Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Abbeville (Abevile) [Somme, France]
-, 200

Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury
-, 246, 265

Abbott, Robert, chaplain to Sir Robert Cecil
-, appointed to supervise weaving industry at Hatfield, 236

Abergavenny, co. Monmouth
-, activities of recusants at, 242

Abingdon, co. Oxford 153

Abington, Anthoine, in the service of Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Acorne, The shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Act of Oblivion
-, in Ireland, 2

Act of Resumption
-, reference to Henry VIII's, 248

Acton, Henry, deceased, father of Robert Acton
-, mentioned, 39

Acton, Robert, of Ribbesford, co. Worcester, coiner
-, petition to Cecil, 39

Actors. See also under Alleyn, Dover, Field, Gary, Hunt, Kendall, Ostler
-, boys, 149, 150 (2), 168 (2). See also Jobson

Adams, Agnes, wife of Richard Adams
-, petition to Archbishop of Canterbury, 246

Adams, Jane, of Hoddesdon, co. Herts.
-, petition to Cecil, 108 and n

Adams, Richard, of Burrington, co. Hereford
-, 193

Adams, Richard, a bricklayer
-, complaint against, 246

Adams, Richard
-, petition to Cecil, 26

Adelm, Lady [?Alice Caesar, wife of Sir Julius Caesar (Adelmare), Chancellor of the Exchequer]
-, her allowance, 67

Admiralty, The
-, 245

Admiralty, Court of
-, judge of, 17 54, 93, 101 Judge of. See Caesar, Sir Julius

Aguila, Don Juan, Spanish commander
-, in charge of Spanish troops at Kinsale, 160

Aguilar (Aquilar), Conde de, Captain-General of Portugal
-, complaints by English mariners of their maltreatment by, 92, 93
-, his answer to complaints by English merchants and mariners, 93

Ahmed I, Sultan of Turkey
-, 31

Alabaster, Thomas, of London, merchant
-, procures King's protection, 76

Albert, Archduke of Austria, Cardinal, Regent of the Spanish Netherlands. See also The Archdukes
-, Viscount Cranborne at Court of, 200
-, letter of appeal to, 212

Alborne. See Aldbourne

Aldbourne (Alborne), co. Wilts.
-, manor of, 250

Aldbourne (Alborne) Chase, co. Wilts.
-, 250

Aleppo [Syria]
-, 121

Alexander III, Pope (d 1181)
-, copy of Thomas Becket's speech to, 292

Alexander, Walter, Gentleman Usher to Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Alford [? Alresford], co. Hants.
-, 123

Algiers (Arjel) [N. Africa]
-, letter dated from, 31
-, Bey of. See Mustapha

Allen, Mr. See Allen, George

Allen, Mr. See Alleyn, Edward

Allen, Abraham, surgeon to the King
-, his allowance, 64

Allen, David, of London, embroiderer, prisoner in the Marshalsea
-, petition to Cecil, 44

Allen, George, of Hertford, physician
-, paid medical expenses, 211

Allerton, co. Yorks.
-, 174

Allertonshire, co. Yorks.
-, 174

Alleyn (Allen, Alyn), Edward, actor
-, takes part in play staged in library of Salisbury House, 149 (2)
-, receives payment, 150

Allington. See Allington, John

Allington, John, a surveyor of the outports
-, 144

Alterennys. See Altyrynys

Altyrynys (Haltarines, Alterennys), Walterstone, co. Hereford
-, maps of, 161, 294
-, 233

Alyn. See Alleyn, Edward

Ambassadors, Envoys, etc.
-, Archdukes to: England. See Hobocque Spain. See Carillo
-, Bohemia to: England. See Dohna
-, England to: France. See Edmondes, Sir Thomas; Parry, Sir Thomas Turkey. See Lello, Henry States General. See Winwood, Sir Ralph Spain. See Cornwallis, Sir Charles Venice. See Wotton, Sir Henry
-, France to: England. See Bouillon; Beaumont
-, Palatinate to: England. See Hanau
-, Spain to: England. See Cuniga; Villa Mediana; Gondomar
-, States General to: England. See Caron

