Cecil Papers: 1600

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Cecil Papers: 1600', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp79-86 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1600', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp79-86.

"Cecil Papers: 1600". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp79-86.


Peter Pytney to Sir Robert Cecil.
[Before March 29, 1600]. He is of Stourton, Wiltshire, and with his wife and six children is entirely dependent on five acres of meadow lying near Shaftesbury, co. Dorset, which he has held for 24 years and which were leased by John, late Lord Stourton, to Valentine Carter and Alice his daughter, who is now petitioner's wife. John Budden, of Shaftesbury, who is in Cecil's service, is trying by all means to obtain possession of four of the acres which adjoin his property. He has persuaded the present Lord Stourton to grant him a lease of them, he being Stourton's steward, and for the past three years he has been pestering petitioner with legal proceedings. During this time petitioner has not dared to make use of the acres in question, but allowed them to become waste to his great loss. Another tenant of the name of Kerley has likewise been harassed by Budden for his house and lands. Kerley has, however, chosen to defend his title by law, and petitioner decided to join forces with him for the same purpose. But when the case came to trial Budden abandoned all proceedings against Kerley "because he is a man hable to wage with him", but prosecuted those against petitioner. Moreover, when the latter put a horse out to grass on part of the lands in dispute, Budden seized the animal and starved it to death. Petitioner asks Cecil to exercise restraint over Budden and to permit him to enjoy his acres in peace, or to invite certain disinterested Dorset gentlemen to examine and judge the case impartially.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1295.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. X, p. 85.]
Richard Perceval to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600, April 17. He has two daughters aged 16 and 17 respectively, but has not the means to arrange matches for them except by disposing of his property or being the recipient of Cecil's favour. He asks for the wardship of the heir of William Swan of Kent, which has been concealed during the past four years. Young Swan is now of age and married. 17 April, 1600.
Note by Cecil: "He may have a commission."
1 p. (P. 71.)
Eleanor, Julian and Elizabeth Mainwaring to Sir Robert Cecil.
[c. April 20, 1600]. Petition concerning the Croxton lands, with a pedigree showing the intermarriage between the Croxton and Mainwaring families and the direct and collateral descendants thereof. Details are given of the descent of the property from 1584 to 1598. Three parties are involved in the suit which is about the validity of inheritance by entail: (1) Mr Oldfield, whose son has married the eldest of the three daughters of James Mainwaring, the deceased owner, and who in return for an advance of £2000 has the custody of the orphaned girls and of the property: (2) the heirs male of the collateral branch of the Mainwaring family, whose misdemeanours and violent entries have forced Oldfield to bring a bill against them in the Star Chamber: and (3) Sir John Egerton who supports the efforts of the heirs male to nullify the conveyance of the lands to the eldest daughter for life. Petitioners pray Cecil "that the cause may receave a full hearinge in Court in presence of the two Cheiff Justices, to yeld theire opinions in matters in lawe. And hereuppon a direction to be geven to the Jurors what the Court conceaveth fytt to be founde. Yf this may not be, the tytle of the doughtors ys lyke to receave great prejudice, the said Sir John beinge so great a man amonge the Jurors in the cuntrey." —Undated.
2½ pp. (P. 868.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. X, p. 119, and PRO. Star Chamber Proceedings 5, 0 41/33.]
Margery Waylett to Sir Robert Cecil.
[After May, 1600]. Concerning the wardship of her son, William Waylett. (fn. 1) She is unable to pay the £10 demanded of her for it. Since the benefit accruing from the wardship is small, she requests that it be given her as a free gift, or that she be allowed the expenses defrayed by her in connection with the wardship and the ward.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 104.)
Christopher Pickering and William Hutton to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[c. August 11, 1600]. They are submitting the petition on behalf of themselves and the other gentlemen of the east part of the West Wardenry. They refer to the petition presented by them last Sunday to the Privy Council, which has the support of their Lord Warden and was subscribed by him. Two notes are attached to it; one is a breviate by the Justices of Assize of such depositions as have been made before them; the other a description of the worsening situation in Gillesland and the reasons for its deterioration, together with an account of a recent misdemeanour committed there against the land-sergeant and which calls for immediate disciplinary action. They ask that the petition and notes be perused or they themselves allowed to explain the position in person, and that their suit be furthered.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2345.)
