Cecil Papers: November 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp154-162 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp154-162.

"Cecil Papers: November 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp154-162.

November 1609

King James I to the Privy Council
1609, Nov. 1. Concerning the petition of the merchants of the realm trading to the East Indies, that the importation of pepper into the kingdom by any others than themselves might be restrained. Pepper and other spices have heretofore been brought in by strangers and sold at high prices. Since the trading of the East India merchants they have been sold at lower rates. By continuance of their trade the greatest shipping of the realm is set a work, and much more great shipping built and is like to be than heretofore, if the merchants be not discouraged by the falling of prices to over low rates if the commodity is brought in by strangers, who will for a time vent the same at easier rates to drive the King's subjects from their trade. The King having resolved with his Council's advice to grant the said petition, the Earl of Salisbury, Treasurer of England, is hereby authorised to give order to the officers of ports in England and Wales that after November 2nd next no pepper be unladen in any port or creek within their several charges except by the merchants trading to the East Indies or their factors or deputies. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the first day of November in the seventh year of our reign.
Signed Sealpp. (128 28)
The Cinque Ports
1609, Nov. 1. Memorandum of papers delivered to Sir Ro. Cotton concerning Cinque Ports business, 1 Nov. 1609.
One paper concerning the price of planks. Orders meet to be observed for the Navy. Directions for officers of the Army. Instructions from my Lord Admiral to the Navy. Directions for the Navy drawn by the Lord Admiral and the Earl of Essex. Copy of the order of the Office of the Ordnance. The papers in number were 18.
½ p. (195 119)
The Bishop of London to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 2. The last of October a petition exhibited to the Lords of the Privy Council by Tho. Lathaite, prisoner in Newgate, was referred to his consideration. Desired to wait on him yesterday, but hindered by want of health. The said Lathaite is so dangerous a man as is not fit to have his liberty upon bond. As soon as he shall recover a little strength he will attend his Lordship with some particulars concerning him. London House, 2 Nov. 1609.
Holograph Seal ½ p. (128 29)
George Abbott, Bishop Elect of Lichfield, to the Lord High Treasurer
[1609] Nov. 2. There came unto my hands this day a letter written from one Mr Barlowe, a prebendary of our Cathedral Church in Winton. Therein this is written which I have copied out and now send enclosed. Lambith, November 2.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: '2 November 1609. Doctor Abbot to my Lord.' ½ p. (128 31)
The Enclosure
Upon Sunday last between two and three o'clock in the afternoon, there was found by the market Cross at Winchester upon the ground a pardon of the Pope's dated four years since, printed in Spanish, unto this effect as Doctor Kercher, who read it, told me; a plenary remission of sins unto all those who would aid the Catholic King against infidels and heretics. Such as could not serve in person, if they would but contribute towards it and insert their names in the blank left for that purpose in the pardon, should obtain the like. In this blank was written Thomas Simons. Of this name we have two, both very evilly given, the elder a perfect recusant, the younger very dissolute and comes to church scant once in a year. The Recorder of Winchester has carried this pardon up with him. If this matter be well seen into, although some of ours seem to make small reckoning of it, it may prove a discovering of many pernicious practices.
In the handwriting of Dr Abbott ½ p. (128 30)
Levynus Munck to Roger Houghton
1609, Nov. 2. My Lord Treasurer has appointed me to call upon you for the sum of 31l:13s:4d which has been made over to Prague, to one whom his Lordship entertains there for the King's service. 2 Nov. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (213 35)
Receipt at foot for this amount by John Castle
Jane Jobson to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 7. There is a Fellowship in Queen's College, Cambridge, proper only to Yorkshire and the diocese thereof, likely ere long to be void. Vouchsafe your letters unto the Master and Fellows of the said College in the behalf of my husband's nephew, Abdias Cole, that he may be preferred thereunto. He is Master of Arts of three years continuance in Trinity College, Cambridge, where first he was admitted. I am not only his aunt by marriage, but in younger years I held him for my child and bestowed his education. Wherein I am able I still endeavour his preferment, allowing now unto him part of his maintenance. His father, being employed of long time in the suits and businesses of the town of Hull, was not unknown to your father, and I doubt not but your Honour's self does remember him. Brantingham, Nov. 7, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (128 32)
Sir William Browne to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 8. Is as yet unfit through weakness of hearing impaired by sickness and a cold to speak to his Honour or hear him speak. Prays his approbation in his suit for a pension. 8 Nov. 1609.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (128 33)
Lord Haddington to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Nov. 8.] On behalf of his friend Captain Lea, that he may have a reasonable end of his business, wherein his adversary has hitherto delayed him, and by his vexation and detainment of his right caused him to forfeit many bonds to his great loss and disadvantage. Prays that he may have a speedy trial. Undated
Signed Endorsed: '8 Novem. 1609.' ½ p. (128 34)
The Earl of Salisbury to Viscount Cranborne
[1609] Nov. 8. I have received by Mr Houghton a letter of yours from Paris bearing date the 20th October, by which I perceive you are safely arrived there with all your company, which though it be the best part of your advertisement, yet it pleases me not a little to find how careful you have been to observe my direction for keeping a journal in French and under your own hand, both because in writing that which you have seen the matter is imprinted on you, and because it increases your knowledge in the language. Which course I pray you continue in some sort, though you travel not, for there cannot be a better exercise. For which purpose you can easily provide you a new paper book, though I keep this.
