Index: H, I

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Hackney, co. Middlesex
-, 122

Haddington, Lord. See Ramsay, John

Haddlesey, West, co. Yorks.
-, 129

Haddock, Laurence, of Horton, co. Yorks., deceased
-, wardship of his heir, 61

Haddon, Mr. [? of co. Northants.]
-, 279
-, Keighley's letter to, 279

Hadleigh, co. Suffolk
-, 188

Hadnock, co. Monmouth
-, manor of, 250

Hage. See Hague, The

Haggat, Mr. See Haggat, Bartholomew

Haggat, Bartholomew, of Mincing Lane, London, surveyor
-, 172
-, letter to Cecil, 174

Hagley, co. Worcester
-, Gunpowder Plot conspirators arrested at, 57 (2)

Hague (Hage), The [Holland]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 200
-, letter dated from, 237

Haies or Hayes, Timothy, scholar of Douai College, prisoner in the Gatehouse
-, petitions to Cecil, 90, 91

Hale, Richard, Sergeant-at-Arms
-, his allowance, 66

Hales, Robert, of King's Street, Westminster
-, 223

Halfe Moone & 7 Stars, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Halfhead (Halfheid), Henry, King's Hawker at Royston
-, his allowance, 68

Halfheid, Henry. See Halfhead, Henry

Hall, George, of Barton-uponHumber, co. Yorks.
-, 192

Hall, John, of London, public notary
-, witnesses Littleton's covenant, 175 and n

Hall, —, a solicitor
-, committed to prison, 135

Halson, —
-, 279

Haltarines. See Altyrynys

Haman, Mary
-, 56

Hambden. See Hampden, John

Hamburg [Germany]
-, 249

Hamersley, Mr. See Hamersley, Hugh

Hamersley, Hugh, of London, haberdasher, later Sir Hugh Hamersley, Alderman of London
-, 41

Hamilton (Hamleton), James, 2nd Marquess of Hamilton
-, his petition, 144
-, called "beggar Hamleton" in verses, 235

Hamilton (Himlton), Sir James, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

Hamilton, James, former agent of James I of Scotland in London
-, 256

Hamilton, John, 1st Marquess of Hamilton (d 1604)
-, mentioned, 144

Hamleton, Lord. See Hamilton, James

Hammon, Dr. See Hammond, John

Hammond, Henry, curate of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London
-, petition to Cecil, 45 and n

Hammond, James, prisoner in the Gatehouse
-, petitions to Cecil, 7 (2)

Hammond (Hammon), John, physician to the King
-, his allowance, 64
-, paid medical expenses, 211

Hammond (Hamond), Thomas, of London
-, shop in Britain's Burse leased to, 281 and n

Hamond, Mr. See Hammond, Thomas

Hampden, Sir Edmund, of Hampden and Wingrave, co. Bucks.
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Hampden (Hambden), John, of Great Hampden, co. Bucks., M.P. for Buckinghamshire
-, polemical attack on, 277

-, Justices of the Peace in, 15, 26, 216
-, sheriff of, 124
-, recusants in, 216
-, Duchy of Lancaster's manor in, 250

Hampton Court, co. Middlesex
-, 111
-, Keeper of the King's Wardrobe at. See Wynyard, John

Hanau-Munzenberg (Hanno), Philip Ludwig, Count of
-, sent as envoy to London by Elector Palatine, 211

Hanley, Mary, prisoner in Newgate
-, to be temporarily released, 257

Hanno, Grave of. See HanauMunzenberg

Hanse Merchants
-, petition to Cecil from, 102

Hanslope, co. Bucks.
-, manor of, 94
-, mills at, 186 and n

Haraneder, John, of St. Jean de Luz, merchant
-, petition to Privy Council, 100
-, petition to Cecil, 106

