Cecil Papers: May 1605, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1605, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp206-234 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1605, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp206-234.

"Cecil Papers: May 1605, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp206-234.

May 1605, 16-31

The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605, May 16. I have written to you two or three days since by the ordinary post; the occasion at this time is only to accompany this gentleman, Mr. Powell, one of the "quiries" [equerries] of his Majesty's stable, who is now sent from his Majesty to the Archdukes to present them with some horses and other things which this country affordeth, as you shall more particularly understand. All which being but pledges of his Majesty's good affection towards those Princes and not requitals for their stately present sent by them, you shall endeavour that they be received accordingly and assist this gentleman in all things for the better performing of it. His Majesty hath written by him a letter to the Archdukes, whereof I send you a copy.—From Salisbury House this 16 of May 1605.
Copy. 2/3 p. (227. p. 28.)
The Enclosure:—His Majesty's letter to the Archduke by Mr. Powell, beginning "Monsieur mon cousin et frere." Cannot delay to acknowledge the signal proofs he has shown of his affection. Does not know whether in the choice of the Ambassador he has sent he should praise more his judgment in the sufficiency of that person or his sincerity in his prudence (preudhomie), for in all that the Ambassador has done since his arrival he has impressed the King with the firm opinion that he will have no other object than to gain his friendship. The King has also received from him on the Archduke's part a present so magnificent as to represent well the greatness of mind which prompted it and he esteems it both on account of its value and rarity but principally for its reflection of the likeness of the giver and as a proof of his affection. Prays him to receive what he is sending, things namely which are found more frequently in this country than elsewhere, as an earnest and assurance of his desire for the establishment and permanence of their friendship and of his readiness to accommodate the Archduke with anything which his countries can furnish that the Archduke may desire.—"De nostre maison de Greenwich le 12e jour de May 1605."
Copy. French. 1 p. (227. p. 29.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 16. When this gentleman your servant came to this town I was departed to Antwerp to attend my Lord of Hertford so far on his way, so as I could not assist to the delivery of your present to the Count of Aremberg; but since my return hither I have performed your commandments both towards the Count of Aremberg and President Richardot, who acknowledge much thankfulness to your lordship. This gentleman can inform you how well your present was here liked, in the best part whereof the Archduke himself would needs partake, for this morning he sent to the Count of Aremberg to have also your horse for his own use.
Having understood how it hath pleased his Majesty to honour you with the increase of dignity which is due unto your merits, give me leave amongst the rest of your most devoted creatures to testify the joy which your favours have bound me to acknowledge for all your happy fortunes.
Count Maurice since the taking of Vau hath made show of some troops near to our army here which lies encamped some little distance from the walls of Antwerp: but these men have been unwilling to entertain any skirmish with him, for they are not yet able to make head to him, having not joined all their troops. Upon which confidence it is advertised that Count Maurice is now gone to besiege the Castle Horstraten, which is a place of good strength and giveth them a further feeting [sic: footing?] into this country of Brabant for the intercepting of the intercourse between Antwerp and Bolduck and the other places thereabouts. It was said that Spinola was lately in great danger with some other principal persons to have fallen into an ambuscado of Count Maurice's horsemen, if he had not been suddenly forewarned by a "paisant." The mutineers are now paid and have agreed to disperse into other companies; but the principal persons to the number of 120, which were the council of their party, have by stipulation obtained passport to withdraw themselves. I send you herewith an advice from Rome of them which are the pretenders to be preferred to the Papal dignity.—Brussels, 16 May 1605.
Copy. Noted: "Sent by Mr. Palavisino." 1¼ pp. (227. p. 10.)
Sir Thomas Morgan to Sir Francis Vere.
1605, May 16/26. When your brother and you were in this place in your young years you thought well to serve yourselves of my friendship, first to make you acquainted with the Duke of Guise that was massacred at Bloys, and with the Ambassador of her Majesty of Scotland of blessed memory. In these points I served your turn to your satisfaction; and I think that the first arms that ever you bare was under that noble prince, which afterwards encouraged you to follow the wars, as I have heard. You and your brother were at that time utterly disfurnished of money to supply your necessity, in so much that you both demanded of me the loan of some money. As my store was not great I advised you both to address yourselves to serve your turn with Sir Amyas Paulet and other principal personages of our nation then resident in this city. After you had been with them you came to me again and told me you could have no money at their hands. Whereupon of the small provision I had I delivered you about a hundred crowns, which you promised with many thanks to render me again in short time. But since I never heard from either of you both, but assured myself always that at the last you would acquit yourselves towards me as honour and conscience command you. And with that assurance I stayed to this day and never by pen or by mouth demanded either my money or any pleasure at your hands. And were it not that the necessity of my business urges me to call upon you for reason herein, I had rather pass this matter with silence as I have done of many years than revive your memory, seeing you cannot take pleasure to hear of your error committed towards me; though I easily forgive it, but desire you to restore my said money to Sir Robert Dormer to help to acquit me of some money I had of the Duchess of Feria his sister; and you shall find me ready to serve you.— Paris, 26 May 1605.
PS.—If your brother be living I pray you to commend me unto him.
Holograph. 2 pp. (110. 153.)
Richard Stapers and Robert Sandy to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 16. It not a little grieves us thus to trouble you concerning the impost of our first currants, which may amount to 300l.; for we have paid above 450l. for the impost of those we have had since. Our suit is only that you will appoint Mr. Wright, Mr. Ingram and Mr. Hamersley or any others to view such currants as we have come home and to report to you how they find them; for they be so bad that they are not to be sold or spent, there being above 40 cask of them, otherwise we would never trouble you for it.—16 May 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (110. 154.)
The Deputies of the Hanse Towns to King James.
1605, May 17. Have received his letters, dated 25 September last at Hampton Court, through the envoys they sent him. While rejoicing that his Majesty offers free intercourse of trade to their merchants, and restitution of residences and houses of right belonging to them, are greatly disturbed that restitution is denied them of the privileges their predecessors (majores) formerly earned in England, and that such denial is defended under the form of right. For it has been very often shown that those privileges, long used and finally supported by right of conventions, by no desert of theirs, by one endeavour only of a few to establish a market, have been snatched from them.
If those privileges had drawbacks and seriously disturbed the state of the kingdom (as is suggested to the King by the envious) or their people had failed to moderate their privileges, they could understand the denial as more just. But the envoys in their many conferences showed themselves not aliens by the yielding up those which, though not extravagant, might seem less moderate, and from desire of peace descended to the conditions which the King's Councillors and Commissioners proposed and judged fit for the business. They had come to a sure hope that his Majesty would not have suffered further hindrance to their most just petitions, because their letters indicate that the welfare of his subjects and care of the whole state had been committed by God to his good faith, and that their advantage ought not to weigh against that of his subjects. Could not acquiesce in the King's answer, but have thought fit with all due reverence to entreat him anew to weigh the whole matter more carefully and kindly, and to deign to give them such answer that they may not be convinced by experience that the hope they conceived of him was vain. So will it be very honourable to his Majesty and for the welfare of both peoples.—Lubec, under the seal of the city, 17 May 1605.
Latin. 4 pp. (110. 156.)
