Index: G

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Gage, Mr.
-, visits Italy and Rome, 148

Gainford, co. Durham
-, 172, 174

Gainford Wood, co. Durham
-, sale of King's trees in, 172, 174

Gallobelg. See Mercurius Gallobelgicus

Galloway, Viscount. See Burgh, Richard de

Galloway, Viscount. See Burgh, Richard de

-, 200

Game, The King's
-, allowances given to Keeper of, 69

Gap [Hautes-Alpes, France]
-, reference to Synod of Huguenots at, 116 (3)

Gardiner, Edward, in the service of David Lyllye
-, charged with illegal hunting, 234
-, about to go to Virginia, 234

Gardiner, John, printer in the service of William Spencer
-, arrested, 26

Gardiner, Sir Thomas, of Peckham, co. Surrey
-, 232

Gardiner, Sir William, of Langham, co. Surrey
-, 232

Gardner, John, of Scotland, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 9

Gardner, John, tenant of the manor of Muchland, co. Lancs.
-, petition to Commissioners for Leases, 154

Garrett (alias Fitzmaurice), Jane, daughter of Sir William Stanley and wife of John Garrett (alias FitzMaurice)
-, request on behalf of, 4 and n

Garrett (alias Fitzmaurice), John, son-in-law of Sir William Stanley
-, 4

Garrett, John, of London
-, answer to petition of, 98

Garrett, John, in the service of Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Garrido, Francisco, Spanish prisoner in Newgate
-, condemned to death, 102

Garroway, Sir William, of London, farmer of the King's Customs
-, 232

Garshe, Samuel, musician to the King
-, his allowance, 65

Garstang, William, of Hesketh, co. Lancs., merchant
-, 190

Garston, East (Estgarston), co. Berks.
-, manor of, 250

Garter, The
-, Cecil made Knight of, 76 and n, 79 and n
-, Cecil installed as Knight of, 78 and n
-, Earls of Dunbar and Montgomery made Knights of, 150
-, King of Sweden and Prince of Orange made Knights of, 265

Garter King of Arms. See Dethicke, Sir William; Segar, Sir William

Garter, Order of the
-, Cecil presented with copy of the Statutes of, 79

Garvey, James, prisoner in the Marshalsea, formerly page to Lady Mary Digby
-, petition to Cecil, 38

Garway, co. Hereford
-, 12

Gary, Giles, a boy actor, assistant to William Ostler
-, paid for acting at Britain's Burse, 168
-, signs receipt, 168
-, receives payment, 168

Gascoigne. See Gascoigne, Thomas

Gascoigne, John, of Barnbow, co. Yorks., recusant
-, fined for recusancy, 121

Gascoigne, Thomas, of Bermondsey, co. Surrey
-, occupies timber yard, 285

Gatacre, William. See Gateacre, William

Gate, Sir Henry, of Seamer, co. Yorks. (d 1589)
-, mentioned, 174

Gate, Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Gate
-, petition to Cecil, 174 and n

Gateacre (Gatacre), William, Keeper of the King's gamecocks
-, his allowance, 68

Gatehouse, The, prison, Westminster, London
-, 1, 7 (2), 9, 36, 73, 90, 91, 101, 177, 209
-, Cecil's gift of money to prisoners in, 206
-, Keeper of. See Hynelly, Thomas; Okey, William

Gateshead, co. Durham
-, 174

Gawdy, Sir Bassingborne, of Harling, co. Suffolk (d 1606)
-, wardship of his heir, 78 and n

Gawdy, Sir Clipsby, of Redenhall, co. Norfolk
-, petition to Cecil, 17

Gawdy, Sir Francis, Justice of the Queen's Bench, later Chief Justice of the Common Pleas (d 1606)
-, Justice of Assize in Essex, 21
-, 80
-, reference to his death, 81

Gawdy, Sir Henry, of Claxton, co. Norfolk, J.P.
-, intervenes on behalf of Christian Weech, 109

