Index: P

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Packer, John, 340.

Padua, 400.

Paget, Charles, 238.
-, letter from, 364.

Paine (Payne):
-, Henry, gent., of Petworth, examination and information of, 230–231.
-, Thomas, gent., of Petworth, examination and information of, 230–231.

Palatine, [Frederick], Count, of the Rhine, his ambassador, 454.

Palavicino (Pallavicini):
-, Fabrizio, 430.
-, Sir Horatio, 422.
-, -, his debt, 429–430.
-, -, his suit against City of London, 430.
-, house of, 131.

-, Sir Jhon., 155.
-, Thomas, letter from, 86.
-, Sir Thomas, letter from, 359.
-, See also Boswell.

Palmes, Valentine, 47.

Panton, Captain Thomas, letter from, 431.

Parham (Parhame, Perham):
-, Sir Edward, in the Low Countries, 72, 116, 142.
-, -, his companies discharged, 152.
-, Maude, 4.
-, Mr., 142.
-, William, and his wife, 4.

Paris, 32, 118, 164, 168, 350.
-, letters dated at, 101, 118, 130, 158, 365.
-, memorandum dated in, 170.
-, Rue de Bievre in, 101.
-, the Arsenal in, 130.
-, Lord Salisbury's visit to, 226.
-, and English cloth trade, 453.

-, D., 146.
-, Edward, 11th Lord Morley, 447.
-, -, his wife Elizabeth, 447.
-, Sir John, letter from, 184.
-, William, 4th Lord Mounteagle, 85, 96, 408.
-, -, letter from, 422.
-, -, his grant and pension, 112.
-, -, and lands of Duke of Suffolk, 447.
-, -, his mother, 447.

Parkins (Parkynes):
-, Dr., 339.
-, Sir Christopher, 253.
-, -, letter from, 20.
-, Mrs., 61.

Parliament, Acts of:
-, Statute 11 Edward III, 337.
-, Statute 2 and 3 Ph. and M., 55.
-, Statute 43 Eliz., 367.
-, Statute 5 Nov., 3 Jac., 193.

Parliament, report by Salisbury of proceedings in, 45.
-, against fresh enlistment of English troops in Archdukes' army, 50, 62, 71, 81.
-, making strict laws against recusants, 52.
-, application for restoration to, 68.
-, debate on purveyance, 69, 88, 129.
-, decides not to assist States General with money, 70.
-, bill in, for continuation of Union, 129.
-, order of, to attaint Owen, 132, 161, 171.
-, alleged earlier plot to destroy, 161.
-, Act enforcing oath to be taken by English subjects serving abroad, 171.
-, proceedings in, concerning saltpetre, 335–336.
-, plea for repeal of cloth trade statutes in, 342.
-, Lord Salisbury a proxy in, 346.
-, and the Union, 373–374.
-, and naturalization etc., of Scots, 443, 457.
-, proceedings in, references to, 130, 146, 389.
-, Gunpowder plot attempt on. See Gunpowder Plot.
-, See also Commons and Lords.

Parliament House, conspirators' heads set up on, 68.

Parma, Duke of, 157.

Parry, Sir Thomas, 386, 387(2).

Parsons, Father (Signor Grando), 61, 67, 76, 125, 144, 250, 382.

Passage, Clerk of the, 30.

passports, commission to grant, 269.

Paul V, Pope, 421.
-, and Gunpowder Plot, 31, 436.
-, as Signor Franco, 106.
-, James I's attitude to, 144–145.
-, alleged request to, from King of Spain, to limit Jesuits' wealth, 147.
-, to procure revocation of Jesuits in England, 159.
-, mediates with French and Spanish Kings to intercede with James I for Catholics, 159.
-, godfather to Dauphin, 172.
-, promised censure from, on Gunpowder plotters, 173.
-, See also Pope, the.

Paulerspury (Paulersperry), [Northants.], 39.

Paules, Pawles. See London, places in, St. Paul's Church.

Paulet, William, 4th Marquess of Winchester, 455.

Payne. See Paine.

Paynton, James, letter from, 431.

Peak, the, 328.

Pearcye. See Percy.

Pelhame, Sir Edmund, 205.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert.

Pembsey. See Pevensey.

Pennington (Penington), Joseph, Commissioner for Middle Shires, 155, 369.
-, letters from, 78, 191.

Peopall, John, 12.

pepper, a charge of unlawfully importing, 277.

-, Sir Cutt, 393.
-, -, master of the post barque at Holyhead, 173, 192.

-, John, 12, 34.
-, Margaret, 34.
-, Richard, 12.

