Cecil Papers: 1633

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: 1633', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp271-275 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1633', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp271-275.

"Cecil Papers: 1633". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp271-275.


Sir William Ashton to Christopher Keighley.
1633, April 20. Requests him to deliver to the bearer, his servant, the £100 which the Earl of Salisbury has arranged to give for the water works at "So-hoe". Sir Edward Wardour has asked for it. From my house, Aprill 20, 1633.
At bottom: Receipt for £100 dated 20 April, 1633, and signed by Randolph Davenport.
Holograph. Seal, broken. ¼ p. (General 88/36.)
The Council of Scotland.
1633, June 5. Act of admission of William, Earl of Salisbury, upon the Council of Scotland at Holyrood House, 5 June, 1633.
Copy. 1 p. (197. 121.)
Samuell Collins to Christopher Keighley.
1633, October 18. "I am enformed by one James Knowles, a fellow of our Colledg, that hee hath a suite unto my honorable Lord wherin your selfe, hee saies, may principally further him, and that hee hath hethertoward found you favorable to him therin. Hee hath with all notwithstanding entreated a word or two from mee to you to request the continewance of your favor towards him in the same, and as speedily as may bee to settle that on him for which hee is a suitor." He will be much indebted to Keighley if the latter furthers Knowles's suit to Salisbury.— Kings College, Cambridge, 18 October, 1633.
Holograph. 1 p. (General 88/25.)
1633, October 23 to 1634, September 30. Inter alia:
P. 26 Paid Daniel Marrett for Votious Retorique. 0 2 8
Geiven a page of ye presence for my Lord Cranborne at ye practise of ye Masque. 0 2 0
Geiven Sir Thomas Jarmans man when he putt on his Maskquing clothes (11 Feb 1633–34). 0 2 6
Paid for my Lord Cranborne and Mr Robert going by water and for seeing John Tradeskins Antiquities. 0 9 0
To Mons Delagard to buy powder de Cypresse for my Lord in Ffrance. 2 10 0
P. 28 Paid for an in[s]trewment for my Lords teeth. 0 1 0
Paid for sweet powder and a puffe for my Lord. 0 6 0
P. 29 For ye childeren going to see plays at severall times this year. 4 3 0
P. 31 Geiven one that cam from Dr Newell to bring word of ye Queen's safe delivery. (October 1633) 0 2 0
P. 32 Geiven to a groom when my Lord was hunting with the King. 0 2 0
P. 52 Geiven at the christning of ye Lady Ann Percy by my Lord Cranborne and ye Lady Elizabeth Cecill. 8 0 0
Paid for a licence for my Lady and 10 more of her household to eat flesh in Lent. 0 10 2
For new amaling ye case of a picture of my Lords father. 0 10 0
For new seting of George ye stone of lapis lasul with 18 diamonds and rubies. 4 0 0
For addition of gold to it. 0 8 4
For new setting of the dyamond garter in velvet. 0 2 6
Paid Arthur Wodnoth, goldsmith, for new seting and adding of dyamonds in my Lords rich George garter. 6 5 0
For new making my Lord Cranborne order of ye Bath. 2 1 0
60 pp. (Accounts 127/6.)
Lord Dungarvan.
1633, December 4. Marriage settlement of Richard, Lord Dungarvan, and Mrs Elizabeth Clifford.
3 pp. (141. 345.)
The Earl of Cork to Lord Clifford.
1633, December 10. "Our treaty for the happy mariage between your Lordships virtuous daughter and my sonn, which hath soe long been in agitation, is now at length (God blessing our good intentions) agreed upon, and reduced into Articles and Covenants tripartite; the one part whereof perfected by my Lord Deputy, the Mr of the Roles and Sir George Radcliff remaineth with me, whoe have perfected the second part and delivered it to the Ld. Deputy whoe I am confident, as he hath assured me, hath transmitted it to your Lordship. The third part which is to be perfected by your Lordships noble father and your selfe I make bould to present unto you by this gent, my honest neighbour Sir John Leake, with whome I have prevailed to take this jorny purposely into England to waite upon you till all things on your Lordships part be finished according [to] the Articles. And what on my part is to be done your true and judicious servant Sir Gerrad Lowther, kt, second Baron of his Mats Exchequer here hath in his diligent hands, and (God willing) shalbe really perfected without any unnecessary delay.
I know your Lordship by the perusall of the Articles will easily finde how farr in two poynts I have exceeded your owne propositions.
The first in that you propounded the payment of 7000l within 6 months after the birth of any yssue male of your owne body lawfully to be begotten. I have in such case of myne owne accord freely and without motion given you tyme till after your owne expiration, rather than to press such a somme of money from you in your owne life tyme, which happely might straine upon your estate or other importantes. And whereas your Lordship demaunded a joyncture for your daughter of 1500l p annum, I have not onely yeilded thereunto, but allso over and above that joincture have added myne owne dwelling howse in Youghall with the meadowes and lands which I kept for hay and provision of myne owne horses and cattell.
This I have done to testify to your Lordship and your noble daughter how wellcome she shalbe unto me, being descended from an ancyent honourable familye of your name. And for that she is descended from that most honourable gent, the Earle of Salisbury, whose virtues and meritt towards me I shall ever reteyne in a most thanckfull memory, and doe my uttermost to express to your daughter, his grandchild, whome I long to see in safety here.