Sir Robert Hicham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 17. I am required by Sir Lewis Lewknor, as from your lordship, to certify you what estate her Majesty may pass in the granting of the manor and demesnes of Selsey in Sussex. In the demesnes whereof I find that Sir Lewis Lewknor has an estate for his own life and his son's, so as he may take a lease in reversion for 3 lives or 21 years, or surrender his two lives and take a lease for 3 lives, or for one life by one lease and presently after for 21 years in reversion upon that, which is all that her Majesty may do. And for the services of the manor they are grantable but during her Majesty's life except they had been in lease before, which I find not.—Gray's Inn, 17 May 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (110. 155.)
Mr. Langley to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 18. The copyhold tenants of Edelmeton [Edmonton] upon your motion to my Lord Treasurer on their behalf, and his allowance have by Mr. Serjeant Foster and Mr. Serjeant Altham, their learned counsel, two several times had the perusal of the court rolls, yet can they not give satisfaction to my Lord Treasurer or Mr. Solicitor to maintain a certain custom to pay but one year's quitrent for a fine: so my Lord Treasurer has appointed to have the custom presently called in question, and to be heard and determined in the Exchequer Chamber. In my poor opinion you shall do well to have an eye that none prevent you of any grant of the manor by lease (it being contained in the entail of annexation), yet if you should deal before the custom be tried the tenants would much exclaim. And if the custom should not be altered it were not of any value. All which I leave to your consideration, craving pardon that I attend not in person, being ridden to Edelmeton to keep the court.—18 May 1605.
Signature torn off, but endorsed. "Mr. Langley to my Lord." Seal broken. ½ p. (110. 159.)
Sir Ferdinand Gorges to the Same.
1605, May 18. Here has been and still is a report of certain troops of Spaniards that purpose to pass along the coast to go into the Low Countries. If they shall touch in these parts I desire to know his Majesty's pleasure what course we shall hold both for his honour and also his security against any sinister practice; for your wisdom knows it is not fit to stand at the devotion of a friend when a monarchy shall be in question. Further it shall much satisfy the people of these parts to see order taken for their securities, who do not stick in a manner to say that they are now left to the devotion of their enemies. Wherefore I think it were not inconvenient that commandment were given to the several captains to take notice of the defects of their companies and to see them furnished out of hand, as also some private caveat to those of the better sort to be ready on all occasions to follow such directions as shall be given them from his Highness and your lordship, a matter that will give to all much satisfaction. Another thing I thought necessary to inform you of is the daily outrages and enormities committed upon the coast by pirates of our own nation, under pretext of commission of those of the Low Countries, who do by their misdemeanour much scandalize our nation and impeach the trade of honest merchants: the which courses might easily be prevented if authority were given to any that knew what to do and would be careful of their duties and licensed to exercise their best means for prevention thereof. The remedy would prove the easier if advertisement were given to those of the Low Countries not to permit any commission to be given them of our nation to attempt anything on this side of the Islands of the Traceres and Canaries. For beyond those Isles it is not known that his Majesty has league or alliance neither may his subjects trade with any of those people but at their hazard and extreme adventure, and therefore those the less to be excepted against for their enterprises.— From his Majesty's Fort by Plymouth, 18 May 1605.
Signed. Seal, broken. 1 p. (110. 160.)
— to [the Earl of Salisbury ?]
1605, May 18. Being come to Middleburgh I found there other views than I had hoped. M. Magnis, deputy from the States General to his Excellency, being presently at Lillo wrote to the Council under date yesterday evening that Count Ernest having with the fleet passed the forts of Grilan (?) and Galeo came to a certain dyke called Cloppersdyche, and there landed some 200 of our Zelanders to discover the enemy and moreover to enable him to put on shore the rest of his army. But the enemy having perceived the intention of our men, threw themselves upon them with such fury that they were compelled to retire without waiting for the others to land, so that the Count caused them to retire; of whom there died on the spot Captains Logier and Duke, they say also Captain Tatelier with his brother the lieutenant; others taken and wounded to about fifty or sixty. Colonel Dorp having been in very great peril of his life was eventually saved, but lost his baggage with two or three other boats. The said Count with the whole army rushed forthwith to the council of Brabant at Sostevleet (?). There he found his Excellency, with whom it is not yet known what resolution has been taken. If I hear other news I will not fail to advertise your lordship.—From Midel[burgh], 18 May 1605.
Signature torn off. French. 1 p. (110. 161.)
Walter Mathew, Mayor of Plymouth, and John Ryder, deputy vice-Admiral, to the Same.
1605, May 19. We have understood by your letter received this day of a complaint made to you for the victualling and setting forth of a ship of war in Plymouth by Captain Young, a Hollander. The said Young was lately about to victual and set forth his ship from the port of Plymouth, and entertained English mariners to serve in her; whereof stay is made according to his Majesty's proclamation, and the same ship shall not depart hence without order from your lordship.—Plymouth, 19 May 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (110. 164.)
King James to the Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer.
1605, May 20. On behalf of Mr. Ambrose Dudley, about the lordship and demesnes of Chopwell, Durham.
Sign manual, much damaged. Seal. 1 p. (213. 41.)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 20. The desperate causes and business of the last term brought an unwelcome guest unto me that is loth to depart. I am desirous to give myself a little rest and air, to enable me the better to bear the tempests of the next term if the like storms arise, as I hope there will not. I will therefore salute you as Horace did his great patron—
Si me vivere vis sanum, recteque valentem
Quam mihi das œgro, dabis ægrotare timenti,
Mœcenas, veniam.
I desire but a few days breathing, yet if you see anything wherein the poor "myte" of my service may stand in stead I will come creeping and limping, with lame Mephibosheth, and always faithfully wait upon our most gracious David.—20 May 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "L. Chancellor to my Lord, about his weak body." ½ p. (110. 163.)
Sir Ralph Coningesby and Sir Thomas Pope Blownt to the Same.
1605, May 20. Upon return unto you of the examinations of witnesses taken before us upon the petition of Thomas Bawforn exhibited to you and others of the Privy Council against Nicholas Whittell, parson of Shenley, Herts, you require our certificate of their behaviour and conversation; which we signify for this three or four years to have been very malicious the one against the other, to the great offence of their honest neighbours in the parish and disturbance of his Majesty's peace; for which they have been often called in question and appeared in Sessions. Also they are very offensive to most of their neighbours, Whittell being admitted a preacher both undiscreet and unlearned. Bawforn in like manner noted to be malicious amongst his neighbours and known to have committed felony pardoned by his Majesty's general pardon. Concerning the disloyal speeches in a sermon wherewith Whittell is charged in the petition, albeit they were undiscreet and offensive, yet in our opinions he had no purpose of disloyalty. The words used in private by Whittell to Hemmingway are by Hemmingway denied, yet affirmed in the examination of Robert Howe as spoken to him by Whittell, and affirmed by John Warcuppe as from the report of Hemmingway; Howe and Warcuppe being uncle and brother to the wife of Bawforn and special instruments of the continual malice against Whittell, and noted to be of small credit.— 20 May 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (110. 165.)
Sir G. Hervy, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 21. At my delivering of Bywater's last book to you, upon some doubt moved by me, you said he might be permitted at any time to write unto the Lords; upon which ground I have presumed to send you these enclosed, which last night late he sent to me by his keeper and which otherwise I would have suppressed.—From the Tower, 21 May 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ⅓ p. (110. 166.)
