Cecil Papers: April 1612

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp352-362 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp352-362.

"Cecil Papers: April 1612". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp352-362.

April 1612

1612, April 1. A warrant to the Exchequer to pay Robert Pozner, servant to Sir John Digby, knt, his Majesty's Ambassador with the King of Spain, sent hither by his master for the more speedy and sure conveyance of letters for his Majesty's service, 100l for his charges and pains in that service, as of his Majesty's free gift and reward without account or other charge. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A like warrant to the Exchequer for an allowance of 11911 16s 10¾d to the farmers of his Majesty's Customs and subsidies out of their rent due to his Majesty for the year ended 24 December 1611, either by striking a tally at the Exchequer purporting the payment of so much, or by way of defalcation out of their rent, viz, for the custom and subsidy of certain commodities transported for the Duke and Duchess of Brunswick, 20l: the custom and subsidy of a cabinet of antiquities brought into this realm by Hans von Dirbige and sold to the Prince 62l (?)10s: and sundry other commodities. Subscribed by the Lord Treasurer and Auditor Sutton. Procured ut supra.
A warrant under the Signet to the Master of the Great Wardrobe to make allowance to Hance Popleman, Master cook to the Queen in the room of William Morkeley, of divers parcels of stuff for his livery yearly at the feast of All Saints during his Majesty's pleasure. Subscribed and procured by Sir Roger Aston.
A grant to Sampson Lennard confirming to him during his life the like place and precedency that the eldest son of the Lord Dacres of the South has formerly had; and that after his death he shall be buried as the eldest son of a baron. Procured ut supra. By order from the Lord Privy Seal.
1 p. (129 92)
1612, April 3. A commission for Captain Thomas Button to have the charge and government of all his Majesty's subjects employed in a voyage for the discovery of a passage by the North West to Cathaya and China, etc; giving them licence to transport out of this realm any foreign coin not exceeding the value of 2500l: the same to be transported in the same kind and stamp without new coining, any statute or restraint to the contrary notwithstanding. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Underwritten: Per Gall. ½ p. (129 93)
Sir Ralph Winwood to Viscount Rochester
[1612], April 7. I now make answer to his Majesty's letter by this enclosed, which I beseech you to deliver with the best conveniency, and to be pleased to shadow the imperfections of my writing, which are many, with your favour. The letter is long and tedious, but the negotiation could not be comprised in fewer words.
The Count Maurice accepts with grateful respect the honour his Majesty intends to confer upon him; but being in that quality he is with the States he says, after notice given to him of the choice, he first must receive their approbation.
Perhaps it may seem incongruous in this difference between them and his Majesty in the cause of Vorstius that his Majesty should make show that in the bestowing this honour upon their General he has any reference to the esteem he holds of their alliance. But it is not for the good of these countries in whose conservation his Majesty's crowns are deeply interested, that his Majesty should give way to the designs of them who of purpose by their perverseness study to make a divorce between his Majesty's realms and these Provinces, the more easily to precipitate them into the arms of Spain. This negotiation with the Count Maurice being now on foot is to be followed, but with much secrecy, in regard of the place he holds with the States. Therefore until I shall receive other order, I will take the boldness to address my letters to your Lordship; but whether I shall write to his Majesty or to your Lordship I humbly crave your directions.
I have order from his Majesty by his letters of March 17 to make known to the States of Holland that the resolution which they pretend to have taken about Vorstius gives him no satisfaction. But they are separated to their several towns, neither will they reassemble before the end of this month. Yet since my return from Wessel I have declared to Mons. Barnevelt what his Majesty requires, and that no contentment can be given him but by the banishment of Vorstius out of these countries. He answered that if the town of Leyden should understand so much he feared that the magistrates would retain him still in their town. I replied that if the town of Leyden should retain Vorstius to brave or despite his Majesty, his Majesty had the means, if it pleased him, to use them, and that without drawing sword to range them to reason, and to make the magistrates on their knees demand his pardon. And the like I said of Rotterdam. At this speech his choler was kindled. He said he was born in liberty and therefore could not 'disgest' such kind of language. The King of Spain he said did never speak in so high a style. I replied that I did well understand that logic; he held his argument to be drawn a majori ad minus, but I prayed him to believe that the King of Great Brittany was peer and companion to the King of Spain, and that his 'Mot' is Nemo me lacessit impune. And upon these terms we parted for that time. I find this man extremely distempered, and whatsoever the matter is as extremely distasted with his Majesty; so that I told him at my last being with him that whatsoever I propounded in his Majesty's name could find with him neither 'goust' nor grace. Some say that at his being in England when his Majesty first came to the crown, he conceived some offence which ever since has rankled in his heart, and now bursts forth with more violent malice. I held it necessary for his Majesty's service not to conceal these particularities, which has made me the bolder to give you this trouble, for which I pray to be excused. From the Hague, the 7th of April.
