Index: C

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Cachops (? entrance to Lisbon) 267.

Cades. See Cadiz [Spain].

Cadez. See Cadiz [Spain].

Cadiz (Cades, Cales, Calix, Cadez) [Spain], 10, 122, 146, 216, 238, 265, 272.

Caen [France], 67.
-, stone from, 240.

Caesar, Julius, his commentaries on the Gallic War, 521.

Caesar, Sir Julius, Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer, 85, 173, 205, 248(2), 297, 301, 335, 342, 384.
-, letter from, 223, 224, 292.
-, letter to, 296, 298(2), 380, 479.
-, note by, on Chopwell Woods, Durham, 416.
-, signs a warrant, 472.
-, letter from mentioned, 224.
-, in connection with Court of Admiralty, 515.

Caistor (Castor) [co. Lines.]
-, minister of, 196.
-, parish church of, 196.

Caius, Dr. John, 206, 365, 405n, 407–9.

Calais (Callys, Callays, Callis) [France], 387, 397, 481.
-, ships from, 217: plan to seize, 265.

Calcott, Richard, 514.

Cales. See Cadiz.

Calignon, Monsieur de, Chancellor of Navarre, death of, 250.

Calix. See Cadiz.

Callays, Callis. See Calais.

Callender Ogli. See Kalender Oghlu.

Callo. See Nagy Kallo.

Callys. See Calais [France].

Calo. See Nagy Kallo [Hungary].

Calvert, Mr., 148.

Calvyn, James, Lord, of Culross (Colrosse). See Colville, James, Lord, of Culross [c. 1551–1629].

Calvyn, Robert. See Colville, Robert, Master of Colville.
-, -. See Colville, Robert (son and heir of Robert Colville, Master of Colville).

Cambridge, 69, 153, 437.
-, letter dated from, 180, 203, 210.
-, physicians and surgeons at, 343.

Cambridge, Christ's College, Master and Fellows of, letter from, 212–213, 405–406.
-, election of a Fellow of, 212, 405.

Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, letter dated from, 362– 363.
-, reference to Statute 19 of that College, 363.
-, Master and Fellows of, letter from, 363.
-, Master of. See Jegon, Thomas.

Cambridge, Emmanuel College, Fellow of. See Branthwaite, Dr. Wm.

Cambridge, Gonville (Gunwell) and Caius College, election of Master of, 203–206, 210, 211, 231, 238–239, 309, 325, 349, 364–368, 375, 381–383, 404– 5, 407–11, 432, 466–467.
-, Earl of Salisbury's right to collate the Mastership by devolution, 364–368, 410.
-, Dr. Branthwaite appointed the new Master of, 383.
-, papers concerning the disputed election of the Master, 206, 309–10, 407–411.
-, appointment of officers of, 349–350.
-, Fellows of, 204, 206, 211–212, 238, 364–367, 381, 383.
-, -, letter from, 211, 231, 325, 385.
-, Senior Fellow of, 309, 383, 405, 466. See also Pearce, Dr.; Fletcher, Dr.
-, President of, 349, 405, 467. See also Pearce, Dr.
-, statutes of, 204, 239, 365–367, 383, 407–9.
-, Master or Custos of. See Legge, Thos.; Gostlin, John; Branthwaite, William.

Cambridge, Gunwell and Caius College. See Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College.

Cambridge, King's College, letter dated from, 383.

Cambridge, Peterhouse, 497.

Cambridge, St. John's College, Masters and seniors of, 70.
-, -, letter from, 66.
-, letter dated from, 153, 369, 377.

Cambridge, Trinity College, letter dated from, 395.
-, a Bachelor of seeks Fellowship at Christ's College, 212, 405.

Cambridge, University of, 81, 309, 364–368, 375, 382–383, 385– 386, 408, 459, 460, 466, 497, 521.
-, ancients of, 287.
-, Chancellor of. See Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury.
-, college of, 391.
-, Consistory of, 367.
-, Fellowships and scholarships at, 179.
-, Heads of Colleges of, 367.
-, -, letter from, 179.
-, -, letter to, 459.
-, Steward of. See Howard, Thos., Earl of Suffolk.
-, Vice-Chancellor of, 367, 406, 459, 497. See also Duport, Dr.; Goade, Roger; Harsnett, Dr. Samuel.
-, -, letter from, 179, 318.
-, -, letter to, 364, 459.

Cambridgeshire, 456.

Camden Society, Miscellany of, XVI (1936), Sir Thomas Sherley's Discours of the Turkes, 475.

Camels, 110.

Campagna [Italy], 25.

Campion, Thomas, his masque, 2.

Canary Islands, 498. See also Grand Canary.

Canaye, Philippe, sieur de Fresnes, French Ambassador in Venice [recalled summer 1607], 18, 102, 111–2.

Canterbury, Archbishop of (1583– 1604). See Whitgift, John.

Canterbury, Archbishop of (1604– 1611). See Bancroft, Richard.

Canterbury, Dean of. See Nevile, Thos.

Canterbury, See of, 140.

Cantons, thirteen, 117. See Switzerland.

Cape, the. See South Cape.

Cape Finisterre (Cape Fynister, Capp Fynister), 272, 311.

Cape Fynister. See Cape Finisterre.

Cape St. Vincent [Portugal], 9. See South Cape.

Cape Verde (Caput Viride), 99.

Capel, Monsieur, 82.

Capell, Sir Edward, letter from, 121.

Capello, Marc Antonio, his book. 114.

? Capheaton (Capleton) [co. Northd.], 4.

"Capias" Writ, proposals for erecting an office for the due returns of Capias in personal actions, etc., 488.

Capleton (? Capheaton), co. Northumberland, 4.

Capp Fynister. See Cape Finisterre.

Caput Viride. See Cape Verde.

Caravel. See Carvel.

Carafa, Decio, Nuncio in Brussels, transferred to Spain, 146, 214.

Cardenas, Inigo de, Spanish Ambassador in Venice, 103, 111, 226.

Cardinal [William], 402.

Cardinals, College of, 102, 111.

Carding, 274.

Cardona, Felipe, Marquis of Guadalest, new Spanish Ambassador in Brussels, 157, 177, 280, 330, 371.

Carew, Sir George (d. 1612), Ambassador from England to France, 3, 16, 50, 56, 158, 166, 249, 251, 278, 279, 469.
-, memoir from, 263.
-, request presented by, mentioned, 55.
-, letters from, 130, 260.