Harangnes de la Court
-, purchase of book entitled, 229

Harbingers, The King's
-, their allowance, 69

Harbyne, Richard, of London
-, 199

Hardington, co. Somerset
-, 10

Hare. See Hare, Samuel

Hare, Hugh, of the Inner Temple, London
-, 144

Hare, John, of the Inner Temple, London
-, appointed to supervise weaving industry at Hatfield, 236 and n

Hare, Samuel, of London
-, 104 (2)

Harley, Thomas, of Brompton Bryan, co. Hereford, J.P.
-, 193

Harmon, John, of Middleton Stoney, co. Oxford, yeoman
-, committed for sheep stealing, 33

Harnam. See Harnham

Harnham (Harnam), co. Wilts.
-, 278

Harries, John, clerk of the King's Customs
-, petition to Cecil, 57

Harrington, Lord. See Stanhope, Sir John

Harrington, Ben, Bailiff to Sir Ralph Hopton
-, 280
-, imprisons Jeans, 280

Harrington, Sir John, of Kelston, co. Somerset
-, reference to grant of Markham's land to, 164

Harris, Valentine, messenger of the King's Chamber
-, petition to Cecil, 226

Harrison, John, Groom to Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Harrow, —, a builder
-, agreement concerning Old Palace at Hatfield with, 265

Harrow, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Harsnet, Samuel, Archbishop of York
-, signs directive from Privy Council, 267

Hartford. See Hertford

Hartlebury, co. Worcester
-, 57

Harvard (Harvert), Walter, of Abergavenny
-, testifies against recusants, 243

Harvert, Walter. See Harvard, Walter

Harvey, James, surgeon to the King
-, his allowance, 64

Harwood, William, in the service of John Littleton
-, witnesses Littleton's covenant, 175

Harwood, Mr.
-, 122

Haselrig (Haselricke), Arthur, M.P. for Leicestershire
-, polemical attack on, 277

Haselwood, Thomas, steward to Meriall Littleton
-, assists in the arrest of Littleton, 57

Hastings, Mr. [? Ralph Hastings, of Woodlands, co. Dorset, and the Middle Temple, London], of co. Dorset, J.P.
-, examines Mander, 234

Hatfield (Hatfeld), co. Herts.
-, Middle Park at, 126
-, plans of, 138, 163
-, scheme to provide work for people of, 164, 202, 204, 236, 237
-, paintings made for glass windows of chapel at, 185, 202
-, plan of parsonage of, 259
-, plan for conversion of Old Palace at, 265
-, Deputy-Lieutenants of Hertfordshire meet at, 272
-, 273
-, tithes from lands at, 276
-, Bailiff of market at. See Carter, John

Hatfield House, Hatfield, co. Herts.
-, stone brought from Caen for building works at, 90, 91, 177
-, 138, 141, 176, 243, 244, 283
-, garden at, 177
-, chimney pieces made by Colt for, 179
-, sycamore trees brought from Low Countries to, 186
-, cherry trees planted at, 201
-, French gardeners at, 202
-, Earl of Southampton visits, 203
-, gilding and painting work at, 204
-, fountain constructed by Salamon de Caux in East Garden at, 212
-, Clerk of the Kitchen at, 243

Hatfield Wood, Hatfield, co. Herts.
-, 203

Hawes, John, of Grimley, co. Worcester
-, petition to Cecil, 13

Hawkins, James, deputy to Sir Henry Brouncker
-, petition to Cecil, 127

-, brought from Denmark to Cecil, 201

Hay, Sir Alexander, Secretary for Scotland
-, his allowance, 63

Hay, Elizabeth, in the service of Princess Elizabeth
-, her allowance, 66

Hay, James, Viscount Doncaster, later 1st Earl of Carlisle
-, 235

Hay, Robert, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

Hay, William, an officer of the Queen's Wardrobe
-, his allowance, 65

Haydock, Richard, of Salisbury, co. Wilts., physician
-, petition to Cecil, 51

Hazton, Robert
-, brings hawks from Denmark to Cecil, 201

Heal, Sergeant. See Hele, Sir John

Heath, John, scholar of Winchester School
-, recommended by Cecil for place in New College, Oxford, 47 and n

