Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799.
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'Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1620s', in Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1620s', in Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions: 1620s". Petitions to the Westminster Quarter Sessions, 1620-1799. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
- Anne Jackson alias Dobinson. WJ/SR/NS/002/144 (1620)
- Elizabeth Sandes. WJ/SR/NS/002/145 (1620)
- John Trencher. WJ/SR/NS/002/148 (1620)
- George Martyn. WJ/SR/NS/002/153 (1620)
- Averie Easton, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/047 (1620-1621)
- Mary Etherington. WJ/SR/NS/002B/005 (1620-1628)
- Robert Downes, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/005/087 (1622)
- Elizabeth Tayler. WJ/SR/NS/005/089 (1622)
- William Danson. WJ/SR/NS/005/090 (1622)
- Robert Payne, Elizabeth his wife, and Brigett and Sara, sisters of Elizabeth. WJ/SR/NS/005/091 (1622)
- James Milton. WJ/SR/NS/008/133 (1624)
- Richard Rawlin. WJ/SR/NS/008/135 (1624)
- William Danson. WJ/SR/NS/008/136 (1624)
- Richard Lyon, John Loveledge, Edward Alley and others. WJ/SR/NS/008/137 (1624)
- Thomas Russell, one of the Prince's servants. WJ/SR/NS/011/19 (1624)
- John Anthony. WJ/SR/NS/011/20 (1624)
- Thomas Gooddyer. WJ/SR/NS/011/21 (1624)
- The debtors in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/012/133 (1625)
- William Symonds. WJ/SR/NS/012/134 (1625)
- Katherine Shenley, widow. WJ/SR/NS/012/135 (1625)
- Jeames Keyflen, Robart Brasnett and William Newsam. WJ/SR/NS/019/15 (1625)
- Wynifride Morgan. WJ/SR/NS/019/16 (1625)
- Cassander Godwin, wife of James Godwin. WJ/SR/NS/019/20-20a (1625)
- Elizabeth Thomas, a poor prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/016/14 (1626)
- John Bonner. WJ/SR/NS/016/15 (1626)
- Marey Beamount. WJ/SR/NS/016/19 (1626)
- John Levingstone, Michall Andrews, William Walles and others of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SR/NS/016/17 (1626)
- John Smewell. WJ/SR/NS/016/18 (1626)
- Tristram Adams. WJ/SR/NS/018/1 (1627)
- Anne Coles, the wife of William Coles. WJ/SR/NS/018/2 (1627)
- William Breman, labourer. WJ/SR/NS/018/3 (1627)
- Mary Hayward. WJ/SR/NS/020/6 (1628)
Anne Jackson alias Dobinson. WJ/SR/NS/002/144 (1620)
To the right Worshipfull the Recorder and
Justices for the City of Westminster
The humble peticion of
Anne Jackson alias Dobinson
Most lamentably sheweth wheras she was
grievously beaten by Anne Lacy yet she
hath bene detayned in prison till she
is like to perishe by an unjust complaint now
above 2 monethes.
May yt please your worships to geve
order she may have her liberty
and not induer such a miserable
death of famine And she as
bound will daylie pray for your
worships happines
Elizabeth Sandes. WJ/SR/NS/002/145 (1620)
To the right worshipfull the Deane and Chapter of Westminster and
to the Judge of his Court here:
The humble petition of Elizabeth Sandes
Humblie sheweth That whereas your poore peticoner after her coming to London served
first an apprenticeshippe of 6 yeres with one Mr Bonns in Bishopsgate Streete, and
afterwardes served 7 yeres with one Mr Doctor Fisher belonging to the High Commission cort
in both which places shee behaved her selfe in verie civell and honest manner, and
upon the death of the said Doctor Fisher shee came from thence into St Martins
Lane, where by the earnest and often ymportunyties of one Charles Chambers gentleman, and
upon his many and deepe vowes and protestacions of mariage, at length your peticioner was drawen
into follie and being nowe with child by him, hee the said Chambers doth not onlie refuse to
marrie your peticioner, denying her anie meanes of reliefe being brought into great miserie
onlie by his meanes, But alsoe absenteth himselfe contrarie to his former vowes
and protestacions and contrarie to all humane honestie Soe as your peticioner is liklie
to perishe and dy in the streetes unles your worships in meere comisseracion of her distressed
estate vouchsafe her some reliefe, for that, shee being nowe with childe all people
refuse to harbor or intertaine her
May it therefore please this honorable Courte for your peticioner is a woman much
wronged and not able to speake in her owne behalfe, and her friendes not willing
to bee seene therin, but hereupon all forsaking her, and shee ashamed to acquaynt
others therewith, and wanting meanes to fee an advocate or proctor
humblie prayeth, that such order may bee taken, that the said Mr Chambers may
in some parte of satisfaction to your poore peticioner bee ordered to marry her
according to his former vowes and protestacions, and forthwith to allowe her
meanes for her present mayntenance and bee likewise ordered to put in
aswell suerties for the same, as alsoe for discharge of the parishe concerninge
the childe whereby shee may bee releeved in her tyme of trouble and misery
as in equitie and conscience is most meete And shee as in duetie bounde
shall daylie pray for your good worshipps in health and prosperitie longe to con-
Charles Chambers was sent comitted to the
Gatehouse by mittimus from Mr Dobinson
and carried thither by Richard Maunder
the constable.
