Cecil Papers: 1634

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: 1634', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp275-280 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1634', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp275-280.

"Cecil Papers: 1634". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp275-280.


Lord Clifford to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1633–34] January 10. "I have let my servant Roebotham very well knowe how much I am displeased in the slacknes of his attendance upon youre Lordship while he was laste at London, when he shoulde have acquainted youre Lordship with the expectation I was then in dayly to receve the Articles from Irelande, which I have since receved signed and sealed by my Ld. of Corke. And for that freedom youre Lordship might have justely expected from my Ld. Dungarvan when he firste visited you, I hope one of his letters to me heere enclosed together with my Ld. of Corkes to me, will fullye satisfye you. Now my Lord, by this bearer (whoe knowes nothinge of the business) I sende youre Lordship an abstracte of the Articles together with the substance of my Lord Deputyes letter to me, and I am extreamely sorye that my absence from youre Lordship shoulde bringe such a trouble to you as the perusall of soe many ragged lines, whearas the subjecte of them was more propper for a discourse and conference then a letter. I have soe great a confidence in youre wisdome and affection as in a case of soe greate difficulty I can not applye my selfe to any frende in the worlde more easelye, since it concernes you as neerely as my selfe, havinge honored youre neece soe much in youre noble expressions of youre affection to hir, as those whoe have knowne them have judged youre love noe less to hir then if she weare youre owne daughter. I will therfore presente unto youre Lordship my Ld. Deputyes owne wordes in his late letter to me:
Now at laste I send youre Lordship the Articles of Marriage concluded betweene my Lord of Corke and us, such I trust as you will approve, and better (as I take it) for your Lordship then the powers you gave us to conclude this treatye. I have allsoe taken order with my Lord of Corke that his sonne may presentlye goe for the Northe: and finally soe far as I am able to judge, they are forwarde enough to consummate the marriage. Thus, my Lord, I have effected (as I take it) youre commandes in this weighty business as a passive instrumente, therin onely to doe as you weare pleased to directe me, and brought it to youre hande with honor, either to take it or lay it aside. Nowe, my Lord, accordinge to my ancient freedom, give me leave to tell your Lordship that it maye be my Lord (Cork) hathe soe demeaned himselfe heeretofore as he maye be questioned by me, and whether he maye vallewe my noble Mistress the less, naye use hir worse for my sake, when they shall finde themselves touched by me, I leave it to youre consideration, since I muste not straye one jott from my Masters plesure nor be slack in his service for any other consideration in the worlde.
Youre Lordship maye see by this what a straite I am in, and such an one as requires the best advice of my wisest frends; for when I seriouslye weigh on the one side howe fewe good matches are nowe to be founde in this kingdome, and upon howe harde termes for me to compass them, haveinge noe greate store of readye moneye: howe earnestlye my Ld. of Corke desires my alliance and youre Lordships, and howe freely he hathe yeelded to more then I have demanded, as by his letter heere enclosed maye well apeere: and on the other side howe dangerous it maye be to have his estate called in question, and howe troublesom it may be to my good daughter when they see themselves pressed by my frendes. This I saye perplexes me muche.
I have acquainted youre neece with this letter whoe considered it with a greate deale of temper, and more then I coulde have expected, and sayes that when my Ld. Dungarvan shall cum hither (from whome she hathe receved 2 affectionate letters since he came to London) she will be soe warye and deliberate in hir conversation with him, as if she finde him not most affectionate and resolved not to thinke the worse of hir when they can not have there (sic) desires in all, as she will never wish me to proceede any further, neither will shee exeede in any thinge hir mothers directions and myne, nor youre Lordships whome she accountes a seconde father to hir, and soe she humblye desires mee to tell your Lordship.
My coozen George Butteler and one Mr Stockdale apointed by my Ld. of Corke are nowe both heere aboute the examination of the vallewes of the 1500l a yeere lande to be estated upon my daughter, which I thinke they will not be longe aboute considering how easely I have prepared the business to their hande. Sir John Leake presseth me much to signe the Articles, which I will not doe till I have them perused by Mr Justice Hutton, and when all this is dun ther is nothinge bindinge if the younge couple doe not agree as is expressed in the Articles, which I knowe my daughter will never doe till she have well knowne him by his conversation, neither woulde I have them to marry before Easter, before which time I intende by Gods grace to waite upon youre Lordship at Newmarket and then resolve with youre Lordship whether to proceede or breake. I knowe youre Lordship duringe the time of my Ld. Dungarvans attendance at Courte hath well observed him, and I longe to heare youre judgment of him because I houlde you very learned in the Booke of Men as any. I had allmoste forgott to advertise youre Lordship what I have from a very good hande, and am assured to be true, that my Ld. of Corke or sum of his frendes upon the concludinge the Articles desired an assurance from my Lord Deputye of his firme frendship to my Ld. of Corke upon any occasion which shoulde fall oute; but his answeare was that in any thinge which was not prejudiciall to his Mats service he woulde not fayle him, but that was considerable to him above all the frendes in the worlde, wheareupon they pressed it noe further.
