Index: M

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Mab, James, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

M'Aula (Maccawla), Alexander, of Durling
-, his complaint against Bingley, 360

M'Carthy (Chartie), Lady Ellen, daughter of Donnell M'Carthy More, late Earl of Clancarty
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 279

M'Carthy (MacCarty, McTartie) Florence, Irish Jesuit
-, created Archbishop of Tyrone by Pope, 72, 101
-, principal negotiator in Tyrone's affairs, 88
-, leaves Rome for Spain, 88

Maccawla, Alexander. See M'Aula, Alexander

McDonogh, Bryan. See M'Donough, Bryan

M'Donough (McDonogh), Bryan, of Coolaney, co. Sligo, Ireland
-, regranted his lands, 348

McGrach, Miler (Milerus), Protestant Archbishop of Cashel
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 175

M'Mahon (Mohan), Owen M'Ivor, Irish Catholic
-, created Bishop of Clogher by Pope, 101

McTartie, Florence. See M'Carthy, Florence

Mackworth, Sir Thomas, of Normanton, co. Rutland
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Mâcon (Mascon) [Saône-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 238

Maden, Mr.
-, 250

Maddingley (Madingley), co. Cambridge
-, 40

Madrid [Spain]
-, letters dated from, 5(2), 16, 17, 18, 306, 312, 335
-, Shirley disappears from, 5
-, courier takes only eleven days to reach Brussels from, 10
-, birth of a son to Constable of Castile celebrated in, 18
-, news from, 307

Madrusio, Cardinal. See Madruzzo

Madruzzo (Madrusio), Carlo, Cardinal, Bishop of Trent
-, his palace at Trent mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 244

Magdalen College, Oxford
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury from Vice-President and others of, 259

Mahon, Ardell McDowrie
-, imprisoned at Canterbury, 201

Maidstone, co. Kent
-, Assizes at, 226

Main, River [France]
-, 105

Main (Mein), River [Germany]
-, 245 (3), 246 (4)

Maine, Duc du. See Mayenne

Maine, Madame du. See Mayenne

Mainwaring (Maynwaringe), Sir Arthur, Carver to Prince Henry
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 157
-, 216

Mainz (Mayence, Mayance) [Hesse, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 246

Mainz, John Schweikard von Kronenberg, Archbishop Elector of
-, 246

Maison Carrée (La) (Maison Quarree)
-, Viscount Cranborne visits at Nimes the temple called, 109

Maison Quarree. See Maison Carrée

Major, Mr.
-, 207

Malby, Sir Nicholas, former Chief Commissioner of Connaught
-, mentioned, 299

Malemort [Vaucluse, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses the Durance at, 110

Malingnes. See Malines

Malines (Malingnes) [prov. Malines, Belgium]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 248

Mallery, Sir John. See Mallory, Sir John

Mallory (Mallery), Sir John, of Hutton Conyers, co. Yorks.
-, 132

Malmesbury (Malmsbury), William of
-, reference to, 68

Malsanger. See Malshanger

Malshanger (Malsanger), co. Hants.
-, letter dated from, 298

Malta, Knight of. See Philibert

Man, Isle of
-, profits of, 7
-, 67
-, conveyance of money from, 133
-, Lieutenant of. See Ireland, John

Mane, Joseph. See Mayne, Joseph

Manfredi, Fra Fulgenzio, Venetian Servite friar
-, executed in Rome, 230

Manners, Roger, 5th Earl of Rutland
-, dispute in forest matters between Earl of Shrewsbury and, 57
-, 61
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 63, 170

Manning, —, servant to Thomas Branthwaite
-, killed by Branthwaite, 333

Mansell (Mansfield), Sir Robert, Treasurer of the Navy
-, 57, 307, 349
-, signs naval estimates, 166

Mansfeld (Maunsfeld), Sir Edward, of Taplow, co. Bucks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 250

Mansfield, co. Notts.
-, manor of, 367

Mansfield, Sir Robert. See Mansell, Sir Robert

Mansfield Woodhouse, co. Notts.
-, manor of, 367

Mantua, Vincent Gonzaga, Duke of
-, his palace at Lake Garda, 242
-, his relations with Venice, 242

M.P. (i.e. Maestro Paolo). See Sarpi

Marcellez. See Marseilles

Marcle, Much (Mitchemarble), co. Hereford
-, 228

Marcle (Martle), co. Hereford
-, 228

Marcos, —, Alcalde of Madrid
-, returns from banishment, 17

Margarita, Queen of Spain, wife of Philip III and daughter of Charles, Archduke of Gratz
-, with King of Spain at El Pardo, 16, 18
-, 88
-, her death, 335 n.