I have heard of your expenses both at Marseilles, where you were so nobly entertained by that brave Duke [of Guise], as also at Geneva and elsewhere, which I commend in you and shall do ever upon so just occasion, desiring you to take this rule of me, that he is of a base mind that thinks money to serve for anything but for use.
I have here many fair dogs and some pretty strange parrots, which if you will I can be content to send you to bestow upon any ladies or others to whom you are beholding, which you may pretend to be sent you from some of your friends here.
I would be glad (seeing you are now returned) to speak with Mr Lyster or Mr Fynett, because I would truly know by them how your body and health serve you to take so long a journey as Venice, which I do much desire you should do to spend a year in Italy. Therefore I require you to send Mr Fynett to me, not that I trust one more than the other, but because I would show you so much of your father's fondness as to tell you truly that my mind would be unsatisfied if Lister should be from you whilst you are in foreign parts, considering in what stead he may stand you if you should be sick, upon which point now that I am fallen I will tell you one thing further which is reported, which I will not believe, and that is that you do use to go abroad into the town with English gent[lemen] and Frenchmen, without either Lyster or Fynett with you. In which, if so it be, my trust is deceived in them, except they can plead sickness for the excuse of their absence. This I write not as thinking you a child, and yet you are no more man than divers others (both Princes in Germany, Earls of England and Scotland) are, over whom their fathers are so careful as they allow not the absence of such as they trust from them at any time, especially when they are out of their own doors, whereof I can speak by good experience; for when I travelled first and was 24 years old, my Lord sent with me Mr Richard Spencer, that lay next chamber to me and never parted from me, to which if you will say I was not married, you may well remember my Lord of Essex, from whom Mr Wingfield never parted, and many others may so as well as you.
Thus have I told you what I think of all things which I will end still with this plain song, that you will never be good Frenchman as long as you find not the means to rid yourself of English resort, which I leave to your own wit to help and will not hide from you, that I know you can do it if you list.
I saw your wife, who is a goodly young lady, kind to you and modest in her carriage, refusing to come to Court or London as places she will take no pleasure in during the time of her virginal widowhood. Your sister is also prettily grown, but it is you that I harken after for that and dare not ask, lest the reports which are made of your stature should come short of my expectation, and yet for all my saying come home short or long, so your religion be good, your body not marred with any disorder, nor yet mind barren of moral virtue, you shall lack nothing you can desire that is within my power, nor be other than most welcome to. Whitehall, this 8th of November.
Signed Endorsed: '8 Novemb. 1609.' 3 pp. (228 30a)
Dudley Norton to Roger Houghton
1609, Nov. 12. My Lord has commanded me to send to you for 201, which I am to deliver to Mr Wilford for some service he has done to the State. 12. Nov. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (213 36)
Receipt for the amount at foot, signed by Cuthbert Stillingfleet.
Sir Arthur Maynwaringe to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Nov. 13.] Upon the mere trust from Sir Francis Wolley to Mr Jarvis, by him acknowledged before you, I expected a fair and speedy end of my business. Out of the presumption of his friends, and his indirect courses, I am enforced to be a suitor for a further order in my behalf; wherein his courses breed such delay, and I know it no way fit my private occasions should debar the proceedings of the King's service. I entreat your warrant to any of the clerks for the executing of the place till some end is made of my suit, which much concerns me in my slender fortunes. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: 'Sir Arthur Mainwaring: re 13. Nov. 1609.' 1 p. (107 120)
King James I to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 13. Warrant directing him to give order to the officers of the ports of Chester, Bristol and other places that such provisions as pitch, tar, ropes, etc, which the Master of the Ordnance in Ireland shall make from time to time for the King's use, be transported into Ireland free of any custom, subsidy or other duty. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the thirteenth day of November in the seventh year of our reign.
Signed ½ p. (128 35)
Dr Thomas Nevile to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 14. This year the body of our University has made choice of me to be their Vice-Chancellor. From Christ's Church, Canterburie, 14 Nov. 1609.
