Cecil Papers: June 1606, 16-30

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1606, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp167-190 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1606, 16-30', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp167-190.

"Cecil Papers: June 1606, 16-30". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp167-190.

June 1606, 16-30

W.N. (fn. 1) to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 16. I have understood since my last going over that there is some business of great importance in hand. A gentleman (held to be of great sufficiency) is lately come from Rome, who arrived at Dover on Tuesday, with whom when I shall meet I shall learn something, for I have been familiar with him in Rome 6 or 7 years. He arrived at Paris a month since, where having stayed a few days he went to Doway, and thence wrote to Signor Negro [Baldwin] being then at Bruxelles, who presently sent Father Sherwood, Chaplain to the Pope's Nuncio, to Doway to talk with the gentleman and deal with him in business of importance (as he told me). But before Sherwood came to Doway, he was departed towards England. I made all the haste I could after him, but at Calais understood he was embarked for England, so resolved to come after him, which I was the bolder to do, for that my business with Signor Octaviano [Hugh Owen] could thereby receive no prejudice; for the liberty he has is as yet with such restriction that nothing can be done there till he had further liberty. The gentleman has to deal with many of his friends, and returns again ere long. A second business there is, sufficient to have drawn me into England, but I would not have taken this journey without leave, had not this unexpected occasion happened.—Eltham, 16 June, 1606.
Endorsed: "Du Pre." 1 p. (116. 103.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Mr. Douglas, Master of the Prince's Horse.
[1606], June 16. Complimentary letter, with a present of a mare for his Highness's race.—Court at Greenwich, 16 June.
Endorsed: "1606. Copy of my Lord's letter." 1 p. (116. 104.)
Sir William Selby to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], June 16. It is more than a year since I saw my house in Kent. These parts have been divers months and so continue peaceable, which I hope will after the gaol delivery to be held at Carlisle in July, and the general meeting of the Commissioners soon after, be well established. The business being in this state, I entreat you to procure his Majesty's leave for my coming up to look to my private affairs. I can write no better news than that these late Border countries afford none.—Twisell, 16 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 105.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1606, June 16. Southwell, whom Salisbury directed to repair into France, passed by the Countries and addressed himself to the firebrands of the Jesuits, first at St. Omers and secondly to Baldwin here. There has been an extraordinary liking of him conceived by them all for the pregnancy of his spirit and for the discontentment which they suppose to have been given by hard dealing in England, but what has chiefly put him into good liking with Baldwin is a letter which Blackwell the Archpriest has written in his very great commendation. Baldwin brake with him to be content to employ himself in such things as should be imparted unto him tending to the advancement of the Catholic cause but before he would further open himself he told him he must first minister the sacrament to him to bind him to more secrecy and faithfulness, which for discovery of their purpose he refused not. Then Baldwin signified to him that, though the late enterprise in England had unhappily succeeded, there was intent to proceed to another new trial and that the time was now aptest because of the security wherein the State supposes to remain since the late enterprise. He began to speak of Salisbury, how necessary it was to take him away as a principal obstacle of theirs. Then he said something more was to be attempted for which there was to be a meeting and conference of certain priests, whose names are specified in an enclosed note, at Rheines in France, whither Southwell was to repair in the company of some from hence. He propounded the sending of him into England to be used in some negotiations about this matter and one Price who should there meet him to be his assistant. He did not descend to any particularities of the plot but that there was a hope to obtain by petition the liberty of the lords that are in the Tower and upon their enlargement to take arms and bring the realm into a combustion. The speeches of Baldwin and of one Father Flack, the vice-president of the Jesuits' College at St. Omers, were both to the effect that if they retained any manhood in England it would yet come to the proof of a terrible day there. Supposes the practice against Salisbury's person is by poison. Southwell told Edmondes also that Baldwin brake with him to advise how a servant might be placed about him (Edmondes) to some such like good end. Edmondes has given Southwell the best counsel and caution he can to carry himself in this business as he may be able to discover the bottom of the practices and has out of his poor store furnished him with some means for his relief. But this chargeable and uncomfortable place of service dejects Edmondes in such poverty of mind and means as will be the ruin of his poor estate. The extremity thereof forces him thus to break silence for which he craves pardon.—"Brux: 16 of June, 1606."
Copy. 3¼ pp. (227. p. 240.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
A Remonstrance to the French King.
1606, June 18/28. Complaints by Sir John Watts, alderman of London, and Giles Fleming, merchant, of outrages by French subjects contrary to the treaty between the two kingdoms.
Written memorandum at foot: The King has referred the present request to the Sieur de Boissize, councillor of his Majesty in the Council of State, to report upon the contents to the said Council in order that what is reasonable may be done therein.—Paris, 28 June, 1606. Deneufville.
French. 3 pp. (194. 98.)
Paper setting out the matters contained in the foregoing memorial.—Undated.
French. 3 pp. (194. 100.)
Translation of the preceding with the following additions:—
"A brief collection of the particulars showing the defectuousness, falsehood and nullity of the inventory of the goods represented by Guyton, in virtue whereof he and his consorts were discharged from solidary condemnation."
The sentence given at the Table of Marble specifies the quantity of 212,050 pounds of sugar neat. The partage contains only 150,052 pounds of sugar without deduction of the tare of the barricos and leaves wherein it was wrapped, which tare according to their saying arises to much. So that they have omitted 62,098 pounds, although the quantity mentioned by their partage and inventory were neat.
The sentence mentions the quantity of 1600 of elephants' tooth. The inventory and partage contain 782 pounds, so that the default arises to the sum of 818 pounds.
Urbaine Bouhier, one of the richest of them, who had two quarters of the goods of the St. Antonye is not mentioned. Guyton who had a whole quarter is named for half a quarter only. My brother William will easily inform you of the premises which depend only upon judgment given here contrary to all equity.
