Index: H I

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: H I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: H I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: H I". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


H., letter from, 164.

Hackett, John, 5.

Hacquins. See Hawkins.

Haddington. See Ramsay.

Hadham (Haddam, Haddham), [Herts.], letters dated at, 19, 129, 177, 224, 335.
-, Lord Salisbury's manor of, 132.

Hadsor, Mr., 280.

Hadzor, Mr., 244.

Haegh. See Hague.

Hage, Ascaparte de, 182.

Hagley, (Worcs.), 17.
-, merchants of, names of, 12.
-, constable of. See Toye.

Hague (Hage, Haegh, La Haye), the, 238.
-, letters dated at, 155, 232, 365, 366.

Haies. See Hayes.

Hales, Sir Charles, 295.
-, letters from, 179, 214, 215, 225, 289.
-, letter signed by, 192.

Halifax, [Yorks], vicar of. See Favor.

Haling House (Halyng), [in Croydon], letter dated at, 175.

-, Father, a Jesuit and suspect, 35, 77.
-, -, his servant in gaol, 35.
-, -, in the Gatehouse, 46.
-, -, Garnet's references to, 87, 95, 108–111.
-, -, his death, 111.
-, -, his relations with Strange, 191, 196.
-, John, of Petworth, Sussex, 231.
-, Will, 458.

Hallbolyne. See Haulbowline.

Halle, —, a recusant, 421.

Hally, Sir Charles, 155.

Hallydaie, Leonard, Lord Mayor of London, letter from, 273.

Halyng. See Haling.

Ham, West (Westham, Essex), 26.

Hamburg (Hamburgh), 366, 434.

Hame (nr. Poole, Dorset), 142.

Hamersley, Hugh, letter from, 16.

Hamond, —, a priest, 35.

Hampshire (Southamptonshire), 324, 360, 433.
-, Sheriff of, 65.

Hampton. See Southampton.

Hampton Court, [Middx.], 29, 277, 314, 315, 316, 326.
-, letters dated at, 239(2), 284, 287, 445.
-, the Lodge at, letter dated at, 150.
-, the King to visit, 276, 277.

Hankin, John, vicar of Stoke by Nayland, 307(2), 321.
-, examination of, 316, 317.

Hanse Towns, Commissioners for Assembly of, to visit Spain, 366.

Hanslope, [Bucks], lands of, leased from the Queen, 359.

Hanworth, [Middx.], 400.

Harbert. See Herbert.

Harbledown (Harldbaldowne, Kent), Hospital of, 86.

Harcourt, —, a suspect, 41.

-, Mr., M.P., on purveyance, 69.
-, Sir Nicholas, Master of the Rolls, 435.
-, William, 435n.

Harington (Haryngton):
-, Sir John, 29.
-, John, Lord Harington of Exton, letters from, 65, 175, 338, 405.

Harison. See Philippes.

Harlay, Christophe de, comte de Beaumont, formerly French Ambassador in England, 287, 406.
-, letter from, 117.
-, letter to, 69.
-, James I's opinion of, 70, 117.
-, his secretary. See Jardin.

Harldbaldowne. See Harbledown.

Harlowe, Thomas, 114.

Harmon, John, 17.

Harolds (Horrolds) Park, letters dated at, 202, 257, 303.

Harris (Harrys):
-, Sir Arthur, J.P., 404.
-, Christopher, deputy viceadmiral to Sir Walter Ralegh, 258, 310.
-, Edward, 398.
-, John, 258.

Harrison (Harryson):
-, Mr., vicar of Great Cornard, 321.
-, Robert, 220.

Harsnett, Samuel, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, 423.

Hartley, Roger, clerk to Lord Chief Justice, 83.

Harvey, Sir George, late Lieutenant of the Tower, 448.

Haryngton. See Harington.

Haselwood, Thomas, servant to Mr. Littleton, 11.
-, Tho., alderman of Colchester, 342.

-, Sir Francis, letter from, 366.
-, George, 4th Earl of Huntingdon, death of, 21.
-, Sir Henry, 5.

