Index: G

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


-, Edward, 214.
-, Mr., 238, 239.

Gainthorpe (Gaynethorpe, Lincs.), manor of, 417.

Galen, study of, 407.

Galicia (Gallicia), [Spain], 349, 404.
-, Governor of. See Carillo.

Galloway, 79.

Galtres forest (Gawterest, Yorks.), 225.

Gambelyn (Gamlyn), Sir Matthew, a petition from, 219–220.

game, preservation of, 324, 330.

Garendon (Garredon, Garrowdon), [Leics.], letters dated at, 292, 313.

Garnet (Garnett), [Henry], the provincial Jesuit, a prisoner in the Tower, 52, 115, 125, 210, 330, 453.
-, letters from, 60, 73, 74, 95.
-, his sister Alice, 61.
-, acquits Jesuits of the conspiracy, 64.
-, declarations and interrogatories of relations with conspirators of Gunpowder Plot, 73, 74, 75–77, 85, 86–87, 107– 111, 125–127, 138.
-, attempted communications with Richard Fullwood, 87, 113.
-, references to his execution, 97, 124, 138, 153.
-, Catholics' allegation of a forced confession from, 98.
-, prepares for death, 111.
-, his innocency alleged in Spain, 260, 265.
-, sale of his goods, 454.

Garredon. See Garendon.

Garrett, —, [? Gerard], 382.

Garrowdon. See Garendon.

Garter King of Arms, 454; see also Dethick and Seagar.

Garth, Tho., 165.

Garton, Sir Peter, justice, 230, 231.

Garv, Niel, 299.

Garway, William, 162.

Gascons, for the States' army, 146.

Gaspare, Father, a Cardinal, 83.

Gaudy. See Gawdy.

Gaule, Amadis de, 182.

Gawen, Katherine, 433.

Gawdy (Gawdie, Gaudy), Sir Francis, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 115, 435.

Gay, Henry, an English printer in Antwerp, 227.

Gaynethorpe. See Gainthorpe.

Geire, Thomas, 403.

Gelliar, William, 220.

Gem, Homfreye, 428.

Genoa, 148, 430.

Gentilis, Albericus, letters from, 401(2).

Gerald, K., Lady, letter from, 401.

Gerard (Gerrard, Jarret):
-, Gilbert, 174.
-, John, arch-Jesuit, 99, 174, 176, 242, 382, 453.
-, -, referred to, with Greenwell, as "two Cavalcanti," 84, 92, 103, 105, 120.
-, -, reported to be in London, 182.
-, Thomas, Lord Gerard of Bromley, 130, 220, 353.
-, -, letter from, 44.
-, -, his brother Houghton, 44.
-, Sir Thomas, letter from, 179.

Germany, 434.
-, goods from, sent to Spain, English customs on, 58.
-, news from, 132.
-, skilled workmen from, for alum works, 271.

Gerrard. See Gerard.

Gethin, Absolon, 147.

Gevara, John, Commissioner for the Peace in Lincolnshire, letter from, 352.

Ghent, 431.

Ghestes, Sir Lionel, kt., 291.

Gibbons (Gybbons), —, 433.
-, -, a Jesuit, 176.

Gide, Magnus, master of hunting in King of Denmark's suit, 269.

Giffor Bashaw, 177.

Gifford (Gyfford) :
-, Captain, 164.
-, Dr., 202, 208.
-, Edward, letter from, 351.
-, Sir George, 299.
-, John, 351.

Gilbert (Gylbert):
-, Sir John, 204.
-, -, 102.

Gilby, Nathaniel, B.A., of Cambridge, letter from, 401.

Gillesland. See Gilsland.

Gilsland (Gillesland, Cumb.), 286.

Gioseff, Sre., 165.

Gisborn, —, smith for the Mint, 249.

Giury, Mons. de, 322.

Giustiniani, Gio. Battista, letter from, 131.

Glaceour, Mr., 115.

Glandore (Ireland), 303.

Glastonbury (Glassenbury), [co. Som.], letters dated at, 8, 348.

Glentown rectius Glencarne (Glencairn), Earl of. See Cunningham.

Gloucester, letter dated at, 47.
-, Mayor of. See Darby.
-, Recorder of. See Overbury.
-, Town Clerk of. See Robins.

Gloucester, Bishop of. See Ravis.

Gloucestershire, 459.
-, Thomas Strange's land in, 66.

-, Thomas, 181.
-, -, knighted, 238.

Goade, Roger, Master of King's College, Cambridge, letter from, 132.

