Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1630s

Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799.

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'Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1630s', in Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1630s', in Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1630s". Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

John Thorney butcher. WJ/SR/NS/028/98 (1630)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace for the cittie and liberty of Westminster
now assembled.

The humble peticion John Thorney butcher.

Humby sheweth.

That the Tewsday before Whitsuntide last your petitioner accompanying with on William Brackston
butcher to buy cattell in the country the said Brackston falling out with the hedburrow
of Fulham and your petitioner takeing his part had his head broken and sett in the stockes 3
houres with the said Brackston, for which the said headburrow gave the said Brackston
xx shillings and bound your petitioner to the peace: since which time the said Brackston and his
wife for no cause beate your petitioner and his wife, insomuch that they were not able
to follow their calling in a fortnight to his greate losse and hindrance, that upon
Whitson Eve the said Brackston arrested your petitioner into the Kinges Bench in the midst
of his markett and deteined him 3 houres prisoner thoughe hee had sufficient surities
ready for his appearance, which arrest and fees cost him iiii shillings besides his hinderance
upon which arrest your petitioner appered the first daie of this last terme which cost him v shillings
and yet the said Brackston never retained his attorney nor yet declared against him.
After that he arrested your petitioner and his wife into the Marshallseas where it
cost them in fees and other chardges vi shillings vi pence and their appeareance the first courte
daie v shillings ii pence the second courte day iiii shillings and the third court day being this presente
Friday iii shillings viii pence and moved the Marshalls man to arrest them severally whereby
to put them to double fees and chardges soe that his whole chardge comes to, with taking
the peace of him at Fulham, xxxiii shillings and iiii pence besides his losse and hindreance in his

Therefore his most humble suite is that your worships wilbe pleased to take
the busines into your worships consideracion and examine the same and thereupon
to afford him such lawfull favour for his redresse herein as in equitie
your worships shall thincke meete for that hee is apoore man haveing a charge
of wife and children to mainteine upon his owne labour and he shall etc

Ro: Rogers. WJ/SR/NS/036/4 (1633)

Noble gentlemen

Allthough it was [my?] ill fortune to be brought fore you
at the [tri...?] yet under favour I hope my offence was
not such that of necessitye I must be pulled and hailed
a longe the streete and used worse then a theife or
cuttpurse I did not denye to give what soeever
you gentlemen of the bench did a warde but onlye
intreated for a mittigation, which if you will be [illegible]
pleased to take yt into your consideratione I
shall accknowledge my thankfullnes, (if not) I must
and will paye yt allthough Master [Rea?] hath not
dealte well with me, I was not suffered to
paye not tell I could paye yt, but thrust
into a prisson and used with such reprochfull
speches that it was unpossible for any man to
suffer it they durst not have donne yt unles
some greater then themselfes set them one [to?]
some other ends I vowe to God I gave them
not a beseminge worde, wherfore lett me
intreate that they maye give an accoumpte
for yt, upon what ground they doe yt

I am assured it was not my Lord of [Lyn...?]
desire I should be used with such rigor
but patience

Make me your humble

  • Ro: Rogers
  • Jane Huett, wife of Paule Huett. WJ/SR/NS/038/7 (1634)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
    assembled in this sessions for the cittie and liberties of Westminster

    The humle peticion of Jane Huett the wife of
    Paule Huett.

    Humblie sheweth: that where your petitioner is bownd over to appeare
    this sessions by a French woman the wife of one Harris whoe
    hath left and forsaken her, for her ill course of life which the said
    French woman more of malice then of anie just cause into doth prosecute
    your petitioner therefore humblie giveth your worshipfull bench to understand
    that your petitioners husband, all that he can reape and runne from your petitioner
    he bringeth to this French woman to mainteine her: her ringes
    money, or whatsoever elles. This French woman hath noe meanes,
    but what she getteth, by uttering counterfeite jewelles, and other
    toyes. Your petitioner [illegible] therefore humblie beseecheth you of your
    goodnes, that some order maie be taken with this woman the
    rather because your petitioner goeth in dread of her life, both in respect
    of this woman, and alsoe of your petitioners husband, whoe hath almost
    cripled your petitioner; and hath had a bastard by her lyving, and doth
    mainteyne them to this daie. And your petitioner shall have
    right good cause to pray etc.

    Thomas Palmer, a very poor man. WJ/SR/NS/039/39 (1634)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the
    peace for the cittie and libertie of Westminster
    and countie of Middlesex now present

    The humble supplication of Thomas Palmer
    a very poore man

    Humbly shewinge that James Parteredge a barber
    in Westminster begatt a base child of the body of one
    Alice Baylee which in her greatest extremitie and
    payne before her delivery affirmed and vowed in the
    presence of the midwife and others that Parteredge
    the barber and non other was father of the said child
    and by recognizance he is to appeare this quarter
    sessions to answere his offence

    Now so it is right worshipfull the parents of the
    said Parteredge have taken away the child from the
    parish and the peticioner being a cooke, hath laid
    out his stocke he used to imploye for meat for his
    shopp, to provid food and necessarys for the said Alice
    att and since her beinge in child bed, and the said
    James Parteredge and his parents that taketh part
    in the cause doe intend not to pay the peticioner
    his disbursements nor allowe him for the great
    hinderance and damage he hath susteyned for want
    of the use of the roome where the said woeman
    lyeth in so that it is most apparant unles your
    worshipps be good unto the peticioner himselfe wife and
    3 children are utterly undone for ever and shalbe
    cast into the street for want of money to pay his
    rent and hee and his shall starve for want of food
    havinge not any meanes to live upon but what he
    is to have from the said Parteredge who hath latlie
    married a wife with a good estate

    The poore peticioner beseecheth your worshipps for
    Gods cause to be pleased to order and
    enjoyne the said James Parteredge to give
    the petitioner such present satisfaccion your worshipp
    in your grave wisdomes shall conceive fitting

    And the peticioner shall pray

    John Thompson. WJ/SR/NS/040/24 (1634)