John Trencher. WJ/SR/NS/002/148 (1620)
To the right worshipfull the Justices of his Majesties Peace
for the Citty and libertie of Westminster in the County of Middlesex
The humble peticion of John Trencher
Sheweth That whereas your poore petitioner and one John Baseley upon
some fallings out betweene them. the said Baseley assaulted your
petitioner who defended himselfe so well as he could. Yet soe it is
that the said Baseley by gods visitacion hath had divers sicknesses
which he imputeth to his falling out with this petitioner soe that he is likely
to be utterly undone except your worships please to examine the
truth of the busines and of such persons as see their fallings out
Your petitioner therefore most humblie beseeche your worships to
call before you goodman Benfeild Thomas Clerke and
John Welborne. who saw their said fallings. and soe to
order the busines for your petitioners releife as your worships
in your grave wisdomes shall seeme requisitt.
And he as by duty he is bound shall
daylie pray for your worships
George Martyn. WJ/SR/NS/002/153 (1620)
To the right worshipfull Robert Townson Doctor
in Divinity Deane of the Collegiatt church
of St Peter in Westminster and of his Majesties
Justices of Peace there.
The humble peticion of George Martyn.
Shewinge unto your good worship That whereas your
peticoners wief was borne in this towne, and allwayes
brought up to the trade of a chaundler which your peticioner
nowe useth in the Bowlinge Alley where by reason for
want of your worships tolleracion to utter and sell beere and
alle as others of the like profession doe, he hath not
such good tradinge as otherwise he might have,
His humble suite unto your good worship is. That yow
wilbe pleased out of your accustomed goodnes to graunt
him your worships tolleracion to utter and sell beere and
alle as aforesaid. And hee with his wief and
children as in all dutie bound shall daylie pray
for your worships liefe and happienes longe to contynue.
Averie Easton, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/002B/047 (1620-1621)
To the Right reverend Father in God Robert Lord
Bishopp of Salisbury: to the Worshippfull the
Recorder and the Justices of the Bench for
the Libertie of Westminster.
The humble peticion of Averie Easton Inhabitant
within the Libertie aforesaid above 12 yeres: borne
in the Citye of Salisbury and now prisoner in the
Most humblie sheweth whereas your poore peticioner hath
heretofore covenanted with one John Denys for the
drawing of beere and ale in his cellar, as servant to
the said John Denys, for the terme of three yeres
from the xixth. daie of October in the liith. yere of his
Majesties raigne that of Scotland and of England the
xvith sithence which tyme your poore peticioner about one
moneth last past was (upon comand of the Worshippfull Justices
Forsett and Justice Dawbynson)comitted to the Gatehowse
and remaineth there to this daie in great misery: for
what cause your poore peticioner doth not certenlie know.
In tender consideracion whereof your poore peticioner
most humblie praieth that he maie appere at this
Sessions: to answere unto such objeccions as shalbe
alleaged against him and further to stand unto
your honorable and worthie censure in this behalf
according to equitie and justice and your poore peticioner
(as in dewtie bownd) will dailie praie to god for
your Lordshipp and the rest of the most Worshippfull Bench
in health and prosperitie longe to continew.
Mary Etherington. WJ/SR/NS/002B/005 (1620-1628)
To the right worshipful Mr Whitlock Sergeant at
Lawe and Recorder of the Cittie of Westminster
The humble peticion of Mary Etherington
Sheweth that your peticioner being questioned in the Court house at
Westminster for divulginge some wordes that should proceede from
Mary the wife one William Hawkins then your peticioners mistress whereby
the woemen of Westminster should be scandalized in their reputacions
for which your peticioner was bound over to the Sessions.
Forasmuch as your peticioner spoke ignorantly and rashly not
intending her mistress should be any waies prejudiced or any
other weomen of the liberty and therefore hartely penitent
neither able to justify her owne innocency herein albeit she
had one witnes at the Court house who could have testefied Mistress
Hawkins to be the author of those wordes but spoke sparingly and to no
She most humbly beseecheth your worships to extend what
favoure yow may to her for her release: And she
shall ever rest bound to pray for your worships happines.
Robert Downes, prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/005/087 (1622)
To the Right worshipfull and worthie respected
magistrates the Recorder and other his majesties
Justices for the Cittie of Westminster
The humble peticion of Robert Downes a very
much distressed poore carman prisoner in the
Shewing to your worships
That the poore peticoner having long tyme lyved by taking great paynes for
his lyving, it hapenned that by a stroke of a horsse hee became so hurt and
maymed that hee was constrained to spend and consume all that ever hee had to bee
cured and made able to worke agayne, wherin the peticoner being servant to
one Rafe Smith a woodmungar to cary out wood it hapenned by casuall
chance in a narrow way that the peticoners car being loaded in King Streete
one Sir Edward Moores coachman came running upon his car being so
loaded and casually broke his coach being very sore against the peticoners
will as many there dwelling can depose as himself the peticoner is also redy
to depose. In resspect wherof and for that it ys your worships plesuer
that the peticoner shall bee for the said cause imprisonned in the Gatehouse to his
utter undooeing being in extream poverty aged and layme
Hee most humblie intreateth your worships for gods cause that the truthe
may bee examined and considered of to thend the matter being ordered [illegible]
according to equity the poore peticoner may bee set at liberty to folow
his labour, and hee therfore bounden will daylie pray for your worships
Elizabeth Tayler. WJ/SR/NS/005/089 (1622)
To the right worshipfull Mr Chambers
Mr Man and to all the rest of the
Justices of this Court
The humble petition of Elizabeth
Most humblie sheweth unto your good worshipps
that your peticioner being sometymes a servant
unto onr Mr Colwell a cooke dwelling att
the signe of the Cock in the pallace in this
Citty of Westminster, had her clothes wrong-
fully kept from her by the said Mr Colwell
her master, Wheruppon complaining unto your worships
it was ordred amongst yow that Mr Colwell
should deliver your peticoner her clothes which hee
promised to doe ere this tyme, but hath nott
beene soe good as his word wherby your peticioner
is nott fitt for anie service for want of her
Most humblie therfore (even for godes
cause intreateth your good worships
to cause her master Colwell to redi-
liver to her, her clothes forthwith and
shee as in bounden dutie shall daylie
pray for your worships health and happines
in this world and true felicity in
the world to come.
