Cecil Papers: June 1606, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1606, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp155-167 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1606, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp155-167.

"Cecil Papers: June 1606, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp155-167.

June 1606, 1-15

Lord Cromwell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 1. Being here at Lyrpoole, at the water side ready for my passage, I am informed of many very distasteful news, that the Bishop of Down makes challenge to part of the principal house; and that there are many leases made for life of the chiefest parts of the land, which are covenanted by my Lord of Devonshire to be made free to me without exception; besides many other impediments, whereof I am like to feel the future danger; as also how to keep that rebellious nation in quiet without some means of authority, the only bridle to that uncivil people amongst whom I am to reside, being far from my Lord Deputy and all civil administration. I acquaint the Countess [of Devonshire] and his lordship's executors more particularly of what I have already heard of the former; and for the other I wholly rely upon you and their wisdoms who have made an establishment there. I beseech your honourable word to the Countess on my behalf.— Leverpoole, 1 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 78.)
Sir John Radclyffe to the Same.
[1606], June 1. Expresses his thanks to Salisbury for having obtained by his means "my desire in the transferring of Captain Arthere's company for myself".—Hage, 1 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. Sir John Radcliff" and the following list of names: Sir Jho. Radlyff, Sir R. Fenning, Sir Jho. [or Tho.] Samell, Sir Ed. Michelbon, Sir Charles Hally, Sir Samuell Somers, Sir Stephen Soam, Sir Jho. Byron, Sir H. Sackferd, Sir Jhon. Palmer, Sir R. Boyle, Sir S. Willoughby, Sir R. Yaxley, Sir Ja. Perrott, Sir Patrick Barnwel, Sir Ed. Manxwell. 1 p. (116. 79.)
Captain A. Ersfeild to the Same.
[1606], June 2. Here is a ship come from Lisbon, which with all others has been there restrained for 10 weeks, by reason of a fleet of 28 sail should not be discovered that were rigging and preparing for the wafting their Indies fleet; which by their advices is to come home this year. There was freighted 3 carricks, but the rumour of the States' fleet upon their coast made them all to be unladen, and to be moored up for another year. The merchant of the ship likewise informs that this fleet of about 30 sail of the States are coming home, and now within the narrow seas; and that they are bringing of a carrick home which they have taken. More, that there was an Englishman of Weymouth that had commission from the States, that was encountered by 3 of the King's galleys. He continued his fight so well as he killed the Admiral and many of his people; never yielding until all his were slain to 6. In the end he compounded for their lives, who all notwithstanding as soon as they came ashore were executed. He tells me that while he was at Lisbon divers carvels came in, of which one was the King's, and that great joy was made for her safety, being esteemed worth two millions of treasure.—Portsmouth, 2 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 80.)
Sir Richard Verney to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], June 2. I hold it my duty not to be a concealer of the hard usage that I undergo. As I was diligent to perform the duty that appertained to my place, in the time of this late rebellion in Warwickshire, so have I hastened to give an exact account. But when I came to take into my account the charge of those goods of the traitors which remained in my custody, according to the valuation they were rated at by selected commissioners purposely sent, I am restrained so to do by a warrant from the Lord Treasurer; and the reason is given because the King has disposed of them otherwise. Whatever I have brought to the King's benefit I found out by my extraordinary charge and assistance of my friends and kinsmen, all being beforehand conveyed either under water, or hid in the ground, or removed into remote places. The worth of them, besides the price that is imposed on them, is not to be accounted of. Only herein I merited more than ordinary. The favour usual to men in that place of service is denied me, whereof the country where I live are the beholders. Pardon me that I complain of so mean a matter, which for the worth of it is not worth the least part of your thought to redress. But what discouragement it may breed in others' hearts I submit to your wisest judgment.—June 2.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (116. 81.)
Lord Sheffield to the Same.
