Cecil Papers: October 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp137-154 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp137-154.

"Cecil Papers: October 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp137-154.

October 1609

Sir Michael Hickes to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 2. Having been lately at Sir Edward Sulyard's, and finding his grapes as good as ever I tasted for the relish and sweetness, I prayed him to send you some to taste of, so that if you liked them you might have some grafts of the same vine. But he said if you liked them he would give you half a dozen roots to set, which he says are far better to take, and will bear in two years, where the other will not bear in three or four. Besides he will give you two nectarine plum trees and anything else he has in his garden or orchard. This day the bearer came to my house with a basket of the said grapes. Ruckholts, 2 Oct. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 171)
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] Oct. 3/13. Since my last from Toulouse, I have passed through Languedoc and Provence, countries much differing from the other parts of France, wherein I have seen many fair towns and monuments of great antiquity, the particularities whereof I have set down in my French journal, which at my arrival in Paris I will send you. I cannot longer omit to let you know the great honour I have received of the Duke Guise at Marseilles, which was such as I must for ever acknowledge myself indebted to that Prince. He made often and most honourable mention of your many kindnesses to the Prince Jenvile at his being in England. I beseech you to return him thanks. Here at Lions I found my man with your letters. I will wholly govern myself by your directions at Geneva. As time and season serve I will resolve of my journey towards Paris. Lions, 13 Oct. st:no:
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (228 30)
Noel de Caron to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 6. The States wish for his Majesty's letters to further the deliverance of 60 or 80 prisoners taken at Tunis and elsewhere by the Turks, and Salisbury promised to write such letters to the English Ambassador in Turkey. He begs that he may have them as soon as possible. The States have already received the letters of the French King in that behalf.
A friend has sent him a case of Venice glasses. He informed the maker of crystalline glasses in London thereof, who refuses to allow him to take it, on account of the great quantity. Begs for Salisbury's order that he may have it. He has had none during the time he has lived here, and does not intend to import any more. Suydt Lambet, 6 Oct. 1609.
Holograph French 1 p. (195 114)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 11. I thank you for your kind letter. It brought me news of double contentment; first of his Majesty's good health, and next of your own.
If any such book as you write of shall be offered to the seal, I will stay it according to your direction. I intend to be at London on Monday next, and then to see you. In the meanwhile I will pass the time as a poor hermit in a desert, here amongst the woods, not altogether idle nor void of care, although I but tumble my tub as Diogenes did to little purpose. Ashridge, 11 Oct. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 172)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 11. His Majesty has commanded me to inform you of the proceedings in the election at Christ's College in Cambridge, wherein he has received an affront such as he thinks cannot stand with his honour to suffer. The matter is that after the direction given by you they were left with their liberty, so as they chose not Bambridge. My Lord of Bath informed him that he perceived they had a purpose to choose one Pemberton, a younger bachelor of divinity, one as much to be misliked as the other as having been his disciple, one whom his Majesty remembered to have once so preached before him as he was like to have committed him. He was further informed that Jacob, a turbulent minister of London, had been amongst them, and that they had been casting their courses how to have an election to serve their turn, though Bambridge were omitted. Whereupon his Majesty wrote letters to them yesterday (whereof I send you herewith a copy), requiring they should nominate to him 3, 4 or 5 eligible persons, amongst which if there were any against which he had just exception for public respect, he would signify it to them, and leave them their choice of the rest. They made no answer to this letter, but made their election this morning, and came to exhibit the petition I send herewith; in which his Majesty takes that they cavil with him upon the words of complete election, because they say they have not given the elected his oath. But his meaning was that they should signify the names of men to him first and hear his answer, which if it had pleased them might have been done time enough before the hour of their election. At the time of their coming his Majesty, hearing before what had been done, commanded them to the porter's lodge, where they remained about two hours, and sent to receive this their petition, with which he is so far from being satisfied as he thinks they abuse him with cavillations, using no manner of sincere dealing. At the same time he received a petition, which I enclose, from four other of the same house, complaining of this election, who by their speeches show that his Majesty's letters were not respectively used, and crave that he would nominate a Master. The parties who have made the election and the Master elect are commanded to attend you, and have given their credits to be there tomorrow night. The party who bring this letter are also commanded to wait on you. His Majesty directs you to confer with my Lord of Canterbury what is meet to be done for the satisfaction of his honour, which he takes to be much offended in their contempt; and the rather for that he says he hears from men of good sort that the eyes of the University are cast upon the success of this business. He thinks the offenders cannot but be committed, and some course thought upon for a new election. Whereas they allege they have satisfied the contents of his letters, in that they have not made a complete election; being demanded by him whether it were so incomplete as that they might by their statutes proceed to a new, they will not say so, but that his Majesty may do what please him; wherein they do but shift, as he says, and put him to the straining of his prerogative, which is an unpleasing thing in such cases, and which he is not willing to use but in case of necessity, or else to approve their election, which they know he is not disposed to do. His speeches are earnest wherein he recommends this to your care, in regard his honour is interested in it. For the party to be chosen he favours Dr Clarke, recommended by my Lord of Ely, or Mr Carey, but yet is indifferent, so as it be a conformable and peaceable man. If the election be devolved to you, as some of the Fellows suppose, he doubts not but you will order it well and will have care of his reputation. Court at Royston, 11 Oct. 1609.