Carew (Carey), George, Baron Carew of Clopton, later Earl of Totnes (1555–1629), ViceChamberlain to Anne of Denmark, 22, 247(2), 455.
-, may be appointed Master of the Ordnance, 62.
-, Vice-Chamberlain to Anne of Denmark, 22.
-, past service as Lord President of Munster, mentioned, 195, 412, 444.
-, letter from, 64, 411.
-, letter to, 90, 94.

Carew, Sir. Robert. See Carey, Sir Robert.

Carey, Elizabeth, Lady Carey, wife of Sir Robert (1560–1639) (in charge of Charles I when Prince Charles), letter from, 412.
-, letter from mentioned, 278.

Carey, John, 3rd Baron Hunsdon (1603–1617), 470.

Carey, Lord. See Carew, George, Baron Carew of Clopton, later Earl of Totnes (1555– 1629).

Carey (Carew, Cary, Carye), Sir Robert, 60, 65, 298, 470.
-, letter to, 215.

Carlell. See Carlisle [Cumberland].

Carlesmoor (Carlesmore) [Yorks], 454.

Carlesmore. See Carlesmoor [Yorks].

Carleton, Dudley, letter to, 202.
-, letter from, 413.

Carleton, Gifford. See Urwen, Christopher.

Carliell. See Carlisle.

Carliolen, Henry. See Robinson, Henry, Bishop of Carlisle.

Carlisle (Carlell, Carliell) [Cumberland], 6, 44, 95, 277, 318, 427.
-, letter dated from, 6, 30, 77, 87, 96, 100, 101(2), 176, 255, 318.
-, Commissioners at, 44. See Middle Shires, Commissioners of.
-, gaol delivery there mentioned 6, 100.
-, number of persons in prison at, 307.

Carlisle, Bishop of. See Robinson, Henry, Bishop of Carlisle.

Carmarthen [Wales], 20.
-, mayor and sheriffs of, 20.
-, impropriations in County of, 391.
-, sheriff of. See Morgan, John.
-, mayor of. See Long, Evan.

Carmichael, Sir Henry, 337.

Carnaby, Mr., of Hetton (Hatton), [Northd.], 4, 5.

Carney, David. See O'Kearney, David.

Caro. See Carrowe.

Caron, Noel de, Agent in England for the United Provinces, 147, 170, 511.
-, letter from, 9, 90.

Carpenter. See Trades and Professions.

Carpenter, Alderman of Berwick, 153.

Carpenter, Edward, gent., 24.

Carpenter, Richard, 28.

Carr(e), Mr., of Ford (Fourd) [co. Northd.], 5, 254.
-, his wife, sister to Sir Wm. Selby, 5.
-, his wife's death, 254.
-, imprisoned at Westchester, 254.

Carr(e), Mr. Robert, or. Viscount Rochester (1611), 456.

Carr, Wm., of Itall Castle (Etal Castle) [Northumberland], 5.

Carrell, Sir Edward, 518.

Carracks (ships), 70–1, 216, 267, 304.

Carrick [Ireland], 30.

Carrickfergus (Knockfergus) [Ireland], storehouse in, 428; palace of, 257.

Carrowe (Caro), Thomas, 9, 493.

Carteret, Mr. Amis, Bailiff and Deputy of Guernsey, 299.

Carteret, John (J.P. in Jersey), 282.

Carteret, Philip, the king's procureur in Jersey; referred to, 282; petition of, 493; complaint against, 494.

Carteret, Philip, the Seigneur of St. Ouen, 299; petition of, 494.

Carthusians (Chartereux Monks, religious of the Chartreuse), in Paris, 130, 166.

Carvels (ships), 169(2), 267, 512, 515, 516.

Carvile, Mr. See Carvill, Mr.

Carvill (Carvile), Mr., 28.

Cary, Sir Edmund, 53.

Cary, Sir George, letter from, 17.

Cary (Carye), Sir Robert. See Carey.

Carye, Lady. See Carey, Elizabeth, Lady Carey, wife of Sir Robert.

Casaubon [Isaac], Monsieur, his book, 114.

Cashel [co. Tipperary, Ireland], chapter of, 167, 425.
-, deanery of, 167, 425.
-, inhabitants of, 259.

Cashel, Archbishop of. See Magragh, Miler.

Cashel, Dean of. See Donallan, Andreas; Jones, Lewis.

Cashel, Portreeve of. See Sale, John; O'Kearney, Paul.
-, his brother the Popish Archbishop. See O'Kearney, David.

Cashel Castle [Ireland], gate of (Makana Gate), 414.

Cassauw. See Kosice.

Casse, Ed., tutor to Viscount Cranborne, 461, 466; letter from, 128.

Cassilis. See Kennedy, John, 5th Earl of Cassillis (1567?— 1615).

Cassino, Rev. George, 117.

Casson, James, Alderman of Kingston upon Hull, 331.
-, signs letter, 65.

Cassonade (unrefined cane sugar imported in casks), 57.

Cassovia. See Kosice.

Castels, Lordship of = Castiels? [Grisons, Switzerland], 116.

Castile [Spain], constable of. See Velasco, Juan Fernandez.

Castilho, Pedro de, Viceroy of Portugal, 9, 271, 510.

Castle, John, 326.

Castor [co. Lines.]. See Caistor [co. Lines.].

Castro, Francesco di, Spanish Ambassador in Venice, 103, 111, 226.

Catalonia [Spain], 241.

Caterby. See Catterlen.

"Caterpillars", 198.

Catesby [Robert], conspirator, 307.

Catholic families, in England. See Roman Catholics; recusants.

Catholic communes [in Grisons], 115.

Catholics. See Roman Catholics.

Catterlen (Caterlen, Caterby,) [Cumberland], 30, 78, 218.

Cautionary garrisons, 133, 484.

Cautionary towns, 89, 106(2), 107, 126, 484. See also Brill, Flushing.

Cave, Richard, nephew of Cecil, 121, 255.
-, letter from, 121.
-, died in Padua, 226, 255.

Cavendish, Sir Charles, 379.
-, letter from, 120, 121.
-, his sister mentioned, 121.

Cavendish, Sir H., 486.

Cawsand Bay [Cornwall], 515.

Cecil family, 385.

Cecil, Sir Edward, letter from, 414.
-, nephew to Earl of Salisbury, 414.
-, petitions for Presidency of Munster, 414.

Cecil, Mildred, mother of Robert Cecil, 214.

