Index: D

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: D". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Dackombe, John, 165.

Dacombe (Dekkom), Mr., 407.

-, Francis, 100.
-, Lord. See Fienes.

Dacres (Dakers), Sir Thomas, 393, 455.

Dallas [?] (nr. Le Havre, France), 242.

Dalston, Sir John, 214, 216.

Damport, —, counsel, 396.

Danstreuder, Sieur de, 33.

Dantzig (Dantzie, Danske), 245, 366, 461.

Danvers (Davers), Henry, Lord Danvers, letters from, 204, 390.

Darby, Henry, Mayor of Gloucester, letter from, 47.

Darcy, —, (Mayny), 138.
-, John, Lord Darcy, letter to, 54.

Darestequy, Martin, Vedor, 57, 58.

Darford. See Dartford.

D'Arguen, Thomas, 139.

Darnley, Earl of. See Stuart.

Dartford (Darford) [Kent], postal endorsements at, 117, 322.

Dartmouth (Darthemue), 379.
-, town clerk of, 258.
-, Mayor of, 312.

Daubiny. See Aubigny.

Daventry (Dayntre), [Northants.], postal endorsements at, 7, 357.

Davids, Thomas, 12.

-, Geoffrey, letter from, 296.
-, Sir John, Solicitor General of Ireland, 5.
-, Joseph, 66, 67.
-, Matthew, messenger of the Chamber, 256.

Davis, Mr., grocer, 266.

Davison (Davyson):
-, -, Thomas Percy's man, 74, 458.
-, Michael, 458.
-, Mr., his Dream, 95.

Daw, Henry, 4.

Dawson, Thomas, a recusant, 352.

Daye (Dayes):
-, Richard, 38.
-, Richard, of Cambridge University, letter from, 390.
-, Thomas, 13, 14.

Dayntre. See Daventry.

Dean, Forest of (Glos.), 36.

Dean, the, of the Chapel. See Montagu.

Deary, L., 461.

Dedham (Deddam, Essex), a schoolmaster of. See Humphrey.

Dedham, Thomas, 18.

Degloysenoue, N., letter from, 391.

Dekkom. See Dacombe.

Delavale, Sir Robert (Ro. de Lavale), Commissioner for Middle Shires, 155, 458, 459.
-, letters from, 78, 191.
-, desires to be freed from service as Commissioner for Middle Shires, 368, 369.

Delbridge, John, of Barnstaple, 213, 253, 304.

Delvin, Lord. See Nugent.

Demetrius, the "Muskowyter," 339.

Denbigh, 398.

Deneufville, —, 170.

Dengon [Ireland], castle of the, 362.

Denmark, 142, 330.
-, ship bound for, stayed in London, 245.
-, losses of Hull merchants in, 253.
-, King of. See Christian IV.
-, Queen of, a daughter born to, 131.

Denn, Mr., lawyer, 300.

Denny, Sir Edward, Lord Denny, letters from, 391, 392, 393.

Derby, Earl of. See Stanley.
-, Earls of, and title to Isle of Man, 220, 353.
-, Elizabeth, Countess of, Lord Salisbury's niece, 26, 73, 173, 347, 394, 440.
-, -, letters from, 327, 393, 394(2).

Derbyshire, 334.

Desmond. See FitzGerald.

Destinies, Knights of, 183.

Dethick, Sir William Garter King of Arms, 454.
-, letters from, 68, 127.

Devenish (Devinish) in Fermanagh (Ireland) licence dated at, 223.

Devereux (?) Harry, brother of 3rd Earl of Essex, 394.
-, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex, 53, 167, 233, 395, 414.
-, Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex. Viscount Hereford, 394.
-, -, annuities for, 53.

Devinish. See Devenish.

Devonshire, Ecclesiastical Commission in, 297.
-, muster master of, 6.
-, Lord Lieutenant of, the Earl of Bath, q.v.

Devonshire (Evenchiere), Earl and Countess of. See Blount.

Dickenson, John, letter from, 231.

Diego, Don, ? Spanish Ambassador, 372.

Dieppe, Protestant Church at, overthrown by gale, 101.
-, transport of suspicious people to, 241.
-, "Fleur de Lewse" at, 241.

Diet. See Dyott.

diet allowances, 395.

Digby (Digbie, Dygby):
-, Sir Everard, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 77.
-, -, indictment against, 15, 24.
-, -, goods of, list of, 38.
-, -, goods of, in Rutlandshire, a request for, 65.
-, -, execution of, 52.
-, -, acquits the Jesuits of conspiracy, 64.
-, John, the king's carver, 182.
-, -, alias Browne, 40.
-, -, Countess of Leicester's niece and nephew, 416.
-, Mary, Lady, letter to, concerning her husband's goods, 38.
-, -, letter from, 46.

Dillon, Sir Tybbot, 291.

Dingley (Dyngley), Francis, 34, 36.

Dirleton, Lord. See Erskine.

Disinye, Mons. de, 322.