Holographpp. (127 173)
The Bishop of Durham to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 12. I thank you for your letters of September 21. First, for that you approve my opinion touching the appointment of that Popish knight, of whom I wrote nothing but truth. Your letters to him I send enclosed. Mr Thomas Morray was much abused, and I cannot guess by whom. I could not perceive that any Papist had recourse to him when here, nor that he gave any countenance to them. It were meet you knew the recommender and esteemed him accordingly: and if you impart so much to me, it may be a means to promote his Majesty's service. His Majesty has many in these parts whom he may trust in the Duke's Grace's causes. I thank you for appointing Mr Barnes in Sir Richard Thekston's place; he is Clerk of the Chancery here, and many years ago when he was in the Temple depended on your noble father. He is a very intelligent man, and will faithfully advance the Duke's causes. Your letters much comforted him. But Mr Sanderson having received the commission and showing him your letter, though Mr Barnes took notice of the renewing of the commission and asked him of the time, yet Sanderson never signified your appointment to him, neither will have him a commissioner if he can choose. As you have nominated him I pray that no practices, which will not be wanting, may alter your opinion of him. I wrote of grievances which gentlemen of the country took against Mr Sanderson's manner of proceeding, and labouring to have commissioners of his own choice, which you most honourably met. There are certain depths and plots in some of their heads which time will open, and God and his Majesty, I doubt not, will frustrate. Bishop's Awkland, 12 Oct. 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (127 175)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 13. These letters are sent by Mr Lepton and not by the post, because you shall hear from him some particulars of that which is the subject of his Majesty's writing. His Highness has been advertised from my Lord Sheffield by Mr Lepton that, notwithstanding all the pains that have been taken in the matter of prohibitions, notwithstanding the judges' offers of their own cautions for the future, and notwithstanding they had so sensible a testimony of his Majesty's displeasure with their slight manner of proceeding in things of that nature, there have more prohibitions been directed to that Court now this last term held in the end of July (which was long since the judges last being before his Majesty and your Lordships) than there were at any time before. And that namely one since the last term, the judges being out of Court and the prohibition antedated, in so mean a matter as a hunting match, which is besides the general offence to his Majesty so expressly against their own offers (whereof his Majesty remembers freshly that one was that no prohibition should be given out of Court and with antedate) as his Majesty thinks no person of discretion would have done it, except with purpose to make show to the world how little they set by his Majesty's offence. It is so strange to his Highness as that he cannot believe it till he have some trial made, but if he find it to be true, he vows and affirms it with many oaths that he will make those judges know he is their sovereign and feel what his power is, and that he can be served with as honest men and as well learned as they, who shall better understand how to demean themselves toward him. For his satisfaction wherein he desires your Lordship to afford some time after speech with Mr Lepton, either by calling for the judges, or such of them as be in town or near the town, which his Majesty thinks that ere this time many of them are, their circuits being finished; or by other means to inform yourself of the truth of both points; that is, the number and that are antedated and given out of Court, and to let his Majesty know the truth of it, for which his Highness has willed me to say he will long as a woman with child and suspend his judgment till he hear; but if it fall out true will take a course to repair his own honour, adding that he shall not marvel to find contumacy and disobedience in people, if the judges who should give them example of reverence and duty, make their glory to neglect his displeasure. The judges which his Majesty means are the Judges of the Common Pleas, and for your information his Highness said you may use the service of Mr Attorney. Your Lordship will pardon me in a matter of this moment to write as I receive, for it is delivered to me with much passion and bitterness, and I think his Majesty the more inflamed because of the contempt used toward him at Cambridge by the scholars, which his Majesty scorns much, and indeed they handled it peevishly.
Another thing which has cast his Majesty into offence, and whereof his pleasure was I should write either to you or my Lord Chamberlain, was the want of attendance of the Knight Marshal, which displeased his Majesty very much, and his direction is that my Lord Chamberlain should roundly show him of it, and that his Highness takes it ill that he should think it sufficient for his person to be attended by his servants and those, when they are here, of mean fashion and one or two at the most; and that, if he have no better disposition to do his service, he should resign his place to his Majesty, and he will provide himself of one that shall think it an honour to attend his Majesty in that place. This, I take, grows of the disorders of boys, rogues and idle people frequenting the fields when his Majesty is abroad.
A third matter, and that of offence too, is concerning the highways; but the direction herein is not only to your Lordship but to my Lords of the Council in general. His Highness remembers what pains their Lordships took for the amending of the ways between London and this place, and that he was told the Justices had received order and undertaken somewhat, but his Majesty finds it so far from any effect as the ways are worse than they were. This his Majesty takes to be a sign of neglect of the authority of that Board, and consequently of his Highness also, and says that he has heard that the time was when a direction given from that table would not have been so passed over. Wherefore seeing their Lordships' reputations are engaged in it as well as his, his Majesty doubts not but being advertised from him of the neglect, they will in their wisdoms think upon the reparation and not suffer so many contempts to creep into people's minds unpunished as daily do. From the Court at Royston, this 13 Oct. 1609.