    Good Master Haward

    I must soe (without flatterie) intitle you, for I find all your proceedinges (which
    come at any tyme within my cognizance) to be soe warrented; all which let
    me tell you (though our church holds not the point of meritt with God)
    yet it may certainely, and does meritt amoungst men, the approba=
    tion (I meane) of a good man, the dearest and choysest portion I
    hold bequeathed unto the sonns of men; thus much (without the
    least tange I profess of any desire I have to flatter you) I prefix
    as a preamble to my followinge suite unto you in the behalfe of
    this poore widow Susan Price, whoe informes me that havinge
    noe other means to maintayne her live-hood then sellinge of
    beere, which course of life by her unkind starrs, she hath beene
    longe destined unto, beinge borne under a happier planett, a
    gentle woeman of good parentage (as I am informed) and well
    educated; and that in this course of life she proceeds fayre
    and regularly, not suffringe any disorder to be in her house,
    the prime commendation, and which is seldome or rarely found
    in houses of that constitution; admittinge all this to be true,
    which in charitie (especiallie receivinge it from warrantable mouths)
    I must give my share of beleife unto it; howsoever she informes
    me that you onely amoungst the rest of the justices of Midlesex
    have taken exception against her as holdinge her not fitt to
    continue any longer that course of life; Sir I dare not be
    soe bold as to entertaine soe much as a wry-thought, much
    more a word, in tellinge you that this is a course of some extre=
    mitie as I conceive, my conceipt of you beinge (as I began)
    cleare, and without any such cloud or surmise of jealousie;
    you standinge at a neerer distance and havinge the truth
    appearinge unto you in its proper cullors, which may be brought
    unto me onely in false and fained; and therefore (not to be
    further troublesome unto you or my selfe my request is, that if you upon
    examination shall find her to deserve favor you would not
    denie it her in continuinge her licence still in this poore
    way of livehood, with out which (I am given to understand)
    she can noe way subsist; her husband havinge left her much in debt and the more for my sake whoe
    tender much her [distressed?] condition, and [illegible] for it shall you
    make my score the greater with you, but if she deserves none,
    my debt unto you shall be the same, not heerein to shew [her?]
    any; thus tempered is the request of your very assured

    • John Thompson
      Canbury 3 October 1634

    Bowland Hodgton. WJ/SR/NS/040/25 (1634)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the
    peace for the citty and liberties of Westminster

    The humble peticion of Bowland Hodgton.

    Humbly sheweth

    That your petitioner living at the signe of the Grashopper, tenant (unto one Thomas
    Happer a joyner who for 30tie yeares past hath lived in good name and fame at
    Longe Acre in the parish of Saint Martins) for that house of the said Happers there,
    in which your petitioner hath lived for the space of two yeares past and victualled in the
    same, by licence graunted, by your good worships to the said Happer.

    Now, that your worships or some of yow takeing consideracion, and hearing that
    Happer was a joyner did latelie call in the said licence, although the
    same house continued an auncyent victualling house, for
    16 yeares last past.

    And your petitioner further sheweth that the said Happer is a man aged 68 yeares
    and past his trade and the rent of the said house the onlie maintenance hee
    hath left him. And your petitioner is one that hath been bredd up in victualling
    and hath no trade at all; but hath lately laid out his whole estate in the
    said house, and hath allwaies hitherto demeaned himselfe well and honestlie

    May it therefore please your worships to take the premisses into
    your consideracion and to graunt a licence to your petitioner for victualling
    in the said house, that thereby old Happer may the better bee
    susteyned, and your petitioner be alwaies bound (as in dutie bound
    hee is) to pray for all your worships healths and happines.

    [pro...?] Bowland Hodgton de Longeacre in parochia Sancti Martini in Campis [illegible] xx libris
    Willelmus Avery de parochia Sancti [Bartholomaei?] Magni [Lond?] [illegible] x libris
    Thomas Gibbes de Westminster [glover?] [illegible] x libris

    Per [illegible] Willelmum Griffith armiger

    Ad [requisicionem Master Phillipps?]

    Symon Davis. WJ/SR/NS/040/26 (1634)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
    for the citty and liberties of Westminster.

    The humble peticion of Symon Davis.

    Sheweth that a gentlewoman belonging to the Queenes majestie gave 10 pounds with your peticioner
    and 3 suites of apparell and a cloake and bound him apprentice with one Duncan Manto
    cordweyner now dwelling in the Covent Garden for the terme of 7 yeares whereof 5
    yeares and a halfe were expired at Michaelmas. And in all that time the said Manto your
    petitioners maister never taught your petitioner his trade, but continually kept him back from the same
    alleadging that hee was uncapeable thereof. And about Whistontide last turnd your petitioner
    out of his service without either money in his purse or clothes to his back, and soe hee was and
    is exposed to much distresse and misery.

    Forasmuch as your petitioner is capeable to learne the said trade as will sufficiently be
    proved to your worships and for that his said master hath unjustly turned him out of his service
    neither intending to teach him his trade, or to restore any of the said 10 pounds soe by him received
    which is like to tend to your petitioners utter undoing: hee being a poore young man and destitute both of
    meanes and freindes.

    Your petitioners humble suite therefore is that your worships wilbe pleased to send
    for his said master Manto before you, and either enjoyne him to take
    your petitioner againe and teach him his trade, or to restore soe much of
    the said 10 pounds to another who will undertake to performe the same as
    your worships in your grave wisdomes shall think requisit

    And hee shalbe daily bound to pray for your worships

    The waits appointed for the city of Westminster. WJ/SR/NS/041/19 (1635)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
    for the cittie and liberties of Westminster.

    The humble peticion of the loud musique called the waytes appointed for the
    cittie and liberties of Westminster.

