Index: M

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


-, Donell (Keogh), 188(2), 299– 300.
-, Florence, letters from, 188(2), 288, 299.
-, -, his sons, 289, 299.

McDonogh, family of, 299.

Macerata, [Italy], 83.

Macquemet. See Matthew.

McSorley, Sir Randal, 255.

McThomas, James, in the Tower, 188, 289.

Maddison (Maddinson), Lionel, 295.
-, letter from, 327.

Madrid (Madrill), 64, 349, 450.

Maestricht, [Germany], 99.

Magouire, —, 299.

Magrath, Miler, Archbishop of Cashel, 223.

Maidstone, (Kent), 86.
-, College, grant of lands of, 165.

Mainwaring (Maynwaring):
-, Arthur, 193.
-, Hugh, and office of Recorder of Chester, 22.

Malta, Order of Knights of, 460.

Malton, [Yorks], letter dated at, 343.

Malynes, Gerard, alum merchant, letter from, 271.

Man, Isle of, 220, 353.

Man, Bishop of. See Phillips, John.

Manciscidor. See Mansciscidor.

-, Roger, 85, 124.
-, -, letters from, 113, 244, 267, 275.
-, Roger, 6th Earl of Rutland, letters from, 292, 313, 328.
-, -, his brother Oliver, 313.

Mansciscidor, Juan, Spanish Secretary in Brussels, 64, 99.

Mansell, Sir Robert, 226.

Mansfeild, Sir Robert, 40.

Mantua, Duke of, his Ambassador, 355.
-, Duchess of, 172.

Manxwell, Sir Ed., 155.

Mapleston, —, 86.

Mar, Earl of. See Erskine.

Marble, Table of, (France), 170.

Marburg (Marpurg, Germany), 434.

Marckham. See Markham.

Marcoussan, M. de, a chain for, 316(2).

Margaret of Valois, Queen of Henry IV of France, 130, 164, 172.

Margaretting, [Essex], letter dated at, 48.

Margarita, Island, in West Indies, 78.

Marienberg (Maringburg, Maryngburge), in Prussia, Castle of, letter dated at, 339.
-, Palatine of, 339.

Marinville, 391.

Markham (Marckham, Markam), Sir Griffin, in service of the Archduke, 31, 64, 152.
-, letter from, 323.
-, reports treasonable proceedings, 32, 46, 63.
-, dutiful conduct of, 183.
-, Lord Salisbury mediates for, 201, 208, 323.

Markingfield, William, 14.

Marpurg. See Marburg.

Marquis, the. See St. Germain.

marriage proposal, a, 420.

Marshal, Earl, Commissioners for, 127.
-, Court of, abuses of, 140.

-, -, 102.
-, Roger, 232, 376.

Marten. See Merton.

Martin (Martyn):
-, Father, an English priest at St. Lucar, 18.
-, Mr., M.P., on purveyance, 69.
-, Mr., his man's speeches, 421.
-, William, 181.
-, William, Recorder of Exeter, 181.
-, -, 232.

Martine, Mr., 334.

Mary (Tudor), Queen, 281, 321, 395.
-, repeal of statutes of, 129.

Mary, Queen of Scots, 66, 377.
-, books in defence of her title, 95.

Massam, William, letter from, 15.

Mathew. See Matthew.

Mathews, William, letter to, 185.

Matthew (Mathew):
-, Mr., of Plymouth, 21.
-, (Macquemet), Mr., James I's testimony concerning, 260, 265.
-, Sir Thomas, 61.
-, Tobias, Bishop of Durham, letter from, 19.
-, -, appointed Archbishop of York, 21, 37, 141.
-, -, homage of, 239.
-, -, and respite of first fruits, 270.
-, Walter, deputy Mayor of Plymouth, letter from, 133.

Maurice (Morice):
-, Captain Edward, letter from, 422.
-, William, 4.
-, Sir William, M.P., on purveyance, 69.
-, See also Morris.

Maurice, Count. See Nassau.

Maxcye, Sir Henry, J.P., 404.

Maxey, Mildred, Lady, letter from, 338.
-, Mr., 338.

Maynard, Sir Henry, 229.
-, John, 187.

Maynwaring. See Mainwaring.

Mayny. See Darcy.

Meade, Sir Thomas, 220.

Meadhole. See Isle of Wight.

Meafy, Mr., 60.

Medina, Duke of, 15.

Meese, Edmond, 442.

Mellington, —, a priest, 240.

Merchants Adventurers, company of, 365.

merchants, English:
-, in Spain, troubles of, 3, 57, 143, 171.
-, -, discussed in conference, 260–266.
-, taken prisoner by Spanish, 77, 179, 318, 345.
-, remonstrance by, to French King, 169.
-, trading in Poland, 180.
-, in Turkey, letter from, 187.
-, proceedings against in Bilbao, 277.
-, and pilchard fishery, 349.
-, and a case concerning impositions, 395.

Mere, —, 84.

Merli, Girolamo, letters to, 71, 82, 83.

Merrye (Myrrie), Mr., Clerk of the Kitchen, 125, 415.

