Index: L

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Lacon, Sir Francis, 28.
-, Mr., 181, 182.

Lajardo. See Fajardo.

Lake, Sir Thomas, letters from, 18, 23, 128(2), 129, 131, 142, 238, 239, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 254, 270, 272, 274(2), 276, 278, 279, 284, 313(2), 315, 316(2), 319, 324, 326, 327, 330(2), 331(2).
-, and bailiwick of Savoy, 229.
-, grant of lease of lands to, 313.
-, and patent for repair of bridges, 393.
-, references to, 29, 143, 273, 329, 349, 415, 416, 428, 434.

Lambert, William, 59.

Lambeth, [Surrey], letters dated at, 4, 357.
-, South (Suydt Lambeth), letters dated at, 210, 224, 346.

Lamoral, Prince de Ligne et du Saint Empyre, letter from, 42.

Lancashire, 243, 271, 398, 424.
-, printing presses to be suppressed in, 303.

Lancaster, Duchy of, 422.
-, Chancellor of, 328.
-, -, and bailiwick of Savoy, 229–230.
-, Attorney General of, 328.
-, Clerk of, 229.
-, feodary of, 249.
-, house of. See under London and Westminster, places in.

land reclamation, 417.

Lane, Sir William, 425, 426.
-, letters from, 74, 206, 415(3), 416(2).

Langley, R., letter from, 318.

Langtowne. See Longtown.

Languedoc (Languedocke, France), 385.

Lant, John, 181.

Lanware, —, alias Edwards, 115.

Lany, —, 170.

Lardus, Paulus, Italian merchant, 10.

Larkebeckeyate, 14.

La Rochelle, order dated at, 141.
-, Mayor and Captain of. See Vacher.

Lascells (Lassells), Edmund, 17.
-, letter from, 416.

Lathom(e), [Lancs.] letters dated at, 135, 340.

Latremoulle, Duke of, his widow, 157.

Lavinus. See Munck.

law, the, reform of abuses and errors of, 60.

Lawe, —, 219.

-, Robin, 458.
-, Sir Wilfrid, Commissioner for Middle Shires, 155, 315.
-, -, letters from, 78, 191, 215, 342.
-, -, letter to, 332.
-, -, as Sheriff of Cumberland, unable to continue as Commissioner, 369.
-, -, gaol delivery behaviour criticised, 457–459.
-, -, See also under Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes.

Layton, Mr., 245.

-, John, 327.
-, Sir Richard. See Lee.
-, -, 297.

lead, suit for refining of, 142.
-, pipes, found on Salisbury's land, 454.

leases, Commissioners of, 167.

Lecale, (Ireland), 162.

Ledger, Edward, a carrier, 15.

Lee (Leigh):
-, Sir Henry, Provost Marshal, 78–81, 369, 402, 438.
-, -, letter from, 356.
-, Mr. Henry, 78, 79.
-, Hugh, 318.
-, John, statement by, concerning Sir Everard Digby's goods, 38.
-, Sir Oliver, 78.
-, (Lea), Sir Richard, 339.
-, Sir Thomas, 415.

Legate, John, printer, 24.

Leghorn, 187.

Leicester, Earl and Countess of. See Dudley.

Leicestershire, 32, 433.

Leigh (Lie, Essex), 68.

Leigh. See Lee.

Leighton (Leyghton), Sir Thomas, 414.
-, letter from, 206.
-, his son St. John, 206.

Lemgo (Lemgau, Nether Saxony), 434.

Lemos, Count of. See Castro.

Lennox (Lenox), Duke of. See Stuart.

Lenton, —, 102.

Leonard, Mr. [Sampson], and his wife [Margaret Fienes] and reversion of Lord Dacre's manors, 100, 186.

Lerma, Duke of. See Sandoval.

Lesieur (Le Sieur), Stephen, 238.
-, letters from, 191, 359, 366.

Leslie, Patrick, 1st Lord Lindores (Lyndorse), reward for, 319.

Leuknor. See Lewkenor.

Leuson. See Leveson.

Levant, the, 40.
-, merchants, and impost of currants, 16.

Leven river, (Scotland), 285, 286, 295.
-, bridges to be built over, 370.

Leverpoole. See Liverpool.