Holograph Seal over blue silk Endorsed: '7 April, 1612'. 3½ pp. (129 94)
Sir Ralph Winwood to James I
1612, April 7. Returning from Wessel, where by order from your Majesty I have concluded the treaty with the commissioners sent from the Electors and Princes of the Union, whereof I make a particular account to the Lord Treasurer, I did happily meet with the Count Maurice at Arneham in Guelderland the last of March. Whom after I had saluted 'affectuously' from your Majesty and in your name rendered him many and hearty thanks for his careful endeavours for the maintenance of the truth of religion, lively expressed in prosecuting the cause against Vorstius and his adherents, I said I had express charge from your Majesty to deliver him this message: That your Majesty conferring the present condition of the affairs of these quarters of the world with those advertisements you daily receive from your ministers abroad, together with the nature and disposition of those men who have in their hands the managing of all business in these foreign parts, can make no other judgment than this, that there is a general league complotted for the subversion of religion upon the subsistence whereof your Majesty judges the main welfare, as of your realms, so of these Provinces, solely to consist. Therefore your Majesty had given me charge out of the knowledge you had of his great worth and the confidence you repose in his faith and affection, freely to treat with him of these points, and to pray him in your Majesty's name to deliver his opinion what way he did hold the most compendious and the most assured to 'counterquarr' these complots and to frustrate the malice of these mischievous designs. After the Count had acknowledged with very humble respect the honour your Majesty vouchsafes to do him in holding of him so gracious an opinion, wherein he said you should never be deceived and in exchange whereof he did present to your Majesty his humble and loyal service, he answered that he did concur in judgment with your Majesty that the main scope at which these plots and practices aimed, which he instanced in the alliances between France and Spain, is this, to root out religion and by consequence to bring under the yoke all those countries in which religion is professed. The first attempt he said doubtless was intended against these Provinces. The means to countermine these projected designs he took to be these: the continuance of your Majesty's constant resolution for the protection of religion; then that you would procure a general confederation between the Kings, princes and commonwealths professing religion, namely, Denmark, Sueveland, the Princes of Germany, the Protestant Cantons of the Swisses and these United Provinces, and of this confederation your Majesty to be not only the director but the head and protector. Lastly, that by the favour, yea, and if necessity did so require, by the assistance of these confederates the Protestants of France might be, if not supported, yet at least relieved from that oppression which the alliance with Spain threatens upon them; and on this he long insisted, as the only coupe-gorge of all resultats whatsoever between France and Spain. When he had long and at large discoursed of these points, I asked what appearance there could be of this general confederation when as these Provinces, which heretofore have been accounted a principal member of the reformed church, began to falter in truth of religion; and that he who solely governed in the metropolitan province of Holland was reputed generally, as he best knew, to be the only patron of Vorstius and the protector of the schisms of Arminius? And likewise what possibility that the Protestants of France could expect favour from these Provinces when the same man is known solely to depend at the devotion of France? To my first demand he gave this answer, that though Monsr. Barnevelt had cast off all care of religion and some towns in Holland, wherein his power reigns, were infected with the like neglect, yet so long as so many good towns in Holland stand sound, and all the Provinces, if this confederacy were propounded it would be at the first motion cheerfully accepted. But he confessed that he found difficulty to satisfy my second demand, acknowledging that Barnevelt wholly is devoted to the service of France. For, said he, during the treaty of truce upon some differences between them the President Janin came to him, requiring him in the French King's name to treat Mons. Barnevelt well, whom the King had received into his protection. He added this second reason, that such letters which the States' Ambassador residing in France has written to Barnevelt (and to him all ambassadors address their despatches of importance) the very autographa themselves he sent back into the hands of De Villeroy. And hereupon he entered into a large discourse how suspicious the proceedings of this man are and how dangerous to their state, when one man, who has the conduct of all affairs in his sole power, shall hold underhand intelligence with the ministers of Spain and the Archduke, and that without warrant: whereby he may have the means so to carry the course of affairs that 'wyll they nyll they' these Provinces must fall or stand at the mercy and discretion of Spain. That therefore some good resolution may be taken in time to hold up the State from a sudden downfall, wherein he said much moderation and discretion is to be used. He told me that he had called hither against Mayday his cousin Count William of Nassau, who is a wise and a religious nobleman, that they both together may resolve of some such course which they hope shall preserve these countries from confusion, under the protection of your Majesty's safeguard and the assurance of your subjects which are in this service, who are both the strength and flower of this army.