Heath, Thomas
-, 240

Heaton, Thomas
-, petition to Cecil, 39

Hegendorff, Christoph, teacher of law at Frankfort-on-Oder (fl early 17th century)
-, his Dialectica Legalis bought for Cecil's library, 152

Hele (Heal), Sir John, Sergeant-atLaw and Recorder of Plymouth
-, Justice of Assize in Essex, 21
-, 26, 93, 94

Hemyng. See Hemyng, Edward

Hemyng, Edward
-, his lawsuit with Gentleman Porter of Tower of London, 145, 146

Henchman, Humphrey, Bishop of Salisbury
-, his grant to Earl of Salisbury and Viscount Cranborne, 285

Heneage, Sir Thomas, of Copthill, co. Essex, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (d 1595)
-, mentioned, 126, 257

Henlake, Robert, instrument maker
-, petition to King, 184

Henricke, Onno, Master of the Swattrutter
-, complaints against, 7

Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I, King of England
-, reference to her purification after births of her sons, 265
-, Master of the Horse to. See Jermyn, Henry

Henry VI, King of England (d 1471)
-, mentioned, 143

Henry VII, King of England (d. 1509)
-, mentioned, 234, 248

Henry VIII, King of England (d 1547)
-, his work on the Statutes of the Order of the Garter, 79 and n
-, mentioned, 154, 248

Henry, Prince, son of James I
-, verses composed in honour of, 49
-, names and allowances of officials and servants of, 63
-, 107, 182 and n, 184n, 196, 229n, 294
-, reference to his christening, 122
-, attends banquet at Salisbury House, 150
-, William, Viscount Cranborne's letter to, 176
-, reference to his creation as Prince of Wales, 188
-, receives letter from King of Poland, 195
-, Wright charged with conspiracy against, 227
-, Apothecary to. See Rumler
-, Cofferer to. See Foulis, Sir David
-, Engineer to. See Caux, Salamon de
-, Falconer to. See Norton, Eustace
-, Footman to. See Jameson, Robert
-, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to. See Murray, David
-, Gentleman Usher to. See Alexander, Walter
-, Groom of the Bedchamber to. See Birchmore, Thomas
-, Groom to. See Harrison John
-, Keeper of the dogs to. See Pott, Thomas
-, Secretary to. See St. Anthoine
-, Surveyor to. See Rogers, Lewes
-, Teacher of music to. See Ferabosco
-, Teacher of writing to. See Bates, Peter
-, Tutor to. See Newton, Adam

Henry IV, King of France
-, 43, 71, 167, 176
-, sends representatives to the Synod of La Rochelle, 117
-, his reply to request of Synod, 118
-, reference to assassination of, 188
-, Viscount Cranborne receives gift of picture of, 202
-, French part song composed by his musician, 292 and n
-, Musician to. See Tessier
-, Secretary of State to. See Frêne

Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick 133

Heralds and Pursuivants of Arms names and allowances of, 66 payment of fees to, 265

Herbern (Herborn) [Germany] 116

Herbert, Edward, Baron Herbert of Chirbury
-, creation of his title, 266

Herbert, Henry, 2nd Earl of Pembroke (d 1601)
-, mentioned, 218

Herbert, Sir John, Secretary of State
-, 27, 43, 79, 85

Herbert, John
-, 115

Herbert, Philip, Earl of Montgomery, later 4th Earl of Pembroke
-, made Knight of the Garter, 150 232
-, mentioned unfavourably in verses, 235
-, signs directive from Privy Council, 267

Herbert, Thomas, a bookbinder
-, binds books in library of Salisbury House, 149

Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain
-, a Governor of the Company of Mineral and Battery Works, 80
-, 139, 218, 263
-, mentioned unfavourably in verses, 235

Herbert, William, Baron Powis
-, creation of his title, 266

Herbert, Sir William, of Redcastle, co. Montgomery
-, 5

Herborn. See Herbern

Hercey, Mr. See Hercey, John

Hercey, John, surveyor, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, 132, 144

