Cecil Papers: July 1611

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp302-306 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp302-306.

"Cecil Papers: July 1611". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp302-306.

July 1611

James Walter to the Earl of Salisbury
[1611, ? before July] Complains of having been dispossessed of a tenement in the manor of Weston, co. Hereford, by Jane Shelley, widow of William Shelley, attainted. Prays for redress. Undated
1p. (P.1190)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1611–1618, p.61.]
[The Earl of Oxford] to the Earl of Salisbury
[?1611] July 18. Acknowledging the service the Earl of Salisbury has done him, and thanking him for his kindness at all times. 18 July.
Holograph 1p. (197 149)
Sir Arthur Chichester to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1611, July 19. The enclosed to the Council declare what entrance I have made into the reformation of abuses done by the priests and people in matter of religion and church government in this kingdom: now grown so swelling and insufferable that a speedy cure must be put in practice, without which the whole land is so corrupted that there will be no recovery without loss of blood. Of their boldness in profaning the true service of God and maintaining the idolatry of Rome, I cannot speak without shame and disgrace to ourselves and the Government. I had thought to have laboured no further in that work which brought on me so much hate with so little good success among this people; but upon receipt of the King's letters of the 26th of April last, at the hands of the Bishop of Raphoe, I am taught his pleasure. I enclose copies of the letters from his Majesty and the Council. Although I perceive that they have great confidence in my care and experience, and leave much to my judgment, yet in causes of so great moment it would content me better to be absolutely directed than to be left as now I am; for if I endeavour not to the full of some of the Bishops' and churchmen's expectations, and of the good Protestants here, in matter of reformation, for the true service of God, and in cutting off or banishing of the priests, I doubt I shall be complained of to his Majesty as cold in religion and remiss in my duty; for the contents of the Lords' letters are private to myself, and that of the King's known to many, so as some begin to say that if there be not an amendment of things amiss in that kind the fault is in me, for from his Majesty I have directions and authority sufficient.
In that point of ordaining the Bishops to receive the oath of allegiance, and to urge them to subscribe to the Act of Supremacy (which latter I take it is only meant of magistrates and men in office), I pray to receive further directions; for unless such as shall refuse it be called over thither and receive reproof and punishment, we shall be unworthily confronted and the cause more and more contemned.
The Bishops have pressed me for that commission, but upon advice with the Lord Chancellor I will make stay of it till I hear again from you, which I pray may be speedily. If the moderation, modesty and wisdom of the Chancellor had not prevailed with them, they would hardly have departed without taking those commissions with them. If they shall offer the oath of allegiance, as I wish they may, so as such persons as shall refuse it be by just punishment taught their duty, I will cause them to make of choice two or three in a city or county, heads or ringleaders to the rest. If they take it, many will follow; if they refuse it, their hearts are naught, and their correction will be terrors to thousands.
For that point of the King's letters which makes mention of 25 of Captain Kingsmell's horse to be appointed to lie near the Bishop of Raphoe's lands under the conduct of Sir Rafe Bingley, I think it is not intended I should divide them into two companies and increase the King's charge, albeit the Bishop so expounds it; but rather that they should attend him at convenient times for the defence of his person from danger, and lands from oppression and extortion: of which he needed not to have complained, for I would have had care of him if he had sought me, but think he had no cause: that which he sought being rather to gratify Sir Rafe Bingley in respect of some private bargain betwixt them than upon other occasion given. This notwithstanding, I have appointed the horse with an officer of Captain Kingsmeale's to attend him, as he or Bingley shall upon just occasion require them. His Majesty's Castle of Dublin, 19 July, 1611.
Holograph Endorsed: "Lo. Deputy to my Lord." 4pp. (196 41)
The King to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1611, July 24. Warrant to allow Roger Turlott, merchant stranger, to transport to Middelburg in Zeeland four hundred pounds worth of his own household plate for his necessary use in those parts, which he means to return hither again in a very short time; taking caution of him that after a time to be limited he cause the plate to be transported hither again either in specie or in value of gold and silver. Palace of Westminster, 24 July, 9 James 1.
