Cecil Papers: May 1612

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp362-374 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp362-374.

"Cecil Papers: May 1612". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp362-374.

May 1612

The Earl of Salisbury to Viscount Cranborne
1612, May 8. Will. Your letter shows me your love and duty which can draw no more from me than my prayers to God for you, that you may while you live serve Him and fear Him. You do well to observe my direction, for your love in coming would add but trouble, except it could find me amended in some proportion, whereof it is a vanity for any man to expect to see anything if his eye look upon me before I have made up twelve days trial here counting from my first going in, which you must reckon to be from Tuesday at 3 of the clock; since which time I have been thrice, that is to say Tuesday and Thursday after dinner, being driven away on Wednesday morning by the wind, which whenever it rises drives all men from all the baths in the town. This day [Friday] I go in again, for I desire to neglect no time and the sun shines. I have no prejudice by sweating, for I sit no higher than the navel. I am already warmed from that part downward, but the swelling in the thighs, in the knees and the legs has yet small vent, which is it I do expect, and is at the least prepared by this warmth. But if that be all I will try another more warm about Tuesday next, and then within four days more my letters to my Lord Chamberlain shall show you what you are like to find if you come down. I know not what to add but to confirm what I resolved toward God and the world when I came down, and now to require you to let my Lord Chamberlain see this because it contains as much as I can say to his Lordship and more than was needful to you from, though I am your affectionate father, R. Salisbury. Bath, this 8th of May.
P.S. I pray you tell my Lord Chamberlain that I have received yesterday morning his packet bearing date the 6th of May, which gives me good satisfaction for the business it concerns, that doubt only excepted which my Lord touches, though I see no defence for it.
Addressed in the same hand: 'To my Lo. Chamberlain, once intended to Will Cranborne.' Signedpp. (129 106)
[Before May 24, 1612]. The tenants of his Majesty's tenements of Bisley, co. Gloucester to the Earl of Salisbury, High Steward of her Majesty's jointure of that manor.
Certain 'dey' (?dye] houses have been built near and upon the King's custom woods, to the utter destruction of the woods and undoing of the poor there. They pray that the occupiers thereof may be ordered to pull down their furnaces, or to use them no more. Undated
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'The Chancellor to the Queen is to consider of this.' 1 p. (214 68)
Buckminster and Sewstern Manor
[Before May 24, 1612]. Sir Thomas Cave and Sir Alexander Cave, lords of the manor of Buckminster and Sewstern, co. Leicester, and certain tenants and inhabitants of those towns, desire to exchange certain of their respective lands. The lords' lands being held in capite, the tenants will, if they take them in exchange, endanger the whole of their lands with that tenure. It is prayed therefore that tenants taking such lands may hold by the same tenure they held before the exchange; and in recompense the lords will acknowledge a tenure in capite of other lands now held in socage. Undated
Note by Salisbury: that, for the quieting of controversies between lords and tenants, he does not think this inconvenient, provided that direction be given to the King's learned counsel to see the offers performed.
2 pp. (P.1996)
James Busfield, pewterer, to Lord Sheffield
[Before May 24, 1612]. Complains that by reason of the restraint and limitation, the quantity of tin every pewterer is allowed to have yearly is much less than will serve him to supply Lord Sheffield and his old customers. Prays for letters to the Lord Treasurer for allowance to buy 15 or 16 thousand weight of tin yearly. Undated
1 p. (P.817)
James Chamberlayne to the Lord Treasurer
[Before May 24, 1612]. For restitution or satisfaction for such ships and goods as have been taken of the King of Poland's subjects and the Dansickers. Undated
¼ p. (P.515)
Vyncent Chapman to the Lord High Treasurer
[Before May 24, ? 1612]. King's tenant in Middleton, co. Northampton. Prays for warrant for timber to rebuild his mill, destroyed by fire. Undated
1 p. (P.411)
Cobham, co. Kent
[Before May 24, ? 1612]. The suit between my Lord Duke and my Lord [Salisbury] with respect to Elmsoles, in Cobham, Kent. Undated 5 pp. (145 157)
Patrik Comyng to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. There was a letter sent to me by my brother from beyond the sea, which my wife received in my absence, sent from the house of the Spanish Ambassador, but opened before it came to her hands. It contains something necessary for you to know, which no man by the reading thereof would understand. For this and other matters I crave your leisure. When your pleasure is, I shall attend. Undated
Signed ½ p. (130 122)
Farmers of the Customs to the Privy Council
[Before May 24, 1612]. Their answer to the opinion of the Judges, who say they have no patent in being, in respect of errors in the grant. The objections are: (1) that the agreement was to give 28,6001 a year in advance, and it is doubted whether the grant be void or not if the 'medium' should be miscast; to which they reply that the miscasting, if any, is not by them but by the King's officers, and though the surplus may be recovered by law, yet it cannot make void the grant: (2) that the whole rent should have been paid into the King's Receipt. If paid to other men, though they bring a tally for it, yet it is doubtful whether the grant be not forfeited. The reply is that the tally is a matter of record, and it cannot be denied that the money was paid to the King's use: (3) that the rent should have been paid half yearly beforehand. In reply they argue that the lease is not void but only voidable, and if the King accepts his rent afterwards he can not make the lease void.