Cecil, Lady Frances, dau. of Robert. Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, 423n, 424; proposal that she should marry John, son of 1st Baron Harington, 45; journey by and health of, 125.

Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563–1612), Principal Secretary to James I, Lord Treasurer after the death of the Earl of Dorset in April 1608. See also Durie, Tom.
-, general references to—passim.
-, referred to as "that noble Earl," 121; ? "the Marquis," 239.
-, petitions to, 1, 6, 33(3), 62, 66, 70, 78, 102, 114, 143, 150, 163, 167(3), 202, 221, 238, 249, 396(2), 397, 415(2), 416, 423, 425(2), 428, 429, 430, 432, 433(2), 434, 438–9, 454, 458, 470, 485(2), 487(2), 492–521 passim.
-, petitions to mentioned, 12, 102, 141, 145, 150, 151, 259, 343, 354, 392, 437, 452.
-, letters etc. to—passim.
-, letters etc. to mentioned 6, 14, 19, 29, 58, 63, 119, 123, 124, 126, 128(2), 129, 154, 175, 177, 185, 190(2), 205, 215, 224(2), 229, 231, 238, 247, 248, 254, 266, 278, 285, 297, 304, 311, 318, 320, 324, 327, 339, 342, 343, 347, 348, 350, 357, 358, 362(2), 371, 372, 383, 388, 404, 437, 445, 448, 461, 464, 467, 488, 494, 505, 507.
-, letters etc. from, 20, 30, 37, 45, 48, 50, 97, 107, 126, 128, 131, 133, 138, 142, 191, 214, 215, 235, 236, 253, 283, 310, 315, 319, 327, 344, 347, 349–50, 353, 364, 367, 448, 459, 460– 68, 478, 479, 488.
-, letters etc. from mentioned, 11, 14, 15, 22, 29, 43, 52, 55, 69(2), 88, 93(2), 94, 97, 99, 121, 132, 142, 153, 162, 173, 191, 192, 205, 207(2), 209, 213, 215, 216(2), 232, 233, 238, 239, 247, 248(2), 251, 255, 256, 259, 264, 277, 278, 279(2), 286, 298, 300, 301, 308, 311, 318, 320, 324, 326, 329, 336, 338, 342, 343, 348, 349, 351, 362, 364, 368, 370, 371, 372, 374, 375, 381, 382, 386, 399, 406, 427(2), 436(2), 438, 445, 447n, 463, 488, 506.
-, letter signed by R.C. and Earl of Suffolk mentioned, 191, 447n.
-, referred to misleadingly as Lord Treasurer in contemporary abstracts from correspondence with Sir Thomas Edmondes, 128, 259, 283, 347. [For further details of these letters see Edmondes].
-, correspondence with and about his son. See Cecil, William, Viscount Cranborne.
-, presents to, 1, 2, 22, 104, 136, 164, 165, 241, 242, 346, 358.
-, disbursements by, 309.
-, his houses. See Theobalds; Hatfield; London, Salisbury House.
-, described by James I as a Puritan, 164, 348.
-, praised by James I to Earl of Dunbar, 185, 507–8.
-, jokingly abused by James I and the Queen, 192–3.
-, presents monkeys and marmosets to the Royal Family, 313, ? 489.
-, correspondence with the King and Prince Henry. See letters to and from R.C. listed above, and under James I and Henry.
-, other letters to R.C. from Court. See Court.
-, minutes of answers to letters from Commissioners of the Middle Shires, 106–107.
-, his chaplain. See Montaigne, Mr. George.
-, his secretary (unnamed), 158, 344. See Munck, Levinus; Kirkham.
-, his steward. See Houghton, Roger.
-, his servant, Wilson. See Wilson, Thomas.
-, his daughter. See Cecil, Frances,
-, his son. See Cecil, William. Viscount Cranborne.
-, his father. See Cecil William, first Lord Burghley.
-, his mother. See Cecil, Mildred.
-, his brother. See Cecil, Thomas.
-, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, 180, 203–205, 211–212, 231, 366–368, 375, 404, 433, 448, 459–460, 466–7, 497.
-, instructions for his custody of Cheshunt, Theobalds, Laundry House, etc., 227.
-, his hospital, 1, 64.
-, his daughter and her marriage to Lord Harrington's son, 45.
-, reference to letters to, written in French and in Italian, 317.
-, his promised favour to Sir Henry Fowke for suppressing rebellion in Northants, 343.
-, account of proceedings in Fuller's case, 344–346, 463–4.
-, complimented by James I on his proceedings in Fuller's case, 348.
-, owner of manors of Asperton and Stratton through exchange with the King, 346.
-, offered the Manor of Siston, 374.
-, principal secretary to James I, dispatches to, from King mentioned, 356.
-, James I suggests, jokingly, that he should marry "the lady" [? Lady Buckhurst] at Christmas, 364.
-, appointed a supervisor of the will of the uncle of the Earl of Rutland, 383.
-, asked to intercede for the King's favour by the Masters and Fellows of Christ's College who refuse to make Gabriel Moore a Fellow of their college, 212, 406.
-, orders Dr. Pearce to proceed with election of officers at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, during vacancy of the Mastership, 349– 350, 466–7.
-, proceedings in the disputed election of the Master of Gonville and Caius College, 203–205, 211–212, 231, 364– 368, 375, 381–383, 385–386, 466–467.
-, statutes for the devolution of the choice of Master of Caius College to the Chancellor of the University, mentioned, 364, 366, 410.
-, petitions to, from James Fitzgerald, 430, 496.
-, -, from Abraham Hardret, mentioned, 434, 497.
-, -, from Lord Haryngton, concerning forfeitures by any process of outlawry, 435.
-, -, from Dorothy, Countess of Northumberland, 449.
-, -, from Sir John Ouseley, 450.
-, to consider petition of Sir Amias Preston to the King, 453.
-, invited to participate in one of Sir Walter Ralegh's expeditions, 454–455.
-, his niece Bridget, Lady Norreys, 449, 464.
-, signs warrant granting unrecorded fines for alienations to Sir Thos. Sherley, 472.
-, his views on the dispute between Chas. Howard, Lord Admiral, and Thos. Howard, Earl of Arundel, over Arundel House, 478.
-, his memoranda relative to the treaties with the States General, 484.
-, memorials of business to be transacted, 489–490.
-, [For further examples of subjects with which R.C. concerned inter alia see Borders, Middle Shires, Scotland; Ireland; O'Neill; agrarian rising; Parliament; Privy Council; post nati; proclamations; peace negotiations; United Provinces; wards and wardships]

Cecil, Thomas, 1st Earl of Exeter and 2nd Lord Burghley (1542 –1622/3), 518.
-, Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire, 161.
-, Deputy Lieutenants of, 214.
-, letter from, 232, 372, 429.
-, letter to, 214.
-, "President in the North," 372. 429, 471.