Endorsed: "1607." 4 pp. (194. 102.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1606, June 18. Although your letters of 4 June and 29 and 21 May (which came to my hands since I wrote to you by Lany, whom I sent with dogs to the Count Aremberg) do not require any particular direction from hence, yet to continue the course of our correspondency for the good of his Majesty's service I have thought good to let you know that it was very strange to us to understand of Owen's so sudden enlargement out of prison, it being a matter which seems to give too much credit to his innocency, when notwithstanding he stood directly accused of the powder treason in the word of a Prince, confirmed under his Majesty's own hand: wherein although his Majesty showed afterwards no great disposition (for many considerations then specified unto you) to send over the papers and accusations against him for to make his process there, yet this proceeded not out of any conscience of the invalidity of the proofs, but rather in respect that his process being made here already and the caitiff condemned by public sentence of Parliament it would have come all to one issue, seeing they have thus proceeded when his Majesty left it to themselves to do as they thought fit; so as the sudden enlargement now succeeding when rather the Archdukes had more cause to use severity against him, his Majesty might be doubtful how to interpret the same if he were as apt to make the worst constructions of other Princes' actions as he is rather inclined to make the best. But to make the Archdukes the more to see their error in this you shall understand that upon their Ambassador's desire to have a copy of the act of attainder (for which he sent unto me within these 3 days) his Majesty is resolved to send one to the Archdukes' Ambassador, with an abstract also of the principal proofs drawn out of the traitor's confession against Owen: not that thereupon his Majesty will require anything to be done at the Archdukes' hands, but only to serve for the Archdukes' better information of the verity, whereof he cannot plead any ignorance seeing his Ambassador has it. In which consideration before the Ambassador receive it from him I have thought good to send you first a copy of it, together with the oath which now by Act of Parliament is to be taken by all such as shall go to serve abroad under any Prince or State whatsoever. I send you likewise a proclamation which is now published for banishing again of priests and Jesuits, by which you may see a model of his Majesty's future proceeding rather by lenity and moderation than by severity in the execution of the laws, though there have been now some sharp ones passed in terrorem.
We are every day more and more importuned with complaints from Spain not only of the general ill-usage of his Majesty's subjects there in matters of inferior nature, which often occur where such multitudes of people resort, but even in material points directly contrary to the treaty; as for example the exacting still of 30 per 100 in the Islands of Terceraes after so long publication of the treaty, and now lately by embarquing [sic: embargoing] our ships at Lisbon, forcing our mariners to serve in their ships of war against their wills, constraining of our ships to serve their turn in transporting their warlike provisions from place to place, to their apparent danger: with many other such notorious wrongs which are put upon us, under the sole pretext that the King of Spain is by necessity driven to it. which otherwise he would not do.
All these things considered, together with the delays in the Court of Spain to do us justice upon our complaints, works so great impressions of alienation in the hearts of his Majesty's subjects against the continuance of that friendship as his Majesty is sometimes put to a strait to hold things in æquilibris: on the one side seeing the danger in not regarding the continual cries and clamours of his subjects, and on the other side in being too sensible of them to hazard to put things to greater exasperation. You shall do well therefore at some convenient time to acquaint President Ricardot with it and represent unto him that as he was above all other a principal actor in the treaty and can best remember with what wariness and caution we proceeded in it, the better to reduce the long severed affections of both nations to some indifferent reglement; so he will consider what dangerous inconveniences may succeed by this their rough and intemperate proceedings in Spain in the open view of the world, and that he put to his helping hand in time to redress the same for the better preservation of the amity.
Lastly, I am to acquaint you that the French King by his Ambassador here has invited the King our master to be godfather to his eldest daughter, with the Infanta the Duchess of Brabant, at the general christening of the King's three children at once: the Pope and the Duchess of Mantua being godfathers to the Dolphin, and the Duke of Lorraine and the great Duchess of Florence to the youngest daughter. His Majesty made great profession of kind acceptance of the honour which the French King did him in it, but in respect that the Pope was to be assisting at the same time and had the prerogative for the Dolphin his Majesty desired to be excused because he could not avoid scandal in suffering himself to participate with the Pope in any public action. But if it should please the French King to have the solemnity of the eldest daughter's christening performed some convenient time before the others, although his Majesty knows the difference between the Dolphin and a daughter of France, yet he will be most ready to accept of it and send his Ambassador thither. How this answer will be digested there we shall shortly hear; always the world must know that it is full of courtesy and reason.
His Majesty has sent Sir Wm. Godolphin into France to congratulate with the King and Queen for their escape in the water about St. Germains, as I doubt not but you have understood ere now.—The 18 June, 1606.
Copy. 3½ pp. (227. p. 243.)
Sir Humfrey Ferrers to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 18. On the 17th I received notice of some suspected seminaries to have repaired to the house of Humfrey Cumberford of Tamworth, Staffordshire, a notorious recusant. I ordered my servants to assist the bailiff and other officers for the search of the house, where, notwithstanding the protestations of him and his wife, they found 3 very suspicious persons, being strangers, whereof 2 lay hid in a very secret place. I have ordered the examinations of the said persons and of Cumberford, together with their bodies, to be sent to the Council. Although they have confessed nothing material, the presumptions against them are very great, as having all the doors of the house made fast, and divers other recusants of note being there also. There were found under a bed a surplice, a vestment, and divers Popish books. At their apprehension Cumberford used speeches in the hearing of Christopher Ensor and John Vale, 2 of my servants, and others, that they had taken 2 such seminaries as England could not afford the like; and in the hearing of others, that he had rather have left all the goods he had than that they should have been taken. After their apprehension, one of them naming himself James Whitall said to Robert Lisat, another servant, that that would prove the worst day's work that ever Lisat made in his life, and that he would repent the same.—Tamworth, 18 June, 1606.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Humfrey Ferrers." 1 p. (116. 106.)
John Lytler, Mayor of Chester, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 18. Acknowledges Salisbury's letters for the Countess of Derby, and 3 letters and a great box for the Lord Deputy of Ireland. The wind being adverse for Ireland, he has sent the Lord Deputy's letters and box to Pepper, master of the post barque at Holyhead, with instructions for their dispatch. This is the speediest course, that place being so near to Dublin, and apt to apprehend the meanest benefit of a favourable wind. He has also dispatched Lady Derby's letters. He sends with this a box from her.—Chester, 18 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 107.)
Sir Richard Walshe to the Same.
1606, June 18. The King has referred to Salisbury and the Lord Treasurer his petition for reward for his services. His Majesty's promise not to forget the same has drawn him to an extraordinary course of life, to his great charge and the hindrance of his health; and he hopes for Salisbury's favour in the matter.— 18 June, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (192. 94.)
