Cecil Papers: June 1605, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp234-262 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp234-262.

"Cecil Papers: June 1605, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp234-262.

June 1605, 1-15

[The Duke of Holstein is stated to have left England on Friday before 15 June (N.S.) 1605. See Cal. S.P. Venetian, 1603–1607, p. 248.]
Walter Mathew, Mayor of Plymouth, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 1. Here is arrived a bark wherein is one Thomas Dolber which is come from Lisborne. About some three weeks since he came from thence and reports that it is credibly spoken there that my Lord Ambassador is expected at Lisborne and says there are great preparations made for shows and pastimes as pageants and such like; that the like shows have not been seen at any time there; and the King's ships are appointed to come to Lisborne to meet my Lord, as it was reported. Also he says that three days before they came thence there were embarked in ten or twelve ships some 1600 men old soldiers, whereof the Admiral was an English ship and the Vice-Admiral a Scottish ship, which were to come for the Low Countries. And the report went that these twelve ships are to go to the Groyne to meet other ships there, which are to go in their company with more soldiers, but how many he knows not. Also this reporter says that some three days after the fleet for the Low Countries departed from Lisborne, there were three carvels of adviso sent after them and as he thinks upon some intelligence that came from the Low Countries. —Plymouth, 1 June 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (111. 26.)
The Bishop of Hereford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 1. I have advertised the Council of a most dangerous riot lately committed in these parts. The causes thereof are, first, these recusants have a lewd conceit that the King favours their course, yet by his Council is drawn to execute laws contrary to his liking; which I know to be a false suggestion of wicked priests. Secondly, sundry of the justices are unworthy of their places, for that their mothers, wives, brethren or allies and whole families are totally recusants, and bent to that side: as Sir Charles Morgan, whose mother, uncle, brother, whole allies and tenants are that way infected: Sir Roger Bodenham, whose wife is an imperious dame of high stomach and stirring humour, who countenances all priests and recusants: one Mr. Pembridge and Mr. Roger Mynors, whose wives are recusants indicted. To make these associates to us in service of this nature is very pernicious to our lives. Thirdly, in this county there is no man of any estate, good condition, or livelihood, but is allied to some of these evil affected sect. Fourthly, many of other parts of this land make refuge hither, here live as sojourners, to the end they may have fruition of their cursed devotion, which will join in force if any occasion be offered. I am a stranger in those parts, and against whom their malice principally is directed, and without special assistance from your Honours I shall not long escape their hands. The last year I surprised almost 60 persons going to mass. I certified, and was commanded to give notice to the judges of Assize; they were indicted of an unlawful assembly; they brought a certiorari to remove the matter to the King's Bench, whence it never yet returned, nor anything done there: and hereat they glory, and say I received rebuke, both at the Council table and otherwise. They seek my disgrace by libels and contumelies of all kinds. I do not yet inwardly know the dispositions of men in those parts. I desire to live in good conscience to God, and to approve my service to his Majesty and the State, wherein I will spend both my endeavour and life. Lastly, because I will disclose my heart, lately there was a commission sent down for inquiry after the lands of recusants for the King's benefit. The commissioners were men of the most suspected note, formerly described, and they impanelled a jury like themselves, and the verdict yielded 2s. per annum to his Majesty more than was found before in the days of Queen Elizabeth. I am sorry of these things, and desire not to be known as relator: but if it be denied, I will prove it fully.—Hereford Palace, 1 June 1605.
Holograph, signed: Ro. Hereford. Endorsed: "B. of Hereford: James Skydmore, William Ruddall, Tompkins, Sir Ch. Morgan." 1 p. (190. 93.)
Sir Charles Cornwaleys to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1605], June 2. I have of late sent many dispatches and much long for a return of some lines of your hand, which to me in this vale of misery are ever in place of a sovereign cordial. This present time yields little worthy your knowledge more than what I have advertised in my general letter to you all of Council. Mr. van Loor's cause has yet received no sentence, and I am in much doubt that by some whom he trusts he is not so faithfully dealt with as he expected. His adversaries of the ransoms, being of the tribe of Levy, are much favoured by all those of the "Manyassas." His brother-in-law Gerald Thyball being now departed the town, I am again become his solicitor, and am promised that the cause depending here shall within a few days be heard. The other that remains at Cadys has been so grossly and with so many frauds delayed, as very hardly I could contain myself from telling Gerald Thyball plainly that his brother-in-law Mr. van Loor was not so dealt with as both himself and his cause deserved. The other business followed by Adryan Thyball stands in very good terms, and shall I hope come within few weeks to good conclusion. The difficulty will be to get equivalent restitution for his ship and goods that have spoiled. You I doubt not have from Sir Henry Wooton heard what entertainment has been given by the Pope and his Cardinals to our Irish fugitives. I tell them plainly here that nothing shows more weakness in that hierarchy than receiving into their bosom such polluted children of Cain, only upon a pretence of an outward obedience to their church. They seem here to marvel at the grace that has been done them, and myself make doubt that they have been a part of the cause of it. More will be known hereafter.—2 June, 1600 [sic].
PS.—Such and so many have been the importunities of a gentleman here who calls himself the Baron of Letram as I am enforced out of charity, and opinion that there may some good use be made of him, both to give ear to his words and reading to his writings. He offers to serve his Majesty, either in his own country, or in any place of Christendom, if he give him pardon and favour. Besides if the King therein shall think himself served, he will undertake to withdraw the one half of his countrymen who now serve under Tyron's son in Flanders. I enclose a letter I lately received from him, referring both himself and his suit to your consideration.
Holograph. 2 pp. (80. 8.)
Walter Mathew, Mayor of Plymouth, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 2. This day here is arrived a bark of this town which came out of the Strait. He fell in company with eight ships and two carvels, which had in them Spanish soldiers for the Low Countries; but how many men they had this reporter knows not. He says he departed their company this day near our harbour about 6 of the clock in the morning, the Spaniards directing their course alongst the Channel to the eastwards.—Plymouth, 2 June 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (111. 27.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 2. This present day is arrived a small bark of this town who makes report that he met this morning off the harbour eight sail, whereof there were five Lubickers, two carvels and one Dunkirker laden with Spaniards to go for the Low Countries, whereby it seems that the fleet expected is by this last storm and fog separated. Your lordship shall hear that his Majesty's servants in these parts will diligently attend the means to make appear their dutiful endeavours according to the directions lately received from their lordships. It is further reported by the same man that at Naples there were 8000 in a readiness to march over land.—From his Majesty's Fort by Plymouth, 2 June 1605.
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (111. 29.)
The Commissioners for the Borders to the Council.
1605, June 2. We have received your several letters dated from the Court at Greenwich, 17th May, the one containing the escape of the condemned prisoners out of his Majesty's gaol at Carlisle, the other for conveying to Newcastle the last of June one hundred and fifty of the Grames, whose names were then sent back again by your Honours unto us. As for the first, Sir Wilfrid Lawson, dwelling next of us unto Carlisle and having first intelligence of the prisoners escaped, made his repair thither and finding that of thirty-three, twenty-nine of them were gone and hearing that Sir John Dalston, sheriff of Cumberland, in whose charge they were, had certified their escape, as also that Sir Henry Leigh, Provost Marshal, was gone post up before his coming to Carlisle to inform his Majesty and your Honours thereof, the said Sir Wilfrid presently wrote Sir John Charterous, the next commissioner for the late borders of Scotland, advertising him thereof and to will Sir William Cranston, his Majesty's Provost Marshal there, to have a special care for their present apprehension and to prevent their reset. Since which time two are apprehended, viz. Mathew Grame and Richard Blackburne. And now at our meeting at Berwick we acquainted the Commissioners within the late borders of Scotland with the contents of your Honours' said letters and desired their assistance for the better accomplishment thereof. Whereunto we found them very willing, so as it is agreed that Sir Henry Leigh and Sir William Cranston with the horsemen in his Majesty's pay shall presently by joining or dividing themselves as occasion shall be offered make search for their apprehension to be carried to the prison from whence they escaped and if they have taken the woods, to demolish their houses and expel their families and to learn out of such as have by any means aided them since their escape and to commit them to prison until they shall be delivered thence by due course of his Majesty's laws. So as we have good hope that by this means the most of these that are not already fled without those parts lately called the Borders may be met withal, for the better effecting whereof there has not, nor shall not, want any care or pains in us. Touching the conveying of the hundred and fifty of the Grames according to their names returned, there shall want no diligence to see the same performed and that they may be conveyed to Newcastle, to be there by the last of this month. But for that we think they must be men of some quality that must conduct them, we think that for [sic] shillings a day we shall not get any fit to take that charge. Wherein we desire to know your further pleasure in time convenient.— From Berwick, 2 June 1605.
