Index: S

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Sackferd, Sir H., 155.

-, Robert, Lord Buckhurst, son of Earl of Dorset, to buy manor of Pevensey, 422.
-, Thomas, Earl of Dorset, Lord High Treasurer, letters from, 17, 162, 163, 193, 195, 206, 214, 219, 284, 305, 395.
-, letters to, 10, 313, 409.
-, and leases of land, etc., 85, 113, 116, 124, 239, 266, 290, 313.
-, and a warrant for goods of traitors, 156.
-, a meeting of the Council at his house, 175.
-, and payment of money due from Warden of the Mint, 246, 248(2), 249.
-, privy seal for payment of loans, 270.
-, an order to the Masters of Watermen's Hall, 291.
-, and customs on poundage, 296.
-, his porter, 329.
-, and payment of wages to the King's servants, 337.
-, and rent for farm of coal mines, 344.
-, and payment to Sir Charles Cornwallis, 355.
-, and a licence to export grain, 361.
-, as Commissioner for compounding for land, 368.
-, and repair of bridges, 393.
-, and Princess Elizabeth's charges, 405.
-, references to, 25, 39, 160, 173, 190, 229, 326, 338, 340, 348, 389, 398, 403, 431.

-, Robert, constable of Petworth, Sussex, 230, 231.
-, -, and his wife, description of, 68.

St. Albans (Herts.), 455.
-, postal endorsements at, 7, 326, 357.

St. Aldegonde, Count, to be sent to James I, 112, 118.

St. Germain, Marquis of, (the Marquis), journeys to England, 64, 91, 106.
-, -, alleged to carry rich presents and proposed alliance of Spain and England, 118.
-, -, arrival of, 117, 124.

St. Germains (France), 172.

St. Giles, Wimborne, [Dorset], letter dated at, 116.

St. Ives, (Cornwall), 302.

St. Jean de Luz (St. John de Luce), 302.

St. John (St. Jhons Roade), [? France], 322.

St. Laurence, Sir Christopher, 437.

St. Lucar, 15, 18.

St. Omer, 9, 67.
-, "N.W." at, 93, 104, 105, 119.
-, Seminary (Jesuits College) at, 46.
-, -, vice president of. See Flack.

St. Orme, 99.

St. Sebastian(s), [Spain], letter dated at, 58.

St. Thomas, [? France], 319.

St. Victor, Monsieur de, letter from, 437.

Salisbury (Saulisbury), 386.

Salisbury, Dean of. See Gordon.
-, Earls and Countesses of, 442.
-, Earl of. See Cecil, Robert.

saltpetre, 246.
-, Parliamentary commission for, 335–336.

Samell, Sir Jho. [or Tho.], 155.

Samford. See Sampford.

Sammuell, Sir William, 39.

Sampford (Samford, Essex), 395.

Sampson, Richard, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 340.

Sanderson (Sandorson), Henry, of Newcastle, 334.
-, letter from, 327.

Sandewell, letter dated at, 17.

Sandoval, Francois de Roxas de, Duke of Lerma, 264, 265.

Sands. See Sandys.

Sandwich, [Kent], an incident between Dutch ships and a Dunkirker at, 148–152.

Sandys, —, 461.

Sandys (Sands):
-, Edwin, Archbishop of York, 22.
-, Sir William, letter from, 442.

Santa Cruce, Marquis of, 147, 148.

Sapperton (Sapertonne), [Gloucs.], letter dated at, 142.

Sark river, (Scotland), 285, 286.
-, bridges to be built over, 370.

Saulisbury. See Salisbury.

-, John, 15.
-, Zachary, Bachelor of Divinity, 210.

Savile, Henry, letter from, 240.

Savill, Mr., justice, 243.

Savoy [Charles Emanuel I], Duke of, 148.

Saxey, William, of Lincoln's Inn, Chief Justice of Munster, 19.
-, letter from, 154.

Saxony, [Christian II], Duke of, 432.

Say and Sele, Lord. See Fiennes.

Sayer, Thomas, alias Ambrose Rookewood (Ruckwood, Rackwood), a conspirator in Gunpowder Plot, 196, 210, 442.
-, letter to, 60.
-, execution of, 52.

Schee, Albertus, 269.

Schenington, Justice, 400.

Schwerin and Schleswig, Bishop of. See Holstein.

Scone, Lord of. See Murray.