The Enclosure:—Thomas Bywater to the Privy Council: I have hitherto been sparing in soliciting your favour. I thought so hot displeasure against me would ask some time of allaying. I hoped that out of your disposition to mercy you would of your own accord have rem[itted] if not removed, your severity. But my hope has hitherto failed me. It may be my silence makes you forgetful of me, and because I say nothing you are altogether careless of me. I beseech you let that be no longer any prejudice unto me. I now beseech you for the restoring of my freedom and liberty. I have now been imprisoned almost a quarter of a year, and that in a very afflicting manner. My friends all kept away from me, none suffered to come at me or see me. I am greatly endamaged by my imprisonment, it has cost me almost 10l., a grievous punishment if you knew my want and poverty. I am deprived of the means of my maintenance, and I know not whether of the good opinion of my Lord. I am almost deprived of the means of my study and altogether distracted in the course of it. I am altogether barred of the means of my ministry, the greatest cross of all the rest. Compassionate the afflicted estate of a faithful subject in such bondage: vouchsafe me my liberty. If that be not yet grantable I ask that at least my friends may be [allowed] to come to me. You at my first appearing seemed f[avourable] unto me, and by the words of his Majesty none of th[ese things] should have come upon me. I beseech you that [for] my own sake you will show me neither favour nor mercy [but] at length after so much imprisonment make good [the word] of his Majesty to me.—In the Tower, May 20.
Holograph. 1 p. Much damaged. (110. 162.)
Noel de Caron to the Same.
1605, May 21. Acknowledges the letter from the Earls of Suffolk and Salisbury with regard to the Dunkirk shallop, taken by a Flushing warship at Margate or the North Foreland. Will write of the matter to the States, in order that they may carry out the King's wishes. If the shallop was taken in the King's waters (which he doubts, as he heard the Admiral, when the Dunkirkers took from the States a ship coming out of Feverson [Faversham] before Reculver, argue that these roads should be esteemed the open sea) it is reasonable, if the Archduke restores what the Dunkirkers took from the States, that the latter should restore what they have taken from him. He has already twice restored what the States had taken from the Dunkirkers; but in spite of the King's and Council's letters to the Archduke and to Count d'Arenburg his Admiral, they have never obtained the restitution of a halfpenny. The latter scoffed openly, saying that they wished "d'en avoir a tel pris cent fois davantage." The losers by the firstnamed vessel are for the most part States traders, refugees here for their religion, who should therefore have more respect for the closing of the ports, but who traffic through them, even in the ships of the States' enemies, the ship in question belonging to Dunkirk and coming directly thence. They should show more gratitude, for God has marvellously blessed them under the happy reign of the late Queen, so that they are become extremely rich; but they keep themselves out of the fray, and will not contribute in the least to the States' wars, rather favouring the States' enemies through their extreme avarice.—Suydtlambet [South Lambeth], 21 May 1605.
Holograph. French. 2 pp. (190. 87.)
Lord Cobham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 21. What my Lady of Kildare has said to you you know: what is truth from me you have heard. It is my comfort that you are wise, and not ignorant of her disposition: otherwise your favour, which is my only hope, might have failed me, and then what an undone creature should I have been: for to continue in this life and place I am in, I more desire death than life. This freedom by your means I hope to have: which if your favour should leave me, I know for ever I should be rivetted in this place. Your Christian proceeding with me is worthy of yourself, for it shows your disposition to be more charitable than to be led by her malice. More than I have said herein I cannot, for God is witness how false and untruly she has wronged me.—The Tower, 21 May 1605.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. 1 p. (190. 89.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Same.
[1605], May 22. According to your commandment I have been at Tibballs [Theobalds] and there taken view of your horses first because they are most properly in my own occupation. And touching your little grey jennet, I am confident his colts, if he get any, will neither be of honour nor of use to you by reason he is of small stature, weaklimbed, and colts, like the logical conclusions, will ever follow the worse part. So as with pardon be it spoken, there is none of the 4 which stand by him but are much more worth for that or any other use. Your pool I have surveyed with the best discretion I have, and methinks the 5 islands as they are show pleasantly one in proportion to another. Notwithstanding, if they were taken out your judgment is true, that you should have the more water; but because it is so well already I dare not counsel a change. The banks that lie all along under the water were in my poor opinion much more necessary to be removed. In your buildings I have some little quarrel to the windows of your new old gallery. I mean those next to the leaded terrace; but because it is envious for a man to speak ill of his old acquaintance I will shortly wait upon you and deliver my conceit and my reasons in private to you.
The alteration in your lodgings is passing good and will amend them both for sight and use exceedingly; yet if the old windows even in them had been carried up a little higher the commodity would thoroughly have recompensed any little eyesore without, if any such must have grown by it, which I doubt of. Your principal workmen were absent these holidays so as I may mistake, because I could have no informer but my own eyes. Your stags come on apace and I found all things well and in good order there saving poor Mr. Flint, who was so extremely ill with the stone as I could not see him, though I had a desire to do it.—From Harolds Park, this 22 of May.
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (110. 168.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Council.
1605, May 22. According to your commandment I warn my Lieutenant Governor to receive and bestow in the bands of that garrison the 50 Norden men to be transported thither by your order. The bands are usually so full and complete, as may appear by examination of the musters taken from time to time, that as many or few less of the old soldiers must be discharged out of them to make place for this supply, unless his Majesty be pleased to increase the strength of his garrison and of his ordinary charge by so many heads, which I perceive not to be his and your intent. Therefore not requiring in the meantime your order to the contrary, I will discharge the like number of the soldiers of that garrison of such as may best be spared.—Tilburye, 22 May 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (111. 1.)
Sir Francis Stonor to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 22. A letter of congratulation on the late increase of his honour and the continuance of his health. Sends by the bearer two brace of tame pheasant hens and a pheasant cock. Stonor, 22 May 1605.
The following names are noted on the back of the letter by one of Salisbury's clerks: Mr. Art. Gregory, Mr. Ed. Seymer, Sr. Jo. Russell, Mr. Heriott, Sr. Ed. Talbott, Sr. Jo. Talbott.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (111. 2.)
Papists in Wales.
1605, May 22. The Earl of Worcester's proceedings in Wales concerning the Papists. Gives the names of persons concerned in various seditious and papistical proceedings, with notes whether apprehended, or fled, or of sentences passed upon them.
10 pp. (144. 184.)
Papists and Recusants.
[1605, May 22]. List of repairers to the Darren (Herefordshire) to hear mass: of those accused of rescues intended or attempted: of resorters to Popish burials and of repairers to the Darren for the defence of the place against the Bishop of Hereford.
[Apparently part of the foregoing proceedings of the Earl of Worcester.] 18 pp. (144. 219.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom.: 1603–1610, p. 225.]
Sir W. Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 22. My Lord of London and my Lord Chief Justice have thought it fit, if it stands with your good liking, that a letter should be written to the effect of the enclosed for the apprehension of the printers, and seizing of those books in hand and upon the press, wherewith you were made acquainted. This letter may be signed by you, the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice or more of the Lords, as you think convenient.—22 May 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 88.)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer.
1605, May 23. His Majesty has commanded me to signify to you that these bearers, Richard Brasse and Robert Walker, his huntsmen, are the men he spoke to you of concerning a lease in the Bishopric of Durham. You are to speak with them and take such order in their business as you shall think convenient.— From Greenwigh, 23 May 1605.
Signed. ¼ p. (111. 3.)