Signed: Ro. de Lavale; Wilfr. Lawson; Joseph Penningtoun; Edward Gray. Seal. 1½ pp. (111. 30.)
The Commissioners for the Borders to the Council.
1605, June 2. We, his Majesty's Commissioners, met here at Berwick, 29 May, where many complaints were made, both by the English against the Scots and by the Scots against the English. We have taken order that for all offences done since his Majesty's entry, justice shall be done of the offenders reciprocally, according to gaol deliveries and justice courts to be held in England and Scotland, according to his Majesty's laws there. Touching the apprehending of the condemned prisoners escaped out of Carlisle, we have taken order that Sir Henry Leigh and Sir William Cranston, with the horsemen in his Majesty's pay under their charge, shall presently go to the west parts, and there apprehend them, and commit them to the gaol at Carlisle; and if they have taken the woods, then to demolish their houses, and expel their families, and apprehend their aiders and commit them to prison until they shall be delivered according to due course of law. For the better effecting of this service, we enrolled the names of the 25 horsemen in his Majesty's pay under Sir William Cranston, and the 15 under Sir Henry Leigh; and referred the view of the latter till our meeting at Carlisle, for divers of them are now there employed. Calling for the 10 horsemen under Sir William Selbie's charge, minding to employ them with the rest, Mr. Ralph Selbie, who said he had charge of them in his brother's absence, said he was ready to do any service so as it were within Northumberland, and they to be under his leading. Being required to give in their names, and that their persons might be viewed, he said he could not, for divers of them were now attending his brother in the south parts: so as we have no help of these 10, which we think contrary to your meaning, as under his Majesty's privy signet appears.—Berwick, 2 June 1605.
Signed: Ro. de Lavale: Wilf. Lawson; H. Setoun; Ra. Chirnesyde; William Home; S. Morray; Joseph Penningtoun; Edward Gray. 2 pp. (190. 94.)
Edward Harrowdon to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], June 2. His earnest wishes suiting with his years move in him a great desire of seeing other countries for the gaining of languages and experience. Requests a licence to travel for two or three years. The many honourable regards shown by the late Lord Treasurer, Salisbury's father, towards his grandfather, father and family even in his own memory, give him hope to find favour. Has lost the hope of his greater suit in another place wherein his lordship showed his goodwill and gladness that he should be matched in so worthy a family. Should have thought himself much more happy thereby to have been linked so near to Salisbury's worthy and hopeful son.— Harrowdon, 2 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "10 [sic] June 1605." 1 p. (111. 31.)
Lord Zouche to the Same.
1605, June 3. After I received certain objections importing reasons why the four shires should not be under the jurisdiction of the Marches, I endeavoured to get the answer read and gave some of the Council their copies, hoping to receive before this some of their labours. But finding them slack and fearing lest you should think any neglect in me to labour your satisfaction, I have thought good to get you such answers as one whom I use for my help has set down, hoping that out of them you will find sufficient matter to answer the said objections, though I doubt not but if the commissions might be found when the Court was first erected all things would have been better cleared. Wherein though I condemn much the keeping of our records in the Marches and thereof if the late Queen had lived until my coming up I purposed to seek some redress, yet can it not be without blemish to some that served in those times, if all things passing the great [seal], as all things did till the Act of Parliament, no copies were kept which would set all straight. But all this misfortune lights upon the weakest who knew his own weakness so much as he had never taken that burden upon him if he could have eschewed it without the imputation of a fault as God knows and I hope your lordship will testify. I have in this kind troubled you too often and wish that it may by your grave counsel be brought to a determinate end. I would fain return to my private life, if live I may where I find profit and contentment. Meantime I find neither, yet in all I expect your favour, for since I received your promise I have sought no other means and am contented to fall if you hold me not up. This makes me to pray your favour in a matter of the assarts in Fecknam Forest, that you will have such respect to Sir Thomas Laighton or me that the King receiving from either of us such satisfaction as is looked for, either he or I may have it to the benefit of his heir, which I have matched and would be glad to keep him from prejudice, though I cannot otherwise advance him this.—From the Bathe, 3 June 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1⅓ p. (111. 32.)
Sir William Fitzwilliam to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 3. Seeing it so falls out that my strange brother and I must give blemish to the house we are of, vouchsafe to read this breviate wherein I have set down in truth the intent of my heart before my entrance into the house and what I did being entered. I crave your favour and do not doubt of it, your justice preserved. Yet in weighing the matter if it fall out hard against me, impute it to my frailty which, I must needs confess to you, before whom I cannot but lay myself open, is such as were it to do again, I fear I should do it. Unhappy I account myself that in my declining age I am come to this encounter, but most unhappy that my adverse party is such with whom I cannot end the matter in another manner. —3 June 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 33.)
Sir Wilfrid Lawson to the Same.
1605, June 3. As soon as I understood of the escape of the condemned prisoners from his Majesty's gaol at Carlisle, I made my repair thither and presently from thence certified you thereof by my letters sent by post, how that of thirty-three. twenty-nine were escaped, of which number eight were Scots and the rest Englishmen, and sent therewith all their names; and further how that I had sent to Sir John Charterous one of his Majesty's Commissioners to Dumfrese for apprehending of them again, as also to prevent their reset. I make bold to write thus much again lest my former by the negligence of the post might miscarry, the which I rather think, for it seems your Honours of the Privy Council had no notice thereof from any of us, his Majesty's Commissioners here.—Berwicke, 3 June 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (111. 34.)
William Becher to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 4. Shortly after the beginning of my troubles when Mr. Babington and Bromley earnestly sought the apparelling and service (by me first contrived to her late Majesty and the honourable Lords' best liking), which they have ever since enjoyed to their great gain and advancement, they agreed with me I should have a third part of their gain from time to time that should arise, as by their answer upon oath in Chancery will appear, where I began suit against them seven years past, but by some objections made have been stayed and not suffered there to proceed; and being also five years since they refused the arbitrable end made herein by Sir Harry Maynarde and Sir William Merydeth. I have since been enforced to sue them in three several actions at the common law in the Exchequer, whereof one is upon their bond of 3000l. forfeited for this very cause. These actions being appointed to be tried last Michaelmas term, they only two days before exhibited their bill in the Exchequer Chamber and so got the trials stayed. By which several delays your poor suppliant is kept from his right and put to excessive charges of suit, which he may very ill afford.