-, Border Causes, Commissioners for (for Middle Shires), 168, 364, 402.
-, -, -, letters from, 78, 191, 215, 284, 314, 315.
-, -, -, letters to, 302, 332, 371.
-, -, -, gaol deliveries held by, 155, 212, 214, 314; see also Carlisle gaol.
-, -, -, and allowances to Grahams for transportation, 284–286, 308; see also under Grahams.
-, -, -, a detailed statement of names, pay and government of, 368–371.
-, -, -, see also Delavale, Lawson, Pennington, Gray, Selby, and Carlisle, Bishop of.
-, -, felonies in the Middle Shires, 186(2).
-, Border lands, robberies and murders in, 114.
-, -, to be purged, 295.
-, -, churches and bridges to be built in, 370.
-, -, Earl of Dunbar appointed supreme authority in matters relating to, 371.
-, Scottish companies in the Archdukes' service, 31, 50.
-, rebellion of presbytery in, predicted, 64.
-, Justice Courts of, 80.
-, Union with England, 129.
-, Scotsmen owed debts by Archduke of Austria's subjects, 157.
-, Scottish merchants to confirm to English staple, 180.
-, Middle and East Marches of, 224.
-, Scots creditors, 233.
-, orders of, 276.
-, Council of, 277.
-, a sheriffwick in, 319.
-, returned Grahams landing in, 342.
-, gold prospecting in, 344, 388.
-, Parliament of, and the Union, 374.
-, a Scottish Lord, letter to, 441.
-, naturalisation of Scots, 443, 457.
-, removal of hostile laws against, 457.
-, Secretary of. See Elphinston.
-, Union with England. See Union.

Scott, Sir John, letter from, 6.

Screven, —, 313.

Scrimshaw, James, 348.

-, Thomas le, 10th Lord Scrope, letter from, 443.
-, Philadelphia, Lady Scrope, letter from, 444.

Seagar, William, Garter King of Arms, 68.

Sebastian, King of Portugal, 317.

Sedan, 101, 102.
-, Governor of. See Necancour.

Sedber(gh) School, [Yorks], 103.

-, Sir John, letter from, 357.
-, Sir William, 78, 79, 155, 212.
-, -, letters from, 168, 191.
-, -, letter to, 332.
-, -, and inventory at Tynemouth Castle, 366.
-, -, his duties as Commissioner for Middle Shires defined, 368–371.
-, -, appointed Sheriff of Northumberland, 369.
-, -, gaol delivery behaviour criticised, 457–459.
-, -. See also under Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes.

Semple, Sir James, 313.

Seton, [? George, Master of] Winton, 277.

Settingborne. See Sittingbourne.

Seville, 405.
-, English College of Jesuits at, 18, 230, 231.

-, Edward, 1st Earl of Hertford, 54, 400.
-, -, letter from, 271.
-, -, his office of Lieutenant, 271.
-, - and Lord Mounteagle, 408.
-, Edward, styled Lord Beauchamp, son of Earl of Hert ford, 317, 320, 321, 408, 447.
-, Lord Edward, brother of Earl of Hertford, 400.
-, Frances, Countess of Hertford, letter from, 135.

Shaftesbury, King James proclaimed in, 377.

Shandosse [Chandos], Lord. See Brydges.

Sharpe, Dr. Lionel, letter from, 32.

sheep killing, alleged, 25.

Sheffield, [co. York.], Sheffield Lodge, letters dated at, 325, 329.
-, a case of knives from, 445.

Sheffield, Edmund, K.G., 3rd Lord Sheffield, President of Council of the North, 22, 247, 272, 398.
-, letters from, 36, 37, 139(2), 156, 193, 225, 247, 256, 308, 333, 341, 356.
-, letter to, 327.
-, accident to his son, 139.
-, his chaplain. See Croshowe.

Shelden, Monsr., 350.

Sheldon, Ralph, 35.

Sheldsley. See Shelsley.

Shelford, (Warws.), 101.

Shellesley. See Shelsley.

Shelley, [Suffolk], curate of. See Lister.

Shelsley (Shellesley, Sheldsley, Worcs.), letters dated at, 4, 338.

Sherley. See Shirley.

Shervington, —, a suspect, 27.

