is much hidden by ivy; the walls of the gateway are timber-framed with brick filling; the angle posts and two large joists have brackets supporting the overhanging upper storey, which is gabled on the E. and W., and has timber-framed walls with plaster filling. The N. wall of the vertical wing is covered with plaster; the S. walls are almost entirely hidden by ivy, but, at the W. end, show some original timbers; at the E. end the lower storey is of modern brick and the upper storey of lath and plaster. Two chimney stacks are old, and have square shafts built of thin bricks.

Interior:—The ceiling-beams in the drawing and dining rooms are encased. In the kitchen and dairy there is one longitudinal beam and two stop-chamfered cross-beams in the ceiling, with posts in the walls and one large brace between the two rooms. In the room S. of the kitchen a large detached post and some mortises in a beam indicate the possible position of the original staircase; the ceiling-joists in this room are exposed. The E. wall of the brewhouse shows the original timber-framing and plaster filling. Some original doors remain, and are of moulded battens with strap-hinges. On the first floor some of the rooms have cambered beams in the ceilings, and others have original timbers in the walls and ceilings; the floors have old oak boards, and there is one original door of oak battens.

Three Barns, one adjoining the gateway at the N. end of the house, the other two forming an L-shaped block W. of the house, were built probably in the 17th century. The walls are almost entirely timber-framed and weather-boarded, but one barn is partly of brick; the roofs have large queen-post trusses with curved brackets and wind-braces, and are covered with tiles.

The Moat, S.W. of the house, is fed by the river Bourne.

Condition—Of house, good, but the ivy on the walls will damage them unless the growth is checked; of barns, moat, and fishpond, fairly good.

a(5). Denham Marsh Farm, about 1½ miles N.W. of the village, is a house of two storeys. The main block, facing W., was built probably in the 16th century; a small N.E. wing was added late in the 17th century, a large S. wing and a W. porch were built in the 19th century. The front is of modern brick; the N. end has a gable covered with cement, and a large projecting chimney stack with a rectangular shaft of old thin bricks, much restored. The N.E. wing is of 17th-century brick and timber, partly covered with cement and gabled at the E. end. The back of the house has been re-faced. The roofs are tiled. The central chimney stack of the original building is of old thin bricks, restored at the top. Interior:—The three 16th-century rooms on the ground floor have original ceiling-beams and exposed joists; the hall has an open fireplace, partly restored, and the wide fireplace in the N. room is of thin bricks, apparently old. The trusses of the roof, with purlins, wind-braces and rafters, are exposed in the ceilings of three rooms on the first floor.

Condition—Good, much restored. The walls of the N.E. wing bulge outwards, but have been bolted.

b(6). Denham Place, ¼ mile N.W. of the church, is of two storeys, with basement and attic. It was re-built on the site of an older house late in the 17th century. The walls are of brick, with chamfered plinth and rusticated quoins of rubbed brick; the steep-pitched roofs are tiled, and have flat tops covered with lead.

The house is a fine example of a domestic building of late 17th-century date; the late 15th or early 16th-century woodwork in the chapel (see Plate, p. 300), the ornamental plaster ceilings, especially in two rooms on the ground floor, and the tapestries are especially interesting.

The plan is H-shaped, with the wings at the N. and S. ends, and the principal entrance on the E. The main block contains, on the ground floor, the hall and main staircase, the dining room, a small ante-room and a second narrow staircase. In the N. wing is the chapel, with ante-chapel, the billiard room and drawing room, and in the S. wing the library, kitchen and offices. All the walls have a projecting string-course between the storeys, and under the eaves a massive wood cornice, with egg and tongue ornament and large carved modillions. The entrance doorway and all the window-frames are comparatively modern. All the chimney stacks are square and have recessed panels in each side.