They pray that the King will not take advantage of any strict point of law to fall out against them, but suffer them to enjoy the grant as heretofore. Undated
2 pp. (196 121)
Joane Danyell to the Queen
[Before May 24, 1612]. Prays her to persuade the Earl of Salisbury to continue his good favour towards her. Undated
½ p. (P.1267)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 185, 584, etc.]
The Earl of Montgomery to Viscount Cranborne
[Before May 24, ? 1612]. 'Only by this meanes can I show how highlie is esteemd by me so noble and deserving a kinsman. Others powers are greater and mor in show, give more asurance. But this beeleave, no hart is fuller of desier to give testimony of true respect borne ever to you then myne, which is confident by you not to be slited for itt, since in you all vertu is to be found.' Undated
Holograph Two seals on pink silk 1 p. (200 5)
John Elphinstonn to the King
[Before May 24, 1612]. In reward for services, begs for lease of all 'dotralles' or 'dotardes', dead wood and windfalls within the parks, forests, etc, in the Honour of Tutbury. Undated
? Holograph 1 p. (132 143)
The same to [? the Earl of Salisbury]
The King having granted him the above suit, he begs that warrant may be given to draw up a grant thereof. Undated
? Holograph 2 pp. (132 144)
The Earl of Montgomery to Viscount Cranborne
[Before May 24,? 1612]. 'So fitt a messenger as this gentleman is I cannott lett pas withoutt saluting you by these lines, which may still justly quarell with you for your forgettfullnes of her whose love deserves to be remembred by you, which itt may challenge from you, who will never prove other then your respectfull cousen, which all ocations shall lett you see.' Undated
Holograph Two seals on blue silk ½ p. (200 4)
[Before May 24, 1612]. Privy Seal addressed by James I to Justices of the Peace granting authority to unnamed persons, designated as A, B, C, D, etc, to manufacture gunpowder, which is needful to the state and also provides employment. It lays down conditions governing the search for saltpetre, particularly on private property, and safeguards King's subjects against abuses. Disputes between them and authorised makers of gunpowder to be referred to Justices of the Peace or town officials. Undated
Draft Endorsed: 'To my L. of Salisbury.' 7 pp. (142 146)
Thomas Hanbury to the Lord Treasurer
[Before May 24, 1612]. As to certain oaks growing upon his tenement in the manor of Somerford, Southampton. The Commissioners for sale of timber have forborne to sell them, but he hears the Captain of Hurst Castle means to take them for repairs. Prays the Lord Treasurer to send for the Commissioners and take fit order therein. Undated
½ p. (P.848)
William Hawkesworth to the Lord Treasurer
[Before May 24, 1612]. Is prisoner in the Fleet. Begs for liberty upon bond to repair to his house called Mytton, Yorkshire, to visit his sick wife, and answer for divers legacies to Edith Paslewe, and William and Rosymond Hartley. Undated
1 p. (P.1409)
Lord Hay to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. Two letters.
(1) I send your Lordship this enclosed with many wishes that you may so study Galen as hereafter your Lordship may never have occasion to become his scholar: for medice vivere est misere vivere. Undated
Holograph Seal 1 p. (197 3)
(2) The business which through your Lordship's forbearance has been so long in hand is at last effected as you shall understand by Mr Dekham.
