Index: Q, R

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Quarles. See Quarles, Francis

Quarles, Francis, poet and chronologer to the City of London
-, his Emblems purchased, 282

Quarles, John, of London, mercer
-, complaint against, 125 (2)

Quarter Sessions
-, at Hertford, 231

Queen's County, Ireland
-, 85

Queene Elizabeths Teares
-, dedicated to Cecil by Christopher Lever, 129 (2) and n

Queens Head, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Quickswood, co. Herts.
-, plans for building operations at, 240, 243

Quidnall, co. Notts.
-, 138


Raby Castle, co. Durham
-, 83, 174
-, Constable of. See Bowes, George; Richardson, John

Radcliffe, Bridget, Countess of Sussex, wife of Robert Radcliffe, 5th Earl of Sussex
-, 232

Radcliffe, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Radcliffe 5th Earl of Sussex
-, marries Lord Haddington, 139 and n

Radcliffe, Robert, 5th Earl of Sussex
-, 122, 203
-, marriage of his daughter to Lord Haddington, 139 and n

Radwinter, co. Essex
-, sale of trees on manor of, 259

Rainham, co. Essex
-, vicarage of, 45 and n

Ralegh (Rawlighe), Sir Walter, military and naval commander, and author
-, 75, 133, 215
-, letter to Winwood, 233
-, confiscates Guthrie's ship, 247

Ramsay, Sir John, of the Royal Household, later Viscount Haddington
-, 44
-, his allowance, 62
-, marries daughter of Earl of Sussex, 139 and n

Ramsay (Ramsey), William, Trumpeter to the King
-, his allowance, 63

Randolph, Edmund, of Lincoln's Inn, London
-, witnesses agreement between Cecil and Lady Hunsdon, 205

Rashleigh, Thomas, of Wimbledon, co. Surrey
-, letter to Forrest, 233

Ratcliff, Mrs. See Ratcliffe, Mary

Ratcliffe, Mary, Keeper of the Royal Jewels
-, her allowance, 67

Rathborne (Raythborne), Aaron, surveyor
-, complaints against, 192

Raunds (Raundes), co. Northants.
-, manor of, 250

Raven, John, Richmond Herald
-, his allowance, 66

Ravensmere (Ravensmore), Cheshire
-, common or waste called, 114 (3)

Ravis, Thomas, Bishop of London
-, to supervise Lord Mordaunt's education, 189
-, 216

Rawson (Royston), John, lessee of mills at Hatfield
-, 237

Rayne, Robert, huntsman to the King
-, his allowance, 68

Raynford, Thomas, vicar of Hatfield
-, appointed to supervise weaving industry at Hatfield, 236

Raythborne. See Rathborne, Aaron

Read, Simon, minerologist
-, petition to Privy Council, 136

Read, Sir William, of Osterley, co. Middlesex
-, case between Booth and, 17, 18, 22 (2), 28

Rece, Humphrey, of London, vintner
-, complaint against, 9

Recusants and Recusancy. See also Catholics, English
-, imprisonment of, 8
-, 13, 15, 30, 42, 70, 121, 141, 142 (2), 144 (2), 187, 193, 194, 209, 216, 219, 225, 242, 246

Reddish, —
-, 107, 108

Redereth. See Rotherhithe

Redmayne, Dr. See Redmayne, Robert

Redmayne, Robert, Chancellor of the diocese of Norwich, and J.P.
-, intervenes on behalf of Christian Weech, 109

Regaine, Teig, of Carbery, Munster, Ireland
-, petitions to Cecil, 8 (3)

Religious Books, Commentaries, etc.
-, 30, 33, 291, 293

Remembrancer of First Fruits office of, 1

Renzi, Matthew de, of Bishopsgate, London, merchant stranger
-, 53, 55 and n
-, petition from creditors of, 53

Requests, Court of
-, Masters of, 42, 82, 112, 164, 220
-, 43 (2), 164
-, Masters of. See Aubrey, William; Rokeby, Ralph; Wilbraham, Sir Roger

Revelation. See Napier, John

-, allowance given for, 69

Reynall, Sir George, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

Reynolds (Rhennells), Mr.
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Rhenells, Mr. See Reynolds

Ribbesford, co. Worcester
-, manor of, 39

Rice, Philip, of Dinas, co. Brecknock
-, petition to Cecil, 196

Rice, Richard
-, his allowance for action against Gunpowder Plot conspirators, 68

Rich, Lord. See Rich, Robert

Rich, Henry, 1st Earl of Holland
-, signs directive from Privy Council, 267
-, chosen by Charles I to negotiate with Scots, 277

Rich, Robert, 3rd Baron Rich, later 1st Earl of Warwick
-, case between St. Leger and, 79
-, polemical attack on, 277

Richard's Castle, co. Hereford
-, 193

Richardson, John [ ? of Wharram Percy, co. Yorks.]
-, assigned post of Constableship of Raby Castle, 84

Richardson, Richard, of co. Herts., soldier
-, petition to Cecil, 77
-, petition to Privy Council, 78

Richardson, Thomas, of Hardwick, co. Norfolk, J.P.
-, intervenes on behalf of Christian Weech, 110

Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal
-, 265

Richmond Herald. See Raven, John

Rider, William, Gentleman Harbinger to the King
-, his allowance, 63

Ridley, Cheshire
-, 213

Ripley, co. Surrey
-, 284

Ripon, co. Yorks.
-, 40
-, petitions to Cecil from prebendaries of, 40, 52
-, Dean of. See Fowler, Moses
-, Prebendaries of. See Lindall, Christopher; Barker, William; Beau, William

