Cecil Papers: August 1611

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp306-309 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp306-309.

"Cecil Papers: August 1611". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp306-309.

August 1611

Sir John Digby to —
1611, August 2. The many obligations I have unto my Lord your father and that most noble house into which you are matched, besides your own worth, make me very desirous to have the means in anything to serve you, and therefore do make a willing tender of my self in all things wherein your Lordship may judge my service of any use unto you. If no occasions of better consequence shall be afforded me, I shall willingly lay hold of that of giving you advertisements of such things as happen in these parts, if I shall understand they will be of acceptance unto you. However I shall desire to let you know that it is a thing that great personages were wont to seek, to have in all places some particular servants of theirs ready against use or occasion of them were offered. You may rest assured that you have one in Spain that with much devotion will attend any accident that may give your Lordship cause to command him. Madrid, 2 August, stilo veteri, 1611.
Holograph 1p. (129 68)
Timber for the Navy
1611, August 3. Two papers:
(1) Estimate of timber, etc. required for repairing the King's ships, the Merhonore, Defiance, Dreadnought, and new building of the Bonaventur; and of plank to remain in magazine for the King's ships at Chatham. Total loads of timber, 5683. 3 August, 1611.
Signed: Robert Mansell, Henry Palmer, Mathew Baker, Richard Binghey, W. Bright, Pe. Buck, Phineas Pett. 2pp. (196 48) Contemporary copy of above (196 51)
(2) Places most sufficient and convenient for supply of timber, viz, 6000 loads or tons; Norfolk and Suffolk, 500; Forest of Dean, of oak and beech, 2000; Shottover and Stowood, 500; Bix Swyncombe and Ewelme, co. Oxon. 500; New Forest, 1000; Kent, 200; Altons Wood, Worcestershire, 400; Barnwood Forest in co. Bucks, 300; Hartingford Berry Park and other manors in Herts, 40; Forest of Sherewood and the North Country, 800; total 6240. Undated
1p. (196 49)
1611, August 15. "A branch of a letter written from Madrid the 15th of August, 1611, received the 26th of October following."
It was thought here awhile that O'Neil was to come disguised to the Court of Spain, but now it is reported by reason it was made known to many that his journey is stayed. He that is his only agent here is one Friar Florence, Archbishop of Tumme, a stirring man. The constantest report is that Tyrone and his council solicited some of the potentates of Italy to attempt the conquest of Ireland, persuading them that their faction was so strong in Ireland that there would be no resistance, and that the Pope should give the title of King of Ireland. This motion is said to have been rejected.
Now it is spoken among some in private that the Pope is to make an army upon the King of Spain's charges underhand, whereof the Pope's nephew is to be General, under the title to reform some abuses that some potentates do to the signorie of the Church, and report that the army is raised against the enemies of the Church; and under this pretext secretly with all the speed possible to attempt Ireland, and at the same time the King of Spain should pay the Irish soldiers in the Low Countries and send them home to their countries as the King of England desires, and either they should meet with the Pope's army at sea, or after arriving keep themselves together until the Pope's army arrived. And by reason that the King of Spain is at the charges, if the enterprise succeeded well the Pope's nephew should surrender the kingdom to the King of Spain who should hold it in right of the Church, and give some other good estate to the Pope's nephew in Italy or Spain. And for the better furtherance of this enterprise the Pope should grant La Cruzada, which is general and plenary jubilee to all such as voluntary either in person or other means would further this journey.
This is reported among them that deal most in these affairs, and kept in as great secret as may be, and few know these proceedings. As for me you know my good will, which I am sure you will make known to my Lord Deputy; and whatever I hear from time to time you shall be certified.
pp. (129 69)
John Clarke to the Earl of Salisbury
1611, August 17. With reference to Wikes Park and Pleshey Park, co. Essex; Throllough Park, co. Leicester; Kyrby Park, co. Lincoln; and the Broyle, co. Sussex; he cannot find any such parks in the copy of the book which his late uncle, John Tavernor, made while surveyor of the King's woods south of Trent. He hears from an Essex man that the above named parks in Essex have been long disparked, and now belong to Lord Peter. The King has 374 acres of wood ground at the Broyle, Sussex. London, 17 August, 1611.
Holograph 1p. (132 142)
Pensions Proposed
[1611, August 20.] Pensions destined to be given to the King's servants before Christmas last, 1610.
Pensions to Lord Hadington, 4001; Lady Elizabeth Cary, 4001; Mrs. Jane Drummond 500;1 Cassabone, 3001; Elizabeth Shawe, Sir George Carew, Sir Henry Wotton, Sir Michael Balfour, Sir Henry Balfour, Sir John Gryme, Sir Robert Nappier, Sir James Fullerton, Sir John Shaw, John Murray, John Gibb, Barnard Lindsay, John Aughmotie, John Levinston, Thomas Lumsden and Archibald Nappier, 2001 each, Sir Richard Conisbie, Sir Edward Zouche, James Maxwell and George Marshall, 1331 each; Patrick Maule and William Ramsey 1001 each; John Nesmithe and Ann Barkley, 601 each; James Murray, James Boye and Patrick Young, 501 each; Francis Galbrieth, Robert Browne and James Buchanan, 401 each; Ellis Rothwell, Bevis Theloall, John Carse and Walter Toderick, 261 each. Total, 6,0301.
1p. Endorsed: "20 August, 1611." (196 50)
The Privy Council to Captain Skipwith
[1611, August] This bearer, Mr. Povy being sent hither with letter from the Lord Deputy and the Lord Carew, wherein was enclosed a letter from you Captain Schipwith directed to the Lord Deputy containing an advertisement of Easton's arrival at Lemicon with some other of his consorts, and a report of that which you had done to persuade them to stay there in hope of pardon, in the first of which we observe your diligence and your discretion in the second. Although we doubt not but before this time you are acquainted with the circumstances and proceedings of this business, yet because we find that when Mr. Povy came from Dublin there was no certainty of his Majesty's resolution known there by occasion of his return, the Lo. Deputy being now in Ulster, we have thought fit hereby to assure you (if otherwise you have it but by uncertain rumours) that his Ma: has been pleased to grant pardon upon such conditions as are there set down. Whereof we conceive you may make this use, that if Capt. Middleton, who is sent unto them with the pardon and departed from Plymouth upon Tuesday last, shall be hindered by foul weather and contrary winds, and in the meantime the pirates should be doubtful whether they shall find grace or not, you may give them full assurance.
This being as much as is requisite for the present, we bid you heartily farewell. Undated
Draft 2½ pp. (197 73)
[See Cal.S.P.Ireland, 1611–1614, p.89n]
Minute to the Lord Deputy and Lord Carew
1611, August. Acknowledging receipt of their letter dated 29 July, and conveying the information contained in the foregoing. With a commendation of Capt. Skipwith for his good discretion in the carriage of the business. August, 1611.
Draft 3pp. (197 83)
[See Cal.S.P.Ireland, 1611–1614, pp. 89 seqq.]