Holograph 4 pp. (128 1)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 14. Yesternight after the receipt of your letters I acquainted his Majesty with them, who is exceedingly well satisfied with all that your Lordship has done in that matter, as their committing the order concerning Bambridge and the deferring of the matter till his Majesty's return. But one point his Majesty thinks your Lordship has done yourself some wrong in, that is in giving them a protestation that you would leave them to a free election. His Majesty thinks it can now no way stand with his honour to leave them to choose, and if it be devolved he is not minded you should lose any advantage which their own act has given, for his Highness takes it not that the devolution is by your deferring of them till after Allhallowtide, but by their own proceeding. For if they have made a complete election they have disobeyed his Majesty's commandment that way; if not a complete, then being tied to a precise day and hour as in their petition to his Majesty they alleged, and within that day and hour no complete election being performed, they have devolved it by their own deed; which his Majesty would not have you omit to take hold of. For the person to be chosen or nominated his Majesty is very indifferent, and will be till he speaks with your Lordship. Only in general, he thinks that to avoid opinion that he has had any scope in this business but the public, somebody may be thought upon to be placed there that has been yet least talked of. From the Court at Royston, this 14 Oct. 1609.
Holograph Sealpp. (128 4)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609,] Oct. 15. My last letter I received from you was of the 11th inst. I am commanded by my Lord of Dombar to make his commendations to your Lordship, and tomorrow I shall send you letters from him, which I believe will not be unpleasing to you. I acquainted him with the private note and then burnt it. Our Great Chancellor of Scotland is to be here on Wednesday next. His Majesty is in good health. The frost is so great here as he can get no hunting, and the hawks are not ready, So that there is no sport here. From Rostorne, the 15 of Oct.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (128 5)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 15. Yesternight I received your Lordship's letters concerning the prohibitions, and this morning the other by Mr Hassett, who is dispatched and knighted, but has committed a fault here, being stolen away without paying his fees, which is the cause I send by the post, intending to have sent by him. I do not greatly blame him, for they are grown to over great an exaction, and it was not possible he should be provided to pay them all that asked. But partly because I know not what heart your Lordship may have of this book concerning the alum, and partly to acquaint you with some further direction given me by his Highness this morning concerning the matter of Cambridge, I have used the post.
When I acquainted his Majesty with these last letters of your Lordship's, he willed me to advertise you that he is informed from some of good account in Cambridge that, concerning this election for Christ College, there was a conventicle held of divers of that faction, not only assembled from other colleges in Cambridge but out of the country adjoining, and that Jacob, a notorious minister of London for faction and disquietness, carried a great hand amongst them. Whereupon his Majesty would have you both examine those you have committed at London, and give order to the Vice-Chancellor at Cambridge to examine Bambridge and others of their party in that College upon these points: what meetings have been held by them concerning this election with any others besides those of their own College, and whether they were of the University that were at such meetings; whether there were at those meetings any ministers or scholars not being ordinarily of that University but assembled from other places; thirdly, whether Jacob were at any meetings either in College or in the town concerning this election, and whether he came of purpose or accidentally. His Majesty, I perceive, is eager in this matter, and exceedingly well pleased with that which your Lordship has done, saving with your protestation, and seems to be resolute that Pemberton shall not have it.
The Bishop of Ely elect sent hither that because he hopes his Majesty means him the profits a tempore mortis, his bill might be signed before the paying come now after Michaelmas, lest if it come into the Exchequer it be hard to get it out again. But I forbear to offer his bill because of the caution your Lordship gave me, although it seems he speaks of my Lord of Bath, that a letter being delivered by him to his Majesty from my Lord of Canterbury concerning the place of Almoner, his Majesty has willed him to return answer that his Majesty inclines that my Lord of Ely should hold it still.
I have by his Majesty's commandment (solicited thereto by Sir Roger Aston) sent to you a petition of Mr Hogan of Hampton Court, craving allowance to be made him for some extraordinary charges he is put to for furnishing his Majesty, the Queen and Prince with founts in which they take delight. His Majesty's answer is that your Lordship by conference with my Lord Admiral can easily find what allowance he has already, and whether it be sufficient to serve his turn. His Highness knows you are not unjust in anything is needful for him, although you have need otherwise to be a hard treasurer. From the Court at Royston, this 15 Oct. 1609.
