Cecil Papers: May 1608

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1608', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp148-151 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1608', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp148-151.

"Cecil Papers: May 1608". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp148-151.

May 1608

George Thompson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May, 1608]. He is a brother of Richard Thompson who was formerly in Salisbury's service. He has been engaged in commercial activities in Barbary for 13 years, but after the death of Muley Hammet, during the wars of his three sons, he was robbed of his goods and forced to flee for his life to a French vessel which happened to be in the port. His only hope of recovering some of his estate is by obtaining money due to him by merchants in London. They, however, have taken advantage of his situation and penury to refuse payment. Petitioner has not the means to prosecute them in a court of law, but is willing to come to an agreement through the mediation of disinterested persons. This too his debtors have rejected, and he asks Salisbury to extend his favour to him in the matter. Petitioner has received letters from Barbary which he proposes to answer. If Salisbury desires to have some service performed there, he will attend on him to learn what it is.— Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1881.)
[See PRO, High Court of Admiralty, 13, Vol. 41, fol. 2.]
Robert Westcott to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May, 1608]. He is in the employment of Lord Carew, and asks that Salisbury accept his services as trumpeter on the occasion of the next installation at Windsor. (fn. 1)Undated.
½ p. (P. 1155.)
[May 5, 1608]. "An account of the 20l which I receyved of Mr Stuard the 2 of May, 1608, towerds setting forth the showe and adorning the lybrary against the Kings cominge thether." Items include inter alia:
For 6 dosen of velum skinns to cover bookes. xxxs
To Thomas Herbert, bookbynder, for 7 dayes work in bynding, coveringe and stringing of bookes. xiis viiid
Spent uppon Allen, Jones and Johnson before they came to diett in my Lords howse. vis
Geven to the Jugler the first day my Lord badd me bring him home and geve him money. iiis vid
For 2 dosen more skinnes to make the circle. xs
For 2 glasses for the conjurers use. iis
To the 2 boyes that played Fancy and Barahon. xxs
Payd to the tyrewoman for her paynes and lending the head tyres of 8 speritts. xxiis vid
For ryall paper, pastbord and stringe for a great book of mapps. vs
For a great booke of fortifications. iiis viiid
For newe coloring 22 genelogyes of princes. iiil
For newe coloringe 10 tables of arts. xxxs
For a mapp of Vennice with the pictures of all the dukes. viis
For vi pictures. iiil vis
For a mapp of Ireland my Lord willed me to buy and bring to Greenwich on Sunday, 27 May. iis vid
Endorsed: "Mr Wilsons bill for the library against the Kings cominge thether, May 5, 1608. Summa xviil viiis vd paid and dyscharged the last of Maye, 1608." Below in another hand: "To Mr Lister all ye bills of ye feast, 6th May, 1608 with ye abstract." 1 p. (Bills 22.)
[May 6, 1608]. Bill for materials supplied by Robert Singleton to Robert, Earl of Salisbury. Items include inter alia:
10 yards of Watchet Chyny Taffaty for a roabe and two hats for a boye.
4 yards of the same for a skinne coate.
1 quarter of the same for cloven feete.
4 yards of White Chyny Taffaty for a skyn coate.
2 yards and di for a girdle for Mr Allen.
5 ells of ell broad crimson rich Taffaty for a roabe for Mr Allen.
2 ells and 3 quarters of blew rich Taffaty for the jugler.
1 ell of White Sasnet for Mr Allens oupen sleeves.
½ of the same for Jobsons necke.
6 ells in 2 long scarffes for the Fflying Boye.
2 pairs of gloves for Mr Allen and Jobson.
1½ of sweate fflaming powder.
7 yards of green say for curtaines for the library.
26 waxe lightes.
Green rug to lyne the rayle.
On reverse: Receipt for £31:11 dated May 31, 1608 and signed by Nicholas Parkinson.
Endorsed: "Mr Singleton his bill of chardges laid out by him about the shewe in the librarie mad the 6th of Maye, 1608." 1½ pp. (Bills 22.)
[May 6, 1608]. "The bill of what my Lord appointed to be geven for rewards to the actors and devisors of the showe in the lybrary, besydes the bills of severall workes and workemen, 6 May, 1608."
(In Robert, Earl of Salisbury's hand):
Johnson xxl
Alyn xxty pownds
Jones xxty pownds
I pray you pay this money to these 3 men
Juggler ten pownds
Below: "Receyved of Mr Stuard of the somes abovementioned threescore and three pounds vis viiid for of the 20l which was appointed to be paid to Mr Allen I payd him only twenty marks, the rest I paid to ech man as is abovementioned, the 8 of May, 1608." Signed: Thomas Wilson.
Endorsed: "May 6, 1608. My Lords reward given to the playors for the shewe in the librarie." ¾ p. (Bills 22.)
[May 11, 1608]. Account presented by Inigo Jones, with receipt dated May 11, 1608, and signed by Thomas Stephans.
Endorsed: "Inigo Johnes his bill for money paid to the smyth, the taillor and others for worcke donne about the shewe. Summa viiil viiis paid this 11th of Maye, 1608. 1 p. (Bills 22.)
[May 18, 1608]. "The chardges of divers provisions made against the 18th of Maye 1608, for dynner providyd for the K[ing], the Q[ueen] and prince, with other honorable personages at Salysbury house, beinge on that day when my Lo: of Dunbar and my Lo: of Mongumery went to Windsor to bee installed Knights of the Gartter." The expenses came to £119:5:7.
Damaged. Endorsed: "An abstract of the chardges of a dynner made the 18th of Maye, 1608." ½ p. (General 11/10.)
Henry Lee to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 19, 1608]. At the time of his father's death his goods and chattels came into the possession of other people, and neither petitioner nor the King has had any benefit from them. The King has expressed his pleasure that these goods be restored to petitioner, and he therefore requests Salisbury to send letters to the Lord Deputy of Ireland to that effect.—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 858.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, p. 527. Also ibid., 1603–6, p. 77.]
[May 25, 1608]. Money given in reward to certain musicians:
To my Lord Cumberlands man xls
To my Lord Chamberlaines man xls
To Sir Thomas Munsons boye xls
Receipt signed by John Coprario and dated May 25, 1608.
Endorsed: "Rewards given to musitions by your Honors appointment." ⅓ p. (Bills 22.)


  • 1. The next installation of Knights of the Garter, after that of the Earl of Salisbury and others in 1606, took place at Windsor on May 18, 1608.