May it therefore please you to move my Lord Treasurer that by your two commandments the matter may receive a speedy end by the indifferent arbitration of Sir Harry Maynarde and Sir Mychaell Hickes or such other as you shall think meet. For which favour myself, wife and children shall ever pray for your happiness.—From the prison of the Fleet, 4 June 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 35.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1605, June 4. I wish my thoughts had been as well seen to your lordship as myself was yesterday, then you should be the true judge how pleasing it was to me to see you. The distance of the place could not well make me discern every person that was there, and since I have heard I was mistaken. For too the King, to whom I had thought I had done my duty, his person I mistook, for I held him to have been in russet and they say he was in dun colour. Whether he saw me or no I know not. If he did he beheld him that is penitent for his offence and would redeem the recovery of his favour with the hazard of my [sic] life. I hear that Mr. Gybs goeth very shortly into Scotland. My immediate means to the King is then by his absence taken away. Importunacy I would shun, and yet your lordship seeth how my case stands. Therefore this letter I would entreat him to deliver for me, but your opinion I crave, and so accordingly will either send it or suppress it. —From the Towre, 4 June 1605.
PS.—Touching my pension out of the Exchequer I crave your favour. They do ask, the tellers I mean, extraordinary fees of me. Such as before the Lieutenant paid, I am willing.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Seal. ¾ p. (111. 36.)
Dr. Robert Soame to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 5. Assures Salisbury of his dutiful mind and service to him and his desire to depend upon him before any other as his patron.—From Cambridge, 5 June 1605.
Addressed: To the Right Hon. my very good Lord the Earl of Salisbury, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.
Signed. ¼ p. (111. 37.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1605, June 5. I pray that this bearer may by speech deliver my occasion of now sending unto you. It is concerning the leases and fee simple land yet remaining in his Majesty's hands. You will pardon my boldness, for in this world I have no friend but yourself.—From the Towre, 5 June 1605.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Seal. ¼ p. (111. 38.)
Sir Benjamin Berrye to the Same.
1605, June 5. This pack arriving here this morning from my Lord Admiral I thought it my duty to send them by this bearer to you with especial command to make all the haste possibly he might.—Portesmouthe, the fifth of June 1605, ten of the clock in the morning.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (111. 39.)
Nicholas Saunder to the Same.
[1605], June 5. Understands Sir George Harvy, desirous of a more quiet life, intends to leave the Lieutenancy of the Tower. Prays that he may be his successor. The place though of credit has been possessed by some as mean as himself, being a gentleman for alliance equal to any of his sort in the shire in which he dwells, and his estate, though somewhat lessened by others' unjust dealings, is yet above 500l. a year. If he obtain the place, his lordship shall never repent his favour and he will bestow on Sir George Harvy or on whom else Salisbury pleases such a gratuity as shall be thought convenient.—5 June.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (111. 40.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to the Same.
1605, June 7. As you signified me it was his Majesty's pleasure I should consider of this script enclosed and deliver my opinion thereon, I have thoroughly considered it and seen the original indenture upon which the case is grounded, and plainly find that in law no estate passed thereby unto the children but that it remained wholly in the father [Sir Walter Ralegh] and so forfeit to his Majesty by the attainder and that without any quibbling of law but upon a plain omission of that which should have made the assurance perfect; which nevertheless I think grew by the omission of the clerk in the engrossing of the book.—At Serjeants' Inn, 7 June 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 41.)
[Partly printed in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, I, 469.]
The Council to the Officers of Ports.
1605, June 7. Notwithstanding his Majesty's late proclamations for revocation of mariners from foreign services and for repressing all piracies upon the sea and the just punishment in them denounced against offenders, there are yet sundry complaints exhibited, especially by the Ambassador of the King of Spain, of suffering mariners to betake themselves to foreign service at sea and serving their own wickedness thereby in robberies of his Majesty's subjects and of the subjects of other princes, with whom his Majesty is in good amity. Others also going out to sea as merchants become men of war and employ themselves in piracy. These enormities are imputed in most part to the officers of his Majesty's ports, whose negligence gives way to these frauds and offences. His Majesty therefore takes notice of the great slackness shown in the execution of the proclamations, of the great liberty given to seamen and mariners to put themselves into foreign service without any course taken for the apprehension of offenders, and of the neglect of search of such ships as go forth of the ports or come into them under pretence of merchants or fishermen; as also of the overmuch boldness usually practised in buying and selling and contracting with pirates for their commodities. In his Majesty's name we hereby renew the commandment, and let you know that if hereafter more diligence does not appear on your part, not only the blame shall be imputed to you but the burden for satisfaction of any losses, damages and wrongs done by such robberies and piracies shall be laid on you.
And whereas the Spanish Ambassador likewise complains that the shipping of Holland and Zealand finds favour in his Majesty's ports, which agrees not with the intention of the treaty of amity with the King of Spain, in obtaining the relief of victuals out of the said ports, when they go with commission of reprisal in as great proportion as by themselves is desired, whereby they are enabled the better against the subjects of the King of Spain; although his Majesty is willing to yield the opportunity of his ports to them as to others so far as may serve for their passage and lawful trade, yet that his true intention may not be abused by any unjust application of that liberty to the subjects of the Archdukes and those under the States of the United Provinces, you are not to suffer any ship of Holland or Zealand or of any subjects of the Archdukes coming into that port to be victualled for any longer time than the space of twenty days, which is a proportion reasonable for them to use in trade of merchandise.—Greenwich, 7 June 1605.
Signed by L: Chancellor; L: Tresuror; L: Chamberlaine; E: Northumberland; E: Northampton: E: Salisbury; L: Knollis; L: Worton; Sr. John Fortescue.
Copy. 1½ pp. (111. 42.)
Surveyors of the Outports to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 7. They were appointed 15 years ago by Lord Burghley and Sir John Fortescue as general surveyors of the receipts of the customs in the outports; and their patents have been regranted by the King. Their employment has been profitable to the Crown, to the amount of 8,000l. yearly. They are the King's officers established by Parliament in 1 Jac.: and without their consent and conjoining with the customer and controller, imported and exported goods are to be forfeited. They give detailed reasons against their being dismissed, and beg Salisbury to favour their continuance.—Lime St., 7 June 1605.
Signed: Jo. Allington; Lisle Cave; Abraham Dawse; Thomas Myddelton. 2 pp. (190. 95.)
— Ardern to the Same.
1605, June 8. His education and employments have from infancy been in matters of some or other service of state. Did conceive amongst others of the imposition whereof his books treat. Is left in his old age destitute of competent maintenance. Can show how 3s. 4d. per diem eight years since has been due to him by promise. Prays to be allowed this in regard of his services, and that Salisbury will give timely consideration to his project.—8 June 1605.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1605 Mr. Ardern to my Lord." ⅓ p. (111. 43.)
Sir Thomas Windebank to the Same.
1605, June 8. After the King understood of my being come to attend upon him by your appointment, he sent for me and incontinently gave me instructions for this letter, which herewith I send, signed this morning after his breakfast and ready to go on hunting and to carry the Prince with him. It may please you for the more formality to cause the latter to be sealed with the signet.—At Windsor, 8 June 1605.
Signed. ⅓ p. (111. 44.)
King James to the Same.
1605, June 8. Forasmuch as the party by whom the King of Denmark sent his letter recommending a cause concerning a ship and goods taken in the time of Queen Elizabeth still complains, notwithstanding an offer made to him by some of the Privy Council of 300l., albeit we had no knowledge of this offer, yet we are pleased to confirm that offer if he will accept of it; otherwise our pleasure is that you deal with him no further, and let him know that we have assented so far for the King of Denmark's sake and not for any justice in his cause; and dismiss him with letters from us to the King of Denmark containing the proceedings therein and our willingness to gratify him by yielding thus much.
Touching the controversy between the Lord Mayor and the Lord Chandos, as the Lord Mayor being a public personage has made suit that the suit might be publicly compounded and the Lord Chandos hath yielded thereto, we would have you signify this to the Lord Mayor and that the Lord Treasurer and Lord Chancellor and some others of the Council, whom they may join with them, may appoint a time to hear the matter that it may have a friendly end.