Haughton, Mr., 232.

Haulbowline (Hallbolyne, Cork, Ireland), 384.

Havering-atte-Bower, [Essex] the Court at, letters dated at, 185, 378.

Havre, Le (Havre de Grace), 242.

Hawkesworth. See Hawksworth.

Hawkins (Hawkyns, Hacquins):
-, vice-admiral Sir Richard, letters from, 257, 309(2), 406.
-, information and proceedings against, 237, 257–259, 309– 313, 379.
-, his father, 237, 309.
-, his imprisonment in Spain, 257, 259.
-, his servants molested in their work, 311.

Hawks, Master of, 461.

Hawksworth (Hawkesworth, Hawkesword):
-, Mr., 53.
-, Mr., secretary to Sir Charles Cornwallis, 260, 265.

Hawstead (Hawsted, Suffolk), letter dated at, 175.

Hay (Haye, Hey):
-, Sir James, Lord Hay, 251, 270.
-, -, letters from, 406, 407.
-, -, attends Count Vaudemont, 316.
-, James, 7th Lord Hay of Yester, letters from, 407(3).
-, Paul de la, letters from, 8, 135.
-, -, his son, Jo, 8.
-, -, his son-in-law. See Vaughan.
-, Mr., 441.

Haye, La. See Hague.

Hayes (Haies):
-, Edward and Thomas, letter from, 407.
-, Timothy, letter from, 323.

Haynes Hill, letters dated at, 112, 209.

Haywood, Mrs., 100, 101.

Headfort, Earl of, [?] letter to, 42.

Heath, Nicholas, Bishop of Worcester, 340.

Hecceter. See Hochstetter.

Heckford, Thomas, alderman of Colchester, 342.

Hector, D., 386.

Hele, Serjeant, Sir John, letters from, 167, 337.

Henley-in-Arden (Henlye), [Warw.], 453.

Henlip. See Hindlip.

Henry IV, King of France, 3, 165, 176, 226, 247, 451.
-, and aid for the States General, 70.
-, his good opinion of Salisbury, 71.
-, as Signor Cisalpino, 92, 106.
-, articles agreed on with the Duke of Bouillon, 101–102.
-, the Pope desires him to mediate with James I, 159.
-, a remonstrance by English merchants to, 169.
-, christening of his three children, 172.
-, his escape at St. Germains, 172.

Henry, Prince (the Prince), son of James I, 117, 175, 279, 281, 328.
-, postscript by, to a letter, 29.
-, proposed marriage of, with Infanta, 118.
-, Gunpowder conspirators to spare life of, 126.
-, petition of his Council regarding lands of late Earl of Essex, 167.
-, to come to Court, 346.
-, his christening, 408.
-, jewelry for, 413.
-, his schoolmaster. See Newton.
-, Master of his Horse. See Douglas.

Hepburn, Capt. Alexander, letter to, 283.

Heppell, Will of, 458.

Hepsley, —, servant of Lord Northumberland, 426.

Heralds. See Garter and York.

Herbert (Harbert):
-, Sir John, Secretary of State, (Mr. Secretary), 203, 234, 253, 386, 406.
-, Sir Philip, Earl of Montgomery, Lord Salisbury's nephew, 125, 266, 272, 342, 360.
-, Sir William, knt., 340.
-, William, [? 1st] Earl of Pembroke, 340.
-, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, 238, 342.
-, -, letters from, 167, 431.

Hercy, John, servant of Earl of Shrewsbury, letter to, 328.

Hereford, Mayor and Aldermen of, 27.

Hereford, Viscount. See Devereux.

Herefordshire, mass said in, 35.
-, Sheriff of, to pay an annuity, 53.

Herick, Sir William, 105.

Hertford, Earl and Countess of. See Seymour.

Hertfordshire, 433, 455.

-, Hugh, J.P., 48.
-, -, letter to, 59.
-, Robert, J.P., 48.
-, -, letter to, 59.

Heskith, —, alias Allen, 250.

Hetherington, family of, border outlaws, 294.

