Cecil Papers: 1622

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: 1622', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp159-167 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1622', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp159-167.

"Cecil Papers: 1622". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp159-167.


Sir George Calvert to the Earl of Salisbury.
1621–22, January 3. I should have given you an account sooner of the business you committed to my care by Sir Arthur Capell, if the answer I received from my Lord Treasurer had been such as might give you contentment. I find him immovable, not in your particular alone, but in other men's cases also, who in respect of friendship might challenge more than ordinary respect. I mean my Lord of Arundel and my Lord Digby, who have complained to me of him for stopping their annuity, and cannot thaw him by no means. Yet I must tell you, from a good hand, this frost in the Exchequer will not hold long, and with patience every man (at least those who have so just pretensions as you) shall have contentment.
This noble Lord, who having done me the honour to take an ill supper at my house last night, meant to visit you in his way north, can tell you as well as I all the news of this place. Our ill handling of matters in Parliament has brought upon us a dissolution, a great misfortune both to the King and people at this time, which his Majesty would gladly have avoided, but of two evils conceived it to be the less.
My Lord Digby makes all the preparation he may for Spain, though I see no other likelihood but we must have a war with the Emperor, for by all intelligence it appears that he is resolved to put the Electorate upon Bavaria. I will hold you no longer, for fear of staying my Lord Clifford too long, who hastens towards you.—St. Martin's Lane, 3 January, 1621.
Holograph. 2 pp. (130. 35.)
Edward Percival to Christopher Keighley.
1621–22, January 9. Desires to become tenant of a property called St. Leonards, belonging to the parsonage of Cranborne "which lies five miles from Cramborne in a wilde place of the heath". Its value is not more than forty marks a year "by reason yt is subject to be overflowen every smale rayne which yf yt happen in sommer as often yt doth, then is the hay spoyled that growes thereon". The house on it is ruined but if granted the tenancy, he will build a new one.—ix° Ja: 1621.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (General 81/20.)
Samuel Stillingfleet to Christopher Keighley.
1621–22, February 5. "I understand thatt Mr Sherfield dothe take ytt verie ill thatt Mr Hooper had the heeringe of his buisines att my Lords house because Currey and Howard were there. Hee saithe thatt I doe give entertayment to those thatt are my Lordes and his enemyes. Tis true thatt the buisines beinge so longe in examininge and answeringe to everie particular, thatt it was late before wee went to dynner, and meale beinge uppon the board I could doe no less in civillitie then to bid them sitt downe with us, which they did. And this he dothe take to be a greate offence thatt I should lett them eate, as he saithe, att my Lordes chardge, and thatt Mr Hooper and my selfe doe joyne with them to plott and conspire against him." Denies any intention of intriguing against Sherfield, and has written to Keighley to tell him so, since he has heard that Sherfield has complained to the Earl of Salisbury about such alleged plots.—Cranborne, this vth of Ffebruarie, 1621.
Holograph. 1 p. (General 81/14.)
Lady Mary Wroth to Lord Denny, Baron of Waltham.
[? 1621–22] February 15. This day came to my hands some verses under the name of the Lord Denny's, but such vile, railing and slanderous things as I could not believe they proceeded from any but some drunken poet, the rather because they so feelingly speak of that vice and sin; but to think my Lord Denny, who has professed so much religion, justice and worth, should slander a woman friend who has ever honoured him, I was loth to credit it, especially knowing my own innocency, which is as pure as newborn. Much I do wonder how nobleness can let such rudeness witness against itself. Truth and worth would have had the matter questioned, but here is no such matter; violence and falsehood rules. I no more meant harm to my Lord Denny or his house than to myself; nor did I ever intend one word of that book to his person or disgrace; and this I will yet say to justify myself, but not in way of satisfaction, for too coarse ways are taken with me to offer that; but by way of justification. Yet because I will not follow ill example, I send you your own lines (as they were called to me) reversed; and the first copy; as desiring your own eyes should be first witness of your reward for your poetry if it were yours. This is the course I take yet, though I may take others, and am not by this barred from any. I should have taken it as an expression of your worth had you proceeded on just grounds; now I shall pity your rash folly and wish you amendment of understanding, and to take this as a morning's work.—15 February.
Contemporary copy. 1½ pp. (130. 117.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–23, p. 356 under date of 9 March, 1621–22.]
Lord Denny to [Lady Mary Wroth].