Ameland [Holland]
-, 7

Amerigo, Signor
-, 139

Ames, Mr. See Amyce, Israel

Amsterdam [Holland]
-, 16, 53, 212, 250
-, English instrument-maker removes from London to, 163

Amstruther, Robert. See Anstruther, Robert

Amwell, co. Herts.
-, 109

Amyce, Mr. See Amyce, Israel

Amyce (Ames), Israel, surveyor and agent for Sir Robert Cecil at Theobalds
-, entertained at Theobalds, 30
-, 189

Anchor, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Anderton, James, son of John Anderton
-, his petition, 126

Anderton, John, of Clayton, co. Lancs., J.P.
-, charged with misdemeanours, 70

Andover, co. Hants.
-, 4, 123

Andrewes, Lancelot, Dean of Westminster
-, 52

Andrewes, William, in the service of the King
-, petition to King, 245

Angel, The, of London
-, seized by authorities at Messina, 121 and n

Angell, John, a merchant
-, petition to Privy Council, 175

Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I
-, reference to her lands, 5, 14, 15, 41, 104, 213, 215, 222
-, Court of, 15
-, 46, 144 (3), 145, 219
-, verse composed in honour of, 49
-, names and allowances of persons in service of, 65
-, her allowance, 67
-, petition to, 72
-, petition from her tenants at Hanslope, 94
-, her Council, 94, 212
-, grievances of her tenants at Corsham, 104
-, attends banquet at Salisbury House, 150
-, request to Auditor-General of, 186
-, Cecil's gift to, 201
-, petition from two attorneys of court of, 212
-, her suit for grant of lease of silk dyeing, 257
-, Attorney to. See Hitcham, Sir Robert
-, Attorney-General for South Wales to. See Williams, Sir David
-, Apothecary to. See Rumler
-, Chancellor to. See Wilbraham, Sir Roger
-, Chaplain to. See Seringius
-, Clerk of the Council to. See Powell, Daniel
-, Comptroller to. See Croft, Sir James
-, Gentleman Harbinger to. See Proctor, John
-, Gentleman Waiter to. See Strode, Gregory
-, Gentleman Usher to. See Elphinston, John
-, Keeper of Robes to. See Walsingham, Lady Audrey and Sir Thomas
-, Lady of the Bedchamber to. See Drummond, Jane
-, Maid of the Bedchamber to. See Blocke, Katherina
-, Solicitor to. See Lowther, Lancelot
-, Starchmaker to. See Calloway, Sara de
-, Vice-Chamberlain to. See Carew, Sir George

Annesley (Ansley), Francis, of Newport Pagnell, co. Bucks.
-, made joint Clerk of the Council of Munster, 159

Ansley, Francis. See Annesley, Francis

Anstey, John, of co. Wilts.
-, petition to Cecil, 137

Anstey, Philip(pa), sister-in-law to Richard Montaigne
-, petition to Cecil, 137

Anstruther (Amstruther), Robert, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 62

Antwerp [Belgium]
-, 100
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 190, 199

-, 58, 131, 164, 245

Aquilar, Conde de. See Aguilar

Arbella, Lady. See Stuart, Arbella

Archdukes, The (Archduke Albert and Isabella, Infanta of Spain, his wife, joint Governors of the Spanish Netherlands)
-, 49, 53, 55
-, Viscount Cranborne at Court of, 200
-, Resident Secretary in Spain to. See Carillo
-, Treasurer to. See Flechamer

Arche. See Armstrong, Archibald

Arches of Peligo. See Archipelago

Archipelago [Greece]
-, 161

Arden. See Arden, Edward

Arden, Edward, of Parkhall, co. Warwick, father-in-law of John Somerville
-, reference to his alleged treason, 20

Aremberg (Arenberg), Charles de Ligne, Prince, Admiral of the Low Countries
-, accused of commissioning English ships for Spanish service, 49