Signed Seal ½ p. (128 36)
The Earl of Dunfermline to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 15. This bearer, Mr [Edm] Doubledaye, bringing unto me this morning the standard piece of fine gold to be used in Scotland, gave me thanks for my remembrance of him in my letters to your Lordship, when he came from the mine in Scotland, and acknowledged that he had since received divers favours at your hands. He has now a suit for your favour in giving leave to an offer, very lately made unto him, for the better enabling of him in his Majesty's service, for the effecting whereof I desire your furtherance. 15 Nov. 1609.
Signed Small seal ½ p. (128 37)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 18. After his Majesty's return from his sports this evening I had opportunity to present your letters, those from Venice and the bill for the Queen, which because your Lordship writes to be hastened I have sent away by the post. I presented also at the same time the letter to the King of Denmark, which his Majesty perused and liked and so signed it, saying he discerned in it the character of your direction in the wariness of the answer. His Highness willed me to let you know that he thought fit you did write also, and that the King would take it else unkindly. In your letters his Highness wished this to be mentioned, besides that which is contained in his own letters, that it has appeared in all the Parliaments of England that there has been nothing more attended unto than the keeping up of the credit of the cloth of England and the enlarging of the making of it; and that, if such a thing were to be granted as is desired, this were no fit season, the Parliament being so near and at this time the people here being much grieved with the decay of clothing for want of vent into foreign parts; and further that you would aggravate the condition of the man no way fit or likely to give the King satisfaction in that which he pretends, and that it has been found here to be a common custom of such men of desperate estate to offer service to other States only of purpose to get money, which when they have got, to cozen them.
His Majesty commands me also to advertise you that he had been informed by my Lord Chancellor of Scotland of what had passed in the last days' work about Sir John Kennedy, and how it was agreed that he should take his oath for satisfaction of your Lordships in the point of his former marriage; which his Lordship said he thought was ere this time performed by my Lord of Canterbury. This his Highness says is a matter which, if he had forethought, he would have hindered, for my Lord of Canterbury cannot take an oath but as a High Commissioner or as an archbishop having ordinary jurisdiction, in both which kinds he is as a judge, and his Highness thinks it not reasonable that the oath should have been given here judicially for a matter already transacted in Scotland. He would have had it taken by my Lords of his Privy Council mixed of both nations for their satisfaction how to proceed in the rest of the controversy. But seeing it is done his Highness has nothing now to say but this, that seeing your Lordships all affirmed to his Highness that, in case Sir John did clear himself in that point by his oath, you would take it for satisfaction and would enter no further into dispute of the marriage. His Highness thinks fit, that part being performed, you should appoint one day more to have them with their learned counsel before you, and letting the other party see how little foundation they have to insist any longer upon hope of a dissolution of the marriage, to move them to agreement for the rest of that which is controverted, either by reconciliation, if that may be, or by partition upon reasonable terms indifferent to both. If it may be agreed before your Lordship, his Highness will be glad. Else, he desires to be advertised what shall be the points of the breach, what you shall propose as indifferent to both, what shall be accepted of either and what stood upon.
I have thought good to return to you the dispatch of Venice. Both now and yesterday his Majesty willed me to know of you what was become of the Puritan book quoted with his Majesty's hand, which was sent you the last time his Majesty was here. From the Court at Royston, 18 Nov. 1609.
Holograph 3 pp. (128 38)
The Earl of Montgomery to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 18. On behalf of Tho. Wood, who he understands from his cousin Mountague, the Recorder of London, is petitioning for a searcher's place. Wood has had long experience in Customs causes, and the writer has found him 'very painful' in many services for him. 18vo No: 1609.
Signed ½ p. (128 40)
The Earl of Montgomery to Viscount Cranborne
[1609] November 20. 'I am very glad to heare of youre safe returne to Paris after youre long jurny. (fn. 1) Yeat never the les I could not chuse but send this berer to see how you dooe, because the comon relation that I heare of you by strangers will not give mee satisfaction which mad mee send this servant of mine, because I desier to know perticulerly from youre owen (sic) mouth how you have don since I saw you. And I beseech youre Lordship that you will pardon mee that I doe not wright oftener unto you, but I doe asure my selfe youre Lordship is so well satisfied of my afection unto you, that you will not thinke my love the les for failing in a compliment, for to them I love best I ever youse fewest.' From the Court at Whithall, the XX of November.
Holograph Two seals on pink silk 1 p. (200 6)
King James I to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 20. Perceiving by your report of the examination taken of the proceedings in the late election of Pemberton to be Master of Christ College in Cambridge, that the same election is found to be void, two of the ancientest doctors of the same University, Doctor Gode and Doctor Tindale, concurring in that opinion, so as now the election being devolved to you as Chancellor, you have desired to know whom we shall be pleased to have placed there; we have thought good to let you understand that, being desirous to preserve the statutes of the house and the true intentment of the founders, we have considered of all those who are now Fellows resident in the house, and finding that amongst them that for years are capable there is doubt of their disposition towards the public peace of the Church, we have inquired what other persons there be, living abroad, who have been of the foundation and are eligible by the statutes. Of that kind we have found these persons, Doctor Clerk, Doctor Wylleth, Doctor Downham and [Valentine] Carey, Bachelor of Divinity, being all for their years, learning and other good parts very fit for the place. Of them our choice inclines to Carey, for that he is a single man without charge of wife or children, a condition which we think prefers him who has it in the choice of a headship of a house before other concurrents, ceteris paribus, for it gives him less cause of diverting the revenues of the house to private uses, and has besides less occasion of offence and scandal amongst youth than marriage has. Given under our Signet at Royston, the twentieth day of November in the seventh year of our reign, etc.