William Udall to the Same.
1606, June 19. Two offers are to be presented to his Majesty by the secular priests and lay Catholics. The first is in the enclosed paper, which they protest is intended, not in that they think they can prevail therein, but to make known how free they are, and that this late treason was done by a general consent of the Jesuits; otherwise they would before this have procured some censure from the Pope, which the Archpriest promised in his letters, divulged within three days after discovery of the late treason; besides that by this offer they intend the utter banishment of Jesuits and Archpriest, whom they hate.
The other offer is a suit that his Majesty will license 300 Catholic households at their own costs to depart this land to inhabit Virginia, to hold such part as shall be allotted them for his Majesty and his successors, and on such conditions as are not against their consciences: provided that no household shall be admitted into that voyage which is convicted, and might thereby hinder any commodity due to his Majesty.
My credit being now something with the adverse faction to the Jesuits, I make known these intents in order to be directed what course I shall hold: either by attending them to see their end, or by retiring myself to let them take what course they please.
It is not I hope unknown to you and my Lord Chief Justice what my endeavours have been for the traitors yet untaken: how near I have gone to them, especially if Kiene and Hickmote had not proved perfidious; which being discovered only by me may give you full assurance of my true meaning. I follow this discovery daily, and of late am entered into the politic practice of Jesuits for their security and those of their faction. They are all placed in private houses, such as are well able to maintain them. Those places will receive no priest not especially devoted to the Jesuits. They pretend the great danger and strict laws, and by this means remove suspicion of harbouring any, when I am able to prove what Jesuits are harboured in these very places: but there are causes which cross my endeavours. I am not able to bear the charges which hitherto I have done. Since Christmas twelvemonth I have caused four prints to be taken. In them, in prohibited wares and in books, I have caused the value of above 800l. to be intercepted. For all this I have not received one penny. Since a month before Christmas I have only received 5l. and that I spent in a journey to better purpose than you know. If I might have the benefit of what I have taken, I need not want. It grieves me that the High Commissioners and the Stationers should benefit by services specially devoted to you and my Lord Chief Justice, when they do nothing themselves.
I dare not venture in places and upon persons where I might do much: nor hear those desperate discontents which would be uttered. I fear what construction might be made. I must use the endeavours of others, because my author clears my report. There was never a more desperate time. I fear to discover particulars, for fear of the effect amongst many. I will note two examples: What plot more certain than Montague House, yet how effected? Sir Clement Fisher and his company lately searched in Warwickshire at Mistress Heywood's, alias Smith's, for Greenway or Gerrard. A Gerrard and a priest was [sic] in the chamber where they searched, and so continued three days whilst the house was beset, yet escaped. Whether this were John Gerrard or no I am not certain, but I know there were only two Gerrards, a priest and a Jesuit, and the priest being called Gilbert Gerrard died at Hogsden 6 weeks before, at the sign of the Falcon. That Gerrard, at least, a priest was in the aforesaid house at the time of the search for 3 days, I am able to prove on my life. Before the term's end I shall know where most of the Jesuits are harboured, with the Jesuitical assistants. What shall I do herein? To discover them is a good service, but if by indiscretion they escape the fault is charged upon me. I endeavour still for Gerrard and Tesmond. I know where Tesmond is, and can prove two Jesuits at least are in the same house.
I acquainted you with a collection of the King's letters while he was in Scotland, done by the Jesuits to prove what hope there was from the King to other Princes for toleration of religion. The rumour is now fresh in the town; and that a book printed to the same effect has been delivered to the King, and that he gave it you. Those books, with two books of Tho. FitzHarbet's and others, are expected, and had been here before, but that all the merchants of those wares are either crossed or imprisoned. There are now two which begin to transport those books. I am able to deliver a means to intercept them.—At the Half Moon in Bishopsgate Street, 19 June 1606.
Holograph. 3 pp. (192. 96.)
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], June 20. At our meeting at my Lord Treasurer's house I heard nothing of our meeting at this day. Only yesterday my Lord of Shrewsbury told me that you meet this day about the Welsh causes; and being weary with waiting on the Prince, which was a fishing at my house at Casholton [Carshalton] and hunted afterwards in Bedington Park, made me stay this day. Now it is past one, half an hour before I received your letter. If it had come in any time, I would have met there according to your letter. I also understood by the Earl that your lordships meet to-morrow at 2 at Whitehall, where I will not fail.—Halyng, 20 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (116. 108.)
Lord Haryngton to the Same.
[1606], June 20. Complimentary, acknowledging Salisbury's offer of his love and kindness.—Burley, 20 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (116. 109.)
Sir Robert Drury to the Same.
[1606]. June 20. There died yesterday near here a gentleman called Mr. Barber. It is uncertain whether his eldest son, a soldier in the Low Countries, be dead. If so, his next son is a ward to Salisbury. In that case, Drury begs for the wardship upon fit consideration.—Hawsted, 20 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 110.)
W. N. to the Same.
1606, June 21. Mr. Levinus showed me a letter wherein you seemed to propose a doubt of my well meaning. Harbour no such conceit of me. I mean most sincerely in all the businesses I have taken in hand for you. I hope you will not conceive the worse of me for coming out of the Low Countries without leave, seeing that my business seemed to be of sufficient moment to draw me thence; one of that nature that I durst not commit it to paper; neither dare I yet dis . . . . . [torn off: ? disclose] it without warrant from you. It is concerning a marriage.
The Pope's Nuncio is to depart from Bruxelles, who has taken upon him (as Gibbons, a Jesuit, told me) when he comes to Rome to deal with the Pope for the excommunicating you and some 2 or 3 more of his Majesty's Privy Council.
There is a Celestine monk, one Edwards an Englishman, living in a monastery near Noyon in France, who of late was to have come into England under safe conduct from the French King, and to have dealt with our King in good businesses (as he himself told me); but this man coming to Doway to confer with the President of the English College before his going, was advised not to take his journey as yet; and thereupon came to Bruxelles to confer with Father Baldwin, who advised him likewise to defer his journey; whereupon he returned to France. This man delivered the excommunication to the French King that now is.