Cecil, William, 1st Lord Burghley (d. 1598), father of Thomas and Robert Cecil, Lord Treasurer of Queen Elizabeth, 70, 83, 91, 214, 400n, 422, 444, 518.

Cecil, William, 3rd Lord Burghley, son of Thomas Cecil, nephew of Robert Cecil, 350.
-, letter from, 264, 293.
-, his wife [née Elizabeth Drury], 264.

Cecil, William, 17th Lord de Roos, Lord Salisbury's great nephew, 264, 283, 429.
-, son of Lord Burghley, 264.

Cecil William, Viscount Cranborne (ob. 1668) [son of Robert, Earl of Salisbury], 32, 150, 205, 216, 310, 358, 412, 448, 465–466.
-, his exercise book, 520.
-, letters from, 153, 369, 377.
-, -, mentioned, 128, 461.
-, note by, 45.
-, letters to, 97, 131, 460, 461.
-, his progress in writing, 460.
-, his father's disappointment with his progress at Cambridge, 465–466.

Cecilia. See Sicily.

Cedars, 354.

Cellar, Sergeant of. See Sergeant Boy.

Centurioni (Centurion), Ottavio, the banker, 200, 370.

Challence, Captain. See Challines, Henry.

Challenge, a, 141.

Challines (Challons, Challoones), Henry, Capt. of the Richard of Plymouth, 26, 109, 202, 217, 244, 273, 312.
-, letter from, 155, 160, 227.
-, -, mentioned, 265, 354.
-, his boatswain, 155, 160.
-, his company, 35–7, 47, 89, 202, 209, 217, 244, 271, 273, 312.

Chaloner (Challoner), Sir Thomas, letter from, 415.
-, petitions for the office of Royal Exchanger, 415.

Challons, Henry. See Challines, Henry.

Challoones, Mr. See Challines, Henry.

Chalmers, Mr., Her Majesty's servant. See Chambers.

Chamberlain, John, edition of his letters mentioned, 436.

Chamberlen, Mr., merchant of London, trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Chambers, [Charles?], groom to Queen Anne, 70.
-, "Mr. Chalmers her Majesty's servant," 209.

Chambers, Peter, a priest, 213.

Champernoone, alias Champernowne, Sir Richard, 298, 320.
-, letter from, 358.

Chancellor. See under following headings or under Lord Chancellor.

Chancellor of the Exchequer. See Caesar, Sir Julius.

Chancellor of France. See Bellièvre; Brulart.

Chancellor of Navarre. See Calignon.

Chancellor of Scotland. See Seaton, Alexander.

Chancellor of East Friesland 18. his "prince". See East Friesland.

Chancery, 298, 314, 460, 462, 505.
-, Court of, 396, 398.
-, Her Majesty's Court of, 454, 499.
-, Inns of, a student's stipend in, 416.

Channel Islands. See Guernsey; Jersey.

Chans. See Chiaus.

Chapman, —, his wardship mentioned, 449.

Chapman, Christopher, Alderman of Kingston upon Hull, 331.

Chappell, William, of Christ's College, Cambridge, 213, 407.

Chard [co. Somerset], 267, 325.

Charles, Count, 171. See Cigale.

Charles IX, Duke and King of Sweden (1604–1611), 130, 187–188, 189, 332.

Charles, Emmanuel, the Great, Duke of Savoy, 6, 283.
-, his bastard brother slain by Crequy, 262.
-, his galleys, 234.
-, his daughter likely to marry the Emperor, 6, 25, 26.
-, has differences with King of France, 333.
-, his help and benefits from the Jews, 474.

Charles, Prince, son of James I. Duke of York, 22, 27.
-, his household, 278, 412–413.
-, Thos. Sutton denies that he intends to make the Duke of York his heir, 480.

Charletoun. See Charlton.

Charlton [Wilts], 448.

Charlton (Charletoun), Edward, of Hesledon [Northd.], 487.

Chartereux Monks. See Carthusians.

Chartreuse. See Carthusians.

Chaus. See Chiaus.

Chelsea (Chelsie) [co. Middx.], letter dated from, 191.

Chelsie. See Chelsea.

Chenies [co. Bucks], letter from, 176; "Cheynes," 490.

Chensford [? Chelmsford, Essex], 242.

"Chequins." See money.

Cheshire, 503, 504; gentlemen's names in, 415.

Cheshunt [co. Herts], 144, 458.
-, letter from, 415.
-, inhabitants of, 144.

Cheshunt (Chesson) Park [co. Herts], 144, 174, 293, 415.
-, instructions concerning Salisbury's grant of, 227.
-, James I hunts there, 308.
-, impaling of, 490.

Chesson Park. See Cheshunt Park [co. Herts].

Chester [co. Chester], 199, 278, 288–289, 331, 424.
-, letter dated from, 264, 278, 324, 343, 377, 379.
-, port of, 317.
-, transport of soldiers from, to Dublin, 343.
-, arrival of soldiers at, from Derbyshire, 348.

Chester, Aldermen of. See Ratcliffe, John.

Chester, Bishop of. See Lloyd, George, Bishop of Chester (1604–1616).

Chester, Castle of, 461.
-, constable of. See Heiborne, Ferdinando.
-, porter of. See Westorne, Thos.

Chester, Chamberlain of County Palatine of. See Stanley, Wm., Earl of Derby.

Chester, Chief Justice of. See Lewkenor, Sir Richard.

Chester, Corporation of, 264.

Chester, County Palatine of, 399, 421.

Chester, Court of Exchequer of, 6, 33, 398, 461.

Chester, gaol of, deputy and underkeeper of, bill against him in Exchequer Court at Chester, 461.

Chester, High Sheriff of, letter from, 317.
-, raising of soldiers by, 317.

Chester, Mayor of. See Savage, John; Ratcliffe, John; Phillips, Philip.
-, letter from, 264, 278, 324.

Chesterford Park [co. Essex], 205.

Chetterwood (Chittrente, Chittered, Chytered, Chytyred) [near Cranborne, Dorset], Salisbury's plans to replenish with game mentioned, 242, 310, 400.