    Humblie shewing, that James Angell a musitian with some companie as
    hee gathers together; doe without anie authoritie plaie at on the lowde
    instrumentes and are taken for the waytes of this libertie whereby they
    gett the rewardes and gratuities which is intended to your petitioners for theire
    great paines and service especially in the night time and so delude and deceive your petitioners to
    theire great prejudice and wrong; and albeit hee the said Angell hath
    bin bound over to the sessions for the same; hee saith he doth and
    will plaie.

    Your petitioners doe therefore humbly beseech your worshipps to vouchsafe
    to order the said Angell to give bond not to offend in
    this kind; or elles to contynue him bound to the next
    sessions that he transgresse not the priviledges
    of this jurisdicton

    And the petitioners shall ever praie etc.

    John Phillips, prisoner in the house of correction. WJ/SR/NS/041/20 (1635)

    To the right worshipfull and others the justices of peace within
    the citty of Westminster and liberties thereof

    The humble petition of John Phillips prisoner in
    the house of correction for the said liberty

    Most humblie shewing that having indured long and hard imprisonment
    in other places, hathe lastly remayned in this place a yeare
    in hard and sore labour and had before this time been famished
    with hunger and colde [illegible] had not the master of this house relieved him. Hee
    having no meanes nor freinds that are able to help or succour
    him in this his lamentable and distressed estate; and being
    committed hither by justice Griffith and no proofe to bee
    duely made for what hee is accused for. And therefore
    most humblie prayeth

    That yt may please your worships (in Christian pitty) to
    take some order for his discharge and liberty
    that hee may in his vocation and calling, being
    a seafaring man live in the feare of God
    as hee ought to doe, or at least to allowe
    him some maynteynance to keep him like a
    Christian. And hee will dayly pray etc

    Nathaniell Adcock, constable of St Martins. WJ/SR/NS/041/21 (1635)

    To the right worshipful the justices of peace for
    the citty and liberties of Westminster.

    The humble peticion of Nathaniell Adcock
    constable of Saint Martins.

    Sheweth: that it pleased the right honourable the Lord Keeper at
    the instance of the whole neighbourhood in and about the burse
    to graunt forth a speciall supplicavit against one Frauncis Floyd
    whereupon a warrant was graunted by Master Jones for apprehending
    of the said Floyd which miscarried in the handes of a constable.
    Since which tyme (may it please your worships) the said Floyd came
    with a woman into the house of Master Hutchinson, (the Lyon
    taverne) and there committed such outrages and misdemenours
    as your petitioner was sent for to preserve the peace, and being
    carryed by him, before Master Dickson he tooke Clarke a marshalls
    man and one other to be bound for Floyds appearance this

    And whereas Floyds sword upon the said misdemenor was by
    your petitioner taken from him and left in the Lyon taverne with direccion
    that if Floyd came after for it in person it should be delivered
    him, which Floyd never did; yet (by Clark the marshalls
    man) arrested your petitioner for his sword and there stands

    Your petitioner most humbly beseecheth your worships to be
    pleased to certefy this behaviour of Floyds to
    the Lord Keeper, who thereupon may be (as in
    justice he will) renewe the supplicavit

    And your petitioner will ever pray etc

    John Thompson. WJ/SR/NS/041/22 (1635)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
    for the cittie of Westminster and liberties thereof.

    The humble peticion of John Thompson.

    Humblie shewing. That your peticioner hath lived in this
    cittie of Westminster about two yeres at Michalmas last, and
    at his first comeing did paie to the poore ii shillings per annum according
    to the rate his predecessor in the same howse was assessed.

    That the next assessment following your petitioner was raised to
    iiii shillings per annum which hee willing paid and was and is very
    well contented to contynue the same: but this last
    assessment hee was raised to viii shillings a yeare, being arate above
    his abilitie to pay, and above the rate his neighbours
    of his ranck and qualitie are assessed to pay

    That inasmuch as hee is soe much taxed beyond his
    neighbours and his abilitie, your worships wilbe pleased
    to give order that the booke of assessment maie be perused
    and that hee maie not suffer and pay more then
    such as be of his condicion estate and qualitie and
    he shall not onely contynue the same most willingly
    but ever pray for your worships.

    Jane Dowton. WJ/SR/NS/041/23 (1635)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
    for the citty and liberties of Westminster

    The humble peticion of Jane Dowton.

    Sheweth. That your petitioner being servant with one Master Garland in the parish of Saint
    Martin in Feilds within this liberty. One Edward Atkinson liveing in the house
    with her, upon promise of marriage, had the use of her body, and shee is now great
    with childe by him: and hee refuseing to performe his promise of marriage: alledged
    that hee hath another wife which caused her to convent him before Sir William Ashton
    who hath bound over the said Atkinson with two suerties to answeare the same
    this sessions.

    Now forasmuch as your petitioner is utterly undone by the promises and inticementes of
    the said Atkinson, by whome shee is great with childe, and utterly destitute
    of any place wherein to harbour her, or any sustenance wherewith to releive her in
    this her extremity soe that shee is like most miserably to perish and starve in the streetes

    Your petitioner therefore humbly beseecheth your good worships that you wilbe
    pleased to enjoyne the said Atkinson to allow her some present
    maintenance, and to provide her lying in, and to give security to
    the parish where shee shalbe delivered for the discharge thereof.

    And shee (as in duty bound) shall daily pray for your worships

    Leonard Braford, victualler. WJ/SR/NS/041/24 (1635)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
    for the cittie and liberties of Westminster assembled
    to this present quarter sessions

    The humble peticion of Leonard Braford victualler

    Humblie shewing that your peticioner hath been a licensed victualler
    in this parish the space of 22 yeares, where hee hath bourne
    many offices and done asmuch service to the towne for his time
    as any other.

