Cecil Papers: January-June 1618

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: January-June 1618', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp56-77 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January-June 1618', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp56-77.

"Cecil Papers: January-June 1618". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp56-77.

January-June 1618

The Earl of Salisbury to Christopher Keighley.
[Before January, 1617–18]. "Looking over some papers which I have of Mr Jo. Dackombes, I find these particular mannors to have beene my fathers not longe before he dyed. In Kent, the mannor of Dartforde, the manor of Temples in Dartforde; in Northfolke, the manor of Snetisham; in Suffolke, the mannor of Bungay; in Northfolke, the manor of Barton Bendishe; in Northamptonshire, the rectory of Irchester; in Gloucestershire, the mannor of Southam; in Wiltes, the manor of Tilsheade; in Sussex, the mannor of Forde, all which though I [? make] no question but they be soulde, yett my desire is to be truly informed as [? neer] as you can of the persons that bought them . . . I would have you against my comming to London to perfect the inventory of Salisbury howse and be carefull of the rest of my busines. You shall doe well to shew Doutwait this note and lett him knowe that I will looke for an exact accoumpt of all my busines when I comme up, wherein though I make no doubt of bothe your cares, yett I am sure putting you in minde of them can doe me no harme. If Sir Jo. Dackombe (fn. 1) shoulde dy during my absence, sende one of my fottemen to me expressly."—Undated.
P.S. "If one from Sir William Frier comme unto you for a perticular of Ripton, lett him have one."
Holograph. Imperfect. Seal. Endorsed: "My lord to me." 1 p. (200. 46.)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Lord Fenton].
[After January 15, 1617–18]. "I did conceave by the late Lord Gerrard (fn. 2) that there had bin in a manner an absolute conclusion betwixt your Lordship and mee for your place of the Guard, to which place notwithstanding Sr H. Rich layd a strong clayme by some former promise of yours which I did much wonder at, considering how confidently the sayd Lord Gerrad did assure mee of the contrary: which made me use my best meanes to the King for hys allowance. But afterwards, finding by Sir H. Rich how much it concernd him in hys fortune, and that your Lordship long before had had communication with him about thys busines, I was not willing to stand in competition with him any longer; espetially because he pretended the losse of yt would be the ruine of hys fortunes. Which because I wold be no wayes the author of hys or any others, that interest which I had in yt by my Lord of Buckinghams favor I did resigne at Woodstock into hys Lordships hands, from whence I had yt, and shall rest very well contented upon whomsoever the King shall please to dispose of yt, having absolutely resolved not to medle further in yt ever since hys Matys retorne out of Sccottland."—Undated.
Draft with corrections. 1 p. (200. 2.)
Sir Miles Fletewood.
1617–18, January 27. At the suit of Edmund, Lord Sheffield, there was granted on 27 September, 7 Jac. to William Turnor an annuity of 500 marks for 28 years out of the Exchequer. Turnor on 21 June, 8 Jac. assigned the residue of the term to Edward Fynes, second son of Henry, Earl of Lincoln, late deceased. It has been unpaid for 3½ years. The residue of the term has been assigned to Arnold Spencer. The present warrant transfers the payment to Spencer of the arrears and annuity from the Exchequer to the Court of Wards.—27 January, 15 Jac.
Contemporary copy. 4 sheets. (223. 12.)
Household Items sent to Hatfield.
[1617–18, February 6]. The list includes inter alia: "a sute of fine deepe hangings of the storie of Phaeton"; "a sute of the storie of Alexander"; "a sute of hangings of imagerie of the storie of Haman"; "a picture of my Lord Treasurer, your Lordship's father"; "a picture of the Lord Treasurer Burleye"; articles of china and porcelain; "a picture of St. Jo. baptists heade of agett bound with silver"; "a litle celestiall spheare within a litle globe of silver gilte."; "a litle flatt stone of Allothropie in the forme of a harte"; "one instrument of geeomitre in a round case"; "one round peece of brasse of geometrie."— Undated.
Endorsed: "6 Febr. 1617. Househould stuffe sent to Hatf. by John Glasse since 22 Julii 1612." 6 pp. (Box U/25.)
Nathaniel Reynolds.
1617–18, February 12. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne, on the complaint of Nathaniel Reynolds, of Morlye, co. Norfolk, yeoman, whom one Edmund Topcliffe, clerk, Rector of the parish church of Morlie Sancti Butolphi with the chapel of St. Peter's annexed in the county of Norfolk, has impleaded in court Christian for non-payment of tithes on a certain quantity of firewood sold to persons living without the parish and consumed without, contrary to the statute made in respect of trees of twenty years' growth, etc. Stay of proceedings.—Dated at Westminster, 12th February, in the 15th year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 18.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Bishop of Bristol.
1617–18, February 14. "I have received letters from the Kings Matie the tenor whereof heare followeth:
Right trustie and welbeloved Councellor, we greete you well. Whereas the enimies of the ghospell have ever ben forward to write and publishe bookes for confirming their erronious doctrine, and now of late seeme more carefull then before to send dayly into our realmes such their writings whereby our loving subjects (though otherwise well disposed) might be seduced unlesse some remedie thereof should be provided: we by the advise of our Councell have lately graunted a Corporation and given our allowance for erecting a Colledge at Chelsey for learned devines to be imployed to write as occasion shall require for mainteyning the religion professed in our kingdomes, and confuting the impugners thereof. Whereuppon Doctor Sutcliffe designed Provost of the said Colledge hath now humbley signified unto us that uppon divers promisses of helpe and assistance towards the erecting and endowing the said Colledge, he hath at his owne charge begunne and well proceeded in the building as doth sufficiently appeere by a good parte thereof alreadie set upp in the place appoynted for the same. We therefore (being willing to favour and further soe religious a worke) will and require you to write your letters to the Bishops of your province signifieing unto them that our pleasure is they deale with the clergie and other of their Diocesse to give their charitable benevolence for the perfecting of this good worke soe well begunne, and for the better performance of our desire we have given order to the said Provost and his associats to attend you and others to whome it may appertaine, and to certifie us from time to time of their proceedings.—Thetford, the 5th of May, 1616.
Now because it is soe pious and religious a worke conducing both to Gods glory and the saving of many a soule within this kingdome, I cannot but wishe that all devoute and well affected persons should by yourselfe and by the preachers in your Diocesse, as well publiquely as otherwise, be excited to contribute in some measure to soe holy an intendment now well begunne. And although these and the like motions have been frequent in these latter times, yet let not those whome God hath blessed with any wealth be wearie of well doeing, that it may not be said that the idolatrous and supe[r] stitious Papists are more forward to advance their falshood the[n] we are to mainteyne Gods truthe. Whatsoever is collected I pray your Lordshipp may be carefully brought unto me, partly that it passe not through any defrauding hands, and partly that his Matie may be acquainted what is do[n]e in this behalfe."—Lambehith, Ffebru. 14, 1617.
