Cecil Papers: March 1612

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp333-352 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp333-352.

"Cecil Papers: March 1612". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp333-352.

March 1612

1611–12, March 2. A letter to the Justices of Assize for Cumberland, signifying that his Majesty has suspended to grant his letters of pardon unto Thomas Branthwaite, indicted for the manslaughter of one Manning until his Majesty have further information from them of his trial; and if they shall find it to be but manslaughter and not of the nature of murder, his Highness is content they stay his execution till he shall signify his further pleasure. And in the meantime his Majesty leaves it to their discretion to put him to bail or no. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake: at the suit of the Lord Viscount Rochester. 2 March, 1611.
Signed: Windebank ½ p. (129 33)
The Earl of Salisbury's Will
1611–12, March 3. Copy of the will of Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury, dated March 3, 1611, bequeathing 'this earthlie bodie of myne' to be disposed of by his executors in the parish church of Hatfield, 'without any extraordinarie shewe or spectacle.' They are also to 'cause a faire monument to be made for me, the charge thereof not exceedinge twoe hundred pounds.'
24 pp. (Box V/3)
Another copy 36 pp. (Box V/4)
Sir John Digby to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1611–12, March 4. I should much be discouraged but that I know both his Majesty and your Lordship are formerly acquainted with the strange slowness of this Court. It is now twenty days since I spoke with the Duke of Lerma concerning the business last commanded me, and have used all fitting industry and diligence to hasten his answer. But no importunity is able to drive them here out of their old track and pace, therefore I desire that the blame of this retardation may in no kind be esteemed as any fault of mine; for I assure you I neither have nor shall omit any possible means for the drawing of them to some certain and speedy issue, which so soon as I shall have done I will dispatch one in diligence unto you. Some 6 or 7 days since here arrived a post in great speed from Don Alonso, upon whose arrival the rumour of the strict proceeding against Catholics in England was much increased, as likewise that the Ambassador should be much restrained from many privileges which he and others had formerly enjoyed. I hearing this rumour so generally spread abroad and seeing new invective papers every day scattered, went unto Antonio Arostegui, Secretary of State, and told him I had both heard of many speeches and seen of late some printed relations, which I could not but dislike and find fault with the permission of them to be divulged; for that I knew the King my master's proceedings to be so just and by all men of understanding so allowable, that I did not doubt but that the King here and the Council would therewithal rest well satisfied if they had no other but a true relation of what had passed. He told me it was true that the Ambassador had lately been pressed concerning the access of divers Catholics unto his house, and that the officers were appointed to watch and apprehend divers that should resort unto him, which strictness had not been formerly used neither to himself nor other ambassadors. I made answer that remedies were never put in practice but for the doing of some cure; for the cause of this proceeding in this particular was that to the great scandal of his Majesty's subjects multitudes were seen (and with some kind of insolency) to go and return from his service. I further then told him that I knew it could not but much displease this State if I (who would expect in all things as much privilege as he enjoyed there) would give access unto the subjects of this King unto the use of my religion; and therefore desired him to consider that since the King my master was as well settled in the truth of his religion as any prince whatsoever, and that he was in all things as absolute and independent as any; that those things which in his wisdom he shall do for the governing of his estate and people they would here make the same interpretation of as he did of this King's proceedings, who in no kind meddled or interposed himself in any courses that were taken here either by the Inquisition or otherwise, for the reforming or governing of any of this King's subjects. He seemed herewith well satisfied, rather seeming to except at the innovation than at the doing of it, and said he would do anything for the redress and preventing of any papers which might contain anything to the prejudice of the King, and told me I should do very well to speak to the same effect with some of the Lords, for that he much desired there should be a true understanding of all things betwixt their Majesties, for that the reasons I alleged might much better be urged by myself than by him; the which I should have done before this but that by several indispositions I have ever since been tied to my chamber, as I still am.
I am certainly informed that Don Alonso the Ambassador is very shortly to be recalled; his revocation has already passed the Council table and is now at signing with the King. I have a strong belief that Don Rodrigo Calderon, who is now within these few days in the company of Marquis Spinola to depart for Flanders, is the likeliest man to succeed him. But hereat I do yet but conjecture; when I see a greater likelihood that it will fall out so, I will be bold to send you a particular character of the man.
Here is of late again very much speech of Sir Robert Sherley's business, and they seem here very desirous to prevent his proceedings by sending away with all speed the natural Persian who may arrive before him, and likewise others (whereof one they have made a Bishop) who are to go overland. This King sends a very great present unto the Persian; I will shortly send you a note of the parcels.
Don Cristoval de Moro and Don Pedro de Toledo by commandment are already arrived at this Court, and the Duke of Medina Sidonia daily expected. Many extraordinary Council days are now held more than usual, which makes in some a suspicion of the contriving of some great enterprise; what I can learn of greatest probability is that they are chiefly busied in the perfecting of the conditions with France: of the resolving the fittest course of life hereafter for the King, whether he shall marry or not, (fn. 1) and if he do where it will be fittest for him to bestow himself; of the altering of the course in some points that is now held for the dispatch of businesses—wherein though I conceive the Duke of Lerma will not part with any whit of his power and absoluteness, yet I think he will be willing to have others bear part of the trouble. For as things now stand wholly in his hand, it is one of the greatest miseries in the world to be a suitor or pretender in this Court, for it often happens that men of very good rank and quality in six months attendance can hardly come to the speech of him; and indeed ministers of princes in that regard must often be contented to have patience amongst the rest.
My Lord, I every day am in expectation to speak with the Duke; but to their delays I dare prescribe no certain time, though I hope the messenger I shall dispatch (if he do not overgo) will not be many days behind these letters. And therefore for the present I will crave your pardon, which I am partly forced unto by my indisposition, having by the drawing of a tooth (in which I lighted upon one that was none of the expertest men) so much offended my jaw that the anguish of it has caused an extraordinary swelling and pain in my throat these two or three latter days accompanied with a fever. I hope of amendment, though I have every day hitherto grown worse. Madrid the 4th of March, 1611, stilo veteri.