Leveson (Leuson, Lucens):
-, Sir John, 7, 132.
-, Sir Richard, 438.
-, -, executors of, 102, 105.

Levins, —, a servant of Tresham's, 39.

Levinus (Levynus), Mr. See Munck.

Lewes, Jeames, 180.

Lewisham, [Kent], letters dated at, 127, 223 [?], 318.
-, letter from inhabitants of, concerning common land (Westwood), 127.

Lewkenor (Leuknor, Lewkner):
-, Sir Lewis, 112.
-, -, letters from, 117, 322.
-, -, and visit of Count Vaudemont, 314, 315, 316, 322.
-, -, his son a Papist, 350.
-, Sir Richard, of the Council of the Marches of Wales, 115, 209, 410.
-, -, letters from, 22, 26, 34, 256, 281.
-, -, and provision of diet for Council, 281.

Lewsam [? Lewisham], letter dated at, 223.

Lewty (Lewtye), Mathew, 15.
-, statements by, 13.

Leycester [Leicester]. See Dudley.

Leyghton. See Leighton.

Lichfield (Litchfeild), [Staffs.], postal endorsements at, 7, 357.
-, a physician from, 101.

Lichfield and Coventry, Bishop of. See Blith and Sampson.

Liddesdale, Grahams in, 79, 295.

Lidyeard. See Lydiard.

Lieutenant of the Tower (Mr. Lieutenant). See Waad.

Ligne, Prince de. See Lamoral.

Lincoln, Justices of Assize of, 195, 221.
-, -, letter to, 205.

Lincoln, Bishop of. See Smith and Chaderton.

Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton.

Lincolnshire, 333, 352, 433.
-, tenants of towns in, petition from, 219–220.
-, reclaimed lands in, 417.

Lindores (Lyndorse), Lord. See Leslie.

Lineham (Wilts), 18.

Lippe, Grave of, 434.

Lisat, Robert, 173.

Lisbon (Lisborne), 143, 303, 318, 371.
-, letters dated at, 78, 179.
-, arrival of carvels at, 156.
-, Spanish fleet sent from, 158.
-, embargo on English ships at, 171, 264.
-, custom house at, 277.

Lisle (Lisley), Viscount. See Sidney.

Lister (Lyster):
-, Mr., curate of Shelley, 321.
-, John, letter from, 229.
-, Jno., Alderman of Hull, letter from, 253.

Litchfeild. See Lichfield.

Litler (Lytler), John, Mayor of Chester, letters from, 6, 22, 26, 173, 192, 240, 287.

Littleton (Lyttleton, Litleton):
-, Humphrey, a suspect, 11, 12, 17, 34.
-, -, statement by, 35.
-, Stephen, a conspirator in Gunpowder Plot, 35, 36, 77.
-, -, arrest of, 11–12, 17(2).
-, -, aiders of, 34.

Liverpool (Leverpoole, Lyrpoole), 356.
-, letter dated at, 155.
-, detention of a priest near, 240.
-, Mayor of, 240.

Llandaff, Bishop of. See Bennet.

Llantarnam (Llanternan, co. Monmouth), 204.

-, George, Bishop of Chester, 353.
-, -, letter from, 240.
-, Lodo, serjeant-at-arms, 27.
-, Richard, letter from, 27.

Lochem (Lockum, Netherlands), 414.

Lok, Henry, letters from, 146, 418(3).

-, letters dated in, 16, 106, 161, 195, 204, 206, 226, 254, 271, 296, 348, 405.
-, printers of, dispute with Cambridge printers, 24.
-, search for Catholics in, advocated, 25.
-, Port of, customers or farmers of, to pay an annuity, 53.
-, citizens to advise on question of colonization, 134.
-, merchants of, complaints of ill-treatment by Spain and the Archdukes, 143, 166.
-, -, complain of unfair treatment by French subjects, 169.
-, wine merchants of, oppose the Tower's privileges, 120.
-, waterman's charges in, 148.
-, City, and a patent concerning search of vinegar, etc., 159.
-, -, liberty of, 289.
-, -, and Palavicino's debt, 430.
-, City Companies welcome King of Denmark, 228.
-, -, See also Soapmakers; Starchmakers; Stationers.
-, customs, a request for pension out of, 161.
-, visit of King of Denmark to, 211, 218.
-, -, pageants for, 227–228.
-, a commission for reform of disorders in, 229.
-, spread of the plague in, 272.
-, -, precautions against, 273.
-, -, See also Plague.
-, two merchants of, stayed in Bilbao, 277.
-, attempt to raise a company for the States General in, 277.
-, Lord Mayor of, appointed as Commissioner for shooting, 41.
-, -, and controversies over the Tower's privileges, 120, 211, 448.
-, -, and precautions taken against the plague, 271, 276.
-, -. See also Hallydaie.
-, Postmaster for. See Moreton.
-, Provost Marshal of, and precautions against plague, 273.
-, Recorder of. See Montagu.