Holograph Seal, broken 3 pp. (128 6)
The Bishop of Bath and Wells to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 15. I write these few lines to make my excuse that your Lordship has not heard of me before now. The truth is I obtained leave of his Majesty upon Tuesday to go see my friends in Northamptonshire. Yet before I went I acquainted his Majesty that I heard the Fellows of Christ College had an intention to abuse both the grace his Majesty and the favour your Lordship had afforded them for a free election, and to make choice of one Mr Pemberton as deeply devoted to that faction as Mr Bambridge, so that there would be nothing got by secluding of Bambridge but the putting in of a worse, in that being young and less able to rule he must be wholly governed by the other. Whereupon, I being upon my journey, his Majesty gave order to Sir Thomas Lake to write to the College to that effect your Lordship knows better than I. But in this information of his Majesty, I think I did but my duty both to him and you, for, as I have certified him since my coming home, I was present when I heard you once and again charge the Fellows that they should not put a trick upon the King, but expressly bound them to choose such a one as both his Majesty had directed them unto in his letters and themselves had made promise to elect in their petition. By these speeches I am sure, as I have told his Majesty, you meant not to have one of that stamp put by and another of the same kind elected. I relate this the rather to you, for the Fellows have made it a colour for their doings that you should enjoin them to choose one of their own house that was now an actual Fellow of the house, which is as true as their dealings have been just and plain. I am glad they do a little smart for their fault, so that their suffering may not make a redemption of their offence, but may teach them better obedience to their King and governors. From Court at Royston, this 15 of Oct. 1609.
Holograph Sealpp. (128 19)
John Osborne to Lord [Salisbury]
1609, Oct. 15. Suggestions for preventing spoil of the King's woods. 15 Oct. 1609.
Holograph 2 pp. (132 119)
Thomas Jegon, Vice-Chancellor, to the Earl of Salisbury, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge
1609, Oct. 16. Upon the receipt of your Honour's letters delivered to me the 14th of this month, I have fulfilled your commandment, so that Mr Bambridge is committed to the house of Mr Reeding, one of our beadles. The rest that did concur in the pretended election of Mr Pemberton (viz, Mr Adison, Chappell, Bentley, Rusle and Estwick) are bound before us in 1001 a man for their appearance before you the morrow after all Hallowtide next at Whitehall or elsewhere at your direction, to answer the matter. I have also signified unto them your purpose not to impeach their freedom of any new election that might happen by devolution. In the interim the government of the College is committed to Mr Adison, in other Fellows' absence, to whom I have promised the readiness of my best endeavours upon all occasions as your Honour commands. This is all I was commanded for Christ's College. Upon receipt of a special commission, procured from the King by your mediation for ease of our University in the case of aid, there is levied of our University and colleges in the same and delivered to the collector 811: 8s: 8d. It was cheerfully tendered without any pleading for further freedom after your pleasure known by this commission. Cambridge, 16 Oct. 1609.
Signed ½ p. (128 8)
Thomas Cambell and William Cokayne to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 17. Whereas for the necessary service and performance of the Lord Mayor and the Sheriffs' approaching feast at Geldhall (Guildhall) we are, according to the ancient use, to employ a very great quantity of unwrought pewter, and having to that purpose conferred with the wardens and others of the Pewterers for the furnishing of 12,000 weight, which is the least which can be required for that service, we understand by them that all the pewterers of London are altogether unprovided, and that there is little or none unwrought pewter to be had in their hands at this time. Except it please you to vouchsafe us your favour therein, we shall be driven to some hard exigent and for want thereof not able to perform things requisite to our own willing desires in a service of that consequence. May it please you to direct your letters to the King's farmers or agents to furnish the pewterers hereunder named with 12,000 weight of tin at his Majesty's price, paying ready money for the same, that therewith they may speedily make up rough vessels to furnish our present use. 17 Oct. 1609.
The pewterers named below are: Richard Glover, Thomas Smith and Frauncis Greves.
Signed ¾ p. (128 9)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] Oct. 18. Your Lordship's letters came hither this night about eight of the clock and I was anon after called for, not by reason of them but of a packet which came with them in a cover enclosed to Sir Robert Carre, which cover I have sent to you, and is no doubt of a counterfeit hand. Within was a book printed and directed to his Majesty, being in the title a supplication to his Majesty on the behalf of the silenced and disgraced ministers for liberty of exercise of their government and discipline to be exempted from the prelates their adversaries, and to be made subject to lay magistrates. Thus much his Majesty has gathered by the beginning in so short a time of reading, and withal one thing that he makes sport at but says will move choler in your Lordship, that they vouch the authority of your book that none of that sort had ever disloyal thought. When his Majesty has read it he will send it to you to see if by the print you can find any means to discover the author or printer, except there chance to come any copy of it to your hands therewhiles whereby you may see what can be found.
For answer to my Lord Cooke's letter about the prohibitions, it is thus as near as I can remember, being charged to do it precisely totidem verbis, as near as I could say it. First, that his Majesty is glad that there is no such prohibition with ante-date (if that fall out so), because he is not so ready to have occasion of offence against his ministers as glad of their good carriage. Secondly, that if there have been any granted at all, be it with or without ante-date, in term or out of term, since the last renewing of my Lord Sheffield's commission, it is an insolency, dishonesty and contempt toward him which he cannot bear. For his Majesty charged the Judges then to forbear any at all to issue of their own authority and of course, but if there were any enormous matter or cause of extraordinary nature which that court had meddled with, they should acquaint his Majesty withal and he would not restrain where he should see cause. Which the Judges promised him to observe. Thirdly, that for the better clearing of this matter, which depends upon the dates of the prohibitions, his Majesty would have you to send presently to my Lord Sheffield to require him to send up some of the counsel or other instructed in the particulars of these prohibitions, or else send the copies or notes and dates of them, for that it shall be one of the first things his Majesty will do at his return to try how the truth of it stands. And for speedy return of answer from his Lordship I was charged to send away the post this night, although Sir Roger be to go from hence early tomorrow and says he will be there as soon as any post. But his Majesty will not believe that.