Heton, Martin, Bishop of Ely, letter from, 239.

Hexham, [Northumb.], 78.
-, letter dated at, 80.

Hey. See Hay.

Heydon, Benjamin, Dean of Wells, letter from, 231.

Heywood, Mistress, alias Smith, 174.

Hicham, Robert, Queen's Attorney, letters from, 152, 243.

Hickmote, Anthony, prisoner in King's Bench, 174, 182.

Hicks (Hix, Hycks):
-, Sir Baptist, 408.
-, Sir Michael, 4.

Hide. See Hyde.

High Commission, Court of, for Causes Ecclesiastical, 128, 174, 279.
-, and complaints of mass held by Spanish Ambassador, 262, 355.
-, in Devon, 297.

Higham, (Suffolk), 280.

Hill (Hyll), James, letter from, 338.

Hills, Robert, of Petworth, Sussex, a suspected recusant, 230– 231.

Hillyarde (Hyllyard), Lawrence, 130.
-, Nicholas, artist, letters from, 130, 409.

Hindlip (Henlip), [Worcs.], 35, 37, 109, 110, 126.

Hitcham [Suffolk), parson of. See Barwick.

Hitchcocke (Hitcok), Mr., counsel, 395, 396.
-, Captain Robert, letter from, 409.

Hix. See Hicks.

Hobach (Hoboque), Baron, Ambassador of the Archdukes in England, 30, 73, 207.
-, letter from, 239.
-, and apprehension of suspects in Gunpowder Plot, 1, 2, 28, 31, 51, 98, 171.
-, -, his conversation with James I concerning, 122– 123.
-, and English merchants in Spain, 3.
-, - seized by Dunkirkers, 166, 167.
-, and levies of troops for Archdukes' service, 81.
-, and opening of ports, 82.
-, a dispute about precedency over the Venetian Ambassador, 112–113, 121–122, 132.
-, his wife, Baroness Hobach, 357.
-, - discontented with her position in England, 113.
-, stands in fear of fury of English people, 208.
-, discusses English and Spanish grievances in conference, 260–266, 320.
-, and new Jesuit college at Louvain, 320.

Hobart (Hubbard):
-, Audrey, mother of Sir Henry, 434–435.
-, Sir Henry, Attorney General (Mr. Attorney), letters from, 296, 409, 410.
-, and a commission for reform of disorders in London, 229.
-, -, and Lord Aubigny's commission for concealments, 268.
-, -, references to, 244, 330, 435.
-, Thomas, father of Sir Henry, 435n.

Hobby. See Hoby.

Hoboque. See Hobach.

Hobson, John, 220.
-, William, 220.

Hoby (Hobby), Sir Edward, 358, 456.
-, letter from, 410.

Hochstetter (Hecceter), Emanuel and Daniel, 388.

Hodson, William, 304.

Hogsden, sign of the Falcon at, 174.

Holborn. See London, places in.

Holborne, Elizabeth, letter from, 410.

Holland, Hollanders. See Dutch and under Ships, Dutch.

Holland, States of. See United Provinces.

-, John, 340.
-, Mr., 111.
-, William, Senior of St. John's College, Cambridge, 103, 354.

Hollingshedd, (Hollihedd), John, a suspect, 17, 34.

Holstein, Ulrich, Duke of, Bishop of Schwerin and Schleswig, letter from, 33.
-, letter to, 235.
-, a disagreement with his brother, the King of Denmark, 236.

Holt, [Worcs.], 37.

Holyhead, 173, 192.

Holy Island, [Northumb.], Castle, 358, 428.

Home (Hume):
-, Alexander, Earl of Home, as commander of Scottish army in Archduke's service, 31.
-, -, solicited for foreign service, 372.
-, Sir George, 1st Lord Home of Berwick, Earl of Dunbar, Chancellor of the Exchequer, letter from, 223.
-, -, letters to, 146, 371.
-, -, execution of felons in Middle Shires by, 212.
-, -, examines Gervase Smith, 281, 307, 317.
-, -, troubled with his head, 325.
-, - and affairs of Scotland, 327.
-, -, his influence and power in Northumberland, 369.
-, -, appointed supreme authority in Border problems, 371.
-, -, references to, 23, 112, 125, 277, 329, 408, 441.