[See The Border Papers (Scottish Record Publications) ed. Joseph Bain, Vol. 11, pp. 677–8, 689 (No. 1241) and 689–90.]
1600, September. Payment of an allowance of 6/8 to Cuthbert Stillingfleet, one of the messengers of the Queen's Chamber, "for riding in hast at the commandement of the right hon. Sir Robert Cescell, knight, her highnes principall secretary frome London with letters for her Mats sarvis unto the right hon. the L. Cobham unto the Cort at Otlands".—September, 1600.
Signed: Robert Cecyll. ½ p. (223. 22.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Sir Thomas Posthumus Hoby.
1600 [November 1]. "Uppon the receipt of your letter I was forced to deferr any answer becawse the counsaile mett not, and in this case above all others you know I must be curious to shew ether passion or affection. For the matter I find it a very fowle riot as it is sett downe, and dowbtless we shold have don our selfs wrong not to have censured it accordingly. But yet when I consider the nature of railings especially in that kind, I never found that any took less scandall then they cold after have wished they might have avoyded, and therfore I assure you I am very gladd that the matter is reconciled, not doubting but you have very good satisfaction for so great an injury."—1600.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1 November, 1600. Receyved from Mr Secretary Cecil." Fragment of seal. 1 p. (206. 113.)
[For the background to this letter see H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. X, pp. 302–4.]
[? The Earl of Essex] to [? Mr Plonden].
[After November 29, 1600]. "Mr Broughton for the causes by me and Justice Owen hard and (as we thought) ended betwene you and Mr Blunden and others, he alledgeth that you not onelie refuze to agre to the settinge them downe accordinge to my ende and your then assent, but also refuze to performe anie of them and molest and troble his ffrinds in the meane tyme above measure. He at your beinge in towne did often ymportune me in those causes and wished an ende, you beinge here: or that he might procede with my favor in course of lawe which seemeth reasonable. I pray you therfore, eyther cum up your self in the begyninge of the next terme to ende those causes, or fully instruct Mr Bromley or some other of your councell and under your hand and seale suffycientlie authorise them to ende all matters betwene you and him and his ffrinds, or ells at your owne choyce and election lett the lawe take his course betwene you, for I will noe longer staye him, for other favor he requireth not."—Undated and unsigned.
Draft corrected. ½ p. (P. 2119.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIV, p. 143.]
Matthew Davies to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1600] December 2. He is the servant of Mr Michael Hicks, and asks to be given the wardship of the two daughters of Agnes Larkes for the use of the mother. (fn. 2) The wardship has no greater value than £8 annually. 20 December.
½ p. (P. 789.)
Thomas Addison to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600] He is one of the messengers of the Queen's Chamber. Before his death the late Lord Burghley bestowed on him a ward named Goddard at Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk. Petitioner has spent much money in establishing the Queen's title to the wardship, and he asks that the gift be confirmed by Cecil. Undated.
Note at bottom: "To bring a testimonie."
On reverse: A letter from Gilbert Wakering to Richard Perceval. "Thomas Addyson, one of the messengers of her Maties Chamber brought this petition to me and saide yt was the Mr. of the Wardes his pleasure that I shoulde certefie my knowledge and proceedinge in the wardshipp of Thomas Goddard which is as followeth. This petitioner obteyned a graunte thereof in my Lord Treasurer his tyme some two yeares since (the thinge beinge small and long concealed), and thereupon sued out a writt of mandamus, and I beinge then Escheator of the countyes of Norffolke and Suffolke yt came to my hande. Whereupon I charged a jury to enquire of the tenure at Bury St. Edmonds in the saide countie of Suffolke, and for that I coulde not sett forth any certaine tenure for the Queene, nor he that followed yt, and for that the parties that defended yt againste us there, havinge sufficient warninge thereof, coulde not proove the tenure on their partes nor by what services they helde the same, there was an ignoramus founde by the jury at that tyme, and the same was certefied and returned by me into the Chauncery. Then this petitioner, after that, obteyned Mr Atturney of the Wardes his warrante under his hand for a writt of melius inquirendum, the which writt was likewise delivered to me and was executed accordinglie, and thereupon a seconde ignoramus founde which breedes unto her Matie a tenure in capite. And all was at the charge and followinge of this petitioner." Undated.
