Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1710s

Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770.

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'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1710s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1710s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1710s". Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

Rowland Millington late constable of Kirke Ireton. Q/SB/2/704 (1712)

To her majesties justices of the peace at the generall
quarter sessions of the peace held for the county of
Derby the 29th day of Aprill 1712

The humble peticion of Rowland Millington late constable of
Kirke Ireton in the county of Derby, humbly sheweth that he in
the execucion of his office expended and layd out severall summes
of money amounting in the whole to the summe of twelve poundes
one shilling and seven pence halfe penny, which summe of money he
has received excepting the summe of twelve shillings charged upon
Master Browne the minister of Kirke Ireton, which he refuseing to pay
the other inhabitants of the towne gave direccions to me your peticioner to gett the same
by law, but after the expence of severall summes of money it appeared
the said Master Browne was wrongfully charged, and the towne refuses
to repay [illegible] the said twelve shillings and the charges your peticioner
hath been at in and about the same, which in the whole amountes to
about thirteene shillings or upwardes which your said peticioner is
still unpaid therefore your peticioner humbly prayes he may
by order of the court be allowed all the same out of the said

Rowland Millington

Joseph Jackson of Longston, labourer. Q/SB/2/709 (1713)

To the worshipfull her majesties justices of the peace at the generall quarter
sessions held at Chesterfield for the county of Derby

The humble petition of Joseph Jackson of Longston in the county of Derby labourer

Most humbly sheweth unto your worshipps that your petitioner is a lame man of about fifty
yeare of age and has a wife and four small children and nothing to live upon; save three
acres of land and what he getts by selling of [earthen?] potts for the maintenance of himselfe his
wife and famaly and by his industry doth maintaine himselfe and famaly without being
any wayes chargeable to the parrish but some of the inhabitants of Longston aforesaid
out of malice and spite to your petitioner hath illagally assessed your petitioner to pay six
pence weekly towards the maintenance of the poore notwithstanding your petitioner is
a very poore man himselfe and clandestanly gott an order against your petitioner for the payment
thereof, without giveing your petitioner any notice to make his defence against the said order
and if your petitioner be oblidged to pay the said six pence a weeke it will tend to the
utter ruin of your said petitioner and his family your petitioner and his famaly being now
oblidged to travell the country to sell his potts and frequently to lodge in a barne

That your worshipps will be pleased to quash the said order that has
been soe unjustly obtained against your poore petitioner and that your
said poore petitioner may not have soe heavy a burthen laid upon him
and for your worshipps longe lives and happynesse as in duty bound
will ever pray etc