Hone, Dr., Deputy Judge of Court of Admiralty, 283.

Hopper (Hoper), Richard, 65.
-, letters from, 348, 411(2), 412.

Hopton Castle, [Shrops.], letter dated at, 65.

Horne, Gabriel, his petition for a fellowship of St. John's College, Cambridge, 103.

Horrolds Park. See Harolds Park.

Horse, Master of, 461.

Horton, Capt. Samuel, 190.

Hoseus, Father Stanilaus, de heresibus, 230.

Hoskin, Father Anthony, 60, 61.

Hothfield, [Kent], letter dated at, 307.

Houghton, Sir Richard, 48, 59. -, 44.

How, ? Plymouth Hoe, q.v.

-, Charles of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral, letters from, 150, 175, 283, 287, 290, 427.
-, -, letter to, 148.
-, -, and an incident between a Dunkirker and a Hollander at Sandwich, 148–152.
-, -, and information against Sir Richard Hawkins, 237, 257–259, 309–313.
-, - offends the Queen, 276.
-, - and capture of a Portuguese ship by a Hollander, 283.
-, -, and a disagreement with the French Ambassador over prize money, 287, 290.
-, -, signs pardon of three Flemings, 346.
-, -, his visit to Spain as Ambassador, 405, 438.
-, -, minute to, concerning Roman Catholics, 427.
-, -, and Lady Russell, 436, 437.
-, -, his secretary. See Jobson.
-, -, references to, 77, 127, 303, 406.
-, Lord Henry, Earl of Northampton, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, letters from, 90, 193, 424.
-, -, letters to, 10, 30, 150, 213, 241.
-, -, his servant, Griffethe, 136.
-, -, and an incident between a Dunkirker and a Hollander at Sandwich, 148–152.
-, -, and Sir Robert Steward, 248.
-, -, a packet from, 251.
-, -, a petition from Lord Bindon's wife, 273.
-, -, examines Gervase Smith, 281, 307, 317, 321.
-, -, and a suit concerning Ripon Collegiate Church, 357.
-, -, as Commissioner for compounding for land, 368.
-, -, referred to in code, 373.
-, -, references to, 30, 51, 127, 238, 352, 366.
-, Lady Katherine, letter from. 412.
-, Theophilus, styled Howard de Walden, son of 1st Earl of Suffolk, 245.
-, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk, 400.
-, Lord Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain, letter from, 193.
-, -, letters to, 10, 16, 43, 53, 274.
-, -, and St. Germain's audience, 117.
-, -, examines Gervase Smith, 281, 307, 317, 321.
-, -, and provision of plate for Count Vaudemont, 305.
-, -, and bustards from Kent, 325.
-, -, as Commissioner for compounding for land, 368.
-, -, references to, 36, 121, 127, 135, 176, 207, 238, 239, 286, 289, 316, 352, 394(2), 424, 461.
-, Thomas, K.G., 3rd Viscount Bindon, 143.
-, -, letter from, 4.
-, -, a petition from his wife, 273.
-, Sir Thomas. son of Earl of Suffolk, 245.
-, Lord William, 192, 275.

Howell, John, of Exeter, 181, 258.

Hubbard. See Hobart.

Huckes, —, a servant, accused of murder, 300–301.

Huddington, [Worcs.], 4.

Hull, 142.
-, Mayor and Aldermen of, letter from, 253.
-, letter dated at, 253.

Hull, Henry, Mayor of Exeter, letter from, 181.

Hume. See Home.

Humfrey. See Humphrey.

Humphrey (Humfrey, Umphrey), Richard, M.A., schoolmaster of Dedham, and arrest of Gervase Smith, 280, 281, 306, 320, 321.
-, letter from, 298.

Hungary, 33, 438.

Hungerford. See Strange.