A third thing we are to impart to you with this that a petition having been exhibited unto us by Sir Oliver Cromwell containing an overture of some matters that should be very profitable to us, forasmuch as we must confess the matter to be new unto us and that we are unacquainted how far the laws of our realm may well bear in such matters, or whether any public prejudice may grow thereby, we refer the consideration thereof to the Lord Treasurer, yourself, and one or two more of the Council; being ourselves very willing to do him all good as a gentleman whom we think very worthy thereof.—Given at our castle of Windsor the eighth day of June 1605.
Sign manual. 1 p. (134. 67.)
The Earl of Mar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 9. I must crave your lordship's pardon for my long silence. The only cause was lack of matter. The Convention of our Estates here is finished, but no matter of great consequence was treated of. We hear many speeches in this country of a remove or change of offices to be amongst you there. If it be of truth, I am assured you will not see your old friend overleaping, but because I know your faithfulness to your friends and chiefly when they are not to speak for themselves, I will say no more of this at this time but only recommend it to your own discretion. I must entreat you in the behalf of Sir Hen. Carmichall. I only fear my Lord Treasurer's "longsomeness" and therefore I will pray you to be a suitor for him at my Lord's hands if need be. There is nothing here but quietness: I pray God it may long continue. I must entreat your lordship to present my duty to my Lord Chamberlain and the rest of our old acquaintance there, and not to be unmindful but at some of your idle hours let me know how you do.—Edinbruch, 9 June 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (111. 45.)
Lord Balmerino, Secretary of Scotland, to the Same.
1605, June 9. The first of this instant I went to Craufurd Moor to see the state of these works, where I found Sir Bews Bulmore and Mr. George Bowes. I viewed all their works where I find they have travailed painfully and with great charges. The likelihood of good success furnishes great hopes, but the trial is not like to be hastily. The bounds are dispersed and evidences of that is hunted for shows almost in every place. The greedy desire of them who are employed makes them change their working from place to place, hoping to find it more easily. Wherewith I found some fault, because the appearance being good in any one place, I would have wished that to have been still prosecuted, to [until] it were either found in that measure is looked for or all further expectations quite extinguished. I found Mr. Bowes in no great hope that it should prove worthy his Majesty's charges, and so he has relinquished it all utterly. Bulmore continues still in that good hope that by no means he can be discouraged. I took the musters of all his people he has at work and the places they were working in, which I have sent to your lordship. And because the places that were committed to Mr. Bowes carry greater hope in Bulmore's judgment of the sudden trial of that may be looked for of these works, the said Bowes asked of me it he should deliver them over to him, and Bulmore likewise if he should accept them. Wherein I refused to give any answer till first I should hear from you. Always under your correction, it is meet so long as these works are wrought at his Majesty's charges that the likeliest bounds be first researched, seeing they are deserted by him who had charge of them.—Halyruidhous, 9 Junii 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (111. 46.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 9. Has dealt effectually with the Archduke himself in the matter of the outrage upon the person of the gentleman of Lituania. The Archduke answered him that he had given order to have the matter examined and the informations sent to the Spanish Ambassador in England. It appeared that the gentleman's own ill carriage of himself was the cause of his ill usage and not any want of respect towards his Majesty. Edmondes has told the Archduke it was not unlikely his Majesty would favourably credit the Ambassador's declaration till he had the matter examined by his own ministers of justice, who were not partial to either side, and that it now appears by the Judge of the Admiralty that the outrage was committed, not only although the gentleman manifested his quality, but also after the ship of Holland was entered into his Majesty's port and very near the shore, which therefore deeply engaged his Majesty to seek reparation of a double offence done him. The Archduke assured the writer he would give the King all satisfaction and for that purpose would appoint the Count of Aremberg and the President Richardot to confer with Edmondes. Since then the latter has acquainted these persons with the informations and depositions delivered to him. They objected that the witnesses were interested parties and there was discordance in their assertions; besides that his Majesty had not then declared his limits as he has since done. Edmondes has answered that there was other testimony and that the reports agreed in one material substance of truth; moreover their men could not be ignorant that the place where they took the ship was far within his Majesty's limits. They told him that they would not too rigorously contest the matter of the prize but would satisfy the King for what has been taken, after they have in justice received the defendants' answer; for the reparation required for the outrage upon the gentleman's person they excuse it as a misfortune out of the fury of the encounter and especially by the gentleman's own misgovernment. Edmondes has told them that the King would not suffer it to pass without receiving satisfaction. They concluded that the Duke would advise what further answer to make and desired Edmondes to be a means for their receiving justice for vessels of theirs taken by the Hollanders in his Majesty's ports and that order might be taken that the Hollanders be not suffered to besiege their ships in his Majesty's ports, as they continue to do notwithstanding the King's late proclamation. Edmondes has assured them that order would be taken to their satisfaction by the King or his Council upon any justly grounded representations of their Ambassador.
He also informed the Archduke that his Majesty had consented to a levy being made for his service within his kingdoms though not in the form proposed. The Archduke acknowledged that he received very good satisfaction by his Ambassador's report; he was put in good hopes there would be means to convey good numbers over hither. But since the arrival of the English captains Edmondes understands that they have delivered that there is no possibility to make the levy, both because the State directly disfavours the same and also because the men of war of Holland, emboldened by the knowledge of the same disposition of the English state, diligently watch to interrupt them as they pass hither. Edmondes will endeavour to disprove these bruits that they may work no ill conceit here. It is one of the greatest discontentments they pretend against the French King that he not only relieves the States openly with men and money but also hinders gentlemen willing to serve the Archduke and threatens to confiscate their estates.
They report moreover that Monsieur de Vic, the Governor of Calais, has showed himself so partial that he caused to be embarked and sent back into Holland certain English soldiers who had fled from the States' Army, and sought to pass into England by way of Calais.
Edmondes finds upon conference with them that they do not like any of the two propositions made to them, either to cease hostilities of both sides in the Narrow Seas or to accord a toleration of trade to Antwerp. The first point was utterly rejected that they should agree to disarm themselves especially now they have better means to increase their strength by sea by the port of Ostend. The second point was debated with more doubtfulness, some councillors being of opinion that it be entertained, for being well handled it might be used to work upon the people of the other side like a truce by drawing them to a feeling of the benefits they would receive by abstinence from war. But others conceived that it would only serve the States' turn, by raising profit from the said trade to enable them to maintain the war; also that it was directly contrary to the treaty made with England, and since with France, whereby it was expressly forbidden to bring any merchandise into the Netherlands which had before paid custom to Holland. Besides, if there should be liberty for a common trade to Antwerp without provision of the like to Dunkerke and other places, it would withdraw all the traffic now used to those places, which though but small and troublesome is of good relief to the countries of Flanders and Artois, and therefore it would be better to continue the solicitation for a general trade than to have it in any particular place. These latter arguments have been found of greater weight than the former.
Edmondes has lately seen a letter written from Spain by Stephen d' Ibarra of the Council of War there to a merchant of Antwerp, dated 17 May, advertising him that, notwithstanding the former "placard" for prohibiting the Hollanders' trade into Spain, it is now again resolved to give them leave to bring corn there. This is worthy of Salisbury's consideration for it is not unlikely they are willing to entertain them with some kind of trade in Spain to keep them from employing their ships to the Indies, where the Portugall[es] complain that the Hollanders have almost overthrown their trade.