Interior:—The hall has a ceiling with a large coved cornice and a moulded panel with monogram of six letters. The staircase has a moulded panelled ceiling above the first floor, with the arms of Hill impaling Lockey in the middle, and on the walls are five panels of tapestry, representing battle scenes and separate figures. The walls of the chapel are lined with linen panelling in moulded frames, 7 ft. 8 in. high, with a richly carved frieze and moulded cornice; the seats have moulded panelled backs and traceried standards, each having a carved head surmounted by an eagle holding a sprig of foliage; two standards have the arms of Hill instead of tracery: the square pulpit in the N.W. corner has linen panels with the arms of Hill in one panel, and the pew opposite has three similar panels, one carved with the arms of Hill, the others with a double-headed eagle: the screen between the chapel and ante-chapel is of six bays, each of three trefoiled lights with elaborate tracery in the heads; the panels below are in two divisions, with traceried heads: all the woodwork in the chapel is of late 15th or early 16th-century date, and is painted and gilded; it is said to have been brought from Somersetshire. The E. window contains twenty-four coats of arms, chiefly of Hill, impaling and quartering other coats. The ante-chapel is also lined with linen panelling, some with small folds in high relief, probably of the 15th century; the gallery over the ante-chapel has an elaborately pierced front, carved in the style of Grinling Gibbons, and panelled walls with carved mouldings; the moulded ceiling has a monogram; in the E. window is some 17th-century heraldic glass with six shields bearing arms. The walls of the billiard room have large bolection-moulded panels and five pieces of tapestry, representing various scenes with human figures; the deep, coved frieze is ornamented with plasterwork in high relief, painted, representing country scenes and figures of a cupid and tortoise; the panelled plaster ceiling has the figure of a cupid in the middle, and at each end the date 1693; the fireplace is of black marble, with Corinthian pilasters. The drawing room has a deep coved frieze, with scenes illustrating various sports and a shield with arms of Hill impaling Lockey, all modelled in high relief, only the arms are painted; the panelled ceiling is decorated with designs of musical instruments, foliage, etc., in relief; the plaster-work of both these rooms is said to be Dutch. The library, and the ante-room in the central block, have panelling with carved mouldings of late 17th-century date; in each room the deep wood cornice is covered with egg and tongue ornament, and a small plaster figure is suspended from the ceiling of the ante-room. The cellars extend under the whole house, and, with the exception of the part under the library, now used as a servants' hall, have intersecting brick vaulting, supported by circular stone columns with moulded bases and capitals; the brick pilasters against the walls have similar capitals and bases. On the first floor the room over the hall has a plain coved cornice and a panelled ceiling with gilded initials in the middle. The room over the billiard room has a coved plaster cornice with wreaths, birds, etc., in relief; the central panel of the ceiling is painted with mythological figures. The walls of the room above the drawing room are covered with large panels, and the coved plaster cornice is ornamented with palm and acanthus leaves, and a series of coats of arms, Hill impaling others; the ceiling has, in the central panel, coloured plasterwork, representing an inn, and over the fireplace is a large painting, on a wooden panel, of the interior of a foreign church or cathedral. The room over the kitchen has panelled walls and an enriched moulded plaster ceiling. In the attic one room has a 17th-century carved oak fireplace and overmantel, now painted; the fireplace has a fluted Ionic pilaster on each side, supporting a carved and moulded cornice; the overmantel has four small rusticated columns supporting an entablature with strapwork frieze, and moulded cornice with dentils: the central division is richly moulded, and in the division on each side is a round-headed niche containing a small carved figure of a man; the walls of this room, including a cupboard door, are partly covered with early 17th-century panelling, now painted. The secondary staircase, S. of the hall, is of late 17th-century date, and reaches from the basement to the attic, in long straight flights; it has square newels moulded at the top, a moulded hand-rail and turned balusters. A small winding staircase from the first floor to the attic is of the same date and design.

Outbuildings:—The stables and coachhouse form a rectangular building, of late 17th-century date, built of brick, with a small wood clock-turret; the roof is tiled. The boundary walls of the garden, etc., are of the 17th century, high and massive, of brick.


Main Street

d(7). Cottage, at the corner, opposite Denham Place, about 300 yards W.N.W. of the church, is of two storeys, and apparently modern, but has at the E. end a projecting chimney stack built of 17th-century brick, with a square shaft.


S. side, from W. to E.

d(8). Cottages, two, adjoining, about 300 yards W. of the church, are each of one storey and an attic, built probably in the second half of the 16th century, and timber-framed with original brick filling, slightly restored. In front the upper storey projects at the E. end, and the gable is filled with lath and plaster; W. of the gable are two dormer windows. Both the chimney stacks are original, and have square shafts.


d(9). House, probably formerly an inn, now two cottages and a workshop, about 270 yards W. of the church, is of two storeys, built late in the 16th or early in the 17th century, of brick and timber, restored with modern brick. The roof is tiled. In front the original timber-framing of a wide gateway remains, but the opening has been blocked. In the shorter wing is the base of an original chimney stack, and in the main block are two chimney stacks of thin bricks, with square shafts. Inside the house is an original newel staircase and some of the floors have old boards. A small detached Cottage, W. of the house, is probably of the same date, and is timber-framed with plaster filling, partly weather-boarded.

Condition—Fairly good.

d(10). The Post Office, about 230 yards W.N.W. of the church, is a house of three storeys and an attic, built late in the 17th century, of brick; the roof is tiled and hipped on all sides. The plan is rectangular. Each wall has plain projecting string-courses between the storeys, and a moulded cornice under the eaves; facing the street are two square dormer windows, and the entrance has an original flat moulded canopy of wood, resting on three carved brackets. One plain rectangular chimney stack is original. Inside the house the 17th-century staircase is of solid oak.


N. side, from W. to E.

d(11). House, now a shop and three cottages, about 300 yards N.W. of the church, is of two storeys, built of brick and timber in the 17th century, and much restored in the 18th and 19th centuries. The roofs are tiled. The plan is L-shaped; the front has a gable at each end, and two dormer windows in the middle; the chimney stack at the back, and the projecting stack at the S.E. end, are of 17th-century brick.

Condition—Fairly good.

d(12). Cottages, two, adjoining, about 270 yards N.W. of the church, are each of two storeys, built in the 17th century, but almost entirely re-built in the 19th century. The N.W. wall is of original brick and timber and another wall, probably old, is covered with cement. The roofs are tiled.