William Danson. WJ/SR/NS/005/090 (1622)
To the right worshipful the Justices of Peace
for the Cittie and liberties of Westminster
The humble peticion of William Danson
Sheweth: That one John Burges a seller of bacon in the markett
place not only on the markett daies, but on other daies also makes a stall
before your peticioners dore, whereby he not only fowles the streete, but
keepes your peticioner and his servantes for from making the same cleane
at those tymes that are fittinge; as on Thursdaie last was seven night your peticoners
servant sweeping the dore, desired the said Burges to remove his
thinges, which he not doing, the boy sweeping still, and the broome
sprinckling on some of his ware, he fell on your peticioners servante
and beate him, and with a knife cutt him through the hand, and
Burges emulating your peticioner, and knowing him to be in danger
of arrestes, hath not only done this, but by divers other waies
practised to drawe your peticioner out of his house, whereby he might
be taken in arrest to his utter undoinge; and to drawe your peticioners
custome and trade from him as he standes in the streete
disables and discreditts your peticioners ware to his greate prejudice
and with throwing of durte into your peticoners shop hurt his child and spoiled his wares.
His most humble suite therefore unto your worships is:
That yow wilbe pleased to take such course for the
reforminge of theis thinges as in your wisdomes shalbe
thought fitt, and that on such daies as are no
markett daies your peticioners may have his dore free
to make cleane without his inconvenience: And
he will ever praie for your worships happines.
Wee whose names are hereunder wrytten, doe hereby certifie your worships that this petitioner
hath received theis wronges and disparagementes herein alleaged by the said Burges. And alsoe
that the said John Burges doth comonlie accustom himselfe to fall out with, and abuse
our neighbors without any occasion offered unto him.
- Thomas Oldnoll
- John [Dad?]
- the marke of Ralphe Litle
- Tho: Girton
- the marke of Sam Shipard
Robert Payne, Elizabeth his wife, and Brigett and Sara, sisters of Elizabeth. WJ/SR/NS/005/091 (1622)
To the right worshipfull the Justices of the Peace
assembled at the generall quarter Sessions in Westminster.
The humble peticion of Robert Payne Elizabeth
his weif, and Brigett and Sara sisters of the said Elizabeth.
Sheweth that whereas your petitioners being brought before Justice
Dobison, were upon the oath of Joane Nicholl bound to the peace.
And the next Sessions after your petitioners appeared according to the
recognizance, but could not be discharged by reason the said Joane
Nicholls had gotten a supersedias, who was then also bound to the
good behavior.
So it is that your petitioners (one of them being farr in the country and
another of them then in childbed) could not appeare the last
Sessions, So that they stand yet bound as aforesaid.
James Milton. WJ/SR/NS/008/133 (1624)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of
the peace, within the cittie and liberties
of Westminster
The humble peticion of James Milton.
Sheweth that wheras in January nowe last past
your worships poore petitioner was arrested by Robert Playle a
bayliff for the sanctuary liberty at the sute of William
Coombes for a debt of xxxi shillings, and your petitioner having John
Benson and George Uffman bricklayers readye to
bayle him, the sayd Playle would not accept of them
but perforce would dragg your petitioner to the Gatehowse
wherupon divers persons (unknowen to your petitioner) tooke
your petitioner out of Playles custodye, since which Playle
hath got xvii shillings of the sayd Coombes for doing the arrest
and bound your petitioner and Edward Williams his
apprentice over to this session.
Nowe forasmuch as the sayd Playle hath not
onlye abused your petitioner and dyvers other honest
inhabitantes in this and such like sort as by the
annexed paper appeareth, and for that your
petitioners said apprentice is at this instant very
secke and not able to come to make his personall
appearance, may it please your worships to take
such course for with Playle and as in your
discretions shall seeme meete.
And he shall daylie pray for your worships
Richard Rawlin. WJ/SR/NS/008/135 (1624)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the
peace for the cittie of Westminster.
The humble peticion of Richard Rawlin
Humbly sheweth
that wheras your peticioner was a hired servant as a
coatchman unto one Lewis Harris at the rate of
4 shillings the weeke without either meate or drinke for the
space of 3 weekes which cometh to 12 shillings and afterwards
after the rate of 12 pence the weeke and meate and drinke
for the space of 15 weekes which said wages in all
amount to 27 shillings.
Soe it is that the said Lewis Harris refuseth to your
pay the said wages or any penny therof to your said
peticioner although your said peticioner did him due
service duringe the time abovesaid but when your
peticioner came to demaund the same of the said
Harris he violently fell upon your poore peticioner
and beate him without any just cause given him by
your said peticioner.
His humble desire is for that your peticioner is a
very poore man haveinge wife and children
and litle or no meanes of maintenance but
his sore labor that your worshipps would be pleased
to take such course for your peticioners releefe
herin as to your grave wisedomes shalbe
thought meete. And your peticioner shall dayly
pray to God for your worshipps in health and
happines longe to continue.
William Danson. WJ/SR/NS/008/136 (1624)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
for the cittie and liberties of Westminster.
