Cecil Papers: June 1608

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1608', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp151-155 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1608', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp151-155.

"Cecil Papers: June 1608". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp151-155.

June 1608

George Robinson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before June, 1608]. For the past nine or ten years he has served as groom and coachman, and enjoyed a reputation for diligence and honesty. But recently, upon some charge made against him by Salisbury's Gentleman of the Horse, he was dismissed. (fn. 1) He asks that he be given some other post in Salisbury's household.— Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1161.)
[June 10, 1608]. The stationer's bill for books purchased for the Earl of Salisbury's library. They are:
Mundus alter et idem. 0 1 6
Passe-par-tout, le Jesuit. 0 2 6
Kings speech. 0 0 6
Arraignment. 0 1 8
Apologie. 0 8 0
Polieraticus. 0 2 6
Impresse di Luca Contile. 0 12 0
De Simeone. 0 2 0
Recherches de la France. 0 1 4
Histoire des Histoires. 0 4 6
Gallobelg. tomi 7mi. 0 1 6
Idea del secretario. 1 5 0
Giardino Historiale del mondo. 0 18 0
Jurisprudence Francois 0 7 6
L'Inconstance. 0 6 8
Histoire de Pierre Matthew. 0 13 4
Ouvertures des Parlemanes 0 7 6
Bodini Method cu aliis. 0 5 0
Redemption del tiempo.
Conversion del Buen Ladron. 0 2 6
Termenier Different de Religion. 0 3 0
Excellent discours de la France. 0 3 4
Discours de Portugal. 0 1 10
Discours ancien et present de France. 0 2 4
Floresta Espagnola. 0 1 3
Consulto Parisi.
Opinions. 0 1 4
Chevalier de Savoye. 0 1 6
Courtesan reforme. 0 0 10
Miscellanea ex histor. Angl. 0 0 6
Narratio succincta. 0 0 6
Raccalta di Venetrana. 0 5 0
Saggia pazzia. 0 3 6
Springerus de Pace.
Excommunicatio injusta. 0 2 4
Pancirolli Memorabilia. 0 2 6
Nonii Hispania. 0 2 0
Seghetti Carmina. 0 0 3
Hegendorfii Dialecta legatis. 0 0 6
Comedies Ital. 0 5 0
Paciani Arte della Guerra. 0 2 6
Farnasius De Antiq. Princip. 0 6 6
Bruure Del spavanti. 0 5 0
Lipsii Epta Cent. 0 0 2
Note at bottom: "James, I pray redeliver the bill to my man wherof this is the copy, and take this in stead of it, for the other was miscast xxs to litle as may apeer by conferring this." Signed: Thomas Wilson.
Endorsed: "The stationers bill for bookes bought of him by Mr Wilson for the librarye. Summa viiil xviis vid. Received this 10th of June, 1608, by me." Signed: Thomas Stephans.
(Bills 22/1.)
Innocent Lanier to Roger Houghton.
[June 12, 1608]. "I doe heere by Mr Coprario that my lorde hath put the boy away which wass with mee, and hath given you order to pay me for his boorde, which is five pounde. I have layde owt thertie five shillings besides, twentie for healing his sore leggs and fifteen for strings and shues. I am sorie for the boy with whome I have taken much paynes, but it lay not in my power to keepe his voyce. All I gayne by hime is the labor I have taken with hime; for his boorde, it cost mee as much as my lord gave mee. If you pay this mony to the bearer heerof, my brother, I shalbe beholding to you. For my selfe I am not well and cannot come."— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr Innocent Lainer for teachinge George Mason and for his table." ½ p. (Box U/54.)
Below: Receipt dated June 12, 1608.
Buxted Quarry.
1608, June 13 to July 23. "The booke of monye disbursed at Buckested for the right honorable the Earle of Salisburye, Lord Highe Tresorer of Englande, for six weekes worke done there.
The chardge of monye weekelye expended at Buckested for the uncoveringe the quarrye, digginge, breakinge, hewinge and scheffelinge of pyllers and asheler, and for caryinge of those pyllers and asheler, begone the 13 of June and contynewed untill the 23 of Julye, 1608."
The main expenses incurred were those of hiring labourers to uncover the quarry, carriers and oxen teams to convey away earth and rubble, stone diggers, quarrymen and masons, a smith and carpenter to supply iron tools, nails, wheelbarrows, etc, and the transportation of "asheler" to Lewes and of "pyllers" to Godstone. The sum spent was £55:17:8½.
Signed: Sy. Basyll, Thomas Wilson. 16 pp. (Accounts 8/13.)
Richard Whistler to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After June 21, 1608]. Within these last five years petitioner has spent £500 in buying a lease of the King's mills at Sutton Courtney in Berkshire, and in repairing them. Previously the mills had yielded neither rent nor profits because of their ruinous condition. However, as a consequence of the recent severe frost considerable damage has been caused to the millhouse, one mill, a bridge attached to it for the convenience of the country around, and one of the main banks. The requisite repairs will necessitate more than 85 loads of timber and 300 loads of freestone. The King is under an obligation by covenant to allow timber for repairs, but there is none available on the property demised to petitioner. He hopes that he will be granted relief, despite the recent sale of the mills, and it is with this expectation that he has taken out a commission to survey the damage, and already spent £200 on repairs. He asks that the necessary loads of timber may be granted him out of the King's woods at Stow and Shotover in Oxfordshire; also, in regard of his expenses, that he may be authorised to carry timber, stone, lime and clay at reasonable rates from those districts which benefit from the above-mentioned bridge and roadway, and that the yearly rent of £11 paid by him may be remitted for eight years.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 847.)