Arjel. See Algiers

-, allowance given to officials of, 69

Armoury Hill, co. Kent
-, property called, 222

Arms, Pursuivants of
-, payment of fees to, 265

Armstrong, Archibald (Arche), the King's Fool
-, his allowance, 63
-, given suit of clothing, 202

Arnaud. See Arnauld

Arnauld (Arnaud), Antoine, French lawyer
-, 166

Arras (tapestry)
-, purchase by Cecil of, 199, 205

Arrowsmith, Dr. See Arrowsmith, John

Arrowsmith, John, Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge University
-, his treatise entitled De Sacramentis, 293

Arundel, Dowager Countess of. See Howard, Anne

Arundel, Countess of. See Howard, Alethea

Arundel, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas

Arundel, Lord. See Arundell, Thomas

Arundel Gardens, Strand, London
-, 36, 37

Arundell, Thomas, Lord Arundell of Wardour
-, 100

Arundell and Surrey. See Howard, Thomas

Ascott, Viscount. See Dormer, Robert

Ashe, Sir Thomas, Keeper of the King's House in Dublin
-, 97

Ashley, Sir Anthony, of Wimborne St. Giles, co. Dorset, Clerk to the Privy Council
-, 180, 232

Ashperton Stretton (Aspton Stratton), co. Hereford
-, manor of, 250

Ashton, Mr. See Ashton, William

Ashton, William, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, 206, 211

Ashurst, Alexander [? of London, merchant]
-, petition to Cecil, 179

Ashurst, William, pamphleteer
-, his Answer to the People's Agreement purchased, 282

Askew (Askue), —, of Dover, a boatman
-, 73

Askeworthe, Mr.
-, in the company of Sir Charles Morrison in Italy, 146

Asmall, Lawrence. See Aspinall, Lawrence

Aspinall (Asmall), Lawrence, of Nether Darwen, co. Lancs., yeoman, deceased
-, 39 and n

Aspton Stratton. See Ashperton Stretton

Assart Lands
-, 61, 137

Astley, co. Lancs.
-, 15

Aston, co. Hereford
-, 193

Aston or Ashton, Sir Roger, Master of the King's Wardrobe
-, his allowance, 62

-, rules for travelling, 260

Atherlony, Sir James. See Auchterlony, Sir James

Athlone, Ireland
-, castle of, 89

Atkins, Dr. See Atkins, Henry

Atkins, Henry, physician to the King
-, his allowance, 64
-, attends Cecil, 206
-, paid medical expenses, 211

Atkinson, Thomas, in the service of the King
-, petition to Cecil, 126

Atkinson, Thomas, porter in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, petition to Cecil, 129

Attorney-General. See Coke, Sir Edward; Hobart, Sir Henry

Atwood, John [? of Teddington, co. Worcester]
-, petition to Cecil, 181

Atye, Lady. See Atye, Judith

Atye, Judith, Lady, of Kilburn, co. Middlesex, widow of Sir Arthur Atye (d 1604–5)
-, 142, 143

Aubrey, Dr. See Aubrey, William

Aubrey, Christopher, deputy to Sir Henry Brouncker
-, petition to Cecil, 127

Aubrey, William, a Master of Requests
-, 43, 232

Aucher, William, Captain
-, petition to King, 19

Auchmutie, John, Groom of the Bedchamber to the King
-, his allowance, 62

Auchterlony (Atherlony), Sir James, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 62

Audley End, co. Essex, seat of the Earl of Suffolk
-, letter dated from, 203

Aukland. See Bishop Aukland

-, 77

Austen, John, of Bristol
-, petition to Cecil, 156

-, 239
-, Spain's aggrandisement supported by, 265

d'Avila, Gomez, Portuguese merchant resident in London
-, 53

Avis, Thomas, surveyor and builder
-, agreement concerning Old Palace at Hatfield with, 265

Ayloff, Sir William, of Braxted, co. Essex
-, 228

Aynesworth, Henry, Keeper of the King's Bench prison
-, 207

Ayton, co. Yorks.
-, manor of, 192

Azores, Islands of
-, reference to Earl of Essex's expedition to, 99