Godmanchester, [Hunts.], parsonage of, 52.

Godolphin, (Cornwall), letter dated at, 302.

-, Sir Francis, J.P. for Cornwall, letter from, 302.
-, -, an examination by, 302.
-, Sir William, 275.
-, -, letters from, 162, 164, 165.
-, -, his mission of congratulation to France, 172.

Gofton, Francis, Auditor, letters from, 26, 327.

gold prospecting, in Scotland, 344.

Goldingham, —, 354.

Gomora, island of. See Komorn.

Goodwin, Dr., suggested as Dean of York, 38.

Goodyere (Goodyeare, Goodere, Goodiere), Sir Henry, knt., 17.
-, letter from, 25.

Goodwin, Sir Francis, letter from, 26.

-, George, Marquess of Huntly, 277.
-, Dr. John, Dean of Salisbury, 209.
-, -, his wife. See Petan.

-, Sir Arthur, letters from, 24, 36, 118, 257.
-, Sir Ferdinand, letters from, 20, 60, 133.
-, Tibaldus (Tibbot), 101.
-, -, letter from, 350.

Goringe, Sir Henry, letter from, 230.

Gosberton, (Lincs.), 417.

Gosnoll, Captain, 190.

gout, a curer of, 438.
-, treatment for, 325.

Gowrie conspiracy, the, 187.

Graham (Grame):
-, Alex' (Bells Sandye), 351.
-, Alexander (Georgdies Sandie), 286, 302, 350.
-, Andrew, son of George of Carlisle, 351.
-, Ann, 322.
-, Arche, Milhill, 351.
-, Arthur, 350.
-, Arthur, of the Lake, 351.
-, Arthur (Wills Arthur), 351.
-, David, Bankhead, 314, 350.
-, David (Dickes Davie), 350.
-, David (Young Davie), 350.
-, Fergie, of Baliffe, 351.
-, Fergus, 351.
-, Fergus, Milhill, 351.
-, Fergus (Plumps Fergie), 351.
-, Fergus (Wills Fergus), 351.
-, Fergus, of the Wall, 458.
-, Florie, of Browefoote, 351.
-, Francis, brother of Alexander, 350.
-, Francis, of Loggan, 350.
-, George, of Carlisle, 351.
-, George, of Langtowne, 286.
-, George, of Rulespeile, 351.
-, George, (Wills Geordie), 351.
-, Hutchin, 192.
-, James, 351.
-, John, alias Jock of Galloway, 286, 351.
-, John, of the Baliffe, 351.
-, John, of Neake, 351.
-, John, Powte, 351.
-, Patrick (Marks Toms Pate), 351.
-, Raynald, 351.
-, Ricardus, of Netherbie, 350.
-, Richard, of Righeades, 351.
-, Richard, brother of William Graham of Langtown, 351.
-, Rinion, 350.
-, Robert, of Howende, 351.
-, Robert, son of Wills Fergie, 351.
-, Thomas, 350.
-, Thomas, younger, of Randelinton, 351.
-, Walter, chief of the Grahams, 225.
-, Walter, of Netherby, 286.
-, -, and his sons, information against, 293–294.
-, Walter (Wills Wattie), 350.
-, William, of Cockplay, 350.
-, William, Flangtaile, fugitive from Ireland, 351.
-, William, of Langtowne, 350.
-, William, of Rosetrees, 294, 302.
-, William, son of Watte of the Bray, 351.
-, Wills Jock, 286.

Grahams (Grames, Grame, Graymes, Greimes), the:
-, of Esk, 78–81, 225, 286, 295, 370, 402.
-, statement of condition of, 78– 81.
-, sent to the Cautionary Towns, 79–81, 154, 179, 192, 293, 294, 314, 342, 370, 402.
-, in Carlisle Castle, 80, 179, 192, 211, 212, 215, 285, 402.
-, two, committed to King's Bench, 114.
-, to be sent to Ireland, 192, 225, 285–286, 302, 370, 402.
-, -, allowances made to, 286.
-, -, departure of, 289, 293, 295.
-, -, arrival in, 315.
-, returning from Ireland, 342, 368.
-, contributions for transportation of, 215, 216, 224–225, 284–286, 295, 302, 308.
-, mercy shown to, 214.
-, a proclamation against resetting, 294.
-, on Scottish borders, 294, 308.
-, Scottish border to be purged of, 295.
-, fugitives, a list of names of, 295.
-, to be prosecuted further, 296.
-, breviate of proceeding with, 402.

Grames. See Graham and Grahams.

grain, a licence to export, 359, 361.