If I should not look back with a thankful eye to the head from whence all this business sprung, I should wrong myself more than the memory of your wife and worthy father, of whose many noble favours towards me I shall always be ready to make a due acknowledgment. Undated Holograph Seals 2 pp. (197 4)
Paul de la Hay to the Lord Treasurer
[Before May 24, 1612]. As to the estate of his father-in-law William Cecil, of Alterinnes, and the proceedings of Matthew Cecil and his wife. Undated
1 p. (P.1740)
Irish Customs
[Before May 24, 1612]. Paper describing in detail the customs, subsidies and imposts levied in Ireland, with notes of their origin. It concludes by stating that the duties paid to the Crown of England for merchandise do not amount to so heavy a charge as foreign states were and are wont to lay upon merchants, both strangers and subjects; the cases of the Romans, Spain, the Turk and the French being quoted. Undated
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'Concerning Irish customs.' 4 pp. (130 124)
Jewelry supplied to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. Bills of Sir John Spilman for diamonds and gold chain supplied to 'Your Honour' to the value of 12571. Also an account of other work done and allowances for second hand jewels leaving 12681 due.
Also a note by Peter Van Lore with respect to jewelry work by Sir John [Spilman] for "Your Honour" and suggesting further rebates. Undated
3 pp. (140 200)
The King's Revenue
[?Before May 24, 1612]. 'Papers which concern the augmentation of the King's revenue found confusedly dispersed amongst my Lord's [Salisbury's] papers.'
Apparently in Wilson's handpp. (140 48)
The King's Woods
[Before May 24, 1612]. Nine documents:
(1) Sir W. Slyngsbye to Lord [?Salisbury]. Suggestions how to deal with the 'springs' of wood and timber in divers of the King's manors, so as to prevent the present spoil therein which he describes. Undated Holograph Endorsed by Salisburypp. (132 148)
(2) Memorandum as to the spoil of his Majesty's woods, with proposed remedies. Undated
Endorsed by Salisburypp. (132 161)
(3) List of the King's woods which are out of lease in the following places: Smith's of Turner's Court, Redd Pitts Farm, Swincombe Farm, Watlington Park, etc. Undated
Endorsed: 'Note of woods concerning Lord Knolles.' 1 p. (132 163)
(4) Notes with respect to the Forests of Kingswood and Filwood in cos. Gloucester and Somerset: the King's title to which the writer offers to prove. Undated
1 p. (132 167)
(5) Brief of Sir F. Stonor's dealings with Sir Henry Leygh in the sale of his Majesty's trees in the coppices at Woodstock. Undated
Endorsed: Sir Fr. Stonnart.' 1 p. (132 172)
(6) Note upon the claim of the purchaser of the manors of Mansfield and Mansfield Woodhouse to Lindehurst Wood and Nomans Wood in the Forest of Sherwood. Undated
½ p. (132 171)
(7) A rough sketch map of coppices unnamed. Undated
1 p. (132 173)
(8) List of his Majesty's woods out of lease in Oxon. Undated
Endorsed: 'Sir Francis Stonor.' ½ p. (132 175)
(9) Description by John Norden of Northwood Coppice, New Forest, co. Hants, with sketch map and 'conditions to be remembered in the grant.' Undated
Endorsed: 'Mr Mayney.' 3 pp. (132 176)
Henry Knollis to the Lord Treasurer
[Before May 24, 1612]. Is Clerk of the Spicery to the Prince. For his services, prays for grant of the stubbs, mores and roots of trees felled or broken down by winds in the New Forest. Undated
½ p. (P.510)
Sir William Lane to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. After some attendance, failing opportunity to show his duty to his Lordship before going into the country, he writes to remember the same. Prays for his favour. Undated
Holograph 1 p. (206 73)
Petition to [?the Earl of Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. 'A poor husbandman in Lincolnshire' was in his Lordship's service at the time of the outbreak of the Essex insurrection, when he ran by his Lordship's stirrup with his sword in his hand till the evening, and then went to the Tower for the ordnance that were planted against the house. He asks for a loan of 401 for 3 years to make good his losses of sheep and cattle. Undated
1 p. (197 105)
The Earl of Montgomery to [the Privy Council]
[Before May 24, 1612]. My Lords. Whereas it seems there has been some vain, lewd and false report that I should seek to obtain anything from the Countess of Essex that might touch her virtue or honour in the least degree, I do hereby protest unto your Lordships, the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Privy Seal, the Lord Chamberlain, the Earl of Worcester, for your Lordships' satisfaction in particular, for the world in general, for clearing her in honour and for the truth's sake, that there was never any such thing attempted or intended by me; and therefore if any man shall report or maintain any such bruit I will make it good with my sword that he is a most infamous liar. Undated