1606, June 2. He asks for the return of examinations touching the Inglebyes and Sycklemore the priest, now in restraint at Durham, which he will have special use of at his being in the country.—Lodging in Westminster, 2 June, 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (116. 82)
James I to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1606, June 3. Certain of our subjects of Scotland who have debts due unto them by the town of Bruges and territory of Frank by good and public evidence, allowed also and confirmed by the Duke of Parma, late governor of those provinces for the King of Spain, have made suit unto us to recommend their cause to our brother the Archduke, to desire his favour in their payment; which we would willingly have done but that we know that such commendations are easily forgotten except they be often renewed by somebody whose solicitation may have authority in it. Wherefore for pity of the poor men's estate and great desire to have them satisfied, we have thought it the best way to charge you with the care of their cause, which will be opened unto you by this bearer whom they send purposely to attend it, from whom we require you to take information of the particulars and from time to time in our name to importune both the said Archduke and such of his Council as it may concern, and all others by whom they may sooner obtain their payment.—3 June, 1606.
Copy. ¾ p. (227. p. 235.)
Viscount Fenton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 3. I received your letter, and fearing that which I have found in the same I directed my brother (with the copy of his Majesty's letter) to you. You may dispose of it as shall seem best in your wisdom, only let me entreat your favourable dispatch. I doubt not you will think I have deserved this or something else, as shall seem best to his Majesty.—Okkin, 3 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 83)
Lord Roos to the Same, his uncle.
1606, June 3. Since my being abroad I have received so much honour by your name, that I do not know how I may presume to use it to my profit. My curiosity in acquainting myself with the better sort of those of the Religion (where your name is in so great respect), gave such occasion to the engaging of my affections to a lady, widow of the late Duke of Latremoulle, that if she had been of a meaner birth or lesser wealth, and of such quality as would have been glad to be graced with an alliance in that house which your name makes so much respected abroad, I might perhaps have gone about to marry her unadvisedly, to satisfy my own passion. But weighing those parts which in reason make her of the more worth, I considered that without your assistance I should in vain intend such a matter; and that the case was such as deserves only to be effected by him to whom I desire to be most beholding. If she had nothing but those qualities of body and mind which divers other gentlewomen have, I would have given course to my affection; but such being her birth, quality, wealth and rank she holds here, I had so much wit as to think that she was not to be carried with a simple love; since all that my friends could desire me to seek after in her whom they would wish me to marry (honourable birth, piety, wealth, and what else one can desire of fortune) concur in this object, whither first my affections carried me, and reason after resolved me. I beseech you, as one of my nearest and most honoured parents, to vouchsafe to assist me. She is a foreigner, but Protestant, and so depending of our State. I will rather die than affect anything which may give any distaste to his Majesty, or displeasure to my friends. I mean well to his Majesty's service in it, which makes me beseech you to obtain hereunto his Majesty's consent. I remit myself wholly to your will. If you will have me to cease, your letter shall have power of my strongest passions. I hope to receive contentment in your answer.—Paris, 3 June, 1606.
Holograph. 3 pp. (116. 84.)
Captain Anthony Ersfeild to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], June 3. The fleet of Hollanders that have been upon the coast of Spain since about Shrovetide are now come to an anchor before Portsmouth. They are returned very rich in money and sugars, having had the spoil of many ships and carvels, but of never a carrick, though in my last I informed you otherwise. They held good quarter with those they took, neither killing nor drowning any, but set them ashore, ransacking their ships and then burning them. The Admiral of this fleet does not suffer any of his captains or mariners to come ashore; only desires to be relieved with fresh victual, having missed the supply that was sent them to the coast, which the Admiral is much troubled with, insomuch as it was debated whether they should go back again; but the uncertainty of finding their victuallers makes them resolve presently to keep their course homewards. I understand the Indies merchants have been at the charge of this fleet; their chiefest end being to break the traffic of the Spaniard into the Indies, which they say is effected, in that their carricks are hindered from going this year. They are unwilling to confess that they once heard of the Spanish fleet that went from Lisbon; but it is very sure they did, about the 8th of May.—Portsmouth, 3 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 85.)
The Same to the Same.