The two armies lie still lodged together where they first planted themselves; Count Maurice at Watervliet with Isendonke close behind for a place of succour, and the Marquis of Spinola at [Hobouke] (fn. 1) in like manner favoured by the Sasse of Gaunt. Spinola made an attempt of late to burn Count Maurice's ships but the Count being advertised thereof gave order for their removal. The bridge of boats which Spinola has made over the river of Antwerp is of great use for the speedy transportation of their army and no doubt, being unexpected, has much disappointed Count Maurice in his designs. There is a regiment of 2,000 foot and a company of 200 horse left on Flanders side to guard the dykes and defend the bridge. The new Italian troops of Lombards are now arrived, in number somewhat above 2000 but of them many sick persons. The Neapolitanes are also said to be entered into Luxemburg. They are conducted by the Prince of Aveline, enjoined thereto by the King of Spain for the Order of the Golden Fleece which he bestowed on him at his return into Italy. His errand is only to conduct the troops hither and immediately afterwards to return.
Understands that Spinola does not use the authority given him of Surintendant of the Finances except in cases of necessity. The scarcity of money has been of late so great at Antwerp that they have been forced to supply their necessities by sending a multitude of carriers out of Italy who have brought good store of gold. The Count of Sores, newly come out of Spain, has brought the Archduke assurance that he has removed all jealousies that were conceived against him there. The Count has also obtained there for his own pains a pension of 2000 crowns a year. It appears from the register of allowances to the soldiers fled from the States' army, to whom Spinola orders to be given an English crown a man, that almost 800 have been disbanded, the most English, but the greatest part of them are passed into England by way of Calais.
The Archduke is in hand to send the Count Octavio, a gentleman of his Chamber, into Italy to perform two contrary offices, to condole with the Duke of Savoy for the death of his son and to congratulate the Pope on his election. The Lantsgrave of Leuchtenberg is expected within two days to pass from the Emperor with commission towards his Majesty. They are much troubled in Brussels with the news of the ill success of the Spanish fleet in the encounter with the States' ships but they do not yet directly know the particulars. Don Gaston de Spinola, qualified by the name of Count of Brové, has brought the enclosed letter sent to him by the Duke of Urbin to convey to his Majesty. Sends also another letter from the Marquis of Havré to his Majesty in acknowledgment of the letter to him from the King.
The Archdukes' Ambassador makes good report of his Majesty's gracious usage. Edmondes is also bound in duty to acknowledge the favourable and kind respect with which he has been used by the Princes in Brussels. The French Ambassador here grows very emulous thereof, telling them that it seems they now adore no other God but the English.— Bruxelles, 9 June 1605.
PS.—Understands the King's present of deer and horses is arrived at Antwerp and will be here to-morrow.
Copy. 9 pp. (227. p. 19.)
[The original is in the Public Record Office, S.P. For., Flanders, 7.]
Edward Paston to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 10. Has received his lordship's letter directed to the Mayor and Corporation of Sutbury [Sudbury] and to himself requesting his good will to depart with a pair of organs which stand in the church of St. Peter in that town, for the use of his Majesty's chapel of King's College at Cambridge. As he deems that the organs, which stand in a chapel given by King Henry VIII with the organs to his father Sir Thomas Paston, who left them there, appertain to the said chapel now used as a church, he craves pardon if it goes against his conscience to grant his good will to take them away.—Appleton, 10 June 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (111. 47.)
George Bowes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 10. Having made report to his Majesty at Hampton (your lordship with sundry Lords of the Privy Council then present) that 2 August last I had discovered spar and yellowish clay descending down the joints of the mineral rock which I had opened eight yards in length and seven feet in depth and at that depth had washed such small gold as I then showed to his Majesty, which by abundance of waters in that narrow place I could not assure myself whether it had native and primary growing therein or was but accidentally brought thither, I therefore craved his Highness would give leave at my charges to try that work. Which granted presently upon dispatch from Court, I made repair to Winlocke Water, and 12 November began a pen, sett-gutter or adit (auditt) of stone, which I continued working ever since with ten and otherwhiles sixteen miners and have finished it 15 May, conveying the water 135 yards in length from the foresaid pit or hole wherein I found the gold. Which pit I have since sunk five feet deeper, finding the same subject to great abundance of water, so that without greater charges and longer time than is meet to be bestowed thereon, I can sink it no deeper under the level of my sett-gutter. Neither do I think it meet, for I find within two feet in depth of the bottom of that pit, where I found the gold, a bed of earth which the English miners call "chiver," unnatural and an enemy to all veins of metal as either lead ores holding silver, copper, tin or poor lead ores. I therefore drove three drifts in that rock wherein I had formerly found the gold and, working both day and night for six days together, found in the joints of the said rock yellowish clay and spar, as I had formerly done; but in all that time eight pieces of gold and the same so little as but hardly discernible, which swam upon the water in the tray. And for that the spar found in that rock is like to that spar which is always found with such gold as hath spar fixed therein, I brayed or stamped the spar so small as dust and in washing six trays thereof found one piece of gold so little as that other. Neither can I deliver upon my credit that spar certainly held gold but might be rather sticking in the clay than the spar, which will require meeter place for trial and greater charges than I dare advise to be undertaken. Since in the depth I found no greater comfort nor better success in the former works, the 23 May I rode to Edenburge to acquaint my Lord Chancellor and my Lord President of Scotland with my uncomfortable success, entreating that they would send some meet person to view not only my present works, whereof sundry untrue reports that I had discovered a vein were delivered, but also to testify how I had bestowed my first allotment of 300l. and my last 200l.
It hath pleased my Lord President, 2 and 3 June, to take view of those works wrought by Sir Bevis Bullmer and myself, to whose honourable censure I refer my former labours, not doubting but that his lordship will also testify my willingness to inform Sir Bevis my observations of such gills and straits as wherein gold having been formerly got within my allotted place of Winlocke Water are of least circumference and give greatest appearance for discovery of veins, if any, with least expense of time and charges; which I held it my duty to do in that Sir Bevis, at such time as I was first commanded by his Majesty to this service, moved his Highness that he might be suffered to work there, when I should leave those works; as also having taken assays in October last at London of sundry "marquisates" and "gumes" (?), whereof one holding gold richly was found amongst the removed earth and stones in like sort as the gold got by washing. Which place and what manner I wrought the same I have showed to Sir Bevis, who seemeth to expect greater benefit to arise thereof than I doubt he will find upon better trial.
I have likewise delivered my opinion to my said Lord President that continuing the works by washing for gold the same will not be afforded for lesser prices than 10l. the ounce.
Those houses built near Winlocke Water by me at his Majesty's charges in Sir Thomas Killpatricke the Lord of Closburne's lands with the torn tent and other work tools and necessaries I left with his bailiff of that place until I receive direction to whom I shall deliver them, having dissolved the works and retired myself home the 6th instant, being by my twenty days attendance in this last service so disabled by want of health that I was enforced to continue three days at my house before I was able to give account to your lordship what was done. Having spent nineteen months and impaired my own estate 500l. and ridden above 2,600 miles with many miserable and some sick days endured in this service, of all which I trust you will take such honourable notice that if his Majesty shall at any time have occasion to use my service in any mineral action within any other part of his dominions, I may not hereby be discouraged from continuing that course wherein I have already bestowed five and twenty years time.— Biddicke, 10 June 1605.
Signed. 2 pp. (111. 48.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 10. This present day here arrived a small carvel sent for advice from Lisbourn, whereof was captain one Joseph de Mena, to inquire what was become of Pedre Sebeurs and his fleet containing eight sail of ships and two carvels, wherein were 1200 soldiers and many of those men of note and great service, whereof the Admiral was a ship of London, the ViceAdmiral a Scottishman and the rest Easterlings. He desired to have a certificate of his being here, and so in the space of two hours he departed again to go to Dartmouth and so to follow his directions, being not able to make any report of my Lord Admiral or any of his company nor any other news but of nine sail of great ships departed for the East Indies, and the death of Don John de Aguila.—From his Majesty's fort by Plymouth, 10 June 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (111. 50.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], June 10. From him and others Salisbury has heard that they have found there in the north a certain stone that they think will yield "allome," but it is doubtful whether it will prove or not. He desires to join with Sir Thomas Challoner and a few others, who have been at great charge in the trial of it, to bestow greater travail upon it, if they may have some privilege from the King, before others, for a reasonable time; that thereby they "may not beat boughs and another take the bird." The late Queen granted the like request, for all England, to Lord Mountjoy, who did but undo himself by it, as they may do if their luck be not better. He begs Salisbury to favour his motion when it comes to the Council table.—York, 10 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (190. 104.)
