Index: S

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


-, criticism of manufacture of, 17

Sackville, Edward, 4th Earl of Dorset
-, signs directives from Privy Council, 267, 271

Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer (d 1608)
-, 17, 46, 52, 69, 70, 76, 79, 80, 84, 105, 135, 141 and n, 142 (3), 143 (3), 144 (3), 145 (2)
-, his notes on petitions, 28, 33, 135

Sa. Eborum. See Harsnet, Samuel

Saffold, Thomas, tenant of the manor of Mildenhall
-, complaints against, 227

Saint Albans, Earl of. See Burgh, Richard de

St. Albans (St. Albones), co. Herts.
-, request by William, Earl of Salisbury, that his son be chosen M.P. for, 276

St. Albones. See St. Albans

St. Anthony, Lord of. See St. Antoine

St. Anthoine (St. Anthony), N. de, Secretary to Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 63

St. Augustine's, near Canterbury, co. Kent
-, quarrying of stone at dissolved monastery of, 156

St. Bartholomew, London
-, 165

St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Newbury, co. Berks.
-, 132
-, Steward of. See Dolman, Thomas

St. Botolph's (Sent Buttelles) London
-, 81

St. Catherine, of Alexandria
-, odes in Latin to, 292 (2)

St. Foy [France]
-, reference to Huguenot assembly at, 119

St. George, Richard, Norroy King of Arms
-, his allowance, 66

St. George, King's Chapel of, Windsor Castle
-, petition from clerks of, 95
-, Dean of. See Thompson, Giles

St. Germaine-en-Laye [Seine-etOise, France]
-, order signed by Henry IV at, 117

St. Jean de Luz [Basses-Pyrénées, France]
-, 178

St. John, Oliver, 1st Earl of Bolingbroke
-, polemical attack on, 277

St. John, Oliver, Baron St. John of Bletso, son of Oliver St. John, Earl of Bolingbroke
-, polemical attack on, 277

St. John, Sir Oliver, later Viscount Grandison
-, 223
-, signs directive from Privy Council, 271

St. John, Oliver, Solicitor-General, M.P. for Totnes
-, polemical attack on, 277

St. Johns, Lord. See St. John, Oliver

St. John's, Atherdee, Ireland
-, monastery of, 42

St. John's College, Cambridge
-, entertainment at Theobalds of preacher from, 30
-, 102
-, Master of. See Clayton, Richard

St. John's Wood, Wycombe, co. Bucks.
-, 132

St. John the Baptist, Colchester, co. Essex
-, Abbot of, 227

St. Leger, Sir Anthony, of London, Privy Councillor in Ireland
-, 83

St. Leger, John, Captain (later Sir), son of Sir John St. Leger, of Annery, co. Devon (d 1596)
-, petition to Cecil, 33
-, his allowance, 68
-, petition to Privy Council, 79

St. Leonard's, Bridgnorth, Salop
-, chantry lands of, 197

St. Lucar [Spain]
-, 225

St. Malo [Ille-et-Vilaine, France]
-, 54

St. Margaret's, Westminster, London
-, 191

St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London
-, 45, 69, 224
-, letter to Cecil from inhabitants of, 158
-, discussions by Vestry of, 190, 198
-, provision of water supply for parish of, 274 (2)
-, Curate of. See Hammond, Henry

St. Martin's Lane, London
-, 191
-, to be supplied with water by aqueduct from Soho, 275

St. Martin's le Grand, London
-, Bishop of London's property in parish of, 216

St. Mary. See Puerto de Santa Maria

St. Mary's or St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, co. Surrey
-, survey and maps of lands of William, Earl of Salisbury, in parish of, 275, 285
-, 276

St. Maturin, Paris
-, 166

St. Neots, co. Hunts.
-, manor of, 5
-, Deputy-Bailiff of. See Fletcher, John

St. Ouen, Jersey
-, Seigneur of. See Cartaret, Philippe de

St. Paul's, London
-, Dean and Chapter of, 95
-, 162
-, Dean of. See Overall, John
-, prebendary of. See Lilley, Peter