I have herewith returned to you certain privy seals I received from Mr Levinus. From the Court at Royston, this 18 Oct. at 10 at night.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' Sealpp. (128 10)
Sir William Godolphin to the Lord High Treasurer
1609, Oct. 19. Having sometime heard your Lordship commend the goodness of such ambergris as is gathered on our western sands, I am bold to send you herewith a little poor piece, being the first that I could learn to have been found since my coming down, and of the best and purest kind as they tell me who take upon them to judge thereof. I think it needless to trouble you with report of my lost labour at Combmartyn, having formerly upon good inquiry and advice requested Sir Walter Cope to let fall that lease (if it may stand with your liking) and to take up my bond given in 2001 to the patentees for performance of covenants.
An honest merchant, my neighbour, newly come out of France, reports to have seen my Lord Cramborn in perfect good health about the 15th of last month at Bordeaux, where his Lordship stayed but a day or two and so passed on for Tolouse and Mompellier towards Marseille, with some 30 gentlemen and servants in his train. He adds that the English merchants of that town sent his Lordship a present, which he would in no sort accept in gift but paid them for it and caused them to dine with him at his own table; of which favour the reporter is not a little proud, being one of that company. He says further that his Lordship is well grown since his being in France, and that no marks of the small pox are seen upon his face
I humbly beg of you to be delivered from the burden of a sheriff by your Lordship's breath in my favour to his Majesty, if at the next election my name shall either happen to be in the list or otherwise questioned for this heavy office. 19 Oct. 1609.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (128 12)
Sir A. Newton to the Earl of Salisbury, Lord High Treasurer
[1609] Oct. 19. After his Highness's return from hawking I acquainted him with your letter and advertisement, for which he has willed me to return his thanks. As he wishes that he may give as much joy and contentment unto his father as ever Prince Edward unto Edward III, so he hopes that this State be never brought to that strict exigent that your brain be set a work for devising of such strange resolutions for relieving of it. If these be the Pope's courses to gain souls, his Highness says he thinks never to trust him with his. He will rather trust your Lordship with the care of his creation, which he imagines you have purposely mentioned in your letter to let him know you do now and then think upon him. Richmond, this 19 Octob.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: '19 October 1609. Sr Andrew Newton to my Lord.' and below in another and (?) slightly later handwriting: 'Q. Sr Adam.' ½ p. (128 13)
Dr Cuthbert Bambrygg, senior fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge, to the Earl of Salisbury, Chancellor of Cambridge University
1609, Oct. 19. Hear the complaint of a poor private and unknown man to your Honour, oppressed with calumnies and slanders. My right and interest by our Statutes to the Master's place of Christ's College, lately deceased, many here know and will acknowledge. The thing which made me renounce my interest to that place was not a guilty conscience, but want of opportunity to answer personally for myself before the time of the election, and of means near the Court to mitigate his Majesty's displeasure stirred up against me, as I have heard, by my adversaries. For these causes I was forced, the election drawing near, to give place to other competitors. My conversation in the University and College and conformity to the laws and statutes are well known to many in these places, and was well known to the Bishop of Bath and Wells, so long as he continued in the University. What my estimation is at this present in the University, the letters testimonial granted me of late under its common seal may testify. I have borne office in the University of the Proctor and Scrutator. I have been thrice chosen University Preacher for the Lady Margaret by the heads and governors of the colleges. O, that I might obtain of your Honour that my adversaries be compelled to avow the things they have informed against me, and that they be committed to the hearing of Mr Vice-Chancellor, Dr Goad, Doctor Branthwaite and Doctor Cowell here, where we are known and witnesses may be produced! In the meantime, give no more credit to their malicious informations but protect me, destitute of all maintenance excepting my poor fellowship and preachership, and now in regard of the present estate of our College release my restraint. From the place of my restraint, the Bedell's house, 19 Oct. 1609.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (128 14)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 22. I have now sent unto you by his Majesty's commandment the book whereof I advertised you before, with many annotations of his Majesty's in the margin, which his Highness willed me to tell you he would have you at some time of your meetings impart unto my Lords of the Council; and take occasion thereby to fall into some consideration what is to be done for the suppressing of this animosity of theirs. For his Majesty will not believe that any would have presented such stomachous supplication except he had held himself assured of forty thousand men to make it good. His Majesty also persuades himself that Jacob is either the author or has his finger in it, and therefore desires you to let my Lord of Canterbury know that, as it was he that let him go when he was last in hand, his Majesty looks his Lordship should use his industry to apprehend him again, that thereby the author may be discovered.
I have nothing else to trouble you with but my most humble thanks for excusing me, both by your letters and my Lord Haye's report and your honourable construction of my services. From the Court at Royston, 22 Oct. 1609.