-, case involving jurisdiction of Court of Welsh Marches in, 51
-, Justices of the Peace of, 193
-, Feodary and Escheator of, 208
-, Duchy of Lancaster's manor in, 250

Herne, co. Kent
-, 155

Herring, Francis, physician, Fellow of the College of Physicians in London
-, petition to King, 256

Hertford (Hartford), co. Herts.
-, petitions to Cecil from burgesses of, 29, 134
-, licences issued at Quarter Sessions in, 231
-, manor of, 250
-, castle of, 250
-, letters dated from, 268, 270
-, Deputy-Lieutenants of Hertfordshire meet in, 270, 272
-, Justices of Assize at, 273
-, hundred of, 273
-, request by William, Earl of Salisbury, that his son be chosen M.P. for, 276
-, High Steward of. See Cecil, Sir Robert

Hertford, Countess of. See Seymour, Frances

Hertford, Earl of. See Seymour, Edward

-, fictitious granges in, 11
-, Deputy-Lieutenants of, 77, 78
-, Justices of the Peace of, 78, 220, 260,
-, 163
-, rents from Cecil property in, 228
-, Duchy of Lancaster's manors in, 250
-, rates of pay determined by Justices of the Peace of, 260
-, correspondence concerning Muster-Master of, 266–274
-, letters from William, Earl of Salisbury, to Deputy-Lieutenants of, 267, 269, 271
-, letters to William, Earl of Salisbury, from Deputy-Lieutenants of, 270, 272
-, letter to Privy Council from Deputy-Lieutenants of, 268
-, Lord Lieutenant of. See Cecil William
-, Deputy-Lieutenants of. See Gerard, John; Boteler, John; Blount, Thomas Pope; Dacres, Thomas; Lytton, William; Lucy, Richard
-, Muster-Master of. See Tooke, George; Swayne, Henry; Gill; Boteler, Henry

Hertingfordbury, co. Herts.
-, manor of, 250

Hertingfordbury Park, co. Herts.
-, 250

Hesketh, co. Lancs.
-, 190

Hesketh, Hugh, J.P., brother of Robert Hesketh
-, 190

Hesketh, Robert, of Hesketh, co. Lancs., J.P.
-, confiscates hides intended for La Rochelle, 190

Hesketh, Sir Thomas, Attorney of the Court of Wards
-, 30

Hesketh Bank, co. Lancs.
-, 189

Hetley, James, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

Hewes, Robert. See Hughes, Robert

Hewett, Sir William, of London
-, 232

Hext, Sir Edward, of Netherham, co. Somerset
-, petition to Privy Council, 44, 45

Heyborn, Francis
-, signs Henlake's petition, 185

Hicks, Sir Baptist, of St. Lawrence in the Old Jewry, London, mercer and contractor for Crown lands
-, 131

Hides, Skins and Leather
-, interception of illegal transport from England to France of, 155, 190

Higgins, Mrs.
-, her allowance, 67

Higgins (Higgons), Richard
-, 130

Higginson, Thomas, Groom of the King's Chamber
-, petition to Cecil, 56

Higginson, Thomas, recusant
-, alleged subversive activities of, 57

Higgons. See Higgins, Richard

Higham Ferrers, co. Northants.
-, manor of, 250

Highester. See Easter, High

Hill (Hyll), George, of London, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 91
-, complains of maltreatment by Aguilar at Lisbon, 93

Hill, Thomas, in the service of Sir Edward Cecil
-, brings sycamore trees to Hatfield House, 186

Hill, Lady
-, her allowance, 67

Hilliard, William, of co. Worcester
-, his petitions, 35 (2)

Himlton, Sir James. See Hamilton, Sir James

Hinton, co. Berks.
-, manor of, 250

Hitcham, Sir Robert, Attorney to the Queen
-, 5, 14, 15
-, his note on petition, 213