[? 1621–22] February 26. Yesterday February 25th I received from you an invective, with an inversion of rhymes enclosed which you suspect to be mine, but it seems were a romanza from the father-in-law of Sirelius to Pamphilia, and so endorsed as I hear. How they can concern either you or me I cannot conceive; for if I in your construction were not the father-in-law to Syrelius, nor you Pamphilia, it has no relation to either of us, and so I am unjustly taxed. But be the author who it will, the whole "word" [? world] conceives me to be meant in one of the weakest and unworthiest passages of your book. Whereas you censure me for not first seeking true information from you who could best give it, I confess if I had failed in it I should have needed no other accuser than myself; but to ask if it be day when the sun shines were a question so vain as you count your book innocent, which all the world condemns, and although you deny the thing, so I can repent if I should have any way justly offended you; though a private negative for a plaster to a broken head by a public affirmative, and to be proved by divers witnesses of your own rank and some higher, is but a small recompense to be the only chosen fool for a May game before all the world, and especially before a wise King and Prince, with all the nobility. It is not so foul in me to credit it as in you to deny it. Whereas you tax me with the odious vice of drunkenness, which I utterly abhor, I take it for a great favour and beseech you to be present at my execution, and with that white innocent hand of yours throw the first stone. I could have borne your trampling on me, or any other disgrace that had not prejudiced me as a scorn to the eyes of my Sovereign. If you be not overweened too much of your own excellency, how can you not suspect your own forgetfulness when so many noble witnesses may be brought to aver that your own mouth has published me to be the man whom that spiteful and scornful "passade" did concern. Where you tell me of what other courses you may take against me, I fear none, and shall answer what shall be objected to me to your loss. This shall be my course with you, to ever wish you well and pray that you may repent of so many ill spent years of so vain a book, and that you may redeem the time with writing as large a volume of heavenly lays and holy love as you have of lascivious tales and amorous toys; that at the last you may follow the example of your virtuous and learned aunt, (fn. 1) who translated so many godly books, and especially the holy Psalms of David, that no doubt now she sings in the choir of Heaven those divine meditations which she so sweetly tuned here below.—February 26th.
Contemporary copy. 3 pp. (130. 118.)
Lady Mary Wroth to Lord [Denny].
[? 1621–22] February [? 29]. For any verses written from Sirelius his father-in-law to Pamphilia are no way concerning me, nor did I take them so meant till I was told you had taken that part to yourself, used all ill and curst courses you could to the King against me, made these rhymes, acknowledged them against me particularly, and with all rage and spleen proceeded against me. Had I been guilty I should not have taken this ill; but let them who have accused me aver it to my face that ever I said it, or my own soul accuse me that I meant it, and I will throw the stone on myself. I never thought on you in my writing; I never meant you; I never spake any such thing. Produce your witnesses, and I will not fear to stand before the best in my own justification. For any rank below the King and his, I know how to appear equal in truth, or near in blood to the best; therefore that is no bugbear to me. I shall with all clearness and truth witness my innocency, and not now with words or submission (which I scorn) go about to give satisfaction, but prove and justify this I have said. If you desire truth, let me know my accusers, and you shall find me what my blood calls me to be and what my words have said me to be. Fear not to say what you please, for my noble allies will not thank you for forbearing me, nor when the time shall serve spare you for what you have done.—February (? 29).
Contemporary copy. 2 pp. (130. 120.)
[Lord Denny] to [Lady Mary Wroth].
[? 1621–22, February]. I will make no further reply to your distempers, but ever be ready to justify what I have averred. You may have heard by some of your best friends what has come to the King's ear from your own mouth touching me in this business; which if you will not, I cannot make you hear. I have [not] done nor ever will do you any wrong. I hate to be an informer. The truth is too apparent, and may be well proved at your own pleasure, if my words have no credit with you. Whereas you bid me speak what I can or will, for your noble allies will not thank me for forbearing you, nor spare me when time shall serve for what I have done, I say you are a noble lady, and for those noble allies of yours I will ever honour and serve, when you have made the worst of me you can devise unto them.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (130. 121.)
Lady E. Wallingford to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1622] May 6. Requests a favour of him. She is obliged to give Lord Buckingham (fn. 2) assurance to pay him "if I outlive my Lord six months after 3000l, for which if your Lordship will be bound with my brother off Andever for me, I will give your Lordship a counterbond off my brothers to save you harmlis." From Cassome this 6 off Maye.
PS. "Lett my hast excuse my not writing to my sister hom I will visett shortly. I could hange that best Viney. I besech you speke not of what I wright to any. You shall knowe more when I see you."
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (General 18/23.)
Sir Charles Morrison to John Pymm and Patrick Cocke.
Two directives:
(1) 1622, May 10. An order that they make sale of timber growing on the following grounds: the Caninge, Highe Parke, Hussey springe, Greate Willey, Willey Springe, Nun stabbing, grange parke and granger fall, in co. Notts.—The tenth daie of Maye, anno dni 1622.
(2) 1622, May 12. An order that John Pymm be paid £60 or 100 marks whenever he has occasion to use the money in Nottinghamshire.—The xiith daye of Maye, 1622.