Sherwood, Father, Chaplain to Pope's Nuncio in Brussels, 168.

ships (named):
-, Adventure, of London, 302.
-, Answer, 149.
-, Barbyana, of Venice, 40.
-, Delight, of Topsham, Devon, 448.
-, Jonas, of Copenhagen, stayed in London, 245, 246.
-, Royal Exchange, 226.
-, St. Antonye, 170.
-, Vanguard, 149, 150.
-, Vinyard, the, 264.
-, Whelp, 149, 150.

ships [not named]:
-, from Brazil, held at Poole, 90.
-, a carrack, calico from, 15.
-, carracks, three, taken by States General, 111.
-, carvels at Lisbon, 156.
-, men-of-war, two, in Portsmouth, 111.
-, from Muscovy to Spain, 57, 58.
-, pirates, mixed English and Dutch crews, 150.
-, from Stade to Spain, 57, 58.
-, of Biscay, 345.
-, a Dunkirker, an attempt upon, 20.
-, -, at Portsmouth, 112, 146.
-, -, attempts to avoid Hollanders in leaving Sandwich, 148–152.
-, -, Englishmen forbidden to serve in, 148, 151.
-, -, takes merchandise from London merchants, 127, 166– 167.
-, Dutch (Hollanders), a man-ofwar, 20. See also Ships, States General.
-, -, -, captures a Portuguese, 283.
-, -, eight, spoiled by armada, 78.
-, -, a danger to transport of soldiers to Archdukes' service, 71.
-, -, nine, for the East Indies, at Portsmouth, 116.
-, -, mutinous conduct of, at Sandwich, 148–152.
-, -, alleged by Archdukes' Council of State to be favoured by England against Archdukes, 166, 167.
-, -, engage with Spanish, 179.
-, English, pirates, 19, 150.
-, -, taken by the Spanish in the Indies, 77, 179, 261, 264–265.
-, -, merchandise of, taken by Dunkirk, 127, 166, 167.
-, -, King of Denmark inspects, 131.
-, -, of Poole, from Lisbon, 143.
-, -, 4 London ships from Spain, robbed by Hollanders, 150.
-, -, of Weymouth, commissioned by States General, attacks the King's galleys, 156.
-, -, embargo on, at Lisbon, 171, 264.
-, -, compelled to transport Spanish arms, 171.
-, -, mariners compelled to serve in Spanish ships, 171, 264.
-, -, sent by Duke of Florence against the Turk, 187.
-, -, at Chatham, mariners commandeered for, 226.
-, -, alleged confiscation of, by Spain, 264.
-, -, stopped by the Spanish, 345, 349.
-, -, accused of piracy on Spanish and Portuguese, 432.
-, -, bound for Virginia, taken by Spain, 452.
-, Flemish ship carrying corn, 21.
-, Florentine galleys, 148.
-, French, laden with wines, 115.
-, -, from Bordeaux, at Portsmouth, 146.
-, -, attempt by Dutch sailors to seize, 224.
-, -, searched at Gravesend, 291.
-, -, alleged stay of, by Earl of Bath, 305.
-, -, stopped by the Spanish, 345.
-, -, from Rouen, capture of, 379.
-, -, compensation for, 403, 406.
-, of Genoa, 148.
-, Neapolitan galleys, 147, 148.
-, Portuguese, allowed to enter Brazilian ports, 371.
-, Scottish, cargoes examined by Spain, 349.
-, of Sicily, 148.
-, Spanish, seeking Hollanders, 143.
-, -, of Seville, at Portsmouth, 145.
-, -, for the Indies, 145, 158.
-, -, -, shelter from States' fleet, 156.
-, -, from Lisbon, at Portsmouth, 155.
-, -, clause in Articles of Peace permitting vessels to enter English ports, 160.
-, - Armada of 30 galleons, 179.
-, - treasure fleet, 398.
-, -, driven into Bordeaux, 452.
-, -, General of Armada. See Fajardo.
-, States General (see also Ships, Dutch), a ship of 600 at Portsmouth, 111.
-, -, fleet of 30 sail, from coast of Spain, arrive in Portsmouth for repair and revictualling, 145, 156, 158(2), 160.
-, -, ships of war at Portsmouth, 146.
-, -, satisfaction offered for damage caused by, 166.
-, -, takes a Spanish carvel, 346.
-, -, object to anchorage dues in England, 365.
-, -, in a fight with Spanish galleons, 398.
-, Turkish fleet, 147, 177.
-, Venetian ships and galleys, 40, 177.