[1606], June 4. Yesterday I advertised you of the States fleet that was resolved to have held their course for home. This morning there are come unto them two ships from Holland, that gave them directions to return for the coast of Spain. The Admiral has been with me to have liberty to bring into our harbour all his fleet to trim and make clean. I have given him some delay, till I may hear from you what course I may run with him. They desire great expedition, and would have 8 of their ships come in at a time; but I have not yielded to above 3 or 4. I beseech you that I may presently receive your directions.— Portsmouth, 4 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 87.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, June 4]. The Jesuits have so far prevailed as to have procured the revocation of the Pope's Nuncio from hence because he would not run course with them in their passionate practices. Thereof he himself had no foreknowledge till the commandment was sent to him to his no small astonishment. There is appointed to come in his room a late created Bishop of the house of Caraffa in the territory of Naples. There is nothing the Jesuits now so much labour as the excommunicating of his Majesty, but such as pretend to be more temperate desire the Pope would first mediate with the French King and the King of Spain to intercede with his Majesty on behalf of the Catholics and offer that the Pope should procure the revocation of all the Jesuits in England.—Undated.
Copy. ¾ p. (227. p. 236.)
[Portion of the original which is in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Sir Thomas Shirley to the Same.
1606, June 4. He renews his last year's suit, which was referred by the King to Salisbury and others. Hearing Salisbury thought it unproportionable, he has reformed it in such sort as he hopes will be to his liking and for the benefit of the King. He has entreated an honourable person to deliver to Salisbury the particulars of it, and begs his favour.—4 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 88 (1).)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney-General, to the Same.
[1606, June 6]. There was in Queen Elizabeth's time granted a monopoly to Tyler concerning searching of vinegar, soap, hops, etc.; which patent was sought to be supported by George, Lord Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain, but it was resolved to be void in law. But yet many poor citizens were afflicted by it. And now, as I am informed, some of the City have gotten that patent. In regard whereof the soapmakers, being a great and good trade, have sued to his Majesty to be incorporated of themselves, for the better order of the trade (as almost all other companies in London are); and his Majesty has granted their suit; and gave me warrant to draw a book, which I accordingly drew, and had special care that thereby the City should have no prejudice or loss of authority. But in truth it evacuates the monopoly and prevents any other. This poor company fear that some that claim interest in that monopoly have made means to stay this new grant at the privy seal. They importuned me to signify to you my knowledge herein; which I refer to your consideration.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "6 June, 1606." 1 p. (116. 88 (2).)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [Captain A. Ersfeild].
[1606, June 6]. Concerning the States' fleet which is upon that coast and the Admiral's desire to have leave to bring his ships into the harbour to trim and make clean; I must refer you for your best direction both to the Articles of the Peace between us and Spain and to our former Proclamations published in that behalf; his Majesty's meaning and practice being, out of the rules of neutrality, to afford the States no more or less than is allowed to Spain. And therefore, forasmuch as in the 10th Article it is allowable for Spain and the Archdukes that their ships of war may come into our ports, driven thither by force of tempest, or for repairing their ships, or for provision of victuals, so as they exceed not the number of 6 or 8 when they come in of their own accord; or whensoever any greater number of ships should have occasion of access, then they are to ask leave of his Majesty before they come in; with other such conditions as are more amply specified in the said Article; you cannot do amiss to suffer the States to enjoy the like liberty, by permitting 8 of their ships at a time to come in, according to the Admiral's desire, and to the instance here made by Sir Noel Caron, the States Minister. In the admitting of which you are to observe these cautions; first, that it be no prejudice to the safety of the place itself, for although in civil construction we have no cause to be jealous of the States, yet in consideration of state, we must not abandon that just regard which is due to ourselves; secondly that they stay no longer there than of necessity they must for their refection; and thirdly, that they carry from thence no other victuals or provisions than is limited by his Majesty's proclamation in that behalf, which is to serve them but for 8 to 10 days at the most. All which particulars you are carefully to observe for avoiding of scandal to the other side. And seeing now you know his Majesty's resolution to keep an even hand between them, if any more difficulties arise, you may. advertise us with speed.—Undated.