½ p. (P. 1775.)
[See PRO. Inq. P.M., C 142, 261/29 and 58.]
John Ellyston to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600]. He is an innkeeper, and complains that last July he was persuaded by Henry Lok to become a surety to Francis Growte and Roger Dan in the Strand for two hackney horses, which two of John Killigrew's servants hired to go into the country on their master's business. Lok promised that petitioner should not suffer from this transaction. The two servants, however, sold the horses without indemnifying the owners, whereupon petitioner was arrested and forced to pay £7 as compensation. Despite his appeals for relief, Lok has refused to help him, and he is now a prisoner in the Gatehouse following upon other people's legal proceedings against him. Petitioner requests that he be allowed to recover from Lok what he can by law, particularly as he lost money when serving Mr Danson. On that occasion Cecil favoured him with his letters whereby he was able to discover who had robbed him, but failed to obtain restitution of his money.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 68.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1598–1601, pp. 426, 509. See also H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XI, p. 497.]
Isaac Le Moyne to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1600 or before]. He informs him that after the latest destruction of his goods at Dieppe he retired to the Low Countries where he took up arms in the service of Count Maurice and Queen Elizabeth. Later on he served in the city and garrison of Dublin, as the passport issued by the Earl of Essex will show. He asks Cecil to take him into his service, inasmuch as in addition to his own language he is conversant with Latin, Flemish and English. As a testimonial to his competence and conduct, he mentions that he spent some time in the house of Mr Tufton, one of the gentlemen in Cecil's suite when he went to France, and that he had taught French to his eldest son.—Undated.
At bottom: two lines of verse in Latin.
French. ½ p. (P. 474.)
Hubert Fox to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600]. He requests the payment of the allowance of 7/8 a day granted to him and twenty kerns, so that he may discharge his debts and "attend and wayt uppon the L. Mountjoy to Irland, to be employed in hir Mats service, otherwise he is not hable to depart".—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 392.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIV, p. 155.]
Clare Hall, Cambridge.
[1600]. Opinions expressed by the heads of various collegeat Cambridge on the meaning of the statute regulating the appointment of the Master of Clare Hall, and the requisite qualifications demanded of candidates for the post.
"I am in opinion that the meaninge of this statute and divers other braunches contayned in the statute is directly for a divine." Signed: John Duport.
"I am also of that opinion." Signed: Thomas Legg.
"I am of opinion that the meaning of this statute is to present a divine to the mastership." Signed: Richard Clayton.
"I am of the same opinion that the statute can not otherwyse be taken according to the grammaticall sense but only for a divine." Signed: Laurence Chaderton.
At bottom: "The heads of colledges above named, not having ether by custome or statut, any right to interprete our statuts, at the request of William Boyses, (fn. 3) competitor for the mastership of Clare Hall, gave their interpretation of the foresayde statut in manner above mentioned under their hands before the 31 of December last past which we whose names are underwritten will justifie upon our othes." Signed; Richard Thomson, Edward Manistie, John Allerton, George Ruggle.
On reverse: "Memorandum that Mr Proctor before the delivery of the copies of theis laws made protestation that he did not deliver them any wayes to prejudice the Statuts of the Colledge or any good and honest proceedings which have bene in the said Colledge. In the presence of us." Signed: Ed. Manistie, John Brasbone.—Undated.
1¼ pp. (136. 202.)
Clare Hall, Cambridge.
[1600]. Further opinions expressed on the meaning of the statute concerning the appointment of a Master of Clare Hall.
"Quaeritur, whether the persone to bee elected being a Master of Arts of sixteen yeares continuance, having competent knowledge in divinity and so approved him selfe by exercise in that kind, though not within ecclesiasticall orders, may bee elected Master of the Colledge aforesayd."
"I am of opinion that suche a master of art is eligible to the mastership of suche a college." Signed: John Cowell.
"I am of the same opinion." Signed: Martin Berye.