Percy (Pearcye, Percie):
-, Sir Allen, letters from, 191, 193.
-, Sir Charles, 72, 372.
-, Henry, 9th Earl of Northumberland, 74, 452, 459.
-, -, letters from, 74, 183, 193(2), 195, 216, 217, 235, 274, 280, 346, 352, 424, 425(3).
-, -, and Gunpowder Plot, 52, 67.
-, -, -, petition by his wife for justice for, 178.
-, -, -, justifies himself, 193–194.
-, -, a suitor for his own diet, 244.
-, -, alleged to attend masses, 251.
-, -, claim to, and possessions in, Tynemouth Castle, 347, 367, 421, 459.
-, -, persons to visit him in the Tower, 426, 454.
-, Thomas, suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 52, 68, 74, 75, 125, 399.
-, -, allusions to, by Henry Garnet, 85.
-, -, information concerning, 250–251.
-, -, epigram on, 269.
-, -, 18.

Peretre, —, 192.

Perham. See Parham.

Peris, Don Anthonio, 119.

Perkins, Mrs., 455.

-, Sir James, 155.
-, -, letter from, 431.
-, Sir John, 431.

Perry, Sir Richard, 226.

Persia (the Persians), 177.

Peryam, Jo., 181.

Pesa. See Pisa.

Petan, Dame Gene, wife of Dr. Gordon, 209.

Peter, shipper, of Danzig, 245.

Petworth, [Sussex], suspected recusants of, 230–231.

Pevensey (Pembsey, Sussex), castle and manor of, 422.

Phelipps. See Phillips.

Phibo, Donzell del, 182.

Philip II, King of Spain, 122.

Philip III, King of Spain (his Catholic Majesty), letter to, 345.
-, and suspects in Gunpowder Plot, 2, 64, 96, 119, 178.
-, goes to Madrid, 64.
-, referred to as Signor Auro, 119.
-, fears Jesuit influence in Naples, 147.
-, the Pope desires him to mediate with James I, 159.
-, public demonstrations against, in England, 227.
-, report to, on proceedings against two English merchants, 277.
-, and M. St. Victor, 438.
-, and seizure of Conde de Villa Luenza's goods, 450, 451.

Phillips (Philips, Philippes, Phelipps):
-, Captain, 190.
-, Sir Edward, Speaker of House of Commons (Mr. Speaker), 131.
-, -, letters from, 146, 195, 361.
-, John, Bishop of Man, letter from, 220, 353.
-, Philip, Mayor of Chester, letter from, 356.
-, Thomas, a prisoner, 51.
-, -, letters from, 268, 431.
-, P., alias Harison, letter from, 29.
-, -, 114, 126.

Pickering, Lewis, articles proposed by, for Clergy of Church of England, 431–432.

Pickle, Michael, 86.

pilchard fishery, complaint concerning, 349.

Pilkington, Thomas, Under Sheriff of Northamptonshire, 39.

Pinchbeck, [Lincs.], 205, 417.
-, letter dated at, 195.
-, tenants of manor of, petition from, 220.

Pinder, Paul, 354.

Pipwell, (Northants.), 38.

pirates, English, 432.

Pisa (Pesa), 187.

Plague, the, 48, 217, 272.
-, certificates of deaths from, 267, 364.
-, precautions against, 273, 276.
-, at Windsor, 274, 279.
-, increase of, 316.
-, decrease of, 325.

Plaice. See Plasse.

Planch, Lavinio, letter to, 359.

Plasse (Plaice), Thomas, mastersmith for office of Ordnance for ironworks, 249, 268.

Plompton. See Plumpton.

Plowey. See Urwen.

Plumpton (Plompton), [Northants.], letter dated at, 326.

Plumton, [? Cumb.], 301.

Plumton Hall, [? Yorks.], assembly of Catholics of, 14, 15.

Plumton, Sir Edward, 13.

Plymouth, letters dated at, 21, 60, 133, 134, 237, 309, 313.
-, and a colonial enterprise, 133, 134.
-, alleged interference in work of customs at, 312.
-, anchorage dues enforced at, 365.
-, Mayor and Aldermen of, and proceedings against Sir Richard Hawkins, 237, 257, 310.
-, Mayors of. See Blytheman and Bagg.
-, deputy mayor of. See Mathewe.

Plymouth Hoe (?), (How), 21.

Poland (Pouland, Polonia), justice of Assize in, 339.
-, Poles prisoners in Moscow, 339.
-, King of. See Sigismond.

Pole. See Poole.

Poley, Sir John, letter from, 432.

Polstead (Polested, Polisted, Suffolk), letters dated at, 299, 304.
-, parson of. See Smith, Gervase.

Polton, Mr., 426(2).

Poole (Pole):
-, Sir Henry, 271.
-, -, letter from, 142.
-, Jeffrey, 120, 132.