Cheynes, 490. See also Chenies.

Chiaus (Chaus) [derived from the Turkish "Cha'ush," meaning messenger], to James I. See Mustafa Agha.
-, to Sigismund III. See Muhammad.

Chiavenna [Italy], 116.

Chiballs, Mr., his lands at Theobalds, 144.

Chichester [co. Sussex], 221.

Chichester, Sir Arthur, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 63, 78, 106(2), 126–127, 131–132, 134, 151, 157, 167(2), 170, 194, 228, 232, 302, 306, 315– 316, 379, 391, 490, 499.
-, letters to, 101, 257, 260.
-, - -, mentioned, 106, 152, 207, 255, 268.
-, letters from mentioned, 176, 260, 377, 379.
-, his orders for proceeding in the matter of the Baron of Delvin, 361.

Chief Baron [of the Exchequer].
-, See Tanfield.

Chief Justices. See Lord Chief Justices.

Child, John, petition from, 249.

Chillingham [Northumberland], 3.

Chinches (bugs), 228.

Chipchace [Northumberland], 4.

Chirnside, Sir Patrick, Commissioner for Scotland, 431.

Chittered (Chittrente). See Chetterwood.

Chodkiewicz (Kotkovitz, Kotkowitz), Jan, general and governor of Livonia, 187(2).
-, Chief Lt., 380.

Cholmondeleygh, Robert, letter from, 7.

Choo, John. See Coe, John.

Chopwell, Manor of [co. Durham], 296, 377.
-, woods, 146, 154, 416.

Chouart, Paul, seigneur de Buzenval, French envoy [d. Sept.] to the States General of the United Provinces, 166; one of Henry IV's commissioners, 103, 236–8.

Chouiski, Vasili, Emperor of Russia (1606–1610), 25.
-, letter from, 143.

Christian IV, King of Denmark, 130, 179, 340, 517–8.
-, chancellor to. See Ramel, Henry.
-, messenger from. See Melir, Theodore.
-, ships of, 179.
-, letters from mentioned, 2.

Christina of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, 442.

Christopher (Christover), —, 159.

Chur (Coire, Coira) [Switzerland], 113, 115.
-, archbishop of, bishop of. See Flugi.
-, claim of King of Spain regarding bishopric of, 180.
-, city of, 116.
-, letter dated from, 116.
-, town clerk of, 117.
-, town hall of, 181.

Church livings, 195.

Chytyred (Chytered). See Chetterwood.

Cicero (Tully, Tullie); quoted, 98, 243; mentioned, 465. See also Latin.

Cicilia. See Sicily.

Cigale, Countess Luerece de, 171.

Cinque Ports, Lord Warden of. See Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton.

Cirencester (Cisiter) [co. Gloucester], letter dated from, 176, 179.

Cisiter. See Cirencester [co. Gloucester].

Civil Law, 433; students of, desire that their grievances should be heard, 477–478.

Civitavecchia [Italy], arms for, 25.

Claer, Sir Francis. See Clare, Sir Francis.

Clancarthy, Earl of, his bastard, 445.

Clandeboye [co. Down, Ireland], 315.

Claneboy in Ulster. See Clandeboye [co. Down, Ireland].

Clankonkeane [Ulster, Ireland], 499.

Clanricard, Earl of. See Burke, Richard de, 4th Earl of Clanricard.

Clare (Claer), Sir Francis, 219.

Clarke, Lady, of Holborn, 159.

Clarke, Margaret, widow, letter from, 145.

Clarke, Richard, a merchant of Wells, Somerset, 58.
-, his examination, 58; petition of, 494.

Clarke, Sir Thomas, 205.

Clatworthie, Capt., 315.

Clere, Thomas, Searcher of Ipswich, signs letter, 47.

Clerk, William, his lands at Theobalds, 144.

Clerk of the Duchy [? of Lancaster], 240.

Clerk of the Signet, 207. See also Munck.

Clerkenwell [Middx.], letter dated from, 389.

Clermont Talart, Jacques, Comte de, 273.

Cleyton. See Clynton.

Clifford, Lady Anne, proceedings in Court of Wards, 74–75, 217.
-, her counsel, 74.

Clifford, Francis, 4th Earl of Cumberland, 74–75, 106, 314, 318, 320, 350, 377, 427.
-, letters from, 254n, 269, 277, 307, 420.
-, letter to, 73, 300.
-, his title to lands, 75, 145, 217.
-, grants of castles, lands and offices to, 142.
-, proceedings in Court of Wards with Lady Anne Clifford, 74–75.
-, suitor to James I for permission to compound for grants made to his ancestors, 138.
-, his brother, the Earl, deceased. See Clifford, George.
-, his "sister of Cumberland." See Clifford, George.
-, proceedings concerning certain woods, 217, 277.
-, deputy Warden on West Border, 259.
-, "Commissioner" [correctly Lieutenant] for Middle Shires 300, 307, 318.
-, concerned with levying of men on the Borders, 314, 350, 427.
-, his suit for remission of his brother's debts, 419.

Clifford, George, K.G., 3rd Earl of Cumberland (1558–1605) [brother to Francis, 4th Earl of Cumberland], the late Earl, 73, 217, 419, 420.

Clifford, Sir Ingram, 75.

Clifford, Margaret, Dowager Countess of Cumberland (widow of George, 3rd Earl, 1560– 1616), letter from, 217.
-, her title to lands, 217.
-, her daughter's title to lands, 217. See Clifford, Lady Anne,
-, her jointure mentioned, 217, 277.

Clink, the [Southwark], 137.

Clinton, alias Fiennes, Elizabeth, Countess of Lincoln, mother of Francis Lord Norreys, letter to, 464.
-, letter to, mentioned, 449.

Clinton, Henry, alias Fiennes, Earl of Lincoln (1585–1616), letter from, 53.

Clipping [coins], 419.

Clitheroe [Lancs.], 86.

Clock, 32, 158.

Cloine (Cloyne) [Ireland]. See Cloyne [co. Cork, Ireland].

Cloth, dyeing and stretching of, 504.

Cloth trade, 27, 39, 130, 287, 311, 358, 438–439, 499–500.

Clothiers. See Trades and professions.

Clothing, Parliamentary Bill for, 138. See also under Acts of Parliament.

Clothmaker. See Trades and professions.

Cloto, 138.

Cloyne [co. Cork, Ireland], letter dated from, 68.

Clugny, Abbot of. See Cluny, Abbot of.

Cluny, Abbey of, 261.

