Cecil Papers: December 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp162-171 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp162-171.

"Cecil Papers: December 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp162-171.

December 1609

Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 1. I acquainted his Majesty this morning with your letters which arrived early. He is sorry for the return of the Irishmen, but commends the care you have of so quartering them as they may be kept from doing hurt, for else his Majesty says fient posteriora pejora prioribus. I thought it not amiss to inform you that Sir Alexander asked my opinion this morning (for the news of their return was here yesternight brought by some Scottishmen) whether you would like that the Irishmen might be taken by a gentleman of Scotland, a sufficient man, and carried over to the Marquis of Brandeburg. I told him I was able to give no judgment, for that I knew not how that could be handled without making show on the King's part of engaging himself into that cause, whereof perhaps his Majesty had not yet taken resolution. If it might be done by stealth, the country were well rid of them and Ireland well discharged of as many more against the spring, and with less charge than keeping these here this winter. If you like to hear of that motion, I will tell Sir Alexander Hay of it.
His Majesty at the same time delivered me a letter received from the Duke of Curland with hawks, in which is also an advertisement that the forces of Pole and Sweeden have fought in Lifeland and the Sweedens lost the battle, and that within two days after the Polacks reconnoitred a strong fort called Dunemond.
His Majesty also delivered me a petition of Mr Williams, this gentleman, delivered to his Highness by my Lord of Montgomery, Doctor Craig being also present and speaking on his own behalf. But his Majesty's direction was that either yourself or Mr Chancellor or else my Lords of the Council, if you saw cause, should hear the cause and do that in it that was reason and fitting for his Majesty's honour, and yet help Doctor Craig to something by way of composition. They have heretofore offered him two hundred pounds, but he is a wilful man.
It pleased his Majesty, upon your advertisement of the departure of Sir Tho: Smith, to speak of his former promise to me of the place of Secretary for the Latin tongue. If you remain in the same mind to think me fit for it, I beseech you to signify so much to confirm his Majesty in it.
The hunting match is put off till next week and skilful men thought not like to be tried afore Christmas, for they must have three fit days together, which at this time of the year are hard to meet but that either frost or rain shall hinder.
I hear of more pensions but not from the King, but from the parties that say they are promised and to know if order be given. From the Court at Newmarkett, this first of December 1609.
PS—I have not written any reference upon the petition because I would first understand whether your Lordship will take so much pains as by yourself and Mr Chancellor to hear the matter depending in the Exchequer, or have it directed to my Lords of the Council in general.
Holograph Sealpp. (128 49)
Nicholas Smithe to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 4. Although the Exchequer Court please not to enlarge me, being committed by the Court of Requests for matter of my executorship, yet I pray your Honour in commiseration to grant my humble suit hereinclosed. 4 Dec. 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (128 52)
The Enclosure
The humble petition of Nicholas Smith succeeding his father, customer of Yarmouth, and one of his executors.
The King has referred the consideration of petitioner's usage in his customership and executorship to the Lord Treasurer, as he did to the late Lord Treasurer. His Majesty being then informed of Mr Auditor Kinge's certificate, made in December 1602, according to the Lord Treasurer's direction, containing the true state of petitioner's customership and executorship, the fine imposed upon him for matter of his customership in the Exchequer Chamber was stayed, and it was ordered that he might there exhibit his bill for the lease of houses of the testator's then in question, and should have the aid of the Court therein, and for all other his just debts by examination of witnesses and other ways.
As Mr William Harboowne is the chief cause that he cannot obtain some quiet end in the matter of the executorship, petitioner prays that order be given to Mr Baron Altham and Sir Christopher Parkins, knight, one of the Masters of Requests, to report the true state of the said controversies, whereby the Lord Treasurer may be moved to appoint his cause to be heard upon proof extant in the Exchequer only.