Holograph Endorsed by Salisbury: 'Th'Erl of Montgomery.' ¾ p. (129 109)
John Morton to the King
[Before May 24, 1612]. For the King's servants, tenants and subjects of East Greenwich, The loathsome, dangerous and infectious state of the main ways and high streets of that town. In this late time of infection, the like sickness happened not in any other place for quantity and number. Their church steeple is also very ruinous and expected to fall, the square tower thereof being rent from the bottom to the top. Complain also that they receive no help from the out tenants of the manor towards their impositions and services. Pray that all landlords of lands adjacent to the main ways and streets be enjoined to pave in front of their tenements, and that the out tenants be required to contribute to the repair of the steeple. Undated
½ p. (P.2016)
John Morton to the Earl of Salisbury
Prays him, as steward of the manor, to further the above petition. Undated
½ p.
John Norden to the Lord Treasurer
[Before May 24, 1612]. Suggestions for improving his Majesty's forests, parks, chases and wastes. Speaks of the 'spawn and fry of beggars and vagabonds' who are likely to increase in the above places, making them the very nurseries of 'idleness, athisme and beggary'; and recommends that they be reduced to a civil and religious course of life by making a more full plantation of men of better worth and carriage, by limiting grounds whereon to erect farms. This kingdom so fast increases with people that many good men are forced with their families to seek, and can hardly find, place to inhabit; and the want of tillable lands is observed to be the cause of the often dearth of corn. Undated Holograph 2 pp. (132 145)
King's Woods
[Before May 24, 1612]. Memorandum in the hand of John Norden, touching the raising of coppices and timber trees in his Majesty's forests, parks, chases and waste; and the enclosing of common field grounds in his Majesty's manors. Undated
Endorsed by Salisburypp. (132 146)
The Earl of Northampton to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. Your letter being brought when I was on sleep, and my men less willing to wake me than I wish, I perused it not till this morning, and therefore could not send it back with that expedition which the quality of the dispatch calls for. The letter is written very justly and suitably to the state of the cause on both sides, as it is ever like it will be, coming out of a man's hand that is master of his own art; and therefore I return it in mood and figure as it came, wishing the parts may be as well performed as they are prescribed. Undated.
Holograph ½ p. (130 158)
John Paman
[Before May 24, 1612]. 'Oratio gratulatoria et consultoria in adventum Jacobi Regis Britanniae in Angliam, anno 1602'. With a prefatory epistle to the Earl of Salisbury. By John Paman.
Latin 79 pp. (298 8)
[Before May 24, 1612]. 'Memoires en l'audience avec sa Majesté.'
Complains that the Dutch besiege two ships of the Archduke's in the ports of Great Britain, in spite of the capitulations of the peace which provide free entrance and departure to and from the ports. [Marginal note by Salisbury: 'None'.]
Complains of the depredations of the corsairs upon the subjects of the Roi Monseigneur, according to the contents of a memoir enclosed. Under pretence of the peace and of traffic, they enter his ports, and on leaving capture what they can. The English have by such depredations done more damage since the conclusion of the peace than before in time of war. Even the Dutch do not do so much. [Marginal note by Salisbury: 'If proof be made of this the delinquents shall receive the pains due to pirates.']
Of the menaces of many English that they will break the peace, and that it is against the wish of the King of Great Britain. [Marginal note by Salisbury: 'These things proved shall be censured as high contempts.']
To show to the King the letter of Don Luis Fajardo and give him a copy of it, so that he may see what he writes on this matter; and the orders that the Roi Monseigneur has given, so that the English may be well treated and the peace observed.
In case order is not given to suppress these depradations, there will be no benefit from the peace, and no merchant will be able to trade. [Marginal note by Salisbury: 'If the conditions of treaty be broken in any degree, the offenders shall be punished, and if there be any other way to be taken to make the fruits of peace more effectual, there shall be no reasonable course denied.']