This is the sum of all that passed between us in this matter: wherein when the Count had so freely opened himself I made known unto him your Majesty's purpose to bestow on him the honour of your Order of the Garter; and withal both for my better credit with him for this present and my future negotiations prayed him to read your Majesty's letter sent to me. Which when he had done, he said if your Majesty should hold him worthy of so great honour he and his family should ever remain, as ever they have been, bound to your service and to the service of your royal posterity. Why the States should be offended he saw no cause, yet holding the charge he does in their service, after he should have notice of your gracious favour he could not accept it without first acquainting them therewith and receiving therein their approbation. To which I answered that your Majesty did well understand in what quality he lived with the States, and therefore he could not but think that it was your intention, upon the election of him into your Order, to be the first that should advertise the States thereof, and to give me charge to let them know that your Majesty judged that you honoured the mutual amity between your realms and their provinces by honouring the virtues of their General, whose services as they have been most faithful and affectionate, so have they been accompanied with the blessings of happiness and prosperous success. Which if your Majesty shall vouchsafe to do, una fidelia duos dealbare parietes, renverse the designs of them who to facilitate their own practices endeavour to alienate your affections from the good of these provinces, and oblige to your service the well affected people, who well know that there is no surety for themselves, their wives and children but under the protection of your Majesty's favour. This perhaps may ensue, that the favourers of Vorstius and Arminius will 'busse' into the ears of their associates that your Majesty would make a party in these provinces; first, by maintaining the truth of religion, then by gaining unto you the affections of their chief commander. But your Majesty may be pleased to pass forth, whose worthy ends will take their place, which is to honour virtue where you find it; and the suspicious surmises of malice and envy in one instant will vanish into smoke. What hereafter your Majesty shall direct for the continuance of this negotiation, which on my part shall dutifully be observed with secrecy, I humbly attend; praying daily on the knees both of body and heart for the preservation of your royal Majesty. From the Hague, the 7th of April, stilo veteri.
Holograph Seal over blue silk Endorsed: '7 April, 1612'. 9 pp. (129 96)
1612, April 7. A protection for one whole year granted to Sir Vincent Skynner, knt, for himself and his sureties. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
The office of Master of his Majesty's Tents, Hales and Pavilions, with the fee of 301 per annum and other commodities belonging, granted to Henry Sackford and Thomas Jones, gent, during their lives and the longer liver of them, in reversion after Thomas Bedingfield, esq, who now enjoys the said place. Subscribed by the Lord Chamberlain and Mr Windebank. Procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Sir John Trevor, knt, and Robert Treswell, esq, 200l for rails and posts for the 'outring' of Oatlands Park and railing the grounds there according to a certificate under their hands delivered to the Earl of Worcester; to be taken to them without account, imprest or other charge to be set upon them for the same. By order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer.