Margate, co. Kent
-, 207

Margitts, George, ironmonger, of St. Dunstans in the East, London
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 27

Maria, Infanta of Savoy
-, rejection of proposal of marriage between Prince Henry and, 343

Mariana (Marianus), Juan de,
-, Spanish historian and theologian
-, his work mentioned, 228

Marianus. See Mariana, Juan de

Marie de Medici, Queen of France, later Queen Regent
-, Viscount Cranborne attends ballet of, 19
-, 215 and n, 234, 269, 310(3)
-, to take oath to treaty, 229
-, Edmondes to discuss the question of Scottish Guards with, 341

Marignano (Marignan) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through battlefield of, 241

Marimont (Marymont) [Hainault, Belgium]
-, Archduke goes to, 51

Marius, Caius, Roman consul and general
-, reference to his victory over the Cimbres, 110, 242

Markham, Anne, wife of Sir Griffln Markham
-, in danger of being robbed of her portion of family estate, 8
-, holds in lease the demesne of Arnold manor, 59
-, 74

Markham, Sir Griffin, soldier and conspirator
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 7, 136, 167
-, requests to have his place of banishment altered, 8
-, 59
-, his wife. See Markham, Anne

Marmande [Lot-et-Garonne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 107

Marmoutier [Indre-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions Abbey of, 105

Marne, River [France]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses, 113

Marseilles (Marcelles) [Bouches-duRhône, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne's description of, 109, 110
-, 138, 146, 156
-, English ship despoiled by vessel of, 226

Marshal, Mr. See Marshall, Thomas

Marshall, George, of London
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 190, 218
-, his pension, 308

Marshall, Thomas, a surveyor
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 20 27

Marshe, —, widow, of London alleged to be recusant, 297

Marten, Dr. See Marten, Henry

Marten, Henry, Advocate-General 332

Martin, —, secretary to the Danish embassy to England
-, presented with gift, 260

Martle. See Marcle

Martyn, Henry, one of the King's trumpeters
-, granted coppices in New Forest, 298

Martyn, William, Rector of Cookley, co. Suffolk
-, involved in legal proceedings concerning tithes, 16

Marylebone (Marrybone), London
-, King to hunt a buck at. 28. 32

Marymont. See Marimont

Marrybone. See Marylebone

Mascon. See Mâcon

Mason, Thomas, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

-, provided by Queen for investiture of Prince Henry, 170

Massie, Mr. See Meysy, William

Master of the King's Revels. See Buck, Sir George

Mathias, —, member of the Danish embassy to England
-, presented with gift, 260

Matignon (Matinian), Charles, Sire de, Comte de Thorigny, Lieutenant of the French King in Lower Normandy
-, fortifies Norman towns in Dauphin's name after murder of Henry IV, 219

Matinian, Monsieur. See Matignon

Matthew, Gabriel, of Sanslap
-, alleged to be recusant, 299

Matthew (Mathewe), Richard, sailor, of North Meols, co. Lancs.
-, involved in an attempt to convey calf-skins illegally overseas, 258

Matthew, Tobias, Archbishop of York
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 150

Matthew, Tobie, courtier and Catholic convert, son of Tobias Matthew
-, thought to have written a book offensive to King, 100
-, acquitted from charge of authorship, 151

Matthias, Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary
-, his ambassador recognised by King of Spain, 5
-, his Ambassador to Spain. See Harrach

Mattyson, William, yeoman, of Fenton, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Maule, Patrick. See Maull, Patrick

Maull (Maule), Patrick, Gentleman of the Bedchamber
-, his pension, 308

Maundy, The King's
-, money to be disbursed at, 349

Maunsfeld, Sir Edward. See Mansfeld, Sir Edward

Maurice, Prince. See Nassau

Mawe, Leonard, Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, signs joint letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury, 15
-, candidate for Proctorship of Cambridge University, 174