St. Peter's, Westminster. See Westminster Abbey

St. Vallery-sur-Somme [Somme, France]
-, hides transported from England to, 155

Salisbury, co. Hants. See also Sarum, Old
-, 62, 218, 285
-, possessions of Bishops of, 182
-, Court of Bishop of, 225
-, plague in, 225
-, grant to Sambrooke of office of Bishop's Clerk in, 285
-, grant to William, Earl of Salisbury, and James Cecil, Viscount Cranborne, by Bishop of, 285
-, Clerk of Bishop's Court. See Hooper, Henry

Salisbury (Sarum), Bishop of. See Cotton, Henry; Fotherby, Martin; Henchman, Humphrey

Salisbury, Countess of. See Cecil, Catherine

Salisbury, Earl of. See Cecil, Robert; Cecil, William

Salisbury, Roger [ ? of Bachygraig, co. Denbigh]
-, 89

Salisbury House, Strand, London
-, stone brought from Caen for building works at, 90
-, work undertaken by de Critz at, 103
-, entertainment in library of, 149 (2), 150 (2)
-, banquet for Royal Family at, 150
-, garden of, 177
-, 202, 241
-, letters dated from, 268, 269, 272

Sally Wall, Rotherhithe, co. Surrey
-, sketch of, 251

Salter, Nicholas, of London, merchant and farmer of the Customs
-, signs agreement concerning erection of furnaces for industrial uses, 196
-, 232 and n
-, appointed to supervise weaving industry at Hatfield, 236

Saltonstall, Sir Peter, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

-, petitions relating to exploitation and provision of, 135, 136

Sambrooke, William, of Salisbury
-, granted office by William, Earl of Salisbury, 285

Sanctuary, The, Worcester
-, 96

Sancy, Le Sieur de. See Sancy, Nicolas

Sancy, Nicolas Harlay de, French diplomatist and military commander, former Surintendant des Finances
-, 165

Sanderson, William
-, mentioned in verses, 284

Sands, Anthony
-, 144

Sandy, Mr. See Sandy, Robert

Sandy, Robert, of London, merchant
-, 41

Sandys, Sir Samuel, of Ombersley, co. Worcester
-, 13

Santa Cruz de Dueñas, Melchior de, Spanish writer
-, his Floresta Españiola bought for Cecil's library, 151

Sares, William, of Canterbury, co. Kent
-, 155

Sarpi (alias Servita), Paolo, theological adviser to the Signory of Venice
-, 76

Sarsfield, Sir Dominic, Chief Justice of Munster
-, appointed Second Justice of King's Bench in Ireland, 120

Sarum, Old, co. Wilts.
-, William, Earl of Salisbury, claims right to nominate M.P.s for, 261, 262
-, Parliamentary representation of, 261, 263
-, letter dated from, 261

Saunder, Henry
-, petition to Cecil, 97
-, petition to King, 97

Saunders, John, of Plymouth, cloth merchant
-, petition to Privy Council, 256

Saunders, Valentine, Clerk of the Petty Bag
-, complaint against, 106

Savage, Sir John, of Rock Savage, Cheshire
-, dispute between Mainwaring and, 114
-, petitions to Cecil, 114 (2)

Savage, Walter, of Broadway, co. Worcester
-, 13

Savile, Baron. See Savile, John

Savile, John, 1st Baron Savile of Pomfret
-, creation of his title, 266

Savill, Dr.
-, 203

Saville, Baron. See Saville, Sir John

Saville, Sir Henry, Provost of Eton
-, 115

Saville, Sir John, Baron of the Exchequer
-, 113, 115 and n, 142

Savoy, The, Strand, London
-, 188

Savoy, hospital, Strand, London
-, 162

Savoy, Duke of. See Charles Emmanuel

Saye, Lord. See Fiennes, Richard; Fiennes, William

Sayrus, Gregorius
-, purchase of his De Casibus conscientiae, 229

Schamberg, Compte de. See Nanteuil

Schenkenschanz (Skrinkine) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, 241