In the handwriting of petitioner 1 p. (128 51)
Sir William Uvedale and Adrian Stoughton to the Privy Council
1609, Dec. 5. We received your letters dated 20 November last directed to us and Francis Cotton, esq, and commanding us to repair to the Isle of Haylinge, co. Southampton, there to take order that certain goods in a ship lately cast in by tempest and by your Lordships suspected to be a pirate be inventoried and put in safe keeping, and that some of the chief of the company be sent up to your Honours. Mr Cotton not being by want of health able to perform that service, we have repaired to the said Isle where we find the ship spoilt by tempest, and by the examination of the master and mariners that there had been in the ship seven and twenty tons of claret wine. But twenty two tons were instantly, before we received your command, conveyed away by one Owyn Jennyns of Portsmouth by consent of the master, and so much by him bargained for at the rate of 121 the ton, as the master should have occasion to sell for the repair of his ship and other expenses. We find also two ton more in the custody of Mr John Bellingham by our commandment, by virtue of your letters. The residue, the shipmen all say, was spoilt and the vessels broken by the storm and tempest whereby their shipwreck happened. They also affirm that many of the vessels of wine in the custody of Owyn Jennyns are not above half full. We find there were but six persons in the ship, whereof four were men and the other but boys. The men we have examined as by their examinations, which herewith we send, may appear. And for that your pleasure was to have some of them sent to you, we have sent John Petre, the master and part owner of the ship, and Elyn Revellyon, the master's mate. The other being but simple people we thought not fit to trouble you with. We have commanded Owyn Jennyns to see the wine in his custody safe kept and a lock to be set upon the door where it lies in Portesmouth. until your farther pleasure known. We have also sent the letter of advice which the master affirms was sent by the merchant owner of the goods to him to whom the same was to be delivered, but the charterparty is conveyed away so that we could not see it; but Owyn Jennyns tells us the same was by him left in the Court of Admiralty in London. Haylinge, 5 Dec. 1609.
Signed 1 p. (128 53)
Sir Robert Stewart to the Lord High Treasurer
1609, Dec. 6. Whereas I am to give security for my true imprisonment which was intended to be taken to the bailie's use for his indemnity, the bailie says the contrary and that the same cannot be of the law. Judge Crooke affirms that it may. It appears, as the bailie informs me, that no bond can be taken in his name in this case of execution, but it may be taken in his Majesty's name. This, however the matter may stand, I beseech you may be presently effected. The names who are to be my sureties are these; Sir James Creichton, Sir John Kennedy, Sir William Morgane in Monmouthshire, knight, Richard Vaus of Odiam, esq, and Thomas Goodale, citizen of London. From the Bailie's house in the Strand, 6 Dec. 1609.
Signed Seal 1 p. (128 54)
Sir Alexander Hay to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1609] Dec. 6. By my last I certified your Lordship that Leslye, the arrester of Sir Robert Stewart, was sent for to Court. He came this afternoon, and my Lord Dounbar by his Majesty's direction signified to him that he had done wrong in troubling Sir Robert for that debt, since these sums granted to the Lord Lindores when a prisoner were only for payment of that debt. Leslye's oft rehearsal of the hard estate of the children of Lord Lindores, being twelve in number and sister's children to Sir Robert and most of them left unprovided, showed that whatever his Majesty's intent was in the payment of these sums, Lord Lindores no other ways accounted but as given to him for a reward of his own services, and that it was so acknowledged by Sir Robert; in regard that after the creditors' satisfaction and Lord Lindores was in Scotland, this Leslye was by him directed in commission to Sir Robert, who then authorised a judgment, upon which this execution proceeds, and since that time has ever entertained this same Leslye with hopes that he would satisfy him. His Majesty has been late forth at hawking, and my Lord Dounbar was unwilling to trouble him with this matter this night; only by reason of that letter which he sent this same day to your Lordship anent that matter, uncertain what course his Majesty will resolve upon, the case standing thus, did therefore will me by these lines to desire you to continue all relieving of Sir Robert until his Majesty's pleasure therein be known, which, God willing, shall be advertised tomorrow at night. Newmarkett, 6 Dec.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' 1½ pp. (128 55)
The Navy
[1609, Dec. 8.] Estimates for the Nonsuch to be manned with 250 men and the Wastspight with 300 men, to be continued at sea by the space of twelve months. Treasurer of the Navy.
Nonsuch Wastspight
For the sea wages at the rate of 14s per mensem for the whole twelve months. £2100: 0: 0. £2520: 0: 0.
For prest, conduct and presting charges of the men and for conduct in discharge to them at their return. at the rate of 6s 6d per man. 65: 0: 0. 81: 5: 0.
For grounding, graving, sheathing and putting into serviceable order the said ships, by estimation. 500: 0: 0. 500: 0: 0.
For harbour and rigging wages of 120 men by the space of fourteen days to rig them and take in their victuals at 5s per man 30: 0: 0. 30: 0: 0.
For sail canvas and all manner of sea store during this employment 375: 0: 0. 450: 0: 0.
For anchors, long boats, pinnaces, etc, for the said journey, by estimation 300: 0: 0. 300: 0: 0.