Signed. 1 p. (General 131/16.)
On reverse: "Turnworth, August 16, anno dni 1618. Collected in our said parishe twentie pence by us Robert Pinchard, clerk, Richard Batchell and Charles Chapman, churchwardens. Recepi: Will. Orchard.
March 14, 1618. Collected in the parish of Wihhampton xiis."
Thomas Hooper to William Dowthwaite.
1617–18, February 26. Acknowledges receipt of the subpoenas, some of which he has already served on witnesses. He, Hawles, Swayne and Butler have thoroughly discussed the business "to prove the use of the Chace in Wiltes, which I doubt not but shalbe sufficientlie proved as his Lordshipp can wish. We have fownd maynie old witnesses for that purpose . . . but we are somewhat doubtfull that they will not appear without suppenas becawse divers of them are tenannts to the Earle of Penbroke and the Lord Arundell." Urges Dowthwaite to proceed to Wiltshire with all the speed he can, so that he may speak with the "awnchient wytnesses" before the inquiry begins. "For my owne part I am and ever have bene as redy to doe his Lordshipp service according to the measure of my poore understanding as some others that maie make a greater shewe."—Sarum, this 26 of Februarie, 1617.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (General 71/20.)
Edmund Hawles to William Dowthwaite.
1617–18, February 26. Sends him the names of such persons who can best testify to the "use" of Cranborne Chase. In his opinion it would be necessary to issue subpoenas before these witnesses could become available for interrogation, "for that I doubte they will note be procured to specke but by order of lawe, in regard many of them are tenantes bothe unto the Earle of Penbrocke and the Lord Arundell, and unto other my Lordes adversaryes, which I know if thay be broughte and examined uppon othe thay cannote but confesse the use of the Chase to be suche in Wilshere as ever was in Dorsett."—Upwimborne Monnckton, the 26th of Feabruary, 1617.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (General 79/20.)
Hatfield Church.
1617–18, March 2. George, Bishop of Lincoln, grants the request of William, Earl of Salisbury, to the effect that, "having well considered of the equity of this present request and that it is a pious and religious worke to inlardge the sayd Church for the more conveniency of the sayd righte honorable William, Earle of Salisbury, and his heires; have and doe by theis presents for us and our successors soe farr as in us is and by law we can or may by our authority ordinary and Episcopall by and with the consent of Mr Henry Rainfford, vicar there, order and decree that so much of the sayd wall on the north syde of the sayd Chauncell as shall suffice for the premisses shallbe broken and taken downe, and that there shallbe erected and builded in the Churchyard aforesayd on the north syde of the same Chauncell against the breach or wall soe taken downe at the proper chardges and expenses of the sayd Earle and his heires and for the only use and interest of the sayd Earle and his heires for the hearing of divine service and sermons there and for the erecting of monuments for such as shallbe there interred, a Chapell to contayne in length within the walls thereof fforty and five foote and in breadth twenty and six foote or less in length and breadth as to the sayd Earle shall seeme fitt and convenient." Certain conditions are attached to this licence.—2 March, 1617.
Signed. Portion of seal. 1 m. (Deeds 186/19.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Ralph Winwood.
[1617–18, March 21]. Copy in 17th century hand.
8½ pp. Printed in Edwards' Life of Ralegh, Vol. 11, pp. 350–57. (242. 12.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to Sir Ralph Winwood.
[1617–18, March 21]. Copy in 17th century hand.
2½ pp. Printed in Edwards' Life of Ralegh, Vol. 11, pp. 357–8 as a postscript to preceding letter. (242. 17.)
Lord Morley (fn. 3) to the King.
[Before April, 1618]. Requests leases in reversion of 3001 for relief of his estate, which by reason of disgraces and hindrances done to him without cause in the late Queen's time is much weakened.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 794.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1618, April 25. Ordering a muster of the forces in co. Herts, this summer, with detailed instructions for the supply of defects, etc; inter alia, though many calivers are enrolled among the shot, yet the modern use excludes them as unserviceable, therefore they are to be changed into muskets.—Whitehall, 25 April, 1618.
Signed: G. Cant; Fr. Bacon, Canc; T. Suffolke; E. Worcester; Pembroke; Lenox; T. Arundell; W. Wallingford; Fenton; L. Elien; James Hay; T. Edmondes; Tho. Lake; H. Carey; Robert Naunton; Jul. Caesar; Fulke Grevyll; Edw. Coke; C. Edmondes. 2 pp. (196. 66.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Christopher Keighley.
[1618, April]. "I am sorry to understande by your letter that Sir Henry Vanne is not so forwarde to buy my annuity as he was, yet it seemes by you that he is not alltogether of of it, because he desires to knowe the lowest price which you can better tell him than I. Therefore I woulde have you lett him knowe the lowest price and require his speedy answeare; if you can by my footeman who returnes presently to me. I woulde not have you forbeare paing Mr Palmer till he comme to aske the mony of you, but goe and finde him oute and lett him have it. I will, God willing, be at London aboute the begining of the next weeke. Therefore if Dowthwaite comme up betweene this and that time, lett him not comme downe because it may hinder my busines there."—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "April 1618. My lord to me." 1 p. (200. 44.)
The Earl of Exeter versus Sir Thomas Lake and others.