Schets, Guilliam, instrument-maker and tuner, deceased
-, mentioned, 184

Schio. See Scio

Schools, Grammar, Free, etc.
-, reference to, 14
-, in London, 30

Schovell, Charles, of Witchampton, co. Dorset
-, charged with illegal hunting, 234

-, College of Physicians alleged to be guilty of impeding progress of, 240

Scio (Schio) or Chios, Island of, Aegean Sea
-, English prisoners sent by Turks to galleys at, 161

-, 10, 32, 173, 247, 256, 291
-, Dutch complaints against ships from, 48
-, reference to union of England and, 96
-, state of trade between France and, 127
-, border raid from, 175
-, nomination of commissioners to deal with, 277

Scotland, Council of
-, letter from Privy Council to, 127

Scotland, Secretary for. See Hay, Sir Alexander

Scott, John, of London
-, 216

Scrope, Thomas, 10th Lord Scrope of Bolton
-, 175 and n

Scrope, Lord. See Scrope, Thomas

Scudamore, Mr. See Scudamore, Thomas

Scudamore, Thomas, Receiver of York
-, 19

Seal, John
-, petition to Cecil, 222

-, 77

Searle, Luke, prisoner in the Wood Street Counter
-, petition to Cecil, 8

Seaton, Alexander, Lord Fyvie (Ffivie)
-, his allowance, 68

Seckford (Sekeford), Sir Henry, Master of Tents and Toils
-, signs Henlake's petition, 185

Sedbergh, co. Yorks.
-, fellowship at St. John's College reserved for scholars from, 102
-, 174 (wrongly placed in co. Durham)

Sedgwick, Thomas, Keeper of the Marshalsea prison
-, 207

Seed, John, of Upton, co. Gloucester, formerly in the service of Sir Robert Cecil's mother
-, 133

Segar, Anne, tenant in Britain's Burse
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 281

Segar, Thomas, husband of Anne Segar
-, 281

Segar, William, Garter King of Arms
-, 265

Sekeforde, Henry. See Seckford, Sir Henry

Selsker, co. Wexford, Ireland
-, parsonage of, 125

-, 42

Sent Buttelles. See St. Botolph's

-, complaints of manufacturers of, 74

Seringius, John, Chaplain to the Queen
-, his allowance, 65

Servin, Avocat. See Servin, Louis

Servin, Louis, French AttorneyGeneral
-, 166

Servington, Mr., tenant to the Earl of Pembroke
-, 263

Servita, Paolo. See Sarpi, Paolo

Sethernwood, John, in the service of Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton
-, complaint against, 82

Seville [Spain]
-, 139, 178

Sewell, Mr.
-, 290

Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford
-, 104
-, case between Monteagle and, 140 (2)
-, his secretary. See Kirton, Josias

Seymour, Frances, Countess of Hertford, wife of Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford
-, 164

Seymour, Joan, daughter of John Seymour, and wife of John Seed
-, petition to Cecil, 133

Seymour, Sir Thomas, of Frampton Cottrell, co. Gloucester
-, complaint against, 133, 134

Seymour, John, of Frampton Cottrell, co. Gloucester, deceased
-, mentioned, 133 and n

Shaftesbury (Shaston), co. Dorset
-, 278

Shakerley, Richard, of Cheshunt, co. Herts., miller
-, petition to Cecil, 109

Shane, Sir Francis, [? of Ballymore Lochsewey, co. Westmeath, Ireland]
-, 197

Shapwick, co. Dorset
-, manor of, 250

Sharpe, G. [ ? George Sharpe, vicar of Brigstock, co. Northants]
-, petition to Cecil, 162

Sharpeigh or Sharpey, Robert, Clerk of the Star Chamber
-, petition to Cecil, 83
-, 115, 123

Sharpy. See Sharpeigh, Robert

Shaston. See Shaftesbury

Shaw. See Shaw, John

Shaw (Shawe), Elizabeth, in the service of the Queen
-, her allowance, 65

Shaw, John, surveyor, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, countersigns de Critz's bill, 103
-, 203, 205
-, his plan of Hatfield parsonage, 259

Shaw, Sir John, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 62

Shaw, Simon, tenant in Brigstock Park
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 279