G. (?) D. to his kinsman, Sir Everard Digby, at Cotehurste.
1605, June 11. The little time of my being here can afford you but little intelligence of any occurrences more than the ordinary report of the bickering at sea betwixt the Hollanders and the Spanish ships which came for the Low Countries seven in number. The Hollanders were in number fifty or three score sail, who assaulted the Spanish ships as they passed from Portingale with men sent to the Archduke for the wars. There came down some 1200 men from Spain with one Petro Saboiro, the general of the Spanish ships, whom I saw at the Spanish Ambassador's, a man that is well known in England and has been prisoner here in the late Queen's time. He speaks English and is come from Dover, where his ships remain, to negotiate for his better expedition in his intended journey. Of the seven Spanish ships there is one burnt by the Hollanders, one other sunk and one on ground and four sail came in a fight which they maintained in despite of all the Flemish fleet and are arrived safe in Dover Haven. The Castle of Dover shot at the Hollanders one shot, which as it is reported the Hollanders requited with another to the town and killed a woman of Dover; but of the certainty hereof I cannot be assured. The Spaniards have lost some 250 men. The Hollanders are not inferior much in their losses in the sea fight unto them. Our King has given commandment that the Spaniards be well entertained in Dover Haven and to have what they have need of for their money without disturbance. It is said that our King has ordained that the Holland fleet be commanded to depart from before the Port of Dover to give no impeachment of passage to any that is bound out of that haven. Nevertheless it is thought they will not give the Spaniards leave to pass over to the Camp. Thus for sea matters.
The Grave Mauryce lies with his Camp at a place called Waterfleete some five miles from Antwerpe and is strong 20,000 men. He is strongly entrenched and stretches his trenches from his encamping to Eysendyke, a town that ministers him all supply of victuals by water on that side, and also is entrenched in like distance on the other side to another village, which gives supply by water on the other side, so that he is hardly to be removed with any forcing of him.
The Marquis Spinola lies at a place called Buckholte some two miles distant from the Grave's Camp, and is not strengthened with any entrenchment but lies in campagna all open to his enemy's assaults and would gladly provoke his adversary to the field, but cannot obtain it. He is 30,000 strong horse and foot. He has with him Sir Wm. Stanley, of whom he makes great account. There has of late passed some light skirmishes betwixt their troops of horse, and some hundred lost on both sides but not any set day of battle. The Marquis has this device and intention to bring the Grave Mauryce to fight and to provoke him to come out of his trenches, that is to divide his forces into two several camps and to send one of his camps into Friselande, which will presently revolt if they be not relieved with a sudden supply of forces, both for their inclination of religion and for their discontents for the impositions formerly laid upon them by Count Mauryce and the States, which they have heretofore murmured at and refused to obey. So that shortly you shall hear of some doings; and so for this matter.
The English forces levied for the Archduke are much hindered of their passage by this accident of the stoppage of Dover Haven by the Hollanders' ships lying in their way. Captain Studden is not taken by the Hollanders as was reported but is safely transported and Capt. Throckmerton also.
It is said here is order given by the King's Majesty for the levying of a thousand voluntaries English for the States in like manner as has been leave given to the voluntaries that go to the Archduke, and English captains have undertaken the levyings. One of them is Capt. Norryce, lieutenant once to General Norryce.
Matters are like to proceed in hard terms with our English Catholics, for upon Sunday last all the Judges were in their robes at the Court of Grenewich before the King's Majesty, who made a speech unto them of three hours long and gave them a most straight charge to enquire of all recusants in their circuits. And for the rebellious behaviour used in Herefordshire he thinks it needless any longer to spare their blood, who, contemning his Majesty's clemency used towards all men of their profession, have broken forth into so manifest a demonstration of their disloyalties against his laws and justices, his officers. And for the repressing of the like attempt it is thought those men, which have committed this misdemeanour, shall be made an example. It is reputed no less than treason. Sir Charles Morgan, a Justice of Peace of that county, leaving but the shire the next day after this matter was committed and coming to London, is committed to the Fleet for neglecting his place in a time of such disorder. This matter will be made a ground of general severity towards all others as most men here suppose.
I have solicited for forces against the otter in your brooks when the meadows shall be cut down. The knight himself will assist you in person with his finders and best furniture. My nephew Philip is gone before to Colleshill, who I know will not let the meadows scarce alone untrodden before their shearing time.—London, 11 June 1605.
PS.—Sir Robt. and his Lady commend them most kindly unto you and your dearest Lady, to whom I wish to be also remembered in the best manner.
Endorsed: "1605 June 11, Letter written to Sir Everard Digbye;" and in another hand: "powder treason." 3 pp. (111. 51.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605, June 12. I forbore upon the first alarum to write unto you concerning the late accident happened at Dover betwixt the Spaniards and the States' men-of-war, because I might more conveniently advertise you both of all the circumstances of it and of those things also which I foresaw were consequently to happen upon it in the point of state. In both which particulars because you may be the better able to satisfy any bruits there you shall understand that 10 ships freighted at Lisbon with some 12 companies of soldiers destined for Flanders were met here in the Narrow Seas by the fleet of the States, which had lain thereabouts in wait for them these 6 weeks. Upon the discovery they set upon the Spaniards in alto mari, and pursued them very furiously even till within the limits of his Majesty's harbour, and there ceased not to assault them, notwithstanding that his Majesty's officers did what they could to protect the distressed that fled to them for succour, and [sic: as] by the laws of neutrality they were bound. The loss which the Spaniards have sustained in all is about 400 men; and of the vessels, which were all embarked or hired ships of England, Scotland and Esterlings, five of them are preserved within the port of Dover and the rest either taken by the Hollanders or consumed by fight and fire. And not one of them had escaped if by the artillery from the forts of Dover the States' ships had not been forced to retire from further execution upon the Spaniards within his Majesty's limits, according as his Majesty before had by his proclamation notified to all the world, that he would have his ports freed from all hostilities on the one side or the other; so as howsoever this action may be construed abroad it is apparent that merely by his Majesty's officers the residue of the Spaniards are preserved. Since that time the Spanish Ambassador upon many suggestions of the States' presumption in continuing their pursuit until within his Majesty's limits, yea, even to the shore itself, has moved his Majesty that in revenge of such an injury his Majesty would afford some shipping or safe conduct to transport the Spaniards remaining at Dover into some of the Archdukes' harbours of Flanders, with many other aggravations (as you know) the Spanish Ambassador's nature may obtrude. But his Majesty impartially weighing the consequence of this proposition has rejected the same, as an unreasonable demand in itself. First, because thereby he should openly make himself a party in their quarrel against the States, which neither his own disposition nor the present constitution of his estate must permit. Secondly, it has been answered that his Majesty has great reason to expostulate with the King of Spain for using of his subjects' shipping, contrary to an article of the treaty, in such an action of transportation of soldiers, without first acquainting his Majesty with it. For howsoever it may be replied that those ships were not directly stayed or "imbarqued" for this purpose but in manner were voluntarily hired for it, yet it was well known before by us, so afterwards the Ambassadors themselves confessed to us, that there was indeed a general stay of all shipping at Lisbon, not to go forth until this fleet were first gone out, lest the news of their coming should have been known abroad: which kind of stay having continued long and being like to have continued longer the masters though otherwise unwilling yet were fain to be contented to be employed in the transportation of these soldiers, rather than by tarrying longer to have "incurred into" as great detriment; and therefore you see ex proprio ore that this manner of stay may be taken for an oblique embarquement, not allowable by the treaty, nor for consequence sake to be endured by his Majesty, for (as we told them) under such a pretence the Spaniards might use our own shipping to the surprising of any place here in England, whilst we should be most secure and as it were lookers on it.