Shirley (Sherley):
-, Sir Thomas, the elder, 83, 113.
-, -, letters from, 85, 124, 159, 266, 290, 322, 361, 444(2).
-, Sir Thomas, the younger, 290.
-, -, letters from, 147(2), 177, 283, 358.

shooting, commission for, 41.

Shoreham, [Sussex], 241.

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot.
-, Mary, Countess of, letters from, 256, 325.

Shropshire (Salop), Jesuits in, 181, 182.
-, Sheriff of. See Wallop.

Shucks, Jock of the, 458.

Sicily, galleys of, 148.

Sicklemore (Sycklemore), —, a Jesuit priest, 138, 156.

sickness, the. See Plague.

Sidley (Sidlay, Sydley), Sir Ralph, 191.
-, and transportation of Grahams, 215, 285–286, 302, 402.
-, to be questioned concerning money for the Grahams, 342.

Sidney, Robert, 1st Lord Sydney, Viscount Lisle, letters from, 116(2), 137, 190, 205, 209, 343, 418.

Sigismund III, King of Poland, 339.
-, and English Company trading in Poland, 180.
-, sends letters to James I, 255, 256.

Silferton. See Silverton.

Siliard, Sir Edward, 138.

Silsworth (Silseworthe, Northants.), 38, 415.

Silverton (Silferton, Devon), letter dated at, 298.

Sincleir, —, a letter in French to James I, 131.

Sing, Mr., justice, 243.

Sinklar, Andreas, 269.

Sion House (Syon), [Isleworth, Middlesex], 75.

Sittingbourne (Settingbourne, Kent), 86, 148.
-, postal endorsements at, 117, 322.

Skaife, Robert, statements by, 12.

Skevington, Mr., 34.

Skinner, Anthony, 101, 238, 239.
-, Sir Vincent, 455.

Skipton, [Yorks], letter dated at, 308.

Skipworth, William, letter from, 5.

Skory, Edmund, letter from, 446.

Slaughton, —, a recusant, 421.

Sligo, (Ireland), letter dated at, 292.
-, castle and abbey of, 291.

Sligo. See also O'Connor.

Slingsbie (Slingesbye), Captain, 219.
-, Sir Francis, 384.

Sluys (Sluce, Holland), 197, 199, 219.

Smalman, —, a suspect, 27.

Smart (Smarte), Thomas, a suspect, 17, 34.

Smith (Smyth):
-, Francis, 164.
-, George, a priest, 239.
-, Gervase (Gervis, Jasper), parson of Polstead, letter from, 298.
-, -, letter to, 298.
-, -, charged with discourses on prophesies, 280–281, 306– 307, 316–318, 320–322.
-, -, sent to London, 304.
-, -, petition of, 307.
-, -, examination of, 320–322.
-, Jane, 14.
-, John, a suspect, 27.
-, Leonard, a Catholic, 13, 14.
-, Mr., 101.
-, Mrs., examination of her servants, 100–101.
-, Roger, murder of, 458.
-, Sir Thomas, [Clerk of the Council], 238, 364.
-, -, letters from, 286, 446.
-, -, memos to and from, relating to stay of a ship of Denmark, 245.
-, -, and Welsh causes, 410.
-, William, Bishop of Lincoln, 340.
-, -, debt of, 219.
-, See also Heywood.

Smyth. See Smith.

Snigg(e), Mr. Baron, 186.

-, Dr. Robert, Master of Peterhouse, Cam., letter to, 137.
-, -, letter from, 43.
-, Sir Stephen, 155.

Soapmakers, Company of, 159, 162.

Solevan, Jaques, 11.

Solicitor General, the. See Dodderidge.

Somercotes, North, (Lincs.), 417.

Somerfeild, John, 437.

Somerfield, —, lands of, 26.

Somers, Sir Samuel, 155.

Somerset, letter dated in, 366.
-, cloth trade of, 459.

Somerset, Edward, 4th Earl of Worcester, 196, 239, 366.
-, as Commissioner in Gunpowder Plot, 5.
-, letter from, 193.
-, and provisioning of the King's horses, 276.
-, his daughter, married to Lord Arundel's son, 201.
-, examines Gervase Smith, 281, 307, 321.

Somersham, [Hunts.], replenishing of park and chase at, 19.

Sommer, Thomas, sub-deacon of Douai College, 63.

Snell, Sir Thomas, letter from, 17.

Sonds, [Margaret, wife of Sir Thomas], sister of Lord Cobham, 59.