Shaw, William, of York, merchant
-, petition to King, 80

Shawe, William, of Drury Lane, London, innkeeper
-, petition to Cecil, 35

Shawe, Mr., in the service of the King
-, presents Comyng's petition to Lord Chancellor, 234

Shawe, Mr. [ ? John Shawe, of the Strand, London], em broiderer
-, payment to, 201

Sheffield, Edmund, Lord Sheffield, President of the Council of the North
-, 40

Sheffield Lodge, co. Yorks.
-, letter dated from, 139

Sheires, George. See Shiers, George

Sheldon or Shelton, —
-, involved in Gunpowder Plot, 38

Sheldon, —
-, referred to as "learned Sheldon" in verses, 284

Shelley, Mrs. See Shelley, Jane

Shelley, Jane, of Sutton Freene, co.
-, Hereford, recusant, widow of William Shelley, of Michelgrove, co. Sussex
-, list of her requests, 193

Shepherd (Shepheard), Herbert, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, petition to Cecil, 163

Shepherd, Jasper, tenant of the manor of Mildenhall
-, complaints against, 227

Sherborne, Mr. See Sherburn, Edward

Sherburn (Sherborne), Edward, secretary to Sir Robert Cecil
-, 206

Sherfield, Henry, of Lincoln's Inn, London and Salisbury, Steward of Cranborne
-, 244, 263
-, local influence of, 261
-, Keighley's letter to, 263

Sherfield, Richard, Deputy-Steward of Cranborne, brother of Henry Sherfield
-, 244

Shiers (Sheires), George, apothecary to the King's Household
-, his allowance, 64

Shipnam, co. Wilts.
-, Forest of, 137

Shipp, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

-, Swattrutter, 7
-, Mary Rose, 9
-, Marigold, 41
-, Pearl, 54
-, Spreadeagle, 71
-, God's Grace, 80
-, Constance, 92
-, Centaur, 93
-, Sun, 99
-, Angel, 121
-, Charity, 155
-, Bonaventure, 173
-, Dragon, 177
-, Kingfisher, 179
-, De Hope, 212
-, Triumph, 217
-, Valentine, 247

Shirley (Shurley), Sir Thomas, of Wiston, co. Sussex
-, 123

Shoreditch, London
-, 11

Shotbolt, Thomas, Steward to William, Earl of Salisbury
-, appointed to supervise weaving industry at Hatfield, 236

Shotover, co. Oxford
-, King's wood at, 153

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot, Gilbert

-, alleged subversive activities of Catholics in, 56

Shuttleworth, Justice. See Shuttleworth, Sir Richard

Shuttleworth, Sir Richard, Chief Justice of Chester (d 1599)
-, mentioned, 112

Sibthorpe, Mr. See Sibthorpe, John

Sibthorpe, John, Third Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland
-, made King's Attorney in Ulster, 120

Sidley, Lady. See Sidley, Katherine

Sidley, Katherine, Lady, widow of Henry Malby and wife of Sir Ralph Sidley
-, petition to Cecil, 186

Sidney, Robert, Lord Lisle
-, petition to King, 75

Sigismund III, King of Poland
-, writes to King, Prince Henry, Cecil, Lord Kinloss and others, 195

Signet, The
-, 56, 96, 141
-, Clerk of the. See Windebank, Sir Thomas

Signory (of Venice), The
-, 54, 76

Signs of Jacobs Well,
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

-, abuses in dyeing of, 45
-, Queen's suit for lease of dyeing of, 257

Sillery, Nicolas Brulart, Marquis de, Chancellor of France
-, letters sent by Synod at La Rochelle to, 117

Simons, Peter. See Symonds, Peter

Simons Water (? co. Essex)
-, farm called, 130

Simpson, Thomas, prisoner in the Gatehouse
-, petition to Cecil, 9

Singleton, Robert, of London, merchant
-, his bill for material supplied for entertainment at Theobalds and for play performed in library of Salisbury House, 137, 149