Concerning the States' men-of-war's presumption in offending his Majesty's limits, his Majesty would be himself sensible of it as became him. Howbeit the States had already dearly paid for it to the loss of many of their mariners and spoil of shipping by our cannon: and therefore if the Spanish Ambassador would advise of some other convenient course to transport those Spaniards back again into Spain, his Majesty will out of courtesy to those Princes find some means for their safety by the way and prevent any assailing by the Hollanders. There have been other complaints made by the Spaniards at their first landing of the Spaniards at Dover, where some inferior officers, under colour of wrecks due to their office, have taken away some things of the Spaniards which they found on land, and some other petty discourtesies. But his Majesty upon the first notice of it has sent down Sir Thomas Waller, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to see all things ordered and the Spaniards used and accommodated with all courtesy and favour. I doubt not but this his Majesty's refusal of the Spanish Ambassador's request will be much misinterpreted there and taken very unkindly; and therefore I have been the more careful to furnish you with the reasons that lead his Majesty to it, which if they be impartially considered are such as will satisfy any indifferent judgment. And therefore I have with the more expedition sent away this packet, to the end you may be the better able to make answer to all objections. I send you likewise an instrument under the Admiralty's seal of all the proofs here taken about the ships taken at Harwich wherein the Lithuanian gentleman was overthrown. His Majesty has recommended again this business to the Baron of Hobach and caused a copy of this instrument to be delivered him.—From my house in the Strand, 12 June 1605.
Copy. 3½ pp. (227. p. 34.)
Thomas Clerke, junior, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 12. I presume to remember you of your promise made to my Lord of Excester a year past and lately to myself to further my suit for renewing a lease I hold of his Majesty. This last year I held three leases of his Majesty. The best is passed in Sir Thomas Shurley's book, the second is expired and the third is a poor manor without any manor house or pennyworth of woods. The more half of the tenants be freeholders and the land most barren. I am grieved I should not give as great a fine as other his Majesty's tenants may do for good land. The rent thereof is 20l. per annum and the last fine for thirty years in reversion was 20l. I have about fourteen years yet to come of my old lease. These reasons may I hope prevail a mitigation of my fine to me an ancient tenant, a continual house keeper and father to four poor children. Sir Benjamin Tichborne and Sir Robt. Oxenbridge lately entreated me to take but 120l. fine of an old tenant's son when I might have had 220l. of a stranger, else, said they, if we landlords shall over-rack our tenants' hospitality must cease and such oppressed tenants' children will starve. Your lordship is one of his Majesty's high Commissioners to rate fines indifferently between lord and tenant; I crave only justice and that my fine may be communed of in private before I come to public answer.— 12 June 1605.
My expired lease was of copsewood which I, as Mr. Tanner can tell, recovered to the Crown, and my Lord Treasurer has promised me favour in new taking it.
Signed. 2/3 p. (111. 53.)
[Sir] James Perrott to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 12. Is bound to Salisbury for his honourable disposition towards him when the Countess of Northumberland's suit for a lease was last in question at the Lord Treasurer's house. Now purposes to present a suit to the King to be freed from all encumbrances of Sir John Perrott or Sir Thomas Perrott's debts or of any arrears on the small leavings which he enjoys, and that he may possess those small dispersed parcels of land not yet recovered from him. Purposes to employ himself in Ireland or elsewhere in his Majesty's service, in which he seeks Salisbury's furtherance.—12 June 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (111. 54.)
John Robartes to the Council.
1605, June 13. Has been commanded by a privy seal to lend 30l. or to appear forthwith before the Council. Is sorry that sickness will not suffer him to appear or ability to lend. The service of his youth for twenty-eight years in the late Queen's wars has given him apparent wounds and sickness but no rewards. Has only 40l. a year left him by his father to maintain himself and children. Is a member of the city of Bristol, always when in England dwelling there and answering all payments and subsidies. Is freed in Gloucestershire where he is now only as a stranger, by reason of the late grievous sickness in Bristol. As none of the city have been taxed in this nature, desires the same liberty for himself.—Westerleigh, 13 June 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (111. 55.)
Lord Haryngton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], June 13. Thanks Salisbury for the favour which he understands his lordship has, for his sake, shown to his neighbours and friends of Coventree in some suits they lately had with the Lords of his Majesty's Council. Finds the portion allowed to him for the diet of the Lady Elizabeth's grace and her followers so far short of the charge which he sustains that he has made his estate somewhat less to support it. Entreats Salisbury's opinion if he may presume to become a suitor to the King for the reversion of some land in fee-farm.—From Burle, the 13 of June.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (111. 57.)
Sir Edward Mountagu to King James I.
1605, June 13. Having lately been vouchsafed access to his royal person and comforted with his Majesty's most religious speeches, what he then could not sufficiently express in words, as appalled before such a Majesty, he now begs the favourable construction of from his unskilful pen. Acknowledges it his harder hap to fall into the displeasure of so renowned, wise and religious a King, but will not doubt to remove from his royal thought the memory of his unwilling error, being not drawn thereto out of factious humour or desire of novelty but out of pity to the estate of many poor men. Prays his Majesty will conceive his intention and action as error amoris and not amor erroris and will pass by his offence. Has never thought the ceremonies in question simply and in their own nature impious or unlawful, but through the weakness of many and corruptions of time become occasions of offence. Has ever been obedient to the authority established.—13 June 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (111. 58.)
The Bishop of Hereford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 13. William Morgan and Dr. Harley we have sent up by these messengers. We have reserved one Foster of Warwickshire, who sojourns here, besides three others of the meaner sort, which are not yet thoroughly examined. Roger Cadwallader will not yet be found, nor Rice ap Rice, nor John Griffithes. No diligence shall be omitted to find out their corners. In my persuasion there is not one word true in William Morgan's confession, and [he] has been a champion to encourage many. Dr. Harley is a simple doctor, made beyond seas, yet his doctorship has carried away the simple people long, and the better to insinuate himself into company he practises physic. He is charged with a paper wherein he revealed to William Morgan the purpose of the justices. He denies the hand, but another paper, knowledged to be his hand, manifestly convinces him; and Foster confesses that Morgan showed it to him, and told him it came from Dr. Harley. Whether this service will work terror to the rest or further desperate fury, I know not. The number of priests detected to me are above 20. I have their names, descriptions and places of their haunt; but the woods on the one side, and confines of Monmouthshire near adjoining (and almost wholly corrupted) hinder all service. The number of recusants near this city is incredibly increased within 3 years. They are grown to boldness to take up weapons, and they that will not consort with them cannot possess their goods in quiet, and so many are fallen unto them for fear of spoil. I am advertised that at the Darrein, which is a house in the parish of Llanrothall, last Sunday 300 were at a mass strongly armed: on Monday and Tuesday a great part of them continued, waiting for my coming. An apparitor, whom I sent for some recusants to confer with them, was entertained as appears by his examination herewith sent. The messengers can relate what they have heard and seen. The justices do their best endeavour, but of the rest I find Sir James Scudamore to be most ready and faithful in the service, and stands closely unto me. I labour with all my strength, but my resolute judgment is some other way of force and greater terror must be used to make them lay down their weapons, which I hope his Majesty and your Honours will think fit.—Hereford, 13 June 1605.