Signed 5 pp. (129 34)
Undated Minutes Relating to [?France]
[? 1611–12 c March 4]. Seeing this subject whereupon we do confer is of such a nature as there must be an assumption by Ministers for the affections of their Princes wherein on your part such a man becomes caution as M.V. [marginal note in another hand: Query if Marquis of Villeroy?], that which I can say for the beginning must be that whatsoever is wanting in my person whereupon assurance may be grounded regarding the disproportion of my sufficiency or experience, I must challenge to be supplied with the attribution of as much to my faith and sincerity as I do to your oracle, in which kind it is no indecorum for any man to compare or contend with his dearest friend.
Upon which principle granted, I will now stand no more upon circumstance but fall into the main point of your proposition, assuring you that I do know so much of my master's mind towards that King as he hath often told me that he that considers their persons, their fortunes and their dispositions shall find so many concurrences united of essential reasons to make them indivisible as there can be hardly any reason found for their separation, so as, in this case, neither M.V. nor I shall need much to trouble ourselves to use media preparatoria, for they are already wrought to our hands, that only being left for us which belongs to honest servants, to be just instruments to convey their thoughts where they have no means to use their proper organs.
First therefore I will be bold to repeat what I conceive was your overture, lest by my mistaking of the foundation the whole building grow imperfect.
The desire of M.V. to strengthen the amity, the knowledge of his master's resolutions to minister all good occasions. His offer now to make it more than evident by giving charge to him to assure my master in case he will roundly, perfectly and a bon escient join his care and counsel for the defence of the States, that he will accommodate himself to my master's will, upon what conditions soever he shall like. And because he doubts not but the coming of Don Pedro de Toledo gives great cause to suspect some private contract with Spain, in case I shall assure him back again that the King my master will descend into some particulars of this business, whereupon the King may make any certain judgment what to trust to, he will undertake to return an assurance that that contract shall proceed no further, and that he will be ready to treat of an alliance between the issue of our masters upon honourable conditions.
Endorsed in another hand: '1611, abt March 4. Minutes without date in Ja.1.' 22/3 pp. (129 37)
[1611–12, March 6]. A grant to Sir Baptist Hicks, knt, Sir Richard Pyatt and Edward Barkham, Aldermen of London, and others (at the nomination of the Contractors for Parsonages and Chantries) and to their heirs and assigns in fee simple of certain tenements in London of the yearly value of 81 3s 4d towards the accomplishment of the sum of 10,2661 13s 4d after the rate of 20 years purchase for parsonages, tithes and chantries, and 13 years purchase for dry rents and pensions. Subscribed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A warrant dormant to the Treasurer of his Majesty's Chamber to pay to Robert Grave, one of the Yeomen of his Majesty's Toyle, the wages of 12d by the day, and 40s yearly for his livery coat, from Christmas last during his life, and that the said Treasurer of the Chamber forbear to make any further payment to him of an allowance of 16s monthly and 20s yearly for his livery formerly granted him for the execution of his said office. Procured ut supra. Dated 5to.
A like warrant to pay John Brenninge, one of the Yeomen of his Majesty's Toyle, the like wages and livery, from Christmas last, with the like caution as in the former. Procured and dated ut supra.
A like warrant to pay to George Dwelly from the time that he shall be placed in the room of one of his Majesty's falconers the wages of 16d by the day quarterly during his life, and to allow unto him yearly at the Annunciation 22s 6d for his livery coat. Procured by Sir Roger Aston. Dated 5to.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Sir Peter Saltenstall, knt (whom his Majesty sends to the Duke of Savoy with horses) the entertainment of 40s by the day for himself, for twelve horses each of them 5s by the day, for 6 grooms and a farrier each of them 3s by the day, to begin the 20th of February last and to continue for himself and the grooms and farrier until his return to his Majesty's presence; and to imprest unto him 3301. Also hereafter to pay unto him such further sums of money as shall appear due unto him by his bills for transportation and other extraordinary charges, the said bills being first allowed by the Master of the Horse. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake by order from the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Undersigned: Windebank Endorsed: '6to Martii 1611.' 1 p. (129 39)
1611–12, March 7. A grant in fee simple and fee farm to Martyn Freeman and Edmund Sawyer and their heirs of so many lands, tenements, wharfs and other things as according to the rates of purchase do amount to the sum of 1,159l 15s 9d, and is parcel of a contract made with Martyn Freeman and Arthur Ingram for 30001. Subscribed by the Commissioners for the sale of his Majesty's lands. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to the Deputy of Ireland to draw down the rent (which is reserved upon the lands of Valentine Browne in co. Kerry, and which he holds as an undertaker from his Majesty) to that proportion which the undertakers in co. Cork do pay, in regard of the barren and remote part of that country; provided that he give assurance to perform the Articles of the plantation in Munster within 7 years after the date of these letters. Subscribed by Mr May by order from the Lords of the Council. Dated 7th.
Signed: Windebank ½ p. (129 40)
1611–12, March 7 & 8. A grant unto the Adventurers and Planters of the first Colony in Virginia of enlargement as well as of territory in respect of better safety of the said colony, as of liberties for their better order and government. Also a discharge and freedom of subsidy, custom and impost inwards and outwards for seven years forwards, of which seven years four are yet to come by force of their former letters patents: and the benefit of a lottery or lotteries throughout England for one year certain, and for a farther time indefinite determinable at his Majesty's pleasure upon six months warning. There are divers cautions concerning the said lottery which were not thought fit to be inserted into the letters patents, but are ratified by an Act of the Company remaining with the Lords of his Majesty's Privy Council. Subscribed by the Lord Treasurer, Lord Privy Seal and divers other Lords of the Privy Council. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland signifying his Majesty's pleasure to appoint Nicholas Weston, Alderman of Dublin (in regard of his many and great losses sustained in the late reign of Queen Elizabeth as well by the shipwreck and loss of divers ships in her service as by the decrying of copper money then current within that realm) farmer and receiver of all issues and amercements as shall grow due to his Majesty of all jurors within that realm, and the escheators of every Province in that kingdom for the term of 21 years, yielding and paying therefor the sum of 1001 Irish yearly. And further whereas the said Nicholas Weston was possessed of divers lands, fishings, tenements and hereditaments in the counties of Donegal and Coleraine to the value of 5001 per annum, which lands and fishings his Majesty has disposed of unto the Londoners and other undertakers for the better plantation of that kingdom, his Majesty, in regard of his loss in that behalf, grants unto him and his heirs in fee farm 100 marks English per annum of land not now in charge nor that has not been in charge nor yielded rent to his Majesty, to be held in free and common socage. And further, that the said Nicholas shall have the moiety of such concealed rents as he shall bring in charge for 21 years, his moiety not exceeding 501 English per annum; and upon the letters patents of the premises to be granted unto him he make a release to his Majesty of all his said claims and duties. Dated 7th. Procured and subscribed by Mr May by order from the Lords of the Privy Council.