I am ready, as you command, either to return to the Low Countries to follow my business with Owen, which I dare pawn my life to effect in time, or to spend a few weeks here to see if I can meet with Jarret [Gerard?], who is still in England, although the common report beyond the seas is that he is on that side, and Father Baldwin told me that he had come over; yet I assure me that he is not out of the realm, for as I came by Canterbury last week I met with a couple of gentlemen, his very familiar friends, of whom I asked how F. Jarret did, telling them that I heard in Flanders that he was lately taken about Bristowe, going to Ireland; whereunto they answered me that he was well but two days before that time.—From my lodging in Little Britain in London, 21 June, 1606.
Signed. Endorsed: "Du Pre." 2 pp. (116. 111.)
The Earl of Kildare to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 21. In recompense for his services to the King and the late Queen, he understood the King was pleased to give him 100l. a year in fee farm. Details proceedings in the matter. Salisbury has used some speeches at the Council board, to which, if he has replied offensively, he begs Salisbury to impute it to a troubled spirit, who has spent his time and substance without success. He never thought to have anything without Salisbury's favour, which he hoped would be procured by his friend the Lord Chamberlain. If this may not satisfy Salisbury, he begs to know wherein he has so far offended, and he will make satisfaction.—From my lodging, 21 June, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (116. 112.)
Captain A. Ersfeild to the Same.
1606, June 21. I understand I am to receive very hard measure, to my great disgrace. Since my Lord of Devon's death the Council gave me a provisional authority for Portsmouth, where I was his Lieutenant. I hear how his Majesty has imposed the charge of it on Sir Francis Vere, and that he has been solicited to place another, who attempts to supplant me in that poor place I have been very honourably allowed unto. I have not where to address myself for redress but to you, entreating you to signify to the Lord Governor that you have a care of him that so much honours you; and that I may not be thought unworthy to do him service in this place.—Portsmouth, 21 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 113.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 23. The Venetian Ambassador desires him earnestly to signify to Salisbury that the business he came about presses him so much that he craves to have audience as soon as convenient.—From your lordship's house, 23 June, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (116. 114.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to the Same.
1606, June 24. There came letters to the Viceroy of Naples on July 1 (according to the new account) from Constantinople that report great ruins to be likely to hap in the Turkie Empire this summer, if the Emperor were able to lift up his head; for Taville, the great rebel of Asia, is now so potent that he has presumed to make 12 bashaws, and has distributed governments of provinces to them. The Persian prosecutes his begun victories which he won last year. As yet there is no Turkie force in the field able to make head against him. The Bustangi Bashaw, that was Admiral, is now made Chief Vizier, and is appointed to go General both against the rebel and the Persian. He is a man like to ruin all committed to his charge: ignorant, rash, and much hated of the Turks for his bloody barbarism. One Giffor Bashaw, a renegado of Calabria, is now made Admiral. He is a man of more understanding than the other, which imports not much, except the Turk were stronger by sea than he is. He is so weak in maritime forces that he is unable to set above 70 galleys to sea, and those very ill in order. Pardon me that in my last letter I wrote an untruth, which was that the Turkie galleys were within sight of Taranto, which was not so. That report grew from a fearful error of the inhabitants of that place, who sent post upon post to Naples to advertise the Viceroy that the Turkie fleet did hover within sight of the town. In the end it proved to be the Venetian galleys. I trouble you with this excuse because I am so jealous of my reputation. All other matters stand just as they did. I shall know more of them at my being in Rome.— Naples, 24 June 1606, stilo veteri.
Holograph. 3 pp. (192. 98.)
Sir Arthur Capell to the Same.
1606, June 25. With a present of a buck. Acknowledges the Earl's favours to him and his poor children.—Haddham, 25 June 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 116.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1606, June 25. The last week I wrote unto you particularly of all things then occurring, since which time I have received 2 letters of yours with a packet out of Spain from his Majesty's Ambassador there, together with another private letter of your own hand concerning the desperate intentions of some in those parts, whereof another time I will speak more particularly unto you: this being only to let you know that the Queen's Majesty was delivered on Sunday last very early in the morning of a daughter, to our great comfort and joy if God had not otherwise disposed of her in calling her suddenly to His mercy the next day after her birth, she being christened before by the Dean of the Chapel. His Majesty takes this affliction in such sort as both he shows the part of a loving father and the duty of a good Christian by submitting himself patiently to God's holy ordinances, Who knoweth best what is fittest for us.
I thought good also to address this packet unto you for Sir Ch. Cornwallis, wherein he is directed to observe the same course about Capt. James Blont which was prescribed to you, namely first to acquaint the King how he stands accused here of the Gunpowder Treason; and that being summoned by you to come and answer it in England he peremptorily disobeyed but subtracted himself from thence, hoping to receive better support in Spain: by which act of his as he has confirmed the suspicion of his guiltiness in the treason so his Majesty leaves it to the King of Spain's discretion how to proceed with him there, his Majesty being loth further to engage himself in demanding him to be sent over, lest by receiving a denial (as in the person he had done) to put a greater scorn upon himself. If hereupon the King do not commit him at least he will banish him with disgrace; if he stay him, upon advertisement of it the Ambassador shall be further directed.—25 June, 1606.
Copy. 1¼ pp. (227. p. 247.)
Dorothy, Countess of Northumberland, to the Privy Council.
[1606, June 26]. Being advertised out of more than common rumour that my Lord shall be called to the Star Chamber, to which place as I am informed none comes but for misdemeanours, and are in all matters of that nature both made acquainted with what they shall be charged, and allowed counsel to advise and plead for them, I am warranted to crave for my Lord that justice which every ordinary subject may challenge, that he may not be surprised and locked up now when he least looks for any such strict course; but how or to what place so ever his hard fortunes have given suspicion of cause to bring him, I beseech you that he may have that justice due to any that is called to that Court, which for him is more needful in respect of his defect of hearing, by which he may receive disadvantage; which being confident in your justice I have no cause to fear.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "26 June, 1606." 1 p. (116. 117.)
Sir Charles Hales to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 26. There being urgent cause of the Earl of Cumberland's officers whom he employs in his affairs for the Grames' lands, I address the present packet to you, with the enclosed to his Honour.