    That your petitioner in all this time could never be taxed with the least
    disorder in his howse, hee haveing verie little utterance for his
    beere, other then that which he selleth within doores unto those that
    resort to his howse to eate fish; where alsoe poore labouring men
    and others upon fish daies have fish readie dressed at as reasonable
    rates as in any other place whatsoever

    The premisses considered, the petitioners humble suite is
    that your worships would be pleased still to continue
    him a licenced victualler; otherwise he shalbe
    unable to continue his trade of selling fish, wherein hee
    cheifely tradeth for the maintenance of himselfe and

    And your petitioner shall daily pray for your worshipps

    Edmund Grove, joiner, of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SR/NS/041/25 (1635)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace of
    the cittie and libertie of Westminster assembled at quarter session

    The humble peticion of Edmund Grove joyner late
    servant to Jeremy Kellett of Saint Martin in the Fields joyner.

    Humbly sheweth,
    that your petitioner in anno domini 1630 (being then well entred into the trade
    of a joyner) contracted with the said Jeremy Kellet to serve and dwell with him
    the terme of 4 yeares and an half yeare, from Midsomer in the said yeare;
    but the said Jeremy Kellett caused indentures of apprenticehood to bee
    drawne for the terme of seaven yeares, which your petitioner yielded to seale, upon
    condicion (as was agreed betweene them) that he might serve him no longer
    then the said 4 yeares and a halfe, and then bee free from his service;
    that the same day of sealing the said indentures, the said Jeremy Kellett
    by a writing under his hand and seale (extant) covenanted with your petitioner
    that your petitioner should, at the end of the said 4 yeares and an halfe, bee free
    from his service, to dispose of himselfe at his pleasure, without his lett or

    So it is nevertheless (may it please your worshipps) that your petitioner having truly
    and faithfully served the said Jeremy Kellett the said terme of 4 yeares
    and an halfe, expired at Christmas last; the said Jeremy Kellet most
    injuriously, and contrary to his said covenant under his hand and seale,
    denied to lett your petitioner goe free from his service, and threatneth to make
    him serve the rest of the said terme of seaven yeares, or to make him
    serve it in Bridewell, and hath abused and offered violence to your
    poore petitioner his wife, his father and mother, without any just cause, and
    hath arrested your petitioner and his said father unjustly; and threatneth
    to lay 100 pounds to your petitioners charge for his book of accomptes, which your petitioner never
    had in his custody, but was kept by the said Jeremy Kellett under lock
    and key.

    Forasmuch as these proceedings against your petitioner are of meere
    spleene and revenge, for that the said Master Kellet cannot
    have longer service of your petitioner and for that your petitioner
    is and ought to bee free from the service of the said Jeremy
    Kellett, by force of his said covenant, both in justice and equity,

    Hee most humbly prayeth that the said Master Kellett
    may bee by your worships compelled to desist from his
    said troublesome and litigious courses, and make a
    generall release unto your petitioner of all right of service
    and other demands whatsoever;

    And your petitioner shall pray for your worships

    John Cleeves of St Clement Danes. WJ/SR/NS/041/26 (1635)

    To the honourable his majesties justices of the peace
    within the citie and liberties of Westminster.

    The humble peticion of John Cleeves within the
    parish of Saint Clements Danes.

    that the house wherein your peticioner now liveth, beinge a large and faire
    house, and havinge constantlie for these thirtie yeares past bin kept by the
    inhabitantes thereof for enterteynement of dyett in the terme tymes aswell
    for such gentlemen that came usuallie to London and had their chambers
    still reserved for them in the house, as for others of verie worthie ranck
    and quallitie that resorted thither for their conveniencie; and your
    peticioner havinge married an ancient maid servant out of that house,
    did afterwardes (when the same house fell to bee lett) paie a great
    fine for a lease of 21 yeares therein, and laid out all or the greatest
    part of his estate in furniture and convenient necessaries for the
    enterteynement of persons of soe civill and worthie a condicion as lodge
    and resort thither; your said peticioner is now bound over to this
    sessions upon pretence that hee is a common victualler without licence,
    whereas he never uttered or sold one penniworth of beere out of his
    house, or to anie other then his lodgers and such countrie gentlemen
    as resort thither in the terme tymes and att meale tymes onlie
    as aforesaid;

    Hee humbly prayes that, in consideracion
    thereof, hee may bee discharged from his said
    recognizance, and receave the direccion of
    the court for prevencion of anie further charge
    and trouble hereafter.

    And hee shall ever pray etc.

    George Cole. WJ/SR/NS/041/27 (1635)

    To the right honorable Sir Thomas Richardson, knight
    Lord Cheife Justice of the Kings Bench.

    The humble peticion of George Cole.

    Most humbly sheweth that your petitioners kinswoman Anne Twyne about a twelvemonth since
    a servant in howse unto one Thomas Willis a scrivener dwelling in Westminster, was in the time
    of her service there gotten with child by one Rowland Williams then likewise a servant in howse
    unto the said Willis; Williams for this offence was by warrant brought before Master Heywood
    one of the justices of peace for Westminster and by him upon examinacion of the cause, lefte in the
    custodie of Percivall a constable with a mittimus to carry the said Williams to the prison of
    the Gatehowse.

    Willis prevailed with the constable not to carry him to prison but lefte him at libertie and by
    practise betweene them common baile were [hired?] for 5 shillings a peece, and by Percivall the constable
    the baile and the said Williams were brought before Master Griffith another justice of peace for
    Westminster the said constable having no warrant so to doe, and by Willis his meanes the said bayle
    were taken before Master Justice Griffith for Williams his appearance at the next sessions
    for Westminster which was about January last.

    The said Anne being neere her time of delivery and ready to perish in the streetes, your petitioner then being
    a constable did (by direction of some of the justices) procure her a lodging at one Alice Clarks a
    widdow in Westminster where the said Anne was delivered of the said child; and your petitioner by the churche=
    =wardens of the parrish most unjustly constrained to secure the parrish from the charge of the said
    child, Williams did not appeare at the sessions, but was by the said Willis his master conveyed away
    or by him suffered to departe out of his service, being his apprentice, into remote parts unknowne to your petitioner

    Willis was thereupon at the sessions 4o Aprilis last by order of the bench bound to appeare at the then
    next sessions because hee suffred the said Williams to depart his service, being charged with the
    begetting of the said bastard child, as by the [order?] annexed appeareth.

