Cecil Papers: 1632

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: 1632', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp269-271 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1632', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp269-271.

"Cecil Papers: 1632". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp269-271.


John Delahay to Mr Hyde.
[1632, before July 24 (fn. 1) ]. Refers to their case being tried at Monmouth Assizes before Baron Treavor, and to the bringing in by the jury of a verdict against them. The case is one of ejectment, and he provides full details, together with the names of persons mentioned in the course of the proceedings. These include Arnold, Sir Nicholas Arnold, Sir William Morgan and his son, and two lawyers, Mr Atkyns and Mr Bolstrede.—Undated.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (General 75/25.)
John Delahay to Mr Hyde.
1632, July 24. In his previous letter the week before he had informed Hyde of the judgment passed against them at the Monmouth Assizes, "upon faulse sweareinge of one or twoe and beinge deceyved by the jurie and the gentlemen that I dyd relye uppon to be ffirme to my Lord Chamberleyne, ffor one of the jurie, Sir William Morgans sonnes man, Mr Thomas Morgans man beinge foreman, dyd leade all the reste and was reddye to give a verdict before he had hearde his evydence, who Mr Arnold did labouer unto, as I hearde". Criticizes the judge, Baron Treavor, "whoe in my conscience dyd not understand the cause nor the materiall poyntes thereof". Suggests that the Earl of Salisbury should approach the Lord Keeper on the matter and complain of the wrong done to him. As to the perjury committed at the trial, "Sergeant Barkley ys of opinion unles my lo: will take a course to punishe faulse swearers that he wilbe sworne out of all he hathe in thys countrye." Declares that it is less costly and more effectual to prosecute and get them convicted at the Council [? of the Welsh Marches] than in the Star Chamber. If Hyde intends to send him an answer, "I have intreated one of my lo: of Canterburies men, one Mr Thomas Morgan, to call for a letter at your lodgeinge and to sent yt me by the carryers of Hereford whoe lyes [sic] at the Kinges Head nere Carter Lane".— Alterenys, the xxiv of July, 1632.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (General 72/4.)
Henry Percy to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1632 or before] September 1. He would have visited the Earl if he had not understood by his letter that he would be at Sion on Wednesday next. Has no news to impart to him, particularly as Salisbury has been at Court, and therefore confines himself to expressing his sincere gratitude for all his favours.— Sion, Sept. 1.
P.S. "My father remembers his service unto your Lordship." Holograph 1 p. (200. 38.)
October 1632 to September 1633. Household and other accounts in the hand of Erasmus Smith, Gentleman of the Chamber to the Earl of Salisbury. They include details of the journey made by the Earl to Scotland in April-July of this year, and of the illness and death of Lady Diana Cecil, who was buried in June, 1633. Doctors Lister and Wilson are mentioned, and the apothecaries Stephen Chase and Job Weale. The following appear inter alia under different headings:
(1) Children's expenses.
February 2 boats for ye children to goe see London bridg after ye fire. 0 4 0
March For my Lo. Cranborne and his brothers a coach to see a play. 0 13 0
July Paid for Wormwood wine and surrup for colds. 0 12 1
Richard Delamaine for five months instruction of ye children. 10 0 0
(2) Payments.
December Given for ye loane of manuscripts for my Lords reading. 0 6 0
(3) Gifts.
January Mr Delamains man presenting ye children with spheares. 0 3 6
Ye Vicechanslors man of Oxford presenting a booke of verses. 0 10 0
March My Ld Carlisls cooke presenting a dishe of curious broth. 0 10 0
(4) Riding journeys.
October My Ld Carlisls musitions presenting a song to my Lord at Newmarket. 0 5 0
64 pp. (Box H/4.)
The Lord President and Council of the North to the Privy Council.
1632, December 1. Relative to the contempts of Sir Thomas Gower, who was arrested in Holborn by their serjeant and has petitioned the Privy Council to be set at liberty.
Copy. 5½ pp. (131. 66.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1631–3, pp. 450, 451 for a description of the original letter.]


  • 1. See following letter.