The commission was dated June 13 and the survey completed on June 21, 1608. [See PRO Special Commissions of the Exchequer 3549.]
(1) A commission of survey to inspect the damage caused to the mills at Sutton Courtney.
A detailed description is given of the property, which consists of an old millhouse, in which there are two corn mills, and to which is connected a bridge "over which was a common high waye for the people of the cuntrie to passe to Abingdon market." The commission's survey gives an estimate of the loads of timber needed, and recommends that they be allocated from the Crown woods of Stow and Shotover. Finally, "the fermor of the said milles is contented to lay a greate parte of the fundation with free stone requiring 300 loads by estimation, which otherwise wowlde requier a farr greater propertion of tymber, and therfor humblely prayeth allsoe a warrant or commission to have the ayde of the cuntry to helpe him carie the stone and tymber to the water syde either at his Maties prise or at such rates as the Justices of the peace ther next adjoyning shal sett downe."—Undated.
¾ p.
(2) A copy of a previous petition to Salisbury which recites the main points of the above petition, but adds that the damage was occasioned by a sudden thaw and that, "if the newe buildinge therof be not begunne in tyme this summer and finished before winter, the same will be unrecoverable for ever, soe that your suppliant shal be utterly undon, his Matie lose his rent of xil p annum, and the barges that were woont to take on their loadeinge ther not able to cum neare it by tenne mills (miles), and the way or passage over at the said mills stopped, whereby the cuntrie will be much dampnified and impoverished." Petitioner requests that, as in former years on similar occasions, the mills be rebuilt at the King's expense, or that he be granted timber out of the King's woods for repairs, his rent remitted for eight years, and himself allowed reasonable rates as regards the carriage of necessary materials.—Undated.
Note by Salisbury: "The petitioner is to shewe his lease to Mr Attorney, and if the Kinge be tyed by any covenant to reparation of his mills, I will consider of some course for his releife."
Note by Henry Hobart: "His Matie is not tyed by any covenant to repayre, but on the contrarie the lessee is by covenant tyed. And though the Kinge hath licenced the lessee to take tymber uppon the thinge demised to repayer, which yet it doeth the tenant noe good, for ther is noe tymber ther groweinge; therfor, except it please your Lordship to allow the poore man some tymber elswhere, it seemeth he is utterly unable to sett up the house and mill againe."
Note by Salisbury: "Sir Henrie Fanshaw, make forth a commission to the surveyor of the county to inquier what tymber will be necessarye for reparation of theis mills and wher it may be best spared."
Copy. 1 p.
John Gardner, Richard Backhouse and Walter Cowper to the Commissioners for Leases.
[After June, 1608]. They submit this petition in the name of 26 persons, who have come to London to present 200 tenants of the King's manor of Michelland in Lancashire. In the reign of Henry VIII the Lord of the Manor, the Marquess of Dorset and Duke of Suffolk, doubled the rents of those parcels of the demesne held by tenants and granted leases for the same "giveinge allowance unto his said tenants for the defence of the sea and the repareinge of the freshe water dytches and rivers that ronne thorough the same to the sea." After the attainder of the Duke the manor came into the hands of the Crown, and twice in the reign of the late Queen Elizabeth the tenants took new leases of the demesne for 21 years and were granted the same allowance. Last October there happened a serious inundation of the demesne by the sea, and the walls and fences were breached in many places. Some of these have been repaired, but scarcity of timber has made it impossible to restore others. Since the expenses incurred are very heavy and the tenants poor, and particularly on account of the lack of suitable timber, petitioners desire to take new leases and pay a reasonable fine in view of the circumstances related above.— Undated.
Note: "This petition is to be examyned by his Mats commissioners for leases."
1 p. (P. 2029.)
[See PRO Special Commissions of the Exchequer, Lancaster, No. 3992, 8 June, 6 James 1.]


  • 1. His name is not included in the list of coachmen who received wages in Midsummer, 1608, and later. [See CP. Accounts 8/25.]