Copy in hand of Thomas Wilson. Endorsed: "6 June, 1606. Copy of my Lord's letter to Mr. Eresfield at Portsmouth." 2 pp. (116. 89.)
Lisle Cave to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 7. He understands by the Earl of Exeter of Salisbury's favour towards him, and encloses a petition to the Council which he begs him to further. A former petition was referred to the Lord Treasurer, who told him he thought him worthy to have a pension during life. This will be but a breathing to himself, and no benefit to his children, which he chiefly seeks for. If the Council resolve on a pension, he begs that it may be paid out of the customs of London quarterly, commencing at Michaelmas last, when his office and fee ceased. If the King associate him with Sir Michael Stanhope in the licence for wools, he will forbear his pension during the time of his licence.— London, 7 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 90.)
Sir Michael Stanhope to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], June 8. In the late Queen's time I had a patent for bringing in of Spanish hat wools. It was the best reward of my service that I then had. Since his Majesty's reign I never received profit thereby, my patent remaining yet in force for many years. You told me that none other should pass it from me. I have forborne to make suit therein, by reason of the Parliament, being loth to minister matter of offence. I now hear there be some suitors for the same. I beseech that I may not receive both the loss and disgrace thereof. I have had unlooked for losses.—June 8.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 91.)
Warham Jemmett to the Same.
1606, June 8. Thanks him for continuing his occupancy of 34 acres of land within Canterbury Park pale; which he first had from his late dear master Lord William Cobham. Sends him 2 small Fordwich trouts.—Canterbury, 8 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 92.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Same.
1606, June 8. Hugh Owin besides the circumstance of de anteacta vita (his finger having been in all the treasons of latter times) and qui semel est malus semper presumitur esse malus in eodem genere mali; Thomas Winter in general, and Guy Faukes in every particular, directly accuse him of the powder treason, and that he took the oath of secrecy; and that Owyn remembered to Fauks a like motion to have been made for blowing up of the Parliament House in the late Queen's time, and vouched Morgan for the same. This man is attainted of high treason by Parliament, upon hearing particularly the proofs against him. After this proceeding and judgment in Parliament, it were a desperate advent to make "etc." [sic] judges thereof. It were good to send the Ambassador at Bruxels the Act of Parliament of his attainder. For the whole examinations cannot be sent over; and to send over parts thereof by fraction will be subject to exception, seeing the hand of the party accusing shall not be to it. I have not these examinations here at Stoke, but I will be at London towards the end of this week (albeit change of the air has wrought some change of my body), and then if you command a more particular relation of the accusation, you may have it.
For any proceedings in the King's Bench to countenance the ministers unconformable, I know of none, and therefore I will rather presume the best of so reverend a Court, than believe a report of some that perhaps is not acquainted with the state of the case. I think you have done an honourable work to further the incorporation of the Soapmakers, for they otherwise, I fear, would have been afflicted with an unlawful patent, as formerly I wrote. For the last part of your letters, I will, as I was required, provide myself to have all things in readiness against the time appointed, according to the course that has been prescribed.— 8 June, 1606, Stoke.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 93.)
Sir William Godolphin to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, June 9]. Had not your care prevented my necessity, I must have misspent this afternoon in trying my credit amongst the merchants, as I did the morning. To-morrow I am resolved to wait upon the Prince, and at night to attend your directions at Court, that I may free myself of this town on Wednesday; which, if my life did lie upon this expedition, is the uttermost haste I can possibly make in this idle time of holidays. Pardon me if I renew my suit for your literal instructions, which will add more grace to my employment, than any ability of my own. For matter of show, I must confess that I am a little ambitious of some borrowed bravery to supply my defects, yet cannot press to you to adventure with me more than the value of my poor estate.—Westminster, Monday evening.
Holograph. Endorsed: "10 June 1606." 1 p. (192. 92.)
Lord Cromwell to the Same.