Holograph Sealpp. (128 15)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 22. I will not fail to wait upon my Lords at Whithalle tomorrow at 2 of the clock, and shall take order for Jacob's being there at that time. At Lamb[eth], 22 Oct. 1609.
Holograph ¼ p. (128 16)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 22. The day which you appointed for the cause between the King and Sir R. Dudley was the first Saturday in the term, whereof lest the adjourning of the term might breed any alteration I thought best to put you in mind, and am forced to do it by letter because my Lord Carew's absence ties me here to attendance. Hampton Court, 22 Oct. 1609.
PS.—The Queen says she will not remove till she hear from the King himself when and where he will have her come unto him.
Holograph 1 p. (195 115)
Lord Eure to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 23. The return of my servant without any answer from you to the point of my last letters, and the answer your Lordship and Mr Chancellor have made to the reference from his Majesty, make me fear my suit is not very pleasing to you. But its reasonableness, and especially the constraint of my own estate, urges me once more to cast myself into your hands and beseech you to preserve my ruined estate from a main downfall. The suit concerns only such lands whose inheritances are without any right detained from his Majesty, which I labour to reduce and bring a rent for to his Majesty. My charges in the prosecuting and the sharers in the procuring considered, the benefit will not be such as it seems. Tickenhill House, 23 Oct. 1609.
Signed Seal, broken 1 p. (128 17)
Nicholas Smyth to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 23. According to a former petition in July last herein enclosed, I pray to be privileged as far as the justice of my cause may move your Honour. 23 Oct. 1609.
Holograph ½ p. (128 18)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 23. I received this morning commandment from his Majesty to write to you about the Queen's remove to Whitehall upon Saturday next to this effect; that, as it was on the one side commodious for his Majesty's affairs to be there, so on the other if, after the Queen's coming and settling of her household, anything should happen amiss, it would be very troublesome to change. Wherefore he would have you advise with my Lord Chamberlain of it before it be put fully in execution. If you can discern that the fall of the sickness is like to continue, his Highness can be pleased the remove hold, but if it be doubtful he had rather the Queen abode where she is a while longer. Because the certificate cannot come in before Thursday, I gather that his Majesty's meaning is that he would not have the remove so forward, but that if by this week's certificate there appear to be cause, it may be stayed without much trouble.
His Majesty at the same time willed me to signify that whereas Pembreton, being charged with a sermon preached before him at Newmarkett, denies that he said anything that displeased his Highness, his Majesty having spoken with my Lord of Bath thought fit you should be advertised of the particular; which was, that taking occasion to speak of Puritans he said that the name of Puritans properly belonged to the Papists who thought they had power by their free will to fulfil the law of God, and not to those painful ministers who laboured in preaching the Word. Which speech his Majesty did not mark but he, being afterwards charged with it by my Lord of Bath, maintained it, and being asked why he called them painful and zealous preachers of the Word, affirmed it was true and they were so indeed. This the Bishop never uttered to his Majesty, but my Lord of Cranborn coming to Court and his Majesty asking him what news at Cambridge, he told his Highness that the speech was there that one Pembreton had preached to him in favour of the Puritans and silenced ministers, whereupon his Majesty took occasion to inquire of the matter.
After I had written thus far I received your letters advertising the arrival of Count Solmes and other things, wherewith making his Majesty acquainted, he gave no further directions than before, but kept the copy of the Nuntio's letter, having once read it and said he would read it at more leisure.
I purpose on Tuesday or Wednesday next to depart from hence and attend your Lordship. From the Court at Royston, 23 Oct. 1609.
Holograph Sealpp. (128 20)
The Same to the Same
1609, Oct. 23. Besides that which I wrote to your Lordship this afternoon concerning the remove of the Queen, his Majesty has willed me to signify further that if you find the sickness doubtful this week, besides the trouble of returning back if aught should happen after the Queen's being at Whitehall, his Majesty's absence and hers might serve for a kind of provocation to the Londoners to look better to the City, and to preserve it from infection lest it should give just cause to his Highness to absent himself oftener and longer than has been usual. Seeing now there is no occasion natural of continuance of the infection either by distemper of the air or weather, it can be imputed to none other cause that it thus haunts the City than their own negligence. Of which argument, seeing your Lordship knows his Majesty is to speak to the Lord Mayor and some of his brethren, his Highness would have you consider of the time for it, which would be as soon as it might after his return from hence, whether the Court settle at Whitehall or Hampton Court. 23 Oct. 1609.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (128 22)
The Same to the Same
1609, Oct. 24. I received both your packets this morning early and caused his Majesty to be acquainted with them, being in his bed. From him I received by Sir Roger Aston this direction, that as it would be very late for his Highness after he receives your advertisement of the sickness, which cannot be here till Friday, to give any direction for the Queen, and for that his Highness has no will to be from home on All Hallow eve but to be settled the night before, he therefore thinks it best that his own remove from hence continue as he purposed it on Friday or Saturday to Theobalds; and concerning the Queen to leave it to your Lordships' judgments in this manner, that in case you find by the certificate on Thursday that either the sickness falls aught or is in places not so near the Court of Whitehall but that your Lordships shall be of opinion her Majesty may be safely there, then without sending to his Majesty to remove her to Whitehall either Saturday next or Monday. When his Majesty is at Theobalds he shall hear what your Lordships have thought good and where he shall find her on Monday night next, either at Whitehall or Hampton Court, there he purposes to be. This course his Majesty thinks may best fit all turns because the carts that remove the Queen are not to be used for his remove, and your Lordships shall have time to discern whether it be fit to remove the Queen or no. From the Court at Royston, 24 Oct. 1609.