    But may it please your lordship, so it is, that the said Willis is discharged of his recognizance, and your
    petitioner compelled to pay for the childs nursing, [and?] is likely to continew to bee charged with the
    bringing up of the said child, contrary to all equity and good conscience, unles your good lordship
    wilbe pleased, to take some course for the relefe of your petitioner therein, being a poore man, and hath
    no meanes to susteine him and his family but his handie labour.

    May it therefore please your good lordship, in your honourable clemency to your oppressed petitioner, to
    give direction unto the justices of the said libertie, to take into theire due consideracions
    at the next sessions, your petitioners greivance herein, and to examine the truth of this
    cause, and upon their due examinacion to make such order herein, as to justice and equity
    shall apperteine, or otherwise to certifie your good lordship of the truth in this cause and theire
    proceedings therein:

    And your poore petitioner (as in duty bounden) shall alwaies pray
    for your good lordship etc:

    Decimo die Novembris
    I desire the justices to take it into theire con
    sideration it is a proper case for them
    Thomas Richardson

    Thomas Jenkinson. WJ/SR/NS/041/37 (1635)

    To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace
    within the cittie of Westminster and the liberties thereof

    The humble peticion of Thomas Jenkinson

    that whereas your petitioner about November last was twelvemoneth did
    marry one Elizabeth Roper the relict of one Robert Roper cittizen and
    free cooke of London who kept victualing att the signe of the
    Flower de Luce in Sheere Lane untill he dyed

    After whose decease she the said Elizabeth in her widdowhood was duly
    licenced to victuall in the said howse as by the coppie of the
    recognizances hereunto annexed appeare.

    Now forasmuch as your petitioner of meere ignorance did neglect to renew
    the said licence since his intermarriage with the said Elizabeth and
    thereby hath incurred the penalty of thereof lawe in that case

    May it please your worships the rather because of the certificate hereunto
    annexed and for that your said petitioner and wife are charged with
    children and have not byn bredd in any other course then
    that of victuallinge and have inhabited for divers yeares in one
    of the auncientes victualling howses within the said lane the
    premisses considered it is most humbly desired by your petitioner that
    he may be licenced to victuall in the said place and for
    his former errour in not becominge a suiter to your worships until
    now he most humbly submitteth himself unto your worships mercy
    and favour.

    And as duty bindes him shall dayly
    pray etc.

    Roger Flower of St Giles in the Fields, white baker. WJ/SR/NS/045/1 (1635)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties commicioners
    for the libertie of Westminster.

    The humble peticion of Roger Flower of Saint Gyles in
    the Feilds white baker.

    Humbly sheweth your worships that by the complaint of John
    Owen baker your peticioner is by 3: severall recog=
    nizaunces bound to appeare at the next sessions
    holden at Westminster which is onely done in malice and
    to undoe your peticioner beinge a yonge man and to hinder
    [him?] of his trade under the pretence that your peticioner maketh
    French breade liter then other

    Humbly craveth your worships to take your peticioners cause
    into your grave consideracions and to [reliuefe?] your
    peticioner from the malice of his adversary who
    seeketh his ruin and he as in duty bound
    shall dayly pray for your worships.

    wee whose names are subscribed who well knowe the
    peticioner doe beleife that he is prosecuted because
    he hath some customers which were somtime the prosecutors
    customers or his freindes and that the complaintes are
    malicious in testimony whereof wee have subscribed
    our names December 21th 1635.

    Wee whose names are subscribed are his customers
    and hitherto have found him faultlesse.

    • William Baldon
    • [S Bayton?]

    • [..kile?] Crow
    • Thomas Bageho
    • Henry Russell

    Robert Wiseman, Peter Mayber, James Wright, Jane Bell, Elizabeth Lightwood and Jane Bachelor and others of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SR/NS/046/12 (1636)

    To the honourable and right worshipfull the justices
    of peace, and comitioners of the shoares.

    The humble peticion of Robert Wiseman, Peter Mayber,
    James Wright, Thomas [Inian?], Anthony Hewes, Jane
    Bell, Elizabeth Lightwood and Jane Bachelor widdowes
    and diverse other inhabitantes in Hartshorne Lane in the parish of
    Saint Martins in the Feildes.

    Whereas the old common shoare passing thorough the said lane
    is by the falling of earth and rubbish into it, soe stopped up
    that the water (wanting its former current and passage) floweth
    dayly into all our cellars and lower roomes to our great troble,
    and annoyance, by sending up daingerous and ill savours into
    all other partes of your petitioners dwellinges, soe that they are almost
    poysoned up therewith and wee having sondry times
    complayned to the forman of the jury for the shoares of
    this our greivance, he refuseth to veiwe the same, or doe
    any thing therein

    Your petitioners therfore humbly beseech your worships to give
    order for the clensing of the same or that
    it may be quite stopped up. And your petitioners
    shall ever pray etc.

    Wee whose names are hereunder written (being other inhabitants
    in the said lane) doe upon our owne knowledge certefie
    the truth hereof.

    • John Shittell constabell of the warde
    • Thomas Cholmley
    • Robert Fane
    • Petter Discher
    • George Smith
    • John Muffet
    • Francis Holte
    • Richard [Aroasmith?] [illegible]

    • Edward Platt

    • Henry Morris
    • John [Fishers?] mark
    • John Regnard
    • Thomas Reddall

    James Allane. WJ/SR/NS/048/31 (1637)

    To the right wirshipfull Justice [Houker?]