Holograph, signed: Ro. Hereford. 1 p. (190. 100.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 13. Many seek offices and reversions of offices in the Exchequer that are no way fit for them. As some, who have made suit to him and been rejected, may by other means obtain his Majesty's hand, or use other ways of passage, he begs Salisbury, if any such grant shall come to the seal, to stay it and give him notice thereof; so that in case of an unfit grant he may do as the King's service requires.—Dorset House, 13 June 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (190. 101.)
Lord Sandys to the Same.
1605, June 14. Great infirmity and some wants that have unhappily fallen upon his estate have caused his long absence from Court. Has entreated his friend and neighbour Sir Thomas Windebanke to present his letters to the King, if Salisbury shall approve thereof.—Mottesfount, 14 June 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (111. 56.)
John Smythe to the Same at Court.
1605, June 14. The just opinion of his lordship's great wisdom and justice moves him to crave for private admittance to his presence. Doubts not but his coming will give his Honour some contentment answerable to this favour.—14 June 1605. "The poor close kept prisoner in the Gatehouse that prayeth for your Honour."
Holograph. ⅓ p. (111. 59.)
Joannes Lodinguist. Councillor of the Elector Palatine, to the Same.
1605, June 14. At the request of the King of Great Britain, Frederick, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Archidapifer and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, Duke of Bavaria, has sent the pretended and false ambassador (legatus) Thomas Duglasius [Douglas] in his custody to be handed over to the King or to whom he shall command. After his tedious journey has yesterday at midday reached Gravesend, where he will stay until Salisbury shall signify by letter where he shall take the said Duglasius. Prays therefore that he may be shortly notified where he is to take him and to whom deliver him, so that, being freed from the care of guarding him, he may endeavour to recruit his strength. Congratulates Salisbury on his new dignity.—"Gravesandio, xiv Junii 1605."
Addressed: "Illustri et generoso Domino Domino Roberto de Cecil, Comiti Salisburiensi, domino suo observandissimo. Cito Citissime Cito"; and also in the handwriting of the writer of the letter, "Gravesandii in ædibus veredarii ad intersignium Angeli. Pour la service du treshault et augustissime Roy de la Grande Bretaigne."
Holograph. Latin. 1 p. (111. 60.)
Lord Cobham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 14. Sir John Leuson has been with me this morning by your direction. He has acquainted me with the disbursements of the revenue and how it has been disposed. First the Countess of Kildare by direction from the K. has had 700l.; myself at several times by the same direction had 200l.; the rest has gone to payment of debts; only to Mellars and my clerk of the kitchen I have taken exceptions, having nothing due unto them, but in my debt. As for Mellars he asked of me but 400l., which if I would have agreed unto, the goods had been delivered to me; which by him I was often solicited for. Not agreeing thereunto, he disclosed the trust I put in him, and that course taken as you know to have him paid 200l. more than he demanded, I leave it to you to judge of. Of this I have witness of touching Jonson. I owe him but 550l.; himself and his false witnesses cannot say that I owe him more, but that I promised the payment of a debt due by my brother and Henry Allen. So you may judge upon what ground this overplus debt grows by discourse and not of truth, for God is my witness I never promised it in my life, and hate me for ever if it be true. But in this case what need you have been troubled, for he has already received 700l. So that for his debt no land need be sold, for he is paid and more than his due. In all conscience he ought to repay it, for more than 550l. I owe him not. For the debt due to Hiks the mercer, I have already acquainted you with the truth. For my brother, Sir William Brook, I was a surety. He dying, left his goods and lands to my brother George. That this debt should lie now upon me I appeal to your lordship, who only has respect of me and my fortune. For Sir Mihell Sands I owe him nothing; for Cole I owe him nothing. I hope, my Lord, debts upon discourse shall not be paid to the utter ruin of him that cannot despair but that the King will both pardon and leave some poor livelihood to live as a private man ever to pray God for him and his. Touching my sister Sands, let not my answer seem strange unto you. Yourself I will make judge of it, whenever I shall have the happiness to see you. I have propounded some means for the payment of my debts. Goods remaining in my Lady of Kildare's hands, which with the land appointed for the payment of my debts to Serjeant Heall, will fully satisfy, and something in an overplus will remain. Your lordship, I hope, has not clean forgotten my disposition but that it concerns victum and vestitum. I would lose all rather than be so troublesome to you. Good my Lord help me out of captivity; it is a deed meritorious and heaven shall be your reward.—From the Towre, 14 June 1605.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Seal. 2⅓ pp. (111. 61.)
Sir Julius Cæsar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, June 14. Your late favours towards me justly require at least a hearty and verbal thanksgiving. Your most worthy father did much for me when he bestowed on me two great worldly blessings; first, to make me a principal fisher in the sea, then to procure me no mean service about the person of a most excellent and peerless Queen and King in one most royal person. And yet notwithstanding that old proverb (no fishing to the sea nor service to the King) I remain unprofitably encumbered without your favour. Whereof as I crave the continuance, so I vow a daily and actual thankfulness for the same.—Greenwich, 14 Junii 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 63.)
Sir Thomas Crompton to the Same.
1605, June 14. The business which has long depended betwixt your lordship and the Dutch is now in some good way of ending. He which demanded 1200l. [in margin: 1400l.] is now contented to accept of 160l. I know he very confidently relied upon some speeches uttered by the Judge, tending much to the justification of his demands, against whom I have often and earnestly protested as dissenting from his opinion. Capt. Troughton as not acquainted with suits of this quality has been very importunate for an end and myself fearing the Judge's continuance in his former purposes have dealt with the Dutch by all means in my power to reduce them to some moderation. Your lordship sees the issue and for my own part, considering the hazard of a greater loss and the charges and trouble incident to this business, I cannot much blame them that consented to such an end. If you be pleased to ratify the same I will not fail to take such course, that you and every other interested therein shall be free from any further trouble.—14 June 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (111. 64.)
Thomas Finche to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], June 14/24. Although my desires in the passage of this year's course have been watchful to attend the performance of that duty, which it pleased you to enjoin me, yet I have not found, except at my being in Rome, anything worthy relation. I would willingly write something of the infinite hurt which many of our nation are subject to receive by their coming to Rome, where under the shadow of a favourable connivance or equal toleration the weaker sort are either seduced or those whose better judgments are well armed against their subtilties endangered by mischievous devices; but I hold it presumption in me to enter into particulars of these things so well known to your lordship.—Venetia, June 24.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (111. 80.)
Sir William Welbye and Sir Thomas Grantham to the Same.
1605, June 15. The Privy Council referred to them the examination of some seditious speeches delivered by Mr. Dighton against the State. They have not proceeded therein in respect that Mr. Dighton altogether absents himself out of the country and cannot by any means be met with, being by his troublesome spirit brought into so much danger as he dares not come in public.—Lincoln, 15 June 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (111. 65.)
The Master of Gray to [the Same].
1605, June 15. At his coming to Edinburgh, my Lord of Scone showed him a letter of Salisbury's in favour of his (Gray's) suit for his debts; for which he returns thanks. Details the proceedings he has taken in regard thereto. The Controller has only written to Salisbury of such debts as he had in memory, and desires him (Gray) to send them specially himself; but if Salisbury has, on the Controller's last letter, already procured warrant, Gray will not trouble him with the new warrant, but will take some other occasion for the same. The Controller has forgotten the debt of all whereof Gray has best warrant. He will either insist, or desist, as Salisbury directs him. After the great travail he has had all his life, his ease and rest now engender gravels and gouts, and his pain is so vehement that he can scarce do his little affairs. As he is to stay two months at Edinburgh, he begs Salisbury to direct letters for him in the Secretary's packet.—Edinbruch, 15 June 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (190. 102.)


  • 1. Blank in MS. See the original letter in the Public Record Office.