Sir George Reynell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 23. I am very sorry to hear your opinion to be that I am combined with Mr. Trench against Mr. Tirrell. They have greatly abused your lordship that have so informed you, for I stand so assured of the justness of my cause both in law and equity as I need not seek indirect means to farther me. To the end you shall know that you are not abused by mine adversary in this on information only but in the very main points of what is decreed against me in the Court of Wards, I pray you to understand but of that only which this last term has brought forth. I will not trouble you with the information in the Star Chamber which is stayed, containing three foul riots by Mr. Tirrell and his company besides the misdemeanour or perjury of a jury, by stay whereof his Majesty may be prejudiced well near 3000l.; nor will I meddle with the riot followed by Mr. Trench nor trouble you with nine other riots followed by myself, nor affirm perjury in Mr. Tirrell, howsoever his own confession shall make against him. My suit is to be advertised of so much only of his confession upon record as concerns the decree made for him in the Court of Wards, that you may then discern whether the Court have been abused by him or not.— 23 May 1605.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (111. 4.)
Sir John Parker to the Same.
1605, May 23. Touching my going to my charge at Falmouth, whereof I was bold to use some speech to you, I find it needful chiefly for his Majesty's services as for my credit and maintenance of the liberties of the Castle, which lately are offered to be infringed by the deputy's lieutenants, namely, Sir Fra. Godolphin and Mr. Vivion, the like never offered before since the Castle was founded until this time. I will show you their commanding letter to my lieutenant, as how I doubt not to do his Majesty acceptable service there with the help of your countenance and authority. For many reasons I have desired to live in good neighbourhead and friendship with Mr. Vivion. He has showed to desire the like and there has passed promise from either of us to love and friend each other, which I for my part have carefully performed, but have found him before this time apt to wrong me more than once, because I conceive he is bound likewise to you and we both have cause to love and reverence you, though I most. I heartily desire you would vouchsafe to call both of us before you, now when he comes to London, for I understand he must be here this term upon complaint of three men for wrong imprisoning them, and I hope you shall make reconcilement between us that we may join in concord for the furtherance of his Majesty's services. —From my lodging near Charing Cross, 23 May 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 5.)
Memorandum by Francis Neale.
1605, May 24. By the Common Law of England every one that holds his land by knight's service and is of full age at the death of his ancestor, is to pay his lord a relief, viz. if he hold his land by a whole knight's fee, he is to pay 100s. and so according to the rate; if the tenure be in grand serjeanty the relief is the value of the land for a year. Every baron is to pay 66l. 13s. 4d. and every earl 100l., etc.
These reliefs are accounted for in the Court of Exchequer. Only in the several counties of Wales, Chester, Lancaster and Durham there has been omission of due service herein, the reformation whereof will rest upon some pains which I will undertake. May it therefore please you to sign the warrant to the Auditor of the Court of Wards to certify the tenures of those shires, whereby you may presently understand what the value of this oversight amounts to and then dispose thereof at your pleasure.
Every copyholder for term of life at his decease pays an heriot according to the custom of the manor. These are to be charged by the stewards of the manors at every court and to be collected by the bailiffs.
Moreover in all leases granted by the King for term of life it is ever provided that the tenant who dies in possession shall pay for a heriot optimum averium or else such a sum of money as is mentioned in his grant. Of these I suppose there are many unpaid.
Rents concealed.
In many patents of concealed lands granted in fee farm the rents that have been reserved are of great number and amount to a great value. The nature of them are diverse, viz.
1. Some part has been surrendered by the patentees.
2. Some part discharged by plea and other matter of record.
3. Some part is in charge with the several auditors.
4. Some part has (by the patentees) been conveyed to strangers who could never recover.
5. And some part remains in the patentees' hands.
Of all these there is no rent in equity to be demanded.
6. But there are some part of these lands which are assured to the tenants in possession, who, misdoubting the validity of their present estates, have by this means purchased the King's title and have covenanted to pay the King the rents reserved, of which few would be denied if they were demanded. If it shall please you to use my service herein, I hope to deserve well and will be ever ready at your appointment. And if it shall please his Majesty to grant the moiety of the arrearages, I will do my best to make the suit worthy the grant of so gracious a prince.—24 May 1605.
Signed. Endorsed: "1605. Aud. Neale." 1½ pp. (111. 6.)
The Earl of Dorset to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 24. I told this bearer that you would procure Sir Rob. Stapleton to deliver for him 100l., though whether it shall be paid by Sir Rob. to you or to this bearer I must leave to yourself. But you know the King also said that he should pay this 100l. Now therefore the procuring of this 100l. must come wholly from you and not from me. And as for the other part of his suit for lead, I have said to him that if upon the consideration thereof by the judges it appear to be lawful for the King to grant and not prejudicial but beneficial to the realm as is suggested, I will give my voice unto it and I am sure so will you. And, therefore, I pray you help to dispatch this poor man with such means from you as lies in your power and I will help him in that which is in mine.—24 May 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 7.)
Lord Balmerino to the Same.
1605, May 24. Having understood by my brother's relation, bearer hereof, how kindly you have dealt with him in a little suit he had at his Majesty's hands, I have taken the boldness to render you most hearty thanks, the only means whereby I may signify the desire I have not to be reputed ingrate. I desired Mr. Hay to acquaint you with the estate of his Majesty's affairs here that by him I might receive your commandments. If at any time your leisure serve to call for him he will faithfully deliver the same and I shall be also glad to have your advice and approbation in any thing may concern his Majesty or the estate of this country.—Halyruidhous, 24 May 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 9.)
Lord Sheffield to the Same.
[1605], May 25. Congratulates him on his late though worthily received honour. Urges again that some course may be taken touching Roger Woddrington, who has great commands in Northumberland and overthrows all that country, being a notable recusant, as may appear by the letters enclosed. Desires that the writers of the letters may be understood in the best sense, and encouraged, they doing the King very faithful service in those parts. If Woddrington be not removed, and those that be well affected in those parts comforted, and the Papists curbed, it will come to mischief. Their course of late is something strange. In all these parts they sell their goods, estate and lands, leave the country, and repair to London, where they dwell with great contentment as their friends give out here, hoping to receive much favour. He hopes Salisbury will make some use of this information, for the good and safety of them of the religion, who only rely upon the protection of the State. Truly they are in great fear, which no means he can take can free them of. If such as Woddrington be still graced, he will receive disgrace, and the State prejudice.—Nor[manby], 25 May.
PS.—Morton, whose letter Salisbury receives, is Archdeacon of Northumberland. Sheffield begs Salisbury to note that he does not write from York. Till now it has not been sound of the plague, and the house by reason of his absence in such decay, that till some cost be bestowed on it, it is not fit to live in. As yet he can get no help for it from the Lord Treasurer. His own house is within 16 miles of York, and the affairs of the State will not be neglected.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (190. 90.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 25. It was here conceived when he last wrote that Count Maurice intended to besiege Hoestraten for he was marched up with his vanguard very near that place. But it appears it was only done to amuse them here for in the meanwhile he embarked his artillery and carriages at Bergen op Zome to transport himself into Flanders, whither he is now passed. Since his landing he attempted to cut some dikes about the Sasse of Gaunte but he has been so close followed by the army of this side by the commodity of a bridge of boats which Spinola has made from the town of Antwerp over the river as that they were interrupted in that design. It is said they are since retired to Isendike.
It is thought Count Maurice is troubled since the failing of the enterprise of Antwerp which way to dispose himself and that these two great armies waiting so near each other will hinder each other from undertaking any great enterprise. But these men give forth they will no longer spend their time unprofitably than till the arrival of the Italian troops, when they hope to be furnished with another sufficient army to besiege some place, which Spinola exceedingly desires to gain himself honour. The army of this side is now grown strong to the number of 16,000 foot and almost 3000 horse. Spinola sent away some regiments beforehand for better assuring the country of Flanders, for it was advertised that those of the garrison of Ardembourg made lately a road as far as Courtray and there turned a fair village which refused to pay them contribution. They have news here that the Millanois troops (reported to be above 2000) are advanced as far as Luxemberg, but it will be long ere the Neapolitains arrive. They have besides newly given order for the levying of a regiment of Liegeois.