London, Bishop of. See Vaughan,

London and Westminster, places in and near:
-, Artillery garden, 336.
-, Baynard's (Baniards) Castle, letter dated at, 343.
-, Bethlehem (Bedlam) Hospital, 53.
-, Bethnal (Bednall) Green, 337.
-, Bishopsgate Street, the Half Moon in, letters dated at, 175, 242.
-, Blackfriars (the Friars), 84.
-, -, letter dated at, 358.
-, -, Lord Cobham's house in, 131.
-, Boswell House, letter dated at, 361.
-, Cannon Row, 277.
-, Chancery Lane, letter dated at, 44.
-, Charing Cross, a French goldsmith's near, 164.
-, Cheapside (Cheap) conduit to run wine, 228.
-, Cornhill, conduit to run wine, 228.
-, Custom House, 245.
-, Doctors' Commons, letter dated at, 54.
-, Dorset House, letters dated at, 17, 206, 284.
-, Drury House, letter dated at, 94.
-, Duck Lane, the Rose in, 242.
-, Durham House, letter dated at, 20.
-, Essex House, 74.
-, -, letters dated at, 191, 193.
-, Exchange, the, 228.
-, Fleet prison, 423.
-, Fleet Street, conduit in, 228.
-, Flemish Church, the, 224.
-, Gatehouse prison, 46, 60, 66, 109.
-, -, letter dated from, 323.
-, -, keeper of, 114.
-, Gray's Inn, 83, 133, 137.
-, -, letters dated at, 152, 244.
-, Gray's Inn Lane, sign of the Old Bishop of Canterbury at, letters dated at, 266, 271.
-, Hart Street, parish of St. Olave in, 23.
-, Holborn, 83, 217.
-, -, letters dated in, 41, 271, 361.
-, Ivybridge [Strand], Lord Salisbury's house near, 58.
-, -, letter dated at, 230.
-, Lancaster, House of Duchy of, 254.
-, Lime Street, 385.
-, Lincoln's Inn, 19.
-, Little Britain, letter dated at, 176.
-, Long (Longue) Alley, 337.
-, Marshalsea (Marshalsey), letter dated in, 300.
-, Montague House, 174.
-, Newgate, the Saracen's Head at, letter dated at, 403.
-, Newgate prison, 210, 400.
-, -, masses held in, 250.
-, Northumberland House, 251.
-, Portmore (Portemor) House, 405.
-, Philip Lane, letters dated in, 203, 234.
-, Redcrosse Street, letter dated at, 26.
-, St. Bartholomew the Great, letter dated at, 267.
-, St. Catherine's, letter dated at, 164.
-, -, the New Harlem at, 245.
-, St. Clement's Danes, 267, 364.
-, St. Dunstan's-[in-the-East], 245.
-, St. James's, 400.
-, St. Margaret's, 267, 364.
-, St. Martin's in the Fields, 267, 326, 364.
-, St. Paul's (Paules, Powles, Pawles) Cathedral, 319.
-, -, letter dated at, 368.
-, -, execution of conspirators at, 36, 52.
-, Salisbury Court, 329.
-, Savoy, the, letters dated at, 131, 268, 358.
-, -, bailiwick of, 229.
-, Serjeants' Inn, letters dated at, 42, 53, 61, 95, 167, 338.
-, Shoe Lane, 251.
-, Strand, the, 240, 389.
-, Temple, the, 250.
-, -, letter dated at, 359.
-, -, Bar, 228.
-, -, -, the Plough without, 250.
-, -, Inner, 433.
-, Thames (Temmes) Street, Henry Garnet's lodging in, 86, 96, 126, 182.
-, Tower (Toure), the, 38, 98, 415.
-, -, letters dated from, 59, 73, 75, 97, 132, 210, 217(2), 229, 233, 244, 326, 337, 425.
-, -, a controversy over wine for, 120.
-, -, Gunpowder Treason lords in, rumoured petition for release of, 169.
-, -, the White Tower in, 268.
-, -, controversy over building in precincts of, 448.
-, -, Lieutenant of, 267, 459; see also Waad and Harvey.
-, -, Ordnance office in. See Ordnance.
-, Tower Ditch, encroachments on, 449.
-, Tower Hill, 227.
-, Tower Street, 211, 228, 245.
-, Walbrook (Walebrooke), letters dated at, 25, 37.
-, Watermen's Hall, 291.
-, Westminster (Waesmonstre), 438.
-, -, letters dated in, 40, 139(2), 156, 162, 209, 347.
-, -, certificates of deaths in, 267, 364.
-, -, warrant dated in, 340.
-, -, College, Bishop of Gloucester's house in, letter dated at, 114.
-, -, Hall, 43.
-, - Palace, execution of conspirators at, 52.
-, -, Dean of, 395; see also Neile.
-, -, Dean and Chapter of, and lease of a parsonage, 52.
-, Whitehall, 148, 175, 288, 325.
-, -, letters dated at, 128, 263, 313, 330, 355.
-, -, orders and passes, etc., dated at, 10, 85, 102.
-, -, the King at, 227, 332.
-, Wood Street, Counter in, 397.
-, Worcester House, Strand, letters dated at, 47, 139.
-, York House, letters dated at, 327, 366.
-, See also Chelsea; Clerkenwell; Eltham; Fulham; Lambeth; Southwark; Stepney.