Signed 1 p. (128 41)
Sir Julius Caesar to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Nov. 20.] I am now informed that the books which were yesterday at the house of the Sp.[anish] Ambassador are now carried from thence, and in the way were intercepted by W.U. I advertise you, to avoid further care in that search. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Mr Chancellor of the Duchy. 20 Nov. 1609.' ½ p. (195 120)
Phillipp Cotton to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Nov. 23]. Returns thanks for Salisbury's gift of 1501. Undated. Holograph Endorsed: 'Re. 23 Nov. 1609.' 1 p. (195 113)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 29. Asks his favour for the enclosed petition from a poor man of this city, whose living consists chiefly in furnishing great quantities of 'pewther' upon extraordinary occasions, as at the Assizes and other times of great assembly. York, 29 Nov. 1609.
Signed Endorsed: 'Lo. Sheffeilde, in behalf of one Busfeld, a pewterer.' 1 p. (195 124)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Nov. 30. The Lord Stafford came hither two or three days since and exhibited this petition and articles annexed to it, which you shall receive hereinclosed. Since, he has not been heard of, nor cannot be found to receive his answer. Wherefore his Majesty has commanded it to be sent to you. That which he has commanded to be written is, that for the person he knows him well. For the matter of his petition there be three things that his Highness observes in it meet to be looked unto; one, the lady's conversation with priests and recusants; the second, a wife's contestation and disobedience to her husband, which his Majesty can no way favour; the third, and of more moment, is the education of the child in religion adverse to the State. These three points, if they be proved true, his Majesty thinks are to be cared for. It pleased him that you should acquaint some of my Lords of the Council with it, and that the parties touched in the information be sent for and charged. When their Lordships have found how the case stands, he doubts not but they and you will give such order as you shall find to be convenient. From the Court at Newmarkett, this 30 Nov. 1609.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (128 44)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Nov.] I am commanded by his Majesty to put you in mind of this gentleman, Mr Stouertt, whom his Majesty recommended to you as one he would have helped for his long service without reward either here or in Scotland. It is not his Majesty's meaning to give him presently out of his coffers, but by some other means as you shall think convenient. The sum of that his Majesty would bestow upon him is about a thousand pounds. From Tibboles, this Monday morning.
Holograph Seal, broken Endorsed: 'No: 1609. Sir Roger Aston by Mr Stewart.' ½ p. (128 45)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Nov.] I presume to send you a bag of papers better known to me by superscriptions than contents. I desire my man may deliver it to your own hands. I hope to wait on you within few days, new come to town. Undated
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'Re. No: 1609.' ½ p. (128 46)
Lady Norreys to the Lord Treasurer
[1609, Nov.] It was lately told me by one near about my Lord Norris that he should say, when he heard of the sale of the land which my sisters and myself lately sold, that, though the land were gone, yet he would either have my part of the money or what land soever should be bought with it to his own use. Many other speeches he used expressing his unkind determinations towards me. Comparing his former hard usage with his present intentions drives me into despair, neither know I how to avoid his threats but by the continuance of your Lordship's wonted favour. Undated
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'Nov. 1609. Lady Norris to my Lord. Readde.' 1 p. (128 47)
Katherine, Lady Sidley, to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Nov.] Finding herself and her fatherless children overwhelmed with wants by reason of their estate being wrongfully kept from them, and her husband imprisoned for debt grown by means of their fruitless attendance upon the hope of having the same redressed, is forced to bemoan herself to his Lordship. Does not hope for more at his hands than to be relieved with some part of that owing to her by Queen Elizabeth, for she is the poor grandchild of a Lord Treasurer who was not the meanest of his place. It is therefore the harder for her to beg of any but his Majesty, by whose authority not only the right of herself, due from or by the 'offeralls' is kept from her, but also the inheritance of her children given away, as she hears, to others of no better desert than their deceased father. Takes this however to be report only of those who would gladly have it so. Craves his patronage in regard there is now none of the Council to whom the long services to the State of the father of her children are so well known. Undated
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'Nov. 1609. Lady Sidley.' 1¼ pp. (128 48)


  • 1. Viscount Cranborne returned to Paris on October 30, 1609. See infra pp. 112–113.