Cecil Papers: July-December 1621

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: July-December 1621', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp151-158 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July-December 1621', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp151-158.

"Cecil Papers: July-December 1621". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp151-158.

July-December 1621

Sir George Calvert to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1621, July 26. Thanks him for his present of venison, and sends him a hawk. Says he himself is an ill falconer.—Undated.
P.S. The death of Count Burquoy is no news to you. My Lord Digby arrived at Vienna the 2 of this month, old style, and was very honourably received into the City. Of his audience we hear yet nothing, but look for letters every hour, and hope that the ceremony and respect at his entrance prognosticates a good success. All things remain still in suspence in the Lower Palatinate, until the issue of this be known. But in the Upper Palatinate Count Mansfeld, they say, is 20,000 strong, and has made some irruption of late into Bohemia; so has the Marquis Pagnersdorff on that side towards Silesia, which irritates the Emperor's party, and begets some jealousy of the King of Bohemia's authorizing it, thought without all cause. St. Martin's Lane, 26 July, 1621.
P.P.S. From France they write that Montauban is besieged by the King, who prosecutes his ends still with the same violence as before. What my Lord Doncast. embassage will do, God knows.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "Mr. Secretary." 1 p. (130. 41.)
Ralph Cox to Christopher Keighley.
1621, August 10. Has obeyed his directive to receive £200 of Sir William Garway, and pay £100 of it to Sir Edward Cecil by Captain Brett's order. Refers to receipt of rents from Stroude in Kent and from Britain's Burse in London, and to various payments to John Glass and others. "Newes at London wee have none. My honrable Laydie and my younge Lord and Ladyes be all very well, in good helthe." Sir William Fortescue's servant and that of Doctor White's have been in London on their masters' business.—Salisbury House, the 10th of August, 1621.
P.S. "Sir Edward Ciecills daughters dothe desire you for some more money."
P.S.S. "I praye let his lordship knowe that his ante, my Ladye Sturton, is dead on Fridaye the 31 daye of August (sic) 1621 at Odium [Hamp]shire: her funerall is on the 14th of this monthe at Odium."
Holograph. Damaged. 1 p. (General 81/13.)
The King to the Earl of Salisbury.
1621, September 23. A great part of the old pales of Theobald's Park have been sold or stolen. Salisbury is to enquire for them, calling to his assistance Sir Richard Lucy and Sir Thomas Dacres for that side towards Cheshunt, and Sir John Welde for that side towards Enfield, and to have them brought into the Park. He is to inform himself from Treswell the surveyor, and report the numbers sold and stolen, and now serviceable.—Hampton Court, 23 September, 1621.
Signed by the King. 1 p. (130. 42.)
Sir George Calvert to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1621, September 24. His Majesty has put you here upon a piece of business that I believe will find you work enough, and careful he was to have it sent to you with all speed. It should seem by his speech with me, when he gave me directions, that he is as ill pleased at some underhand sales that have been made of the pales at Robin Hood's pennyworth as at the Stealthes, whereof I thought it necessary to give you some light privately, that you may apply your endeavours that way as well as the other.
You may have heard of the insurrection of the people of Paris against those of the Religion, upon yesterday was sennight. But because you are not perhaps informed of all circumstances, I have sent you the original letter that I received from Paris, beseeching you to return it. It comes from Sir Edward Herbert's secretary, whom he left there behind them. The rest of our occurrents here is that Sir Richard Weston was yesterday sworn a Councillor. My Lord Digby is upon his way hither, and so from hence immediately into Spain. I think there will be shortly a cessation of arms on all parts, if the Prince Palatine please; but for the final accommodation of all other things and restitution to what he has lost, it will ask a longer time, though his Majesty doubts it not in the end, if he will be guided by his "Counsaile".—Hampton Court, 24 September, 1621.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "Mr Se. Calvert to me." 1½ pp. (130. 43.)
[? W] Poe to the Earl of Salisbury.
1621, October 28. Lady Walsingham has appointed him to receive 501 out of such moneys as Mr Kitteley, the Earl's servant, pays her yearly. He encloses her quittance and begs that Kitteley be instructed to pay him.—London, 28 October, 1621.
½ p. (196. 77.)
Francis Muriell.