Long (Longe), Richard, information of, 18.

Long Benyngton. See Bennington.

Longford County, or Annaly (the Analies), 188.

Longtown (Langtowne, Cumb.)., 286.

Longueval, Charles de, Count of Bucquoy, to raise new companies of Walloons, 46.

Loor, Peter van, 355.

Lorayn. See Lorraine.

Lords, House of (the Upper, Higher, House), 456.
-, letter to, 68.
-, a bill to be preferred in, 54.
-, and question of purveyance, 69, 88.
-, bill for prevention of abuses in Court of Earl Marshal, 140.
-, and a severe bill against Catholics, 378.
-, two commissions for, 410.
-, See also Parliament.

Lords Lieutenant, duties of, 235.

Lorraine (Lorayn), 9.
-, Duke of, 315, 391, 460.
-, -, letter to, 375.
-, -, memoir from James I about overtures to the Pope, 144–145.
-, -, godfather to French princess, 172.
-, -, his son. See Vaudemont, Count.

Louff, —, a Hollander, 349.

Lough Foyle, [Ireland], 349, 389.

Louvain (Lovoyne), English Jesuit college at, 320.

Lovaynes, Mr. See Munck.

Love, Captain, 133.

Lovell, Lady Jane, letters from, 419(3), 420.

Lovingston, Henry, attendant on Princess Elizabeth, 65.

Lovoyne. See Louvain.

Low Countries. See Netherlands.

Lowe, Thomas, Governor of the Turkey Company, letter from, 226.

Lowman, Francis, 6.

Lowther, Lancelot, Solicitor to Queen Anne, letter from, 358.

Lubeck, 366.

-, -, 426.
-, -, a merchant, 385.

Lucca, Luca, 196.

Lucens. See Leveson.

Ludlow, [Salop], 34, 234.
-, letter dated at, 27.
-, Castle, letters dated at, 22, 27, 115, 281.

Lugo (in Galicia, Spain), 404.

Lulls, Mr., 105.

Lydiard (Lidyeard, Wilts), 205.

Lydney House, [Glos.], letter dated at, 207.

Lyndly, Captain, 83.

Lyndorse (Lindores), Lord. See Leslie.

Lyrpoole. See Liverpool.

Lyster. See Lister and Butler.

Lytler. See Litler.

Lyttleton. See Littleton.

Lyveden, [Northants.], 38, 39.