Index: Q R

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: Q R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: Q R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: Q R". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Queen. See Anne of Denmark, and Elizabeth.


Raab (Rabe) river, (Hungary), 33.

Rackwood (Rookwood), Ambrose. See Sayer.

Radcliff (Radclyffe, Radlyff, Ratcliff), Sir John, 41, 42, 43, 211, 418.
-, letter from, 155.

Rainolds. See Reynolds.

Ralegh, Sir Walter, 258, 446, 459.

Rammekins (Ramekins), [Zeeland], 199.

-, John, 291.
-, Thomas, 291.

Ramsay (Ramsey), Sir John, afterwards Viscount Haddington, gentleman of the King's Bedchamber, 128, 164, 288.
-, extract from grant of arms, 187.

Ratcliff, Mr., letter to, concerning mines in Scotland, 387.
-, See also Radcliff.

Ratisbon (Regensburg), [Bavaria], 366.

Ravenglass, [Cumb.], 215.

Ravis, Thomas, Bishop of Gloucester, letter from, 114.

Raynolds. See Reynolds.

Reade, Richard, 220.

Recorder, of London. See Montagu.

Recusants, 172, 240.
-, grant of estates etc., of, 26, 313, 319, 409.
-, strict laws against in Parliament, 52.
-, bills of, 142.
-, a licence for, 204.
-, reported to have conformed, 234.
-, memorandum as to, 433.
-, See also Roman Catholics.

Redman,—, 403.

-, James, 433.
-, Robert, 433.

Regensburg. See Ratisbon.

Rekes, Martyn, 4.

Remington, Lady, letter from, 43.

Renhall, 101.

Renzi, De' (Renzye), Matthew, London merchant, a bankrupt, 10, 24.
-, letter from, 323.
-, escapes to Ireland, 239, 323.

Requests, Court of, a suitor for a place in, 167.
-, Master of, James I complains of lack of attendance on him by, 324–5.
-, -, See Caesar; Dunne; Wilbraham.

Res (Roos, Ross). See Cecil.

Reynolds (Rainolds, Raynolds):
-, Anthony, 389.
-, Dr. John, letter from, 43.
-, Miles, 13.
-, William, a priest, 95.

Rheims (Rheines), 106, 208.
-, English college at, a book on, 95.
-, an alleged conference of Jesuits at, 169.

Rheinberg (Berck, Berke) [Germany], Spinola's attack on, 270, 274, 316, 320.

Rhine, the, military action expected in, 152.

Riba de Celos (Spain), 11.

Ricardott. See Richardot.

Rich (Riche, Ryche):
-, —, 97.
-, Barnaby, letter from, 437.
-, Frances, Lady Rich, 434– 435.
-, Penelope. See Blount.
-, Sir Robert, 434–435.

Richardot (Ricardott), [Jean, Senator and President of the Archduke's Privy Council], 30, 81, 208, 262.
-, and apprehension of Hugh Owen and others, 1, 9, 31, 64, 98, 132, 207.
-, not coldly affected towards England, 31.
-, and English subjects serving the Archdukes, 99, 113.
-, complains of James I's treatment of Archdukes' Ambassador, 112.
-, and a dispute concerning English merchandise taken by Dunkirkers, and alleged preferential treatment of Hollanders, 166.
-, complaint to be made to, of Spanish neglect of terms of Treaty, 171.
-, objects to treatment of Spanish Ambassador in England, 227.

Riche. See Rich.

Richmond (Richemont), [Surrey], letters dated at, 29, 44, 48, 345.

Ricott. See Rycote.

Rider,—, 101.

Ridgby, —, 393.

Ridgeway, Sir Thomas, M.P., 326, 460.
-, on purveyance, 68.

Ridlesden, Sir Stephen, letter from, 249.

Riecott. See Rycote.

Ripley (Yorks.), Ripley Park, Catholics at, 13, 14.

Ripon (Rippon, Yorks.), 13, 14.
-, dean and prebends of, 225.
-, Collegiate Church, 309, 357.

Ritchie, Jock, 192.

Rivers (Ryvers), Mr., of the custom house, 279.

Rivers, Earl. See Woodville.

Roan(e). See Rouen.

Robert (Robertes):
-, Richard, servant of Duke of Lennox, letter from, 280.
-, Sir Thomas, letters from, 7, 348.

Robins, Mr., Town Clerk of Gloucester, 47.

-, Henry, Bishop of Carlisle, Commissioner for Middle Shires, 114, 289, 369.
-, -, letters from; 192, 215, 224, 292, 293, 342.
-, -, letter to, 332.
-, -, requests leave of absence from Parliament, 293, 308.
-, -, licence for, 330.
-, -. See also under Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes.
-, John, 86.
-, Leonard, 14.