Maximilian, Archduke of Austria 244

Maxwell, James, Gentleman Usher his pension, 308

May, Mr. See May, Humphrey

May, Hugh, Groom of the Privy Chamber
-, his wages and livery, 346(2)

May, Humphrey, Remembrancer of Ireland
-, 329(2), 337, 338, 341(2), 346, 347(4), 351, 352(2), 358, 360(2)

May, Humphrey, Groom of the Privy Chamber
-, replaced by Hugh May, 346

May, William, carpenter
-, payment to, 331

Mayence. See Mainz

Mayenne (Maine), Charles de Lorraine, Duc de
-, 107, 112

Mayenne (Maine), Henriette de Savoie, Duchesse de
-, her house at Aiguillon, 107

Mayer, Edward, Deputy-Treasurer of Virginia
-, 318

Mayerne, Henry, son of Theodore Turquet de Mayerne
-, granted denization, 316

Mayerne, Marguerite, wife of Theodore Turquet de Mayerne
-, granted denization, 316

Mayerne, Theodore Turquet de, physician
-, granted denization, 316

Mayne or Maney, Sir Anthony, of Linton, co. Kent
-, 153

Mayne (Mane), Joseph, Receiver of Buckinghamshire
-, claims title to trees in Bernwood Forest, 63

Mayney, Mr.
-, 367

Maynwaringe, Sir Arthur. See Mainwaring, Sir Arthur

Meakelburge. See Mecklenburg

Meath, Bishop of. See Montgomery, George

Mecklenburg (Meakelburge) [Germany]
-, 2, 3

Mecklenburg, Charles I, Duke of 2

Mecklenburg, John Albert, Duke of, nephew of Charles I, Duke of Mecklenburg
-, refuses to arrest Hyll, 2

Medici (Medicis), Don Juan de, natural son of Come de Medici I, Grand Duke of Tuscany
-, 205

Medina Sidonia, Alonzo Perez de Guzman, Duke of
-, expected in Madrid, 334

Mein, River. See Main

Melbourn, co. Cambridge
-, 90

Melcombe Regis, co. Dorset
-, 226

Melksham (Melkesham), co. Wilts.
-, recommendations for improving the Forest of, 179

Melville (Melvin), Andrew, Scottish Presbyterian leader and scholar
-, given leave to take money out of England, 298

Melville (Melvyll), Sir Robert, member of the Privy Council of Scotland
-, his pension bought by Lady Walsingham, 180

Melvin, Andrew. See Melville, Andrew

Melvyn, —, of London, widow
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Mendip (Myndipp), co. Somerset
-, Queen's manor of, 374

Merchant Adventurers, The
-, request that English beer be shipped to them at Middelburg, 43, 234
-, their factors and officers in Hanseatic towns arrested by Emperor's order, 225
-, members readmitted after expulsion for marrying foreigners, 329

Mercoeur (Mercure), Francoise de Lorraine, Duchesse de
-, her chateau at Ancenis, 106

Mercure, Madame de. See Mercoeur

Meredith, John, of Llanelly, co. Brecon
-, alleged to be recusant, 270

Meredith [? John or Edward, purveyors of military clothing]
-, 232

Merhonore (Mere Honour), The, of the King's Navy
-, to be repaired, 307, 349

Meriall, Michael, mariner
-, engaged in shipbuilding, 329

-, 103

Metcalfe, Sir Thomas, of Nappa, co. Yorks.
-, 49
-, involved in legal proceedings over tithe at Aysgarth, 198

Methould, Thomas, of Langford, co. Norfolk
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 91

Methwold, William, Serjeant-at-law
-, succeeds Denham as Chief Baron of Exchequer in Ireland, 332

Metz [Lorraine, France]
-, 246

Meuttas. See Mewtys, Jane

Mewtys (Meuttas) [? Mrs. Jane]
-, considered a very attractive "Valentyne", 15

Mewtys or Meautys (Mewtis), Thomas, private secretary to Sir Francis Bacon
-, interested in purchasing gatehouse and tower of Hertford Castle, 34

Mewtys (Mewtis, Mewtas Mewtus), Sir Thomas, captain in the Dutch service
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 126, 206
-, King requests leave of absence for, 341
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Meysy or Massie, William, Keeper of the Gatehouse prison in Westminster
-, 221
-, to surrender Dr. Bishop to French Ambassador, 343