For travelling charges to pay the companies at their return with divers charges incident thereunto, by estimation 66: 13: 4. 66: 13: 4.
£3436: 13: 4. £3947: 18: 4.
Memorandum: there is nothing demanded for any manner of cordage which is taken out of the store and the store supplied again by special privy seal; nor of the powder and munition which shall be issued out of the Office of the Ordnance. Victualler of the Navy.
There is to be allowed for the victualling of 250 men 336 days after the rate of 7d the man per diem £2450: 0: 0.
For an increase of charge in the last nine months in the biscuit, beer and cask being to be provided of an extraordinary goodness to continue and last (viz, 66,500 of biscuit at 12d on each 100, 331: 5s, and for 277 ton of beer with cask at 18s per ton, 2491: 6s in toto) £282: 11: 0.
For transportation of the said victuals, by estimation £36: 0: 0.
Total £2768: 11: 0.
And if there be a ship appointed with 300 men, then the charge will be one-fifth part more, which is 5531: 14s: 2d, and the whole charge £3322: 5: 2.
The total charge both of wages and victuals will be for the
Nonsuch £6205: 4: 4.
Wastspight £7270: 3: 6.
Signed: Robert Mansell, J. Trevor. Endorsed: '8th of December, 1609.' 2 pp. (128 56)
Lady Anne Brouncker to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 8. She has found a poor suit which she is informed will be of some benefit to her. If it is not misliking to him, she purposes to present it to his Majesty. 'My lodging in King St.' 8 Dec. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (195 125)
The Enclosure
Lady Ann Brouncker, late wife to Sir Henry Brouncker, to the King
Towards the payment of her great debts, for which her whole estate stands pawned, she begs for a lease for 21 years, at 201 rent, of all underwoods, bushes, furze and trees growing on the King's highways. not being above 100 ft from the highway, not being any boundary or remarkable trees for passengers to travel by, and not already granted or demised or growing upon freehold. Undated.
Petition 1 p. (195 126)
Lady Anne Brouncker, widow, to the King
[1609, ? Dec. 8.] Refers to the services of her late husband, President of Munster, which barbarous province he brought into civility and obedience of justice, and to hear God's word 2,000 in the towns. In that place he spent 40001 more than it yielded him. For relief of herself and many children, she begs for the grant of such rents and profits as are reserved to the King by several grants for the impost of Ireland, and issues of jurors in England, for four or five years. Undated.
Petition 1 p. (195 127)
Shotover and Stow Wood
1609, Dec. 10. Certificate of the preservators and regarders of his Majesty's forest of Shottover and Stoewood. By a letter from the Lord High Treasurer to Lord Norreys, dated 26 November last, it appears that his Majesty is pleased to take some other course than heretofore for his profit from the coppices of the said forest. If his Majesty can let the coppices at the rate of 28 an acre annual rent, they will afford him more profit than they do at this time. The coppices have been rated at this small sum on account of the daily spoils made by the poor inhabitants of Oxford and other adjoining towns, and in regard of many pretended privileges of common and preemption of the underwoods, the latter privilege being challenged by virtue of an order in the Exchequer made by Lord Treasurer Burleigh and Sir Walter Mildmaye. 10 Dec. 1609.
Signed: Antho. Hore, Richard Hore, Richard Knight. ¾ p. (128 58)
Sir Griffin Markham to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 11. It is said that one having told a senseless tale to Sir Tho. More, then Lord Chancellor of England, he bade him put it into verse that there might be rhyme in it, because else it was without rhyme or reason.
I may be thought to bring as senseless a tale to your Lordship, now Lord Treasurer of England, and if I had not renounced all rhymes I might also be like to put it into verse.
Yet when I call to mind that letter by which the powdered treason was discovered, and out of how dark words and how devilish meaning so divine a sense was gathered as saved all our lives, I thought good to certify this intelligence, consisting all of colours, namely green, white and grey, in which though my eye can discern no colour of danger, yet my zeal I have to the purple makes me propose them to sharper sights.
Peter Green, a tall soldier in Ireland, and now serving Sir Griphin Markham in Bruxells, came into England a month since about his master's business. Being absent from London some few days he told his Lady he had been about the business of one Mr Whyte, a banished priest, adding these fond words upon small occasion, viz; though my head be now turning grey, yet I doubt not to live to see this Whyte Abbot of Westminster.'
The man that spake these words is as green in wit as in name, and has stronger bones than brains, so as I think him not like to be trusted with any matter of great consequence.