Cluny, Abbot of, 261.

Clynton (Cleyton), Richard, 66–7, 69, 180.

Coal mines, 433.

Coalbrookdale [Salop]. See Colebrook.

Cobb, Geoffrey (son of Sir Wm.), letter from, 416.

Cobb, Sir William, 416.

Cobham, College of [co. Kent], granted to Charles Brooke, 297.

Cobham, 8th Lord. See Brooke, Henry, 8th Lord Cobham.

Cobham—a pursuivant, 495.

Coche, Maximilian, the Emperor's ambassador, 17.

Cochineal, 312, 325.

Cock, Robert (son-in-law of Mr. Buxton, of Norfolk), 343; petition from, 494.

Cockayne, William, merchant of London trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Cocke, Sir Henry, 423.
-, letter from, 183.

Cockplaye. See Grame, William, alias Cockplaye.

Cocks, Mastership of the king's, 28.

Cocks, [Richard], letter from, 15.

Cocks, Roger, letter from, 396.

Coe, John, 149.

Coiner. See Trades and professions.

Coining, 419. See also money.
-, false, 258.

Coins, 481. See also money.
-, secret transportation of English coin, 415.

Coira. See Chur [Switzerland].

Coire. See Chur [Switzerland].

Coke, Sir Edward (Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas, June, 1606–Oct., 1613), 74– 75, 153, 159, 212, 220, 223(2), 230, 348, 362, 437(2), 479, 502, 520.
-, letter from, 158, 416.
-, ? letter to, 462.
-, late Attorney General, 463n.

Coke, Roger, 518.

Colbroke. See Colebrook [Salop].

Colchester [Essex], bailiffs of. See Bird, John; Northaye, Ralph.
-, -, letter from, 138.

Cole, —, 337.

Cole, deceased M.P. for Kingston upon Hull, 65.

Cole, Captain William, 17.

Colebrook (Colbroke) [Salop], 485.

Coleshill (Coleshull) [Warws.], 324.

Coleyn. See Cologne [Germany].

Colfox, Charles, 10.

Colington, Laird of. See Foulis, David.

Colinton (Colington), Laird of. See Foulis, David.

Collector. See Trades and professions.

College, the New. See Dublin, Trinity College.

College of Cardinals, 102.

College of Jesuits, in Lisbon, 268, 303. See also San Roque.

Colles, John, 50.

Collingwode. See Collingwood.

Collingwood, Sir Cuthbert, 4(2), 5.

Collingwood, George, 4.
-, his wife (sister to Mr. Swinborne), 4.

Collingwood, George, of Eppleden [co. Durham], 24.

Collingwood, Thomas, of Eslington, 4.
-, his wife (sister to Sir Raph Gray), 3, 4.

Collymore, Mr. James, citizen of London, 443.

Cologne (Coleyn) [Germany], inhabitants of, 270.
-, newsletters from, 331, 379.

Colpeper. See Culpeper.

Colrosse. See Culross [Perthshire].

Columbus, Christopher, 353.

Colvile, Lord. See Colville, James, Lord of Culross [Fife], (c. 1551–1629).

Colville (Calvyn, Colvile, Colvyn), James, Lord of Culross (Colrosse) [Fife] (c. 1551–1629), 27, 310, 452.

Colville (Calvyn), Robert, Master of Colville (Calvyn), 310.

Colville (Calvyn, Colvyn), Robert (son and heir of Robert Calvyn, Master of Calvyn, letters patent granted to, 310.
-, grandchild of the Lord Colvyn, "young Colvyn," 452–453.

Colvyn, Lord. See Colville, James, Lord.

Combe Abbey [near Coventry, Warws.], letter dated from, 14, 45, 104.

Combe, John, merchant of London trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Combe, Mr., requires new lease for Ticknell, Bewdlay, etc., 212.

Comet, 268, 273.

Commissary, the (in United Provinces), 370.

Commission requested for finding out concealed lands for the Queen, 507.

Commissions for Juries, 490.

Commissioner of Sewers. See Sewers.

Commissioners inquiring into lands and goods of recusants, 504.

Commissioners employed about the mine [in Scotland], 461.

Commissioners for the Borders. See Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes (for the Middle Shires); Middle Shires Commissioners of.

Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical. See High Commission.

Commissioners of English and Scottish Parliaments, consider union of England and Scotland, 216.

Commissioners for Irish Causes, 3, ? 195.

Commissioners for the Middle Shires. See Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes (for the Middle Shires); Middle Shires, Commissioners of.

Commissioners for Province of Munster, 160, 162, 219.

Commissioners in Jersey and Guernsey, ? 162, 264, 282, 284, 299, 432–3, 493, 494.
-, See also Gardener, Sir Robert; Hussey, Sir James; ? SaintSauveur.

Commissioners in Ulster. See Gardener; Wilbraham.

Commissioners of the Court of Delegates, 520.

Commissioners [French] for peace between Spain and United Provinces. See Chouart; Jeannin; Place.

Commissioners [Dutch] for proposed peace between Spain and United Provinces, 369, 384.

Commissioners [English] for proposed peace between Spain and United Provinces, 218, 236–8, 315, 328, 338, 347, 351–353, 358–360, 368, 374.
-, referred to as "Ambassadors," 311, 370.
-, See also under Spencer and Winwood.

Commissioners [Spanish] for proposed peace between Spain and United Provinces, 346, 369, 376, 390.

Commissioners from the States [i.e. the United Provinces]. See Berck; Maldéré.

Commissioners for Depopulation, 208, 220, 223, 224, 235, 479, 490.

Commons, House of, "Lower House." See Parliament.

Como, Marquis of. See Palavicino, Horatio.

Company of Mineral and Battery Works, 434.

Compter, the. See London, Wood Street, the Counter.

Compton, —, 239.

Compton Bassett [Wilts], letter dated from, 319.

Comyn(g), Patrick, letters from, 417.

Concealed lands, 284, 397; suits concerning, 384, 507.

Conciergerie, prison of, 166, 178.

Coneys, 115.

Congham [co. Norfolk], 163.

Connaught [Ireland], 12, 134, 143.
-, lords and captains of, 451.
-, rebellion in, mentioned, 167, 451.
-, Chief Justice of Province of. See Dillon, Thomas; Dillon, Henry.

Connaught, Lord President of the Province of. See Burke, Richard de, 4th Earl of Clanricarde (d. 1635).

Conniers [Thomas] [S. J.], 313.

Conserve, 57.