Sion. See Syon House

Sison. See Siston

Siston (Sison), co. Gloucester
-, manor of, 170

Skelton, John, of Armathwaite, co. Cumberland
-, petition to Cecil, 175

Skenfrith, co. Monmouth
-, manor of, 250

Skinner, Sir John, of Castle Conor, co. Sligo, Ireland, brother-inlaw to Sir Griffin Markham
-, petition to Cecil, 131

Skinner, Sir Vincent, of Enfield, co. Middlesex
-, 109

-, trade in, 3
-, illegal transport of, 155, 190

Skrinkine. See Schenkenschanz

Slade, John, [ ? of Hinch, co. Somerset]
-, complaint against, 10

Slegg, Edward, of the Inner Temple, London
-, 157 (2)

Slingsby, Francis, Captain
-, 83

Slingsby, Sir William, of London, later of Kippax, co. Yorks.
-, signs agreement concerning erection of furnaces for industrial uses, 196

Slyfield (Slyfeilde), John, Keeper of Newgate prison
-, 207

Smallman, Francis, of London, merchant
-, 34

Smetius, Henricus, physician to Frederick III, Elector Palatine and teacher of medicine at Heidelberg (d 1614)
-, purchase of work by, 282

Smith, Edward, Keeper of Ludgate prison, London
-, 206

Smith, Esdras, of co. Norfolk, yeoman
-, 30

Smith, Frances, daughter of Esdras Smith
-, 30

Smith, Henry, of co. Norfolk
-, petition to Cecil, 30

Smith, Matthew, of Hadleigh, co. Suffolk
-, letter to Dackombe, 188

Smith, Peter de, a German printer
-, petition to Hobocque, 26

Smith, Sir Thomas
-, 78

Smith, Sir William, of the Strand, London
-, petition to Cecil, 16

Smith, William, herald
-, his allowance, 66

Smith, William, of South Stoke, co. Somerset
-, petition to Cecil, 222

Smith, Mr., of Wiltshire, deceased
-, mentioned, 208

Smith, —, of the Strand, London, a bailiff
-, Rece committed to the custody of, 9

Smith, —
-, 284

Smithe. See Smithe, Stephen

Smithe, Stephen, of Herne, co. Kent
-, 155

Smyth, Edward, of St. Giles-in-theFields, London, Yeoman Usher of the Chamber to the King
-, petition to Cecil, 208

Smyth (Smythe), Richard, of London, physician
-, signs medical prescription, 56 and n

Smyth, —
-, 224

Smythe, Richard. See Smyth, Richard

Snelgar, Henry, Sergeant-at-Arms
-, his allowance, 66

Snelling, John, of Chaddlewood, co. Devon
-, his wardship, 56 and n

Snelling, Thomas, of Plymton St. Mary, co. Devon
-, his petition, 56

Soames, Sir Christopher, Alderman of London
-, 59

Soho (Soe Hoe) alias Colman Hedge, St. Martin's-in-theFields, London
-, water to be conveyed by aqueduct from, 275

Solicitor-General. See Fleming, Sir Thomas; St. John, Oliver

Somerset, Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester, Master of the Horse to the King
-, 95, 221

Somerset, Sir Thomas, 3rd son of Edward Somerset, 4th Earl of Worcester
-, 190

Somerset Gardens, Strand, London
-, 36, 37

-, 33, 55, 249
-, auditors of, 222
-, effects of Civil War in, 280
-, plague in, 280

Somerset Yard, Strand, London
-, tennis court in, 216

Somerville, Mistress. See Somerville, Elizabeth

Somerville or Somerfield, Anne, daughter of John Somerville or Somerfield
-, 19, 20
-, petition to Cecil, 53
-, her sister. See Somerville, Elizabeth

Somerville or Somerfield, Elizabeth, daughter of John Somerville or Somerfield and wife of Thomas Warwick
-, 19, 20
-, her pension, 53 and n, 67

Somerville or Somerfield, John, of Edstone, co. Warwick, Catholic conspirator (d 1583)
-, reference to his attainder, 19, 20