In different handwriting, the last order being signed. Addressed: To my servants John Pyme and Patricke Cocke. Endorsed: "Concerninge wood sale." 1 p. (200. 114.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1622, May 18. Ordering a muster of the forces of co. Herts and the supply of defects. They are to be ready for service upon any sudden occasion, and especially for suppressing any such tumultuous assemblies as have been made in some of the western parts.—Whitehall, 18 May, 1622.
Signed: G. Cant; Lenox; Jo. Lincoln; L. Cranfeilde; H. Mandeville; E. Worcester; Pembroke; Kellie; H. Falkland; G. Carew; T. Edmondes; Geo. Calvert; Jul. Caesar; C. Edmondes. 1 p. (196. 79.)
The Wharton Estate.
1622, June 23 and earlier. Bundle of papers containing:
(a) Notes of the cause of Sir George Dalston and others, certain of them being daughters and co-heirs of Dorothy, Lady Wharton, deceased, (fn. 3) against Sir Thomas Bennet and Richard Bennet, with respect to the manors of Lowdham and Gonthrop, co. Notts, and of Sherfield, Southampton: lands of Lady Wharton's conveyed to Bennet for money borrowed. Also of the cause of Henry Hastings and others, certain of them being daughters and co-heirs of Sir Francis Willoughby, deceased, against Sir Thomas Bennet, with respect to the same lands. 1612. 1 p.
(b) Particulars of the above manors. 2 pp.
(c) Note of money due by Lady Wharton, June 23, 1622. ½ p.
(d) Note of money due to "my father". 1 p.
(e) Copy indenture, March 20, 1612, between Philip, Lord Wharton and his heir, and Sir Richard Lovelace and others, trustees of Dorothy, Lady Wharton.
6 pp. (P. 2360.)
Henry Sherfield to the Earl of Salisbury.
1622, July 6. Feels it his duty to express his views on William Dowthwaite's case. Salisbury would be justified in proceeding against him, but in Sherfield's considered opinion he would be well advised not to do so, at least for the time being, and this not merely out of consideration for Dowthwaite's poverty. "The speciall reason which moveth me is, his too good acquayntance both with many particular proceedings of your lordship's honorable father touching his purchases and sondry other things, and with all your lordships owne, which although I assure myself your lordship neede not to feare to let them com into publick view, yet in my poore discretion it is better to shunne or prevent all the occasions which may inforce the same, which may perhaps fall out by pressing him too hardly. But therein my meaninge is not that your lordship should acquitt him, but preserve the meanes you have to keepe him from takinge any by waye which (as the case stands) I presume feare will better effect then force."—Lincolnes Inne, 60 July 1622.
Holograph. 2 pp. (General 82/9.)
1622, July 8. Inquisition held at Church House in the parish of St. Clement Dacorum without Temple Bar. Henry, late Earl of Huntington, Sir Nicholas and Lady Anne Throgmorton and Sir Walter Ralegh mentioned.
Copy. Latin. Endorsed: "Roydon." 3 pp. (Legal 57/9.)
John Welden.
1622, July 10. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne in the case of John Welden, of Grimston, co. Norfolk, yeoman, who is owner and occupier of certain lands in the said parish, within which has from time immemorial been free warren without obligation of tithes. Notwithstanding, one William Thorogood, rector of the said parish, has sued the said complainant in court Christian for non-payment of tithes alleged due, contrary to the statutes concerning free warren therein made and provided. Stay of proceedings.—Dated at Westminster, 10th July, in the 20th year of the King's reign.
1 m. Imperfect. (221. 43.)
Ralph Cox to Christopher Keighley.
1622, July 31. Has sent all the parchment writings "at the end of the table where you use to write in your outward chamber". There are nine of them and one of paper. Captain Brett has been enquiring as to when Keighley proposes to come to London. "I did tell him I thought when you coulde get good store of money, or else you were better keepe you in the contrie, for every daye there is one or other enquiers for you for money, but none bringes aney in to paye. . . . Newes at London ther is none but the Earl of Aurundell is a moste killd with a falle withe leapinge out of his coache, for his horsses ran awaye and he to save him selfe leped out of the boott and his spure hunge in yt and draged him a littell. Sir Robart Cotton sayd the last night he was in great danger of his liffe."—Salisbury House, this 31st of July, 1622.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (General 82/5.)