[1618, before May 21]. "To the Kings moste excellent Majestie. In moste humble wise complayning sheweth and informeth unto your moste excellent Majestie, Thomas, Earle of Exeter, knight of the moste noble order of the Garter and one of the Lordes of your Majesties moste honorable privie Councell, and the Ladye Ffrauncis his wife, Countesse of Exeter; that whereas the nobles and peeres of this your Majesties realme, both men and women, in regard of the honorable estate and place which they hould derived from the royall and soveraigne power of your Majestie and your highnes moste noble progenitors, are by the auncient and fundamentall lawes and statutes of this kingdome graced and endowed with many speciall priveledgs, preheminences and immunityes as inherent to theire persons and bloud above other your Majesties subjects, and theire honors, ffames and reputations have alwayes bene esteemed deare to your Majestie, being the royall ffountayne from whence all streames of honor flowe and are deduced, whose gracious and princely care is and ever hath bene to protect the ffame and honor of your highnes nobilitye, and to redeeme them by your royall justice from all scandalls and dishonors unjustly imposed and putt upon them, manye greevous paynes and punishments being inflicted by the wisdome of the same lawes and statuts against such persons as shall scandalize and defame by false reportes, rumours and writings such honorable and worthie personages. And whereas the said Ladye is of noble birth and discent in her owne person and hath the dignitie and degree of a Countesse, being wife to your said subject uppon whom the honor and tytle of an Earle was conferred by your Majestie out of your highnes royall and gracious favour done to your said subject. And the said Ladye Ffranncis hath in the whole course of her life, according to her birth, bloud and dignitye, bene of noble ffame and vertuous condition without blemish or dishonor. Nevertheles, may it please your most excellent Majestie, that Sir Thomas Lake, knight, one of your Majesties principall secretaries and of your Majesties moste honorable privie Councell, Dame Marye Lake, wife of the said Sir Thomas Lake, Anne, Ladye Roos, daughter of the said Sir Thomas Lake and Dame Marye and wife to William, Lord Roos, sonne and heire apparante of William, Lord Burleigh, sonne and heire apparant of your said subject Thomas, Earle of Exeter, and Sir Arthur Lake, knight, sonne of the said Sir Thomas Lake and Dame Marye, having causlesly conceaved in theire harts a deepe and settled mallice against your said subject the said Countesse for that shee had utterly refused and denyed them to pacifie your subject the said Earle, being much offended at them for theire most undue getting from the said Lord Roos the inheritance of the mannor of Walthamstowe in your Majesties countye of Essex, and out of some other ends best knowne unto themselves, by practize, conspiracye and confederacye amonge themselves had and made in or about the moneth of November nowe laste paste, plotted and resolved to rayse upp and publishe some horrible scandall and infamie againste your said subject the said Countesse, according to which plott and resolution they the said confederators devysed and at the length determined to chardge and accuse the said Countesse with the moste horrible crymes of inceste and poysoning. But knowing that in a matter of such nature wherein they were soe deepely to touche the honor and reputation of soe worthie [a lady it] would be necessarye for them to produce some kind of author or prooffe of such theire accusation; and having as then none at all, it growing merely out of theire owne corrupte and wicked mindes and inventions, they the said confederators did consulte and combyne together howe to sett upp an author for the said untrue accusation, and to procure some testimonie or shewe of prooffe for the same; which they agreed and resolved to doe by the meanes of some simple, needye or discontented persons whom they might overawe by threates or corrupte by rewardes, or by some way of circumvention drawe and induce to testifie or take uppon them the said accusation. Ffor the better execution whereof, whereas one Sarah Swarton, a woman of very lewd life and behaviour and some tymes served the said Ladye Roos and was putt from her service by the said Ladye Lake uppon some conceived displeasure against her, and thereuppon was retayned in service else where in the citye of London, the said confederators called to mind that she might be a fitt instrument for them to worke upon and to imploy to the purpose aforsaid; where upon the said [? confederators] by many perswations promised and procured her before her hired time of service was expired to leave the service of her Lady and Mrs, whome she then served, and to come again or about Christinmes last past in the said ffifteenth yeare of your Matis raigne to serve the said Ladye Roose, since which tyme the said confiderators have soe delt, practised and perswaded with the said Sarah that, although she haith often hereto fore volenta[ri]ly and of her owne will used and given out many words in commendation of the virtue and goodnes of the said Countesse and of her great love and kindnesse to the said Ladye Roos, now through the persuation and subbornation of these confiderators, she the said Sarah beinge daylye [? come] againe for purpose to the service of the said Ladye Roos, haith at lenth been woone to promise and to undertake unto the said confiderators to affirme and depose what soever they will desire. But before she had beene soe wone and before her said entertaynment and returne unto the said Ladye Roos service, the said confiderators consideringe that it [? was] not so fitt nor effectuall a cause to make one of there owne servants and followers the author or witnes of so foule an occasion against the said Countisse as if they could put the same upon one of the servants or followers of your said subjects, the said Earle and Countisse of Exeter or of the said Lord Roos; ther upon the said confiderators did resolve to suborne and drawe some of the followers and servants of your subjects or the said Lord Roos upon some false shewe and pretence to be authores and witnesses of the said most impious and false accusations. And accordinglye the said Sir Thomas Lake, being then a counsellor of estate to your Majestie and one of your principall Secretaries, understandinge that one George Williams, follower of the said Lord Roos, remayned in London behind the said Lord Roos and went not in the jorney with the said Lord Roos, which the confiderators conceyved was through some matter of discontentment, and ther fore the fitter person to be wrought upon for theire purpose; he the said Sir Thomas Lake in the month of Nomember (sic) in the said fifteenth yeare of your Maties happy raigne sent his warrant to bringe the said George Williams befor him, who being accordingly brought before him under the custodye of a pursevant [as] though it were his owne cause and so him selfe an indefferent dealer therin; the said Sir Thomas Lake and the rest of the said confiderators examined the said Williams touchinge his knowledge of some of the said crimes and offences wher with they had soe resolved to charge the said Countisse; to which the said Williams answeringe that he neyther knewe nor never neard any thinge therof, the said confiderators first by faire words and gentle persuasions sought to drawe him to theire purpose, and afterwards did bitterly revile the said Williams and towld him he was privie and knowinge of the said matters, and that th[r]ough his willfulnes he denied to discover or speake of them, and therfore threatned they would lay grevous punishment upon him yf he would not confesse the same. And the said Ladye Lake moved the said Williams to write his name under a written page which she then held in her hands, but the said Williams standinge still upon the deniall of his knowledge accordinge to the truth and refusinge to put his hand to the said writinge, not knowinge what was in it; therupon the said Sir Thomas Lake, though it were in his owne cause did without offence doon by the said Williams, then commytt[ed] him to the prison of the Gate house in the Cittye of Westminster with commaundement he should ther soe keepe a close prisonner and that no person should speak with him without warrant from the said Sir Thomas Lake, duringe which tyme the said confiderators often