The country grows toward great tranquillity, whereof this may be an argument, that this day the gaoler bringing me the calendar of his prisoners, I do not find one since the last delivery committed for felony other than such as were sent lately from London, and some few poor men of the Grames, fugitive soldiers from his Majesty's Cautionary Towns, brought in by Mr. John Musgrave, leader of the horsemen, since my coming into the country. So as the Grames being once removed, there will be little doubt of the increase of perfect peace in the country.—Carlisle, 26 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 118.)
William Squ[ie]r and Thomas Tiler to the Same.
1606, June 27. They acquainted him in March last with the great losses and imprisonment they have sustained since their taking in the Indies [by] Don Luiz Fajardo, General of the Ocean, and prayed relief. They hope ere long to be freed from their bonds, their companies from the oar, and their goods restored. Their owners, John Eldred and Robert Bromley, have informed them of Salisbury's extraordinary commiseration, for which they express their gratitude.
Their imprisonment disables them from any large relation of occurrences. The West India fleet of some 45 sail are daily expected; and the Hollanders lie about the Islands and this coast in divers squadrons, attending them. The Armado of Spain of 30 galleons have been abroad this month, hovering about this port every week, but effecting nothing: nor no likelihood of any naval battle this year, as was expected. Some report that certain Hollanders have met lately with Don Luis, being separated from most of his fleet, and either sunk or taken him; but certain it is he has had a great fight in his own ship. It is reported to their exceeding discomfort, that . . . . . . . and the Lord Chief Justice are extreme sick; but they are confident that God will so care for His holy Church and flourishing commonwealth . . . . . . . . shall not want for supporters when there is such necessity for them.—In Lisbon prisoners, 27 June, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. Damaged. (116. 119.)
Sir Thomas Gerard to the Same.
1606, June 27. Your great judgment motioned a better course for me than I for myself. If you will take knowledge of some particulars, it will much satisfy the gentleman, and more bind me. For my estate, where Sir Richard Molineux and I offer bond that my land is above 1,100l. by year, whereof a great part ancient unimproved rent, that you will say we will undergo no course which we may not with our credit maintain. For my age, which is much stood upon, that you will tell him how long my son has attended you in man's estate, and how many years you have known me in Court. For favour of me I refer to that most noble disposition you show to all that in true love depend upon you.—27 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 120.)
Dr. William Bruce to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 28. I wrote at my coming to the Court of my abode some time in Elbinge, to receive instructions from our merchants how to proceed in their affairs, and of the delivery of the King's letter to this King by a servant of the Prince of Emden's, who passed by land into England. Since which I have had no occasion to write, this King deferring from day to day his answer to my demands, pretending great cause of offence against the English nation, instigated by two of the same, Jeames Lewes and Jeames Hunte, being animated by the town of Dansk, who allege that the English Company usurp regality here and judicature without the King's licence, and have defrauded his customs these many years of more than one half, amounting to some tons of gold. They have informed his Majesty that the Englishmen in this town extend their trade for more than 500,000l. yearly, and that they bring into the country false and outstretched clothes; which caused his Majesty, who is a needy Prince, to be very earnest against them, both to inflict punishment and to have dissolved their Company. But I, assisted with our King's letters, have, as you may see by this King's answer, effected that all shall remain in his wonted manner, and that all abuses committed hitherto in the customs are remitted. Howbeit the King has ordained a Commission here for the better ordering of his customs, with declaration that no new order shall be induced without the consent of our merchants; for the regard he has to our King's intercession, of which the good King esteems so highly as you would wish, notwithstanding the reasons of estate and of his own profit alleged to make against the maintaining of this Company; he thinks our King to be therefore greatly obliged to him. You may wisely consider whether the standing thereof be of such importance to the estate that his Majesty may appear obliged for it. The King here is very desirous that the trade may be free, without any "astriction" to any place or any company; and it is thought fitter by many experimented men of trade, and less chargeable to the merchants, and most convenient for the concord betwixt our new united nations, because the Company would have our Scottishmen subject to their staple, to the which by no means we can make them give consent; which you may consider of for preventing further inconveniences. If his Majesty will have the staple maintained here, it were most expedient that an order be made that the factors or merchants here should not go to and fro and buy their wares in other places, but remain in the staple town until all wares be transported to them. I shall abide the King's and your resolution, and what you command shall be effectuated. Howbeit I may justly complain of this Company, who know that this year I have done more for them than anyone employed with public authority to assist them, at their great charges, and have not yet been gratified so much by them as the paper "allnost" [? almost, i.e. even to the cost of] I write for them; these good honest men here as factors referring all to their "wors" at London, who are unmindful of men absent that do them service; as they are indeed of their deputy here, called Francis Cokayne, who has had more trouble and charges for the Company this year than those who have been many years before: which I pray you consider of, and ordain in time to come until the trade be well settled I may be assisted, that after your direction I may show myself in this Court as becomes so great a King's servant.
These two other letters were sent me out of the Court after my departure hither. The one touches the Walachia. It were good you recommended the heirs of Mr. Bartonn, whilom Ambassador at Constantinople, his Majesty's poor subjects in London, that the King would procure the Prince of Walachia to pay them the 12,000l. or more owing to Bartonn by the Princes of Walachia, if he will have the King desist from his intercession; which sum, as I understand by Thomas Glover, was really lent by Bartonn to Aron, Prince of that country. You have here adjoined a relation of all the occurrents here and the next bye countries.—Elbinge, 28 June, 1606.
Signed: William Bruse. 2¼ pp. (116. 121.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 28. Salisbury has assured them many times, and of late by Mr. John Prouze, one of their burgesses, of his great favour towards them. The Earl of Bath has made full demonstration of his affection for their general welfare; and they beg Salisbury to return their thanks to the Earl and to entreat him to continue his former love in respecting their suits.—Exon, 28 June, 1606.
Signed: Henry Hull, Mayor; Wyll. Martyn, Recorder; Jo. Peryam; Wm. Martin; Nicholas Spicer; John Prouse; Waltar Borrowe; Hugh Crossinge; John Lant; John Howell. 1 p. (116. 122.)
William Udall to the Same.
[1606], June 28. Of his propositions and services.