A warrant to Edward Carne, esq, Receiver of his Majesty's revenues in South Wales, authorising him to stay in his hand upon the declaration of his yearly account the sum of 5531 6s 8d, and with the said sum so to be retained, and out of the residue of his Majesty's revenue in his receipt and charge, to pay yearly at the Annunciation and Michaelmas to his Majesty's President of Wales, or to such as he shall appoint to be steward of his Majesty's Household there, the sum of 11061 13s 4d for the entire allowance of the diet of the said President and Council; which sum is to be paid by several and equal payments before hand by way of prest and anticipation half yearly, the said Receiver at every payment taking several acquittances. His Majesty further wills that the payment of the sum of 5531 6s 8d assigned to be made out of the Exchequer by letters of privy seal of the 13th of May last for the one half of his Majesty's said allowance to the President and Council, and all former assignments for payment thereof, do from henceforth cease. Subscribed by Sir Julius Caesar. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
The office of Master plasterer of all his Majesty's houses from time to time to be made within the realm of England with the fee of 12d by the day granted unto Richard Talbot during his life in reversion after James Leigh. Subscribed by Mr Levinus Munck by order from the Lord Treasurer. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A pension of 501 per annum granted unto Walter Quhin (in consideration of his service done unto the Prince) during his life, to begin from Christmas last. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A like pension of 501 per annum granted unto Hans Popelman, Master cook unto the Queen) during his life, to begin from Christmas last. Procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Thomas Dewxwell (at the suit of Orlando Gibbons, organist of his Majesty's Chapel) the sum of 631 15s 11d as of his Majesty's free gift, which sum was due unto his Majesty by the conviction and execution of John Berrow for murder, and recovered and brought into the Exchequer at the charges of the said Dewxwell. Procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Lord Treasurer to give order to the officers of his Majesty's ports to permit Ludolph Engelstedt (appointed by the King of Denmark) to transport for the service of the said King one hundred pieces of ordnance called minions without any custom to be paid therefor, notwithstanding any law to the contrary. Procured ut supra by order from the Lord Treasurer. Dated 8th.
The Guidership of the sick and diseased persons in his Majesty's almshouse in the parish of Radcliff in the suburbs of Bristol granted unto William Lang during his natural life, with all fees, wages, lodging and other commodities thereunto belonging. Procured ut supra. Dated 8th.
Signed: Windebank 12/3 pp. (129 41)
The King to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1611–12, March 8. Warrant to allow Ludolph Engelstedt to transport 100 pieces of cast iron ordnance called minions on behalf of the King of Denmark free of customs. Westminster Palace, 8 March 9 James I.
Sign Manual Signet 1m. (129 42)
1611–12, March 8. A warrant to Mr Attorney-General to draw two bills and to cause them to be made ready for his Majesty's signature, to be directed to the Lord Chancellor of England commanding him to award two several writs, one to the sheriffs of London for the burning of Bartholomew Legate, an heretic, and the other to the sheriff of the city of Lichfield for the burning of Edward Wightman, an heretic.
p. (129 43)
Viscount Rochester to the Earl of Salisbury
[1611–12, March 10). The business which this packet carried in it belonging most to Sir Thomas Lake's place, I was content he should the rather in his own name return them back again to your Lordship with this of mine; which though at this time my indisposition might excuse me from, yet so strong is the present motive above all distemper as I cannot forbear to utter my sense of your exceeding great favour to those two gentlemen who for my sake have received so much good by you. Which I hold so great, not only for what is in the ordinary way of value as betterings and beginnings to the fortunes of those gentlemen, but as they may prove or might have fallen out inconvenient to you; the one being a precedent to others' desires in the same kind, which opens the way to importunity and all sorts of trouble and maybe offences; the other and last entering you in a thing so difficult both for the matter as being formerly marred and the persons whom for love and alliance ye were strongly combined to. Yet had I cause to see betwixt those best friends and me the difference you made without wrong to them, and assuring your love upon me by so great a testimony as no time can produce the like in so many concurrences. There is more conceived of this than is uttered, and so of my gratitude you must favour me to think that all which does not appear in vehement expressions is not buried nor lost on insensible dulness, but be confident your Lordship shall 'leisse' (lose) nothing from me; which (what) is out of the power of my fortune to repay, in those I must prove bankrupt. In this ragged discourse I have showed more will than means to give you thanks, the persons for whom I acknowledge this being rather joined as their occasions and our time writes their business than that my thanks goes equal between them. For I must divide him, Overbury, from other men, and my thanks proportional to the value I put on him. Undated
Holograph Endorsed by Salisbury: 'X° Martii. The Vicount Rochester.' 3 pp. (129 115)
1611–12, March 12 and 13. A warrant to the Exchequer to cause payment and reimbursement to be made unto Thomas Scudamore, esq, Receiver-General of co. York, of the sum of 32201 by him already paid for the wages and fees of his Majesty's garrison at Berwick unto George Nicholson, paymaster of the said garrison; and also to cause repayment to be made unto him and to the receiver of the said county for the time being of all sums of money they shall disburse for the pay of the said garrison, upon certificate of the paymaster there testifying the receipt of the same, without any further warrant to be had from his Majesty in that behalf; and also his Majesty's ratification and allowance of the issuing of 4001 by the farmers of his Majesty's customs to the said George Nicholson for the pay of the said garrison against midsummer last upon the Lord Treasurer's letter to them in that behalf directed. And lastly that the Lord Treasurer and Under-Treasurer take order that Sir Edward Cary, one of the Tellers of his Majesty's Receipt, may have allowance upon his half year's account ended at Michaelmas last for the repayment of the said 4001 unto the farmers by way of defalcation upon their striking a tally for 5001 parcel of their rent for his Majesty's said customs on the 29th of July last. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake by order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer.