Sonning, co. Berks.
-, manor of, 182 and n

Sothaby, Thomas, of Birdsall, co. Yorks, deceased
-, wardship of his heir, 78

Sound, The [Denmark]
-, 7

Southam, co. Gloucester
-, map of manor of, 163

Southampton, co. Hants.
-, petition to Cecil from merchants and sergemakers of, 74
-, 104, 209

Southampton, Earl of. See Wriothesley, Henry

Southorne, Thomas, tenant in Britain's Burse
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 288

South Stoke, co. Somerset
-, manor of, 222

Southwark, co. Surrey
-, 226

Southwell, Lady. See Southwell, Elizabeth

Southwell, Elizabeth, Lady, widow of Sir Robert Southwell, of Woodrising, co. Norfolk (d 1598)
-, 45
-, her allowance, 67

Southwell, Sir Thomas, of Woodrising, co. Norfolk
-, petition to Ellesmere, 77
-, petition to Cecil, 77

Southwicke, George, of London, merchant and informer
-, petition to Cecil, 32

Southwold, co. Suffolk
-, Dutch ship captured by Danzig pirates off, 250

Southworth, John, of Cheshunt, co. Herts., Gentleman of the Chamber, later ReceiverGeneral, to Sir Robert Cecil
-, letter to Dackombe, 189
-, 199, 203

-, reference to Earl of Nottingham's embassy to, 28
-, complaints about activities of English ships off coast of, 48
-, 50, 54, 55, 139, 166, 175, 178, 214, 225, 246, 247
-, Irish rebel in, 83
-, abuses committed by Customs officials of, 92, 93
-, execution at Newgate of natives of, 102
-, petition to Cecil from wives of English seamen imprisoned in, 105
-, Englishmen imprisoned in, 178
-, Admiral of, 178
-, English traitors leave for England from, 178
-, envoy expected from, 211
-, pedigree of Cecils in, 227
-, reference to proposed marriage alliance between England and, 236
-, allies useful to England in containing aggrandisement of, 265
-, mentioned in verses, 253

Spain, Admiral of. See Mendoza

Spain, Council of 176, 178

Spain, King of. See Philip III

Spaldwick, co. Hunts.
-, manor of, 184

Speere, John, in the service of William, Earl of Salisbury
-, his accounts, 230

Speier. See Spires

Spence, David, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 175
-, petition to Privy Council, 175

Spencer, James, auditor, prisoner in the Marshalsea
-, petition to Cecil, 44

Spencer, John [? of London]
-, petition to Cecil, 224

Spencer, Thomas, of Claverdon, co. Warwick, brother of Lady Hunsdon
-, 16

Spencer, William, of co. Warwick, publisher
-, warrant issued for arrest of, 26
-, imprisoned in London, 26

Spencer (Spenser), —
-, mentioned in verses, 284

Spiller, Mr. See Spiller, Henry

Spiller, Henry, official of the Exchequer
-, 144

Spilman, Sir John, of St. Martin'sin-the-Fields, London, jeweller to the King
-, entertained at Theobalds, 29

Spinola, Ambrosio, Marquis de Benaffro, Commander-inChief of the Spanish forces in the Low Countries
-, differences between Spaniards and, 237
-, his military plans, 237

Spires (Speier) [Germany] 237

Spreadeagle, The, of Oslo seized by English ship, 71

Springerus. See Syring, Peter

Sproxton, Richard, Steward of the Star Chamber
-, petitions to Cecil, 83, 115 (2)

Stable, The King's
-, allowance given to grooms of, 69

Stafford, co. Stafford
-, treatment of prisoners in gaol at, 74

Stafford, Lady. See Stafford, Mary

Stafford, Mary, Lady, widow of Edward Stafford, 3rd Baron Stafford (d 1603)
-, involved in dispute over Kingswood Forest, 170

Stafford, William, senior
-, his allowance, 68

Stafford, William, junior
-, his allowance, 68

-, Haies arrested in, 90
-, 209, 269

Stallenge, William [? of London, merchant]
-, his allowance, 69

Stamner, Martin, tenant of the manor of Mildenhall
-, complaints against, 227

Stanford, alias Okee, Francis, student of Douai College
-, ready to cross from Calais to England, 73 and n