1621, November 18. Writ of mandamus to Robert Redmayne. Christopher Inglond, clerk, lately impleaded in court Christian one Francis Muriell in respect of certain tithes due in the parish of Helmingham alias Morton, co. Norfolk. The said Francis appealed from that court to the civil court and obtained a stay of proceedings, which is now cancelled, and the hearing of the cause in court Christian is to be proceeded with.—Dated at Westminster, 18 November, in the 19th year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 25.)
Radulph Agas (fn. 1) to the King.
[Before 26 November, 1621]. For his services in surveying lands and tenements and in perfecting the theodolite, asks for grant of concealed lands.—Undated.
Partly illegible. 1 p. (P. 436.)
Remonstrance against Popery.
1621, November 26. Remonstrance of the House of Commons against Popery, etc., made November 26, 1621.
3 pp. (130. 49.)
The King to Parliament
1621, December 3. The King's message to Parliament, 3 Decr, 1621.
1 p. (130. 44.)
[See Parliamentary History, p. 492.]
The King to the House of Commons.
1621, December 11. "His Majesty's answer to the apologetic petition of the House of Commons presented to his Majesty by a dozen of the members of that House by their directions." Begins: "We must here begin in the same fashion that we would have done if your first petition . . ." Newmarket, 11 December, 1621.
Contemporary copy. 12 sheets. (211. 13.)
King James to Sir George Calvert.
1621, December 16. "Wee are sorry to learne that notwithstandinge our reitterated messages to our House of Comons for goeinge on in their businesses, in regard of the shortnes of tyme betwixt this and Christmas and of their owne earnest desire that wee should nowe conclude a Session by makeinge of good and proffitable Lawes, yett they contynewe to loose tyme and now of late, uppon our gratious answere sent unto them, have taken occasion to make more delay in appoyntinge a Comittee to morrowe to consider upon the poynte of our answere and specyally concern inge that poynt in it which makes mention of their priveledges. Our pleasure therefor is that you shall in our name tell them that wee are soe loath to have tyme mispent, which is soe precyous a thinge in the well useinge whereof our people may receave soe great a benefitt, as wee are thus far contented to descend from our Royall dignity by explaneinge att this tyme our meaninge in our said answere touchinge that poynte, that all our good subject[s] in that house that intend nothinge but our honor and the weale of the Common wealth may clearly see our intention.
Whereas in our said answere wee tould them that wee could nott allowe of the style callinge it their ancyent and undoubted right and inheritance; but could rather have wished that they had said their priveledges were derived from the grace and permission of our Ancestors and us, for most of them growe from presidents which shewes rather a tolleration then inheritance. The playne truth is that wee cannott with patience endure our subjects to use such Antimonarchall words to us concerninge their Libertyes, except they had subjoyned that they were granted unto them by the grace and favour of our predecessors. But as for our intention herein, God knowes wee never ment to deny them any lawfull priveledges that ever that howse enjoyed in our predecessors tymes, as wee expected our said answere should have suffyciently cleered them. Nether in justice whatsoever they have undoubted right unto. Nor in grace whatsoever our predecessors or wee have gratiously permitted unto them. And therefore wee made that distinction of the most part, for whatsoever priveledges or libertyes they enjoy by any Lawe or Statute, shall ever be invyolably preserved by us and wee hope our posterity will imytate our ffootestepps therein. And whatsoever priveledges they enjoy by longe custome and uncontrouled and lawfull presidents, wee will likewise be as carefull to preserve them and transmitt the care thereof to our posterity. Neyther was it any way in our mynde to thinke of any pertyculer poynt wherein we ment to disallowe of their liberties, soe as in justice wee confesse our selves to be bound to menteyne them in their rights. And in grace wee are rather mynded to encrease then infringe any of them, yf they shall soe deserve att our hands.
To end therefore as wee begann, lett them goe on cheerefully to their businesses rejectinge the curyous wranglinge uppon words and sillables, otherwise (which God forbidd) the world shall see howe oft and howe earnestly wee have pressed them to goe on, accordinge to their callinge, with those things that are fytt to be donne for the weale of our Crowne and Kingdome, and howe many curyouse shiffts from tyme to tyme have beene malycyously found out to frustrate us of our good purpose and hinder them from the performance of that service which they ought to us and to our whole Kingdome whereof, when the cuntrey shall come to be truly informed, they will give the authors thereof little thankes. Given att our Courte att Royston, the xvith day of December, 1621."
Endorsed: "King's letter 1621 to Sir George Calvert, Secretary at ye P'liamt."