Youre sister continewes still very irresolute; sumtimes she will saye that she likes the yonge Lord very well and that she will not be the onely opposer of hir daughters good fortune; and againe with the same brethe say she will never yeelde to marrye hir daughter into Irelande, Englande havinge matches enowe, the Duke of Lenox, my Lord of Devonshire and Russell, and sayes she coulde have any of them if she weare at London."—Londesborough, this 10th of Jan.
Holograph. 4 pp. (200. 124b.)
Lord Dungarvan to Lord Clifford.
1633–34, January 20. The bearer being to assure your Lordship with what impatience I wait here for a release from that rigour that my Lord's commands imposed upon me, I have nothing in return of your kind letter but my most hearty thanks for those noble expressions of your love. As you have given me a place in your own good opinion so remove all other impediments elsewhere, which during my imprisonment here might lessen the esteem of my affection in those whose consent will conclude my happiness. But I believe you have already taken away so much from the feeling of my grief as your testimonies of my unwilling obedience have added to the excuse of my absence, whence you may demonstratively assure yourself that if fatherly commands have that power over me to prefer them before the dearest interest of my own, you shall command me with the like authority when the same relation will adorn your most affectionate faithful servant.—London, 20 January, 1633.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (131. 48.)
Samuel Stillingfleet to [? William Collins].
1633–34, February 11. Refers to the recent death of Henry Sherfield about a fortnight ago, and to the rumour that he had died very much in debt. Went to Salisbury to investigate and found out that Sherfield was £6000 in debt, including tenants' rents to Salisbury. There was little hope of recovering these, neither would any one meddle with the old castle there. "The ground hath been so worne out with sowinge that it is fitt for nothinge butt to keepe sheepe, and there hath beene (as I am informed) kept (before it was stored with conies) usuallie 200 sheepe.
There happened on the 4th of this month an extraordinarie greate winde with us at Cranborne, which with the violence uncovered some 12 or 14 ffoote square of the greate stone slat over the newe greate chamber on the west side of Cranborne house, and withall did so shake the outeside wall next the garden that it is shruncke above three inches from the tymber worke, which I conceive to bee by reason of the foundation which doth yield. Thus much I thought fitt to write that my Lord may bee made acquainted with it, that it maie not be imputed to mee as a neglect or carelessnes."—Salisbury, this xith of February, 1633.
Holograph. 1 p. (General 88/24.)
Roger Kirkham to William Collins.
1633–34, February 24. "My Lord understands that his tenants in St. Martins Lane are suddenly to be questioned concerning their buildings. He would have you [? go] after it and to lend them your assistance and advice [? and] with Sir William Ashton joyntly to endeauvor that nothing be given in answer to the Commissioners by the tenants that may ingage or prejudice his Lordships interest."
Mrs Keighley died this afternoon. He himself hopes to proceed to Cambridge tomorrow morning.—Salisbury House, this Moonday night, 24 Ffeb. 1633.
Holograph. Imperfect. ½ p. (General 88/33.)
Thomas Hooper to the Earl of Salisbury.
1634, April 14. The keeper of Chittered Walk has been with him to complain about the outrages committed by deer hunters in that Walk. They are some fifteen in number, and have intensified their activities since the Earl of Salisbury was decreed possession of the Walk. "The company of hunters [are] so stronge that the keepers dare not at all tymes give the onsett; but when they have adventured they have bin so overmatched by number, and the hunters provided with weapons so offencive and defensive and theire bodies so safely garded, that the keepers have had the worst and bin driven to shyft for their lives or to have bin slayne, so resolute have they [the hunters] bin, being for the most parte persons of base condition and nothing to lose, yet bin servants and retayners or set on by some of good ranck as doubtless will appear. The keeper hath bin put to very greate chardg by this meanes to guard the Walk, ffor he not only keepeth two sones of his owne very able, but hath bin at the chardg of one Thomas Schovell to helpe walke, who formerly knowing most of the stealers yet not distrusted, hath made the greatest discovery of them, and for that cause so beaten by Mr Cristofer Bower, who attempted to drawe him into a hedge rowe with purpose, as Schovell conceiveth, to kill him, all which he hath deposed before me, so hath he bin likewise beaten by Thomas Cooke, one of the principall ringeleaders." To protect him Hooper has taken him into his service and issued warrants against his attackers, "the rather for that he maie not be bribed by the hunters but kept in a redines to testefie in your Lordships behalfe upon all occasions. To bynde the offenders to the assise or Sessions I conceive it to lytle purpose; ther wilbe such underhand meanes made for them, be they never so base, by theire confederaters of good rank and their chardg and fynes by them borne to conceale all other offenders. And therfore, under favour, I conceive it most fytt for your Lordship to prosecute agynst them in the high court of Starchamber wher upon theire oathes discovery wilbe made of theire companye, so the principall ringleaders and greatest destroyers maie be made publique examples by course of justice."—Aprill the 14, 1634.