Stanhope, Edward, LL.D., Chancellor of the diocese of London
-, 140

Stanhope, Edward, Treasurer of Gray's Inn and Recorder of Doncaster, brother of Dr. Edward Stanhope
-, 140

Stanhope, Sir John, later 1st Lord Stanhope of Harrington, Chamberlain of the Household and Treasurer of the Chamber
-, 2 and n, 3, 41, 79, 100, 138, 160, 220
-, signs Henlake's petition, 185

Stanhope, Sir Michael, of Sudbourne, co. Suffolk
-, signs Henlake's petition, 185

Stanhope, Philip, 1st Earl of Chesterfield
-, creation of his title, 266

Stanley, Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, wife of William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby
-, 127
-, letters to Viscount Cranborne, 217

Stanley, John
-, reference to his imprisonment in Spain, 178
-, alleged traitorous activities of, 178

Stanley, Sir Rowland, of Hooton, Cheshire, father of Sir William Stanley
-, petition to Cecil, 4 and n 209

Stanley, William, 6th Earl of Derby, Chamberlain of the County Palatine of Chester
-, reference to him as Mayor of Liverpool, 3
-, 46, 114, 115, 217

Stanley, Sir William, of Hooton, Cheshire, political refugee in Flanders
-, 4, 209

Stanley, William, of Hooton, Cheshire, son of Sir William Stanley
-, petition to King, 209

Stanyan, Widow, tenant in Brigstock Park
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 279

Staper, Richard, of London, merchant
-, 41

Stapleton, Mrs. See Stapleton, Elizabeth

Stapleton, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Stapleton, of Carleton, co. Yorks.
-, her allowance, 67

-, 219
-, Queen's purveyor of. See Calloway

Star Chamber, Court of 16, 21, 27, 40, 70, 83, 115, 204, 207, 215, 233
-, Steward of. See Sproxton, Richard
-, Clerk of. See Sharpeigh, Robert

States General, The
-, 16, 111, 241
-, complaints of, 48

Stationers Company, The, of London
-, 72
-, complaints of, 108

Statute of Tillage
-, not to be extended to Essex, 228

-, licence to import, 39
-, new invention in making, 70 (2)

Steelyard (Stilliard), The, London
-, condition of, 102

Steenholen, Jacques van, Flemish merchant
-, letter to Archduke Albert, 212

Steere, Thomas, a wire-drawer
-, petition to Cecil, 80

Stephans, Thomas
-, signs receipts, 150, 152

Steward, The. See Houghton, Roger

Stewart, Francis, of the Royal Household, brother of James Stewart, Earl of Moray
-, his allowance, 62

Stewart, James, Earl of Moray
-, visits Italy and Rome, 148

Stilcragg, Edward, Stirrup-maker to the King
-, petition to Cecil and Commissioners for King's revenue, 194

Stildon, co. Worcester
-, manor of, 39

Stileman, Robert, of Field Dalling, co. Norfolk, Deputy-Bailiff of Clare
-, petitions to Cecil, 213 (2)

Stiles. See Styles

Stillingfleet, Cuthbert, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, petition to Cecil, 213

Stillingfleet, Samuel, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil, later Bailiff of Cranborne
-, 205, 281
-, his children ill with measles, 262

Stodard, William, Keeper of the White Lion prison in Southwark
-, 207

Stoke, co. Suffolk
-, manor of, 250

Stoke Orchard, co. Gloucester
-, 181

Stokesley, co. Yorks.
-, manor of, 192

Stone, George, footman to the late Queen Elizabeth
-, his allowance, 67

Stone, John
-, his allowance for action against Gunpowder Plot conspirators, 68

Storay [? Storey], Mr.
-, in the company of Sir Charles Morrison in Italy, 146

Storey, George, Keeper of the park at Wandles, co. Yorks.
-, 91

Stourbridge, co. Worcester
-, 58

Stow, co. Oxford
-, King's wood at, 153

Strachey, William, of Westminster, London, deceased
-, mentioned, 54, 55n

Strand, The, London
-, 9, 12
-, the Liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster in, 36, 126