saute to the said Williams, beinge then prisonner in the Gate house upon the committment aforsaid, persuadinge him to confesse the matters wherof he had beene quesioned as is aforsaid, and he should have libertye and greate favour from the said confiderators. But the said Williams persisting in the truth, and the said confederators not prevaylinge in theyre courses aforsaid and understandinge that one Luke Hatton, a servant of your subjects, had beene some tyme with his freinds in the country and then was latelye returned againe into your subjects service; and conceyvinge that the said Hatton had beene turned away from your subjectes upon offence and displeasure and soe remayned discontented in his mind; they thought him a fitt man to worke upon where by to make him an author of the said unjust scandales raysed against your subject the said Countisse, and that he would bee drawne to affirme any thinge they would desire in that busines. Wherupon the said confiderators did set downe in writinge before hand what they would have the said Luke Hatton to acknowledge, which writinge followeth in these words, viz: Upon the thre and twentye of this month my Lady of Exeter sent for me, and when I came I found her very desperate, and she tould me she sent for me to aske my advice for that she never was in so evill a case. I asked her what the matter was. She toulde me that she had mett my Ladye Roos who had enquired of a paper that her husband had given his granfather and divers other things, and that it was come to my Lord of Exeters eare, who had enquired of her to what end theire metinge was; and that she had tould him how my Lady Roos had enquired about that paper and divers other things, and that now my Lord did meane to bringe it in question and would have her to vowe it upon her oath, which because she had refused to doe he had called her Strumpett, and was so much offended with her that he would not lett her come to him. And sayth she, on the other side you knowe my Ladye Roos may undoe me. Wherefore I praye, qouth she, advise me what to doe. I answeared her that she had caryed this busines soe evill that he knowe not what to say to it, but he thought it was her wiseste course to use all the meanes she could to make her Lord give Mr Secretaries Lake satisfaction. She tould me there was noe thinkinge of that, ther was noe goeinge about yt, and was like a made [mad] woman when I tould her soe. Noe, saith she, ther was noe way for me but to give my Lady Roos a dramme or catch her in some tricke or other. I tould her she had more nede aske Gods forgivenes. She asked me if I would make her made, for she hade noe way else in the world for her. But, qouth she, I heare she loves her father wonderfullye, wherfor I feare she haith tould her (sic). Wherfore, quoth she, I have noe waye but to make away [with] him. I tould her I would not be her counsell to that wicked busines, and was goinge away, but she tould me she had thought upon a better way then all those. Which [was] that she remembered a plot that my Lord Roos had upon Mr Secretarye Lake, which was [a] certaine plott that Mr Secretarye Lake had with some others against the Kinge in the Quenes tyme, and said she had them in writinge and desired one to be a witnesse to them. I asked whether she had found me ever such a villaine to do such a thinge, and tould her I would be her faith full freind in anye honest busines. And soe I left her. Signed Luke Hughton. Which writinge beinge so prepared by the said confiderators, on the seaventh day of Januarie last past the said Ladye Roos by the advice of the rest of the confederators sent the said Sarah ther servant to the house of your highenes said subjecte, with a message to the said Luke Hatton willinge him to come presentlye unto her for that the said Ladie Roos had earnest and present occasion to speake with [him] for his owne good. Where upon the said Luke Hatton repared unto her the said Ladie Roos to the house of the said Sir Thomas Lake in the Strend in the countye of Midd[lesex], wher the said Sir Thomas Lake and the rest of the confiderators were reade (sic) prepared to enter into speache with him. And then and ther the said Sir Thomas Lake and the rest of the confederators demaunded of the said Hatton what he knewe touching your subjecte the Countesses purpose to poyson the said Sir Thomas Lake and the Ladye Roos, who denyed he knewe any such thinge, and then shewinge him the said writinge demaunded of him whether he had not delivered the same to the said Ladye Roos, who utterlye denied or that he knewe anie the contentes thereof to be true. And after manye questions mor demaunded of him and some other matters laid to his charge concerninge interrogatories in a cause dependinge in the honourable Court of Starre Chamber betwene your Maties Atturney Gennerall, playntiffe, and Sr Peter Chapman, kt, and other defendantes, to gether with many faire persuasions and manye speches, threats and menaces used unto him by the said confederators, when they sawe that they could gett nothinge from him accordinge to theyre desire and expectation, the said Sir Thomas Lake, it beinge in his owne cause, committed the said Luke Hatton close prisoner unto a pursevant attending on him as your Maties Secretary of State with commandement that noe person should speeake with him but such as brought token from the said Sir Thomas Lake or from some other by his appointment, duringe the tyme of which imprisonment the said confiderators and messengers from them resorted to the said Hatton and by many persuasions, threats and evill words would have drawne him to confesse the said writinge so shewed unto him to be of his settinge downe, and to be delivered by him to the said Lady Roos, and that he would testify the matter conteyned in the said writinge so shewed unto him to be of his settinge and to be delivered by him to the said Ladye Roos, and that he would testyfye the matter conteyned in the said writinge, and the said other matters wherwith he had beene charged, to be true. But the said Hatton not moved with theire persuasions, threats or evill language would not be drawne to speake against the truth or his owne knowledge, wher upon the said confiderators much reviled the said Hatton and threatned to punish and vex him further for not yeildinge to theire desires. Upon which commitment the said Sir Thomas Lake sent to speake with your subject the said Countisse, who till that tyme never knewe or suspected that any such injurious and wicked courses were intented or practised against her by the said confiderators. After which the said Sir Thomas Lake and the said Countisse meetinge together, the said Sir Thomas Lake moved her that the matter might be referred to private freinds to heare, and semed to lay all the faulte on the said Hatton. But your subject the said Countisse, knowinge how farre her honnor, credit and reputation was touched by the said most injurious and unlawfull cowrses taken against her and that noe private examination thereof could doe her right therin, your said subjecte the same day after she had heard thereof made humble suite to your most excellent Matie thath (sic) the same might receive a publique examination and discoverie, wher upon your Matie, out of your royall justice and gracious favour to your said subject so extreamelye slandered and conjured, was gratiouslye pleased to referre the same to examination of some honorable persons before whome, as also in the presence of manye others at divers other tymes, the said Ladye Roos by the direction and advise of the rest of the said confiderators did audatiouslye and without all coulor of truth or good proofe affirme, reporte and give out that your subjecte the said Countisse had committed the said most horrable sine of inceste with the said Lord Roos, and that to further the said horrible sin and to prevente any discoverie and reportes therof to be made by the said Ladye Roos, your subjecte the said Countisse had contented and practised loysome [? loathsome], wicked and unlawfull course to take away the life of the said Ladye Roos. And that the said Countesse of Exeter had put in execution the said wicked purpose of hers in the monethes of Julye and August in the fowertenth yeare of your Matis raigne, at such tyme as the said Ladye Roos was at the house of your said subjects in Wimbledon in the countye of Surrey, by puttinge the poysone into a glister then alleadged to be receaved by the said Ladye