A grant whereby his Majesty incorporates all shipwrights and makers of ships and any other vessels or of masts, pumps or other implements thereunto belonging, by the name of Master, Wardens and Commonalty of the art or mystery of Shipwrights of Redrith, co. Surrey; and that they may have a deputy in every convenient place of England and Wales, and that they shall take oaths as well for the executing of their offices as of his Majesty's supremacy: that they may admit any of his Majesty's subjects into their corporation; that every one may keep apprentices to be bound for 7 years at the least and to be ordered according to the custom of London; that they may keep courts in their common hall, and make laws for their better government being not repugnant to the laws of this realm nor derogatory to the Lord Admiral of England or Court of Admiralty; that the Master and Wardens may take in all places in England and Wales of every workman, shipwright or other person that shall build or cause to be built any new ship or vessel of 100 tons, or less or more, all such fees and after such rate and in such manner as heretofore has been usual. And his Majesty hereby commands that no shipwright discover to any foreigner not being his Majesty's natural born subject nor to any other not being free and sworn to his corporation nor servant nor apprentice to the said art, the secrets of the art of making ships, nor to take any foreigner for apprentice or servant upon pain of his Majesty's displeasure, fine and punishment. And that they may search and survey all timber and stuff for building of ships and other vessels, and to stay all ships and other vessels deceitfully or insufficiently built and repaired till they be made fit for navigation; provided always that they shall not by colour of this grant hinder or stay any vessel ready to go forth; that they may trade beyond the seas for timber, rosin or other things belonging to ships; and grants to them the office of surveyor of the tonnage and burthen of all new builded ships of 100 tons or upward in reversion after the determination of two former grants, the one to John Grent, the other to Humfrey Jobson: And gives authority to the Lord Admiral to punish such notorious disobedient persons of this corporation as shall persist in their stubborn courses; and grants that they shall be exempted from serving upon juries and inquests and from land service, and that they may purchase lands in mortmain to the value of —. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to Auditor Gofton to discharge John Clifton, late purser of one of his Majesty's ships, of the sum of 261 or thereabouts remaining upon his account of victuals for the said ship. Procured ut supra.
A grant unto William Donhault, esq, and William Donhault, his son, of one house in the parish of Aldermanbury, London, with the appurtenances during the life of Leonora, wife to Gregory Donhault, esq, rendering to his Majesty the rent of 20s per annum, with a grant also to them of the mean profits incurred since the death of Abraham Tryon, the title whereof accrued to his Majesty by reason the said Leonora (who had the premises by gift of the said Abraham) was an alien. The house was by inquisition found to be of the yearly value of five marks. Subscribed by Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer and Mr Attorney General. Procured ut supra.
Undersigned: 'per Gall.' 1½ pp. (129 101)
1612, April 13. A letter to Sir Ralph Winwood, knt, concerning the affairs of Denmark and Sweden.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay Sir John Graham, knt, one of the Gentlemen of his Majesty's Privy Chamber, 15001 arising out of fines and forfeitures reserved for rewards to his Highness's servants: to be taken to him as of his Majesty's free gift after such as have former warrants of like nature. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A Poor Knight's room in Windsor for Richard Norreis, gent, during his life. Subscribed by the Lord Admiral and other Knights of the Garter. Procured ut supra.
A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland. To give order that Sir Thomas Ridgway, knt, his Majesty's Treasurer there, may have the ledger book of his accounts brought over hither at the humble suit of the said Sir Thomas. Subscribed by Mr May.
A letter to Sir Ralph Winwood, knt, concerning Vorstius, the copy whereof is entered in private Signet book.
The office of keeping his Majesty's warren at Hampton Court betwixt the towns of Kingston and Hampton, and of the game of all sorts within it, with the fee of 2s by the day, granted to George Ryman, gent, during his life, in reversion after Gilbert Wood, who now holds it. Subscribed by the Earl of Nottingham. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Underwritten: 'per Gall.' 1 p. (129 102)
1612, April 17. A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Sir Robert Sherley, knt, 1000 marks for a present as of his Majesty's free gift. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A commission for Sir Henry Thynne, knt, to have the government of all his Majesty's subjects now to go in a voyage intended to Persia, authorising him to use martial law in case of murder and mutiny. Procured ut supra.
A licence granted to Sir Thomas Savage, knt, and to Elizabeth his wife, and to the heirs of Sir Thomas, to hold for ever 400 acres of land enclosed for a park, and within it to have a free warren, so as no part thereof lie within the bounds of his Majesty's forests; with proviso that if any person have common pasture within the premises, then for so much of the lands these letters patents to be void. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General. Procured ut supra.
A pension of 501 per annum granted to Richard Putto during his life, to begin at Midsummer next, upon surrender of a like pension of 501 formerly granted him by his Majesty. With a covenant that he shall from time to time attend and prosecute such services as the Lord Treasurer or Chancellor of the Exchequer shall appoint for the bringing in of his Majesty's debts. Subscribed by Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer and Mr Attorney General. Procured ut supra.
