Cecil Papers: July-December 1618

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: July-December 1618', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp77-82 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July-December 1618', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp77-82.

"Cecil Papers: July-December 1618". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp77-82.

July-December 1618

Earl of Salisbury's Estate.
1618, July 16. A book containing abstracts of all patents, evidences, surveys and other writings concerning the Earl of Salisbury's estate, which are now remaining in the Evidence House, and are delivered into the custody of William Dowthwayte by Thomas Shotbolt, esq., and Christopher Keighley, gent., 16 July, 1618.
c. 250 pp. (Box 5/7.)
[1618, August]. A list of expenses incident to the King's visit to Cranborne, which necessitated the purchase of poultry in London, as well as locally, and their conveyance to Cranborne. The total amount disbursed was £405:19:10.
Endorsed: "A perticuler of his Lpps chardges keepinge a dyett for the Lordes viii meales att his Maties being there in August 1618." 3 pp. (Bills 111/6.)
Sir Henry Carey to the Earl of Salisbury.
1618, September 22. Understanding you had disposed of my place of your Deputy-Lieutenant unto Sir Charles Morrison, and designed my other of Deputy Custos Rotulorum of St Albans unto Mr William Lytton, both which I formerly held by your favour under you; and having since been separated from the possibility of executing them any longer by his Majesty's employing of my unable service otherwise, I hold it answerable to the respect I must ever confess to owe you to return you your instruments of deputation for both, with the acknowledgment of my many thanks for the favour you so long and so undeservedly on my part afforded me in them.—Aldenham, 22 September, 1618.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (129. 144.)
Sir John Parker (fn. 1) to the Privy Council.
[Before October, 1618]. Is informed that the King has granted the reversion of the keeping of Castle Pendenis, with the new fort of Falmouth and the garrison there, to another. As he is Captain of the Castle and colonel of the garrison, prays for the reversion for himself.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1615.)
Henry Flegge.
1618, October 19. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne on the complaint of Henry Flegge, of Dereham, co. Norfolk, husbandman. The subject matter of this writ is similar to preceding documents of this nature.—Dated at Westminster 19th October in the 16th year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 17.)
Thomas Shotbolt to Christopher Keighley.
[? 1618] October 22. "Thes are to desier yow to deliver unto this bearer ten powndes for to provide one other fodder of leade for to fineshe the chappell at Hatfeeld, for I ame fainte (sic) to new cast the leade of the chappell where my Lordes seates are; for it was worne so thine and so full of holes that it must have a continuall worke and foder, and will not so be made to sarve longe: wharefore to new cast it will be bothe a safe waye and the cheaper waye. Allso there must be cullord painy tile provided for the new chappell, which as yett I can see will cost twenty powndes." —Hatfeeld, this 22 of October.
Holograph. 1 p. (General 74/23.)
[See supra 2 March, 1617–18.]
Cobham College, Kent.
1618, November 4. Particular of woods entailed in Cobham College, co. Kent.
1½ pp. (145. 144.)
George Edwardes and others.
1618, November 6. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne, on the complaint of George Edwardes, of North Tuddenham, co. Norfolk, George Goose of the same, Edmund Howse and Thomas Howyell of the same. A certain Elizabeth Seaman, widow, and administratix of the goods, rights and credits of Thomas Seaman, of the city of Norwich, deceased, has brought into court Christian the said complainants in respect of a certain debt of 47s 8d and other sums mentioned. Stay of proceedings.—Dated at Westminster, 6 November, in the sixteenth year of the King's reign.
Seal. 1 m. (221. 15.)
