Index: N O

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: N O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: N O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: N O". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


N.W. (or W.N.), a spy, 440n.
-, letters from, 83, 84, 92, 103, 105, 115, 136, 140, 143, 168, 175.

Naas, (Ireland), letter dated at, 323.

Nalton, —, a minister, imprisoned, 36.

Nantwich (Namptwiche, Cheshire), postal endorsements at, 7, 26, 357.

Naples, 71, 159, 283.
-, letters dated at, 147, 148, 177.
-, Jesuit interference in resented, 147.
-, galleys of, bringing soldiers to garrison, 147.
-, Viceroy of, 147, 177.

Narrow Seas. See Channel.

Nassau, Count or Grave Maurice (his Excellency), leader of army of States General, 154, 358.
-, alleged offer to Archduke for killing of, 207.
-, James I's opinion of, 270, 272.
-, reaction of people of the Briel to, 340.

Naunton, Robert, letter from, 233.

Necancour, Sieur de, governor of Sedan, 102.

Negro, Signor. See Baldwin.

Neile, Richard, Dean of Westminster, letters from, 422, 423.

Nelson, W., senior of St. John's College, Cambridge, 354.

Notherdale, [? Yorks.], 13.

Netherlands (Low Countries), 168, 175, 270, 272, 350, 382, 433.
-, a plot in against James I, 197– 200.
-, request for passport into, 210.
-, credit desired in, 232.
-, news from, concerning Spinola, 274, 275.

Netherwood, James, postmaster for the Court, 432.

Netley, [? Hants.], letter dated at, 135.

Neumarkett. See Newmarket.

Nevill, Jane, letter from, 36.

Newcastle-on-Tyne (Newe Castle, Newcastell, Nucastell), letters dated at, 44, 141, 203, 250, 279, 328.
-, assizes at, 80.
-, gaol deliveries in, 212.
-, Castle, 358.
-, inventories of ordnance and armour stored at, 295.
-, Mayor and Aldermen of, 333.

Newce (Nuce, Nuse), Captain William, letters from, 423(2).
-, a pass into France for, 10.
-, particulars of, 11.
-, information from, of a Spanish plot against James I and town of Flushing, 197–200, 207, 227.

Newcome, the monk, 67.

New Forest, the, 272.

Newman, Amos, deputy lieutenant of Dover Castle, 423.

Newmarket (Neumarkett), 125, 128, 326.
-, letters dated at, 97, 129, 130, 131, 325, 326(2), 327.

Newporte, Henry, Yeoman of the King's Boiler House, 127.

Newry, the, (Co. Down, Ireland), 301.

Newton, Adam, the Prince's schoolmaster, letter from, 29.
-, -, and deanery of Durham, 29, 141.
-, -, -, appointment to, 279.
-, -, to surrender his pension to Dean of the Chapel, 279, 284.

Nicholson, —, 329.

-, John, confession of, 362–364.
-, William, 362.

Niddesdale, 79.

Nixon, family of, border outlaws, 295.

Noble, family of, border outlaws, 295.

Nonconforming ministers, 162, 402.

Norfolk, 334.

Norfolk, Duke of. See Howard.

Norham Castle, 347, 358, 428.

Normanby, [Yorks.], letters dated at, 309, 334, 341.

Normandy, 322.

Norreys (Norress):
-, Francis, 2nd Lord Norreys, 436, 454.
-, -, letters from, 100, 242, 254, 424.
-, -, letters to, 184, 439.
-, -, his wife [Bridget], Lord Salisbury's niece, 184, 243, 254, 424, 439, 454.
-, Sir John, 413, 414.

North, Mr., secretary to Spanish Ambassador, and Garnet's innocency, 260, 265.

North, Council of the, (at York), 22, 36.
-, Lord President of, letter to, 388; See also Sheffield.

Northampton, Earl of. See Howard, Henry.

Northamptonshire, proceedings against Gunpowder suspects in, 24, 38, 409.
-, books sent from, 380.
-, Catesby's lands in, 415.
-, High Sheriff of. See Throckmorton.
-, Under Sheriff of. See Pilkington.

Northaye, Robert, bailiff of Colchester, 342.

Northmymes. See Mimms, North.

Northumberland, 363.
-, alleged influence of Roman Catholics in, 44.
-, the Grahams in, 80, 224, 242.
-, -, gaol deliveries in, 155, 212.
-, government by, of Middle Shires, contrasted with Cumberland, 368–370.
-, Sheriff of. See Selby.

Northumberland, Earl of. See Percy.
-, Dorothy, Countess of, 280.
-, -, letters from, 178, 425, 426(3).

-, -, 394.
-, Mr., letter from, 427.

Norwich, merchants of, 127.

Norwich, Bishop of. See Jegon.

Nottingham, letter dated at, 33.
-, mayor of, 32.