A like warrant to pay to Salomon de Caus, gardener to the Queen, as well the sum of 601 for certain works to be done about the gardens at Greenwich, as of 481 for works to be done about the garden at Somerset House: and that such further payment be made unto him or to any other that shall be appointed from time to time for that purpose, of such sums of money as shall be required for finishing the said works in both the said gardens by bills under their hand and allowed by the Lord Treasurer. Procured ut supra by order ut supra.
A like warrant to pay the Lord Chamberlain the sum of 601 to be by him delivered to Giovanni Perondini, a servant of the Duke of Savoy's, as his Majesty's reward for bringing a beast to his Majesty from the said Duke. Procured ut supra.
A licence to travel granted unto Sir William Sydney, knt, son and heir of Lord Viscount Lisle, and William Symonson, gent., for three years with four servants, three geldings and 501 in money. Procured ut supra. Dated 12°.
A warrant dormant to the Master of the Great Wardrobe to deliver to Peter Derrick, his Majesty's yeoman saddler, certain parcels for his livery at such rates as John Bingham late had; and that he deliver unto him the like parcels for the arrearages since his first entrance into that place. And to deliver the like parcels unto him yearly at the feast of All Saints. Subscribed by Sir Roger Aston. Dated 13th.
A warrant to the Earl of Worcester, Master of his Majesty's Horse, to give present order for the allowance of three horses livery unto the Duke of York over and above his former allowance, the said allowance to begin the fourth of this March and to continue during his Majesty's pleasure. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake. Dated 13th.
A letter to Sir Raphe Winwood, knt, his Majesty's Ambassador Resident with the States of the United Provinces in the Low Countries, requiring him to move in his Majesty's name both the States General, the Prince Maurice, and Sir Horace Vere, Colonel over Sir Henry Peyton and Sir Thomas Mewtis, knts, to give them leave to go with the Lord Willoughby into Denmark without loss of their places or entertainments which they now have in the Low Countries, and to grant them passport for twelve months. Provided that if their Colonel shall at any time signify unto Sir Henry Peyton and Sir Thomas Mewtis that there is extraordinary cause for their return they shall with all speed repair to their companies. Dated and procured ut supra.
A letter to Sir Thomas Edmonds, knt, his Majesty's Ambassador Resident with the French King, willing him to advise with the Lord Colvile, the bearer hereof, and to treat with the Queen Regent and the King concerning the Scottish Guard attending the said King, as appears more at large in the private signet book. Dated 12th. Procured ut supra.
Signed: Windebank 1½ pp. (129 44)
1611–12, March 13 and 14. A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland requiring him (upon the determination of all controversies depending between Sir Richard Fleetwood, baronet, and Sir Richard Boyle according to his Majesty's directions formerly sent in that behalf), to take order for the repealing of such several letters patents as shall appear to be indirectly obtained from his Majesty by Sir Richard Boyle, or wherein anything was passed that was not truly intended; and that he forbear to make any confirmation of anything contained in any of them until his Majesty's pleasure be further known. But for such lands and tenements as shall be found in law or equity to belong to Sir Richard Fleetwood, his Majesty's pleasure is that possession of them be delivered to him accordingly, and that new letters patents thereof be made unto him and his heirs in fee farm for ever as such proportionable reservation of rents and services as the same were intended to be granted by the late Queen unto the father of Sir Richard and Marmaduke Redmayne, esq, from whom Sir Richard claims. Dated 13th. Procured by Mr May.
A like letter to the Lord Deputy authorising him to accept a surrender of Sir John Eyres and Zachary Jones of all the Island of Dariry alias Valentia, and of the haven, fishing, castles, lands and other hereditaments thereto belonging; and thereupon to make new grants unto them of the premises and to their heirs in fee farm without fine, excepting all his Majesty's subjects' lawful titles in and to the premises. To be holden of the Castle of Dublin in free and common socage paying therefor the yearly rent of 41. Dated and procured ut supra.
Signed: Windebank ¾ p. (129 45)
1611–12, March 15. A letter to Sir William Eyre, knt, William Pawlett, Giles Tooker and John Hall, esqs, requiring them to call some of the inhabitants of Bradford and one Howell before them, and to examine the truth of such abuses as the said inhabitants affirm have been offered to an Hospital there by Howell: and if they find the case to be so as is informed, that then they do their endeavour to move him to restore the possession and lands and to give the inhabitants satisfaction; and if they cannot prevail with him, that then they advertise the Earl of Northampton of the state of the cause, that by his report his Majesty may be informed, and thereupon consider what shall be further meet for his Highness to do therein. Dated 15th. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to Sir Julius Caesar, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Sir Thomas Parry, knt, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, authorising them or either of them to give order to his Majesty's surveyor, woodwards or other officers to cause twelve timber trees and twenty pollards to be felled in Stapleford Abbot and Stamford, co. Essex, and delivered to the inhabitants of Theydon Mount towards the repairing of their church which was lately destroyed by fire: and likewise to give order that they may dig sand within the said manor in convenient places in the wastes for the building thereof. Given and procured ut supra.
A presentation to the parsonage of Crayford alias Eards, for Robert Hill, Doctor in Divinity, void by lapse. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake. Subscribed by the Bishop of Bath and Wells.
A protection for one year granted unto Francis Dacre, esq, and his sureties. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Signed: Windebank ¾ p. (129 46)
1611–12, March 16 and 17. A grant unto Sir Baptist Hicks, knt, and his heirs in fee simple of the rectory of Cheltenham, co Gloucester, of the yearly rent of 75l 13s 4d, and of one fee farm rent of 26l for which there has been paid such several sums of money as were agreed upon by two several contracts made with Sir Walter Cope and divers other contractors. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General by order from the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A gift unto William Halsey, one of his Majesty's porters, of the benefit of a bond of 126l forfeited to his Majesty by John ap Havering convicted of manslaughter. Procured ut supra by order from Sir Roger Wilbraham.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Robert Treswell, esq, Surveyor of his Majesty's woods on this side Trent, the sum of 106l 3s 4d for new rails to be set up at Chappel Henault Park to enclose the Chappel Plain and Hoghill there: and of the sum of 55l 5s 4d for divers reparations to be made about Bushey Park, part of the Honour of Hampton Court, of both which sums he is to yield an account. Procured ut supra by order from Sir Julius Caesar.