Geary (Geere), Thomas, of Weymouth, shipowner
-, 54, 101

Geere, Thomas. See Geary, Thomas

Gell (Gill), Sir John, of Hopton, co. Derby
-, 232

-, coloured genealogies of princes in the library of Salisbury House, 149

Geneva [Switzerland]
-, 167

George, Margaret, in the service of Princess Mary
-, her allowance, 67

Geraldo, John
-, refuses to testify falsely against Van Erpe, 139

Gerard (Gerrad), Sir John, of Wheathampstead, co. Herts., Deputy-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire
-, signs joint letters to William, Earl of Salisbury, 268, 270

Gerard, Philip, of Gray's Inn, London, barrister
-, signs statement on Strand Lane prison, 37

Gerard, Thomas, Lord Gerard of Bromley
-, 99

Gerard, Sir William, of Dorney, co. Bucks.
-, 232

-, Viscount Cranborne in, 200
-, English ambassador sent to Princes of, 239

Gerrard, Lord. See Gerard, Thomas

Gervaise, Mr., French reader to Viscount Cranborne
-, 201

Gibb, Henry, Groom of the Bedchamber to the King
-, petition to King, 224

Gibb (Gibbe), John, Groom of the Bedchamber to the King
-, his allowance, 62

Gibbons, Lancaster, Sergeant-at Arms
-, his allowance, 66

Gibbons, William, tenant in Britain's Burse
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 288

Gibbs. See Gibbs, John

Gibbs, John, of Bermondsey, co. Surrey
-, occupies warehouses and wharf, 285
-, involved in legal proceedings with Kirby, 286

Gibbs, Thomas, of Elton, co, Hereford.
-, 193

Gibson, Sir John, of Welburn Hall, co. Yorks., Master in Chancery
-, 192

Gifford, Captain. See Gifford, Richard

Gifford, Richard, naval captain
-, reference to his imprisonment in Spain, 178

Gifford (Gyfforde), John, in the service of Gilbert Talbot, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Gigor, Sieur, Huguenot pastor
-, appointed to communicate views of Synod of La Rochelle to Henry IV, 117, 118

Gilbert, Mr.
-, 75

Giles, Nathaniel, Master of the Children of the Chapel
-, his allowance, 65

Giles, Thomas, in the service of Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Gill, Sir John. See Gell, Sir John

Gill, Captain, former Muster-Master of Hertfordshire
-, 268

Gimingham (Gymingeham). co. Norfolk
-, manor of, 250

Girdland, John, of Hardington, co. Somerset, mason
-, 10

Girdland, John, son of John Girdland
-, 10

Girdland, Mary, wife of John Girdland
-, petition to Cecil, 10

Girdle and Hangers, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Girdler, Elizabeth, daughter of John Girdler
-, 179

Girdler, John, of Cobham, co. Kent, deceased
-, mentioned, 179

-, Assizes of, 60
-, Sheriff of. See Kemys, Edward

Glanville, Richard, of London, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 41

Glasier, Hugh, of Lea, Cheshire
-, complaints against, 49, 50

Glass, John, housekeeper at Salisbury House
-, 205

-, agreement concerning production of, 196

Glatton and Holme, co. Hunts.
-, manor of, 250

-, case involving jurisdiction of Court of Welsh Marches in, 51
-, 113
-, recusants in, 216
-, Justices of the Peace of, 216

Glove, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Goade, Roger, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University
-, 161

Godalming (Godliminge), co. Surrey
-, hundred of, 284

Godefroy, le Syndicq
-, entertained in Paris by William Cecil, 283

Godliminge. See Godalming

Godolphin, co. Cornwall
-, 264

Godolphin, Francis, of Godolphin, co. Cornwall
-, letter to Keighley, 264 and n

God's Grace, The, of Hull
-, 80
-, Master of. See Watson, William

Godshill, co. Hants.
-, bailiwick of, 194

Godshill Coppice or New Coppice, Fordingbridge, co. Hants.
-, 194

Godstone, co. Surrey
-, 153

Gofton, Awdytor. See Gofton, Francis

Gofton, Francis, Auditor of Prests in the Exchequer
-, 81

Golden Dragon, The shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Golden Hert and Garland, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Goldfinch, Henry, of Ireland
-, petition to Cecil, 206