Nottingham, Earl of. See Howard, Charles.
-, Countess of, offends the Queen, 276.

Noyon, (France), 176.

Nucastell. See Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Nuce. See Newce.

Nugent, Richard, 4th Lord Delvin, 291.

Nuncio, the Papal, in Brussels, and Gunpowder plotters, 8, 9, 28, 31, 64, 76, 106, 208.
-, -, reproached by Jesuits, 99.
-, -, - by Nuncio in Spain, 106.
-, -, visited by Sir Robert Bassett, 120.
-, -, his revocation, 159, 176.
-, -, his successor, 159.
-, -, his chaplain. See Sherwood.
-, in Spain, 106.

Nuse. See Newce.

Nycholls, Nynnyan, 203.


Oatlands, [Surrey], 277.

Obigny, de. See Aubigny.

-, Desmond, 5th Baron Inchiquin, (Insikovyne), 299.
-, Sir Turlagh, 299.
-, family of, 299.

O'Connor (O'Conor):
-, Sligo, Donogh, letter from, 291.
-, Captain Leisagh, letters from, 190, 361.

O'Donnell, Roderick, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell, 291, 299, 397.
-, letters from, 140, 362, 449.

Odymer. See Udimore.

O'Fearell, family of, 299.

-, Sir John, 448.
-, Sir Richard, his cause with Henry Cust, 195, 205, 220– 221.
-, -, letter from, 195.
-, Robert, 220.
-, Thomas, 220.
-, -, servant of Lord Northumberland, 426, 453.

Okey, William, deceased, late Keeper of the Gatehouse, 114.

Okkin, ? Woking, q.v.

Oliva, Palmerin d', 182.

Olyver, Henry, 12.

O'Neill, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Tyrone, 141, 255, 289, 397.

Opunta de Raya, 78.

Ordnance, office of the, letter dated at, 249.
-, Clerkship of the Deliveries of, 83.
-, mastersmith of ironworks of. See Plasse.
-, -, his workhouse, position of, 267.

O'Reylie, family of, 299.

Orinoco (Aranoco) river, [South America], 448.

Orkney (Orknay, Orkeney), Earl of. See Stewart.
-, Master of, 441.

Orleans, 350.

Oram, Captain, 376.

Orme, Captain Roger, in service in the Low Countries, 32, 63, 72, 82, 208.
-, letter from, 206.
-, his companies discharged, 152.
-, returns to England, 153, 200.
-, desires to serve with States General, 183, 206.
-, certificates of good conduct, 428.

Ormeschurch. See Ormskirk.

Ormonde, Earl of. See Butler.

Ormskirk (Ormeschurch), [Lancs], 48.

Osborne (Osbern, Osburne):
-, Sir Edward, 400.
-, Henry, alderman of Colchester, 342.
-, Lady, 53.
-, Lucy, Lady Osbern, letter from, 428.
-, Sir Robert, 52.

Osten [? Devon, near Plymouth], 309.

Ostend (Osteande), 414.

O'Sullivan, More, 299.
-, of Berehaven, family of, 299.

Otranto (Ottranto), 147.

Ottaviano, Signor. See Owen, Hugh.

Ouseley, Sir John, letter from, 366.

Oven, Henry, 182.

Overbury, Mr., Recorder of Gloucester, 47.

Owen (Owyn, Owin):
-, Hugh, a Catholic in the Low Countries and suspect in Gunpowder Plot, requests for, and arguments against surrender of, to England, 1–3, 8, 50–51, 62, 64, 71, 81, 92, 98, 122–123, 132.
-, Hugh, his papers not to be examined, 31.
-, -, a dependent on, 64.
-, -, advises Blount against returning to England, 65.
-, -, references to, by "N.W." as Signor Ottaviano, 105, 119, 120, 136, 140, 143, 144, 168, 176.
-, -, reports of visits to, 119, 136, 140, 143.
-, -, order in Parliament to attaint, 132, 161, 171.
-, -, restored to liberty by Archduke, 141, 207.
-, -, -, James I's resentment at, 170.
-, -, and discharge of companies under English leaders, 152, 376.
-, -, Spinola's attitude to, 153.
-, -, withdraws from Brussels, 227.
-, -, likely to be banished, 261.
-, -, his excuse for privity to Gunpowder Treason, 428.
-, -, references to, 9, 51, 61, 67, 74, 113, 126, 208, 350.
-, Justice, 115.
-, Richard, letter from, 190.
-, -, alleged suicide of, in the Tower, 98.

Oxford (Oxfort), 438.
-, University, 400.
-, -, Christ Church, 114.
-, -, Corpus Christi College, letter dated at, 43.
-, -, lease of a College of, 375.

Oxfordshire, 459.

Oyer and Terminer, commissions of. See commissions.