A Poor Knight's room in Windsor for Richard Hales, gent., during his life after the placing of such as have former grants. Subscribed by the Duke of Lennox, the Earl of Nottingham and divers other Knights of the Garter. Procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Sir Sigismond Alexander, knt, and Henry Alexander, esq, the sum of 100l as of his Majesty's free gift. Procured ut supra by order from Sir Julius Caesar.
A like warrant to pay to John Levingston, his Majesty's servant, 1000l as of his Majesty's free gift, to be taken out of moneys arising out of the fines and forfeitures reserved for his Majesty's bounty. Procured ut supra by order ut supra.
A like warrant to pay unto Andrew Boyd, one of his Majesty's cupbearers, 500l as of his Majesty's free gift, to be taken out of such fines and forfeitures as above. Procured ut supra.
A like warrant to pay unto Sir William Steward, knt, 2000l as of his Majesty's free gift, to be taken out of such fines and forfeitures as above. Procured ut supra.
A letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury requiring him that both he and such other of the clergy of best ability now resident hereabouts will make some collection of money and give the same unto William Warmington, priest, who has taken, and written in defence of, the oath of allegiance, and whom his Majesty has appointed to be lodged and entertained with the Bishop of Winchester. Dated 16th and procured ut supra.
A letter to William Meysy, Keeper of the Gatehouse in Westminster, to deliver Doctor William Bushop, a priest, unto the French Ambassador now resident here to be transported to the Doctors of Sorbonne in the University of Paris, upon whom his Majesty has bestowed him. Dated and procured ut supra.
Signed: Windebank 1 p. (129 47)
Instructions to Sir Henry Wotton
[1612, before March 18]. "Instructions for owre servant Henry Wotton, knight, appoynted by us to goe as owre Ambassador extraordinarie to Carolo Emanuele, Duke of Savoye."
The end of youre imployment (as you shall tell the sayed Duke) is to discharge some part of that obligation which we must acknowledg towards him for having lately honored us with a dubble Ambassage by the person of Signor Claudio di Ruffia, conte di Cartignano, as likewise to represent owre answere touching the subject of the sayed Ambassages wherewith we have therefore esteemed meete to acquaynte you in all the material poynts.
The sayed Conte di Cartignano at his first coming made an overture unto us of a mutual matche betweene (the Prince) (fn. 2) owre Heire apparent and the Infanta of Savoye on the one part, and the Prince of Piemonte with owre daughter on the other; whereunto after all due thanckfullnesse as so kinde an offer did merit he receaved answer from us; that the Prince owre Sonn was now by God's grace advaunced to so much rypenesse of age and judgment as we could not denie him the freedome of his owne choice when he should be disposed to intertayne any motions of that kinde, though for owre part we should always more incline to the bestowing of him and his sister severally then in one place, for the better corroboration of owre self and owre posteritie with many braunches of allyance, which respects, without looking then into other circumstances, were sufficient to breake of all farther discourse aboute the reciprocal proposition. And so the Ambassador departed having (as it seemed) no authoritie at that tyme to treate uppon the single contracte.
At his second coming the sayed Ambassador propounded unto us a conjunction apart betweene the Ladie Elizabethe owre daughter and the Prince of Piemonte offering us therein La Carta Bianca as he termed it. With which free proceeding albeit we had just cause to thinke owrself much honored and obliged, yet on the other side, weighing what consequences and possibilities depended on the person of owre daughter we could not but showe some of the tendernesse and sollicitiude of a Father in sounding bothe how farr the King of Spayne did wishe this matche, who perhapps would chalenge some voice in the disposing of his sister's sonn, and likewise how the Pope stood affected therein to whom the Italian Princes are so obnoxiouse that we could not pass it over without some respect, though otherwise for owrself we are little troubled with the consideration of him. About which inquiryes the sayed Ambassador gave us this information: that first touching the Pope, he had indeed with great ernestnesse diswaded the Duke his Master from this Treaty, but the sayed Duke had consulted the poynt with his owne Theologes, who had satisfyed his conscience therein. And he was of opinion that the Pope would approve it likewise when it should be donn, having not proceeded agaynst it farther then by way of meere dehortation.
Touching Spayne he referred us to that which should be related by Don Alonzo Velasco, the Spanish Ambassador resident with us, pretending that the sayed Ambassador had receaved a very late dispatche to that effect. Aboute which when we had stood in much suspense and expectation, at last the Spanish Ambassador having audience told us playnly that he had no such freshe or any direct and particular order to concurr with the Duke of Savoyes Ambassador in the present affayre. Only he remembred a commaundement which he had receaved from the King his Master long before, that if the sayed Duke should require his assistance in general he should be willing to performe any frendly office for him, and so much he was then come to signifie unto us, though uppon no other warrant then the old direction at large which now was growen stale because the Duke had forborne till this second coming of his Ambassador to require any intelligence with him. This was the effect of the Spanish Ambassador's speache wherein theare appeared a very manifest affectation of nothing but coldnesse and generalitie; whereunto such advise likewise as we have receaved from owre owne Ambassador in the Court of Spayne aboute the same subject is everyway conformable.
Which premisses considered we commit unto youre discretion the framing of owre answer to this substance.
That as we are sensible of owre owne obligations towards the Duke and of the honor that he hath donn us, which we shalbe readdy to acknowledge uppon any just occasion towards him and his; so on the other side we can not but hope to be excused by his wisdome when he shall weigh such circumstances as we will freely lay open unto him.
First, that Fraunce (which is the neerest) hath showed smale contentment in the matter.
Next, the Protestant Princes have taken much shadow even at the very noyse of it.
Thirdly, the present Pope hath expressed his open dislike, and what securitie can we have of owre daughters case in a Cuntry inthraled by him if himself hearafter or any of his successors shall pretend according to theire owne principles a nullitie in the matche, and a dislegitimation of the issue and such other inferences as appeare by precedent in the letter of Clement the 8 (though otherwise none of the immoderatest Popes) written to Madame sister to Henry IV, uppon the like occasion of her marriage with the heyre of Loraigne: of which letter we have given you a copie for the Duke to reviewe. And though no such effect should followe, yet this were the best of owre daughters condition, that she should live in a perpetual beholdingnesse to her husband for tollerating her religion when the Father of his churche is agaynst it, not without much anxietie on his part and inequalitie on hers.
