Cecil Papers: 1599

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Cecil Papers: 1599', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp76-79 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1599', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp76-79.

"Cecil Papers: 1599". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp76-79.


Proceedings in Madrid.
[1598–99] February 6. Report on legal proceedings involving Diego Parcar alias Juan Borrer or John Bourrell, described as an "yngles que es un hombre de buen cuerpo" ("a well-shaped Englishman").—Madrid, February 6.
Spanish 2 pp. (205. 64.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. VIII, pp. 182–6, and Vol. XIV, p. 93, and Cal. S.P. Dom., 1598–1601, p. 86. Also Acts of the Privy Council, 1598–99, p. 181.]
John Littleton to [? Sir Robert Cecil].
[Before July, 1599]. The revenues of Gilbert Littleton issuing from certain manors, Prestwood House and its demesne, Frankley House and park, and the tithes of Wolverley and Hales Owen. A note on the debts of Gilbert Littleton and his eldest son John. Petitioner requests that after adequate portions of the estate have been assigned for the maintenance of Gilbert Littleton's wife and younger children, the estate may be assured to his father or to himself, as eldest son, on the condition that they give sureties for the payment of their debts. If this proposal is unacceptable, he asks that the estate may be taken over by, "some principall gent of blood and alliance to the children till such tyme as the debts of the father and the sonne may be discharged".—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2448.)
[Warrant for Inq. P.M. on Gilbert Littleton was issued on July 2, 1599. See PRO. Chancery 142, 257/71.]
Andrew de Ryma Sechei to the Privy Council.
[Before September 17, 1599]. He is a Hungarian who was taken prisoner in Turkey some six or seven years ago. Although he mortgaged his estate he was unable to pay the ransom demanded by the Turks, and was forced two or three years ago to travel to England and other countries to raise money for that purpose. Queen Elizabeth gave him £20, the King and Queen of Poland donated 400 French crowns, and other sympathetic benefactors in England contributed sums which amounted in all to £220. During a visit to Devon he left £108 out of what had been gathered on his behalf in the safe-keeping of William Lowther, parson of Cadbury, John Taylor, a constable of Exeter and father-in-law to Lowther, and Peter Parkman, also of Cadbury. Since then he has often requested them for the money but has been refused every time, not without threats to his life. He is a foreigner, and is impotent to act without the support of the Council. He asks that letters be sent to J.P.s in Devon, directing them to summon Lowther, Taylor and Parkman before them, to examine the matter and to oblige them to satisfy petitioner or to explain the reasons for their refusal.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1300.)
[See Acts of the Privy Council, 1598–99, p. 741.]
Richard Tunstall to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[c. September, 1599]. He is a prisoner in Bridewell where he has remained for three months. During this time he has had no allowance for his relief, and so has been obliged to sell what he and his wife have received from friends to assist him. His case is sufficiently known to Mr Wade who declares that he has no authority to release him. He asks to be allowed bail, and undertakes to be ready at any time to answer whatever charges are preferred against him.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 138.)
[See Catholic Record Society, Vol. 53, p. 159, and Cal. S.P. Dom, 1598–1601, p. 226.]
— to —
[? c. October, 1599]. Dispute over money matters with Corsini (details given). The writer asks that his plea be brought before the Lord Chief Justice.—Undated and unsigned.
Holograph? Italian. 1 p. (186. 121.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. IX, p. 376.]
The Earl of Worcester to [? Lord Mountjoy].
[? 1599] November 31. "I am requested by the bearer herof to recomend his service unto youer Lordship yf this burthen of Irishe imployment doe lyght uppon youe. (fn. 1) He hathe served there heartofore, and ys very desierouse to followe the wars. And the rather bycawse he may doe youer Lordship service ether in that or ayny other imployment that may seeme good to youe. His desier is to have the goverment of the sowldiers eyther of Monmothe or Breknoke sheer. And he assurethe mee that by his dutyfyll respect towards youe and the well ordering of that charge, he wyll deserve youer Lordships good opynion for a better hearafter. His name is Charles Herbert, sone to Mathewe Herbert, one of the deputie lyvtenants of Monmothe shere, and servant to mee this 5 or 6 yeres. And yf the master for the man or the man for the master may obteyn youer favore herein, we wyll bothe endevor to acknowledg yt to the uttermost."— From Ragland, Nove. 31.
Holograph. 1 p. (113. 39.)
Augustine Novy to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1599]. He refers to the business "whereon I have ymployed soe great chardge, travaill and indeavors to bring it fowrth". He regrets that it may redound to Cecil's loss, but has heard that measures may be taken to meet that contingency and to place the business on a firmer footing. He begs Cecil to bring about that desirable state of affairs, and "the prosperitie of the busines which nowe lyeth withering before it can take roote (except your honor bestowe a present wateringe".—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 92.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. IX, pp. 136, 401, 402.]
Edmund Gunter to Sir Robert Cecil.
[c. 1599]. He extols Cecil's virtues, in particular his interest in and patronage of scholarship, which transcend all temporal considerations and excite general admiration. This has encour aged him to solicit Cecil's assistance in obtaining a place at Cambridge University, (fn. 2) a matter which he has discussed with the Dean of Westminster and secured his approval. If his wish is granted, he will remember Cecil's favour and benefaction throughout his life. He appends a poem in Greek.—Undated.
1 p. (140. 89.)


  • 1. Charles Blount, Lord Mountjoy, was appointed Lord Deputy of Ireland in December, 1599.
  • 2. Gunter entered Oxford University from Westminster School in 1599.