Strand Lane, London
-, new prison erected in, 36, 37 (2), 126
-, reference to demolition of Roundhouse prison in, 126

Strange or Stroung, Patrick, of Waterford, Ireland, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 159

Strangeways, Arthur, of London, brewer
-, petition to Charles I and House of Lords, 278

Street (Streete). John, of Worcester
-, petition to Cecil, 34
-, his allowance for action against Gunpowder Plot conspirators, 68

Strich, Jasper, of Guernsey, Master Gunner
-, petitions to Cecil, 78, 112
-, 79

Stringer, Richard, footman to the late Queen Elizabeth
-, his allowance, 67

Strode (Strowde), Gregory, Gentleman Waiter to the Queen
-, petition to Cecil, 208

Strode (Strowde), Sir William, of Newnham, co. Devon
-, 56

Strowde, Gregory. See Strode, Gregory

Strowde, Sir William. See Strode, Sir William

Stuard, Mr. See Houghton, Roger

Stuart, Lady Arbella or Arabella, niece to James I
-, her allowance, 67

Stuart, Ludovic, Duke of Lennox
-, 31
-, Jacques de Clare's letter to, 243 and n

Stuart, William, in the service of Ludovic Stuart, Duke of Lennox
-, 31

Studder, Sir Thomas, SergeantMajor in the service of the Archdukes
-, 100

Sturges, William, tenant in Brigstock Park
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 279

Sturges, Colonel
-, 278

Styles (Stiles), Thomas, of London, mason
-, his plan of Britain's Burse, 264

-, 111
-, Duchy of Lancaster's manors in, 250

Suffolk, Charles, Duke of. See Brandon, Charles

Suffolk, Duke of. See Grey, Henry

Suffolk, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas; Howard, Theophilus; Howard, James

-, Flemish ship at Pernambuco takes in cargo of, 212

Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de, principal minister and adviser to Henry IV
-, letters sent by Synod of La Rochelle to, 117

Sultan, The. See Ahmed I

Sun, The, of London
-, takes part in Earl of Essex's expedition to Azores, 99

Sunbury, co. Middlesex
-, manor of, 95

-, Commissioners of the Militia in, 284

Surveyors of the Outports
-, 144

Sussex, Countess of. See Radcliffe, Bridget

Sussex, Earl of. See Radcliffe, Robert

Sutton, Roger, soldier
-, petition to Cecil, 13

Sutton Courtney, co. Berks.
-, King's mills at, 153, 154

Sutton-in-Galtres, co. Yorks.
-, manor of, 192

Swaine, Richard. See Swayne, Richard

Swainsland, Thomas, formerly of Cranbrook, co. Kent, shoemaker
-, complaint against, 122

Swanstead, Blanche, in the service of Princess Elizabeth
-, her allowance, 66

Swarlen, Jane, in the service of Prince Charles, Duke of York
-, her allowance, 66

Swattrutter, The, of Ameland, Holland
-, wrecked off Denmark, 7

Swayne, Henry, Captain, former Muster-Master of Hertfordshire
-, 268

Swayne (Swaine), Richard [? of Tarrant Gunville, co. Dorset]
-, 251

Sweden, King of. See Charles IX; Gustavus Adolphus

Swinburne, Francis
-, petition to King, 249
-, his grandfather. See Swinburne, John

Swinburne, John, of Chopwell, co. Durham, deceased
-, mentioned, 249

Symonds, George, footman to the late Queen Elizabeth
-, his allowance, 67

Symonds (Simons), Peter, of London, mercer (d 1586)
-, mentioned, 130

Symonds (Simons), Richard, nephew of Peter Symonds
-, petition to Cecil, 130

Symonds (Symons), Thomas, Clerk of the Peace for Worcestershire
-, 13

Synfold, William, of London
-, 111

Syon House (Sion), Isleworth, co. Middlesex
-, letter dated from, 284

Syring, Peter (pseudonym Justus Springerus)
-, copy of his De Pace religionis in Imperio Romano bought for Cecil's library, 152