That Englishmen for the purpose of piracy arm ships in the name of Dutchmen, so that they may carry letters of marque of Count Maurice: as has been seen in the case of the pirates in prison, who had taken the caravel St. Antonio, which has been brought to this river of London. Proposed remedies. [Marginal note by Salisbury: 'The bringing up of the ship is in favour of the Spaniard.']
Complaint of the want of diligence of the officers of the ports: it being notorious that many pirates have discharged prizes in divers ports without being arrested. Quotes the case of the St. Antonio. [Marginal note by Salisbury: 'There is order given in general, and if it be broken in particular by any, upon complaint he shall be punished, but if this were no pirate to his Majesty, then those offices of neutrality cannot be challenged.']
That the Dutch captain, now in prison, who took the St. Antonio, not only speaks badly of the Spanish nation and of the peace, but also shows little respect to the King of Great Britain. [Marginal note by Salisbury: 'This being proved shall be punished.'] Undated
Frenchpp. (99 12)
Plans of Houses
[Before May 24, 1612].
(1) Plan of a house. Undated
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'Mr Spicer's plot with the gallery towards the garden.' 1 sheet (C.P. Maps 2/15)
(2) Similar plan.
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'Mr Spicer's plot without a gallery. Allowed.' 1 sheet (C.P. Maps 2/16)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Mr Rosse
[Before May 24, 1612]. He has received a petition from Rosse's wife who is fearful that some hard measure may be offered her, in respect that Rosse has become aged, and that others seek to intrude into the management of his fortune who are not fit to intermeddle with his son. He admonishes Rosse that better care may be taken for bringing up his son in better fashion than can be done in his own house, and advises him to choose some gentleman to have the care of him, so that he may receive that education which is fit for a gentleman. Undated
Draft, corrected by Salisbury 1 p. (P.2114)
Evidences Relating to the Earl of Salisbury's Lands
[Before May 24, 1612]. Three papers.
(1) Values of lands and leases in possession of the Earl of Salisbury. Undated
1 p. (143 147)
(2) Note of evidences of Bishop's Teynton. Undated
2 pp. (143 150)
(3) Writings delivered by John Dackombe, the Earl of Salisbury's steward, into the evidence house. Undated
3 pp. (143 151)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. I request you in behalf of this bearer, a Frenchman, who is to travel with my sons, that has occasion to go into France before them upon a suit he has in law, that you would let him have the carriage of a packet for his better passage. The man is very honest and trusty, and has lived for his conscience so long in England that by his language he can hardly be discerned to be a Frenchman. If you think it reasonable, effect this for him, being one of whom by reason of my sons' travel, I have much use of. Undated
Holograph 1 p. (130 170)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Lord [? Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. You are ready to censure a poor man too severely for a small fault. I find it true that at some time heretofore some of my servants have been to blame not to let me know of his coming hither to give me notice of your pleasures; but for the day before yesterday I perceive he gave notice to a barber in the street, who he thought had served me still, as he had done long, until he was married here in London. But lay not this nor anything more to his charge, but remit it as freely as if I had never spoken any word against him, for I take him for a very honest fellow, and should love myself the worse if through me he should be any way prejudiced. If you will tell the poor man so much, I shall heartily thank you. I thank you for these enclosed letters, the contents whereof I am very glad of. I am charged to return her most respectful thanks to you for your remembrance of her. Undated
Holograph 1 p. (130 171)
The Earl of Salisbury's Will
[Before May 24, 1612]. Breviat of the Earl of Salisbury's will.
1 p. (143 145)
Francis Steuart to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. Since the defect of my health will not permit me to attend upon you myself, I entreat your Lordship to dispatch my business, not unknown to you, by this bearer, my servitor, and I shall acknowledge myself infinitely bound unto you. Undated
Holograph Seal 1 p. (197 98(3))
Sir William Throkmorton to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. Praying his acceptation of a young deer of 'this summer season', with suitable expressions of esteem. Undated
Holograph 1 p. (197 98(5))
Poem by Francis Verney, dedicated to the Earl of Salisbury'
[Before May 24, 1612].