    Heir on pooure prisoner in Poulsttre Countter
    lyeth heir in measurie and in distresse that
    douet not [knou?] whatt dou for I am both freindles
    and comfortles I dou putt my hoales trust and
    confidence in your visdome heir I have sufered
    measurie and distres this mounth I am out of my [oune?]
    [conttra?] praying you only to do me right and justice
    I shall be bound to pray for you and all yours
    so long as I live

    • James Allane
      Servittur to Master Miller
      dwelling in Coven Garding

    Westminster the 28 of June
    1637 yerres

    My maister he grants to let me outt if that I
    shall not trouble him any way att the quarter
    sessiouns at Weastmaister and to macke freindes
    with him and never to trouble him at the sessiouns
    and then he will release me

    James Allen. WJ/SR/NS/048/32 (1637)

    To his late master John Miller taylor

    The humble peticion of your unworthy
    servant James Allen.

    Wheras I stand committed by Sir George Whitmore knight
    upon your just complaynt made unto yo [his?] worship; for
    sundry factes and misdeameanoures done, and committed by me against
    you and my mistres; first, for goeinge to take up cloth, in
    your name, when I was dismissed your service, and my
    former neglect of your service, and also abuseinge you, and my
    mistress, in causeinge of you, and my mistress, to be bound over to the
    sessions, these, and other the like abuses; I ingeniously
    confesse to have done, and committed against you, and my mistress, so
    that my committment was deservedly inflicted upon me

    Wherefore your poore petitioner must humbly crave
    your favour, to be a meanes unto Sir George
    Whitmore for my enlargment, without which your
    favour I am likely to perish, and famish, in
    this miserable place

    And for which your noble favour herein I
    shalbe daily bound to pray etc

    • James Allane

    per me

    • Francis Parsons
    • the marke of Richard Bower

    James Allen. WJ/SR/NS/048/33 (1637)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
    for the citty and liberty of Westminster att this sessions
    now assembled.

    The humble peticion of James Allen.

    Humbly sheweth
    that your petitioner being covenanted servant unto one John Miller
    tayler the said Miller doth not onely donne your petitioner great wrong
    in not performing covenantes, but hath wrongfully accused your
    petitioner laying to his charge thinges most untrue whereby your
    petitioner hath endured a monethes imprisonment and whereby he is
    wrongfully discredited to his great prejudice

    Hee therefore most humbly beseecheth your worships to take
    the premisses into consideracion, and to cause the said
    Master Miller to give your petitioner such satisfaccion for his
    great wronges as to your worships shall seeme fitt to
    transport him into his native country of Scotland

    And he shall ever pray for your worships

    The said Miller caused your petitioner to sett his hand to a
    writing which he knoweth not what it was before he would
    release him out of prison which he humbly refereth to
    your worships consideracion.

    The overseers of the poor of St Clement Danes. WJ/SR/NS/051/31 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
    assembled to this present quarter sessions.

    The humble peticion of the overseers for the poore of the
    parish of Saint Clement Daines

    Humblie sheweth
    that one William Janes cooke, about 5 yeares since tooke to wife
    one Denis, and about 3 yeares since the said William Janes travelled
    into Germany, leaving his said wife within the said parish, who
    about Michaelmas last, returned into England and found his wife to be
    with child, and the said Denis, before the midwife and divers other
    women, present at her labour, did confesse that one Edward Gill a barber
    was the true father of her child. And the said Gill did provide a nurse
    and paid for the keeping of the child at Saint Giles in the Feildes.

    Soe it is, that the said William Janes at Shrovetide last went
    beyond the seas, and his said wife shortly after died, after whose
    death Gill the reputed father was bound with good sureties to appeare
    at this quarter sessions, and he now giveth out, that he will
    leave the child upon the charge of Saint Clementes parish, because
    it was borne there.

    Now your petitioners most humble suite is, that your worshipps
    wilbe pleased, upon the appearance of the said Gill att
    this sessions, to take order, that the said parish may be
    discharged of the said child by the bond of good sureties
    or otherwise if the said Gill shall not appeare, that he
    and his former sureties may still stand bound untill the
    next quarter sessions.

    And your petitioners shalbe bound daily to pray for your

    Isaac Jaynes and Mary his wife. WJ/SR/NS/051/32 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the
    libertie of Westminster

    The humble peticion of Isaac Jaynes and Mary his wife

    that your peticioners have lyved in a poore howse in the parishe of Saint
    Clementes for the space of twoe yeares and upwards and paid to the
    scavenger there twoe shillinges for one yeare they beinge
    assessed to pay noe more (as by the bookes appeareth) scithence
    which tyme your petitioners have contynued the payement thereof unto one
    James Barrowes whoe received and had of your petitioners att severall
    tymes xviii pence for three quarters of a yeare, and when the said
    James Barrowes came for the last quarter hee demanded
    of your petitioners three shillinges which your petitioners refused to pay and beinge
    warned by the said Master Barrowes before Master Bray your petitioners offered
    him the said Barrowes vi pence yt beinge all that was due for the last

    Nowe for that there hath beene hertofore noe more paid by your petitioners
    predecessours the former tenantes for the howse wherein they dwell
    but twoe shillinges per annum and in regard that your petitioners have noe
    landes or meanes att all to meanes mayteyne themselves and eight
    children but by their hard laboure and industrie

    Your petitioners humblie pray that your worshipps will bee pleased
    to comiserate their poore estate and to give order that
    they may pay noe more then what hath beene
    heretofore usuallie paid as afforesaid which your petitioners
    have allwayes beene and are willinge to pay

    And your petitioners (as in duety bound) will ever pray etc

    William Robinson, a poor labouring man, and Joyce his wife. WJ/SR/NS/051/33 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace
    for the county of Middlesex and citty of Westminster
    and liberties thereof

    The humble peticion of William Robinson a
    poore labouringe man and Joyce his wife:

    Humbly sheweth
    that your petitioners havinge dwelt in the parish of Saint Clementes
    theis 13 yeres and for the space of 3 yeres last past
    or there aboutes in a house neere Boswell Court be
    longinge to Sergeant Powell, duringe which tyme your petitioners
    have duly paied their rent of 4 pounds per annum