Merton (Marten), Abbey, [Surrey], letter dated at, 297.

Mervin, Sir James, letter from, 352.

Metham, Sir Thomas, and his father, a recusant, 243.

Mewtys (Mewtis, Mewtus):
-, Captain, 190.
-, Henry, 455.
-, Captain Thomas, letters from, 277, 343, 365.
-, -, charges incurred by, in raising company for the States General, 277.

Michelborne (Michelbon):
-, Sir Edward, 155.
-, -, letter from, 421.
-, Laurence, 350.

Michell, Mr., 111.

Middle Shires, Commissioners for. See Scotland, Border Causes.

Milan (Millan), 32, 71.
-, Duke of, 196.

Milden, [Suffolk], parson of. See Whittle.

Mildmay (Myldmay):
-, Sir Anthony, 39.
-, Sir Thomas, letter from, 136.
-, Sir Walter, 267, 400.

Milgate, letter dated at, 241.

Millan. See Milan.

Milles (Mylles):
-, An., letter from, 127.
-, -, 102.

Millitz, Caspar, 269.

Mimms, North (Northmymes, Hertf.), 433.

ministers, dissenting. See Nonconforming.

Mint, the, 248, 249, 268.
-, Warden of. See Knyvet.

Modbury, [Devon], 213.

Moldavia, Prince of, 255.

Molineux, Sir Richard, 179.

Moate, Mark, 75.

Monck. See Munck.

Monmouthshire, mass said in, 35.

Monsey (Mously), Daniel, senior of St. John's College, Cambridge, 103, 354.

Monson, Sir William, letter from, 148.
-, letter to, 150.

Montagu or Montague:
-, Sir Henry, Recorder of London, 24, 42, 250, 319, 410.
-, -, letters from, 233, 287.
-, -, his speech on visit of King James and King of Denmark, 218.
-, Dr. James, Dean of the Chapel Royal, 178.
-, -, a pension for use of, 279, 284.
-, -, promise of bishopric for, 284.

Montagu, Viscount. See Browne.

Montaigne, George, chaplain, letter from, 421.

Monteagle (Mounteagle). See Parker.

Monte Santo, [Italy], 71, 82, 83.

Montgomery (Mungumbry), Earl of. See Herbert.

Moore. See More.

Mordaunt (Mordant), Henry, Lord, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 163, 421.
-, his goods seized, 38, 40.

More (Moore):
-, Cressacre, 433.
-, Nicholas, 12.
-, O'Sullivan, 299.
-, Robert, an English vagrant, 141.
-, Sir Thomas, a book by, 95.

Morell. See Morrell.

Moreton, Thomas, postmaster for London, 432.

-, Edward, 204.
-, William, 204.
-, -, a traitor, 161.

Morice. See Maurice.

Morley, Lord. See Parker.

Morrell (Morell, Morrall), Roger, senior of St. John's College, Cambridge, 391.
-, letters from, 103, 104, 341, 354.

Morris, Nicholas, 230.
-, See also Maurice.

Mortlake, [Surrey], letter dated at, 32.

-, William, letter from, 44.
-, -, servant to Christopher Harrys, 258.

Moryson, Sir Richard, letter from, 124.

Moscow (Musko), Polish prisoners in, 339.
-, See also Muscovy.

Moucheron, Pierre de, letter from, 422.

Moulton, [Lincs.], tenants of manor of, petition from, 220.

Mounster. See Munster.

Mounteagle (Monteagle). See Parker.

Mountjoy. See Blount.

Mously. See Monsey.

Moyse (Moyesse), David, 330.

Moyse, —, clerk in the Treasury, 337.

Moyson, widow, 120.

mulberry trees, patent for, 422.

Munck, (Monck), Levinus (Mr. Livinus, Levynus, Lovaynes, Lavinus), Secretary to Lord Salisbury, letters to, 11, 83, 187, 218, 280, 323, 440.
-, memoirs, etc., in hand of, 73, 145.
-, references to, 23, 25, 30, 175, 206, 237, 260, 290, 318, 454.

Mungumbry. See Montgomery.

Munster (Mounster, Ireland), 460.
-, Council of, 189.
-, a commissary for, 187.
-, Chief Justice of. See Saxey.
-, Lord President of. See Brouncker.

Murray (Murrey):
-, Sir David, letter from, 346.
-, Sir David, Lord of Scone, 441.
-, John, Lord Murray of Tullibardine (Tilliberne), 289.
-, Sir Patrick, 427.

Murton, Mr., of the High Commission, 279.

Muscovy, merchants trading with Spain, 57.

-, Edmond, merchant, 349.
-, John, leader of King's horse on Scottish borders, 179, 284.
-, -, slaughter of Armstrong committed by, 301, 315.
-, Thomas, letter from, 183.
-, Thomas, Captain of Bewcastle, 295, 368.

Musko. See Moscow.

Myldmay. See Mildmay.

Myller, John, son-in-law of James Bagg, 310.

Mylles. See Milles.

Myrrie. See Merrye.