It is appointed that from the end of June forwards the army shall receive their full pay, two parts in money and the other third part in bread. A late dangerous mutiny was begun in Ostend by a regiment of Lansquenetts out of discontentment for unsatisfied pay, but it was prevented by the Governor assisted by the companies of Wallones which serve there and divers of the authors have been executed. Three also have been executed in the army charged with having forced the lieutenant of the Castle of Van to render the place without enduring any cannon shot. But it is said the place was not tenable for want of munition and victuals.
The money raised out of Antwerp for the payment of the Mutineers has clean drained the stock of that place and left it unfurnished of means to answer the course of exchange for the payments incident here, which they hope to supply by the stock they expect to receive by their fleet which is coming out of Spain.
The English soldiers in the service of the States daily disband in great numbers and come to this side, complaining of ill treatment by their captains. The Marquis either dismisses them with passports and money or else entertains those that will serve here.
News has lately been received here of the election of Cardinal Borghese to be Pope by the style of Paul V. He was vice-protector of the English nation and creature of Cardinal Aldobrandin. It is said he was brought in by conjoining the parties of the said Cardinal and the French King and the Venetians. He is by extraction a Siennois but born at Rome, of the age of 55 and of a strong constitution. He is reported to be of good life and a lover of the peace of Christendom. It was much desired by these Princes that the fortune might have fallen upon Cardinal Sauly, uncle to the Marquis of Spinola.
Here is a gentleman from the Emperor to solicit the payment of certain money which Spinola has order from the King of Spain to furnish for the war of Hungary. The Archdukes Matthias and Maximilian have been lately with the Emperor to represent the desperate state of Hungary and enforced how necessary it was that the Emperor should proceed to the election of a King of Romans that might better attend the care of the said wars than the Emperor's own health would give him leave. It is said that the Emperor gave assurance that he would order all necessary supplies for the war but would advise further concerning the other proposition.
Here is newly arrived the Count of Briere, base son to the Duke of Barre, to serve in these wars. The Count of Sores, long since employed by these Princes into Spain, is expected here this night or to-morrow. Edmondes has been entrusted by the Treasurer of the Archdukes' house to recommend the enclosed request to Salisbury's favour. Has begun to write to the King's Ambassadors in France and at Venice and is preparing by the next opportunity to write into Spain but the ordinary means of sending there are seldom. Sends a letter which the Duke of Arscott writes to the King in thankful acknowledgment of the letter which his Majesty was pleased to write him.— Bruxelles, 25 May 1605.
Copy, noted: "Sent by Chaffe the post." 4¼ pp. (227. p. 11.)
[The original is in the Public Record Office, S.P. For., Flanders, 7.]
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 26. As he was ready to close these letters he received by this bearer Salisbury's letters of the 11th inst. Has already begun to enter into treaty with the Count of Aremberg and the Council of the Admiralty concerning the complaints of the Hollanders and especially that of the outrage upon the person of the gentleman of Lytuania and found that the said Council are very earnest to justify the doings of their men of war but took time to consider further what answer to make. If this does not yield him better satisfaction than he expects, he will not fail to prosecute the matter effectually according to Salisbury's direction. Finds by discourse with some of the principal here that they cannot like the proposition to withdraw their ships of war out of the Narrow Seas but would rather entertain the other offer for accommodating a course of trade for Antwerpe.—Bruxels, 26 May 1605.
Copy. 1 p. (227. p. 18.)
[The original is in the Public Record Office, S.P. For., Flanders, 7.]
The Bishop of Norwich to the Same.
1605, May 27. I write very seldom to you because I know your affairs of state much possess you and my intelligence in this country as yet is but small. Most ready I rest ever to do you or your meanest follower any good office.—At Ludham in Norfolke, 27 May 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (111. 10.)
1605, May 27. Certified copy of the following clause in a privy seal dated 22 May 1605.
"For the charges of two maids suspected to be bewitched and kept by our commandment at Cambridge for their trial such sums of money as from the Earl of Salisbury, our Principal Secretary, Chancellor of that University, you shall be required so as the same exceed not the sum of 100l."
With this extract are two papers setting out the charges of the two maids at Cambridge suspected to be bewitched. From 25 March to 14 May the sum total of the charges for the diet, lodging, firing, candle, washing, etc., of the two maids Frances and Beatrix together with those for their four keepers and for their apothecary's bill was 39l. 15s. 4d. The account is signed by Jo. Cowell, the Vice-Chancellor. Allowance is also claimed for the maids' charges from 14 May until the end of twenty days after "for so much time your lordship alloweth them to prepare themselves for their dismission." There is also a claim for the expenses of the messenger on his journey from the Vice-Chancellor, and a reminder that out of the principal 6d. is to be deducted for every pound. At the foot is a note in another hand "Besides his Majesty's reward to the physicians, 20l."
pp. (111. 11.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to Lord Dunbar.
[1605, May 27]. Having omitted some particulars in my letter which I wrote at some length I thought good to add thus much, that his Majesty has resumed the petition of grievances to his own order hereafter, though there has been labour in the House to amend it themselves by some laws, which fashion his Majesty liked not. But sending for 40 of them, heard their petition at great length and so is determined by advice of his Council and due examination of all circumstances to sever the chaff from the corn and by his own authority to keep the good and reject the bad according to truth and not according to clamour. Secondly, I assure you without flattery that the King has so failed between both extremes, either of using too much authority or suffering too little respect to be used towards him, as I think whatsoever has been effected (and more was never effected in any of our Parliaments) may be in effect wholly attributed to his excellent temper and great judgment. We are now therefore like to spend this summer in less occupations of this nature. For until 18 November the next session is deferred. God grant we have not a northern wind in the heat of summer from the coast of Norway that will either blast our cherries or rather empty the Exchequer of many a bag, though in other kinds I cannot deny but the interview must bring both honour and comfort. I gave Mr. Haye a writing to send you, being the protestation made by the State of Venice against the Pope's excommunication, being glad that the world should know that other wise states are sensible of his usurpation as well as my master. It is most true that the State for point of jurisdiction stands stiffly, has banished all the Jesuits and would have proceeded against all the rest of the Spiritualty, had they not yielded to do their office, notwithstanding the interdiction of their holy father. But (my Lord) it were too happy that this fire should still continue, neither is it to be expected, if that State would dispose themselves to any further violence against the Pope, but that other princes of Italy would out of private ends adhere to their holy father. And yet I am of opinion, howsoever in the end other princes will interpose themselves to reconcile the quarrel, but that the Pope will rather be contented to let the matter fall than to try any further strength.
We have heard that you have lighted upon some of the Gramies upon the Borders, though some ill accidents defeated a good part of the plot. I would to God when your Parliament is done that you would come to our buckhunting, or at least to see how our brave knights will perform their tilt and tourney in the defence of this quarrel, that no fair lady can be false nor any man wise but lovers.