I presume it will be needless for me to move your expedition for the perfecting of the rentall and making of those assurances which by the Articles are to be performed on your part, and which Sir John Leake is to attend and prosecute the finishing of. But that they shall be dispatched in such manner as may manifest how free and cleere you are in the speedy and well doing of all things covenanted on your part to be done, that then the mariage may be celebrated and the young couple licenced to come hither without any unnecessary delay, where I assure your Lordship she shall be receaved and enterteyned with a most true and cordiall wellcome, being the lady I most desyre to see of all the creatures in the world. And I hope she shall be attended with such a fortune here as may enable her to live with much pleasure and prosperity. Ffor my sonn, he hath been now from me abroad in his travells above a yeere and a halfe. Soe soone as this treaty of ours grew towards perfection I laid my fatherly comaunds upon him to retorne to London, where he should meet with my directions for his further proceedings. Since the dispatch of which my letters I have receaved none from him, but from one Mr Perkins, a taylor, at whose house he hath lodged neere Temple Barr, I am advertised that his truncks are come hither, and that he that had the charge of them did expect to have found my sonn at London before him; although by some other meanes I am assured that he tooke his way from the Hague to Bruxells, and so to Callis, where he intended to shipp himselfe over for England. By all which circumstances I am hopefull that before this tyme he is at London, where it is not my desyre that he should not make any long stay before he be presented to his Maty and rather by the Ld. Chamberlaine and the Earle of Salisbury then any of his owne other frends in Court. Ffor that at his departure he promised his Matie not to take any wife without first acquainting his Highness therewith, and I cannot doubt but when he shall express his willingnes and desyre to be marryed with your Lordships daughter, the King wilbe so good a Mr to me and him as to give his gratious and free assent thereunto, as I heereby doe soe soone as the assurances shalbe perfected."—Dublin, 10 10bris, 1633.
Copy. 2 pp. (200. 124b.)
Earl Holland and Lord Weston.
[1633]. I Henry, Earl of Holland, acknowledge that I have committed a great offence in sending a challenge which I know to be against the laws of God and the King. My offence is the greater that having taken unkindness at some particular that concerned my Lord Weston's foreign employment, (fn. 1) and yet not expressing the chief cause, which I deny to have any relation to his said employment, I might justly be condemned to have called him in question for that whereof I acknowledge he ought to have given account only to your Majesty, it being a high presumption to call any Ambassador to question for anything touching his negotiation. My fault is much increased by questioning a nobleman in combat for life and honour without alleging any particular cause of wrong done, which is beyond the falsely pretended rules of Duel, and subverts the freedom of the society of mankind. I have failed in my duty to your Majesty in pursuing the challenge within your own Court, and appointing the place of meeting with sword in hand in your garden, though I intended no insolency there. My being a peer and privy councillor, and enjoying so many honours and offices, are great aggravations to my offence, which would justly deserve a heavy censure if you should bring me into a public Court of Justice, as you might well do. I appeal to your mercy, and beseech you to forgive me these offences, promising never to offend in the like again.
To the Lord Treasurer.
Whereas I mentioned the meeting with the Lord Weston in the Spring Garden near his father's house, I profess I did not intend any affront to you. But in regard the world may well bear a misinterpretation of braving you, and fighting with your son in a place every way so unfit, I am sorry I expressed not myself in words free from exception, and desire you to interpret them only as meant, which was to meet there with least suspicion and notice to be taken, but not with purpose to fight with him there. I desire you not to remember the words as an occasion of unkindness.
To the Lord Weston.
I profess that when I sent Mr Jermyn to you I did not know that his Majesty had commanded you not to accept any challenge from any man concerning your employment abroad without first acquainting him with it. I acknowledge that myself not expressing (being thereunto invited by you) the injury I conceived you had done me, you had reason in obedience to his Majesty to know the ground of my quarrell, and have not thereby in any degree trespassed against either honour or courage. You have carried yourself without loss of either. Upon my better understanding of this business, I confess you have done me no injury therein, and therefore desire your friendship.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (130. 143.)


  • 1. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1633–34, pp. 3–15.