Of all services I have most endeavoured the apprehending of Tesmond, and now I am persuaded that he is at Mr. Lacon's at Kinlett in Shropshire. Because I would not let such opportunities pass which that house and adjoining country yield, I desire upon the end of this term to spend some time in that country to inform you of further assurances of Tesmond's being in that house. I am assured, when the proclamation shall be expired, to discover and deliver those Jesuits in that country, whom at this present I could cause to be apprehended, if it were fitting to deal so before the proclamation for banishment be determined.
These countries of Worcestershire, Staffordshire and Warwickshire be most dangerous, being the countries I have been brought up in, so that my going there to my friends, being without all suspicion, I shall be able to effect acceptable service. If I were as fully assured of the secret places and the present state of Mr. Lacon's house, as I am persuaded that Tesmond and 2 other Jesuits are there, I would pray for a warrant to search the house; but I desire to take more particular view of that place, as it is 20 years since I was in that house.
Gerrard the Jesuit and Fulwood his man are constantly reported to be about London. The Archpriest and they lie about Thames Street, and have intercourse by water. My ability cannot attend upon the water any longer.
I have caused all the prints that in England were offensive to be discovered. Two of them are sold by stationers here in London, which were brought out of Warwickshire. I beg that the money which was made of those prints may be delivered to them which lost the prints, and have discovered two others since.
There are 3 prints in Staffordshire at Sir Walter Chetwin's, one of Henry Oven's, another of La. Warren's now in the Tower, and the third of one Fowler's. There is practising to buy those prints, and Sir Walter has offered them to be sold. It were convenient they were sent for and disposed of here.
The offer which the priests and lay Catholics made in that paper which I enclosed to you was and is to be presented to his Majesty by Mr. John Digby, one of his Majesty's carvers. That business is negotiated by his uncle, who wrote that which I sent to you. Young Digby's place, person and disposition is much applauded by some discontented humours.
I desire to give you greatest satisfaction. My endeavours have been chargeable to me and my friends. If you favour my intended courses I doubt not but to satisfy you in short time.—28 June.
PS.—I was the first and only means who made known the most lewd and indirect dealings of Henry Kiene and Anthony Hickmote, for which they are both prisoners in the King's Bench. Of Henry Kiene there is no use at all to be made. Hickmote may be used for many discoveries, especially for Fulwood and Gerrard the Jesuit. Hickmote makes offer upon good securities to endeavour the discovery of Gerrard and Fulwood betwixt this and the next term. If direction might be given upon especial good sureties for Anthony Hickmote to be enlarged till the next term, there is some probability of good service to be effected.—
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2½ pp. (116. 123.)
The Knights of the Fortunate Island.
[1606, June 28]. An answer by the descendants of Amadis de Gaule, Donzell del Phibo, Palmerin d'Oliva and Ascaparte de Hage to the challenge concerning points of chivalry and love from the errant knights of the Fortunate Island, serving men to the Destinies.
Endorsed: "1606. Chalenge." 2 pp. (140. 159.)
[See Calendar of S. P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 319, and Nichols, Progresses of James I, Vol. II, pp. 51, 52.]
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], June 28. Because I will not trouble the rest of the Lords, I pray you inform of my answer to one point, which I had forgot when you laid it to my charge as act of indiscretion, which was my taking of a footman that was Tresham's. The footman was my man when I was committed, and had been two years with me, so as he had not been Tresham's man in two years at the least before the beginning of these troubles, or that these matters did break forth of Tresham's treasons.—28 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1602" [sic]. 1 p. (192. 100.]
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1606, June 28. Sends some examinations delivered him by Lord Arundell of some officers of the regiment. They serve to confirm his former information that Arundell and Sir Griffin Markam, who have been chief officers of the regiment, have carefully and dutifully opposed themselves against the lewd proceedings of the ill instruments here.
The bearer, Capt. Orme, is reported of the best sufficiency of any English captain in these parts. He was at first exceedingly sought unto by the Jesuits who so far wrought upon him as they drew him to change his religion. From that they dealt with him for embarking into other courses, which made him better understand them and the fruits of their religion and resolve to abhor both the one and the other. Since they procured his discharge they have tried him with new offers for staying him here but his desire (if he may obtain Salisbury's favour) is to serve on the other side. He will acquaint Salisbury at large in what practices he has been dealt with and what he will undertake to perform if it shall be liked of.—28 June, 1606.
Copy. 1½ pp. (227. p. 248.)
[Portion of the original which is in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Thomas Musgrave to "Thomas Musgrave his brother."
1606, June 29. Of his brother's "last troublesome affairs," and arrival in London. Congratulates him on the result. Laments his brother's long silence. Hopes that now his brother is at liberty, he will procure for him some little means from his father. His letter to his sister Doritie will show how easily it may be sent. This performed, he trusts to be no longer troublesome to any. The bearer will "delay" at large his whole state and proceeding. Sends his duty to his father and mother, and commends himself to his brother, his sister-in-law, and his sister Morgan and her husband.—29 June, 1606.
PS.—He has not a penny in his purse, and begs his brother to repay the bearer three shillings which he borrowed of him. Commendations from Uncle George.
Holograph. 2 pp. (116. 125.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Lord Norreys.
[1606], June 29. Although my own desire is such to h[ave] my former friendship with you, and your letter so full of verbal promises of as much as any man can desire (concerning your affection to my niece) as I had rather keep myself upon the terms of expostulation with you than of any absolute conclusion of injurious proceedings, the consequence whereof must be the like interpretation and returns from her friends which you in your own conscience would impose upon yourself to use to others in the like case; yet where all things that are visible to the world discover contrary affections to private professions, and where the effects thereof fall out to be so bitter as both honour and life are in evident danger, [you] must resort to your own judgment for [your] proceedings, as honour and justice [require] of you. The news for the present are these, that the . . . . . . that you mentioned to have left in a li[ttle] box (for I use your own words) is now destroyed with the work of your own hand, for your wife being not only broken in heart with your usage, but wounded with your harsh dealing in dividing her from her child, and leaving it to she knows not whom, is sent to her bed with an abort, and is not unlikely to send her from thence to her grave. I am entreated to desire you to send her up your child, for that is the comfort she desires. If you desire to keep it, you may dispense with that great kindness until you can brook the mother, otherwise according to my plainness I must be bold to tell you that the world may suspect that all the kindness pretended to the one . . . . from ill affection to both. To conclude, you shall not need to doubt that her friends (knowing what they do) intend to put the mother upon you by any persuasion, but rather resolve to stand for that right for her in other things which law and reason can procure her; to which if you were much greater, this just time will compel you.—From the Court, 29 June. "Your lordship's friend as cause shall be given me."