Michell (Mytchell), Francis, of St. Giles without Cripplegate, London
-, report on his behaviour in Italy, 24, 25, 26

Michell, Gilbert, of Bodmin, co. Cornwall
-, named commissioner to investigate piracy in Cornwall, 11

Michell, William
-, granted reversion of office of Coroner and Attorney of King's Bench, 332

Michell, —
-, letter to, 289

Michelborne, Laurence, of Winchester, co. Hants.
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Middelborrough. See Middelburg

Middelburg (Middelborrough, Midlebrough, Midelbourg) [Zeeland, Netherlands]
-, request for English beer for Merchant Adventurers in, 43,
-, 210, 234
-, letter dated from, 231
-, Viscount Cranborne visits, 248
-, 303

Middleham (Mydleham), co. Yorks.
-, King's manor of, 11
-, 49

Middlemore, [? Edward]
-, 222

Middlemore, Mrs. See Middlemore, Mary

Middlemore, Mary, Maid-of-honour to the Queen
-, receives grant of money from King, 5

-, 36
-, recusants in, 228, 297
-, Receiver-General for. See Davyes, Sir John

Middleton, co. Northants.
-, gale blows down King's mill in manor of, 3
-, 364

Middleton, Roger, Captain, naval commander
-, leaves Plymouth with King's pardon for Easton, 308

Midlebrough. See Middelburg

Midwault. See Mittenwald

Miescowski, —, Marshal of Poland
-, crosses from Dover to Calais, 84
-, ready to sail from Calais to Dover, 290

Mignieux, Sieur de, Governor of Montreuil-sur-Mer
-, 236

Milan (Italy)
-, Viscount Cranborne's description of, 240

Milan, Duchy of [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne's journey through, 240, 241
-, gold and silver twist thread made after the manner of, 346

Milborne, Dr. See Milbourne, Richard

Milbourne (Milborne), Richard, Dean of Carlisle
-, Bosville's letter to, 23

Mildenhall (Myldenhall), co. Suffolk
-, 91

Mildmay, Sir Anthony, former English Ambassador to France
-, 233

Mildmay (Mildemay), Sir Thomas, of Moulsham, co. Essex
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 41
-, appointed Deputy-Lieutenant of Essex, 56

Mildmay (Mildmaye), Sir Walter, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, (d 1589)
-, mentioned, 167

Milerus. See McGragh, Miler

Milford, co. Pembroke
-, murder and arson committed by pirates at, 209

Millan, P.
-, 288

Milles, Ellis
-, granted recusants' property, 259

Miltenberg (Miltenbourg) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 246

Miltenbourg. See Miltenberg

Milton, co. Kent
-, soldiers commit disorders at, 200
-, letter dated from, 201
-, manor of, 329

Minchen Wood, Edmonton, co. Middlesex
-, 179

Mincing Lane, London
-, letter dated from, 9
-, 299

-, transported to Denmark, 339(2)

Minorells. See Minories

Minories (Minorells), The, London
-, King's storehouse of ordnance at, 350

Mirambaut. See Mirambeau

Mirambeau (Mirambaut) [CharenteInférieure, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to chateau at, 107

Mirebeau, Jacques Chabot, Marquis de, Governor of Chatillonsur-Seine
-, 238

Mitchemarble. See Marcle, Much

Mittenwald (Midwault) [Austria]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 245

Mocenigo, Giovanni, Venetian Ambassador in Rome
-, arrogant behaviour of de Castra towards, 81

Modane (Modene) [Savoie, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 238

Modene. See Modane

Mohan, Monsr. See M'Mahon

Mohun, Sir Reginald (Reinald), of Hall near Fowey, co. Cornwall
-, named commissioner to investigate piracy in Cornwall, 11

Moissac [Tarn-et-Garonne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 107

Molyns, Sir Michael, of Clapcot, co. Berks.
-, petition to Percival, 327

Mompellier. See Montpellier

Moncrieff (Mongrief) Sandy [? Alexander, falconer to the King]
-, 114

Mongrief, Sandy. See Moncrieff

Monhain. See Monheim

Monheim (Monhain) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 245

-, 165

-, East India Company granted sole right to import pepper, 154

Monson (Mounson), Sir Thomas, of Burton, co. Lincs., Gentleman Usher of the Privy Chamber
-, granted forfeited lands, 227
-, made Master of the Armoury in the Tower of London, 301
-, 316