Sign Manual Signet ½p. (129 67)
Sir Arthur Chichester to the Earl of Salisbury
1611, July 27. Lord Carew, who landed on the 11th instant, brought with him great comfort and encouragement to most of us that labour in our master's business so far remote; for the employment of so worthy a personage into this kingdom is a notable mark of the King's care of his subjects here; and to me an extraordinary favour, that he may report things to his Majesty and your Lordships which by pen cannot be so well expressed as by relation of a person so noble and judicious; who, as you have well noted, will likewise partake with me of the scandal and offence which upon the diminution of the King's charge here, and raising profit to him, will be cast upon us by such as suffer loss or prejudice by it.
His employment hither consists of three heads; the abatement of his Majesty's charge; the increase of his revenue; and to understand the proceeding in the plantation of Ulster.
For the first, I have laid down how it may be done with best security and least offence to the persons whose services are of most use; and am heartily glad you so well conceive of the service of this small handful of men in peace and war. Surely they are the bit that curbs and keeps the isle disposed in awe, and makes the law current, which otherwise would be of small power. Besides which, the entertainments given to servitors, though greatly diminished, keeps many a brave gentleman and soldier in this land, who on occasion will serve for commanders of a great army here or elsewhere, without which they would seek preferments in other places.
For the second, we have gathered heads of matters out of which profit may be raised, and what we may do of ourselves I will gladly put in execution; that which requires direction from thence we will transmit upon his Lordship's return. But I pray you to foresee that to bring what is projected for his Majesty's future profit into charge in his Exchequer, will for the present require disbursements of money as well as men's labours.
The matter of Custom is the only thing we have dealt with since my Lord Carew came over, and we find the opposition of the towns as fresh as if they had not been heard there; but their claims having received so judicious a sentence as that subscribed by some of the judges and King's learned counsel, we have required them to submit, and will establish officers in each port town, Longe and Chetame having now surrendered their letters patents. It may be that some of them will importune you to obtain that which is not fitting. If their motions be rejected, I am of opinion they will strive no further; but that the four towns of Dublin, Waterford, Gallawaye and Droghedagh will forego the benefit of the poundage granted to their freemen, I see no likelihood. If they should not, his Majesty may "mete" with them by laying an imposition upon them of the like value, to equal them with the rest of the kingdom, or by Act of Parliament, to which I think we shall get the voices of all other Corporations, for this privilege is a hindrance to them and they desire to make their burdens even.
For the Plantation, his Lordship will be occultatus testis, and to that end we intend to begin our journey into Ulster on Monday, the 29th inst.
Now it remains that I acknowledge the great bond in which I am (by the enclosed, among many other favours) perpetually tied to your service, which I return unseen by any, other than what I imparted of your noble advice to my Lord Carew, which I conceive to be your meaning. At his Majesty's Castle of Dublin, 27 July, 1611.
Holograph Endorsed: "The Lord Deputy of Ireland." 3½pp. (196 43)
Lord Carew to the Earl of Salisbury
1611, July 28. The day I left Holyhead, the 10 of July, I arrived at the Head of Hothe about midnight. The next day I presented to the Lord Deputy his Majesty's letters, and acquainted him with my instructions. The morrow following the letter was read to the Council, and I received an oath, wherewith I was well acquainted, of a Councillor. Every day since that time the Lord Deputy, the Treasurer and myself (with the help of the King's officers) has been spent in collecting into a list all the means left whereby the King's revenue and profits may be increased. The heads by which we hope profit may be made are above three score, and are committed to sundry men's hands to consider of while his Lordship and myself are in Ulster, unto which province we hope to begin our journey this next week, 29 of July, and by the last of August our return is determined. The diminution of the army the Lord Deputy is willing enough to obey, and at his return from Ulster he will consider it; but until the blow be given no bruit is made of it, yet feared by all the men of war who must undergo the loss.