The humble peticion of William Danson
Humblie shewing, that the petitioner with one John Tompson became
bound in recognizance for the appearance of John Burges the last
Forasmuch as this peticioner hath made his appearance, and
that the said John Burges absented himself the last
session, and that your petitioner hopeth to bring him in this
This petitioner humblie beseecheth your worshipps to bee favorablie
pleased for your peticioners releife, that upon the bringing in
of the said Burges this sessions, hee maie bee
discharged of the said recognizance, and for this
great favour hee shall rest ever bound to praie for your
worshipps healthes and happines.
Richard Lyon, John Loveledge, Edward Alley and others. WJ/SR/NS/008/137 (1624)
To the right worshipfull and worshipfull the justices of his majesties peace
for the cyttie and liberties of Westminster.
Foras much as wee the inhabitantes of the said cyttie whose
names are heere subscribed some of us that have [illegible] boorne
office of constables, and such others as nowe are constables, have
receaved att the handes of one George Ripputt divers most
unbeeseeminge and uncivill beehaviour and usage, as allsoe most
desperat assaultes not only by him made uppon us, but allsoe uppon
divers others to the great indaungeringe of theyre lives, and where
as alsoe of late hee hath divers wayes wronged without just cause
and desperatlye assaulted the bearer heerof Thomas Whytakers
a most peacable and quiet neyghbour amongst us, and one of
good liefe and conversation, and by the said George Ripputt
threatned to take his liefe from him, att whose request wee have
graunted him this our certifficatt: wee therefore doe humblye
request this worshipfull bench to understand that the said George
Ripputt is one that is of verye badd liefe and conversation
quarrellsome, and therein of a mynde desperatlye bent to the
great daunger of the lives of his majesties loveinge subjectes, and
disturbaunce of his majesties peace agaynst his crowne and
dignitie, which wee humblye leave to your worshipps grave conside=
rations to take such order with him, as in your grave wisedomes
shallbee thought fittinge: for the savegard, peace and quietnes
of all his majesties loveinge subjectes: certified under our handes
the first daie of Aprill 1624:
- The mark of Henerye
Weekes sometime
constable: -
The mark of Richard Lyon by the said George Ripput assaulted
desperatlye to the great daunger
of his liefe: - John Loveledge somtyme constable
Edward Alley by him the said George Ripput
without cause wounded
in 2 severall places of
his bodie.
The mark of
Richard Hoggines
sometyme constable
whoe willbee readie to
testifie the daungerous
assault that hee made uppon
Richard Lyon
The mark of William
to testifie his
most villanous
beehaviour and
desperatt attemptes
Thomas Russell, one of the Prince's servants. WJ/SR/NS/011/19 (1624)
To the right honourable John Lord Bishop of Lincolne
Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England.
The humble petition of Thomas Russell one of the
Princes servantes.
Sheweth that wheras your petitioner was by one Smith accused for
speaking of some uncivill words against his majestie upon which accusation the [illegible]
petitioner was never yet examined and upon the accusation of the sayd
Smith (whoe was not sworne to that hee did alleage) and was eight daies
after they had benn together hee procured awarrant from one Master [Hyde?] one
of his majesties justices of peace for Westminster whoe injoyned the petitioner
to answer it at the quarter sessions for Westminster which was held ther the
7th of July 1623 from whence the petitioner was committed close prisoner
to the Gatehouse by the sentence of Doctor Grant wher hee hath layen ever since
upon commaund from your lordship as Doctor Grant alleaged but as yet your petitioner
hath neither benn called to answer his fault hee is accused of nor his accuser
bound to prosecute against the petitioner in any of his majesties courtes of pleas
upon the petitioners commitment neither can the petitioner obtaine his libertie
His humble suite is unto your good lordship in regard the sayd Smith is a
man defamd and that hee hath offered for mony to procure the release of the
petitioner (which the petitioner can justifie to your lordship by the testimony of sufficient
honest men) and which was the only end of his accusation that your lordship wilbee
pleased the petitioner may bee either called to his answer or bee freed from
his imprisonment upon sufficient bayle to answer beefore your lordship or his majesties
privie councell or otherwise when and wher your lordship shall in your grave
wisdome thinke fitt.
And hee according to his humble duty shall
pray for your lordship longe life
1 August
1624 let Master Hyde or Master Doctor Grant take
baile of the petitioner (soe [as they?] be [good?])
and this shalbe unto them a warrant soe
to doe [J L C?]
I humbly desyre Master Okeley
to take aunswere of this
August 5o 1624
Thomas Russell Saint Margarets Westminster
gentleman in [100?] pounds
Sir Frances Clark in of little Saint All
Hallows the Less London knight in [50?] pounds
Arthur Squibb John Bennet of St Mary Westminster
esquire in [50?] pounds
that Thomas Russel shall appeare at the
next sessions to be holden for etc to
answere such complaints shall shall
then and ther be objected against
him on his majesties behalf, and in the
meane time shallbe of good behaviour
towards the King and all his lieg
people and not depart the court
without licence
John Anthony. WJ/SR/NS/011/20 (1624)
Right worshipfull
my service remembered unto you: havinge receaved
a fowle abuse and an insufferable affront by a base
and a lewd fellowe, who upon examinacion was comitted
to the prison of the Gatehouse by the worshipfull Master Lymiter
one of your associates for the said fowle abuse and since
is delivered as I am informed upon bayle for his appearance
at this present sessions: myself intendinge prosecucion
but beinge nowe prevented in regard of my place
of service and attendance upon his majestie have
thought fitt to move you and the rest of your associates
to be pleased to take the abuse offred me to your
grave consideracions and to intreate you to doe
therein for my safetye as to you shalbe thought
mete in justice and for the preservacion of his majesties
peace. Reservinge the further relacion of the wrong
offred me to this bearer and my witnesses that
shalbe produced. So not doubtinge of your worshipfull
regards I take leave and rest
Yours to use in what I
- John Anthony
From Whitehall this
first of October 1624
Thomas Gooddyer. WJ/SR/NS/011/21 (1624)
To the right worshipfull Master Mann a justice of
peace in the cittie of the liberties of Westminster
and the rest of the justices there
The humble peticion of
Thomas Gooddyer.