Sir Dudley Carleton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1618, November 24. Now I have done all which lies in my power in conformity to your Lordship's letter of the 23 of September, (fn. 2) it is time to give you an account thereof to the end you may hearken after the success of my endeavours, and add what further shall be needful in Mr Kenithorpe's behalf. Whom immediately upon the receipt of your letter I caused to come to the Hague and to procure the renewing of his Excellency's letter to his Majesty, as likewise to give me subject to recommend the cause, which his Excellency did by an express message. And accordingly I wrote now a week since to my Lord of Buckingham, adding to his Excellency's desire of Kenithorpe's pardon this testimony, that since his coming into these parts he has carried himself civilly without quarrelling, and thereupon entreating his Lordship to be the more earnest with his Majesty as well in regard of the gentleman himself, whose carriage is without exception, as likewise in respect of his Excellency to whom I have often occasion to repair with the like suits in behalf of his Majesty's subjects; and I may promise myself better audience when he finds his recommendations of force with his Majesty. The letter to his Majesty I committed to Sir William Balford, as likewise mine to my Lord of Buckingham, who willingly undertook not only the delivery of them but likewise the prosecution of the business, whereby to facilitate another matter of like nature in favour of Sir Francis Henderson who, having killed a man in these parts, has no way to save his fortune here but by his Majesty's recommendation to his Excellency and the States. Both Sir William and Sir Francis have command in these troops and are gentlemen of his Majesty's privy chamber, where they are now in waiting; and by them you may understand how the business speeds. Your Lordship has the same so much to heart that I have the more carefully carried both the matter and the manner of it; and if it were my own brother's cause I knew not how to do more than I have done for this gentleman, whose letter I send you enclosed.—Hague, 24 November, 1618.
Holograph. 1 p. (129. 145.)
Thomas Seyntaubyn.
1618, [25] November. Declaration by the Earl of Salisbury that he has appointed Thomas Seyntaubyn, of the Middle Temple, to receive his rents in Cornwall, and to deal generally with matters arising from his property within that county. It also revokes the authority formerly delegated to John Cooke.—November, 1618.
Copy. Endorsed: "25 November, 1618. Mr St Albines deputation pro lands in Cornewale." 1 p. (Legal 49/6.)
Bishop's Hatfield.
1618. Accounts for the building of a chapel on the north side of Bishop's Hatfield Church.
24 pp. (143. 131.)
"Barnevelts' Confession."
[1618]. Concerning the points of religion now controverted I remain in the same opinion that I was and have been these fifty years, wherein I hope to live and die. That is, that a good Christian ought to believe that he is predestinate by the grace of God to eternal salvation. The reason hereof is that he hath by the same grace of God a firm faith that his salvation dependeth and is entirely grounded on the only grace of God and the merits and satisfaction of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ: and that happening to fall into any sin, that he hath a firm hope that God will not suffer him to continue, but by grace will free him and bring him to repentance if he so continue in the same belief unto the end. I hold this belief as conformable to the Word of God, and have always held it without breaking my brains or troubling myself about the precise decree [sic degree?] of reprobation, or about providence, prescience or such like things as pass my capacity.
In Sir John Finet's hand. ½ p. (129. 146.)
Dock at Chatham.
[? 1618]. Project for a dry dock to be made at Chatham.
1 p. (140. 244.)
[See Oppenheim, History of the Navy, pp. 209, 210, etc.]
Enfield Chase.
[? 1618]. "A project shewing how the poore inhabitants in and about Entfeild Chace may be still ymployed in worke, and so kept from spoyling the wood and comons there.
Within the parish of Entfeild in the county of Middlesex, and in other parishes bordering upon Entfeild chace, there be many families of very poore people wanting trade and all other honest meanes of livelyhood, who spend their time in idlenes and disorderly spoyling the woods in the chace, and do dayly indamage their neighbors. And by reason of the benefit comynge to them freely in respect of the said chace and comons, much people resorteth thither to dwell from many places of this realme. So that the nomber (beinge already very great) doth still increase in so much that the parish is surcharged with them and not able to rayse a stock to keepe them in work according to the Statute.
There dwelleth within the said parish one Walter Morell, a clothier and maker of stuffes [who] is willing to ymploy and set on work so many of the said poore people as will learne the same trade or such part thereof as shall be necessary for them. So alwayes as he may in due manner be seconded and suppleyd with such necessary helpes as to the same busynes shall apperteyne.
Things principally needfull to effect this busynes are:
(1) A competent stock. (1) The greatnes of the stock and meanes to rayse the same.