Sores, Count of, 152.

Sotherton, Mr., Cursitor Baron, 195, 219.

Soto, Diego de, official at Bilbao, report from, 277.

Southaik. See Southwicke.

Southampton (Hampton), 272, 322.
-, mariners hanged at, 40.

Southampton, Earl of. See Wriothesley.
-, Countess of, 378.

Southamptonshire. See Hampshire.

South Cape, the, 150.

Southminster (Sudmuster, Essex), 49.

Southwark, (Surrey), St. Saviour's in, parsonage of, 85, 267, 444.
-, Clink (Clynck), the, 60, 400.

Southwell, —, an English spy sent abroad by Salisbury, information from, 168–169.

Southwicke (Southaik), —, detained at Cambridge, 47, 49.

Spain (Spainge), 40, 350.
-, King of. See Philip III.
-, Queen of, 405, 451.
-, -, sends presents to Queen Anne, 117.
-, anxious to preserve peace with England, 8.
-, refuses to surrender Owen and Baldwin to England, 50–51, 64, 71, 98, 106, 118, 132, 261.
-, merchants trading with Muscovy and Stade, 57.
-, alleged proposed invasion of England by, 75, 96, 108.
-, and pensions to Englishmen, 96, 110, 397, 431.
-, and a ship from Brazil held at Poole, 90.
-, proposed alliance of Prince Henry and Infanta, 118.
-, ill usage of English subjects in, 171, 260–266.
-, the 30 per cent, 171, 264.
-, -, Vedor of, 57, 58.
-, a plot laid in, against James I, 197–200.
-, Spanish Armada, reference to, 250.
-, grievances against England discussed in conference, 259– 266, 320, 354.
-, Inquisition, Englishmen put into, 264.
-, alleged robbery of, by English men-of-war, 265.
-, offer of service in, 318.
-, arrival of West India fleet in, 341.
-, Commissioners for Assembly of the Hanse Towns to visit, 366.
-, accused of trickery in English harbours, 374.
-, Ambassadors. See under Ambassadors.
-, complaints of English merchants in. See Merchants.
-, English troops in service of. See under Austria, Archduke Albert of.
-, Secretary of State in. See Prada.
-, Secretary in Brussels. See Mansciscidor.
-, ships of. See under Ships.
-, treaty with England. See Treaty.

Spalding, (Lincs.), 417.
-, tenants of manor of, petition from, 220.

Spaldington, 15.

Speaker, Mr. See Phillips.

Speke, Mr., 114.

Spicer, Nicholas, 181.

Spiller, —, alias Bellamy, 10.
-, -, attorney of Exchequer, 10, 398.

Spilman, Sir John, 105.

Spinola, [Ambrose], Marquis of, 64, 118, 154, 208.
-, -, at Valladolid, 46.
-, -, arrival in Brussels, 141.
-, -, preparing for military action,. 152.
-, -, prizes valour of English nation, 153.
-, -, and offensive against Rheinberg, 270, 274, 320.
-, Battista, 429.

Spofforth, (Yorks.), 14.

Springfild Barnes, [Essex], letter dated at, 136.

Spurway, Walter, mariner, examination of, 302–303.

Squier, William, letters from, 77, 179.

Stade (Stoad, Germany), merchants trading with Spain, 57.

Stafford gaol, Gunpowder Plot suspects in, 17.

-, Captain, 190.
-, Sir Francis, letter from, 106.
-, Humphrey, 457.
-, Sir William, 457.

Staffordshire, 334.
-, traitors in, 182.
-, -, trial of aiders of, 27, 34.
-, printing presses to be suppressed in, 303.
-, sheriff of, 348; see also Whorwood.

Staingod (? Stenigot q.v.), [Lincs.].

Standle. See Stanley.

-, Edward, 101.
-, Robert, 101.

Stanhope (Stanope, Stanhoop):
-, Dr., 442.
-, Sir John, Lord Stanhope of Harrington, 352.
-, -, letter from, 337.
-, Sir Michael, 386.
-, -, letters from, 161, 288.
-, -, his licence for wools, 161(2).
-, -, his father-in-law, 288.