Our challengers are four by the name of Knights of Destinies: the Duke, the Earl of Arundell, the Earl of Pembroke and the Earl of Montgom[ery]. Now have you all my news saving that Sir Roger Aston is become so popular in the Lower House they made choice of him and Mr. Recorder to be sent to the King to complain of one Doctor Parker, who, very indiscreetly speaking of a piece of scripture where there is mention made of the Parliament of Trees, did so inveigh in the pulpit at Paul's against their proceedings in the Lower House, as I confess did merit both blame and punishment for such a presumption, all circumstances considered. Upon their complaint to the King, his Majesty very graciously called Doctor Parker before him and Mr. Recorder to charge him, and then, though he excused himself to have meant only the Puritans that should defend deprived ministers, yet his Majesty committed him prisoner to the Dean of Paul's, where yet he lies, which gave them great satisfaction at their upshot, the rather because the King promised them in his speech that day, that howsoever he might hereafter clear himself for any ill meaning, yet he had done so much the rather to correct his indiscretion; concluding with a smiling countenance, in his public oration, that although he would ever challenge a power to reprove them and reform them if they did err, yet he never meant they should have any more corrections.
Draft with corrections. Endorsed: "27 May. To my Lo. of Dumbare." 7 pp. (111. 14.)
John Fitzwilliam to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 27. I have now, though much hindered by my unjust adversary, obtained Wednesday next to present my cause, in the Star Chamber before you, wherein I am plaintiff. I am informed that the plaintiff ought to exhibit briefs of the cause, which I have forborne and only presume hereby to desire your Honour to suspend your opinion of my proceeding against my adversary, my elder brother Sir William Fitzwilliam, until you hear the cause. You shall then be able to judge whether the service I owe to the church of God, the King, my parents' honest memory with my own safety have not enforced me to this proceeding. For in contempt of all these he has in a famous riot in the night in London, the seat of authority and justice of the kingdom, broken open five doors upon our sick mother on her death bed, affrighting the ladies then there with his and his companions' swords drawn, hereby to work my disinheritance by surprising the evidences of my small portion of land then in my mother's keeping, and to strip me of my legacy by suppressing our mother's will before the executors could enter, being then both in the city. Having kept my land above two years by strong hand to the admiration of all men, he now forces me to sue for the main profits of the same and my goods to the value of 4000l. at the least, and that with money borrowed at interest to maintain both my life and law. The cause is short which I submit to your patronage, beseeching you to hold me excused that I wait not upon you, which my weak state of body will not give me leave.—From my poor house at Gainsparke in Essex, 27 May 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (111. 19.)
Sir John Harper to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 27. I was very lately informed by a servant of mine that one John Heathcote of Duffeilde in this county should utter most lewd and unseemly words of your lordship to one Richard Mason your cook. Whereupon I immediately sent for the said Heathcote (Richard Mason being with me) and after examination committed him to Derby gaol, where he now is. The copy of which information and examination you shall receive here enclosed. My humble desire is to know your pleasure, whether you would have him sent up, for it may be thought he is animated to this villainy by some others or that you will have him at our next Quarter Sessions after Midsummer publicly or privately to receive such condign exemplary punishment by whipping or otherwise as the quality of his offence deserves. I am the rather emboldened to entreat your pleasure, for his friends sue to have him bailed.—At Swarkeston, 27 May 1605.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (111. 18.)
The Enclosure:
The information of Richard Mason, servant to the Earl of Salisbury, taken at Swarkeston, 21 May 1605.
Upon Wednesday last, 15 May, coming to Duffield about 4 o'clock in the afternoon upon some business, he happened into the house of one John Heathcott, "teylier" and victualler there, in the company of Francis Burton, of Weston, yeoman. Not long after their being there Heathcott came into his house, and a stranger present asked this informer whose servant he was? who answered that he belonged to the Earl of Salisbury; whereunto Heathcott said, Then thou servest a crooked knave! Whereupon Mason gave him a box on the ear, and then drawing his dagger to have stricken him they were parted by certain persons present whom he knew not.
The examination of John Heathcott, same day and place, Who says he had credibly heard Mason was departed from the service of the Earl, and therefore spoke those words to have pleased Mason; at which time he was so overcome with drink that he knew not well what he said, and therefore craves mercy and to be freed from that punishment which he confesses he worthily deserves.
Undersigned: John Harpur. ½ p. (110. 167.)
Copy (18th century) of the above. 1 p. (249. 235.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 27. The suit of this bearer, Mrs. Malby, I trust will be found reasonable. She brags of your goodness to her heretofore, and her nearness of blood unto me is such, that a greater fault than her preferring a petition may I hope by your lordship be borne withal.—Greenwich, 27 May 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (182. 35.)
Duke of Holstein.
[1605, May 27]. Preamble of letters patent, granting a pension to Ulricke, Duke of Holsteyne, brother to the Queen, stating the reasons moving the King thereto.—Undated.
Draft, with corrections by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1605."
pp. (191. 98.)
[The patent dated 27 May is enrolled on Patent Roll, 3 Jas. I, part 4.]
Salisbury House.
1605, May 27. Provision made for his Majesty's dinner at Salisbury House.—27 May 1605.
17 pp. (199. 106.)
The Earl of Pembroke to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], May 28. In favour of this poor gentlewoman his cousin, who has already been much bound to Cecil for his compassionate consideration of her misfortunes.—Greenwich, 28 May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (86. 63.)
Sir John Leveson to the Same.
1605, May 28. I have according to your direction sent up George Smyth the bearer to attend your pleasure about such mares as you shall appoint for your race at Canterbury Park, where I have appointed him to take the charge and care of the grounds for breeding of colts. He was the rider to the late Lord Cobham and his father and has good experience in the ordering of a race, wherein he is desirous to do you service. I will undertake for him that he shall honestly and faithfully perform what shall be committed to his charge.—Hallyng, 28 May 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (111. 20.)
The King to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605, May 29. This bearer Wm. Lindsey has received loss by the spoil of a ship of his and the goods in her, taken from him by one Captain Dierickson serving the Archdukes: and although he has often sought restitution as he alleges, he has not yet obtained it. Wherefore he importunes us to procure for him that which by his own suit he cannot get; and we have thought it most convenient to address him to you, and to require you to deal with the Archduke, or such of his Council as you shall think meetest, in our name to do him right, as they will expect the like at our hands in the complaints of their subjects. He goes with these our letters himself, and will inform you of the particulars whereby you may be instructed of his case: and by these you shall perceive that our will is you do your best to help him to redress it.—"At our manor of Greenwich," 29 May, 3 James I.
Copy. 2/3 p. (227. p. 41.)
[A draft of the above much damaged and partly torn off is in the Public Record Office, S.P. For., Flanders, 7.]
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 29. Has lately written to Salisbury and the Earls of Worcester, Suffolk and Northampton, concerning his suit to the King, which Lord Montgomery has solicited in his behalf, and often told him the King has promised to take a fit time of leisure to do it. Desires Montgomery may move it when Salisbury and the others are present.—Kewe, 29 May 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (86. 65.)
J. Fouler to the Same.
1605, May 29. Pardon my presumption to which the care of her Majesty's service moves me. For if such reference were made as is desired from you, your Honour should be less importuned and her Majesty's affairs with more order got better forward than where none, knowing the borders of his office, runs blundering without warrant or precedent into others' calling.—29 May 1605.
Signed. Endorsed: "Mr. Fowler the Queen's Secretary to my Lord." ½ p. (111. 8.)
Noel de Caron to the Same.
