Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770.
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'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1700s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1700s', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1700s". Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
Margaret Holmes of Kire Ireton. Q/SB/2/670 (1701)
To the right worshipful his majesties justices of
the bench for the quarter sessions
The petition of Margaret Holmes of Kire
Ireton humbly sheweth
Where as your worships was formaly pleased to grant
me an order of one shilling weekly to be paid by the
overseers of the poor of Iddridghey toward the releife of
me and my two children which money the have keept
part back and paid me but six pence a weeke for a
whol yeare last past soe that their is tweenty six
shillings behind according to the order which they
doe deney paying for which I humbly beg of your
worships cleamenceys that you would be pleased
to take my sad and deplorable condishion in to your
serious considerations soe that I may have the money
which is behind and the order continued and your
poor petitioner will for ever pray for your
worships healths whilst she liveth
[illegible] Itherodgehey to pay all arrears and take [illegible]
[the child?] [illegible] and to [bringe the?]
youngest child to the [illegible]
and [illegible] to provide for [him?] and
if they refuse to [provide for him?]
then to [pay?] six [her six?] [illegible] weekly
Thomas Dauson of Chatson. Q/SB/2/687 (1704)
To the honurable bench her majesties justissis of the
peace at the quarter sessions at Derby for the count of
Derby 11 Jannuary 1703/4
The humble petition of Thomas Dauson of Chatson sheweth
your peticioner being a very poer man and this honurable
bench and the toune alouered mee one shillinges a wick
but nou the over seers is bee hind three shillings and for
worke 11 pence humble desire your worships to looke on mee
as a object of your charatie and order thee over seers of
Chatson to pay mee my my mony and your peticioner
as in duty bound shall ever pray
Thomas Dauson
Samuell Bennett of Biggin. Q/SB/2/691 (1708)
The humble petition of Samuell Bennett of Biggin
in the parish of Hartington
Humbly sheweth
that your petitioner obtayned an order from Master Vernon
Master Mundy and Master Spateman at a montly meetinge
held at Ashbourne the 23o day of March 1694 for the
allowance of 1 shilling weekly to the said Samuell Bennet and
likewise to put forth his seacond sonn William Bennet
an apprentice but the said overseers and inhabitants of Biggin
hath disobeyed the said order and hath refused to pay the
said weekly allowance and likewise to put forth the said
William Bennett an apprentice your petitioner therefore prayes
some weekly allowance for himselfe his wife and five
small children and that you will please to order your
petitioners sonn to be put forth an apprentice.
Samuell Bennett
[illegible] 1 shilling 6 pence weekly till
they overseers put forth both
his sonns apprentices and afterwards nothinge
to [set?] him on worke at the [rate?] of other
[persons?] if hee refuse to bee sent to the house
of correction
Frances Foxlowe of Taddington, widow. Q/SB/2/692 (1708)
To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace
and quorum att the quarter sessions held att Bakewell
for the county of Derby
The humble peticion of Frances Foxlowe of Taddington in the
county aforesaid widdow
Maye itt please your worshipps
This Frances Foxlowe widdow beinge left with saxe small
children to maintaine whose husband Thomas Foxlowe died
suddenly upon the roade as he was goeinge unto Shefeild
markett about a year and an halfe since whose trade was a butcher
who maintained his family by his callinge in good order and
fashion but now this poor widdow haveinge such a great
charge left upon her handes and all her goodes taken for debt
and nothinge remaininge to supply her selfe and her poor children
withall is forced to make her addresse unto this worshipfull
bench hopeinge they will take her poor weake condicion into
theire worthy consideracions and grant an order what this
worshipfull bench thinkes fitt that a poor widdow and sixe small
children should have towardes the releiveinge them weekly
and she will in duty be bound to pray for them all in soe
doeinge hopeinge that God will be theire reward in heaven
where she is not able.
1 shilling 6 pence weekly
Mary Hays of Hartington, widow. Q/SB/2/693 (1708)
To the worshipfull bench
The humble petition of Mary Hays of
Hartington in this county of Derby widow
May it please your worships I your poor petitioner
being left a widow with five children above fifteen
yeares agoe and haveing done what I could to bring
them up, and to keep them from being chargeable to
to the parish as far as I was able and am now reduced to extream poverty
so that I am not able to sustaine my selfe without
your worships will [illegible] out of your clemency be pleased
to order me what you in your wisdome shall think fit
and in so doing you will mightily oblige your poor
petitioner to pray for your worships long life
and happiness
[illegible] 1 shilling weekly
Francis Glover of Sheppard Flatt. Q/SB/2/694 (1708)
To the right worshippfull his majestyes
justices of the peace for the county of Derby
The humble peticion of Francis Glover of
Sheppard Flatt in the parrish of Eyme
and county of Derby aforesaid
That whereas your peticioner formerly had an
order for two shillings weekly to be paid him
now your peticioner haveing lost the said
order has but hitherto received one shilling the
weeke and being more unable than formerly
he was to goe abroad to get some releife
being at this present very ill sighted and
almost lame prays that your worshipps
would be pleased to grant your peticioner
another order to receive two shillings in the weeke
and your peticioner will ever pray etc
Confirme the former order of 2 shillings weekly
unles cause be shewed to the
justices next monethly meeting