Consolato di Barcellona, 439.

Constable (Cunstabell), —, contracted to marry Lady Packington's daughter, 346.

Constable (Cunstable), Sir (Harry) Henry [the elder], his death mentioned, 385.
-, his wife and son and heir mentioned, 385.

Constable, Sir Henry, the younger, his father's death mentioned, 385.
-, his extent of the Manor of Chopwell, 377.

Constable, Marmaduke, of Wassand (Wassome), in Holderness [Houlderness], wardship of, 264, 293.

Constable, Sir Robert, his grant of the Manor of Chopwell, 296.

Constable, Robert, held office at Sheriff Hutton Park and Castle, 471.

Constable (Cunstable), Sir William, 296, 373, 377.

Constantia, Queen of Poland, 188.

Constantinople, 25, 82, 125, 178, 210, 242, 245, 256, 266, 275, 299, 312, 326, 396.
-, letter dated from, 126, 212, 376, 387.
-, plague in, 333.
-, English ambassador in. See Harborne; Barton; Lello; Glover.
-, French ambassador in, 126.
-, Venetian ambassador in. See Bona, Ottaviano.

Constantinople, Patriarch of, 376.

Contarini, Francesco, Venetian Ambassador in Rome, 123.

Contractation House. See Seville.

Controller. See Trades and professions.

Conway, Sir Fowke, 315.

Conyngesby, Ralph, letter from, 93.

Cook. See Trades and professions.

Cook, Sir W., 243.

Cooke (Cook), Sir Anthony, 243.
-, husband of Lady Avis, 417.

Cooke, Avis, Lady [wife of Sir Anthony], letter from, 417.
-, her son given a company in Ireland, 417.
-, her husband mentioned, 417.

Cooke, Chief Justice. See Coke, Sir Edward, Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas (1606– 1613).

Cooke, Sir Edward, High Steward of manor of Havering at Bower [Essex]. See Coke.

Cooke, Mr., 11, 183.

Cooke, Robert, 155, 160.

Cooke, Robert, son of William Cooke. Petition by the latter regarding, to Lord Denny, 494–5; referred to (unnamed) by Lord Denny, 422.

Cooke, William, father of Robert, petition of, 494–5.

Cookham [Berks], 70.

Cooling(e), Manor of [Kent], grant to Charles Brook, 297.

Cope, Sir Walter, 218, 229, 329, 341, 436, 490.
-, letter to, 335.
-, letter from, 417.

Copper, 39, 258, 272.
-, mines in Cuba, 272.

Copper ore, 103.

Copyholds, 86, 389, 454, 516.

Coraduz (Coraducius) [Rudolf], Chancellor to the Emperor, removed from office, 26.

Corbet[t], Mr. [John], the Clerk of the Council, 220, 222; letter from 24.

Corbett, Sir Vincent, 305.

"Cordelier, the." See Neyen, Father Jan.

Cordeliers, 166.

Cordell, Thomas, 210.

Cork [Ireland], 162, 444.
-, Deane Court, letter dated from, 395.

Corket, Richard, Esq., 305.

Cornell, Jo., 180.

Corn, 10, 73, 229, 473.
-, transportation of, forbidden in Somerset, 50.
-, bound for Italy, 109.
-, plentiful in Spain, 109, 242.
-, toll at Berwick, 147.

Cornewall, Sir Thomas, son of Thomas Cornewall, Baron of Burford, 304.
-, Deputy Lt. of Shropshire, 289.

Cornewall (Cornewall), Mr. Thomas, the Baron of Burford, 304.

Cornwaleys, Sir. Wm. See Cornwallis, Sir William.

Cornwall, 85, 270, 456.
-, merchants of, complain of an excessive imposition paid by them on woollen cloth, 311.

Cornwallis, Sir Charles, English Ambassador in Spain, 2(2), 9, 16, 26, 39, 47, 58, 71, 109, 155, 160, 216–217, 227, 229, 244, 271, 319, 322–323, 340–341, 494, 519.
-, letter from, 163, 321.
-, letter to, 325.
-, his preacher and himself called in question by Spanish Inquisitors, 271.
-, replies to his Memorials, 9– 10.
-, one of his chamber. See Cottington.
-, his servant Cottington arrested, 308.
-, his house mentioned, 308.
-, his correspondence with other ambassadors, 308.

Cornwallis, Sir William, letter from, 175, 325.

Coroner of the Crown Office. See Waterhouse, David.

Coroner of the Verge of His Majesty's Household, 94.

Corsairs. See Pirates.

Corsaletta (ship), 392.

Corsicans (Corsi), 25.

Cortes, the, allows Philip III of Spain to raise 1 million ducats a year, 477.

Corunna (also called the Groyne, Groine, Groyen) [Spain], 164, 271, 304, 312.

Cosimo de Medici, son of Ferdinand of Tuscany ("The Prince of Florence"), his impending marriage, 184, 196, 201.

Coton (Cotton) [Pierre] the Jesuit, 251.

Cotswolds, park in, (Cottesowld Park), [co. Glouc.], 136.

Cottenham [Cantab], 509, 510n.

Cotterell, —, 60.

Cottesowld Park. See Cotswold Park [co. Glos.].

Cottington [? Francis], one of the ambassador [to Spain]'s chamber, 308.

Cotton, Father, "the famous Jesuit". See Coton.

Cotton, Geo., letter from, 7.

Cotton, George [of Warblington, Hants], letter from, 419; his father [also George], 495.

Cotton, Henry, Bishop of Salisbury (1598–1614), 300.
-, letter from, 289.
-, suitor for Chancellorship of the garter, 289.

Cotton, Henry, of Warblington, Hants, younger son of George, 419; letter from, 495.

Cotton, Mr. Richard, of Warblington [Hants], 456.

Cotton wool, 266.

Cougham [co. Norfolk]. See Congham [co. Norfolk].

Coumbe. See Combe Abbey, near Coventry [Warw.].

Council, the. See Privy Council.

Council, lords of the. See Privy Council.

Council of Wales and the Marches. See Wales.

Council of the North. See North, Council of the.

Count William. See Nassau, Count William Louis.

Courland (Cureland), Duke of [? Gotthard Ketteler], his ambassador arrested, 185.