Monson (Munson), Sir William, Admiral
-, letter to Earls of Salisbury and Nottingham, 212
-, his plans for pursuing Salkeld, 213
-, further activities of, 213

Montagu (Mountagewe), Sir Edward, of Boughton in Weekley, co. Northants.
-, 235

Montagu (Mountague), Sir Henry, Recorder of London
-, nominated Commissioner for suits, 22
-, 159, 316
-, ready to lend money to King, 183
-, letter to Earl of Salisbur y, 255

Montagu, James, Bishop of Bath and Wells
-, 46, 138, 143, 147, 149(2), 294, 342,
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 143

Montaigne, Mr. Dr. See Montaigne, George

Montaigne (Mountaingue), George, Master of the Savoy and chaplain to the King
-, 73, 153

Montauban (Montaubon) [Tarn-etGaronne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 107

Mont Cenis (Le Mont Senis)
-, Viscount Cranborne travels through, 238, 239

Montélimart (Montlimart) [Drôme, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 110
-, pamphlet against Jesuits printed at, 288

Montgomery, Countess of. See Herbert, Susan

Montgomery, Earl of. See Herbert, Philip

Montgomery, George, Bishop of Derry, later Bishop of Meath
-, 118, 123(2), 346

Montgomery, —
-, 131

-, 103

Montlimart. See Montélimart

Montmélian [Savoie, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 238

Montmorency, Henri I, Duc de, Constable of France
-, his lands in Brittany, 106
-, Governor of Languedoc, 108

Montmorency, Henri de, son of Henri I, Duc de Montmorency
-, Governorship of Languedoc to revert to, 108

Montorgueil (Mount Orgueill), Castle, Jersey
-, letter dated from, 220

Montpellier (Mompellier) [Hérault, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne witnesses award of degree to Scotsmen studying in medical school at, 108
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 108, 109
-, 146
-, Governor of. See Chatillon

Montreuil-sur-Mer (Monstreuil) [Pas-de-Calais, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 237
-, Governor of. See Mignieux

Montsoreau [Maine-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions castle at, 105

Monstreuil. See Montreuil-sur-Mer

Monville (Monvile) [Seine-Inférieure, France]
-, 224

Moore (More), Sir Edward, of Mellifont, co. Louth, Ireland, father of Sir Garret Moore
-, mentioned, 347

Moore (More), Sir Garret, of Mellifont, co. Louth, Ireland
-, to hold his lands in free socage, 347

Moore, Sir George. See More, Sir George

Moore, Henry, of Cookley, co. Suffolk
-, summoned on charge concerning tithes, 16

Moore, John, lawyer of Lincoln's Inn, London
-, counsel to Earl of Sussex, 197

Moore, Richard
-, warrant for arrest of, 46

Moray (Murray), Scotland
-, election as Bishop of Down and Connor of James Dundas, chanter of, 329

Moray, Thomas. See Murray, Thomas

Morbred, Antoninus. See Morebreade, Anthony

Mordant, Lord. See Mordaunt, John

Mordaunt, Lord. See Mordaunt, John

Mordaunt (Mordant), John, 5th Lord Mordaunt
-, his education to be supervised by a bishop, 36 and n.
-, to be entrusted to the care of Bishop of London, 231

More, Gabriel, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge
-, 193

More (Moore), Sir George, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter
-, 346

More, Sir Thomas, former Lord Chancellor
-, anecdote concerning, 167

Morebreade, Anthony (Morbred, Antoninus), Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs letter to Earl of Salisbury, 259

Morehall, Sall, co. Norfolk manor of, 332

Morehay Walk (Morhay), Rockingham Forest, co. Northants.
-, 12

Morelack. See Mortlake

Morgan, Mr. See Morgan, Thomas

Morgan, Sir Edward [? of Llantarnam, co. Monmouth]
-, 74

Morgan, Sir Matthew, former commander in Ireland
-, 74

Morgan, Sir Edmund, the Earl of Pembroke's lieutenant in Portsmouth
-, uses threatening speech, 191

Morgan, Thomas, Surveyor of Woods south of Trent
-, in conference with Fanshawe concerning King's woods, 78