Signed and corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1606. Copy to my Lord Norreys." 1½ pp. (116. 126.)
Sir John Parker to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 29. Encloses what he means to present to the King for relief of his decayed estate. If Salisbury likes thereof, he will declare the nature of his suit; if otherwise, he will retire to his charge in Cornwall, where not able to live as he would, he will content himself as he may, and shape his coat according to his cloth.—29 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 127.)
Sir Anthony Grenewaye to Henry Alyxander, one of his Majesty's equerries ("equiers").
[1606], June 30. Sends a horse by the bearer his groom, which he wishes Alyxander to sell for him. Last of June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (116. 128.)
Humfrey Flyntt to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 30. I have been at Havering with his Majesty, according to your letter, and he appoints to lie at Theoballs on Thursday night, and so to hunt on Friday both at Theoballs Park and Cheston. I desire to know whether the King's bed shall stand up still or no, because the last time that his Majesty came you caused it to be taken down.—From Court at Havering, last of June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 129.)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Same.
1606, June 30. The Attorney General's place cannot be vacant without great prejudice to his Majesty's causes, specially now in the end of the term, when many things are to be dispatched in his name and by his hand. Every day shows the want, and the more days pass so the worse it will be. Although I presumed not to commend any, yet I am bound to be a remembrancer that the place be supplied so soon as may be.—30 June, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (116. 130.)
John Jennings to William Mathews.
1606, June 30. Good William, I commend me most heartily to yourself, your bedfellow, and all the rest of our friends. The cause of my writing is to give you to understand that I with the rest unto whom you commend yourself are in good health and took it very kindly that you once sent unto us. We have indeed sent very often unto you, but never before this received any letter from you. I understand that my sister is not as yet placed; truly I am very sorry, for if she should be without service any time it will grow chargeable for herself and no less for her friends; wherefore I pray you make some endeavour to hearken her out some good place, and what charges you are at with her I will discharge unto you; but conditionally that she will be ruled by you, as I doubt not will be for her good. I have here sent your bedfellow a small token, and as for yourself I have nothing; but God willing at my coming over, which will not be now long I hope, for if I come not the next year then will it be two years before I can come, for then my prenticeship will be ended and then will I find something that shall requite your kindness towards my poor sisters in my absence, which I take as kindly as if done to myself.—From Brussells the last of June, the year of our Lord, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (119. 15.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Edward Coke, Attorney-General.
[1606. Before June 30]. I pray you look over your letter and send me word whether there want not the word "not" where I have marked . . .—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606."
Note by the Attorney-General.—The plain song is, Mr. Leonard is either to release his right in these manors, or else to give 4000l. to be made baron, therefore there must not be this negative (not), for seeing he will give 4,000l. or his release, I desire the 4,000l. may be taken, for his release is of no value, for the manors are the King's own. All this is sub sigillo confessionis, only that his Majesty may know it.
Unsigned. 1 p. (119. 81.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606. Before June 30]. Two letters:—
(1) Mr. Justice Fenner has been with me, and with much grief fears some complaint has been made to you, which has taken such an impression as he is likely to lose his circuit instantly. I find not only the old man to be much perplexed, but the rest of the judges in some sort to begin to apply this precedent to themselves. His suit is that if any such complaint be made, he may be admitted to his answer before any proceeding be had against him concerning his circuit. I know him to be of religion, an upright man and very well learned. For Mr. Justice Tanfield there is a circuit in Wales near to Mr. Baron Snigge and as profitable as the long circuit he now has; if Mr. Baron Snigg has that, Mr. Justice Tanfield may have the circuit and all parties pleased.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Attorney General, 1606." 1 p. (193. 9.)
(2) I have perused this enclosed, which you delivered to me this morning. Whereas I am directed to except felonies in the middle shires of Great Britainye, it cannot be so excepted in that generality, for it will not appear which will be the middle shires, for a jury of England and Scotland cannot yet join. And for many respects I think such a proviso would be very offensive; and as little innovation as could be to clip the pardon were, as you know, the best. But if it be thought fit to have any exception, it is best to except them by especial name that are the chiefest offenders.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Attorney, 1606." 1 p. (193. 11.)
The Enclosure:
That felonies in the middle shires of Great Brittanye may be exempted by special proviso from the benefit of the general pardon this Parliament; considering how horrible offences, as murders, stealths and spoils, remain yet unpunished.—Undated.
Partly in Salisbury's hand. ½ p. (193. 10.)
— to Lord —.
[1606. ? June]. By the establishment now sent over to his lordship, or signed by his Majesty, the number of the commissaries for the Musters there are reduced to 4, as thought to be a sufficient number for the army as now diminished. Amongst them one John Maynard was recommended by the writer. He now serves as commissary for Munster, and has honestly discharged his duty. The writer prays his lordship that Maynard may be chosen one of the 4.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1601" (sic). ½ p. (90. 51.)
[See Calendar of S.P. Ireland; 1603–1606, p. 494.]
The Turkey Merchants to Levinus Munck.
[1606, June]. We are much bound to my Lord of Salisbury for his care in dealing with the Duke of Florence's agent about those hard courses which his master takes in setting out our English ships and mariners against the Turks, which has bred our factors much trouble, and cost us great sums of money. But now we understand by my Lord that the Duke will proceed no farther in those courses, seeing it so prejudicial to our merchants; and that he will restore such captives of the Turks as he has at Leghorn, for which there be many of our nation remaining captives at Argier. Our suit is that my Lord would be a means to the Duke that those 20 Turks which Captain Jefford enticed aboard his ship at Bugia, (a place near and under the government of Argier), under the flag of peace, offering them trade, as English merchants; which 20 he brought to Leghorn at his return from Argier, when he attempted there to burn their galleys; for which 20 Turks they of Argier retain 20 Englishmen in captivity until these Turks be restored, besides 9 Englishmen which were executed, and much money taken from us merchants for that fact: that the Duke would deliver those 20 to Edward Turner, merchant, resident at Leghorn or Pesa, when Turner shall find passage for them to Argier, that thereby the 20 Englishmen may be liberated. To this effect the King has already written to the Duke. We desire to have a letter from the agent to his master, as he has promised to the King in the Duke's name to deliver these Turks.—Undated.