1605, May 29. He will write again to the States of Zeeland with regard to the mariners and prisoners found in the Dunkirk shallop. If his letter is in time it will stay proceedings against them. The master of the shallop has caused the greatest miseries to the States' poor sailors: the others are all "overloopers" as they are called, namely those who, having served the States, have gone over to the enemy. The States will do what is reasonable to meet the King's wishes, notwithstanding that the Dunkirkers detain many of their mariners and prisoners who, according to the sentences of the Admiralty Court, were taken in the roads and havens of the King and consequently ought to be restored.—Suytlambet, 29 May 1605.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (190. 91.)
Ulrich, Duke of Holstein, Bishop of Schleswig and Schwerin, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], May 30/June 9. That I may not appear ungrateful for the kindness received from you during my visit to your country I write to assure you of my gratitude.—Hamburgh, June 9.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Duke of Holstein to my Lord." Two seals on yellow silk. ½ p. (134. 68.)
Peace with Spain.
1605, May 30/June 9. Account of the ceremony of the swearing to the Peace with England by the King of Spain and the reception of his oath by the Admiral of England on behalf of his King.
On Corpus Christi Day, 9 June 1605, between 5 and 6 p.m., the Constable of Castile issued from his house accompanied by the Gentlemen of the Household and others of the Courts, with the Marquis de la Bañeja by his side, to meet the Admiral at his house.
The Admiral came out wearing a white suit trimmed with pearls, a black cloak with many gold buttons set with precious stones, the great Collar of St. George, worn as the Knights of the Golden Fleece wear their collars, and the Garter: he had 60 gentlemen with him who were provided with horses from the royal stables. He walked between the Constable and the English Resident Ambassador, and his train mingled with the Gentlemen of the Court, and so they reached the palace. Here they alighted, entered, passed through the hall, saloon (saleta) and ante-chamber. As they entered the Chamber, the King came to meet them from the room beyond preceded by his Majordomos and Grandees and followed by the Marquis de Velada, principal Majordomo, and the gentlemen of the Court. His Majesty took off his cap and ordered it to be placed beside him. The company then proceeded to the door of the passage leading to the Count of Miranda's house where the great saloon has been built. At the entrance of the gallery stood the Kings of Arms and the Serjeants at Mace with the Sword of State (Estoque). The King took the sword and gave it to the Duke of Lerma, bidding the Grandees to be covered. Twelve were present: the Dukes del Infantado, of Dea, Alva, Sesa, Albuquerque and Pastrana, and the Counts of Alva de Aliste and of Lemos. The procession went in the usual order, first, the persons of title and gentlemen both English and Spanish, then the four serjeants with their maces, then the Majordomos with their staves, next the Grandees, then the four Kings of Arms in their tabards (cotas), behind them the Duke of Lerma, uncovered, with the naked Sword of State on his shoulder. Next came the King with the Admiral by his side, to whom he talked freely both going and returning. After the King walked the English Ambassador, covered, the Marquis de la Velada, and the Gentlemen of the Chamber, the interpreter, and some of the Admiral's gentlemen and servants.
The great Saloon was hung with the Tunis tapestry, and as they entered the trumpets and cheremias [hautboys], stationed by the door, sounded. Here was a canopy embroidered with the royal arms, and a chair to match, upon a dais one step high. The King sat down, the Duke of Lerma standing on the dais on his right with the Sword of State, and the Marquis of Velada on his left: Two Kings of Arms and two Serjeants at Mace on each side. To the right of the dais was a crimson velvet chair for the Cardinal of Toledo, who had been waiting for the King, and on the left a crimson velvet settee (banquillo) for the Admiral and the English Ambassador. Below the Cardinal's chair was a bench for the Grandees covered as is usual in the Chapel.
His Majesty commanded the Cardinal, the Admiral, the Ambassador and the Grandees to sit down. Behind the Cardinal stood the two Secretaries of State, Andreas de Prada and the Count of Villalonga.
The King having signed for the oath to be read, the Secretary Prada gave it the Cardinal who rose, made a reverence to the King and read it. The King swore in general terms to observe the articles of the treaty signed for him by the Constable specifying that of the 30 per cent. The Cardinal made another reverence, replied that he should so swear, folded the paper and gave it to the Admiral and the Ambassador, who had risen when it was read. Then the Cardinal and the Principal Chaplain presented the stool with the Gospels and the Crucifix. His Majesty then knelt, and laying his hand on the Crucifix, swore by the Gospels and the Crucifix to observe the oath. At this point the Admiral took the articles of the treaty from the hands of the Ambassador, written in a little parchment book, kneeling held them over the stool beside the Gospels while his Majesty swore. The King having sworn laid his hand on the articles repeating that those were the articles he had sworn to observe, and the Admiral kissed his hand very fervently. The stool was then removed and the trumpets and hautboys again sounded. They were at once stopped, while the Admiral requested a signed copy of the oath, to which the King replied that the Secretary Prada would deliver it. As the Admiral wished to have it at the time, the Secretary Prada wrote it out on the paper before mentioned. The King meanwhile bade the Cardinal, the Admiral, the Ambassador and the Grandees to be seated. The Secretary Prada then knelt and presented the oath in writing to the King with pen and ink and the King signed it. The ceremony then closed, the Cardinal remaining and the others returning as they came to the Chamber, where the King took off his cap and took leave of the Admiral, who was then escorted as before to his house.
Spanish. 6½ pp. (190. 96.)
Lady Penelope Riche to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], May 31. This gentlewoman has entreated me to recommend her suit to you, of whose good success I should be very glad because she is one I have been long acquainted with and is of the best disposition that ever I found any of her nation. Favour her that if it be possible she may obtain some satisfaction, if her desires be not unreasonable.—Envile this last of May.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (111. 22.)
John Ferrour to the Same.
[1605, May]. Is emboldened by his lordship's assurance of favour towards him upon the recommending of his unsuccessful suit to the King concerning the printers by the Earl of Southampton, to beseech his furtherance in his suit for a lease in reversion of a manor, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster in Norfolk, near the place of his birth and abode, and rented at 41l. a year. There yet remain more than thirteen years to come of the now lessee's estate. It was lately entered into Sir Roger Aston's book but left by him upon knowledge of its true value being much less than he expected. If in reward of his services he may obtain it, it will add some reputation to him in his native country.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605 May." 1 p. (111. 23.)
Lord Cobham to the Council.
[1605, May]. It is proper for every man to address himself to those whose place and credit gives them means to help and relieve men in their distress. It is likewise a great happiness to be the means of relieving the afflicted. The happiness of this time both in the King and in his election of you his grave councillors frees me from despair, for why should I expect otherwise from him than from a King that will pardon, and from your lordships as furtherers of his heavenly disposition; for your mediation can no way eclipse or take away that due which of right is his. This does but show the blessedness of the time that Prince and Council both agree and expresses the duty and affection you perform in counselling him to that which will make him and his posterity for ever happy. For my thought I was condemmed. If my thoughts were as well known now, compassion would move your lordships to be mediators for me. For never man was more sorry and ashamed of his weakness than I have been. Mercy I now beseech from my gracious and religious sovereign; your lordships as mediators for it I humbly entreat. So I take my leave a poor prisoner.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Endorsed: "Maie 1605. The late Lord Cobham to the L[ord]s." 1 p. (111. 24.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Attorney General.