Although the Lord Deputy be willing (as I said) to obey the King's pleasure, yet in the next dispatch unto him, in my poor opinion, it were not amiss to remember that particular, and to let him know that his Majesty expects at the least the diminution of his charges by 20,0001 sterling per annum, which will either cause him to perform what is required, or else he will show good cause to the contrary. The reason that moves me to write as I do is the overrunning of the list of the army which he and I have perused, and although his desire leads him to abate that sum, for so much I have told him is at least expected, yet he knows not whom to cross. Himself he will not spare in abating his own companies, nor yet the great officers which may bear diminution, but compassion moves him towards such as have deserved well, and not able to live but by their pay. Towards this abatement we find a great let in patentees, whereof many are in themselves unworthy men, of whom no compassion is to be had; yet in regard of the King's grants we know not how to ease the King of their needless pays. The best means to ease that heavy burden (if their grants cannot be avoided) is as they die not to regrant them to others; and the like of pensions. Cogan who, as you know, is here employed about the customs, has all the assistance he can require. When the Lord Deputy returns out of the north the principal men of the maritime towns (and especially those of Dublin, Droheda, Waterford and Galway) are commanded to repair unto him, and I hope by one mean or other they shall be reduced to reason. Longe and Chetham, who were patentees of the customs, have submitted themselves to composition, and are to surrender their patent.
Commissions unto the Vice-Presidents of Munster and Connaught are given to inquire in Munster of the defects of the undertakers there, and of the defaults of the compositions in Connaught, which will be declared at our return from Ulster. Also order is taken for the marking of timber trees for his Majesty in Wexford and in the province of Munster. I have been bold to put the Lord Deputy in hope to be advanced in honour, but for the creation of any more, I think not that necessity enforces it, for when I return into England I will make it manifest to you that the higher House of Parliament is (as now it stands) strong enough to effect the King's pleasure; and when the new corporations in Ulster be erected, there is no doubt of the Commons House. But until those intended corporations be accomplished, I do not wish a Parliament in this kingdom. Of the plantation in Ulster yet I can say nothing, but the truth is that the undertakers proceed slowly. When my eye has viewed the north I shall be able to make a true relation of what I find, wherein without respect of any man I will clearly discharge the trust reposed in me. The King's new erected forts in Munster and Connaught are but five. The full finishing of them is but a trifle, not exceeding 4001 sterling. Sir Josias Bodlye is sent thither to finish those works. At the Lord Deputy's return he and the Vice-Presidents will be here to give an account of them and the estate of those provinces. Kyllmaynham House, the Lord Deputy and I have viewed. It is so far in decay as the repairing of it will be as chargeable as the new building of the same from the ground, and I think there will not be so much made of the ruins as was once offered.
The swarms of priests and Jesuits in this kingdom are in number beyond belief. They are frequent in this town, and masses are familiar. Until that "canaille" be rooted out, it is impossible to reduce the realm into an entire obedience. Nothing but severity is able to cure that disease. But whether the time serve for that great work, I dare not censure. But yet I must say, that I never knew this kingdom in so fair a way of civil reducement as now it is, for Englishmen inhabit in all parts of the kingdom, whereas in my time no man in the whole realm of English birth (Sir Nicolas Bagnall excepted) had a foot of land in Munster, Connaught or Ulster. Upon letters brought hither a little before my landing by the Bishop of Rapho, a proclamation was drawn and printed the first day I sat in Council, to command all sorts of the King's subjects to forbear the entertaining of priests, with other particulars in the said proclamation. It was no sooner set upon the town house but it was torn down by persons yet unknown, which discovers the fiery zeal of the papists. The Lord Deputy and Council have left no means unassayed to know the offenders, but yet they are not discovered. Unto the other parts of the realm the said proclamations are sent, and there is no doubt but we shall hear of the like insolencies in them. The kingdom is now so broken into pieces as the law is current in all places, and I make no doubt but his Majesty may give the law as he please, and until this present there was never an absolute conquest of Ireland. That which was the best part of the realm (the English Pale) is now the most obstinate, and their seducers are the priests. Dublin, this 28 of July, 1611.
Holograph 6pp. (196 45)