Court, the English mentioned, 2, 22, 46, 67, 141, 173, 184, 195, 205, 208, 225, 243, 248, 252, 277, 290, 449, 480, 494, 514.
-, letters written from or specifically dated from [excluding those from James I], 11–12, 15, 19(2), 23, 24, 27, 48, 70, 85, 93, 138, 153, 164, 185, 192, 193, 197, 205(2), 208, 239, 247–8(2), 252, 276, 277, 278, 284, 294, 296, 297, 298, 335, 338, 342, 348, 349, 358, 360–1, 364, 368–9, 371, 372, 374, 375, 436, 507. [N.B. These page references refer for obvious reasons to the end, not the beginning of the letters in question.]

Courtmass, Wm., signs letter, 362.

Coventry [Warwickshire], 125, 324, 435.
-, citizens of, 175.
-, mayor of, 175.
-, -, letters of, mentioned, 175–176.
-, -, wife of, 175.
-, sheriff of, 175.
-, swordbearer of, 176.
-, dispute between drapers and mercers of, 435.
-, hosiers of, 438–439.

Covert, Alexander (brother to Walter C.), 419.

Covert, Sir Walter, letter from, 419.

Covington [co. Huntingdon], 60.

Coward, —, 232.

Cowling, —, a cook on Fleet Bridge, 480.

Cowncell of Scotland. See Scotland, Council of.

Coxe, Henry, 499.

Coxford, alias Tony [co. Norfolk], 163.

Coxon, Richard, letter from, 1.

Cracow [Poland], 188, 190.
-, letter dated from, 388.

Cracow, Bishop of, 332.

Cranborne [Dorset], Chase of Chittrente [Chetterwood], close to, 242.
-, building to be undertaken at, 400.
-, Salisbury's agent at. See Budden.

Cranborne, Viscount. See Cecil, William, Viscount Cranborne (ob. 1668).

Cranfield (Cranfeild), Mr. Lionel, citizen of London, 443.

Cranston (Craynston), Sir Wm., of Scotland, 431.

Crasnostaw. See Krasnystaw.

Craven [co. Yorks], 142.

Craven, Richard, Mr., His Majesty's Deputy Receiver for Cumberland and Westmorland, robbed, 29, 77, 218, 307.

Crawfurd Muir (Crawford Moor or More) [Lanarks], mining at, 505–6.

Crema [Lombardy], 25.

Crequy, son-in-law of Lesdiguieres, 262–263.

Creswell [Joseph] [a Jesuit], 272, 308, 482.

Crewkorn. See Crewkerne [co. Somerset].

Crewkerne (Crewhorn) [co. Somerset], 58.

Crichton (Criton), George, his thesis forbidden, 384–5 [de Thou, Vol. XV, pp. 5–6].

Croke, Justice. See Crooke.

Crompton, Mr., a J.P. for Staffordshire, 66.

Crompton, Dr. [? Sir Thomas], 419.

Crompton, Sir Thomas, Kt., Judge of the Admiralty (Nov., 1589–1608), 37, 151, 373, 403, 510–12, 516. [See also Admiralty.]
-, letter from, 337.
-, statement signed by, 483.

Cromwell, Sir Oliver (Olyver), his suit for an exchange of his house and park in Hunts, 334.

Croocher. See Crowcher.

Crookdale Hause [? Crookdake, Cumberland], 78.

Crooke (Croke), "Mr. Justice" [Sir John], 225, 428.
-, uncle to Sir Robert Wingfield's daughter, 336.

Cross bow, 159.

Crosse, Sir Robert, letter from, 45.

Crowcher (Croocher), Agnes, murder of her child, 230, 271, 403– 404.

Crowcher (Croocher), Thomas, 230, 271, 403–404.
-, his daughter Agnes's child murdered, 230.

Crowmer, Sir James, letter from, 258, 271.

Crown jewels, 132.

Crown revenues, 276, 284, 286, 353, 355, 415, 457, 486, 497.

Crubbel, Vernier. See Cruwel, Werner.

Cruwel, Werner ("Vernier Crubbel"), 79.

Cuba, Island of, 272.

Cudworth [Yorks], 429.

Cuilen, Patrick. See Cullen, Patrick.

Cullen, Patrick, examination of, taken at Ludlow, 288.
-, a teacher of grammar, 288.
-, "of base condition," 304.
-, his arrest on suspicion, 306.

Culpeper (Colpeper), Sir Edward, 419.

Culross (Colrosse) [Fife], 310.

Cumberland, 44.
-, levy of men in, 314–315, 350.
-, election of Sheriff for, Sir Christopher Pickering proposed, 320.
-, charges for soldiers sent from, to Ireland, 373.
-, Dacre lands in, 420.

Cumberland, Countess of [Dowager]. See Clifford, Margaret, wife of George, 3rd Earl.

Cumberland, Earl of. See Clifford, George, 3rd Earl (1558– 1605); Clifford, Francis, 4th Earl (1605–1640).

Cum Catch (home of Thomas Musgrave), 78.

Cuniga (Zuniga), Don Pedro de, Spanish Ambassador to England, 26, 72, 84, 90, 232, 241, 288(2), 302, 304, 371, 383, 422, 481, 493, 495, 510–12, 515(2), 516(2), 517.
-, letter from, 12, 125, 152, 168, 512.
-, his man Fowler, 50, 511–12.
-, "the Spanish agent," 122.
-, his allowances increased, 255.
-, "distress" given to, 50, 310–11, 400, 512.

Cunstabell. See Constable.

Cunstable. See Constable.

Cure, Cornelius, master mason, 100.

Cureland, Duke of. See Courland, Duke of.

Curll, W., letter from, 93.

Currants, 171, 266.
-, farm of, 171.
-, impost on at London and Venice, 266.

Curwen, Sir Henry, sister m. to Sir Henry Woddrington, 4.

Curwen (Curwin), Thomas, held offices at Sheriff Hutton Park and Castle, 471.

Curwin, Thomas. See Curwen, Thomas.

Customer. See Trades and professions.

Customs, 62, 110, 174, 276, 285, 287, 349, 473, 486. 503, See also Impost.

Customs book, 110, 486.

Customs officers:
-, Aldeburgh, 43–44.
-, Orford, 43–44.
-, Suffolk, 43.
-, Bridgwater, 142.

Custos Brevium, office of, 165.

Custos Rotulorum, for North Riding of Yorkshire, 138.

Cutler. See Trades and professions.

Cutler (Cutlar), Richard, Searcher of Orford and Aldeburgh, 44.

Cutts, Mr., ironmonger, 501.

Cwm Catch. See Cum Catch.

Cyprus, 226(2).
-, expedition to, 196, 201, 226, 241.