Hitchin, co. Herts.
-, petitions to Cecil from tenants of, 14 (2)
-, 191
-, hundred of, 273
-, reference in verses to the Rose in, 284
-, Steward of. See Dockwra, Thomas

Hobart, Sir Henry, AttorneyGeneral
-, 113, 115, 121, 143, 212, 219
-, his note on petition, 154

Hobbes, Nicholas, of Bristol, vintner (d 1599)
-, mentioned, 198

Hobocque, Conrad Schetz de Grobbendonck, Baron de, Ambassador of the Archdukes in England
-, petition to, 26

Hobson, William [ ? of London]
-, petition to Cecil, 6

Hoby, Sir Edward, of Minster, Isle of Sheppey, co. Kent
-, 123

Hoby, Sir Thomas (Posthumus), of Hackness, co. Yorks.
-, 192

Hocknell, Robert, of Hanslope, co. Bucks.
-, petition to Cecil, 94

Hoddesdon, co. Herts.
-, 108, 109, 236, 290
-, custom of manor of, 108, 290

Hoddesdonbury, co. Herts.
-, manor of, 276

Hodges, Christopher, former soldier, deceased
-, mentioned, 45

Hodges, Margaret, widow of Christopher Hodges
-, 45

Hodgkinson, William, Keeper of the Fleet prison
-, 206

Holcroft, Sir Thomas, of Vale Royal, Cheshire
-, petition to King, 23

-, Bey of Algiers orders release of, and assistance to, merchants and ships of, 31
-, Spanish Ambassador's complaint of English aid to, 48
-, confiscation in Lisbon of English goods alleged to have come from, 92, 93, 139
-, English ship plundered by sailors from, 225

Holland. See Rich, Henry

Holland, Philip, herald
-, his allowance, 66

Holland, Ralph, official of the Queen's Wardrobe
-, his allowance, 63

Holland, Robert, of London, scrivener
-, witnesses Brooke's bond, 177

Holles, Denzil, M.P. for Dorchester, son of John Holles, 2nd Earl of Clare
-, polemical attack on, 277

Holles, John, 2nd Earl of Clare
-, polemical attack on, 277

Hollin, co. Worcester
-, manor of, 39

Holmead, Richard, of Strand Lane, London, tailor
-, protests against new prison in Strand Lane, 37
-, petition to Cecil, 37

Holme Cultram, co. Cumberland
-, manor of, 142

Holy Lambe, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Home, Sir George, later Baron Hume of Berwick and Earl of Dunbar, Chancellor of the Exchequer
-, 83, 115, 135, 143, 195 and n
-, installed Knight of the Garter, 150

Home (Howme), John, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 62

Home (Howme), Sir Patrick, Master of the King's Harriers
-, his allowance, 67

Honyng, Francis, Deputy-Porter to the Council of the Welsh Marches
-, petition to Cecil, 50
-, petition to King, 51

Hoope, —, tailor to Viscount Cranborne
-, payment to, 202

Hooper, Henry, of Salisbury, Clerk of the Bishop's Court
-, 225

Hooper, Thomas, of Salisbury
-, letter to Dowthwaite, 234
-, letter to Keighley, 261
-, 262
-, notes on Cranborne House by, 281

Hooper, Thomas, of Boveridge, co. Dorset
-, 234, 261
-, letter from William, Earl of Salisbury, to, 262
-, letter to Keighley, 263

Hopkins, Martin, former MasterSmith to the King's ironworks in the Tower of London
-, 86

Hopkins, William, former MasterSmith to the Crown ironworks in the Tower of London, deceased
-, mentioned, 86

Hopkyns, Mr.
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Hopper, Richard, of Ireland
-, petition to Cecil, 88

Hopton, Sir Ralph, of Witham, near Bath, co. Somerset, Royalist commander
-, 280
-, his bailiff. See Harrington, Ben

Hornbeamgate, co. Herts.
-, manor of, 196

Horn Book
-, reference to, 109

Horne, Gabriel, student of St. John's College, Cambridge
-, petition to Cecil, 102