What Mr Whyte is I cannot learn further than a religious man, and it may be he is as clear in mind as in name from any ill meaning to the State.
Yet the words carrying a meaning of an expectance of such a change as is not like to fall without some great concussion of the State, I thought fit thus plainly to set down.
Unsigned Addressed: 'For the Earl of Salisbury, Lord High Treasurer of England, XI° Decembris, 1609. Endorsed: 'Sir Griffin Markham.' ¾ p. (128 59)
King James I to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 13. Warrant to order the officers of ports to permit Nicholas Wise to transport nine hundred ounces of wrought plate into Ireland without paying custom for the same. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the 13th day of December in the seventh year of our reign.' etc.
Signed by the King and countersigned by Sir Thomas Lake Seal ½ p. (128 60).
Sir John Spilman to the Lord High Treasurer
1609, Dec. 13. One Sir Raphe, a knight of the West country, having borrowed 6001 in ready money of my brother-in-law John Vandenbemd and his brother John Delaett, for repayment thereof the said Sir Raphe, Sir Thomas Freeke and divers other stand bound. Sir Raphe goes about to procure a protection for himself and his sureties from his Majesty to defraud his creditors. I desire you to stay the granting thereof until he has first paid the said 6001 or taken such order as my brother may be secured his debt. 13 Dec. 1609.
PS—I had attended you last night in this matter but that I am very earnestly employed with my men about your work.
Signed ¾ p. (128 61)
Thomas Lyddell to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 13. Sir William Stewarde, now at the haven here ready to take the first good wind with the Irish soldiers, required me to send 'there' dogs to you, which by this bearer, John Waller of London, I have taken order to deliver accordingly. Newcastle upon Tyne, 13 Dec. 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (195 128)
The Earl of Dunfermline to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 15. I will discharge my duty in saluting your Lordship this far off, with advertisement of my safe return. We have no news nor occurrence here of any moment. All is very quiet and under good obedience. Within these two days has been 'headed' in this town a special gentleman called Jhone Stewart, uncle paternal to the Earl of Murray, for the slaughter of a poor fellow committed by him two years since. [He] was but lately apprehended and has been used according to the laws and justice. Edinbrough, 15 Dec. 1609.
Holograph ¾ p. (128 62)
Furniture Bill
1609, Dec. 16. 'W. Waverley's furniture bill against Mr Charles Brook. 2 pp. (145 205)
Thomas Cambell. Lord Mayor of London, to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 19. It pleased you to make allowance to me of six tuns of wine free of impost, and to the rest of my brethren, the Aldermen, their several proportions in that nature. Notwithstanding, the farmers of the custom require of me 18s upon every tun, viz, 3s for custom and 15s for composition money. Whereof, presuming that I am free in regard at this time I take not up my wines as a merchant to make profit of them but as Mayor of London towards my household provision, I thought good to make denial until I might know your further pleasure. 19 Dec. 1609.
Signed ½ p. (128 63)
Robert Aldworth, Mayor of Bristol, to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 20. Respecting his Lordship's warrant for William Ellis and John Whitson, two of the Aldermen of Bristol, to be brought before his Honour forth with to answer to certain matters objected against them, William Ellis is aged and infirm and unable to travel at this time of year, and John Whitson is at this time also lame and unable to travel. They have entered into bond that they or one of them will personally appear on or before 10 February next. Prays that their appearance until then may be dispensed with, as they are to be employed at Bristol in matters of importance for the King's service. Bristoll, 20 Dec. 1609.
Signed Seal ½ p. (128 64)
The Earl of Essex to Viscount Cranborne
[?1609] December 21. 'Having so fitte a messenger I could not choose but remember my brotherly affection which I have bene bound alwaise to your Lordship for your owne merits and the favor which I have alwaise found in my Lord of Salisburie. My Lord, I know no neuse in this countrie worth your Lordships knolege. I have noe request to your Lordship but that you will ever hold me amongst one of those that will ever rest your Lordships truly and loving brother. From the Tiltyard, December XXI of.'