Morgan, Sir William [? of Tredegar, co. Monmouth]
-, named as one of Sir Robert Stewart's sureties, 165

Morgan, —
-, affray at his house in Smithfield, 38

Morhay. See Morehay Walk

Morkeley, William, former Master cook to the Queen
-, 352

Morlewood, co. Gloucester
-, letters dated from, 127, 129

Moro, Don Christoval de. See Castel Rodrigo

Morre, John. See Murray, John

Morris (Morice), Francis
-, grant to, 348

Morrison, Sir Richard, VicePresident of Munster
-, to report on state of province, 306

Mortlake (Morelack), co. Surrey
-, letter dated from, 170

Morton, John, of East Greenwich, co. Kent
-, petition to King, 368
-, request to Earl of Salisbury, 368

Morton [? William, English recusant], prisoner in the Gatehouse
-, papistical sentiments expressed in his chamber, 221

Moseley, Edward, of Gray's Inn, London, Attorney of the Duchy of Lancaster
-, 332

Moselle, River [Germany]
-, 246

Mostyn, (Sir) Roger, of Mostyn Hall, near Holywell, co. Flint
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar, 70

Mote Park, co. Berks.
-, trees sold in, 59

Moucheron, Peter, a merchant of Middelburg
-, his petition to King supported by Prince of Orange, 210
-, his petition to Earl of Salisbury, 231

Mounson, Sir Thomas. See Monson, Sir Thomas

Mountague, Lord. See Browne, Anthony Maria

Mountagewe, Sir Edward. See Montagu, Sir Edward

Mountague. See Montagu, Sir Henry

Mountaingue, Doctor. See Montaigne, George

Mountfield, co. Essex [? Sussex]
-, 232

Mountjoy, Lord. See Blount, James

Mowlesdale, Roger
-, granted recusants' lands, 259

Mugur [? Mughu, Persia]
-, 325

Mulconry, Father Florence (Florentinus), Provincial of the Irish Franciscan friars.
-, Archduke writes to, 9
-, is Tyrone's agent in Madrid, 307

Muler, Daniel
-, his pension bought by Shafton, 180

Munck, Levynus, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 120
-, 146, 233, 285, 338
-, letters to Houghton, 155, 202
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Muneachtis, co. Donegal, Ireland
-, dispute over land called, 360

Munson, Sir William. See Monson, Sir William

Munster, Ireland
-, 167, 305, 306
-, trees to be marked for King in, 305
-, state of fortifications in, 305
-, reference to the Articles of the Plantation in, 337

Munster, Lord President of. See
-, Brouncker, Sir Henry Danvers, Henry

Munster, Vice-President of. See Morrison, Sir Richard

Murey, Thomas. See Murray, Thomas

Murray. See Moray

Murray, Earl of. See Stewart, James

Murray, Sir David, Keeper of Prince Henry's Privy Purse
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 39, 84
-, associated with Russell in setting up brimstone work, 74
-, letter to King, 280

Murray, Sir James
-, his pension bought by Hay, 180

Murray, James [? Master cook]
-, his pension bought by Lady Cary, 180
-, his pension, 308

Murray (Morre), John, Groom of the King's Bedchamber
-, his efforts to establish his position, 130(2)
-, his pension bought by Hampton, 180
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 216, 235
-, his pension, 308

Murray (Moray, Murey), Thomas, tutor to Prince Charles, and Master of Sherburn Hospital
-, to receive timber from King's wood at Chopwell, 28, 44
-, his non-residence at Sherburn Hospital deplored by Bishop of Durham, 74
-, visits castles in co. Durham, 119
-, 140

Muscovy (Muscovia). See also Russia
-, 325

-, Viscount Cranborne wishes Lanier to be taught the "viol" in Italy, 212

Mussy L'Evesque. See Mussy-surSeine

Mussy-sur-Seine (Mussy L'Evesque) [Côte d'Or, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 112

Mustapha Basha, official in the service of the Sultan of Algiers
-, grants safe conduct to Flemish merchants, 173

Mydleham. See Middleham

Myldenhall. See Mildenhall

Myndipp. See Mendip

Mytchell, Mr. See Michell, Francis

Myton (Mytton,) co. Yorks.
-, 365