Lastly, the King of Spayne hath appeared but a frosen frend in this treaty, who by proximitie of blood should be the warmest, and whose power and greatnesse in Italie might otherwise serve to temper the insolencies of Popes, which they are wont to exercise over the civil contracts of Princes.
Thease be the reasons which you shall deliver unto the Duke: so governing youre speache that the negative may appeare (as it is) grounded uppon external considerations without the least disestimation on owre part of the Duke with whom we treat. Undated
pp. (196 71)
1611–12, March 19 and 20. A protection for one year granted unto John King of London, merchant, and unto John Pennington his factor (so far forth as he may be charged with any debts or accounts of the said King), with proviso that if King make any deed of gift or other devise to defraud his creditors, then this protection to be void. Subscribed by Mr Attorney by order from Sir Christopher Parkins.
The office of Lieutenant and Keeper of the forest of Braydon, co. Wilts, granted unto the Earl of Suff[olk] during his life and unto Sir Thomas Howard, his son, in reversion after him, with the fee of 6l 1s 8d for himself and the allowance of 20l per annum for a ranger and 10l per annum apiece for keepers. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A presentation to the rectory of Clifton Cambell, co. Stafford, void by lapse, for the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, it being within his own diocese, to hold the same in commendam according to a former grant from his Majesty. Procured ut supra.
A presentation to the rectory of Tilehurst in the diocese of Sarum, void by lapse, for Robert Catlin, clerk. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A pension of 12d by the day for John Boltby, servant to the Duke of York, during his life and to begin from the date of his letters patents. Subscribed and procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Edmond Bradshaw the sum of 100l as of his Majesty's free gift in regard he has surrendered up his right in the making of gold and silver twist thread after the manner of Milan. Subscribed by Mr Windebank by order from the Lord Treasurer. Procured ut supra.
A licence for David Rosse to pass into the Newfoundland to make provision of hawks for his Majesty, with a commandment to the masters of ships to suffer him to pass thither and return in any of their ships; and also that every ship carry one dog for the sustenance of the said hawks. Dated 19th. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A warrant to the Wardrobe to deliver to Sir George Moore, knt, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, certain parcels for his livery of the same Order. Dated and procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Cofferer and other officers of his Majesty's House to pay unto Hugh May (whom his Majesty has appointed one of the Grooms of his Privy Chamber in the place of Humfrey May) the wages and fee of 20l by the year during his life, to begin from Christmas last. Subscribed by Mr Windebank. Dated and procured ut supra.
A warrant dormant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver to Hugh May, esq, one of the ordinary Grooms of his Highness's Privy Chamber, certain parcels for his livery as other in the like place have, and to deliver the like parcels to him yearly during his Majesty's pleasure. Dated 19th. Procured by Mr Humfrey May.
A letter to the Bishop of London wherein his Majesty (at the suit of his Highness's servant Andrew Boyd) recommends to the Bishop the suit of a tenant of his for the renewing of his lease of the manor of Paddington to be made up 21 years, he having 14 years in his old lease yet to come, upon such reasonable conditions as the said Bishop and he can agree. Dated 19th and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to the Deputy of Ireland in behalf of Sir James Douglas, knt, Henry Acheson, James Craig, Claud Hamilton and William Lauder, undertakers of the 6000 acres of the precinct of the Fewis in co. Armagh in Ireland: authorising the said Deputy for the furtherance of his Majesty's service and the Plantation there, to call the Archbishop of Armagh and the Bishop of Meath before him and to take order that the Archbishop may forthwith (as the rest of the Bishops within the Plantation have done and as the Bishop of Meath did undertake in the said Archbishop's behalf that he should do) surrender all the tithes and impropriations within his diocese unto his Majesty, that the same may be disposed of according to the project of the Plantation as well in behalf of the said undertakers as of others whom it may concern; with divers other clauses entered at large in the private Signet book. Dated 19th. Procured by Mr May.
A letter to the Chancellor of Ireland and the Commissioners of Accounts there, requiring them to examine the contents of a petition of Thomas Smyth, Commissary of Victuals in the Province of Connaught and county of Tyrconnell, which is sent here enclosed, and if they find Smyth has disbursed any sums for his Majesty's service by warrants from his Majesty's Governors of the said Province and county, then to make him allowance in his accounts to be declared before them of so much as shall appear to have been paid by him, upon the acquittances of the parties that received the same, according to equity. Dated and procured ut supra by direction from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Signed: Windebank Endorsed: '20 March 1611.' 2 pp. (129 48)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Walter Cope
1611–12, March 20. Release by the Earl of Salisbury to Sir Walter Cope from a debt of 2500l owing to him by Cope, on condition that Cope pays 500l to such persons as the Earl shall appoint. 20 March, 9 Jac. 'This is a true copy: [signed] Nathaniel Huntt, Tho. Gosnoll.'
1 p. (196 61)
1611–12, March 22 and 23. A letter to the Deputy of Ireland that it is his Majesty's express will that he repair into the counties of Wexford, Caterlogh and Wicklow and take a particular view of the land there, and call unto him the principal inhabitants and possessors of the said land, to the end to inform himself which of them are most fit to be made freeholders, and what portions of land are meet to be allotted unto every of them; and thereupon to lay down a plot for such a plantation to be made in the said lands as to his understanding shall tend most to his Majesty's service and the peace and security of that State; with divers other clauses entered at large in the private Signet book. Dated 22nd. Procured by Mr May. By his Majesty's commandment.
A letter to the Lord Deputy requiring him to make a grant by letters patents unto Captain Roger Hope during his life of a pension of 4s Irish by the day (which pension Walter Edney deceased lately held), to begin from the death of the said Edney. And likewise to make a further grant unto him of any such pension that shall become void, or that otherwise shall be by him procured to be surrendered during his life, so that the same exceed not 4s Irish by the day. In consideration of his service and upon recommendation from the Lord Deputy. Procured and dated, and by order ut supra.