A commission for Richard Putto for the bringing in of his Majesty's debts and casualties, granting him all authorities contained in a former commission heretofore directed unto him: and furthermore that he may search and certify into the Exchequer and levy all debts, heriots, reliefs and other casualties, and also all fines, amercements, etc, depending upon record in the Exchequer or Chancery, Star Chamber, King's Bench and Common Pleas; that he may execute this commission by deputies, yet such only whose names he shall present to the Lord Treasurer or Chancellor of the Exchequer and by them allowed. This commission to extend to all debts and premises aforesaid due to the Crown from 30 Elizabeth until Michaelmas in the 8th year of his Majesty's reign. And he or his deputies shall present with the Foreign Opposer and Clerk of the Estreats or any of the Auditors of the Exchequer at the opposing of any sheriffs, and to have place amongst them touching this service, and that they shall give him notice before they oppose; and that he may have and levy all debts due by any debtors or accountants, as also deliver them tallies and sufficient discharge. And that the said Putto shall have the fifth part of all debts aforesaid, and further that he shall have out of the moneys so by him to be received so much money as by bills allowed by the Lord Treasurer or Chancellor of the Exchequer shall appear to be due to him in that behalf; authorising also the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor to make him such further allowance for his service (besides the said fifth part) as they shall think fit. And further, to have one fifth part of every pound as shall yearly be raised by his prosecution above the sum which has been made of the issues of Greenwax. And that in case of extent of lands for debts to his Majesty, the said Putto for his said fifth part may have leases of those lands at such yearly rent as they shall be extended at, which was granted him by his former commission; or else to make him in lieu thereof some other satisfaction for his fifth part, as the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor shall think fit. Subscribed by Mr Chancellor and Mr Attorney General. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A demise made unto William Ashton, gent (at the suit and nomination of Sir James Simple, knt, and Thomas Leigh, esq) of his Majesty's two parts of the manor of Staningfeild Hall and other lands in co. Suffolk, amounting to the yearly value of 421 for his Highness's two parts, for 41 years, if the same shall so long remain in his Majesty's hands by reason of the recusancy of Elizabeth Rookewood, widow; and is done by virtue of his Highness's privy seal whereby there is granted to Sir James Simple and Thomas Leigh so much of this nature as shall amount to 40001. And there is yearly reserved to his Majesty the yearly rent of 1101. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General. Procured ut supra.
Underwritten: 'per Gall.' 1 p. (129 103)
1612, April 21. A presentation to the rectory of Kibworth, Lincoln diocese, void by lapse for Toby Waterhouse, B.D. Subscribed by the Bishop of Oxford. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to the Lord Treasurer signifying his Majesty's pleasure for a grant to Sir George Chaworth, his Majesty's servant, of the benefit of Tomasin Grevill of Seasoncoate, co. Gloucester, recusant. Procured ut supra.
A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland concerning a complaint by petition to his Majesty by Alexander Maccawla of Durlinge against Sir Ralph Bingley, knt, High Sheriff of co. Donegal, who refuses to give possession unto the said Alexander of a parcel of land called Muneachtis in co. Donegal, which is in the possession of the said High Sheriff; authorising the Lord Deputy to call both the parties before him, and having examined their particular titles to the land either to make a final determination of the controversy according to equity, or else to certify the same to his Majesty. Subscribed and procured by Mr May.
A like to the Lord Deputy concerning a like complaint against Sir Ralph Bingley by Sir James Cuningham, knt, and James Cuningham, his uncle, for wrongfully detaining from them certain lands in Ulster; authorising the Lord Deputy to call before him the parties and upon due examination to endeavour to compound the same or else to certify to his Majesty the true state of the controversy. Subscribed and procured ut supra.
A letter to Sir Ralph Winwood, knt, to deal with the States in his Majesty's name for the Lord Buccleugh to have the charge of a regiment there. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to the Lord Treasurer to give order to the officers of the ports to suffer Mons. de Vitry to transport certain parcels of his plate into France for his own use, custom free. Procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Sir George Ramsay, knt, 10001 out of forfeitures reserved for his Majesty's bounty as of his Majesty's free gift. Procured ut supra.