Goldsmith. See Goldsmith, Ralph

Goldsmith, Ralph, of Bermondsey, co. Surrey
-, occupies wharf, 285

Gomeldon, William, Groom of the Chamber to the King
-, petition to Cecil, 103

Gondomar, Don Diego Sarmiento d'Acunha, Conde de, Spanish Ambassador to England
-, Buckingham's letter to, 238

Gontier, Père, French Jesuit preacher and controversialist
-, 167

Good, William
-, signs receipt, 168

Gooderige, Sergeant. See Gooderus, William

Gooderous, Sergeant. See Gooderus, William

Gooderus (Gooderige, Goodridge, Goodowrus, Gudderous), William, Sergeant-Surgeon to the King
-, entertained at Theobalds, 29
-, paid medical expenses, 206, 211
-, petition to Privy Council, 229

Goodfellow, William, Sergeant-atArms
-, his allowance, 65

Goodman, John, surveyor, deceased
-, criticism of, 192

Goodowrus, William. See Gooderus, William

Goodridge, Mr. Sergeant. See Gooderus, William

Goodyear, Sir Henry, of Polesworth, co. Warwick
-, petition to King, 19

Goodyear, Sir Henry (d 1595), uncle to Sir Henry Goodyear
-, mentioned, 20

Gooringe, Lord. See Goring, George

Gordon (Gordoune), George, Lord Gordon, son of George Gordon, Marquess of Huntly
-, his allowance, 68

Gordon, Robert, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

Gordoune, Lord. See Gordon, George

Gore, Gerrard, of London, merchant
-, complaints against, 162 and n

Gorg. See Gorge

Gorge (Gorg), William, of co. Devon
-, 148

Gorge (Gorg), Mr., son of William Gorge, of co. Devon
-, visits Italy and Rome, 148

Gorges, Sir Thomas, of Langford, co. Somerset, overseer of Cranborne Chase
-, 124, 187

Goring (Gooringe), George, Baron Goring, Royalist General
-, Budden made prisoner by troopers of, 278

Goring (Gooringe), George continued
-, depredations in Somersetshire by army of, 280

Gosson, William, musician to the King
-, his allowance, 65

Graham or Graeme, Anne, wife of George Graham
-, petition to King, 91

Graham or Graeme, George
-, request for his release from prison, 91

Graham (Gryme), Sir John, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 62

Grame [ ? Graham], —
-, 215

Grandison. See St. John, Oliver

Grandorge, John, tenant in Britain's Burse
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 288

Grange or Fort Field, Southwark, co. Surrey
-, property called, 226

Granwall, Richard, Gentleman of the King's Chapel
-, petitions to Cecil, 142 (2)

Grasshopper, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Gratiani, Gaspar, in the service of the Prince of Moldavia
-, petition to Cecil, 23

Grave, Lewis, of St. Malo, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 54

Grave, Servan, of St. Malo, merchant
-, petition to Cecil, 54

Gravelines [Nord, France]
-, 225

Graves, Colonel. See Graves, Richard

Graves, Richard, Colonel, Parliamentary commander
-, 278

Graves, Thomas, Keeper of the Council Chamber
-, 55

Gravesend, co. Kent
-, King of Denmark and his ships at, 87 and n
-, 210, 219

Gray's Inn, London
-, 108, 159, 212

Greasley (Gresley), co. Notts.
-, rectory of, 138

Greasley Moor Green (Grasley Morgren), co. Notts.
-, 138

Great Chamber, The
-, Grooms of, 5

Great Seal (English), The
-, 3, 40, 82, 84, 110, 114 (2), 115, 254

Great Seal (Irish), The
-, 88

Great Sessions, The
-, in Flintshire, 90

Greece (Grecia)
-, 177

Green, Katherine, of the Great Park, Windsor
-, petition to Privy Council, 3

Green, Richard, of Wilcote, co. Oxford
-, case between Chamberlain and, 40

Greenballs, Crewkerne, co. Somerset
-, property called, 10

Green Cloth, The
-, officers of, 245

Greenway, Mr. [ ? William Greenway, of London, merchant and member of Baltic or Eastland Company]
-, his ship ready to sail to Russia, 6