1606, June 10. I have received, according to your establishment sent hither, 30 foot, which because they are to lie far from me, will be much disordered without an officer to oversee them. Therefore my Lord Deputy has allowed one in pay, until he shall be warranted further thereto by you; because the same exceeded the verbal list of your order. I beseech you confirm the same, granting me either an ensign, or at least a sergeant, to them in pay.—Downe Patrick in Lecale, 10 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 94.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Same.
1606, June 10. This money for Ireland is to be sent thither by Midsummer day. The sum is 12,000l. Irish, which makes 9,000l. English. I have therefore this night sent for William Garway and told him that I must have 6,000l. of his 12,000l. to be paid into the Receipt to-morrow, which he has promised to do; and then we shall be able to set forward this pay for Ireland, which of all other I have most care of; for we may not irritate armies, nor hazard the loss of kingdoms. I have also (the rather to move them to this present payment) sent my warrant to Mr. Attorney to cause the book to be presently drawn for them. I have told them that there is a loan of 2,000l. more for a knight greatly affected by his Majesty, named Sir Richard Weston, which they may not deny. They have much to grumble at that, but I have plainly told them that otherwise it will be no bargain. If you stand hard upon it, there is no doubt it will be obtained, which I do infinitely desire, because his Majesty thereby will be well pleased.—10 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 95.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 11. I return you your papers, having read them all, in which I see the anatomy of many miseries for lack of money. My best comfort is that now it is at the worst, and will daily grow better. I sent for Bingley to have had conference with him and Sir Richard Coke touching the coin, wherein the Lord Deputy plainly discovers his desire to reduce Irish and English coin to one rate for his own private benefit. All policy of state having since the Conquest made a difference therein betwixt this Crown "regnant" and that realm "obeisant," I have sent a messenger for Bingley, who is 14 miles hence, to be with me to-morrow; and then Sir Richard Coke and I will debate this matter to the last breath; for I long to hear what reasons can be made to make the coin of England and Ireland all one. But our special debate shall be for the reducing of the 2 several values to one, which now are by proclamation several; namely the Irish shilling at the rate of 12d. to all the subjects, and at the rate of 16d. to the King's Majesty in the receipt of his rents. This is without all good order or reason, as I conceive it. But we will debate it, and then I will come armed unto you.—Wednesday, 11 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 96.)
Sir W. Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Same.
1606, June 11. In that information which I perceive by some of my Lords has been given forth of so great repair to the two censured Lords, if there has been any colour to raise that report, I am the more to be blamed, because such confluence of friends should be altogether without my privity. But I dare confidently affirm there was no access to either of any person, but one or two of their servants and young children, for which leave was granted long since; and my Lord Mordant desired he might take his last farewell of a sister of his that was going into the country, and out of the world, by opinion of the physicians, being far entered into a consumption. My Lord Compton's servant that brought your warrant was twice denied to come into the Tower in my absence; and his lordship can testify how hardly he had access to the Lord Mordant yesterday, while I was attending on your lordships. I crave in any like report hereafter the old common request, that one ear may be reserved for me.—11 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 97.)
— to Lord Haddington, Gentleman of the King's Bedchamber.
[After 11 June, 1606]. Details charges against Salisbury and his followers, more particularly in his dealings through the Court of Wards. If a rebellion should happen, their insolent actions will be the cause.—Undated.
[Parts of the letter are underlined and there is a marginal note by Salisbury: "this is part of my fawlt."]
Seal. Endorsed: "Ja. 1. Lybell against Lord Salisbury and Burghley," and in another hand: "Leave this letter at one Mr. Dro'comontes lodging at a French goldsmith's near Charing Cross to be sent with all speed unto my Lord as before." 2 pp. (140. 121.)