Directed: "To our trusty and welbeloved Councellor Sir George Calvert, knight, one of our princypall Secretaries." 4½ pp. (211. 11.)
The King to Sir Thomas Richardson.
[1621] December 17. With respect to the session of the House before Christmas. The three most pressing businesses to be effected are the passing of the subsidy, the act for continuance of statutes and the pardon.
Copy. 3 pp. (142. 199.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–23, p. 322.]
Reformed Churches of France.
[c. 1621]. Petition for pardon and peace from the Reformed Churches of France and the sovereignty of Bearn to Louis XIII. —Undated.
Copy. French. 1½ pp. (130. 32.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1619–23, p. 276.]
Examinations of the Earl of Southampton.
[1621] First day.
His conscience is free of undutifulness to the King in the latter part of the Parliament. For the carriage of any in the Lower House, however near to him, it was not in his power to direct or hinder them. He was no party to any practice, in the time of cessation at Easter, to hinder the King's ends at the meeting, and he knew of no consultation to any such end. Some of the Lower House came to the Committee Chamber of the Upper House every day, and he spoke with them familiarly as everyone else did; but he denies that there was any plot to receive directions from him. He denies that he had any practice with any of the Lower House, after the King had declared his purpose to adjourn Parliament, to cross the King, either when he would have no bills passed, or afterwards, when he would have had bills passed. He had no practice with any of the Lower House to work that some of the subsidy might be sent to the King and Queen of Bohemia without going into the Exchequer.
Second examination.
He affirms his former answer. He had received no discontents, nor expressed any towards the King or his government. If there had been unkindness between him and any near the King, that concerned not his Majesty. He had spoken freely of such things as were handled in Parliament, but had not been curious to seek faults. He denied saying that there would never be a good reformation while one did so wholly govern the King. By telling the Bishop of Coventry that he made unseasonable motions, he meant the motion when the controversy was between the Lord of Buckingham and him in the House; for he thought the motion would have been more seasonable when the House had decided who was in error. He denied saying he liked not to come to the Council Board, there were so many boys and base fellows. He had heard the business of Ireland spoken of at his own house by Sir John Jepson. He never heard any motion made to wear swords in their House; but he and others observed that swords were still worn there, and when he saw everyone else do so, he did so too. He had heard one say that he had left his sword with his boy, and would go and put it on and come again; and he thinks that he, minding the business of the House, said "Do."—Undated.
2 pp. (130. 55.)
Lord Chancellor St. Albans.
[1621]. Confession and submission of Lord Chancellor St. Albans to the House of Lords.—Undated.
31 pp. (141. 307.)
[1621]. Speech of [? Sir Edward Cecil] in the Parliament House.
On the defence of religion and the country against the Catholic King, Papists, Jesuits and Seminaries; the defence of the Palatinate; and the necessity of granting a subsidy.—Undated.
6 pp. (130. 46.)
[The authorship of this speech is discussed by Dalton in his Life and Times of General Sir Edward Cecil, Vol. 1, pp. 344–6.]
The House of Commons.
[1621]. The Commons' address to his Majesty. Begins: "We, etc, full of grief and unspeakable sorrow through the true sense of your Majesty's displeasure expressed by your letter lately sent to our Speaker."—Undated.
Contemporary copy. 10 sheets. (211. 14.)
The Commons' Protest.
[1621]. Begins: "The Commons now assembled in Parliament being justly occasioned thereunto concerning sundry liberties, franchises, and privileges of Parliament, amongst others not herein mentioned, do make this protestation following."
Contemporary copy. 2 sheets. (211. 15.)
Examinations of Sir Edwin Sands.
[? 1621]. Touching a petition to be made to the King for continuing the Parliament, after he had signified his purpose of dissolving. As to an offer by the King to the Houses whether they would have a whole session or an adjournment. Touching a benevolence to the Lady Elizabeth. What conference he had with Baron Dona. What conference he had concerning the match with Spain. Upon a letter in his closet from Mr Brewer of Amsterdam, and of his correspondence with the Brownists. What he thought of the Spanish match and of Lord Digby's return.—Undated.
1 p. (130. 54.)
Cranborne Manor.
[? 1621 (fn. 2) ]. Paper in the suit between the Earl of Salisbury, plaintiff, and Sir Anthony Ashley and Christopher Mainwaring, defendants, concerning Cranborne Manor and the parsonage house there. "The Earles great house at Cranborne, where the King every second year lyeth a fortnight in his progresse, adioyneth to this parsonage house, and without the use of this parsonage house the Earle cannot lye at his great house, it serving for the out offices and stables to the great house. And the Earle having purposed to lye there this summer is likely to be disappoynted."— Undated.