Rochester, (Kent), postal endorsements at, 117, 322.

Roelife, John, letter from, 435.

Rohan, Madame de, 322.

Rolls, Master of. See Hare.

Roman Catholics (Jesuits, priests, papists):
-, alleged persecutions of, in England, 8, 18.
-, Jesuits to be called out of England if toleration is granted to Catholics, 9.
-, no inhumane proceedings against, after Gunpowder Plot, 9, 31.
-, English regiments serving the Archduke to return to England to aid cause of, 10, 31.
-, gathering of, in Ripley, 13.
-, defection to popery under Archbishop of York, 21.
-, plea for a general search for, in London, 25.
-, Papists' allegations, 29.
-, and deposing of princes, 43.
-, accused of false reports to breed revolt in Northumberland, 44.
-, proceedings in Parliament concerning, 45.
-, in Essex, 48, 49.
-, strict laws against, in Parliament, 52, 234.
-, alleged assistance of, to proposed Spanish invasion, 75, 76.
-, examination of, 100–101.
-, risk of endangering position of, by surrender of Owen, 122.
-, the Pope desires French and Spanish Kings to intercede with James I on behalf of, 159.
-, priest and Jesuits banished in England, 171, 233.
-, offers from, to James I, to banish Jesuits, and to colonize Virginia, 173.
-, petition James I, 173, 182.
-, to be listed in counties, 193.
-, taken in Yorkshire, 247.
-, information concerning masses held in London, 250–251.
-, Spain told of alleged inclination of English to, 265.
-, reformation of, in Devon, 297.
-, laws not strict enough against, 280, 321.
-, flock to Tynemouth, 333–334.
-, English in Angers, some names of, 350.
-, a confession of popish practices, 363–364.
-, a severe bill against from the Lords, 378.
-, in Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 391.
-, oath to be taken on leaving England, 419.
-, prevention of ingress and egress of, at ports, 427.
-, receive pensions from Spain, 431.
-, articles concerning clearance from suspicion in Gunpowder Plot, 436.
-, references to, 41, 292.
-, See also Recusants.

Romans, King of, election of, 141.

Rome (Roome), 61, 66, 132, 168, 222, 382, 421.
-, letters dated at, 37, 71, 82, 83, 461.
-, English College at, 95, 250, 252, 319.
-, Garnet's dealings with, in Gunpowder Plot, 87, 95, 107, 125.
-, alleged request to, to remove Jesuits from England, 137.
-, offer of service in, 318.
-, Palavicino's property confiscated in, 430.

Romney, Sir William, 337.

Rooke, George, letter from, 33.

Rookwood (Rookewood), Ambrose. See Sayer.

Rookwood Hall, letter dated at, 339.

Roome. See Rome.

Rooper. See Roper.

Roos (Ross), Lord. See Cecil.

Roper (Rooper):
-, Sir Christopher, letter from, 114.
-, Sir John, letter from, 228.

Roscommon (Rose Comon, Ireland), transportation of Grahams to, 286, 293, 302, 343.

Rose Castle, [Cumb.], 289.
-, letters dated at, 293, 295, 343.

Ross (Roos), Lord. See Cecil.

Roston, Rostorne. See Royston.

Rothe, Robert, letter from, 436.

Rotterdam, 127.

Rouen (Roane, Roan), 84, 164, 379.

Routledge, family of, border out laws, 295.

Rowell, (Northants.), 38.

Roydon, —, 5.

Royston (Rostorne, Roston), [Herts.], 130, 200, 324, 342.
-, letters dated at, 125, 128, 247, 313, 314, 316(2), 319, 330(2), 332(2).

Ruckwoode (Rookewood). See Sayer.

Rud, Corvitius, 269.

Rudolf II, Emperor of Germany (the Emperor), 33, 141, 432, 438, 451.
-, appoints an Imperial Diet, 366.

Rugely, —, a fugitive in the Low Countries, 64.

Ruislip, [Middlesex], lease of woods in, for Cambridge University, 132.

Rushton, [Northants.], 38, 39.

Russell, Elizabeth, Lady Russell, Lord Salisbury's aunt, 400
-, letters from, 436, 437.

Rutland, Earl of. See Manners.

Rutlandshire, 65.

Ryche. See Rich.

Rycote (Ricott, Ryecott, Riecott) [Oxon.], letters dated at, 100, 243, 254.

Ryghton, John, 307.

Ryvers. See Rivers.

Rytt, Joachim, 20.