that your petitioner for many wronges and injuryes done
by one Thomas Weste procured him bounde
to the peace: and for wrongfull
arrestinge your petitioner into the Marshallseys your
petitioner exhibited a petition to the right honourable the
Lord Keeper and obtayned a [reference?] to your
worship and to Master Justice Fassett as may
Your petitioner most humbly referreth him
self to my lordes [referrence?] for
the endinge all differences etc and
lykewise desireth that the said
West may stand bound over untill
the hearinge of the matter in [reference?]
and then to refer him self to your
worships good consideracion.
The debtors in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/012/133 (1625)
To the righte worshipful Master Justice [Limitare?], one of his
majesties justices of the peace for the citty of Westminster.
The humble peticion of the prisoners beinge debtours in the
that whereas one Hughe Copeland was committed by Master Justice Forsett upon suspicion
of felony about 10 weekes sithence.
Soe it is that the said Copeland before his cominge in was infected with the pox
and hath ever sithence concealed the same, untill by chance it was by some of us
espied and a surgeon sent for to search him, who hath found him to be soe full of
the same infectious disease, that unles some speedy course be taken for his
the cure thereof, the whole prison wilbe in danger of infection, and the said pore
prisoner (lyinge in the whole) in danger to loose his lief for lack of cure.
By reason whereof, and for that Master Justice Forsett intermedleth with noe busines
apperteyninge to this liberty since his majesties decease, and in regard the said
prison is soe close without yard or any other fresh ayre whereby such diseases
may be avoided nor but one common house of office to come unto
soe that there is noe waie to scape soe dangerous a disease.
We moste humbly beseech your worship to be pleased soe farr to tender
the health of us the pore prisoners, as that some order may be taken
by your worship for the inlargement of the said Copeland, that soe
we may be freed from soe great danger of an infectious disease
the rather for that Master Justice Forsett doth desire and give way
to your worship or any other his majesties justices of this liberty to finishe
the same as the bearer hereof beinge steward of the house
can testifie.
For the which we shall ever pray for your worship etc.
William Symonds. WJ/SR/NS/012/134 (1625)
To the right worshippfull his majesties justices
of the peace for the citty of Westminster, in the
countie of Middlesex
The humble peticion of William Symonds
Humbly sheweth, that whereas your petitioner was borne in this libertie of Westminster, and
hath ever sithence lyved therein; and by his labour and industry mainteyned himselfe
his wife and children; but (the time having beene hard, and he overburthened with many
children) he is not longer able by his sole labour to mainteyne them, without taking
some other course of life
And whereas the house wherein your petitioner was borne, and nowe dwelleth neere Charing
Crosse, hath for the space of 40 yeres and upwardes beene a victualing house, and
standeth convenient to receave strangers being sufficiently furnished with roomes
and necessary lodginges; soe that if with your worships favours he maie be licensed to
continue victualling there, he doubteth not but therewith, and his endeavours he
shalbe inabled to mainteyne himselfe, his wife and children in good sorte.
He therefore most humbly beseecheth your worships (even for Godes
sake) to be pleased to vouchsafe him your license to victuall in the
said house for the releif and maintenance of him, his wife and
children. And (as in dutie bound) your petitioner shall daily praie
for your worships in all health and happinis long to continue.
Katherine Shenley, widow. WJ/SR/NS/012/135 (1625)
To the honourable and right worshipful the gusticesse of his
majesties peace for the cytie of Westminster and the liberties etc:
The humble peticion of Katherine Shenley widow
Most humblie sheweth: that whereas William Cartwright of Westminster
yeoman beeinge a widdower, and takinge, as your pore peticioner did verilye
beeleive, by his mannye vowes, oathes, indearinge speaches, and serious protesta
tions, that hee would make her his lawfull wiefe, unwillinglye yealded to his
dishonest desier beeinge by him thereunto forst, by and thorough
which shee beecame with childe, and hee contrarie to all his said [vowes?]
and protestations made to yoar poore peticioner) marrieinge with another
woeman hath utterlye undonne your poore peticioner not only in her
paynes takinge to gett her liveinge in good sorte as shee hath ever
donne, but more especiallie her credditt, and which child nowe
lieth uppon her charge haveinge more children of her owne to
maynteyne, by her good endevor and handie labour as aforesaid
Maie it [therefore?] please the right honourable bench
in charitable manner to commisserat her said [charge?]
