Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


T., Captain. See Turner.

Taffe, Sir William, kt., 291.

Tailbot, Mr., a recusant, 375.

Talbot, Gilbert, K.G., 7th Earl of Shrewsbury, 175, 296, 351.
-, -, letters from, 193, 256, 325, 328, 445(3).
-, -, diet prescribed for gout, 325.
-, -, as Justice of Oyer and Terminer, 130.
-, Jo. the younger, 445.
-, -, supposed adherent of Sir Walter Ralegh, 459.

Talor. See Taylor.

Tamworth, (Staffs.), recusants in, 172.
-, letter dated at, 173.

Tanfield, Mr. Justice, 186.

tapestry, sent into England, memorials concerning, 447.

Taranto, (Italy), 147, 177.

Tartars, 33.

Tassio (Taxis), Juan Baptista de, Count of Villa Mediana, former Spanish Ambassador in England, 61, 229, 376.

Taville, —, the great rebel of Asia, 177.

Tawstock (Towstock, Devon), letters dated at, 6, 136, 223, 253, 305.

Taxis. See Tassio.

Taylor (Tayler, Talor):
-, -, servant of Lord Northumberland, 426.
-, Dr., in house of Spanish Ambassador, 23, 283, 357.
-, -, his brother, 23.
-, Mary, 4.
-, Mr., 364.
-, William, 245.

Tealforth, Thomas, 220.

Temmes Street. See under London, places in, Thames Street.

Terceira (Terceraes, Azores), Islands of, 171.

Tesmond (Tessimond, Jesmond), Father Oswald, alias Greenway or Greenwell, letter to, 95.
-, his relations with Garnet, 76, 77, 86–87, 95–96, 107, 109– 110, 125.
-, referred to, with Gerrard, as "two Cavalcanti," 84, 92, 103, 105, 120.
-, search for, 174, 181, 242.
-, references to, 41, 67, 74, 97, 138, 319, 382, 453.

Tessimond. See Tesmond.

Tetney (Teteney, Lincs.), 417.

Thackwrey, Samuel, 14, 15.

Thames, river, a porpoise found in, 26.
-, passage of, available to States General and the Archduke, 82.

Theobalds (Theoballs, Tibbalds, Theaballs, Herts.), Lord Salisbury's house at, 104, 195, 332, 392, 455.
-, Park, the King at, 185, 206, 209, 210, 237.
-, visit of King of Denmark to, 209, 210, 211.
-, -, expenses of, 237.

Thicknes, Thomas, 428.

Thomas, le Père, a Jesuit sent to Rome, 132.

Thomasius, Thomas, his dictionary, 24.

Thomasso. See Francisco.

Thomlinson, Richard, 327.

Thomond, (Ireland), 188, 299.

Thonson, -, a merchant of London, 405.

Thornborough, John, Bishop of Bristol, 254, 388.
-, letter from, 138.

Throckmorton (Throckmarten, Throgmorton):
-, Sir Arthur, letter from, 448.
-, -, his bill of charges for expenses connected with Gunpowder Plot, 38.
-, Sir John, letter from, 139.
-, Thomas, letters from, 240, 241.

Throgmorton. See Throckmorton.

Thruscrosse, Robert, constable, statement by, 14.

Thurscros, Henry, parson of Winston, 364.

Tibbalds. See Theobalds.

Ticheborne (Tichborn):
-, Henry, letter from, 448.
-, Sir Richard, 276.
-, And see Titchborne.

Tiddar. See Tudor.

Tilbury (Tylberye), [Essex], 68, 414.

Tiler (Tyler):
-, Thomas, letters from, 77, 179.
-, -, a monopoly of search of vinegar, etc., for, 159.

Tilliberne (Tullibardine). See Murray.

Timberley, Henry, 448.

Tinmouth. See Tynemouth.

Tipper, Mr., 268.

Tirconell. See Tyrconnell.

Tirrell, Sir Edward, 26.

Tirwhitt, Richard, 433.

Titchborn, [Hants.], letter dated at, 256.

Titchborne, Chideock. See Ficheborne, and also Ticheborne.

tobacco, 298.
-, farm of, 382, 383.
-, a shipment in Devonshire, 448.

Tobyn, Adam, murdered, 411.

Tocester. See Towcester.

Toledo, (Spain), 405.
-, Grand Prior of, 148.

Tolleshunt (Toulshunt) D'Arcy, (Essex), 404.