"I am of the same opinion." Signed: Robert Turner.
"I am of the same opinion." Signed: Charles Belassis.
"I am of the same opinion." Signed: Robert Nucome.
"I am likwise of opinion with oute doute that yt is not necessarie that the person to be elected ought by the statute to be within ecclesiasticall orders." Signed: Henry Stewarde.
"I can not conjecture what cawse there shoold be of question why the person elected or to be elected shoold be in orders, so far I am from supposing that statute required he shoold be in orders." Signed: John Hone.
On reverse: "Applieng my answer directlie to the question and everie parte of it, I am of opinion that a Master of Artes so qualified may bee elected to bee master of the said College, and that there is no worde in the Statute within laid downe that can necessarily evince that hee should be within ecclesiasticall orders." Signed: John Lloyd of tharches.—Undated.
1¼ pp. (136. 203.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to [Lord Willoughby].
[1600 or before] October 28. "I have receaved a letter of yours whereby I am distracted in opinion what to doe because I see the particuler request which I made you may be occasion of question wherein, if the cause come to hearinge, my judgment may peradventure be thought unindifferent in respect I may be held a party. It is verie trew, my lord, that when I wrote unto your Lordshipe for Parker I knew nothinge more of the matter then that a roome was voyd and that himself was worthy of that place and a better, havinge seen the warrs abroade and receaved many hurtes in service. But now I doe perceave that by the demonstration of your desyre to gratify me, there is a question risen between your authority and that of the captens wherein I will playnly deliver your Lordshipe my opinion, not as that by which I will be concluded if your Lordshipe bringe it to argument, for then I will presume to receave from you reason sufficient to mayntayne what you require, for whom I doe assure I will engage my self in any question as farr as I will doe for any nobleman in England.
I doe fynd in the establishment that your Lordshipe hath the appoyntment of the captens of the ffoote, constables of the horse and other places of marke in the garrison, and I doe alsoe fynd a clause that noe capten may take or dismisse a souldyer without your privity, wherein I doe assure me that you have an absolute negative voyce. Soe as methinkes there is never a capten in that garrison that should be soe opiniastre as to think that Chattocke could be preferred without you; but that on the other syde, that your Lordshipe should peremptorily impose uppon a capten his officers by other authority then by the interest of love and respect which everie wise capten ought to leane to soe moderate and judiciall a governor, I must confesse for my owne opinion I am not thereof perswaded for any thinge that I have yet heard; and therefore in this case I am thus resolved nether to pull uppon your Lordshipe for my sake the cumber to contend with the captens, nor to drive you to the indignity to be beholdinge to any of them for me, whoe for my owne part disdayne, now I see some of their humours, to have cause to give them thankes for the best curtesye which they could offer, not doubtinge but it may ether fall into your Lordshipes lott that authoritate propria to grace Parker with some other thinge, or unto myne to helpe him els where to as good a fortune as to be Capten Selbyes lieutenant."—Undated.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endorsed: "Mynute to the L. Willoughby (fn. 4) from my Master. October 28." 4½ pp. (197. 78.)
Gregory Champante to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1600]. He has been ordered by Cecil to pay Hare £20 and to confirm the term of years yet to come in Conradus's leases of the tenements in question. He is ready to do so, but Conradus opposes the implementation of Cecil's order. He begs Cecil to have compassion on his age, poverty and eight children, to allow him to leave London, and to accept his explanation for not being able to attend Cecil when he was first ordered to appear before him. At that time he was indisposed and unable to move about, as Mr Clerke of the Privy Council can testify.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 108.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XII, p. 579.]


  • 1. His father Robert Waylett died on November 4, 1599, and an Inq. P.M. was held on May 15, 1600. [See PRO. C. 142. Vol. 261, No. 42.]
  • 2. Agnes Larkes was granted the wardship of the elder daughter, Mary, on May 25, 1601. [See PRO. Wards 9, Vol. 348.]
  • 3. His appointment as Master in December, 1599, led to much opposition and controversy within and outside the college, and eventually to his refusal of the post. [See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. IX, p. 418 and Vol. X under Boys.]
  • 4. Lord Willoughby died on June 25, 1601.