2 pp. (Legal 232/8.)
William Dowthwaite to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1621 or after]. "I am put in suite uppon that bond which I have for the remainder of my last accompt, in which I doe imbolden my self to desyre favour from your Lordship in those things which are just, whereof I doe assure my self (unles your Lordship be provoked by the unmercifull dispotion (sic) of those who hate me without cawse) not only in this, but also as I ever found the inclination of your owne worthy nature towards me both in my creditt and estate till others sought to divert yt." He appeals to Salisbury to remember certain promises which he made him, and to act in the light of "that everliving memory of those charitable vertues which were in your noble ancestors, who raised so many famelies under them but never was (sic) the aucthor (thorough no mans perswasion) of pulling downe any, but ever preserved the creditt of there worst deserving servants as much as in them lay. And for any favour or charity your Lordship shall herein or in any other matter extend unto me and myne, I doe assure my self your Lordship shall have no more cawse to repent thereof then David had, who was preserved by Abigals wisedome from shedding of blood in his wrath." He can assure Salisbury that he has suffered no loss in the business; on the contrary, it is he (Dowthwaite) who will have to pay for his own mistakes. "When I came to your Lordship I was settled in a course of life answearable to my desyre both in estate and creditt, and at the request of Sir John Dackombe, which to perform I disposed of the certein meanes I had for my lyfe at an undervalue, and retayned my self to that means which I had from your Lordship in hope of your future favour." He has not benefited much from his employment, which has continued for four years, and he has a wife and five children completely dependant upon him. If some relief could be found for them he would gladly satisfy Salisbury in his demands rather than contend with him. "Whereof I have given testimony alredy in giving upp to your Lordship that which I might lawfully have deteyned, and in all other things the like which your Lordship requyred at my hands. But if thorough too much violence of oppression I be constrayned to seek releif, then I shall besech your Lordship not to blame me if in my just defence any prejudice come to your Lordship, which shall be much against my desyer if any doe." Since he left Salisbury's service he has always conducted himself most discreetly and circumspectly regarding the Earl's affairs. (fn. 3)Undated.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 2⅓ pp. (General 75/35.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Dr Gwynn.
[Before 1622]. Recommends Robert Carter, (fn. 4) son of Robert Carter of Hatfield, as a worthy scholar. Has selected him for the next vacant scholar's place which he (Salisbury) has the right to bestow.—Undated.
Signed. Addressed: "To my verie loveinge freind, Mr Dr Gwynn, Mr of St Johns Colledge in Cambridge, and to the fellowes of the said Colledge." ½ p. (200. 47.)
Household Cash Book.
1621–22. Accounts in John Southworth's hand. They include inter alia:
To the farmers of Celsham for sheepe the hounds wearried. 02 0 0
To Jeremy Whitackres, hee gave the musicke for all the Christmas. 02 4 0
For the Kings book concerninge the Parlement. 00 1 0
For ii bookes with pictures for my litle ladies. 00 3 0
For a fidle. 00 8 0
For six letle fidles for my litle lo. 00 1 0
For a booke of Henry ye seaventh. 00 8 0
Towe bookes for my La. 00 3 6
For a booke called the Contree Justice. 00 6 0
To Mr Charles Bushy that hee paid for a book for my Lo. 00 5 0
For a botle of Cinamond water. 00 6 6
To my la. Anne when she was att London to see ye tiltinge. 00 5 0
Sent to the French man that cured Jo. Nurll. 02 0 0
For leadinge of my Lo. shoffelbord peces. 00 0 6
To Sir Thomas Gardners man that brought mellons. 00 10 0
To James for tobaco pypes. 00 1 0
For a booke of pictures. 00 1 0
For pictures upon pastbord. 00 8 0
30 pp. (Box G/a.)


  • 1. Died on 26 November, 1621.
  • 2. There is a reference in the paper to articles concluded in "Ffebruary last" which a marginal note specifies as 13 February, 1620[–21].
  • 3. Dowthwaite was acting as solicitor to the Earl of Salisbury, as well as a bailiff at Cranborne, in 1621.
  • 4. Robert Carter, matriculated pensioner at St. Johns, 1622.