Greenwich (Grenewich, Grenewyche), co. Kent
-, the Court at, 19, 80 (2)
-, 28, 149, 215, 216, 222
-, letter dated from, 79
-, the office of "ballastage" at, 215

Gregory, Arthur, of Poole, co. Dorset
-, petition to Cecil, 101

Grennett, Thomas, Keeper of the King's Bench prison
-, 207

Gresham, Sir Thomas, founder of the Royal Exchange (d 1579)
-, mentioned, 18, 22, 28

Greville, Robert, 2nd Baron Brooke
-, polemical attack on, 277

Grey, Henry, Duke of Suffolk and 3rd Marquess of Dorset (executed 1554)
-, mentioned, 154

Griffin, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Grimley, co. Worcester
-, 13

Grimes, George, in the service of Viscount Fentoun
-, petition to Cecil, 69

Grimsditch, William, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

Grimston, Christopher, of Gray's Inn, London
-, 157 (2)

Grimston (Grimeston), Edward, Sergeant-at-Arms
-, his allowance, 66

Grosmont, co. Monmouth
-, manor of, 250

Grwynefawr, Dinas, co. Brecknock
-, Forest of, 196

Grwynefechan, Dinas, co. Brecknock
-, Forest of, 196

Gryme, Sir John. See Graham, Sir John

Grymes, Sir Thomas, of Peckham, co. Surrey, J.P.
-, 122

Guard, The King's (Yeomen of the Guard)
-, 69, 133
-, Captain of. See Erskine, Thomas
-, Yeomen of. See Barker, Richard; Eynon, Lewis; Whitby, John

Gudderous, Sergeant. See Gooderus, William

Guernsey, Island of
-, 78, 112, 177
-, Captain of, 112
-, castle of, 178
-, Governor of. See Leighton, Sir Thomas

Guiana [Central America]
-, reference to Ralegh's expedition to, 233

Guildford (Guillford), co. Surrey
-, letter dated from, 285

Guildford, Sir Henry, of Benenden, co. Kent
-, 232

Guillford. See Guildford

[?] Gunished, H.
-, note on petition by, 40

Gunn Car, Cheshire
-, waste called, 114, 115

-, production of, 135, 136

Gunpowder Plot
-, conspirators of, 33, 34 (2), 35 (4), 38 (2), 57 (4), 58 (2), 59 (2), 61, 73 (2), 74
-, reference to, 42, 96
-, pensions of discoverers of, 68

-, production of, 255

Gunter, Sybil (Sibbill), of Abergavenny
-, testifies against recusants, 242

Gunter, Walter, son of William Gunter
-, petition to Cecil, 221

Gunter, William, of Llwyn Perrott, co. Brecknock
-, 221

Gunterodt, Sir Henry, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to the King
-, 181

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden
-, made Knight of the Garter, 265

Guthrie, James, son of the Laird of Guthrie
-, petition to King, 247

Guthrie, Laird of
-, 247

Guy, Peeter, flautist, musician to the King
-, his allowance, 65

Guyse, Thomas, of Oddingley, co. Worcester, deceased
-, mentioned, 31

Gwyn, Dr. See Gwynn, Matthew

Gwynn, Matthew, of London, physician
-, attends Tresham in the Tower, 39

Gwynn, Richard, huntsman to the King
-, his allowance, 68

Gyfforde, Mr. See Gifford, John

Gymingeham. See Gimingham