formerlye as alsoe the charge nowe shee hath by
reason of his forcible proceedinges as aforesaid, to
graunt unto her that hee maye take the said child
from her, or otherwise soe to order him, that hee
maie allowe mayntenaunce not onlye for the
tyme past, but alsoe, for the tyme to come
whereby your poore peticioner maie bee the better
releved and the parrishe discharged and as in dutie bound etc:
Jeames Keyflen, Robart Brasnett and William Newsam. WJ/SR/NS/019/15 (1625)
To the worshipfull the steward and justices of
this worshipfull bench
The humble peticcion of Jeames Keyflen Robart
Brasnett and William Newsam of there abuses
Humbly sheweth unto your worshipps that one of your peticcioners, goeing
to his watch, was violently assaulted by certaine roaring boyes
as they termed themselves, saying they would doe some exploites afore
they wentto sea because would be talked on when they were gon seased
ofe one of your peticioners halbertes to have disarmed him, which your peticioners
desireth to make them knowne unto the worshipfull bench, your peticcioners
complaning to their constable whoe made slight of itt and said
they were neighbours chilldren
One of your peticcioners that had the watch that night and seeing his
neighbour assaulted by these parties, being in the night rescued
his neighbour, beinge in danger of his life and the constable he
beinge made accquanted would not comitt the offenders nor bee
no waranty for your peticcioners safty, and one night they refused to watch
unless they might be warranted for which your peticcioners were bound
over to this sessions they never before nor since necleccte any
watch or other dewty
And one Thursday night last beeinge our watch night your peticcioners
cam to watch and to give there attendance, and they could nether
find constable nor depeuty for him, but the beadell for there
Itt is therefore most humbly prayed your worshipps would
be pleased to comisserat your peticcioners cause in equity
and to give them leave to speake whereby they may
make knowne they offenders and your peticcioners shall
for ever pray.
Wynifride Morgan. WJ/SR/NS/019/16 (1625)
To the right worshipful his majesties justices of the peace in
and for the [com?] of Middlesex.
The humble peticion of Wynifride Morgan.
Shewing that where one Elizabeth Grymes a notorious scould and eftsoons convicted
for her adulterous life and leawde conversacion severall tymes abused your supliant
(amongst diverse others) with many scandalous and infamous reportes and speches
whereuppon and lately did not only use and affirme the said reportes to
your supliantes face in the hearing of many her neigboures that wondred thereat
and since doe hould a worse oppynion then formerly they did both of your
supliant her husband and theyre children by reason therof. But allsoe did
violentlie and fiercely assallt her and had brayned her with stones yf rescue
hadd not byn. And further by reason of the said speeches (which have byn
proved by a credible wittnes before Master Justice Haward howebeyt
the said Elizabeth seeking to avoyd her due punishment doth nowe deny them)
your supliantes husband to whome she hath borne many children wherof severall
are lyving and with whome she hath ever contynued in mutuall love befitting
the holye state of matrymony hath conceaved displeasure against soe that
she hath noe peace in her house or joy of her lif husband children or
In tender comiseracion wherof and for example to such seditious
instruementes may it please your worships to compell the said Elizabeth not only to
make good satisfaccion for her said misdemeanours past but allsoe
to fynd good security for her good behaviour and apperance from sessiones
to sessions for one yeare to comme wherby your worships may have somme tryall of
of her future reformacion and your supliant and others whose peace and neighbourly [illegible]
love she hath much disturbed aswell by night as by day may have her foorth
coming in case she abuse them in the like kynd hearafter. And your supliant shall
pray etc.
Cassander Godwin, wife of James Godwin. WJ/SR/NS/019/20-20a (1625)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the
peace assembled to this quarter sessions.
The humble peticion of Cassander Godwin
the wife of James Godwin.
Humblie shewing that your petitioner about a quarter of a yeare since
was bound over to this quarter sessions for by Mistress Lucie for striking
as her child (as shee alleaged) whereas in truth your peticioner did
not strike her child but Mistris Lucies child strook your peticioners child and threw him downe
and broke his knee that the child lay lame; and afterwardes the
said Mistress Lucie sent for your peticioner by her maide, and when
shee came to her howse one Chipp Mistress Lucies servant kicked
your peticioner and said it were a good deed to kill such a
woman all which Mistress Lucie hath done to vex your petitioner
and to put her to charges.
The petitioner therefore humblie praieth your worships to
be pleased to take her wronges into your grave
consideracions and that shee may be discharged
and the petitioner shall daily pray for your worships.
To the right worshipfull the steward and burgesses
of the cittie and liberties of Westminster
Wee whose names are subscribed parishoners of the
parish of Saint Margarett in Westminster att the request
and desiere of the bearer hereof our neighbour
Casander Godwin the wife of James Godwin, doe
certifie and declare to your worships that the said
Casander Godwin hath during the time shee hath
inhabited amongst us, lived in a good and
quiet sort, and for ought wee know to the
contrary hath not abused herselfe or any of
her neighbours in word or deed, thus much
wee at her request have thought good to certify
unto your worships as for truth, humbly
recomending her and her cause, to your worships
comisseracion given under our handes this 17th
of A July anno domini 1627.
- John Ayllife
- Roberte Shearmane
- John Maner
- John [Hampton?]
- Alce [Thorton?]
- The mark of Mistress [Chilld?] widow
- Robertt Marsh
- John Lawes
- Andrew Holdip
- [Gor...?] [illegible]
- Mari [Beacon?]
- John Barrett
Elizabeth Thomas, a poor prisoner in the Gatehouse. WJ/SR/NS/016/14 (1626)
To the right woorshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the
cittie and liberties of Westminster
The humble peticion of Elizabeth Thomas
a verie poore prisoner in the gatehouse.
Humblie sheweth:
that your peticioner beinge lately comitted to the said prison
of the Gatehouse for receivinge one silver bowle of the goodes of
one supposed to be stollen by a person not nowe in
these partes, wherof your peticioner was altogether [illegible] ignorant
and never detected for anie such crime, at anie tyme formerlie
And therefore forasmuch as the complainante doth not in anie
respecte charge your peticioner with the stealinge therof
but is sencible your peticioner was misled by her good
opinion of the delinquente, havinge formerly lived in
house together, and forasmuch alsoe as your poore petitioner
hath at this presente two small children and noe
meanes to helpe them, but likelie to perishe for wante
of food, unles your worships compassion be extended in
this behalfe
Doth humblie beseech your worshippes for Godes cause to bee
pleased to extend your wonted favours towardes your petitioner and
her poore children and to grante unto your peticioner the
benefitt of baile, or such lawfull favoure in this her
misery as to your wisdomes, and in charetie shall seeme
meete, and your peticioner shall ever pray for your worshipp
health and happines.