Sir William Godolphin to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 12. I am now at Dover provided of a bark, the wind good for Calais, and attending nothing but the next tide. I wish I were as confident of my ability to do his Majesty effectual service, as I will be careful to do my best endeavours. This day Du Jerdin, secretary as I think to Monsieur Beaumont, took his passage out of this port for France with other gentlemen in his company; so that I fear they may give notice of the King's intention to send over, which I might willingly have prevented if it had lain in my power. But the best is that he shall not be at Paris long before me, if this wind continue some few hours. The King's pinnace lay so far off in the Downs as it had been loss of time to expect her, neither does it trouble me to miss the security of her convoy for any other respect than of the great adventure which you bear with me. That makes me value my safety more than I was accustomed. But there is small danger in this short cut, especially as the times are now.—Dover, Thursday, 12 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 98.)
Sir Julius Caesar to the Same.
1606, June 12. Encloses for Salisbury's revision a draft of a proclamation against Captain Gifford and others, according to the command he received at the Council table on Tuesday last.—St. Catharine's, 12 June, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (192. 93.)
H. to Gulielmo Flaque.
[1606 ?], June 13. "My very loving cousin.—I have received two of yours, one of the last of May, the other of 11 June. If Francis Smith cometh, you must know he hath a devil which haunteth him, and I would be loth he should trouble you there. He went before I knew of it. I never saw him. You mention a letter which went from you to me by Roan: I see it not. I shall furnish Mark and Joseph sufficiently with prentices for this year. There will come one Emerson, he is fit to go to Mark or Joseph. For little Rafe's sake I pray you make much of him. He is resolved to go on foot to Mark, because his portion is small. If you think his portion more sufficient to carry him to Joseph you may do as you please. Some small supply I would allow him if you please, rather than he should fail to go to either place.
Hare Ward's friends are not able to entertain him with ease, yet if he be in such extremity I am told they will be able to shift; but if he be so lame I know not how he can shift at his first arrival. So you may consider of it: better he die there than be taken here.
Your 16l. I am careful of and it is promised.
His nephew that hath an annuity of you had 5l. of me for his journey, and I owe no more to him but 5l. more, which I have assigned to Octavian to whom I pray you make account of my annuity, so much as it is behind, for I am a beggar, and in that respect I have entreated him and you together to make over my annuity which cost (you know) 240l. to the new maid, for I have no other shift to help myself and so that 240l. may come upon the maid's accounts.
As for Tho. Garth if it be Clawes will he come. I will not gainsay it, but many difficulties there will be; first, it is as dangerous to entertain him as any other; secondly, if we take him as a serving man, he will be contemned, and his usage will be coarse: if we make him as a gentleman, those that knew him before will laugh at it. Many such other reasons I could allege, as heretofore I have done, but I would not hinder the recovery of his health. Thus with my most hearty commendations I commit you to God this 13 June. Yours always most loving H."
PS.—"I pray you send this enclosed to Sre. Gioseff with speed." Addressed: "Al molto magno Sre il Sre Gulielmo Flaque, a Colen." 1 p. (98. 109.)
Sir William Godolphin to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 13. Though I scarce have a Paternoster's leisure, I scribble 3 lines from Calais, where I overtook M. Du Jerdin this day. But he has again got the start of me and I fear will hold his advantage, which I think makes no great matter. By the Governor I understand that the King his master, the Queen, and those other Princes that were partners in their danger, are all in perfect good health, and have since that found no further inconvenience.—Calais, 13 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 99.)
Maidstone College.
1606, June 13. Note as to Maidstone College lands granted by Charles Brooke to John Dackombe June 13, 1606, and as to subsequent dealings in the same lands.
pp. (145. 126.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Privy Council.