Horne, William, of Dover, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 16

Horsepoolstone, Enfield, co. Middlesex
-, pillory set up at, 38

Horton, co. Yorks.
-, 61

Horwood, Edward
-, petition to Cecil, 81

-, of Coventry, 128

Houghton, Roger, Steward to Sir Robert Cecil
-, 126, 148, 150, 177, 189, 199, 203, 206, 211 (2), 229
-, Lanier's letter to, 152
-, Wilson's letters to, 179, 185, 186
-, appointed to supervise weaving industry at Hatfield, 236 and n

Household, The
-, of King, 62
-, of Prince Henry, 107
-, Chamberlain of. See Stanhope, Sir John

Household Book
-, at Theobalds, 29

Houses, The King's
-, allowances given to keepers of, 69

Howard, Alethea, wife of Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Arundel and daughter of Gilbert Talbot, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury
-, 139

Howard, Anne, Dowager Countess of Arundel, widow of Philip Howard, 1st Earl of Arundel
-, 139

Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral
-, reference to his embassy to Spain, 28 and n
-, 37, 46, 143, 220, 245, 247

Howard, Sir Charles, of the Royal Household, son of Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham
-, his allowance, 63

Howard, Henry, 1st Earl of Northampton
-, 5, 17, 18, 107, 142, 181
-, petition to, 82

Howard, James, 3rd Earl of Suffolk
-, polemical attack on, 277

Howard, Margaret, Countess of Nottingham, 2nd wife of Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham
-, her allowance, 67

Howard, Theophilus, Lord Howard de Walden, later 2nd Earl of Suffolk
-, mentioned unfavourably in verses, 235
-, signs directives from Privy Council, 267, 271

Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain, later Lord Treasurer
-, 17, 34, 69, 79, 107, 142, 143, 147, 174, 215, 223, 231
-, money paid to his musician, 151

Howard, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Earl Marshal of England
-, 36, 265
-, mentioned unfavourably in verses, 235
-, signs directive from Privy Council, 267

Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Berkshire
-, chosen by Charles I to negotiate with Scots, 277

Howard, William [? of London] merchant
-, provides billiard cues for Salisbury House, 202

Howden, co. Yorks.
-, 174

Howdenshire, co. Yorks.
-, 174

Howe, Robert, tenant in Brigstock Park
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 279

Howe, Roger, of London, merchant petition to Cecil, 50

Howell, Roger, of Abergavenny, recusant
-, complaints against, 242

Howme, John. See Home, John

Howme, Sir Patrick. See Home, Sir Patrick

Huddington, co. Worcester 38, 57

Huddleston, Dorothy, wife of Henry Huddleston
-, petition to Cecil, 37

Huddleston, Henry, prisoner in the Marshalsea
-, 37

Hudson, James, Groom of the Privy Chamber to the King
-, his allowance, 62

Hugh, Piers ap, of Dyserth, co. Flint, brother of William Hughes
-, 89

Hughes (Hewes), Robert, of Abergavenny, clerk
-, testifies against recusants, 242

Hughes, Thomas [? of Wells, co. Somerset]
-, petition to King's Commissioners for Leases, 249

Hughes, William, of Llangewen, co. Denbigh, cousin to Edward Piers
-, 89, 90

Huguenots, French
-, Synod held at La Rochelle by, 116

Hull, co. Yorks.
-, coarse cloth exported from, 52
-, petition from merchants of, 52
-, petition from Mayor and Aldermen of, 61
-, Mayor of. See Casson, James

Hume, Thomas, a Scotsman
-, petition to Cecil, 216

Humphreys, Andrew, tenant in Brigstock Park
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 279

Hungerford, Anthony, factor to Arthur Jackson in Danzig
-, 7

Hungerford, Bridget, of Down Ampney, co. Gloucester, recusant
-, petition to King, 30

