Cecil Papers: 17th Century

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: 17th Century', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp291-294 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 17th Century', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp291-294.

"Cecil Papers: 17th Century". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp291-294.

17th Century

[? 17th century]. "A particular charge ffor the reducinge of a copper mynerale into a perfect mettall of copper." Description of the method by which a ton of pure metal is extracted from three tons of crude ore, and an estimate of the expenses involved in labourers' wages, purification and processing of the ore, and transport of the finished product from Leith, Scotland, to London.— Undated.
1 p. (98. 70.)
[? 17th century]. Observations and advice in an epigrammatic style on a religious (or possibly political) subject.—Undated.
French. Unsigned and unaddressed. ¾ p. (98. 36.)
[? 17th century]. A list of provisions, including poultry, woodfowl and groceries.—Undated.
At bottom: "Receyved of your lordshipp xxxvs, the ffifteenth of this moneth."
1 p. (98. 112.)
[? 17th century]. "The note of sheiche stones as was sente asheipe borde."The list which follows gives the number and measurements of the stones.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Note of stones brought out of Ireland." 2 pp.
(98. 134.)
[? mid-17th century]. Manuscript marked "Tenor", and containing a part to a French part song of slight consequence with repetitive French text—"En voulez-vous, madame".—Undated.
Signed: Carles Tessier. (fn. 1) 1½ pp. (200. 84.)
[17th century]. An ode to the martyrdom of Saint Catherine, the patroness of orators and scholars.—Undated.
Latin. Copy in 17th century hand. 2 pp. (242. 35.)
[17th century]. An ode on the maidenhood of the same saint.— Undated.
Latin. Copy in 17th century hand. 1¼ pp. (242. 36.)
[17th century]. An ode to Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, on the miseries of England.—Undated.
Latin. Copy in 17th century hand. 6¼ pp. (242. 32.)
Thomas Becket.
[17th century]. The speech delivered by Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, to Pope Alexander III regarding complaints brought against him by certain bishops of England.— Undated.
Latin. Copy in 17th century hand. 17 pp. (242. 24.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. Proceedings of the House of Commons from July 4, 1653, to March 16, 1659, with index of subjects.
627 pp. (262.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. The proceedings of the House of Commons from April 25, 1660, to December 29, 1660, with index of subjects.
720 pp. (263.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. The proceedings of the House of Commons from May, 1661, to October 10, 1667, with index of subjects.
684 pp. (254.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. The proceedings of the House of Commons from October 14, 1667, to October 20, 1673, with index of subjects.
676 pp. (255.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. The proceedings of the House of Commons from October 27, 1673, to May 4, 1678, with index of subjects.
620 pp. (256.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. The proceedings of the House of Commons from May 6, 1678, to December 30, 1678, with index of subjects.
485 pp. (257.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. The proceedings of the House of Commons from March 6, 1679, to May 27, 1679, with index of subjects.
382 pp. (258.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. The proceedings of the House of Commons from October 21, 1680, to March 28, 1681, with index of subjects.
335 pp. (259.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. The proceedings of the House of Commons from May 19, 1685, to November 20, 1685, with index of subjects.
220 pp. (260.)
The House of Commons.
[17th century]. Precedents for the House of Commons— Edward VI to Charles II, with table of contents.
428 pp. (261.)
The Baronage of England.
[17th century]. The privileges and special rights of the Baronage of England, with table of contents.
132 pp. On one of the leaves is written in an 18th century hand: Treatise of ye Baronage of England write as supposed by John Selden.
[17th century]. A treatise entitled "De Sacramentis", by Dr. Arrowsmith, with index of subjects.
Latin. 174 pp. (283.)
Brownsea Island.
[17th century]. Map of Brownsea Island near Poole, co. Dorset. It includes a legend within a panel which runs as follows: "Brownesea is a little island lyinge by the channell or going forth betwene Poole and the Isle of Purbeck; the length thereof by his extreames is 411 pertches and at the brodest place is over 206 perches. Yt conteyneth of undrowned lande wheron somthinge greweth 354 acres and 4 rods. The nature of the grownd is drie, sandie and bringeth forth only heath and in some few plases furses. But that there is at the east end of the land about a howse theare about six acres that is greene ground and naturale to bringe forth corne. The lande lyeth very high for the most parte, and into the east parte thereof betwene two hills a creek of the sea doth ebb and flow, and at the hed therof is a percell of marris or moore ground. Upon the southwest parte therof also have ben coperis mynes now decayed. The land doth yeald cunnies and will feede rother cattell, horses and sheep, and the better by the woore cast ashore by the sea."—Undated.
1 sheet. (CPM 11/28a.)
King James I's book.
[17th century]. The Basilikon Doron, translated from English into French, with the accompanying introductory note: "Praesent royal de Jacques Sixiesme, Roy d'Escosse et maintenant aussi d'Angleterre, premier de ce nom, contenant les Instructions de Sa Majeste au Prince Henry son trescher filz, traduit de l'Anglois."
French 140 pp. (284.)
[early 17th century]. Map of the property called Altyrynys, Walterstone, co. Hereford. At the bottom is written: "The Mylle of Mr Delahay is scituate att the upper end of the Clapper full west from the bridg and the old myll". In an undated document Mrs Helen Delahay, widow of Paul Delahay, replies to interrogatories about the mill at Altyrynys, and the reasons that prompted her late husband to change its site. (See Legal 213/30.)
Endorsed: "A Mappe of Alterennys. 1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 9.)


  • 1. Charles Tessier was born at Pezenas, Herault, France, c. 1550 and became "musitien de la Chambre du Roy" to Henry IV, King of France.