    But soe it is maie it please your worships that the said Sergeant
    Powell without any just cause or lawfull warninge to
    your petitioners given: did aboute 6 weekes since, when your
    petitioners were abroade about their affaires, enter into your
    petitioners said house and dispossesse them there of and till this
    tyme hath lefte them harbourlesse and deteyneth many
    necessaryes from your petitioners and 5 shillings which your petitioners wife
    lefte there under her beddes head all which cruellty
    tendeth to the utter ruine and impoverishinge of your
    petitioners beinge lefte harbourles and comfortlesse,

    Humbly desireth your [illegible] good worships to take into
    your serious consideracions the miserable and
    destressed estate of your forlorne petitioners and for
    there releife herein soe to order that the said
    Sergeant Powell maie setle your petitioners in
    their former dwellinge againe or in some other
    his tenementes or els that the overseers of the
    parish maie soe provide for your petitioners releife
    and lodginge here in [illegible] (beinge fallen in greate
    want) and they shall daylie pray etc:

    Joane Johnson, the relict of John Johnson deceased. WJ/SR/NS/051/34 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace and
    quorum for the cittie and liberties of Westminster now

    The humble peticion of Joane Johnson, the late wife
    and relict of John Johnson deceased

    Humbly sheweth

    That about Michalemas last your petitioner bound her sonne an apprentice
    unto John Thompson a scrivener in Tuthill Streete in Westminster,
    and gave with him 10 pounds and double apparrell, but about a quarter
    of a yeare afterwardes, the said Thompson (without any cause or
    offence), sent her said sonne home to her againe, and yet doth
    unconscionably deteyneth the said 10 pounds in his handes, albeit hee
    hath often bene demaunded the same.

    Now forasmuch as her said sonne is a fatherles child, and
    that this 10 pounds is most of his porcion and for his putting
    forth apprentice to some other, who for want thereof much
    looseth his tyme and education, she therefore most humbly
    beseecheth your worships, to bee pleased to require the said
    Thompson to come before your worships, and upon examining
    the truth of the cause to order him forth with to restore
    her money backe againe.

    And shee shall daily pray for your worships etc.

    Warrant graunted

    Anne Wornam, wife of Michaell Wornam of St Martins in the fields. WJ/SR/NS/051/35 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull the justices of peace for
    the libertye of Westminster.

    The humble petition of Anne Wornam the wife of Michaell
    Wornam of Saho in Saint Martins parish in the feilds

    Humbly sheweth
    that your peticioner haveing lived in the house of one Goodman Sheppardes
    att Sahoe and after agreement and satisfaction made by your peticioner
    unto the said Sheppard and his wife for the time shee had remained
    there your peticioner goeing to remoove her said goods to another house
    shee had taken in the said Sahoe the said Sheppards wife would
    not suffer her peaceablye to carrye out her said goodes, but abused your
    peticioner, giveing her many punshes upon her brests with both
    her fists insomuch as your peticioner cryed out for help, whereupon
    the said Sheppards wife, violently flew (againe) upon your peticioner
    throwing her downe over a box which hurt your peticioners back
    now your peticioner finding her self very ill of the said punches, made
    her speedye repaire to one Robert Read a bonesetter asking his
    advise and shewing him the said hurts shee had received of her brests
    the bonesetter telling your peticioner that the sayd Sheppards wife
    had bent your peticioners brest bone and bruised her [bloud?] bowle
    and he is and wilbe readye to take oathe upon the same, besides
    your peticioner hath two witnesses one William Moore and Aves
    Wright by name that are readye to testefye of the said wrong
    your peticioner hath received of which your peticioner hath remained
    very ill ever since being a fortnight to the great prejudice and
    hindrance of your poore petitioner

    Your petitioner therefore humblye beseecheth this right
    worshipfull bench to take the premisses into your noble consideracion
    your peticioner haveing three small children and charged
    to have a keeper both to looke to her self and children
    her husband being a very poore man and hath nothing
    but what he getteth by his hard labour and to order
    the said Sheppard or his wife to give satisfaction unto
    your peticioner for her said wrongs what you in your grave
    wisdomes shall thinke fitt

    And your peticioner as in dutye bound
    shall pray for your good worships health
    and prosperityes in this life, and etc

    Sarah Goff, a poor creature. WJ/SR/NS/051/36 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull the justices assembled at the
    sessions Westminster.

    The humble peticion of Sarah Goff a poore chreature
    Most humbly sheweth unto your worshipps that shee is utterly undone
    by the unjust dealings of Abraham Hasellwood, whoe came to her as
    a widdower pretended marriage with her, and soe by his unjust meanes
    gott her with cheild, and shee was delivered twelve weekes since, and
    shee and the poore inphant have bene ever since without meanes or
    maintenance from him or any other.

    Wherefore shee humbly beseecheth your worshipps to have
    compassion upon shee and the poore inphant that are in want
    and missery and either to cause him to marry the petitioner, or at least
    to allowe maintenance for shee and hers that hee hath soe
    brought to missery.

    And your petitioner will ever pray for your worshippes

    William Newcum. WJ/SR/NS/051/37 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties
    justices of the bench.

    The humble peticion of William Newcum

    Sheweth that there is due unto your peticoner from one William
    Dent a cooke, for his wages the summe of three poundes or thereaboutes
    and that your peticioner hath often demaunded the same
    yet the said Dent refuseth to pay him although he the said
    Dent turnd your petitioner out of doores upon a very short or
    noe warninge

    Whereupon your petitioner repayred to the worshipfull Master Justice
    Howard for reliefe, who was pleased to graunt his warrant
    to cause the said Dent to shew cause why he did not satisfie
    your petitioner his said wages.

    That your peticioner delivered the said warrant to Master Hooper the
    constable to serve the same, yet the said Master Hooper keepeth
    the said warrant and will not serve it (though he might doe
    it every day) and soe your petitioner restes still unsatisfied to his
    great losse and hinderance

    He therefore humbly intreateth your worshipps to
    take the premisses into your charitable consideracions
    and to give direccions therin for your petitioneres reliefe
    as to your worshipps shall seeme fitt.