Roos, and also by puttinge poyson into syrruppe of roses then taken ther by the said Ladye Roos, which accusacon was most wicked, unjust and untrue. For the said Ladye Roos was there most freindlye and kindlye interteyned and did then take noe glister to the knowledge of the said Countisse, and beinge not well at ease desired to have some sirrupp of rooses which here upon was delivered unto her with out the knowledge of the said Countisse out of the same glasse from which your subjecte the said Earle him selfe did usuallye take the same bothe before and after. And the said confederators at divers and sunderye tymes, in the presence and heringe of diverse honorable persons and others at your Maties royall pallace of Whitehall and in the cittyes of London and Westminster, have most maliciouslye and untrulye reported and given out that your subjecte the said Countesse haith committed the said horrable crimes of incest and poyseninge, and have lykewise published and spreade abrode the said false and libellous writinge, so by them selves undulye contryved, as a true writinge framed and written by the said Luke Hatton. And have likewise confidentlye reported and given out that he the said Hatton delivered the same to the said Ladye Roos, and that the matter therin conteyned is true, to the great wronge, scandall and dishonnor of the said Countisse. And yet not soe satisfied the said confiderators, for the better maintenance and couloringe of the extreame wrongs by them offered and done to your subjecte the said Countisse, have now of late falselye, corruptlye and malyciouslye forged and contryved and (sic) other lybell or writinge and published the same as written and subscribed with the proper hand and name of your said subjecte the said Countesse, porpotinge that your said subject the said Countisse should aske pardon and forgivenes of the said Ladye Roos for abusinge herselfe with her husband the said Lord Roos, and attemptinge to poysone her the Ladye Roos, and that the said Countesse should make and subscribe the said writinge to give the said Ladye Roos satisfaction thinkinge the same not to be enough for that purpose. Which writinge so framed by the said confiderators themselves and your said suject the Countesse hand and name counterfeited and falsified there unto, the said Ladye Roos and Ladye Lake by the direction of the rest of the said confiderators presented and delivered to your most sacred Matie as a matter of truth doon by the said Countisse, ther by to coutonice(?) the said Countesse of Exeter in the sencere judgement of your Matie of the said grevous and exorbitant crimes. And did with great bouldnes but much untruthe affirme to your most excellent Matie that the same writinge was the hand of the said Countesse of Exeter, and that she had confessed the said offences to the said Ladye Roos and asked her forgivnes for the same accordinge as was sett downe in the same writinge, hoping therby to have persuaded your Matie to have condempned your said subjecte the said Countesse of the said horrible offenses, which was the greatest wronge and hurte they could have doone your said subjecte in this world. But the said confiderators knowinge that your Matie in your most princelye and prudent judgement would never give faith nor creditt to the said Ladye Lake and Ladye Roos in theire owne cause without further testimonye for the truth of the said writinge and confession afore said supposed to be made by the said Countesse, there upon the said confederators have practisyed with, persuaded, corrupted and subborned the said Sarah Swarton, beinge servant to the said Ladye Roos and one that hath noe meanes of lively hoode but by her wages and benyfitt of her said service, to affirme and say that she knoweth that the said Countesse did make the confession conteyned in the said last recyted libellous writinge, and that after the same was made the said Countesse did put the same downe in writinge under her hand, and that she the said Sarah stoode behinde a hanginge in the same chamber when the same was done, and there by did heare and see erer by the said Countesse of Exeter. And the said Sarah Swarton being thus corrupted, prepared and sobborned by the said co[n]federators haith bene drawne with great impudencye and bouldnes most falselye to affirme the same before your most excellent Matie as aforsaid, and lykewise before other honorable persons. All which plotts, conspiracies, corruptions, deceiptes, makinge of libells and false writings, publishinge of the same, riots, and all other the offenses, abuses and misdemeanors aforsaid were donne and committed since your Maties last fre and generall pardon and remayne unperdoned. In tender consideration wherof, and for as much as the said offences and misdemeanors of an high and extraordinarye nature tendinge breache of your Mats peace and are against your highnes good and godlye lawes and in most wilfull contempt of your most gratious government and of your Crowne and dignitye, your Matie beinge the pure and pretious fountayne from which noblenes, [honnor] and eminencye most aboundantlye and most gratiouslye flowe. And for as much as the honnor of your highnes said subjecte the said Countesse haith beene soe maliciouslye and falslye scandalized and wounded as is aforsaid to her great and intollerable damage and disgrace, the certyfieinge, redresse and repayringe wherof is a worke worthye of your royal Matie. And for that the said Lord Roose at and before the time of the said offences doon by the said Ladye Roose was beyonde the seas wher your Maties writ runneth not and haith there fore [? contynued] ever since, soe as he cannot [illegible] for conformytye in this bill. May it please your most excellent Matie, the premisses considered, to grant your most gracious wryt of subpena and other your ordinary proces of the Court of Starrchamber to be directed to the said Anne, Lady Roos, Sir Thomas Lake, knight and Dame Marye his wife, Sir Arthure Lake, knight, Nicholas Ffortescue, Mathew Patteson, Thomas Sayere, John Peake, William Samfoord, John Falkener and Sarah Swarton, commendinge them and every of them there by at a certaine day and under a certaine [paine] them to be limited personally to be and appeare before your Matie and the Lords and others of your Maties most honorable Privie Counsell in your Mats most high Court of Star Chamber, then and ther to answer the premisses and forther to stand to and abide some further order and direction therein [that] to your Matie and your said Counsell shalbe thought meet and convenient. And your said subjecte shall ever pray for the longe continuance of your Maties most happye prosperous raigne over us."—Undated.
Draft corrected and imperfect in some places. 37 pp. (Legal 218. 1.)
The Earl of Exeter versus Sir Thomas Lake and others.
1618, May 21. "The joynte and severall answers of Sir Thomas Lake, one of his Maties principall Secretaries and of his Maties most honorable privie Councell, and Dame Marye his wife, Anne Ladie Roos, wief of the righte honorable William, Lord Roos, and Sir Arthur Lake, knight, fower of the defendants to the bill of Complaint of the right honorable Thomas, Earle of Exeter, knight of the most honorable order of the Garter and of his Maties most honorable privie Councell, and the Lady Ffrancis, his wief, Countesse of Exeter, Complainants:
All advantagies of exception to the incertenties and insufficiencies of the byll of Complainte nowe and att all tymes hereafter to theis defendants and everie of them saved and reserved, theis defendants saye: and firste, the said Dame Marye Lake and the Ladie Roos for them selves say that Sara Swarton in the Bill of Complainte mentioned was for divers yeares past a servante in howse withe the said Dame Marie Lake, for the moste parte attendinge her children whereof the said Ladie Roos was one. And by reason therof when the said Ladye Roos was married the said Dame Marye Lake did put the said Sara Swarton to serve the said Ladye Roos, the said Ladie Roos much desireinge the same in respecte shee had soe longe knowne the service and fidelitie of the said Sara Swarton. And they further say that the said Sara Swarton remayninge in service with the said Ladie Roos, one Diego de Silva, a strainger borne yet a servante of speciall truste and greate accompte attendinge the said Lord Roos him selfe, did by some secrett false practize, tales and informations given to the said Ladie Lake, one of the defendants, procure and cause the said Ladie Lake to remove and put the said Sara Swarton out of the service of the said Ladie Roos neere aboute the tyme that the said Lord Roos went imbassador into Spaine, (fn. 4) which the said Sara, beeinge uppon that occasion departed from the said Ladie Roos, within some shorte tyme after became servant to Sir George Wright, knight, and Dame his wief, as theis defendants were informed. And not longe after the said Sara Swarton her selfe, without anie motion or other meanes whatsoever directely or indirectlye made or used by theis defendants, Dame Marie Lake, the Ladie Roos or eyther of them or by anie other person or persons by theire or eyther of theire meanes, procurement or consent, became a sutor and made meanes to the said Dame Marye Lake and the said Ladie Roos that shee might bee retained againe into the service of the said Ladie Roos; the said Dame Marye Lake beeinge thereunto firste moved by another of the daughters of the said Dame Marie Lake, and consideringe that the said Sara had ben putt away by the information of the said Diego de Silva whose carriage in other things the said Dame Marie Lake had then discovered to bee verie faultie, unjuste, treacherous and unfaithfull to her said daughter, the said Ladie Roos. And therby conceiveinge that the information made and given as aforesaid unto the said Ladie Lake againste the said Sara Swarton were untrue, shee the said Dame Marie Lake was contented to receive the said Sara Swarton into her service to attend a younge childe of the Ladie Lake then to be wained. And the said Ladie Roos haveinge a chambermade attendinge on her then latelie married, whoe was by reason therof to departe out of her said service, the said Ladie Lake was contente in supplie of the said Ladie Roos wante to give her consente that the said Ladie Roos, who then lived in howse with the said Ladie Lake, should receive againe into her said service the said Sara Swarton. And as to all practices, conspiracies, plotteinge, and resolveinge to rase upp and publishe anie scandall or infamie againste the said Countesse or to charge and accuse the said Countesse with crimes of inceste or poisoninge, or to set upp an auther for the same pretended accusation, or to procure som testimonie or showe of truth for the same, or to anie agreement or resolution to doe the same eyther by the said Sara Swarton or by anie other persone whome they mighte overcome or corrupte by reward, or whome by some waye or circumvention they mighte drawe or induce to take uppon them the said accusation, or the callinge to mynd that the said Sara Swarton might bee a fitt instrument for them for that purpose, or to the useinge of anie perswasion or promisse by them or anie of them to the said Sara Swarton to leave her said ladie and mistris whome shee then served and to com againe to serve the said Ladie Roos, or to the practizeinge or perswaidinge of the said Sara or anie subbornation used to drawe the said Sara againe into the service of the said Ladie Roos for the purpose in the bill mentioned, or wininge the said Sara to promisse and undertake to affirme and depose whatsoever the said defendants or anie of them wold desire; all the said defendants and everie of them thereunto saye that they joyntelie and seaverallie or with anie others did not practize, conspire, confederate, plote or resolve to rase upp or publishe anie scandall or infamie againste the said Countesse, or to charge or accuse the said Countesse with anie of the crimes aforesaid, or to doe, use, promisse or undertake all or anie of the matters or things aforesaid directely or indirectelie therein, or in anie other sorte then hereafter in these defendants answers is expressed.
And as concerninge the imprisoninge of the said George Gwilliams in the bill named, this defendant, Sir Thomas Lake, for him selfe saith: that hee beeinge one of the princepalle secretaries to his Matie, and haveinge amongste other things receaved advertizement from one imployed in the lowe Cuntryes in his Maties service that the said George Gwilliams had ben there, and had there amongste other things begann to relate the whole discourse of the Lord Roos his last departure out of this kingdome. And that hee the said Gwilliams there seemed to rejoyce much that hee was privie and a cheiffe actor in a pllot that was soe cuningly contrived and effected, further declareinge the mannor of conveyeinge the stuff by nighte in a coatch. And that his lord, meaninge, as this defendant taketh it, the Lord Roos, had left him behind to dispatch certaine busines with order to cum after him or to that effecte, soe neare as this defendant cann remember. And this defendant haveinge thereuppon and for that cause further inquiered of the said Gwilliams, did understand that hee the said Gwilliams had ben a servante to the said Diego de Silva but not to the said Lord Roos. And that hee the said Gwilliams had ben suspected of takeinge awaye and imbesleinge of divers of the Lord Roos his goods oute of his Lordships late dwellinge howse situate in or neare Charterhowse London, and of conveyeinge the same unto the howse of Deigo de Silva, his master. And that the said Gwilliams haveinge beene searched for and persewed for the same did escape the said search and thereuppon fleed or went beyond the sease into the lowe Cuntryes aforesaid, and that hee was returned againe and remained in London. Hee, this defendant, beeinge charged to inquier where the said Lord Roos was and what his carriadge was beyonde the sease, beinge departed out of this realme without his Maties lycence, and haveinge at the same tyme letters in his hand from the lords of the Councell to send to the Lord Roos for his comeinge home, and supposeinge to finde out by the said Gwilliams where the said Lord Roos was, hee, this defendant, for these causes and uppon theise misdemenours sent a warrante for the said Gwilliams to bee brought unto the said defendant by one of the messengers of his Maties Chamber then attendinge on him, this defendant, for his Maties service; whoe uppon search findinge the said Gwilliams brought him before this defendant. Whereuppon this defendant examined the said Gwilliams at White Hall uppon the matter wherof he, this defendant, had ben advised as aforesaid and other circumstances concerninge the Lord Roos his departure, and touchinge his owne departure without licence. And findinge the said Gwilliams that hee would not discover anie thinge touchinge the same but absolutely denie all, and that which hee the said Gwilliams him selfe had formerlie confessed in the lowe Contryes, whereof this defendant had received advertizement as aforesaid, hee, this defendant, thereuppon and for that cause did send the said Gwilliams in execution of his Maties service to the gatehowse at Westeminster, presumeinge that the said Gwilliams after some punishmente indured wold make a better discoverie; which hee the said Gwilliams still obstinatelye refuseinge to doe, this defendant within fewe dayes after did discharge him out of his imprisonment, causeinge a bond to bee taken of him with securities in his Maties name for his personall apparaunce before the righte honorable the Lords of his Maties moste honorable privie Councell within tenn dayes next after notice and warninge given and lefte at the dwellinge howse of one Tho: North in Sheere Lane in the parish of St. Donstons London, as by the said bond and condition therof whereunto this defendant for more certaintie referreth him selfe more at large appeareth. But this defendant doth utterlye denye that hee did at anie tyme send for the said Gwilliams by a pursevante or otherwise for anie cause of this defendants owne or for anie other cause then he hath before declared; and the said defendant doth allsoe denye that hee did examine the said Gwilliams touchinge his knowledge of the crymes and offences mentioned in the said Bill concerninge the said Countesse or of some or anie of them, or that he did seeke by fare words, perswations or otherwise to drawe the said Gwilliams to charge the said Countesse with the said crymes and offences or with some or anie of them, or that the said defendant did revile the said Gwilliams tellinge him that hee was privie and knoweinge of the said matters, or that hee had threatned the said Gwilliams that hee wolde laye greevous punishement on him yf hee wold not confesse the same, as in the said Bill is moste slanderouslye and untruely is supposed.