Ditchley [Oxon.], letter dated at, 356.

Dixon, Anthony, 220.

Dobbinson, Ralph, 364
-, -, letters from, 11, 68.

Docwra, Sir Henry, letter from, 349.

Dod, Mr., Baron of Court of Exchequer, Chester, 115.

Dodderidge (Dodryge), Sir John, Solicitor General (Mr. Solicitor), 114, 118, 395, 396.

Doddes-myll (Glouc.), 66.

Doddington, Captain, 190.

Dodryge. See Dodderidge.

Doleman, Albane, a priest, letter from, 395.

Dolman, —, J.P., 436.

Dombar [Dunbar].See Home.

Done. See Dunne.

Donegal, letter dated at, 141.

Dones, John, 428.

Doringeton, Sir John, 428.

Dorset, Earl of. See Sackville.
-, Marquess of. See Grey.

Douai (Douay, Doway), 119, 143, 168.
-, letter dated at, 106.
-, the English Jesuit College at, letters commendatory for ordination of deacons, 63.
-, -, president of. See Wortington.

Douglas (Dowglas), -, the traitor, 454.
-, Mr., Master of the Prince's Horse, letter to, 168.

Dover, 86.
-, letters dated at, 10, 30, 83, 164, 322.
-, Castle, 30.
-, -, Lieutenant of. See Fane and Waller.
-, "N.W's" news from, 84, 92, 103, 168.
-, Archduke desires opening of, for his troops, 82.
-, arrival of Marquis of St. Germain at, 117.
-, to London, a bill of charges for, 148.
-, townsmen of, demand toll from strangers, 315.

Dowalla. See Duhallow.

Doway. See Douai.

Dowglas. See Douglas.

Down, Bishop of, 155.

Downham, [Cambs.], letter dated at, 239.

Down Patrick (Down) in Lecale [Co. Down, Ir.], letters dated at, 162, 301.

Downs, the, 58, 117, 164.
-, Dutch ships in, 148–152.

Draighton. See Drayton.

Draiton. See Drayton Basset.

Drake, Sir Richard, 386.

Drayton (Draighton, Drighton), [Northants.], Lord Mordaunt's house at, 38, 40.

Drayton Basset [?] (Draiton), [Staffs.], 394.

Drayton, letter dated at, 271.

Dreydon, Erasmus, 39.

Drighton. See Drayton.

Dro'comontes, Mr., 164.

Drury, Sir Robert, letters from, 94, 175.

Dublin, 173, 192, 397.
-, letters dated in, 6, 362, 412.
-, Castle, alterations to, 348, 381.
-, -, letter dated at, 205.
-, -, Thomas Court in, 381.
-, -, Church of St. Patrick in, 381.
-, -, the Deputy's house near, 381.
-, Chief Baron at. See under Ireland.
-, arrival of Grahams at, 290.

Duchy, the. See Lancaster.

Ducket, Mr., 111.

-, Anne, Countess of Warwick (sister-in-law of the Earl of Bath), 305.
-, John, Earl of Warwick, 340.
-, Lettice, Countess of Leicester, letter from, 416.
-, Sir Robert, 295.
-, -, letters from, 142, 203, 250, 327.
-, Sir Robert, Earl of Leicester, 413.

Duff, Thomas, of Dublin, letters from, 397(2).

Dufil, Captain Henry, 404.

Duhallow (Dowalla), [Co. Cork], 188.

Duke, the. See Austria, Archduke Albert of.

Duke, —, Paymaster of the Almshouses, 436.

Dunbar (Downber, Dunbargh, Dumbarr), Earl of. See Home.

Dunkirk, 112, 166, 431.
-, vice-admiral of, takes merchandise from English ship, 127, 167.

Dunkirkers. See under Ships.

Dunne (Dun, Done):
-, Sir Daniel, 253, 287, 324, 326, 404, 406.
-, -, preferment to Ordinary of Requests, 167.
-, Captain Hugh, letter from, 395.

Duport (Dupont), Dr. John, deputy Vice Chancellor of Cambridge, Master of Jesus College, letters from, 47, 49, 365.

Durham (Bishopric), 334.
-, letters dated at, 125, 340.
-, Sherburn House at, 444.

Durham, Bishop of. See Matthew and James.
-, Dean of, 32. See also James and Newton.
-, - and Chapter of, illegalities committed by, 141.
-, Deanery of, solicitation for, 29, 38, 279.
-, a prebendary of. See Ubanke.

Durnford, Geffyrey, 4.

Durrington, 437.

Dutch, the (Hollanders), 401.
-, Edmondes "affected towards," 9.
-, English prisoners forced to serve against, 77, 78.
-, ports closed to the Archduke, 82.
-, ships in English ports, 92.
-, attempt to capture a French ship for, 224.
-, goods, 345.
-, sugars allotted to, 427.

Dutton, Sir Thomas, letter from, 210.

Dygby. See Digby.

Dyngley. See Dingley.

Dyott (Diet), [Anthony], M.P., 69.