Holograph Sealpp. (128 23)
Sir Humfrey Weld to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 25. I received your letter signifying his Majesty's inclination for the establishing of a Company of Merchants to trade for France. I have imparted his pleasure therein to the Governors of the several Companies of Merchants in the City, who have returned me their certificates of the names of such merchants as are willing and desirous upon reasonable conditions to be united in that trade. I send them herewith by Mr Dyos, whom we have chosen in the place of Mr Edmonds to attend your commands. We pray you vouchsafe him hearing in the City's affairs. I acknowledge your most noble favours towards me and the City in this past year of my weak service. 25 Oct. 1609.
Signed 1 p. (195 116)
The Archbishop of York to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 26. Accept in good part my answer to your letter in favour of Mr Dr Ingram to succeed Sir John Benet in the commissaryship of my exchequer at York, wherein I was contented at your request to benefit him.
Concerning your letter of the 20th of this month about the contribution for the aid to be yielded by the clergy in this province; that their charge be not further extended than according to the true meaning of his Majesty's commission, and their ability; as my brethren must acknowledge themselves greatly bound for your care over them, so can I not yet get any of the Commissioners (among whom I am none) to confer withal, some being not well at ease, some gone up to the term, and some following that service in the more remote parts of this shire. Therefore I must defer the execution of your favourable direction till better opportunity. I desire to understand whether I shall send to such Commissioners as I cannot speak with a copy of your whole letter, which I think would give best satisfaction to them, and contentment to the poor clergy. Cawood Castle, 26 Oct. 1609.
PS.—Your postscript so long and so loving has exceedingly confirmed my former opinion and recomforted my heavy heart touching T[obie] M[atthew]. For albeit I was even at the first persuaded that he could never be so flagitious as to have any hand or finger in that godless and graceless work, yet could I not but extraordinarily grieve at such malicious and opprobrious rumours as ran upon him here and there, both the matter and form considered. Whereof that he is now at last so rightfully acquitted, my prayer with tears is and shall be for ever that he may be most thankful to God and you, to whom he rests so deeply bound for himself, and I for him, poor silly seduced soul, no less beholden. How high and happy a service to his Majesty and the State is the discovery of the very author and traitor himself. It is the Lord's benediction on your religious labours. Let me end with a thousand thanks for your kind acknowledgment of me as your old acquaintance.
Signed, the postscript being wholly in the Archbishop's hand 1 p. (195 117)
John Ryce and William Norris to the King
1609, Oct. 26. Keepers of the Southwalk in Enfield Chace. For allowance for winter food for the deer. Undated.
Note by Sir Julius Caesar: that the King refers the petition to Lord Cranborne. The Court at Whitehall, 26 Oct. 1609.
1 p. (P.725)
Lord Carew to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, Oct. 28.] This morning her Majesty sent a gentleman to see how I did. I have desired her leave to be absent for this day. She commanded me to speak with you of a suit made by some of her servants, and to pray your opinion whether she shall hearken to it or no. It is for the pardon of Jenninges the pirate, which was taken by the Earl of Tomond in Ireland, for which 10001 is offered. The gentleman could not resolve me whether the Queen also intended to sue for his goods; and I doubt that my Lord Admiral is by his office interested therein. Let me know what answer I shall make. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: '28 Oct. 1609.' 1 p. (195 118)
Thomas Holland to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, Oct. 30. Here is now arrived a ship of Amsterdam called the Half Moone, of the burthen of 70 tons or thereabouts, whereof one Henry Hudson, an Englishman late of London, is master. I understand of him that in March last he was set forth out of Amsterdam by the East Indian Company there for discovery of the North-East passage. He proceeded as far as the coast of Nova Zembla and was in 72 degrees. His company, who are all Flemings besides himself and two others, being unable to endure the cold, he altered his voyage, and passing by the northern parts of Scotland directed his course for the coast of America and came to the Banks on the coast of Newfoundland, from whence by stormy weather he was forced to put into Nova Francia, where he new masted his ship and so passed to a place called Cape Codd. From thence he sailed to the southward of the London Colony in Virginia, and trended that coast till he came to Cape Henry, and so sailed up into the bay of Chicepeicke. There having viewed the coast and the fashion and trending of the land, he came forth out of that bay to the northward, and says that near about the middest of the two English colonies on that coast he discovered a goodly river, into the which he sailed with his ship fifty leagues up and found by his sounding there that the same is navigable with any ships whatsoever, and that this river, as far up as he was therein, does ebb and flow with a strong current, rises with the flood some five foot high and is of a good breadth. He says that the people there have great plenty of their country corn and other victuals. For that it seemed to me, by conferring with him, that he has discovered some especial matters of greater consequence which he would not impart, finding him also a man of experience and well known, as he told me, to Sir Walter Cope and Sir Thomas Challener, and for that also I understand that for his necessary occasions he is to stay here ten days and upon advice, which he expects from a Dutchman in London, being furnished with some necessaries here, intends to return again to the coast of America, I have thought myself bound in my especial duty to advertise your Honour of these things. Dartmouth, 30 Oct. 1609.