Tomaso. See Francisco.

Tomkyns, Captain, letter from, 40.

Tonge, Mr., 279.

Topsham (Apsham, co. Devon), tobacco left in, 448.

Tothill, William, a Clerk of the Chancery, letter from, 44.

Topcliffe, Mr., 40.

Touger, Jean, 141.

Toulshunt Darcy. See Tolleshunt D'Arcy.

Touneshend. See Townsend.

Tour, Baron du, 3, 69–70.

Toure. See under London, places in: the Tower.

Tourner, -, a French advocate, 101.

Towcester (Tocester), [Northants.], postal endorsements at, 7, 326, 357.

Townsend (Touneshend):
-, Sir Henry, Justice, letters from, 22, 115, 205.
-, Mr., 413.

Towsey, William, 447.

Towstock. See Tawstock.

-, Henry, constable of Hagley, 11–12.
-, William, 12.

trade, English companies for, in Spain, 57.

Treasurer, the Lord. . See Sackville.
-, the late Lord. See Cecil, William.

Treaty of Spain and the Archdukes with England (the peace), 75, 289.
-, duties on German goods under, 58.
-, English aid to the States General not to contravene, 70, 72.
-, Jesuits' attempt to discredit results of, 106.
-, Archdukes to expect no more from England than provided by, 123.
-, not expected to last, 144.
-, an infringement of, by Dunkirk, 128.
-, clause allowing ships of Spain and the Archdukes to enter English ports, 160.
-, disregard of by Spain alienating English friendship, 171.
-, -, discussed in conference by Spanish Ambassador with James I and the Privy Council, 259–266.
-, Spaniards repent terms leaving liberty of voluntary service to the States, 261.
-, position regarding mariners bound for Virginia and the West Indies, 452.

Trelands, (Dorsetshire), 266.

Trelawny, John, 257.

Trent, Council of, 110.

Trentham, Mr., 34.

Tresham (Tressam, Tressham), Francis, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, imprisoned in the Tower, 183, 415.
-, his goods seized, 38–40.
-, allusions to, by Henry Garnet, 85.
-, attainder of, 128(2).
-, his servants. See Flamsteed and Levins.
-, Lady Merryll, 39.

Trever, Sir John, 40.
-, Sir Sacvyl, 239.

Trinidad, tobacco from, 448.

Tristeine, Captain, 64.

Truntor, the Court at, letter dated at, 275.

Tucker, George, searcher at Gravesend, letter from, 291.

Tudor (Tiddar), 280, 321.

Tufton, Sir Nicholas, letter from, 307.

Tullibardine (Tilliberne). See Murray.

Tully. See Fludd.

Tuncks, Joan, servant, 101.

Tuner, Dr., 419.

Tunstall, (Kent), letter dated at, 86.

Tunye, —, 407.

Tuppam, —, counsel, 396.

Turbervile, Mr., 417.

Turkey (the Turk), reported trouble in, 177.
-, army of, 33.
-, fleet of, 147, 177.
-, galleys sailing against, 148.
-, English merchants trading in, letter from, 187.
-, Levant Company, Governor of. See Lowe.
-, English and Turkish prisoners, 187.
-, wars with Venice, 400.
-, Sultan of (the Emperor, Grand Signior), 177, 226.

-, Edward, merchant, 187.
-, Dr. Peter, letter from, 449.
-, (T), Captain, 84, 93, 137.
-, William, 271.
-, William, Alderman of Colchester, 342.
-, -, a Suffolk pirate, 115.

Turwhyte, Mr., 364.

Twizell (Twisell), [Northumberland], letter dated at, 168.

Tylberye. See Tilbury.

Tyler. See Tiler.

Tynemouth (Tinmouth, Tinmothe), papists flock to, 333–334.
-, Castle, 203, 250, 353, 358.
-, -, a survey of condition of, 327, 333.
-, -, inventory of armour, etc. in, 328, 333, 366–367.
-, -, importance of situation of, 333–334.
-, -, Lord Northumberland's claim to, 347, 367, 421.

-, -, 102.
-, William, 449.

Tyrconnell (Tirconell), division of lands of, 299.
-, High Sheriff of, 140.

Tyrconnell, Earl. See O'Donnell.

Tyrone, Earl of. See O'Neill.

Tyrringham (Tyringham):
-, Sir Anthony, 38.
-, Sir Tho., 316.