John Bonner. WJ/SR/NS/016/15 (1626)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace at the generall quarter sessions
holden for the cittie and liberties of Westminster.
The humble peticion of John Bonner.
Humbly sheweth that the petitioner in quiett and peaceable manner, going to bed at his chamber where he hath
resided theis 4 yeares past about 10 of the clock at night, upon Tuesdaie the 30 of Maie last, suspecting
no malicious assault nor splenish affront to have been putt upon him, and being almost unready, one
Thomas Powell, accompanyed with Thomas Hamon constable, Allexander Manwaring and the ordinary
watchmen, came under pretext of asking for your petitioners landlord, and useing many injurious wordes
against him, assaulted the petitioner in his lodging, commaunded the said constable and watchmen to enter
the house, and straight with often threates to pull him out of his chamber, and not contented with this
then meeting with his landlord who went along with them, the said Thomas Powell did dismisse the
said landlord homeward, to no other intent but that he might closely followe upon him towardes his house
and privately surprise your petitioner, as imediatly he did, for accompanied as aforesaid, in most furious
and barbarous manner, he charged the said Thomas Hamon and Allexander Manwaring, with certen
others to laie handes on him, pull him with all shamefull extremitie from out of his lodging to the
Gatehouse, without either cover to his head or any shooes to his feete, where he remayned that
night, the petitioner having offered no wrong to his person or authoritie, but still with respect to the same
demaunded often his warrant for so useing him as a fellon or traytour, and he having none but a splenish
grudge conceived against the petitioner the Satterdaie afore in his owne shopp, where the said Thomas Powell
in most inhumane sorte abused your petitioner in wordes, and thus hath both wronged his bodie and good
name, who (as most of the parish knoweth all the sicknes time did willingly adventure himself upon the
curing of that contagion upon above 500 and was never wanting in any good office of that
nature, being a professor of phisicke.
In consideracion whereof, and that the said Thomas Powell hath both thus abused and disgraced
your petitioner, and hath bound him over to this sessions, not withstanding out of his owne guiltines that
he had done all this without warrant, as by his many intreaties for pacifying your petitioner
maie appeare, he most humbly beseecheth this worshipfull bench, that such order maie be taken
with the said Thomas Powell herein, and his associates as to your worships shall seeme fitt,
and (as most bound) he shall ever praie etc.
Marey Beamount. WJ/SR/NS/016/19 (1626)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices on the bench
for the cittie and libertie of Westminster:
The humble peticion of Marey Beamount
That shee being the late wife of Edward Beamount, who was raker of
the parrish of Saint Martin in the Feildes, hath owing unto her from William
Brinckfeild and Samuell Mercer, the scavingers there for the soyle and the
dirt of the streete, carried away by her said husband in his life time, 10 pounds - 1 shilling
and 9 pence which was due at Midsomer 1625: which money shee cannot gett from the
said scavingers, albeit she hath had them downe to the court house, but they
being rich men, and she being a poore woman, they bid her come by the same,
as she can.
In which respect, she appealeth to the justice and favour of this
honorable bench, and humbly prayeth, that the said scavingers
may be commaunded before you to thend such order may be taken with
them, for the releife of this poore woman, as in your grave
judgments shalbe held fitt, so shall she be especiallie bound to
pray for your worshipps etc:
John Levingstone, Michall Andrews, William Walles and others of St Martin in the Fields. WJ/SR/NS/016/17 (1626)
Wee whose names are here under written inhabitantes of the parish of
Saint Martins in the Feildes in the countie of Middlesex haveing [offered?] unto you
the right worshipfull the justices of peace of the citty and [liberties of?]
Westminster at your last quarter sessions divers greivances and [wrongs?]
done to us by one Johnson of the same parish of Saint Martins, you were
thereupon pleased to appointe at the bench that Sir Thomas Wilson knight
and Henry Lyde esquire, two of the said justices should view and
consider of the same and certifie unto you their opinions what they
found to whose more certaine relation wee herein referre ourselves
and desire you to be pleased to take notice that amongst divers other
wronges, this Johnson hath lately enclosed and shut upp a plott of
ground with a paile in Saint Martins Feildes [useing?] it for a bowling
alley haveing noe licence either soe to doe or to keepe a bowling
alley, and hath since thereupon built two severall cottages upon a
new foundacion with intent to sell ale, and [beere?] there and hath
stored them for that purpose, whereby divers rogues and theeves
are there harboured and advantaged to robbe [our?] houses and gardens
daie and night as by daiely experience wee feele, and to committ
further outrages and felonyes upon passengers that shall come
that narrowe waie, besides herein he hath committed [divers?] contemptes against
the Earle of Arundells warrant against the justices of peace
direccion and contrarie to the commaundes of my Lord of Salisburie
his land=lord, and seconded by direccion of his lordshipps officers, and
contrarie to lawe and the Kinges proclamacions, all which wee
leave to your grave wisedome and consideracion and humbly desire
from you such remedie as the lawe in such case provideth.
- John [Levingstone?]
- Michall Andrews William [Walles?]
- H: Knollys Fr: Cartor [Scipio le Squyre?]