A like letter to the Lord Deputy requiring him to pass unto Sir Garret More, knt, and his heirs in fee farm all such manors, lands, rectories and hereditaments spiritual or temporal as Sir Garret now holds or of right ought to hold by any lease heretofore made by the late Queen or by his Majesty to him or to Sir Edward More, his father, or to either of them in possession or reversion; reserving to his Majesty the accustomed rents. To be holden in free and common socage as of the Castle of Dublin and not in capite. Procured and dated ut supra by order from the Lord Treasurer.
A letter to the Lord Deputy requiring him to accept a surrender of Bryan McDonogh of the Castle, town and lands of Coolwony in the Province of Connaught, and of all other castles, etc, whatsoever whereof he now stands seised of any estate of inheritance in use or possession, and to make a regrant thereof unto him, his heirs and assigns for ever (without fine); with power to create a manor at Coolwony and freehold estates of and in the same, with divers other clauses entered at large in the private Signet book. Dated and procured ut supra by order from the Lords of the Council.
A grant unto Francis Morice, esq, and Francis Phelips, gent, and to their heirs (at the nomination of Sir Anthony Cope, Sir William Ryder, Sir Walter Cope, Sir Thomas Lake and divers other contractors, and according to sundry compositions made with them by several contracts) of divers rectories, prebends, lands and other things amounting to the yearly value of 953l 10sd, being all of them purchased at several rates of purchase contracted for by several contracts. Subscribed by Sir Julius Caesar and Mr Attorney General by order from the Lord Treasurer. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
The place of one of his Majesty's Musicians of the Lute granted unto Thomas Warren during his life, with the fee of 20d by the day and 16l 2s 6d yearly for his livery. To be paid unto him by the Treasurer of his Majesty's Chamber and to begin from Michaelmas last. Subscribed by the Lord Chamberlain. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A warrant to the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of his Majesty's Exchequer now being and that hereafter for the time shall be, authorising them to cause so many commissions under the Great Seal or the seal of his Majesty's Exchequer to be made forth and directed to such number of commissioners as they shall think fit, for the delivery of 12,000 cords of wood yearly for the space of 21 years unto the Earl of Pembroke out of the Forest of Dean, co. Gloucester, for the erecting of iron works, according to the tenor of an indenture made between his Majesty and the Earl bearing date 17 February last. And further that the said Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer for the time being shall give allowance from time to time as well for the charge of incoppicing and fencing of the said wood grounds as to the surveyor and such other officers as shall be employed in that service during the said term. Procured ut supra. Subscribed by Mr Windebank by order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Signed: Windebank 2 pp. (129 49)
1611–12, March 24. The office of pursuivant or messenger of his Majesty's Court of Wards and Liveries for John Lyming during his life with the usual fee of 4d by the day, and 3s 6d by the day more of increase in respect of further services and more chargeable attendance imposed upon the said office than heretofore. Subscribed by the Lord Treasurer and the Attorney of the Court of Wards.
The office of one of his Majesty's Serjeants-at-Arms with the fee of 12d by the day granted unto Edmond Arthur during his life, upon surrender of Lionel Blakey. Subscribed by the Lord Chamberlain. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Underwritten: Per Windebank ⅓ p. (129 51)
1612, March 26. A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Sir Robert Mansell, knight, Treasurer of his Majesty's Navy, 1131l 2s 6d for the repairing of three of his Majesty's ships in dry dock, viz, The Mere Honour, The Defiance and The Dreadnought, and for the converting of 697 timber trees into planks to be from time to time expended for the repair of his Majesty's navy as occasion shall serve. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A letter to the Lord Mayor of London requiring him to admit John Lamyer to be a freeman of that city of some such company as himself shall think fitting. Procured ut supra. Dated 26th.
Signed: Windebank ½ p. (129 87)
1612, March 27 and 28. A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to William Steward or his assigns 1000 marks as of his Majesty's free gift out of such moneys as come into the Exchequer upon forfeitures or fines inflicted in any court of justice for notorious crimes and misdemeanours: to be paid to him in such convenient time as the Lord Treasurer and Under-Treasurer shall find it may best be spared. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake by his Majesty's commandment. Presented to the Lord Treasurer to be passed the Signet in November last and then stayed by his Lordship.
A general pardon granted to Edmund Pooley, esq, in the form of a coronation pardon. Subscribed by Sir Francis Bacon upon signification of his Majesty's pleasure from Sir Christopher Parkins, and by him procured.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay George Conquest, esq, Keeper of Houghton Park within his Majesty's Honour of Ampthill, the sum of 54l 15s without account, in regard he has disbursed so much about repair of the fences and lodge of the said park. Subscribed by Mr Windebank by order from Sir Julius Caesar. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A pardon for Gifford Luke for the procuring of the Great Seal of England to two clean skins of parchment annexed to two grants for the selling of wines, and afterwards in the said clean parchment wrote (sic) two annuities, which was discovered before his Majesty sustained any hindrance thereby, and the party has been imprisoned the space of five years and eight months. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General by direction from the Lord Chancellor. Procured by the Lord Chancellor.
A warrant to the Master of the Great Wardrobe to deliver to the Lord Hay, Gentleman of his Majesty's Wardrobe of Robes, sundry necessaries for the furnishing of his Majesty's Maundy. Dated 27th.
A warrant to Lord Stanhope, Treasurer of his Majesty's Chamber, to pay to the Bishop of Ely, his Majesty's Almoner, 133l 6s 8d, to be dis bursed in alms on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter week next. Dated ut supra. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Signed: Windebank 1 p. (129 89)
1612, March 28. A letter to the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St Paul signifying his Majesty's desire that they all join together and make a lease of the manor and rectory of Sutton, alias Sutton Court, co. Middlesex (upon the recommendations of the Lord Aubigney) for three such lives as he shall nominate, at the ancient rent and for such fine as they shall think fit.