Hunniman, Mr., 101.

Hunsdon, Lord. See Carey.

Hunt, Robert, servant, a Roman Catholic, 101.

Hunte, Jeames, 180.

Huntingdon, 112.

Huntingdon, Earl of. See Hastings.

Huntly, Marquis of. See Gordon.

Hunton, Dr., 325.

-, Sir Edmond, J.P., 404.
-, [? Henry, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot], 5.

Hurley (Hurle), [Berks], letter dated at, 277.

Hutton, Matthew, Archbishop of York, death of, 21, 29, 37.

Hycks. See Hicks.

Hyde (Hide):
-, Arthur, 203.
-, Lawrence, M.P., on purveyance, 69.
-, Sir Leonard, 428.

Hyde Hall, (Herts.), 412.

Hyde Park, 384, 417.

Hyll. See Hill.

Hynan, 8.

Hythe (Hude), [Kent], 241.


Ilford, [Essex], 433.

Illshey, Walter, and his wife, 4.

impositions, a case concerning, 395– 397.

Inchiquin (Insikovyne), Lord. See O'Brien.

Indies (India):
-, English ships taken in, by Spanish, 77, 179, 261.
-, the Spanish fleet for, 145, 156, 158. And see West India fleet.
-, Dutch merchants attempt to break traffic of Spain into, 158.
-, See also East Indies and West Indies.

Infanta. See Isabella and under Austria.

Ingatestone (Ingerstone, Essex), 49.

Ingleby (Inglebic, Ingilbie):
-, James, 13, 15, 156.
-, John, abstract of points proved against, 12–15, 156.
-, Sir William, 13.

Inglestate. See Engelstedt.

Insikovyne (Inchiquin), Baron of. See O'Brien.

Irbie, Mr., counsel, 221.

Ireland, 176, 233, 247, 275, 379.
-, judges in, 5.
-, troops for the States General to be levied in, 11.
-, a levy of troops desired in for Archdukes' army, 50, 61.
-, -, reasons for refusal, 62.
-, has not men enough for her own service, 62.
-, Lord Cromwell's lands and service in, 97, 155, 301.
-, request for pensions etc. after service in, 106, 124, 139, 190, 395, 399, 422, 437.
-, a dispatch for, 128.
-, money for loans and armies in, 162.
-, coinage of, plan to make one with England, 163.
-, requests for service in, 206, 431.
-, a bankrupt retires to, 239, 323.
-, two Irishmen conversant with Spanish Ambassador's people, 240.
-, funds for, attempt to secure from Warden of the Mint, 248(2), 249.
-, affairs of, 254, 327.
-, and Florence McCarthy, requests concerning, 289, 299– 300.
-, Donogh O'Conor of Sligo's lands in, 291.
-, lands in, to be reduced to English tenures, 314.
-, a castle in, started by Sir Edward Blaney, 314.
-, dispatch of money to, 324.
-, fortifications in, 380.
-, a murder trial in, 411.
-, the late Lord Chancellor of, letter to, 412.
-, Chief Baron of, applicants for post of, 137, 155, 205.
-, office of Chief Remembrancer of, 411, 412.
-, Lord Deputy (Lieutenant) of. See Chichester.
-, Knight Marshal of. See Vavasour.
-, transportation of Grahams to. See under Grahams.

-, John, J.P., 48.
-, -, letter to, 59.
-, Mr., 440.
-, Mr., a lawyer, 135.

ironworks, Ordnance office for, 249.

Isabella, Infanta of Spain, wife of Archduke Albert (the Archdukes), her rights claimed as a daughter of King of Spain, 121, 122, 132.
-, See also under Austria.

Island journey. See Azores.

Isle of Wight, Meadhole harbour, 115.

Italy, 58, 99, 350, 434.
-, Italian (Venetian) Ambassador.
-, See Ambassadors.
-, physicians of, 241.
-, lawyers of, 430.

Ivers, Lord. See Eure.

Ivybridge. See under London, places in.

Ivychurch, [Wilts.], letters dated at, 272, 273, 274.