Holograph. 1 p. (General 89/21.)
[General 89 contains 29 letters, mostly from Thomas Hooper to William Collins at Salisbury House, and dealing with matters relating to the management of the Earl of Salisbury's property at Cranborne. They include details of leases and rents, relations with tenants, rights of common, tithes, the felling and sale of trees, the history of the descent of Cranborne Priory from the time of the Dissolution and similar topics.]
The Earl of Cork to Lord Clifford.
1634, June 25. "By this gent, Mr Robotham, your Secretary, I had the happines to receave your letters expressing much joy that the conveyances and assurances which weare by your Lordship and your ffeoffes to be perfected to your noble daughter and my sonn weare finished to the good content of my learned councell, of which dispatch I am equally gladded. And as the Lo: Cheife Justice of his Mats Common Pleas, and this your servant cann certifye you, I have omitted no tyme or endeavour, but both by my selfe and my frends have joyned in our best cares to expedite the Conveyance for your daughters joyncture and the younge couples present mayntenance, which I now present unto you under my owne and all my ffeoffees hands and seales, with livery and seisen made thereupon. But in regard the present lessees cannot be less then 500 in number, the Lo: Cheife Justice Lowther hath with his owne penn drawne up a deed of Attornment for all the lessees to subscribe unto, which Sir Geo. Radcliff hath perused and approoved. And thereupon I have given order unto the stewards of my severall courts in earch (sic) mannor to cause the tenants to attorne to my nephew Sir Peircy Smith, who is one of the ffeoffees and hath taken upon him to attend that employment, who is so great a servant to Dungarvan that Mr Robotham cann certify you he rode above 300 myles in six dayes to gett the ffeoffees perfection and liverye and seisen made, as it is now to be presented unto you. I doe hartely thanck your Lordship that you lymitted the perusall of my pattents and conveighances to the Lo: Cheife Justice Lowther and your secretary, ffor though I know my lands are as justly acquyred and that my councell doe assure me my estate is aswell secured as any subject in England or Ireland, and as free from any incumbrances, yet except your Lordship had enjoyned me thereunto I should have been very unwillinge to expose my conveighances and assurances to the view of envious eyes. But I dare confidently affirme to your Lordship in the faith of an honest man, that that estate which I have conveighed and is to descend upon my son and heyre is legall and undefeasible by the Lawes of the Realme. And not valewing my houses, demeasnes, parks, royaltyes, yron works, and other very beneficiall reservations and advantages, doth now yeild in rent very neere 8000l a yeere, little of it being improved, as if I live to be soe happy to see your Lordship here, I shall make it more then apparant unto you.
Your Lordships free and noble expressions of the deportment of my son, and the good esteeme he hath gayned in Court, and of your Lordship and your noble family, makes me as proud as any earthly comfort can doe, confirming thereby my hopes and opinion of what his youth promises me. And I am confident that, by Gods grace and blessing, his future actions and course of life will make good your Lordships high commendations of him, and give your Lordship, my selfe and all his frends cause of rejoycing in the succeeding part of the passage of his lyfe, ffor it was ever my care and his deceased mothers and grandmothers to give him a religious, virtuous and civill education, and your Lordships relation of him doth add a great encrease of valew to him in my thoughts. And therefore give me leave to make this suite unto your Lordship that he and his Mis may be hastened over hither with all conveniencye; for of late the age of sixtie eight yeeres and some disrespects have drawne weaknes and infirmityes upon me; and at this present I am visited with greater sicknes then I have been theise twentye yeeres. And it would be the greatest comfort in the world unto me to see your Lordship and them both here before I depart this world; ffor if I should dye and my son there, I much feare it would be tenn thowsand pounds to his prejudice, which I beseech your Lordship to endeavour to prevent, and give me the happynes to kiss your Lordships hand, and to wellcome them to their owne home, I being but a steward for them. And then, God willing, I shall take hold of the opportunity freely to impart my estate and thoughts unto you."—Dublin, 25 Junii, 1634.
Copy. 2 pp. (200. 124c.)