A like to pay to the Earl of Worcester, Master of his Majesty's Horse, 1191 10d which he has laid out for horses for his Majesty's use since December 28 last over and above the sum of 4001 for which he has accounted to his Majesty. And farther to pay the Earl 4001 by way of imprest for further provision of horses for his Highness's present use for which he is to give an account. Procured ut supra.
A usual warrant under the Signet to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for provision of divers parcels of linen and other necessaries for the use of the King, Queen, Duke of York and the Lady Elizabeth for one half year ended at the Annunciation last past. Subscribed and procured by Sir Roger Aston.
A warrant to the Lord Chancellor of England to make letters patents of denization (at the suit of George Halyburton and in consideration of his losses at sea) for two persons only whose names Halyburton shall present; with proviso that all former warrants of like nature shall first take effect. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A grant to the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to hold in commendam so long as he shall be bishop of that diocese the rectory of Stoke upon Trent now void by lapse, notwithstanding any statute to the contrary. Procured ut supra.
A pension of 6s 8d per diem for Elizabeth Button, wife of Captain Thomas Button, during her life in consideration of his service, with a proviso that a like pension formerly granted the said Thomas shall henceforth cease. Procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Edmond Jenny, Augustine Parker and Thomas Cleere, his Majesty's officers of the port of Ipswich, thirty pounds for their travail and charges about inquiring out certain his Majesty's debts within that port and other ports within cos. Norfolk and Essex. Procured ut supra. By order from the Lord Treasurer.
A discharge unto William Garway, Francis Jones and Nicholas Salter, and to all persons bound with them for the payment of the yearly rent of 120,0001 to his Majesty for the customs of goods brought into this realm, as also for the payment of the yearly rent of 6001 for beer transported into the parts beyond the seas; with commandment that all indentures and obligations shall be forthwith cancelled concerning the premises. Subscribed by the Lord Treasurer, Sir Julius Caesar and Mr Attorney General. Procured ut supra.
Subscribed: Fra. Gall 2 pp. (129 104)
1612, April 24. A letter to Sir Ralph Winwood, his Majesty's Ambassador resident with the States of the Low Countries, in behalf of a poor merchant of Edinburgh who complains of wrong done him by a master of a ship of that country. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A licence to travel for three years granted to the Lord Roos with— servants, — horses and — pounds in money. Procured ut supra.
A letter to the Mayor of Lynne presently to set at liberty Thomas Arnott, a Scottishman there in prison for killing John Greene, a Scottishman. Arnott having had his trial in Scotland the matter was found but manslaughter, and the adverse parties received satisfaction. Procured ut supra.
A letter to Mr Attorney General at the suit and in the behalf of John St. Leger, gent., requiring him to send for certain purchasers and by way of composition with them to give him some satisfaction. Procured ut supra.
An alms room in one of the seven tenements in the parish of St Ethelburg within Bishopsgate, London, for Sara Wakefield during her life. Procured ut supra.
A licence granted to the Lord Chamberlain that he and his heirs may keep two yearly fairs with the profits thereto belonging within the town of Framlingham, co. Suffolk, so always as the fairs be not prejudicial to any other fairs next adjoining. Procured ut supra. Subscribed by Mr. Attorney General.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to John Beauchesne 601, and to Sebastian Lakerre 421 as his Majesty's free gift to them for their attendance upon the Duke of York: the one his teacher to write, the other to dance, for this year past. By order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer. Procured ut supra.
A like to the Exchequer to pay to Sir James Spence, knt, and Robert Amstruther, esq (being sent to the Kings of Denmark and Sweden for his Majesty's special service) the sum of 1501 to each of them by way of imprest towards the charges of their journeys; and upon their return to pay them such further sums as by their bills rated by the Lord Treasurer shall appear to be due. Procured ut supra.
An alms room in one of the tenements (fn. 1) in the parish of St Ethelburg within Bishopsgate, London, for Mary Gatley during her life. Procured by Sir Roger Wilbraham.
Subscribed: 'Per Gall.' 1¼ pp. (129 105)
Debts of the Earl of Salisbury
1612, April 26. Debts owing by and to the Earl of Salisbury.
1 p. (143 146)


  • 1. In Stowe's Survey of London, these are described as belonging to the Company of Leathersellers.