Monsieur de Soubise to the Conte de Rochefort. (fn. 4)
[? c 1622, July or after]. Je vous rends graces de tout mon coeur des sentiments que vous avez a mon occasion, car je scay qu'ils partent de coeur; mais comme je suis asseure que si vous estiez en ma place vous feriez de mesme, j'imiteray ce que je m'asseure vous donneriez pour exemple. Je suis plus fasche de l'apprehension que vous avez pour moy que je n'apprehende de mal qui me peut arriver. Croyez de moy que je veux mourir de bonne grace, et qu'il y a de l'espace entre cy et la. Vous dites que nostre maison a de l'interest en ma conservation, me [mais] on a plus en celle de mon honneur. Je vous supplie de croire que je ne veux survivre a la ruine de ma Religion, ny servir a autre qu'au Roy comme le devoir m'oblige. Les autres services sont de courtoisie et amitie, mais on abuse des mots et souvent des choses. Quoy qu'il m'arrive je vous supplie de vous asseurer que je ne manqueray jamais a ce que je vous ay proteste souvent.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. ½ p. (130. 33.)
Sir George Calvert to the Earl of Salisbury.
1622, August 12. I am much bound to you for the sense you have of my sufferings, and for the wise advice you give me to bear it patiently. I shall strive to do it, but there are so many images of sorrow that represent themselves every moment to me in her loss, who was the dear companion and only comfort of my life, as I doubt I shall not so easily forget it as a wise man should; for which God forgive me if I offend, who for my sins only has laid this heavy cross upon me, and yet far lighter than I deserve, though to my weak heart it be almost insupportable. St. Martin's Lane, 12 August, 1622.
Holograph. 1 p. (130. 59.)
John Southworth to Christopher Keighley.
[1622] November 12. "You shall receive of this bearer a watch of my Lords. I praye you carrie itt to Mr Willowe, a clocke maker att the sygne of the three kings in Flight Streete, and bidd him gett a silver case made fitt for itt and seee itt goe well. (fn. 5) Itt will some tymes stand still, and my lord would have you come to Quickswood some day this weeke and bringe the watch with you. My la: is to come to London upon Thursday or Saterday seaven night. Shee cometh from Quickswood upon Wednesday, and my lo: to Newmarkett soe that you must not faile to bee here this weeke."—Quickswood, the 12th of November.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (General 21/19.)
John Tewe.
1622, November 20. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne, on the complaint of John Tewe, of Thimblethorpe, co. Norfolk, butcher. He was the owner of 35 ewes which he pastured within the said parish and compounded with Robert Lampkyns, rector of the parish church, for payment of tithes due in respect thereof. Notwithstanding, after the death of the said rector, he has been sued in court Christian by Robert Dacke and Dorothea his wife, executors of the said rector, for non-payment of tithes of wool. Stay of proceedings.—Dated at Westminister, 20 November, in the 20th year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 26.)
Cash Book.
1622. In John Southworth's hand. The items are divided into: expenses of Lady Elizabeth Cecil, Robert Cecil, Lord Cranborne, Lady Diana Cecil, Lady Ann Cecil; apparell of coachmen, footmen and huntsmen; maintenance of hounds, travelling expenses, apothecaries' charges; and gifts and rewards. These items appear inter alia:
To Doctor Allett for six ounces of betonie and the box. 0 7 6
To Mr Doctor Poe being sent for to my Lord. 2 0 0
To Mr Compton the same tyme. 1 0 0
Given to Ms Ratline for a medicine for toeth atch. 0 10 0
For a Rose Cacke. 0 0 4
For a tobacco box. 0 1 0
For Tobaco pypes for a yeare. 0 3 6
To one that brought Speedes Chronicle from Hadame. 0 2 6
To the musicke for the Christmas tyme. 2 0 0
To Sir Anthony Forrest man that brought olives. 0 2 0
To the blackemor att Theoballs. 0 6 0
To a Dutch man, a scoller. 0 5 0
Spent att Roysterne when grassehopper rid his match att the tolbott. 0 3 8
58 pp. (Box F/8.)
The Earl of Salisbury to John, Lord Keeper.
[1622]. Of the cause between him and Sir Anthony Ashley, who disputes his title to the manor and rectory of Cranborne purchased by his father for 2000l. As the King will this next summer make use of the house for eight or ten days, as he has usually done every second year for many years past in his pro gress, (fn. 6) prays the Lord Keeper to establish his possession by injunction till the hearing of the cause.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1733.)


  • 1. Mary, sister of Sir Phillip Sidney, and wife of Henry Herbert, 2nd Earl of Pembroke. She died on 25 September, 1621.
  • 2. Villiers was created Duke of Buckingham in May, 1623.
  • 3. She died on 4 April, 1621.
  • 4. Henry Carey was created Viscount Rochford on 6 July, 1621. [See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–23, pp. 440, 441.]
  • 5. An entry for 1622 in Accounts 160/5 runs as follows: "ffor a new silver case for his lordships watch and for making it cleare, xxvs".
  • 6. The King was at Cranborne on 10 August, 1623. [Nichols, Progresses of James the First, Vol. IV, p. 888.]