(2) Overseers to cause the same stock to be well orderd, and to compell the idle people to work. Inconveniences (2) The ymployment of the vagrants be good or bad, they must still have their wages.
(3) Sales for the stuffes and wares when they be made.
(3) Their wages for a tyme must be extraordinary and farr exceeding their desert; otherwise they will not leave their idlenes and fall to labour.
(4) Their spoyling and insufficient handling of the stuff will cause much losse untyll they be expert in the trade.
And for the better settling and contynuannce of the sayd trade the said Morell further requyreth:
(1) Ffree licence to ship and transport any cloth, stuff or bays which shalbe made in the sayd places during that tyme by the said people or any of them, without paying any imposition or custome. And that for the avoyding of fraudulent practices, a seale may be appointed and kept by some sufficient person wherewith those cloths, stuffes and bayes shall be sealed; and likewise a register to be kept of the same that his Majesty be not deceived, which register shall be accomptable yerely to make a true certificat into thexchequer of the nomber and quantitie of clothes there made.
(2) That if the said Morell shall invent any new kynd of cloth or stuff not formerly made in this land, that he may have the sole priviledge to make the same during the tyme xxi yeares with inhibition to others.
(3) That he may be allowed xs a pece for the first yeares teaching of so many as shall be appointed to him by the overseers to learne the sayd trade or any part thereof.
(4) That the overseers may have power to heare and end controversies, complaynts and offences touching the sayd busynes, and to punish the offendors or to send them to the Justice or Justices next thereunto to be ordered by them if the cause require weightie consideration."—Undated.
¾ p. (General 2/15.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1611–18, p. 525.]
Lands in Kent.
[c. 1618]. List of lands unlet in co. Kent.
1 p. (145. 164.)
Earl of Salisbury to the King.
[1618]. As to the cause between him and Lord Arundel of Wardour and others, concerning the extent of Cranborne Chase. Prays that the Court of Exchequer be directed to give sentence therein.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1762.)
[Cf. P.R.O. Special Commissions of the Exchequer, No. 4739.]
Francis Carter to Christopher Keighley.
[1618 or after]. Requests a favour of him. "You know that it was the desire of our whole societie and theruppon your promise made unto them, that you would move your Lord and use your best furtherance therin, that his Honour may bee pleased to shew him selfe so farre forth gratious and respectfull of the whole societie (for so it is a grace unto the whole Companie although the benefit redound but unto one), as to preferre one of the societie into the next good spirituall living made voyde under his Lordships donation. And it is now my request unto you, that you will shew mee what favour you can do therein (and I know you can do enough), namely, that you wilbe pleased to make it knowne withall (as you see fit occasion) unto his Lordship that one of his ancient servants hath a sonne ffellow (fn. 3) there and capable of such a benevolence; and so forward in my behalfe that way, as you are able, and shall bee willing in so fit an opportunitie to do good for one who shalbe alwayes thankfull for your kindnes and readie to deserve your love. And howsoever your promise was to do the same for anie one whome the Colledge should commende, yet if it shall please his Lordship (as I make no doubt but your information of mee and request may easilie procure it) to shew him selfe so gratious towards one (who shall ever thinke his best indeavours due and so best bestowed whensoever required in his Lordships service) as that you may give notice to the Colledge of his more forward inclination and better liking towards mee in such consideration of my ffathers service then to another altogether unknowne: uppon intelligence hereof I make no doubt but the whole companie, though everie one bee nearest and dearest unto him selfe, yet in this case will shew that they do beare mee so much good-will as not to be my hinderance, but to esteeme your promise to them so to bee made good in mee." Relies upon Keighley's good nature and love that he will undertake to do this favour and kindness "unto one that is the sonne of your Lords servant".—Undated.
Holograph. ¾ p. (200. 188.)
[After 1618]. Note of leases in Maidstone held by Frances Cobham, Countess of Kildare.
1 p. (145. 145.)


  • 1. Sir John Parker was dead in October, 1618. [See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1611–18, p. 516.]
  • 2. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1611–18, p. 575.
  • 3. Francis Carter of Hatfield was Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, 1618–30.