    And he as in dutye bound shall dayly pray etc

    Thexaminacion of the contentes of this peticion
    is referred to Master Hulbert to determine.

    John Wilde. WJ/SR/NS/051/38 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
    assembled to this present quarter sessions

    The humble peticion of John Wilde

    Humblie sheweth

    That your petitioner is a poore man and hath a greate charge
    of wife and children, and hath susteined verie greate
    hindrance by the late visitacion wherewith his owne
    howse was visited, and haveing taken a howse in the greate
    almerie which hath been an auntient victualling howse

    His most humble suite is that your worshipps wilbe
    pleased to graunt him a licence to victuall in his
    said dwelling howse for the maintenance of
    himselfe and charge.

    And he shalbe bound daily to pray etc.

    Thomas Serjeant, blacksmith. WJ/SR/NS/051/39 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of
    the peace assembled to this present quarter

    The humble peticion of Thomas Serjeant blacksmith

    Humblie sheweth
    that Margarett the wife of Phillipp Munn blacksmith
    is a woman of a verie lewde disposicion and misdemeanor
    for before her intermariage with the said Munn shee lived
    incontinently with a servant of hers, whome shee would have
    constrained to have married her, and after his departing from
    her shee writt unto him, that if he would not marry her shee
    would lay felony to his charge.

    The said Margarett about 6 yeares since pretending a debt
    to be owing unto her from a person then gone to the Indies
    shee by some indirect meanes obteined 3 moneths pay for the
    same person from the Indian Company, shee then affirming
    herselfe to be his wife, but afterwardes her basenes being discovered
    shee procured another woman to take upon her to be the same
    parties wife, who obtained 2 moneths pay more from the
    said company; all which and many other thinges your petitioner
    can sufficiently prove by sufficient neighbours.

    The premisses considered, and in regard the
    said Margarett is verie desperate in her swearing
    and hath indicted your petitioner out of meere malice
    your petitioners most humble suite is, that theis evidences
    being brought against her you would take the same
    into your grave consideracions

    And she your petitioner shall pray etc

    William Terryn. WJ/SR/NS/051/40 (1638)

    To the right worshipful the justices of peace for the
    citty and liberty of Westminster.

    The humble peticion of William Terryn.

    Sheweth: that your petitioner was prest out of this place to
    Ostend for a souldier where he [illegible] served under the
    comaund of Sir John Ogle knight and received many
    hurtes and wounds to the effusion of his bloud so that
    now in his old age being past his labour he is ready to
    perish for want.

    Most humbly therefore he beseecheth your worships
    to provide for him some annuall releife
    according to the lawe made for maymed

    And he will ever pray for your worships.

    Thomas Allen and Marie his wife. WJ/SR/NS/051/41 (1638)

    To the right worshipful the justices and others in comission
    for the county of Middlesex, and Westminster.

    The humble petition of Thomas Allen and Marie his wife:

    Shewing, that wheras your petitioners haveing suffred imprisonment, and
    being bayld forth before justice Hooker, for some aspercions and
    accusacions wrongfullie layd unto them, wherby they have suffered
    much messerie haveing 3 small chilldren, that were redy to perish during
    their imprisonment, had not their neighbors forth of their compassione re
    leived them, your petitioner haveing allwaies demeand and behaved him
    selfe just and honest amoungst his nebors in the parish they
    lived in, and never being taxed concerning any such crime
    haveing lived their this 30 yeares and upwardes, as may appeare
    by acertificate under some of their neighbors handes appeareth
    here unto anexed

    Your petitioners most humble beseecheth your worships to comiseret
    ther poore estate and that you would bee pleased
    they might cleere there innocencie, and bee re
    leased: to cleere there bayle and they with there
    poore children will dayly praie etc.

    John Wells and Elizabeth his wife. WJ/SR/NS/051/43 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull John Glynn esquire and the
    rest of his majesties justices of the peace for the citty
    and lyberties of Westminster.

    The humble peticion of John Wells and Elizabeth his wife.

    Humbly shewe:

    That your petitioners have heretofore lived in good fashion but through badd debtors and
    other crosses is become poore who hath from time to time paid scott and lott in
    this parishe and lived in the same 40: yeares or thereaboutes, and now by reason
    of their age, poverty and weaknes, are not able to followe their labors as
    formerly they have done.

    Wherefore your petitioners humblie beseech your worships for Godes cause to take
    their age, povertie, and weakenes into your grave consideracions to be
    pleased to graunt them a license for victuallinge towardes their
    mainetenance and releife they being past labour as aforesaid, or ells
    your petitioners shall perishe, being of the age of 60tie yeares past,

    And your poore aged petitioners will ever pray etc.

    Isaack Mills. WJ/SR/NS/051/45 (1638)

    To the right worshipfull the justices assembled at the
    quarter sessions Westminster.

    The humble peticion of Isaack Mills

    Most humbly sheweth, that hee lodginge one [...moneth?] in his howse
    that was a servaunt and groome to Sir Henry Jarmon, hee behaved
    himselfe honestly soe long as hee aboaded in the petitioners howse, and beeing taxed
    upon suspicion of felloney, hee was ymprisoned in the Gatehowse and the petitioner to
    prison for harbouringe of him.

    And soe it is, that the party is freed and sett at liberty and the petitioner sent a
    againe to the Gatehowse, as a stragling man, soe that your petitioner doth
    innocently suffer upon misinformacion to your worshipps, for it appeares by
    the annexed certifficate that your petitioner is a howse keeper in Saint Martin in
    the Feildes and payes scott and lott and a releever of the poore here.

    Wherefore hee doth prostrate himselfe to your worshipps consideracion
    well knoweing that ites not your worshipps meaneinge that hee should
    suffer innocently ymprisonment but to be released.

    And your petitioner will ever pray for your worshipps