Poole [Dorset], letter dated at, 143.
-, a ship from Brazil held at, 90.
-, Port of, searcher of, 403.

Pope, the, orders Catholics to yield temporal obedience to James I, 75, 107.
-, briefs (the breves) by, to exclude Protestant successor to English throne, 75, 85, 87, 110, 126.
-, dealings of Gunpowder conspirators with, 75–76, 85, 86, 96, 110, 111.
-, ecclesiastical or temporal powers in England of, 189.
-, disavowal of oath of allegiance to, 327.
-, censure against Venetians, 450.
-, See also Paul V.

Pope, Mr., sergeant of the Admiralty, 245.

Popham, Sir John, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, letters from, 41, 53, 61, 94, 114.
-, letter to, 331.
-, and Gunpowder Treason suspects, 24, 41, 174.
-, -, notes by, concerning, 75–77.
-, interrogates Garnet, 108.
-, and charter for plantation of Virginia, 84.
-, -, a protest against form of, 133, 134.
-, and a controversy over supply of wine to the Tower, 120.
-, and a commission for reformation of disorders in London, 229.
-, and suppression of printing presses, 303.
-, and a phrase concerning plots and the King, 330(2), 331.
-, and parliamentary proceedings about saltpetre, 335.
-, and suspicious characters at the Tower, 336–337.
-, as Commissioner for compounding for land, 368.
-, references to, 34, 43, 83, 188, 203, 223, 238, 242, 330, 382, 436.

Porchemue. See Portsmouth.

Porchester Castle, [Hants.], 146.

Pordage, —, of Lime Street, London, 385.

Porta Sancta, Island of, 414.

Porthamel, [Brecon.], 135.

Portingales. See Portuguese.

Ports, opening of, requested by the Archdukes and Spain, 82.

Portsmouth (Porchemue), 379.
-, letters dated at, 103, 105, 112, 116, 146, 156, 158, 159, 177.
-, letter from Mayor and Burgesses of, offering Salisbury High Stewardship of, 102.
-, application for office in, 100.
-, Governor of. See Devonshire, Earl of and Vere, Sir Francis.
-, Lieutenant of. See Ersfeild.

Portugal, King of. See Sebastian.

Portuguese (Portingales), ships captured by Dutch, 283.

porpoise, found near London, 26.

post charges, 39.

postal endorsements:
-, Canterbury to Dartford, 117, 322.
-, Chester to Barnet, 7, 357.
-, Chester to Nantwich, 26.
-, Towcester to Barnet, 326.
-, Whittlesford, [Camb.], 326.

posting charges, 432.

Potne [? Putney], 225.

Pouland. See Poland.

Powell, Daniel, former Clerk of the Chancery, 44.

Powle, Stephen, a Clerk of the Chancery, letter from, 44.

Powles [St. Paul's Cathedral]. See under London, places in.

-, Henry, 360.
-, William, a recusant, 359–360.

Prada, Andreas de, Secretary of State in Spain, 265, 320, 354.

Pratt, Mr., 12.

Pré, Monsr. du, 82, 83, 168, 176.
-, letters to, 84, 92, 103, 105, 115, 136, 140, 143.

Preston, Sir Richard, 219.

Prestwood (Staffs.), 12.

Price, —, 169.

Prince, the. See Henry.

prints and printing presses, seized, 182, 303.

Privy Chamber, 417.

Privy Council (the Council), 240, 349, 406.
-, letters to, 4, 17(2), 22, 34, 44, 73, 74, 165, 178, 191, 193, 195, 239, 240, 248, 271, 273, 304, 309, 378, 401.
-, letters from, 59, 127, 150, 193, 387, 388, 389.
-, and a letter concerning Mr. Abington and the priests, 37.
-, members to be excommunicated, 176.
-, and duties of Lords Lieutenant, 235.
-, conference with Spanish and Archdukes' Ambassadors concerning grievances between England and Spain, 260–266.
-, and granting of passports, 269.
-, and proceedings concerning the Grahams, 302, 402.
-, petitions to, 307, 414.
-, abusive verses on, 319.
-, and affairs of Isle of Man, 353.

Probyn, —, 102.

Procter, Sir Stephen, letters from, 347, 432.

Prouse (Prouze), John, 181.

Pudseye, Ambrose, 363, 364.
-, Mrs., 363.

Purcell, Richard, murder trial of, 411.

Puritanism (purinisme), 21.

Purthame, Richard, 351.

Purveyance, bill of, 129.
-, grievances against excesses and form of, 55–56.
-, -, debate in Parliament on, 69.
-, minutes concerning, 88.

Putney [?] (Potne), 225.

Pyster, —, 102.

Pytt, Sir Edward, 34.