Holograph Seal Addressed: 'To my most deare my brother Lord Viscount Craborn at Paris.' ½ p. (200 3)
Dr Leonell Sharpe to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] Dec. 21. The manner of the dedication was disliked by his Majesty, as it was by you, but the matter of the treatise was approved, and therefore he told me I should dedicate it to the divines. I have made my book ready for the press. The argument is the Pope's new creed, which has two parts; the one corrupts our faith toward God, the other our fidelity to princes. I have presented it to the censure of my Lord Archbishop to go to the press. I offer it and myself to your protection. If I might have your furtherance, in so many removes, to the leavings of some that are advanced to the high places, it should be a great encouragement to my studies and relief to my estate. 21 Dec. from Morelack.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Dr Sharpe. 1609.' 1 p. (195 129)
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 22/1610, January 1. The departure of Monsieur de la Boderie gives him an opportunity to remember his duty to Salisbury: also the many kindnesses he has received from La Boderie. He has lately received many courtesies from Monsieur de Breseaux who has made him acquainted with divers gallants of this court, who have invited him to their houses and done him very great honour. He encloses a copy of a letter which Monsieur de Suilly sent the Prince of Condy since his departure Paris, 1 January, 1610[?N.S.]
Holograph 1 p. (228 35)
Tonnage and Poundage
1609, Dec. 24. Account of the Farmers of the Customs and Subsidies for the year ended as above.
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'The state of the receipts and defalcations upon the farm of tonnage and poundage.' 2 pp. (142 198)
The Countess of Hertford to Viscount Cranborne
[1609] December 24. Has written three letters since she heard from him, but doubts whether they have reached him. Henceforth she will arrange for her letters to be sent with the Earl of Salisbury's. 'Nues heere is none but that this Crismas the Prince your Mr is a preparing for baryers with a great many of other noble men of his choys, and when this Crismas is dun the[y] ar to make redey many other tryumfes agaynst the creation of the Prince; and the Queene with aleven more young ladeys ar aproviding of a maske agayn[st] that time.' Many will miss him (Cranborne) if he does not return home for the Prince's investiture. Chanonrow, the 24 of Desember.
Holograph Two seals on green silk. 1 p. (200 88)
Richard Carmarden to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Dec. 29. Accompanying a New Year's gift. 29° Decem. 1609.
Holograph Seal, broken ½ p. (128 65)
The Earl of Rutland to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] Dec. 31. Upon the report I hear of some settling of the Prince's state, I recommend the bearer Robert Dallington, who served me long and in whom I ever found sufficiency and fidelity. Four years since I preferred him to the Prince's service, whom since he has followed to his great charge without seeking for anything. Belvoir, 31 Dec.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: '1609.' ½ p. (102 96)
Sir Thomas Bartlett to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Dec. 31.] I have advertisement of a late conference between the King and your Honour upon the petition I lately presented, wherein I received assurance of my desired success by my friend, Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, who imparted to me your acceptance of my submission and your firm resolution to further me with his Majesty. I have transferred my whole estate on your Honour to be commended to the King as your service; that with his Majesty's only charge of 4001, have with free consent possessed his Majesty of what is much more worth than 1,000,0001 If you shall either advise to execute the laws and his Majesty's prerogative for seizures, or moderately increase the impost, each course may justly be received as a well composed service done by you to the King, my only motive hereto being to repair my fortunes by your mediation to his Majesty in such behalf. I am so unseemly clothed as I rather choose to solicit you hereby than that my presence should scandalize the Court, not doubting but his Majesty has consented to order for my relief in present and will not think fit for me to beg my relief in Court or incur the danger of law, one of which I must be forced unto for I am not able to raise 20s in this world, my place in Court excepted, which is not in my power to dispose of. Undated.
Signed Endorsed: 'Sir Thomas Bartlett to my Lord: re. ult De. 1609.' ½ p. (128 66)
Thomas Barnham to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Dec.] About ten or twelve years ago your Lordship by Robert Pooley sent for me to give you intelligence what the custom of Venice gold and silver might be worth, and what I would give for the farm of the same. At which time, whereas her late Majesty made thereof communibus annis but forty marks or thirty pounds per annum, you wished me to advance the same to her Majesty's best benefit and I should have it by patent in my own name. I advanced it to 2001 a year. Soon after a patent was passed from her Majesty to the now Earl of Suffolk who delivered it to me, bidding me to make the best use of it that I could and I should have a moiety of the benefit. His Lordship and I together thereupon undertook the business, and to that end leaving all my other trade and employment and having by my great care in one year's time brought it to some good perfection, no sooner had I so done but the patent was taken from me and I turned quite out of the business, without any manner of recompense or consideration, to my utter undoing. I have often since sued to his Lordship for relief, but finding none I have no other refuge but to make my case known to your Lordship, on whose promise I reposed myself when I first entered into the business. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 'De. 1609.' ½ p. (128 67)