Endorsed: "June 1606. The request of the Turkey merchants." ½ p. (116. 131.)
Sir John Ramsey.
[1606, June]. Extract from Sir John Ramsey's grant of arms for services in connexion with the Gowrie (fratrum Gawrianorum) conspiracy, viz.—Insignia nobilissima dedimus: avita aquilæ suæ ensem adjecimus manu valida vibratum, et per centrum cruenti cordis transmissum, mucrone corona regia coronato, cum hoc prænobili et memorando elogio, Haec dextera vindex Principis et patriæ. (fn. 2)
Latin. Endorsed: "1606. Sir John Ramsey his tytle." ½ p. (119. 68.)
Florence McCarthy to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606. [Before July]. Two letters:—
(1) I cannot certainly learn what the committees have determined concerning Donell McCarthy's demands, whereupon if your lordship and the rest shall think fit to have the country of Carbrie surrendered, my desire is that I may assent thereunto, and that there may be equal division made of the lands, that each of his may hold his portion of his Majesty, which the State ever held most necessary, and were always hitherto accustomed to do in the like surrenders; as appears by the precedents of the countries of Thomond, Dowalla, Bere and Beantrie, both the Analies, and the Brehny, which with every other country where the ancient custom was extinguished, were by the State ever divided between those that were in controversy, and to succeed one another as we are. Whereof none had such conditions to show as I, who have the said Donell's bond for 10,000l. Wherefore I beseech your favour, that upon sufficient sureties I may have some liberty to follow this business and for the better recovery of my health, which by 5 years' imprisonment is much decayed, that I may be permitted to go with a keeper to speak in defence of my right.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (119. 34.)
(2) Being by letters from you and the rest hastened to answer Donell McCarthy's petition, which was sent me, I was by reason of my restraint constrained to make answer without assistance of any learned counsel. As the matter is referred to the hearing of the Lord Carew and Sir Roger Wilbraham, I beseech you that I may have liberty within what limits you shall think fit. I understand that since the said reference Sir Anthony Ashley laboured a Sunday last in your absence, at the earnest suit of the said Donell, to have the Lord Chief Justice included in the referment. My desire therefore is that your lordship may signify your mind concerning me to the Lord Carew, that I may not be disinherited for Donell's pleasure. He never did her late Majesty any service, being a man of so little sense, credit, or authority in his country, as he was never able to do any rebel nor subject good or hurt, nor to bring six men into the field in all those wars. He would rather aid his brother-in-law James McThomas that is in the Tower, and the other brother that is in Spain, than any other, having with mine own eyes seen his son and heir and his wife, their sister, with them, when a little after my landing in Ireland the Council of Munster sent me to allure some of their forces from the rebels.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (119. 35.)
[See Calendar of S.P. Ireland, 1603–1606, p. 507.]
Sir Edward Coke, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606. After June 30]. Two letters:—
(1) I have cursorily run over this answer to my treatise De jure regis ecclesiastico, and for that your leisure will not serve to read over all that tedious bundle or bladder full of words, may it please you to read but those few leaves that are turned in (wherein the life of all in effect consists) and observe that I vouch nothing but judgments given in the King's Courts (and recorded in our books of law) with the grave advice and consideration of the judges of the realm in all ages. And either he denies the books which are all extant and in print or says he has not the books or imagines some secret agreement between the Pope and the Kings of England that his Bulls should not be executed in England, etc.; all which are perspicuously false. Of this I thought it my duty to inform you, because I think the author of this answer has given no small wound to his side. For my position was that the King of England have [sic] full jurisdiction as well [in] ecclesiastical as temporal causes to deliver justice in both cases to all his subjects, and that the Pope had never by the laws of this realm any power ecclesiastical or temporal in any matter of judicature in this realm, where I dealt only with our municipal laws, none of which he has answered.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Lord Coke [sic] to my Lord." 1 p. (118. 132.)
(2) What my opinion has been in this that is now made a question, you know, and so it continues without scruple, albeit I hear some have given out that in private I have delivered one opinion and in public another. But God is my witness I never spake but what I thought, nor ever thought it worthy a question amongst learned men. We were this day so ill placed and had so many leaning upon us, as none of us could take any certain notes, but must trust our memories, and what they be, we that have found them unfaithful stewards that have not yielded always a certain reckoning, best know. It is my Lord Chief Justice's place to speak in the name of us all, who will do it as effectually as may be. And yet seeing I am commanded by his Majesty (which is to me suprema lex), I will not only confer with him, but be prepared for the whole and add so much as shall be necessary. But a troublesome standing in such a confusedness as we did to-day will hinder much that which is expected at our hands; for they that speak for the Lower House have quiet and good places: and being out of sight, [we] were, though we said nothing, exceedingly much disquieted.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Lord Coke" [sic]. 1 p. (193. 12.)
Captains Leisagh Conor or O'Connor and Richard Owen to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606. Before July 1]. The King granted them a pension out of the Irish exchequer, and the late Earl of Devon directed Mr. Watson to pay them here out of the treasure issuing for Ireland; but through the Earl's death they cannot now obtain it. They beg for payment, with arrears due.—Undated.
Note by Tho. Watson: They received the pension till the last of September 1605. Payment was discontinued because they have been in the country and have made no demand till now.— July 1, 1606.
Petition. 1 p. (192. 100 (2).)


  • 1. This is the writer who signs himself more usually N.W.
  • 2. According to Sir Robert Douglas, Peerage of Scotland (2nd ed. 1813), Vol. I, pp. 675, 676, the following arms were granted to Sir John Ramsay on 11 June 1606 when created Viscount of Haddington and Lord Ramsay of Barns: Parted per pale, on the dexter side of the shield an arm issuing from the dexter side, the hand holding a sword erect piercing a heart and supporting on the point the crown of Scotland; on the sinister, an eagle displayed with two heads charged on the breast with a crescent.