1605, May. Directs that whereas Elinor Woodhowse, widow, late wife of Fraunces Woodhowse of Caston, Norfolk, deceased, Kathren Gawen, widow, late wife of Thomas Gawen of Norrington, Wilts., deceased, George Tettersall of Stapleford, Wilts., gent., and Thomas Gawen of Hurcote, Wilts., stand severally indicted or convicted for recusancy, he is to cause a book to be drawn fit for his Majesty's signature whereby the full penalty due to the King by the indictment or conviction of the said parties may be granted to Sir Hughe Carmichell, knight, and James Woodshawe, gent.—From the Court of Greenwich, this — of May 1605.
Draft. Endorsed: "My Lord to Mr. Attorney-General." ½ p. (111. 25.)
The Earl of Exeter to his brother, the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, ? May]. I thank you for the procuring my licence for absence, which I hope now shall not be very long, having I thank God recovered that swelling in my leg, which I came for. In my opinion the Cross Bath is so temperate a bath as it would do your constitution of body more good than any sovereign thing else you can take. Besides it accidents with it to be freed from business for a time. I would I could persuade you this next fall of the leaf to try it but you must use it without all physic saving the drinking of the water if you find the bath do bind. You shall need no other physician than your true loving servant John Wyntar, who, if his skill were to the affection and honour he carrieth you, I am sure he would be a proud man to wait upon you. I have sent your lordship my proxy and I pray you use my voice as yours being absent, which if I were present should for the most part concur with yours.
PS. I am glad of your new honour which is as due to them which labour in the commonwealth with their minds as to the martial men that serve in their bodies; and therefore it is more honourable unto you not only in having of it but that in all men's mouths you deserve both that and all the rest of the honours that have been bestowed upon you.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Erle of Exceter to my Lord from Bathe." 1 p. (118. 154.)
Recusants' Lands.
1605, May. Draft form of grant of recusants' lands, with corrections by Salisbury.—Court at Greenwich, May 1605.
½ p. (190. 92.)
The Infant of Spain.
1605, [May]. Account of the christening of the Prince of Spain, born at Valladolid, Good Friday 8 April 1605 (N.S.) at 9.40 p.m.
On Whitsunday the 29th May between 6 and 7 p.m., the baptism took place as follows. The guests assembled in a large house adjoining the palace which the King had bought of the Count of Miranda. The insignia were placed on a table or sideboard in one of the rooms nearest to the covered way which led from the palace. From this room the procession started as soon as the Duke of Lerma entered with the Infant in his arms, wrapped in a scarf of white taffeta which depended from his neck. The Grandees took the insignia: the Constable the marchpane, the Duke del Infantado the saltcellar, the Duke of Alva the veil, the Duke of Pastrano the cap: all this in large gold basins with very rich handles (?) (fruteros). The Duke of Albuquerque carried the basin and jug and the Count of Alva de Aliste the ewer and towel. A great crowd of titled persons and gentlemen came first, then four serjeants with their maces, then the King's Majordomos. Only one grandee followed them, viz. Don Philip of Africa without insignia owing to his coming late. Then the four Kings of Arms, and then the Grandees above mentioned, uncovered with the insignia, and some pages among them to help them to carry them. Behind them the Duke of Lerma alone with the Prince in his arms, dressed in white, with a great cape (ropon ò bohemio) of cloth of silver embroidered with gold, and breeches of the ancient fashion. A little behind the Duke came the godfather, the elder Prince of Savoy, then the Queen's Majordomos with their staves, then the godmother, the Infanta in a sedan-chair (sillita) carried by four yeomen of the Queen's Chamber (Reposteros de Camas), on each side a Maid of Honour holding the Infanta and on the left H.H. the younger Prince of Savoy, Grand Prior of St. John, as esquire to her Highness. Then followed the Countess of Altariva her governess and then a great number of wives of Grandees, and persons of title each upon a Gentleman's arm, as also the Queen's ladies very richly dressed. It would be impossible to describe all the dresses and liveries; as also the tapestry which decorated both the rooms and the new corridor built for the occasion between the house and the gate of the Convent of St. Paul, where, in order to go down to the church, a staging was built with two staircases (descanços) and the steps covered with carpets (alhombras) so that the people could see every thing.
The Duke of Lerma took especial care that everyone should be able to see the Prince, stopping and showing him at every window in the corridor, at which everyone cheered. At the gate of the church were the King's trumpets and drums. Inside there was some instrumental music and much singing, and the whole church was draped with tapestry. At the end of the corridor, where the stage was set up, there was a window through which their Majesties saw the procession pass into the church.
When the Duke was within a few steps of the church the Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo came out accompanied by the Archbishop of Burgos and the Bishop of Valladolid, Grand Inquisitor, (all with their mitres), the principal Chaplain, and the Chaplains of the Chapel Royal. The questions were put and the other ceremonies were as usual, the name being given as Philippus Dominicus Victor. On entering the church the usual prayers were said, this was also witnessed by their Majesties through a little window made for the purpose at the entrance to the church. Hence they passed to the Capella Mayor where at the foot of the High Altar there was a dais four steps high upon which stood four solid silver pillars supporting a canopy, and beneath it the white stone oval font in which St. Dominic was christened. At each pillar stood a King of Arms and a Mace-bearer. Here the Duke placed the Prince in the arms of the Countess Governess, and she undressed him on a bed with richly brocade curtains on the Epistle side, and gave him to the Prince godfather. The Countess Governess then took the Infanta, the godmother, in her arms and they went to the font. The Cardinal then baptized the Prince with the usual solemnities, he crying lustily all the time. After this the Prince godfather restored him to the Countess Governess and she went and dressed him again on the same bed, the physicians making great haste and the nurse gave him milk.
All this was seen by their Majesties through the lattice window on the Gospel side.
The Prince being dressed was given back to the Duke and the procession returned as before, except that it went once round the square before the church, and that the Grandees having laid down their insignia returned to their usual place walking between the Majordomos and the Kings of Arms with their hats on. The Cardinal took his place on the Infanta's right, the Archbishop of Burgos with the Grandees, and when they reached the room from which they had set out the procession terminated.
All the Council attended, most of them taking part in the procession. However seats were provided for them all in the Capella Mayor. The Admiral of England saw the procession enter the church from the window of the Count of Rivadavia's house, and afterwards watched the proceedings at the font from a passage above the altar of Christ. Through the same window he also witnessed the customary procession of the order of St. Dominic on the convention of a Chapter-General, which opened that day in the Convent of St. Paul. As many as 300 walked from that church to the Cathedral where there was a Pontifical Mass and a sermon. His Majesty also assisted at the procession, both going and returning, accompanied by the Ambassadors, Grandees, Persons of Title and numerous gentlemen, in gala costume with jewels.
Spanish. 6½ pp. (190. 54.)
Martyn Slatiar to [the King?]
[? 1605, before June]. Is one of his Majesty's servants and has been chosen by the Duke of Holstein to select a company of comedians to attend his Grace here or elsewhere, and having made choice of them is unprovided of a house to play in, as others of their profession have. The petitioner willing to show himself in the best manner he could for his Grace's service together with one Aaron Holland, servant to the Earl of Devonshire, having jointly the lease of the house betwixt them for 30 years, has altered some stables and other rooms, being before a square court in an inn, to turn them into galleries, with the consent of the parish who have subscribed their name to a petition, with due consideration for divers causes, and especially towards the poor of the parish, who have allowed them 20s. a month towards their maintenance; and likewise for the amending and maintaining of the pavements and highways have bestowed upon the same 500l. Since which time the Privy Council have stayed the finishing of the same. They pray to have such privilege as others of their quality have, and to finish the work.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (199. 91(2).)