And theis defendants, the Ladye Lake and the Ladie Roos and Sir Arthur Lake, doe saye concerninge the imprisonment of the said George Gwilliams, and allsoe concerninge the pretended perswadinge or threat[n]inge of the said Gwilliams, and as concerninge anie resolution or confederacie in them or anie of them to drawe the said Gwilliams to declare his knoweledge of anie the crymes or offences wherewith it is untrulie supposed by the said Bill that theis defendants shold scantalice and slander the said Countesse; and concerninge the perswadinge the said Gwilliams by faire words or otherwise or by threatneinge the said Gwilliams to speake or discover his knowledge touchinge anie such crymes or offences or threatninge to laye punishment uppon him yf hee wold not confesse the same. And concerninge the said Ladye Lakes moveinge the said Gwilliams to write his name under a writen paper which the Ladye Lake then held in her hand, they the said Dame Marye Lake and the Ladye Roos beinge informed that the said Gwilliams had conveyed certaine goods of the Lord Roos out of his late Lordships howse in or neare Charterhowse aforesaid, a warrante was procured from Sir Thomas Ffowler, knight, to search in suspected places for the same, and that a search beinge by vertye therof made in some place or places suspected whereunto the said Gwilliams did resorte, and that the said Gwilliams escapeinge the said search and beeinge afterwards, as this defendant hath heard, furnished with monie from the wiefe of one Diego de Silva, absented him selfe from the place of his former abode and went beyond the seas, soe as this defendant hath ben crediblie informed, the said defendant Sir Thomas Lake beinge then attendinge uppon his Matie in Scotland. And the said Dame Marye Lake doth further saye that the said Gwilliams beinge returned into England and beinge sent unto the Ladie Roos before his committment to thend shee mighte inquier of him concerneinge some goods of the Lord Roos conveyed, as she had heard, out of his Lordships howse at Charterhowse after his departure, the said Dame Marye Lake beinge then in the companie of the said Ladie Roos at her the said defendants husbands howse, where the said Ladie Roos liveth and recydeth, was requested by the said Ladie Roos to question of him the said Gwilliams some matters of him touchinge the said goods, which shee did accordingely, but did not question him anie thinge concerneinge the said Countesse or anie of the said crimes, slanders or defamations mentioned in the said Bill, neyther did shee move him . . . (fn. 5)
. . . in the howse when the said Hatton was spoken withall on the said viith day of January laste paste, and as to any affirmations and reports wherewith the said defendants are charged in the said Bill to have made concerneinge the said Countesses ill dealinge and intended poysoninge of the Ladie Roose, the said defendants saye: and firste, the said Ladie Roos for her selfe say[s], that shee beeinge called and brought before the righte honorable the Lord Chancellor and the Lords Cheif Justices by his Maties direction to bee examined uppon the matters touchinge the said Luke Hutton, and beinge often earnestlye by their Lordships [? urged] to declare and expresse what reason shee, this defendant, had to beleve that the said Countesse should indeavour to take away her, this defendants, life, did in thend saye unto their lordships uppon theis demaunds and examination as aforesaid, that shee had reason to suspecte and believe it for that the said Countesse did knowe that the Lady Lake had discovered to this defendant some fowle matter betwixte her and an other Gentleman concerneinge some speches and letters then not longe before or aboute her marriadge with the said Earle, which if shee, this defendant, shold have revailed mighte worke the said Countesse greate troble, as allsoe that the said Countesse had taken awaye and deprived this defendant of the love and affection of her husband, the said Lord Roos, by her unseemely covetinge and effectinge of the said Lord Roos, and that therefore the said Countesse was willinge and desiorous that this defendant should allsoe bee maide away. But when this defendant did understand that in a glister which the said Countesse, under cullor and pretence of care of this defendants health, did advise this defendant to take at Wimbletone in the ffowerteenth yeare of his Maties raigne, shee the said Countesse had by secrett practize caused poysonable matter to bee mixed theire in and to be given to this defendant, and that the said Countesse had thereby indevored the poysoninge of this defendant as by the stronge vehement extraordinary and stronge opperation there of in this defendants bodye thereuppon appeared.
And when the said Countesse her selfe beeinge then shortlye after charged therewith by this defendant, did both by word of mouth and under her owne hand writeinge confes and acknowledge her said attempte to poyson this defendant, as allsoe other wrongs from tyme to tyme to this defendant done, with a craveinge pardone of this defendant and an askeinge of Gods and [her] forgivenes for the same; this defendant had not onelye good cause to beeleive the said practizes and attempts of the said Countesse againste the said defendant to bee moste true, but allsoe to crye out againste such outragies and seeke releife therefore by some speedye course and remedye, rather then to suffer her husbands love to be taken from her and her owne life to bee indaingered as aforesaid. And this defendant doth allsoe beeleive the intended poysoninge aforsaid and all other the premmises to be true, and that the said Countesse hath not onelye ben the meanes for the conveyeinge of her, this defendants, lord and husband out of the kingdom into fforraine partes unknowne unto this defendant, but allsoe by theire meanes and freinds doth conveye messages and letters unto the said Lord Roos, and doth receive manie letters and messages from the said Lord Roos, and allsoe assurances of some of his mannors, lands or woods to the vallue of manie thowsand pounds for and towards the payment of the composition monie which the said Countesse was and is to paye unto the said gentleman for the concelinge of the said speeches and callinge of the said letters as allsoe for her selfe; and for that amongste all the said letters, messuages (sic) and assurances aforesaid sent from this defendants husband noe word, letters or mention came from the said Lord Roos unto this defendant, neyther did the said Lord Roos, beeinge this defendants husband and to whome this defendant hath allwaies beene both a faithfull and dutiful wife, once remembred (sic) this defendant with anie letter, message or token dureinge all his tyme of absence beyond the sease, but in place of this defendant hath directed and sent his letters and messages unto the said Countesse as this defendant is informed, notwithstandinge that the verye nighte before his goeinge from hence hee departed from this defendant with greate showe of love and kindenes which, the premisses considered, cannot but greive this defendant, and make her soe to beeleave and say as aforesaid. Albeit this defendant to her greate wronge hath hither to uppon hope of amendement ben to much pacient and silente theirein for her lord and husbands sake aforesaid, with this that the defendant doth and will justifie unto this honorable Courte that it the glister aforesaid mixed as aforesaid was ministred unto this defendant by the direction and appointment of the said Countesse as aforesaid, and were (sic) by the like directions and appointment of the said Countesse mixed and intermingled with poyson to thentent and purpose aforesaid to take awaye this defendants life, the which the defendant hath to much cause to remember and verilie beeleiveth that the said Countesse cannot as yet have forgotten. And as to anie publication, affirmation or reporte, saveinge to the Kings Matie himselfe, the lords of his Maties moste honorable privie councell before whome this defendant was likewise called and examined by his Maties direction, and saveinge to such as were of her councell and with whome shee tooke advice, and such as were to instructe her councell to drawe her answer or were imployed or used for advice aboute the same, shee this defendant is not thereof guiltie in such mannor and forme as in the said bill is untrulye alledged and set forth.