Begins: 'That I may truly and sincerely sing Fair virtue's worth, grant thou, supernal King.'
Ends: 'For his good deeds let him of heaven be blessed And after death receive eternal rest.'
In praise of the Earl of Salisbury. It contains the following verse:—
'Marlo the splendour of our worthless time
Praised his hero in a dainty rhyme,
And his Leander in a haughtier style,
The nymphs did grace him with a fawning smile.'
35 pp. (233 9)
Concealed Wards
[Before May 24, 1612]. Answers to his Lordship's requests or articles touching concealed wards. Undated
5 pp. (P.2120)
Court of Wards and Liveries
[Before May 24, 1612]. Note of a letter to be written by 'My Lord" to the sheriffs and feodaries, with respect to the payment of levies into the King's Receipt for the Court of Wards and Liveries. Undated
1 p. (P.2291)
William Watson to the Privy Council
[Before May 24, 1612]. Has reversion of an almsroom in the cathedral church of Durham. Prays that the Dean and Chapter be directed to afford him some relief until his room fall vacant. Undated
Note by Salisbury: that the petition is fit for the Master of Requests, and not for him. ½ p. (P.428)
Robert Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury, Lord Lisle and Lord Carew, principal Commissioners to the Queen
[Before May 24, 1612]. Disputes between Daniell Powell, clerk of the court, and the attorneys of the court as to proceedings and fees. Prays the Commissioners to settle the controversy. Undated
1 p. (P.264)
[Before May 24, 1612]. Notes and calculations. Undated
Endorsed: 'Directions for your Lordship to contract with the farmers'. 1p (197. 108)
George Buddle to [?the Earl of Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. The wardship of his wife's son, granted to him, is worth but seven pounds and a noble per annum. Prays for mitigation of the great charges therein. Undated
1 p. (P.1126)
Thomas Bulbeck to Lord [?Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. For the stewardship of Glastonbury, co. Somerset.
1 p. (P.826)
Inhabitants of Farnham Royal to Lord [?Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. They petitioned the King against Thomas Tredway, to redress his enclosures of their commons, and are answered by Sir Roger Wilbraham that his Lordship has stayed the matter till it be further examined. Pray for his Lordship's letter to Thomas Ducke and John Parkins to examine their grievances, and certify for further order. Undated
1 p. (P.2023)
— Honyng to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. Recommends Mr Henry Yelverton, son of Mr Justice Yelverton, for the Attorneyship of the Wards. If he is appointed, petitioner stakes his credit that he (if Salisbury would take it kindly) would give 10001 to be employed upon Salisbury's hospital at Waltham, or in any other wise to any of his followers. He refers to his and Salisbury's connection with Gray's Inn. Undated
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'Honymain'. 1 p. (P.529)
William Hubbock to Lord [?Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. For his letters to Mr Deane, the schoolmaster of Westminster, for the placing of his eldest son a scholar there. Undated
½ p. (P.540)
Francis Jonesone to Lord [?Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. Prays for favourable order concerning the 151 his Lordship commanded of him at Salisbury. Undated
½ p. (P.838)
Richard Nelthorpe to 'Your Honour' [? the Earl of Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. For grant of his own wardship. Undated
½ p. (P.1606)
John Thebaldes to [? the Earl of Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. Prays leave to make a jointure for his wife out of certain entailed lands bought from his brother James, and to sell certain of the lands for the preferment of his children. Undated
¼ p. (P.1957)
Henry Trussel to [? the Earl of Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. 'The humble peticion of Henry Trussel, gent, that yor ho: would be pleased to make hym Deputy Steward of her Maties Mannors underwritten whereof it is saide yor ho: is chief Steward.
Devon: Topsham.
Somerset: Southstoke, Coston, Exmore, Roche, Myndipp.
Wiltes: Cosham.
Dors: Weeke, Portland, Gillyngham cu forrest." Undated
½ p. (P.1252)
Gilbert Wakering to Lord [?Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. For the concealed wardship of the heir of Robert Burnet, of Nether Peeneyes, co. Stafford. Undated
1 p. (P.1029)
John Ludford to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. As to lands in Bermondsey leased from Salisbury by him and Robert Cupman. Damages sustained by overflowing through insufficient drainage. Asks remission of part of his arrears. Undated
1 p. (P.1342).