- Laurence Lisle
- William Pryce Patrick [illegible]
- Edward [Browne?]
John Smewell. WJ/SR/NS/016/18 (1626)
To the right worshipfull the justices
of the worshipfull bench
The humble peticion of John Smewell
Most humbly sheweth that your petitioner and his
wife have lately suffred intollerable wronges
by Edward Morley, (who beinge indebted
to your petitioner 40 shillings or thereaboutes) the petitioner
demanding the same, the said Morley
doth dayly in a most outragious manner
abuse them, and callet when the constables
had warrantes for the said Morley he keepeth
his doores lockte, and saith whosoever shall
offer to come in, he will runn a spitt
into him, soe that your petitioner is like to be
defeated of his juste debte, unles your
worships take some course herein for
his releife, which he most humbly
prayeth. And your petitioner shall
pray for your worships
Tristram Adams. WJ/SR/NS/018/1 (1627)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace for the citty
and liberties of Westminster
The humble peticion of Tristram Adams
Humbly sheweth that your petitioner being a poore ignorant man, never before any court
or justices in his life, was yesterday uppon an indictment before your worships found guilty
and the fyne of 5 pounds sett upon him, for which he is now prisoner in the Gatehouse
The petitioner most humbly acknowledgeth your worships goodnes and justice, and
in respect he is a poore inhabitant of the liberty charged with a wife
and fower small children, ignorantly fallen into this errour for which he
is heartily sorrow, and unles he sell all that he hath, is in noe wise
able to pay his fyne, but must continue [illegible] in prison
therefore, whereby he his wife and small children wilbe utterly undone
That your worships would soe farr commiserate the distresse of
your poore petitioner his wife, and children, as to mittigat your petitioners
fyne to such a reasonable proporcion as he shalbe able to pay
And he shall ever pray for your worships.
Anne Coles, the wife of William Coles. WJ/SR/NS/018/2 (1627)
To the right worshipfull the justices of the peace for the
cittie and liberties of Westminster
The humble peticion of Anne Coles, the wife
of John William Coles.
Sheweth; that one Elizabeth Floud came into your petitioners house
and demaunded a lodginge for her, which your petitioner refused to lett her
have, she being of an ill life and conversacion, and thereuppon the said
Elizabeth Flood violently said she would have lodginge for her money
and that she would pay readily for the same, and therefore unles she
had yt, she would putt downe the petitioners signe;
That your petitioner thereuppon was forced to lodge her, and that the said
Elizabeth Flood and her husband did and doth owe the petitioner about 14 shillings; which
your petitioner demaundinge, the said Elizabeth privately would have taken
away the petitioners clothes and so escaped without payment, had not by
chance the petitioner mett with her and tooke them away from her whereupon
the said Elizabeth fell into most bitter and raylinge termes, and called
your petitioners mother whore, and had 3 bastardes in Salysbury, and
the petitioners kept a bawdy house, together with many other base wordes
to the greate harme of the petitioner and of her mother, she being fearfull
of her life of her
Therefore she most humbly prayeth your worshipfulls to be
pleased to take such order with the said Elizabeth as
both that the petitioner may be paied the money due unto them
as also that the petitioner and her mother may recieve amendes
for the scandalous speeches throwne uppon them.
And she and they will pray etc.
William Breman, labourer. WJ/SR/NS/018/3 (1627)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace
for the cittie and liberties of Westminster.
The humble peticion of William Breman laborer
Humblie shewing, that Jenkin Morris standeth bound by this worshipfull
bench to the peace and good behaviour for his great abuse offred to your
petitioner by breaking his head, treading on him, and kicking him, to his
impairing of his bodie, as maie justly bee proved.
Since which time the said Jenkin Morris hath severall times broken his
majesties peace since hee was last bound, by beating and striking of
one Nicholas Kindlemarsh; together with his wife, and daughter
to a great evill example; and hath threatned your poore petitioner to
sue him at lawe, and to spend xx pounds to bee revenged on him.
Your petitioners humble suite to your worshipps is, that you wilbee
favorablie pleased to take such order for your petitioners
releife, and satisfaccion for the losse of his bloud,
having bin greatlie charged for his cure and sicknes
to his utter undoing, as in your grave wisdomes
shalbee thought meete
And hee with his wife and children shall ever pray
Mary Hayward. WJ/SR/NS/020/6 (1628)
To the right worshipfull the justices and
burgisses of this courte of [assessions?]. For the
cittie and liberties of Westminster.
The humble
peticion of Mary
Shewinge unto your worships that whereas the petitioner hath bound over
one Master John Bird to this assessions to give satisfaccion to the cittie
of Westminster for a child begotten on the body of the petitioner under cullour
of marrage promised, and for as much as the courte hath bound
the said Bird over unto this sessions, to thend that there maye
bee a meanes prescribed for the bringinge up of the said child
and some other satisfacion had for ament of this tax and defa=
=mation hapned unto the said petitioner she therefore humbly
beseecheth this worshipful courte, she may have the keepinge
of the child, and such present satisfaccion as may tend to the
preservacion boeth of her and the said child for that she
never hetherto troubled the parrish for any maintenanc
Intender consideracion of the premisses, and that
the petitioner is the naturall mother of the child that
she may be admitted to have the keepinge of the
said child with such maintenanc as shall seeme
most expedient in your grave wisdomes
And as in dewtie most obliged she shall ever praye etc
And for as much as there was an order in courte made that the
petitioner should have two shillinges a weeke dueringe such tyme as she
kepte the said child whereof she received xxv shillings she humbly
desiereth she may have satisfaccion for the rest of the tyme.