Gran (Strigonia, Hungary), 33.

Grando, Signor. See Parsons.

Grant (Grante, Graunt):
-, John, a conspirator in Gunpowder Plot, 442.
-, -, execution of, 52.
-, William, 4.

Graunt. See Grant.

Gravener, John, sub-deacon of Douai College, 63.

Graves, John, letter from, 253.

Gravesend, 117, 148, 211.
-, letters dated at, 291, 344.
-, the "Christopher" at, 245.
-, Fresh Wharf at, 245.
-, stay of a ship of Denmark at, 245.
-, a searcher of. See Tucker.

Gray (Greay, Grey):
-, Edward, Commissioner for Middle Shires, 155, 368, 369, 458.
-, -, letters from, 78, 191.
-, Sir John, letter to, 5.
-, Sir Ralph, 142.
-, See also Grey.

Graymes, Greame. See Grahams.

Greaves, Thomas, 220.

Greay. See Gray.

Green (Greene):
-, Mrs., assumed name of Mrs. Vaux, 138.
-, -, a Jesuit, 242.
-, William, 395.

Green Cloth, Board of, 56.

Greenway (Grenewaye):
-, Sir Anthony, letter from, 185.
-, (Greenwell) Father. See Tesmond.

Greenwich, 148, 459.
-, letters dated at, 168, 190, 205, 206(2), 210, 389.
-, the Court at, 142, 226.

Gregory, Arthur, letters from, 142, 403(2).

Greimes. See Grahams.

Grenewaye. See Greenway.

Grenwell, William, letter to, 278.

Gresley, Thomas, 428.

Greville (Grevylle):
-, Sir Edward, 329.
-, Sir Fulke, 154.
-, -, letters from, 138, 202, 296, 303, 348.
-, -, his father's death, 348.

Grey (Greye):
-, Henry, 6th Earl of Kent, 256.
-, Henry, Marquess of Dorset, [afterwards Duke of Suffolk], 447.
-, -, his wife Frances, and daughters, Jane, Katherine and Mary, 447.
-, of Wilton, Thomas, 16th Lord, chase and chief house of, 26.
-, Lady, wife of Lord Grey, 26.
-, -, her three houses to be searched, 336.
-, Mrs., in custody, 27.
-, See also Gray.

Griffith (Griffethe), Mr., Earl of Northampton's man, 136.
-, Mrs., of Combe, 36.

Grimes (Grymes), Arthur, a pursuivant, and action against Sir Richard Hawkins, 259, 310– 312.

Grymes. See also Grahams.

-, Peter, 13.
-, old, death of, 13, 15.

Guerin, John, a Frenchman, 406.

Guernsey, 234.
-, bailie of. See Cartret.
-, droit d'aubin in, 206.

Guiana, 78.

Guicciardini, James, 404.

Guildford (Guldeford), Sir Henry, letter from, 47, 139.

Guilliams, —, from Wales, 350.

Guise (Guyse), Duke of, 377.

gunpowder, provision of, 336.

Gunpowder Plot:
-, and plotters in the Low Countries, references to, 2, 3, 8–10, 123, 153, 428.
-, all recusants concerned in, 13.
-, Commissioners for, 15, 75.
-, the Pope's detestation of, 31.
-, criminals executed by St. Paul's Church, 36, 52.
-, criminals executed at Westminster Palace, 52.
-, a bill of charges for expenses connected with, 38.
-, declarations and interrogatories of Garnet's relation with conspirators in, 73, 74, 75–77, 85, 86–87, 95–96, 107–111, 125–127.
-, Commissioners for, interrogate Garnet, 107–111, 125–127.
-, - and questions to prisoners concerning Lords or noblemen, 113, 126.
-, hidden goods of plotters, 156.
-, epigram on conspirators, 269.
-, clearance of Catholics from suspicion in, 436.
-, and effect of enlistment in Archduke's Army. See under Austria, Archduke Albert of.
-, Jesuits engaged in. See under Jesuits.
-, references to, 18, 31, 41, 74, 91, 125, 169, 194, 382, 434, 456, 461.

Gunter, Anne, 423.

Gunterodt, Colonel, (Sieur de Guntrot), 33, 236.

Gurnay, Edmund, of Cambridge University, letter from, 404.

Guyse. See Guise.

Guyton, —, 170.

Guzman, Don Juan de Rojas y, letter from, 404.

Gwerry, —, 461.

Gybbons. See Gibbons.

Gyfford. See Gifford.

Gylbert. See Gilbert.