Ripple Creek, co. Lancs.
-, 189

Risbrooke, William. See Rushbrook, William

Roane. See Rouen

Robert, Uncle
-, mentioned in verses, 284

Roberts, Lewis, of Abergavenny
-, testifies against recusants, 243

Robinson, George, former coachman to Sir Robert Cecil
-, petition to Cecil, 151 and n

Robinson, Henry, Bishop of Carlisle
-, 175

Robinson, Robert, bearer to the Commissioners for Leases
-, petition to Cecil, 145

Roch, George, of Kinsale, Ireland, merchant
-, called Florence Maccarty's "henchman", 160

Rochefort, Lord. See Carey, John

Rochelle (La) [Charente-Inférieure, France]
-, paper imported into England from, 23
-, acts of the Huguenot Synod at, 116
-, 117, 118, 119, 167
-, attempt to transport hides from Lancashire to, 190
-, reference to capitulation of, 265 and n

Rochester, co. Kent
-, Elector Palatine at, 230
-, Dean and Chapter of, 232
-, Dean of. See Blague, Thomas

Rochester, Bishop of. See Buckeridge, John

Rochester, Viscount. See Carr, Robert

Rock, co. Worcester
-, manor of, 39

Rockbourne (Rockborne), co. Hants.
-, 163, 187
-, letter dated from, 188

Rockinge. See Rocquigny, Adrian de

Rocliffe, George, of Temple Combe, co. Somerset
-, letter to Duke Brooke, 75

Rocquigny (Rockinge), Adrian de, of London, jeweller
-, payment to, 202

Roderigo, John, a Spaniard
-, petition to King, 245

Roderigo, Francis, a Spaniard, imprisoned in London, brother of John Roderigo
-, request for release of, 246

Rogers, Frank
-, mentioned in verses, 284

Rogers, Humphrey
-, 55

Rogers, Lewis, surgeon to Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Rogers, Roger, of London
-, 90

Rokall, co. Yorks.
-, 192

Rokeby (Rookby), Ralph, a Master of Requests
-, 43

Roldesbe, —
-, plan of his property in Edmonton, 251

Rolles, John, Sergeant-at-Arms
-, his allowance, 66

Rolston, Anthony, in the service of the late Mary, Queen of Scots
-, his allowance, 68

Rome [Italy]
-, list of English visitors to, 146, 147, 148
-, 166

Rone, John, Sergeant of the Scullery to the King
-, petition to Cecil, 222

Rookby, Dr. See Rokeby, Ralph

Rooke, Mr. See Rooke, George

Rooke, George, of Canterbury, in the service of Sir Henry Wotton
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Rookwood (Ruckwood), Ambrose, of Coldham Hall, Stanningfield, co. Suffolk, Gunpowder Plot conspirator
-, reference to arrest of, 33
-, Street claims to have wounded, 34

Roos, Gilbert, son of Peter Roos and a King's ward
-, 163, 164

Roos, Peter, of Laxton, co. Notts. (d 1605)
-, mentioned, 163

Roper, John, of Welsh Whittle, co.
-, Lancs., yeoman
-, petition to Cecil, 70

Roper (Roupe, Roope), Thomas, in the service of William, Earl of Salisbury
-, signs receipt, 230

Roscommon, county of, Ireland
-, 89

Rose, The, inn, Hitchin, co. Herts.
-, mentioned in verses, 284

Rosencrants, —
-, entertained in Paris by William Cecil, 283

Rosse, Monsieur de
-, 243

Rosse, Mr.
-, 282

Rostorne, Ireland
-, 83

Rothe, Robert, agent of Thomas Butler, Earl of Ormond
-, petition to King, 85

Rotherhithe (Redereth), co. Surrey
-, 251, 285

Rothwell, Ellis, Page of the Bedchamber to the King
-, his allowance, 63
-, 185

Rouen (Roane) [Seine-Inférieure, France]
-, 210

Roundhouse, The, prison, Strand, London
-, reference to demolition of, 126

Roupe or Roope, Thomas. See Roper, Thomas

Rowe, John, a prisoner in Ludgate
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 288

Rowley, John, a cook in the King's Navy
-, 217

Roxburgh, Lord. See Ker, Robert

Roydon, co. Norfolk
-, property at, 259

Royssy, —, [ ? Elie de la Russy, agent to the Duke of Bouillon, and, later, French diplomatist]
-, 166

Royston, Mr. See Rawson, John

Royston, co. Herts.
-, 12

Ruckwood. See Rookwood

Ruddock, Mr.
-, 281

Rudhal, Mr. See Rudhall, William

Rudhall, William, of Rudhall, co. Hereford
-, 183 and n

Ruislip, co. Middlesex
-, 230

Rumler, John Wolfgang, apothecary to the Queen and Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Rushbrook (Risbrooke), William, huntsman to the King
-, his allowance, 68

Rushden, co. Herts.
-, 220

Rushden, co. Northants.
-, manor of, 250

Russell, Edward, 3rd Earl of Bedford (d 1627)
-, 231

Russell, Elizabeth, widow of Sir Thomas Hoby and Lord John Russell, and aunt of Sir Robert Cecil
-, 173 and n

Russell, Francis, 4th Earl of Bedford (d 1641)
-, receives grant from Charles I, 274

Russell (alias Edwards), Jane, mother of Richard Edwards
-, request on behalf of, 220

Russell, William, 5th Earl of Bedford
-, polemical attack on, 277

-, 6

Rutland, Countess of. See Manners, Frances

Rutland, Earl of. See Manners, John

-, effects of Civil War in, 280

Rutlinger, John, of London, goldsmith
-, petition to Cecil, 141

Rye, co. Sussex
-, 219
-, duty of mayor of, 219

Rye, cos Gloucester and Worcester
-, case concerning title to manor of, 72 and n