Condition—Fairly good.

d(13). Cottages, three, adjoining, about 250 yards N.W. of the church, are each of two storeys; the westernmost cottage is probably of the 16th century, and is of original brick and timber; in front the gabled upper storey projects, and is covered with plaster. The W. end and the gable at the back are also of old brick and timber. The second cottage was re-fronted in the 18th century and has a modern wing at the back; the gateway at the E. end is of old thin bricks; some old posts in the walls and the original doors, of battens with strap-hinges remain. The third cottage has a front of 17th-century brick. All the roofs are tiled.

Condition—Fairly good.

d(14). The White Swan Inn, about 200 yards N.W. of the church, is of two storeys, and was built probably in the 17th century, but has been entirely re-faced with modern brick. The roof is tiled. Inside the house a little early 17th-century panelling remains on the ground floor.

Condition—Fairly good.

d(15). Cottages, two, adjoining, about 130 yards N.W. of the church, are each of two storeys, built probably in the 17th century, but re-fronted and much restored in the 18th century. The roofs are tiled. The base of one chimney stack is of old thin bricks.

Condition—Fairly good.

d(16). Cottages, three, adjoining, about 100 yards N.W. of the church, are of late 16th or early 17th-century date, built of brick and timber, much restored with modern brick. The roofs are tiled. The gable at the N.W. end has lath and plaster filling, and the N.W. chimney stack is of old thin bricks, but has a modern shaft. The central chimney stack is square, with panels in each side, of old bricks, restored at the top.

Condition—Fairly good; some timbers protected by boards or plaster.

d(17). Cottage, adjoining (16) at the E. end, is of one storey and an attic, built of brick late in the 17th century, now much restored; the roof is tiled. In front is a gabled dormer window. The small original chimney has been restored at the top.

Condition—Fairly good.

d(18). Hill House, 70 yards N.W. of the church, is of two storeys, with cellar and attic, built in the second half of the 17th century, with an 18th-century addition at the S. end, and restored in the 19th century. The walls are of brick; the roofs are tiled. The plan is rectangular, facing W. The front has three original gables; two are curvilinear, the third, in the middle, is stepped, with a sunk circular panel in the apex; a fourth gable, at the S. end, is of the 18th century: there is a projecting string-course between each storey, broken by the doorway on the ground floor, and by the heads of the windows on the first floor; the windows are plain, rectangular, with heads of rubbed brick; those on the first floor have a small brick moulding over them. The back has plain gables, and a plain unbroken string-course between each storey; the windows in the gables have diamond-shaped panes, probably original; the other windows are similar to those in front, but have no mouldings on the first floor; a doorway near the N. end has an original moulded frame, and a flat wooden canopy supported on three carved brackets.

Interior:—On the ground floor most of the ceiling-beams are covered with plaster; in the hall is a large open fireplace; in another room is a semi-circular recess of wood, with fluted pilasters, and moulded cornice, of late 17th-century date. One staircase has square newels, with turned tops, moulded rails and turned balusters, apparently original, but all painted. The upper part of the plain staircase leading to the attic and the boards in the attic floor are also original.

The walls surrounding the garden at the back are of brick, and of the same date as the house.


d(19). Cottages, two, adjoining, about 40 yards S. of the church, were built in the first half of the 17th century, almost entirely refaced with brick late in the 17th or early in the 18th century, and partly covered with rough-cast. The gabled N.E. end and part of the back retain original timber-framing and filling of thin bricks in the lower storey; the roofs are tiled. The three windows on the ground floor in front are of late 17th or early 18th-century date. The central chimney stack, with square shafts, is original.

Condition—Fairly good.

d(20). Cottage, about 70 yards S. of the church, is of two storeys, built in the second half of the 17th century, of brick. The roof is tiled.

Condition—Fairly good.

d(21). Denham Court Farm, 230 yards S.E. of the church, is a house of two storeys and an attic, built of brick; the roof is tiled. The plan is rectangular, facing S.E.; the S.E. half was built c. 1640, and the N.W. half was built or re-built about a hundred years later; the two blocks are of about the same size. The S.E. front has a plain string-course at the level of the first floor; the doorways and windows are modern, except the four original dormers, one a single light, the others of two lights each; a small blocked opening on the ground floor at the S.W. end formerly lighted a cupboard next to the dining room fireplace. The S.W. side of the house has two gables, the S. gable being higher than the other; the string-course is continued to the end of the 17th-century block, and in the middle is an original chimney stack, restored at the top; on the first floor level, on each side of the chimney stack, is a small blocked window, which formerly lighted deep cupboards. The N.E. side of the house has a string-course and two gables similar to those on the other side, and there is an original chimney stack restored at the top; at the N. end, on the ground floor, are an old mullioned window-frame and a door-frame, evidently re-used from the older part of the house; and at the back, which is chiefly modern, is a mullioned window-frame on the ground floor, also of the earlier date, re-set.

Interior:—The 17th-century part of the house has, on the ground floor, chamfered beams in the ceilings; the fireplaces have all been partly blocked. Under the easternmost room is a cellar, which has in the walls small recesses with triangular heads. On the first floor is an old oak staircase leading to the attic, in which are some original oak doors.