Stanley (Standle):
-, Ferdinando, 5th Earl of Derby, 440.
-, William, letter to, 7.
-, -, passport of, 7.
-, Sir William, 373, 414.
-, -, alleged connexion with Catholic plotters, 2, 9, 207.
-, -, a dependent on, 64.
-, -, restored to liberty, 98, 106.
-, -, as Signor Alto, 105, 119, 140.
-, -, and discharge of companies under English captains, 152.
-, -, innocency of, protested by Spinola, 153.
-, -, his revolt, 423.
-, William, 6th Earl of Derby, 6, 115, 205, 347, 394.
-, -, letters from, 48, 54, 105, 135, 340.
-, -, as Vice Admiral, and seizure of wines, 48, 59.
-, -, his son James, 48, 54(2), 73.
-, -, and office in county palatine of Chester, 427.
-, -, confirmation of agreements and awards to, 440.

Stapers, Richard, of London, 430.

Star Chamber, Court of, 92, 178, 255, 410, 416, 423, 425, 436, 459.
-, registrar of, 380.

Starchmakers, petition of, 446.

Start, the, 150.

States General. See United Provinces.

Stath, Sir Thomas, 140.

Stationers, the, 174.

Steinamanger (Stencmanger, Hungary), 33.

Stenigot [? Staingod, Lincs.], letter dated at, 352.

Stepney, (Middx.), letter dated at, 239.

Stevens, Dr., a priest, 47.

-, Dr., 404.
-, Sir Robert, 248.

Stewart, Patrick, 2nd Earl of Orkney, 441.
-, See also Stuart.

Still, John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, letter from, 368.

Stoad. See Stade.

Stoke by Nayland, (Suffolk), vicar of. See Hankin.

Stoke [Poges, Bucks.], 161.
-, letter dated at, 162.

Stokes, Adrian, 447.

Stonard, —, messenger, 275.

Stone, [Staffs.], postal endorsements at, 7, 357.

Stonemore. See Brough under Stainmore.

Stony Middleton, (Oxon.), 17.

Stooke, letter dated at, 115.

Storey (Stories), family of, border outlaws, 294.
-, George, of the Holme, 351.

Stourbridge (Sturbridge, Worcs.), 12.

Stourton, Edward, 9th Lord Stourton, letter from, 233.
-, [Frances, Lady Stourton], sister of Lord Cobham, and wife of John, 8th Lord Stourton, 59.
-, -, letter from, 446.

Strange (Straunge), Father Thomas, alias Hungerford, 41, 52, 60.
-, interrogatories for, 66–67.
-, defends Lord Salisbury, 191, 196.
-, relation of, 196–197.

Straunge. See Strange.

Strigonia. See Gran.

Stroud (Stroude), Sir William, M.P., 297.
-, on purveyance, 69.

-, Lady Arabella (Arbella), letter from, 135.
-, -, suit for seals of non obstantes for causes ecclesiastical, 129, 135.
-, Henry, Earl of Darnley, father of James I, 66.
-, Ludovic, 2nd Duke of Lennox (the Duke), 154, 280, 316.
-, -, letter from, 246.
-, -, note by, 85.
-, -, his servant. See Roberts.
-, See also Stewart.

Stubbes, Miles, statement by, 12.

Studder (Studer), Sir Thomas, sergeant major, in service of Archdukes, 31, 64, 72, 99, 232.
-, his companies discharged, 152.
-, and leadership of English companies, 153.
-, the cause of English mutiny, 218.

Sturbridge. See Stourbridge.

Styles, John, recusant, 398.

subsidy, abuses in levying, 247.

Sucres, Diego Lopes, Portugal merchant of Antwerp, 99.

Sudbourne, [Suffolk], letter dated at, 288.

Sudbury Mills, [Suffolk], 75.

Sudmuster. See Southminster.

Sueily. See Sully.

Suffolk, 53, 334.

Suffolk, Duke of. See Brandon.
-, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas.
-, Lady, 386.

sugar, bought from a pirate, confiscated at Plymouth, 309– 311.
-, allotment to Spanish Ambassador and Dutch, 427.

Sully (Sueily), Due de, 130.

Sussex, 290.

Suttil, Robert, 15.

Suydt Lambeth. See Lambeth, South.

Swale, Sir Richard, LL.D., 404.

Sweet (Swete), John, apprehension and examination of, 213(3), 221–223, 234–235, 252–253.

Swynnerton, John, letter from, 447.

Sycklemore. See Sicklemore.

Sydley. See Sidley.

Symnell, Richard, Alderman of Colchester, 342.

Syon. See Sion.