Hunmanby, co. Yorks.
-, 174

Hunsdon, Lady. See Carey, Elizabeth

Hunsdon, Lord. See Carey, Henry; Carey, George

Hunsdon, John, of Enfield, co. Middlesex
-, 11

Hunt, Thomas, actor
-, performs in entertainment at Theobalds, 137

Hunt, Mr., an organist in the service of the Archbishop of Canterbury
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

-, Duchy of Lancaster's manor in, 250

Huntinge, —
-, 42

-, names and allowances of King's, 67

Hurst, Mr., in the service of Sir Richard Lucy
-, 270

Hyde, Arthur, of Carrigneady, co. Cork, Ireland
-, petitions to Cecil, 84 (2)

Hyde Park, London
-, grant to Cecil of custody of, 125

Hynds or Hinds, John, a surveyor
-, map of parks at Brigstock by, 275

Hynelly, Thomas, Keeper of the Gatehouse prison
-, 206


Ievan, David Lloyd ap John ap, of Trefnant, co. Montgomery (d 1580)
-, mentioned, 103 and n

-, agreement for erection of furnaces for industrial uses, 196
-, dispute at Tintern, 245
-, harmful effects of iron mills in Kent, 255

Inglebert, William [? of London]
-, his allowance, 69

Ingleby, Shadwell, co. Essex
-, manor of, 130

Ingleby (Ingilby), Sir William, of Ripley, co. Yorks.
-, 123

Ingilby, Sir William. See Ingleby, Sir William

Ingram, Mr. See Ingram, William

Ingram, Balchester, deceased mentioned, 246

Ingram, William, of Earl's Court, St. John in Bredwardine, co. Worcester, J.P.
-, examines persons charged with aiding Gunpowder Plot conspirators, 160

Inquisition, The
-, 166

Inquisition House, Portugal
-, Englishman imprisoned in, 50

Intercourse, The
-, petition to King from merchants of, 88

Ipswich, co. Suffolk
-, 42, 180

Irchester, co. Northants.
-, manor of, 250

-, 2, 4, 8 (2), 36, 39, 42, 44, 71, 83, 84 (2), 97, 119, 132, 133, 140, 159 (2), 175, 180, 182, 197 (2), 206, 214, 218 (2), 222, 223 (2), 245, 247 (2), 248, 275, 285
-, Act of Oblivion in, 2, 85
-, printing of religious books in English for people of, 72
-, reference to late wars in, 82, 83, 85 (2), 87, 89, 103, 197, 223
-, English settlers in, 85
-, petition to Lords Commissioners for, 85
-, office of Chief Remembrancer in, 88
-, King's Bench in, 120
-, reference to existence in library at Salisbury House of map of, 149
-, English ship seized by Spanish warship off coast of, 176
-, reference to the "Banck" of, 235
-, money spent on pay and apparel in, 247
-, roads in Middlesex infested with beggars from, 255
-, stones sent from, 291

Ireland, Council of
-, 2, 72, 84, 89, 120, 181
-, Secretary to. See Fenton, Sir Geoffrey

Ireland, King's Printer in. See Francton, John

Ireland, Lord Chancellor of. See Loftus, Adam

Ireland, Lord Chief Baron of. See Pelham, Sir Edmund

Ireland, Lord Chief Justice of. See Ley, Sir James

Ireland, Lord Chief Justice (of the Common Pleas) of. See Walsh, Sir Nicholas

Ireland, Lord Deputy of. See Blount, Sir Charles; Carew, Sir George; Chichester, Sir Arthur

Ireland, Treasurer of. See Butler, Thomas

Ireland, Treasurer at Wars in. See Carew, Sir George; Ridgeway, Sir Thomas

-, industry harmful to cloth manufacture in Kent, 255

Islands, The. See Azores

Italian Language
-, Viscount Cranborne's reader in, 203

-, list of English visitors to, 146, 147, 148
-, 166
-, marble stones shipped to Cecil from, 179
-, Viscount Cranborne's visit to, 200