Signed: Windebank ¼ p. (129 88)
1612, March 30. (fn. 3) The office of Keeper of Calshot Castle, co. Southampton, granted unto Francis Fleming, esq, in reversion after Richard Smyth, esq, with the several fees of 20d by the day for himself, 8d by the day for his deputy, 8d by the day for one porter, 6d by the day apiece for four soldiers, 6d apiece by the day for 8 gunners, and 6d by the day for the deputy's man. Subscribed by the Lord Admiral. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
The office of Keeper of his Majesty's store of ordnance, munition and other emptions and provisions within the Tower of London and within his Majesty's storehouses at the Minorells (sic), Woolwich, and Chatham with the fee of 3s by the day and all other profits thereunto belonging, granted unto Samuel Hales and John Hamond during their lives and the longer liver of them, upon surrender of Sir Roger Ayskough, knight. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A pension of 80l by the year granted unto George Abercromy during his life, to begin from Christmas last and to be paid quarterly. Procured ut supra.
A pension of 2s by the day granted unto Thomas Hodson, Lieutenant of his Majesty's late garrison at Berwick, during his life, to begin from Midsummer last, to be paid quarterly either out of the Exchequer or by the Receiver-General of the county of York. Procured ut supra, by order from the Lord Treasurer.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Peter Bland, his Majesty's Serjeant Furrier, the sum of 3205l 10s for sundry furs by him delivered into his Majesty's Robes from the 11 September, 1610, until the 27 February last. Procured ut supra.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay to Robert Treswell or his assigns the sum of 59l 13s 4d for the finishing of a lodge in Whittlewood Forest in the walk called the Throbb. And also to give warrant unto him for the delivery of 20 timber trees to be felled in places most convenient. Procured ut supra by order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The office of Master of his Majesty's Revels with the yearly fee of 10l and with such houses, dwellings and other commodities as thereunto belong, granted unto Sir John Ashley, knt, one of his Majesty's Gentlemen Pensioners, in reversion after Sir George Buck. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake by order from the Lord Chamberlain.
A gift unto Gabriel Redman, gent., at the suit of the Lord Lawreston, of the goods and chattels of divers recusants found out and convicted by the said Lord Lawreston in cos. York, Northumberland and Durham, amounting to the sum of 55l 4s 4d, and is in regard of the sum of 19l already paid to his Highness's use into the Receipt, being a full third part of the said goods. And also a demise unto the said Redman of all his Highness's two parts of the several recusants' lands in the foresaid counties for 41 years (if the same shall remain so long in his Highness's hands by means of their several recusancies respectively) reserving to his Majesty the yearly rent of 78l 15sd being a full third part of his said two parts. And is by virtue of his Majesty's privy seal formerly directed to the Lord Treasurer and Mr Chancellor, giving them authority to direct so many commissions as should be prosecuted by Lord Lawreston for finding and seizing two parts of the lands and goods of so many recusants until the benefits accruing unto him should amount unto 6000l. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General by order from Sir Julius Caesar. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Signed: Windebank Endorsed: '30 Martii 1612'. 1½ pp. (129 90)
1612, March 31. A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland requiring him to accept a surrender of Thomas Petley, esq, of the castle, manor, town and lands of Carigline alias Beaver, and of four ploughlands thereunto belonging in co. Cork, and of all towns, messuages, royalties, fishings, customs and hereditaments whatsoever with all their appurtenances appertaining to the said castle, etc, whereof he, his feoffees or any of them have had an ancient and peaceable possession; and thereupon to regrant the same unto him by letters patents under the Great Seal of that kingdom, and to his heirs and assigns for ever, with power to hold a court baron within the said manor and also a yearly fair and a weekly market: the premises to be holden by and under such proportionable rents, tenures and services as now are or ought to be answered for the same. Subscribed and procured for Mr May according to a certificate from the Commissioners for Irish causes. Dated ult[imo Martii].
A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland requiring him to accept a surrender (of the heir of Sir Henry Oge O'Neale, knt, deceased) of all lands the said Sir Henry held in fee farm from his Majesty in cos. Tyrone and Armagh, which by his death are descended unto him, and by a convenient distribution to regrant all the said lands to the issue male of the said Sir Henry Oge (as well legitimate as illegitimate) or to such of them as the Lord Deputy shall think fit, or such part or parts of the said lands to all or each of them as he shall think fit, to hold to them or each of them, his and their heirs and assigns for ever: yielding to his Majesty such rents and services as were reserved in the former letters patents, or such further rents and services as the said Deputy shall think fit with their consents to apportion severally upon them. Further authorising him to assure to the wife of the said Sir Henry Oge and to the wife of his eldest son deceased such parcel of the premises during their lives as he shall think reasonable, and to grant fairs and markets within the premises. Subscribed and procured by Mr May. Dated ut supra.
A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland requiring him (if he think it convenient) to lay his Majesty's commandment upon Henry Walsh to appear before the Council here, to the end that if he cannot yield a good account of the truth of a petition by him preferred to his Majesty's Council (his Highness's service being much hindered thereby), his Majesty may lay such a mark of his displeasure upon him as may be both a punishment unto him for his presumption, and an example of severity to others. Subscribed and procured ut supra by his Majesty's commandment. Dated ut supra.
A grant whereby his Majesty gives licence to the Corporation of Girdlers of London to erect an hospital to be called the Hospital of the Company of Girdlers of London of the foundation of George Palyn in or near the city of London; and to purchase lands and tenements in mortmain for the perpetual maintenance of the said hospital to the yearly value of —, so as the same lands be not holden of his Majesty in capite nor by knight's service nor of any other by knight's service: and appoints that they shall for ever relieve six poor aged men within the hospital and give to each of them 6l 13s 4d yearly for their maintenance. And grants that the Girdlers may make ordinances for the government of the said hospital, and have the placing and displacing of the said poor men and the disposing of the possessions of the hospital, according to the last will and testament of the said George Palyn, wherein he bequeathed 9001 to the Corporation of the Girdlers for the building of an hospital and purchasing of 40l per annum for the uses aforesaid. Subscribed by Mr Attorney upon signification of his Majesty's pleasure from Sir Thomas Lake. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Signed: Windebank 1½ pp. (129 91)


  • 1. His wife, Margarita, daughter of Charles, Archduke of Graz, had died on October 3, 1611.
  • 2. Inserted in Salisbury's hand. Wotton set out for Savoy on March 18, 1612. See Pearsall Smith, Life and Letters of Sir H. Wotton, Vol. I, p. 120.
  • 3. It is headed 'Ult. Martii 1612.', but this is probably a mistake for 30 March. See endorsement.