1606, June 13. Upon receiving your lordships' commandment to employ myself on the behalf of one Walter Aertson and other merchants of London, to procure them restitution of certain merchandises of theirs, which to the value of almost 1,500l. were taken from them by a ship of Dunkirk out of 2 hoys anchoring within the precincts of his Majesty's port of Kirton Bay, as appears to be verified by a sentence given in that behalf in his Majesty's Court of Admiralty; I have used all endeavour therein, treating first with the council of the Admiralty; who after having taken a long time to send to Dunkirk to be informed (as they pretended) of the state of the cause, did in the end deliver for answer that they would maintain the said prize to be well taken and the sentence of England given to the contrary to be wrongful, for that they were able to produce divers testimonies of the prisoners themselves which were taken in the said hoys that those vessels were seized on far without his Majesty's limits, and therefore that they are not liable to any restitution for the same. I told them, that if they had any such valuable proofs as they pretended to have they ought to have been produced at the time of the trial of the cause in England, where his Majesty provided that justice should be indifferently ministered to both sides, according to the proof which should be made; for their assistance wherein they might also help themselves (if there should be any cause of difficulty) by the intervention of their Ambassador in England; from which form of orderly proceeding seeing they receded it appeared that they only sought according to their common custom to serve their turn of extorted confessions to avoid the satisfying of justice. Besides I acquainted them with that which was lately signified unto me by Mr. Winwood out of Holland, how by his Majesty's commandment he there employed himself on the behalf of some subjects of this country which complained of the like grievances, and hoped to procure them redress. Moreover I again remembered unto them the offer oftentimes made by the States to give sufficient caution to make satisfaction for any disorders which should be adjudged in England to be committed by their ships within his Majesty's ports, so as the like would be performed on this side; but that the same would never be hearkened unto here. And because I was desirous to draw a better answer than I had received from those of the Admiralty, I dealt upon the same reasons effectually with President Ricardot in the matter, praying him that the Council of State would consider thereof (as the importance of the cause deserved) to give his Majesty satisfaction concerning those daily abuses which are committed within his Majesty's ports. As he promised me, he procured the Council of State to deliberate thereof, and afterwards he sent me word that they could not but approve the reasons of the answer which was delivered me by those of the Admiralty to justify the taking of the foresaid prizes. It is pretended that the Hollanders are so far forth favoured in England that whatsoever ships of theirs have been taken, though far out of his Majesty's limits, yet that any partial informations are received on the others' behalf to challenge them for unlawful prize; where contrariwise the Hollanders are suffered daily to commit insolencies within his Majesty's ports against their ships. Though I contradicted their allegations by the arguments before recited yet could I draw no other resolution from them about this matter, finding that they make small reckoning of the sentences which are given against them in England. I also dealt with them according to the further commandment which I received from your lordships for restitution to be made to certain merchants of Yarmouth that in like manner had some small merchandises been taken from them to the value of 170l. out of an English bottom. And though they pretended that the said goods were also lawful prize because the master and owner of the ship were born in Holland (though having dwelt as is said almost these 40 years in Yarmouth) yet because the sum was small they have been content, out of grace (as they allege) in respect of my intercession, to grant that the party shall be restored to their goods where they can find the same; as will appear unto your lordships by this enclosed copy of the "apostile," signed by the Archduke.
If it seem good to you to have the matters of these disorders urged to a further satisfaction it may please your lordships that the Archdukes' Ambassador may be there effectually dealt withal about the same.—13 June, 1606.
Copy. 2¾ pp. (227. p. 237.)
Sir John Hele to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, June 14. He intended to present a petition to the King concerning the lands he purchased from the late Earl of Essex; but was prevented by a petition exhibited by the Prince's Council. Begs Salisbury to be a mean whereby the King may have commiseration upon him in the matter. The King's heavy conceived opinion of him, seconded with his disasters, have almost brought him to his grave.—Serjeants' Inn, 14 June, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (116. 100.)
The Earl of Pembroke to the Same.
[1606], June 14. Recommends the bearer, who was his father's servant, and whose petition has been referred to the Commissioners for the leasing of the King's lands.—Court, 14 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 101.)
Sir Thomas Crompton to the Same.
1606, June 15. Upon the speech of Sir Julius Caesar's preferment, he is a suitor for the place of Judge of the Admiralty. But having to leave other more certain preferments, he begs that if Sir Daniel Dun be preferred to be Ordinary for the Requests, Salisbury will favour him in obtaining Dun's extraordinary place and fee.—15 June, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 102.)