Signed Seal ½ p. (128 24)
Postal endorsements: 'Received at Aishberton by a half an hour past eleven of the clock the last of October. Received at Excether about 4 the clock in the afternoon. R. at Honyton before 8 at night the last of October. This letter broken before it came at Honyton. Rec. at Sheirborne the 1 of November at 7 in the morning. Recd at Shaston 12 o'clock morning. Recd at Andover at ten at night being Wednesday. Received at Basingstoke the 2 of November past eight in the morning. Rec. at Hartford Bridge the 2 of November past eleven o'clock. Received at Stanes the second of November past 6 at night.'
Thomas Jegon, Vice-Chancellor, to the Earl of Salisbury, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge
1609, Oct. 31. Mr Bambrigge is yesterday gone up to attend your Lordship. I durst not hold him here from the hearing, judging it was your pleasure to have him appear there to answer with the rest. I gave direction also that Mr Power should bring up the original statutes. I doubt not but they will both be there this night. The King's letters to the Fellows I sent up before to Doctor Mountaingue by Mr Carrew. Cambridge, Octobris ultimo, 1609.
Signed ½ p. (128 25)
Captain Avery Philips to the Lord High Treasurer
[1609, Oct.] Has known France a long time, and travelling of late unto Aunio and hearing the cry of the poor peasants there molested with a great number of wolves, sought means to obtain a licence for the killing of them, where he practised a device to kill great store of them. So that sundry times comes the wild boar in with all sorts of that kind, so that he could furnish his Honour with a number of them, both young and old, sufficient to furnish a park, which he will undertake loyally to accomplish. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Octo., 1609.' ½ p. (128 26)
Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester, to the Earl of Salisbury, her uncle
[1609, Oct.] Thanks his Lordship that it pleased him to vouchsafe his letter to grace her authority over her son, the copy whereof she received from Sir William Cornwallis. If it work not more his temper and obedience, she will despair ever to have comfort of him. Prays that the bearer, Sir Anthonie Mayne, be given leave to deliver the effect of her humble desires. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 'October 1609.' 1 p. (128 27)
Adrian Gilbert
[1609, (?) Oct.] The state of the case in the action between Sir Henry Hobart, knight, Attorney-General, plaintiff, and Adrian Gilbert, esquire, defendant in the Exchequer Chamber.
The defendant being possessed for divers years yet to come of the site and capital messuage of Sandridge and of certain lands called Blyndwells, co. Devon, in anno 38 Eliz. made over his estate therein to Sir Wa. Ralegh, his half-brother, upon trust to the use of the defendant. In 41 Eliz. Sir Wa. Ralegh, in discharge of the trust, regranted his interest and term to the defendant, who has always been in actual possession of the premises.
Sir Wa. Ralegh being attainted, and the King having graciously given his goods and chattels to Jo. Shelbery and Robert Smyth to the use of Sir Wa[lter], the said Sir Wa. Ralegh, Shelbery and Smyth plotted with one English, who pretended title to the premises, and privily procured an inquisition and seizure of the said lands in the King's name, suggesting that Sir Walter Ralegh was possessed thereof at the time of his attainder, and had also a vendicione exponas, which was afterwards stayed by the Court, and the defendant was admitted to his traverse. Thereupon Sir Wa. Ralegh sued the defendant in the name of Mr Attorney-General both in the Exchequer and the Exchequer Chamber, not only against his own act and deed made to the defendant, but also against his letters and acknowledgment to some of the Lords of the Privy Council, when he expected to die. Alleging that he was dispossessed of the lands by the said English at the time of his said grant to the defendant, he seeks against his own grant to draw the possession again to himself at the time of his attainder, thereby to entitle his Majesty to the use of himself, or else to set afoot the pretended title of English, having combined with him to defeat the defendant.
The defendant pleaded to issue in the Exchequer, and thereupon they sued out a nisi prius and put him to great charges in attendance with counsel and witnesses at the Assizes. By misinformation of the Court they obtained an injunction to take the possession from the defendant, but the Court upon true information dissolved the injunction.
Afterwards the defendant was enforced to answer in the Exchequer Chamber upon his oath and to join in commission, which cause now comes to hearing before the Lord Treasurer of England.
By means of these double suits the defendant is at an intolerable charge and cannot make any benefit of the lands in respect the suits are prosecuted in his Majesty's name, whereas in truth it is to the use of Sir Walter Ralegh, and his Majesty's name abused therein.
Further they have given out in speech that they will make the defendant sue in forma pauperis. Undated.
Unsigned Endorsed: '1609. Mr Adrian Gilbert.' 1 p. (128 77)
[See Cal. S. P. Dom., 1603–1610, P. 554.]