And the said Sir Thomas Lake and Dame Marye his wiefe for themselves say, that they the said defendants conceiveinge for manie reasons, the perticullors whereof maye hereafter bee made manifeste by prouf, that the matters touchinge the inceste and poysoninge in the bill mentioned were true, and thereuppon and after the said Countesse had soe complained as aforesaid, theis defendants intendinge to use all ordinarie and lawfull meanes for their further information and for the more cleare manifestation of the truth or untruth of the same, have spoken thereof to some of their private freinds and learned councell by way of consultation and takeinge advice how to prosecute it and to bee directed therein; as allsoe howe to righte and free their said daughter the Ladie Roos from such practizes, wrongs and dangers as aforesaid, and to such as were to instructe their councell and were used aboute their answers. But other speakeings and publishinges in the bill mentioned this defendant Sir Thomas Lake doth utterlye denye. And the said Ladie Lake for her selfe doth further saye, that findeinge in the absence of her husband, when he attended his Matie in Scotland as aforesaid, that a rumor was raised by the said Countesse and other of the kindred and freinds of the Lord Roos that his lordship was insufficiente for matter of marriadge, shee, this defendant, did speake unto an honorable person allied unto the said Countesse wishinge him to tell her the said Countesse that shee should doe well to desiste from makeinge such untrue reports, leaste it should give an occation to her the Ladye Lake to discover that shee the said Countesse rased that reporte to collor some crimes of her owne. And other speches then as aforesaid, and some letters and passages betwixte this defendant and the said Countesse her selfe, and such matters as pased betweene them in private, shee this defendant hath used none in scandall of the said Countesse.
And the Ladye Roos doth for her selfe further saye, that uppon some expostulations as aforesaid betweene her the said Ladye Roos and the Countesse of Exeter concerneinge the matters of the said bill, shee the said Countesse of Exeter for quietinge and satisfyinge of this defendant, did with her owne hand sett downe in writeinge as followeth in theis words followeinge: I doe heare confes that I have don my Ladie Roos a greate deale of wronge, firste by abuseinge my selfe with her husband, and then attemptinge her life by poyson for feare shee should revaile it; and I doe hartelie aske God and her forgivenes, and have writene this to give her satisfaction, and doe thinke this nor anie other thinge I cann doe inoughe satisfaction for her. June xvth, were (sic) unto is subscribed Ffrances Exeter as by the said writeinge appeareth, whereunto for more certaintie this defendant refereth her selfe. And the same writeinge, soe by the said Countesse writen as aforesaid, the said Countesse did deliver unto this defendant, which writeinge this defendant did lately showe unto the Kings Matie therby to give unto his Matie satisfaction concerneinge a petition and complaynte exhibited by the said Countesse to his Matie againste this defendant and the Ladye Lake her mother, chargeinge this defendant and her said mother with damnable practizes and subornation; and that shee, this defendant, hath in mannor as aforesaid affirmed the same to bee the handwriteinge of the said Countesse, and she hath and doth under the favor of this honorable Court thinke it lawfull for her soe to doe.
And the said Sir Thomas Lake for him selfe saith, that untill uppon the occasion of the said Countesses petition aforesaid hee had not seene the said writeinge of the said Countesse which was a litle before the deliverie of it to his Matie.
And the said Dame Marye Lake doth for her selfe saye, that shee had never seene the said writeinge at all, nor had heard thereof untill the Ladye Roos had shewen the same to the Kings Matie, but since that tyme the said Sir Thomas Lake and Dame Marye his wife doe say that uppon the relation of the said Lady Roos they have privatelye spoken of the said writeinge to their councell learned in the lawes and to private freinds with whome they have consulted and advised howe to proceed touchinge the same, and aboute the complayntes maid by the said Countess. . . ."
Imperfect. 50 pp. of which pp. 19 to 34 are missing. (Legal 237/9.)
Lord Arundel.
[1618, June 7]. "The Lord Arundell hath not only performed his promise to Mr Attorney, but hath alsoe at the earnest perswasion of Mr Attorney exceeded his promise in submittinge him self to Mr Attorneys censure concerninge the acquitinge of all the large bounds.
Nowe the difference is not whether the deare shall saflie feede and be kept in the Lord Arundells copces in Tollard (which is all that is demaunded in the bill), and which the Lord Arundell for the satisfaction of his Matie would have yeelded unto, but whether the Lord Arundells owne land lyinge within the large bounds shalbe freede, which though it hath bine often offered, yet nowe Mr Dowthwhite seemeth to denie it or avoide it by sayinge that they never meant noe other land of the Lord Arundells but his Wilt[shire] lands, soe as when my Lord Arundell hath yeelded to the desire in my Lords bill, yet shall he againe be sued for his lands in Dorsetshire.
The Lord Arundell hath bine soe willinge to give his Matie satisfaction as rather then to hould anie land which mought breede anie offence in his Matie towards him, he hath offered his land to my Lord of Salisburie either to buy or to exchange.
If my Lord of Salisburie would give my Lord Arundell oportunitie to perswade with the rest of the defendants, it is liklie that they mought be brought to a reasonable submission and all suits quietly ended, neither can my Lord of Salisburie have anie prejudice thereby.
The Lord Arundell hath noe reason to yeeld to the demaund of my Lord of Salisburies bill unlesse therby he maie worke his generall peace. Tyme will shew whether the plaintiff or defendant hath deserved better of his Matie in this busines; in the meane tyme Mr Attorney can witnes that the Lord Arundell hath not only performed but exceeded his promise."—Undated.
(?) Contemporary copy. Endorsed: "L. Arundell, 7 Jun: 1618." 1 p. (200. 165.)
T. Shotbolt to — Kedgeley (? Keighley).
[Before July, 1618]. "Mr Christopher the bursekeeper hath been with me, and for Sir William Harvies his desier it would not be rejected, for that one office beinge theare may bee a meanes to drawe on more. But I pray speake with Mr Norris and advise with him what roome those offices which he hath in his noate may containe, which if there maye bee roome enofe for all it were good to hearken to Sir William Harvie." He is sending to London a great white standing bowl with a cover, which is to be conveyed to the Lord Treasurer's goldsmith residing in Cheapside, who is to make a similar bowl modelled on it for the Lord Treasurer. (fn. 6)Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (General 126/13.)


  • 1. Died in January, 1618.
  • 2. Died on 15 January, 1618.
  • 3. Died on 1 April, 1618.
  • 4. In November, 1616.
  • 5. The next 16 pages are missing, and the rest of the MSS is in another hand.
  • 6. Lord Treasurer Suffolk was dismissed from his office in July, 1618.